Exploring RobTop's LOST Fingerdash Betas!

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[Music] what's up guys girls and crypto miners so back in like 2017 or 2018 or something robtops uh save file got leaked I don't remember if robtop got hacked or if what happened but um robtop save file got leaked to the public and a bunch of levels that he had in his account were uh made made known um and among those were like 50 beta versions of finger Dash now if you know me you know why this pequs my interest a little bit so today I thought it'd be fun to go through you know all of them and watch the evolution of this level obviously we're all aware of the beta finger Dash that got leaked in GD world I think that's going to be in there but there's many many more stages of this level that were were exposed so yeah that' be fun to go through them so this is the first one um I have no clue when this I don't know any of these were actually made um but this is the first one it's just called uh rise I don't know why that was like the code name for finger Dash I I don't know if that was ever clear you could see there um there are no dash orbs yet um this must have been made early on enough to where we have black orbs already but uh Dash orbs were not a thing yet this is where Rob toop was planning to put one so he just had these green orbs uh temporarily and same thing here no dash orb but honestly for our first uh iteration I mean there's there's kind of a lot of gameplay here and then we already have a spider port portal which is very interesting to me I mean maybe makes sense you know gameplay wise cuz the game mode is like the first thing robtop revealed but it's very interesting to me that we have the spider already but not Dash orbs on to rise 2 we have um what you could liberally call decoration right at the start there it's actually a very interesting thing to ponder with this structure cuz honestly Dash kind of begins with a very similar looking structure and it's very curious to wonder you know maybe what finger Dash could have looked like or what Dash might have looked like if finger Dash had started off with this instead of just the spike that it has also got some interesting particle things around here also yeah I didn't even mention it but um we have a black orb here right at the start um which is very different you know in finger Dash now the first black orb is this one but in this version on the last level we have a black orb here immediately where you know normally we just have a jump right around here and then you fall and then you jump again so very interesting you know what else is interesting you hit And subscribe baby yeah because we abely demolished 200k and now we're setting our sights on 300K let's go all right back to finger Dash honestly I think that where the black orb is now is a very good introduction it's not too sudden and I think it flows very nicely and yeah we have the spider again but there's nothing here so again it looks like really all that was changed was um an attempt to do some deck ation at the start but other than that not much changed here now this is uh we're under rise three now we can take the start here Rob has completely ditched that little lava you know black spike thing and we're down to just all reliable and we have this the black orb click here is gone and we have a very early version of what we do see in the final level so that's very interesting still no dash orbs that's fine though robtops a busy guy honestly a part of me kind of wonders why you know obviously however robtops I I got leaked this one thing but it's very curious to me that robp even had all these levels still like when I make levels sometimes I end up with like two three four different versions of them but there's like 50 of these like I don't know I guess robp just doesn't delete his levels so yeah uh that's the third one not really many differences other than the decoration at the start and this click being removed so this is ry's big test we can see some very good decoration progress here um we don't have the 3D line objects but we've got you know this looks much closer to what we have now and obviously much more of it is decorated still no um Dash orbs I don't know why I R to have put decorations around the orbs cuz I presume he knew they weren't going to be final and we have whatever this structure is that's new I also don't think the clouds are moving yet yes we got that yellow structure no clue what that is and again we got the spider that has nothing in it so that's rise big test welcome to rise big test 2 we can see the decoration is basically unchanged has hasn't been improved or anything but we have this um I have to assume this is robtop just trying to figure out how his own blocks work and how various colors look on them which does make sense because I don't know if you guys recall but this part of the level changes from these cave looking blocks with a grass on top to these magma Rock looking blocks right now these three platforms have this crystally cave block structure but in the final level they're replaced with these kinds of blocks so maybe robtop was just um getting his footing with his tile sets and classic empty spider part welcome to rise 001 not rise one there's a difference uh this looks mostly the same there's some minor structural changes some of the parts of the lava and the structure of them flushed out more but this look at that we have the magma structure starting to take place and then more of these cuz you know robtop went back to these structures that's it after that it's a classic finger Dash sorry sorry classic rise that's that's that's what the level's called rise 002 let's go clouds are moving now pretty sick pretty awesome no dash orbs there was a fireball though look at that Fireballs that's pretty crazy rise 003 let's try to scout at any differences um cuz honestly that's the thing when there's so many versions of one level the differences are probably going to be kind of slight I think the glow is a little bit tweaked here but other than that I think I see oh oh oh never mind what bro that actually scared me well it looks like robtop um finally decided to add the dash orb um it's not in its final place yet in this level though which makes me wonder you know maybe I don't know maybe robtop had was testing it out maybe it worked a little bit differently at the start and he he wasn't sure yet so he hadn't put it in place yet I don't know but very cool all right rise 00 four has a start pause here already and the dash orb yes um we're going to be playing these as robtop intended I could start pause switcher and go back to the start of level but presumably nothing has changed here which is why there's a start pause so yeah we got this Dash orb the dash orb has entered the room and we got the hold text that is going to be part of the death effect if you die there very neat oh we got some block Deco starting to take place here very cool very cool and we had the pink Dash or there all right looks like robtop finally gained some confidence in himself and he put the dash Robbs in place rise 005 again we are starting by the dash orb can't wait until we get to the part of the level where robtop decided to finally build more than the first two sections yeah I noticed literally no difference there but I'm sure there was one at least one maybe two rise 006 start pause is gone which is interesting although perhaps I read too deep ly into this cuz it looks like almost nothing has changed actually I think there's a little bit more yeah there's definitely more decoration here never mind there's much more decoration around uh where the red pad part is but it seems as though it goes only up to the red pad part all right rise 007 let's go let's go there definitely seems to be a little bit more flesh decoration here there's more Grass more uh decorations in the in the structures in lava very cool very cool not much else over here though right 008 so we can see here robtop started um toying around with the idea for the 3D block Deco up here and he started putting it on the structures which is very cool so this first part is really starting to look how it does in the regular level we're very much very much getting there with um with the first Cube part well I guess the first part of the Cube part and obviously I guess it makes sense it looks like nothing else has really changed which I guess makes sense seems like this version is focused on that 3D stuff uh which isn't in the later Parts uh well or at least it will be but I'm to best to figure it out first so oh a slow portal that's new oh okay who okay we got some gameplay okay maybe robtop was testing out the spider I don't know what that's about um very basic but seems like he could have been testing out the physics or something like that with the uh pad and the orb so that's cool r 009 uh the 3D stuff is still there but it hasn't been put on any other platforms wait the lasers are there were those there in the last version I just noticed the lasers I don't know what it is I really like finger Dash's theme got a great color scheme got the same little bits of spider gameplay nothing changed there I guess all right rise 010 so that 3D structure has disappeared from the the sky now um but it's still not on all the platforms yet I suppose it could be elsewhere in the like hidden higher up in the editor but it's not invisibly there now saw some chains connecting those block structures very cool still still haven't robtop you got to decorate this part eventually man riveting game rise 011 let's see oh oh we got 3D we got 3D on all of the structures so that first part might honestly be final at this point it looks pretty close to being final if it's not very good very good and the second part is also getting more fleshed out rise 012 here um again first part looks very good very nice job robtop oh second part has some 3D as well now very cool the second part honestly this this this like up to that point that looked pretty close to being finished honestly so rtop is making Swift progress by the way I just want to mention that be uh the level names have three digits in them now there obviously aren't 100 Levels but it really makes you think it really makes you think like was robtop really planning on having over a 100 in progress built of finger Dash oh if he did the world would be awesome unfortunately he chose not to be based lucky number 13 here I really wish robtop would put a start pause down somewhere so I don't have to play through the entire thing but that's fine oh wait we got the the man the big man was there the Beast um he seems to be the only addition to this version oh wait the structures on that were changed slightly it's about it though rise 014 you know the drill let's look for any differences bit more flesh at decoration yeah we got more like dragons in the lava we had the uh ones that were spitting out Fireballs I think we do have a little bit more decoration on these structures the lava goes out a little bit further goes out to there okay okay okay yeah we got these little rotating orb things now CR Toops are really making some progress here it only took uh 14 iterations and some change to get here nice work Rob Lucky Number 15 this time you're kind of kill me Rob with these uh this this lack of this lack of star positions but credit credits do looks very nice oh he finally layered that spiral thing behind the guy spitting out the fireball got some more chains got some more lasers oh we've decorated these platforms now okay okay okay all right yeah robtops really making some progress uh towards towards the drop which makes me hopeful that we might see some spider gameplay soon sweet 16 on this one sh much you got Rob oh yep we got some more structuring there platforms go down more more lava yes yeah there's a lot more air Deco now more lasers more Fireballs more dragons um this platform looks wrong to me I think I think that this platform in the final level has this style instead of this style cuz this looks very strange to me oh and we he finally did uh those ones the platforms with the buildup okay okay let's freaking go rob rise 07 feel good about this one feel like we might get some spider gameplay in this one Rob's really been cooking the last couple levels I'm I'm I'm proud of him and uh knowing him the real time gap between these levels was probably only like a year or two just kidding this was 2.1 before updates took over half a decade that platform still looks weird oh no spider gamepl all right rise 018 uh the rise franchise is officially a legal adult do with that information what you will uh there's some Deco around the spider portal now that I don't think was there before really got to start picking up the pace of this game play though number 19 that hold to dash thing still doesn't work I wonder when that's going to get fixed the laser colors are also tweaked now they're not as bright um I noticed that before they were sort of like red and white but now they're much more yellow orangish which is very nice and spider portal is the spider portal all right rise 020 and we have a start pause now we are in the double digits officially and we don't have to play the entire level every time now seems like even robtop got sick of it after a while or that could just mean that the first part of the level is officially completely done now void background I suppose that's cool really the only difference that I noticed we got rise and we have another start pause I think I feel like this one's further forward than the last one you can see this part looks basically finished except for the fact that I swear to God that platform is a different style all right this is Rise 026 no I did not cut out a bunch of levels cuz they were boring or anything that's just what was in the save file um I don't know why those ones specifically are gone I don't know why robtop chose to delete like three or four of the levels out of like the 60 he made um that's not finger Dash oh what what the hell okay not only do we have the spider gameplay we have a damn lot of it and it's like fully decorated well not fully but it's very decorated it's not nearly as much of a shell as the previous parts were before and it's still going we had some of the ship not a whole lot but we've got like all the robot game play okay we got the wave portal but no game play going I have a heart attack what the hell happened in between these four levels robtop did you have to delete the most crucial ones oh my God we have the second spider now dude that's interesting so finger is going to maybe finger Das was going to originally end on the ground or at least go back down to the ground cuz in the actual level you never go back down there okay that's a lot to process um let's ruminate on that a little bit and continue all right number 27 starts us off in the ship part with a fair amount of decoration actually uh oh we got the Fireballs that's pretty cool so yeah that's very cool robtop you have really picked up the pace here it must have been like late 2016 and you were like oh man I want to get this update out by like the end of the year must have been like November and he was like I should probably start building the level all right number 28 starts us off in the ship again uh we've got some track looking decorations that uh I guess the middle is supposed to sit on like as the middle is like the rotating Point um there you can also see a little glow up there where the coin is going to be yeah a little glow up here where the coin's going to be followed by a lack of ground entering the robot part I think this level might just be impossible to be without cheating yeah what the what the hell robtop actually I could fly over it but that's lame and I don't care okay okay bro never mind okay number 29 starts us all the way back at the beginning which is interesting huh maybe that platform isn't out of place I guess it just looked weird cuz it didn't have the grass texture on it oh we got some ground and we've got our basic tile set here the colors are wrong still um but Robb's got a thought churning in his brain no extra gameplay added though so all right top I'm liking it I'm liking it I kind of like how the robot area looks with the the dark red Pricks honestly big 30 and what was that was that some that some decoration I see well the star po start house right here so all we get to see is this unless we go into the editor we can see s had a little Baseline going on here no uh slopes or anything and it's very syy looking got an idea for the tile set here and nothing is different about the robot I think so yeah not bad 31 starts us again at the very beginning so that's curious spider part looks um never mind maybe it's the same this that fireball fly seems a bit tight I feel like that was nerfed by the end oh now we get to get a a oh well I was going to say we were going to get to get a full look at that part but all right okay as I was saying we can get a closer look at the little block Deco thing that was going on here got some lava got a lot of the same exact tile and we got some decoration going on here the spider part is much more decorated now and that looks like that's it very nice I'm liking where your head's at Rob 32 oh boy we're starting from the very beginning ah the wave looking beautiful as ever I see oh we got some mini wave gameplay and we've got some empty space for the UFO all right visual progress is being made 33 we're starting at uh the spider so I wonder if anything was changed around here or if Rob top just kind of wanted to play from here I've noticed the middle things of these fire bars are still black and I think in the final level they're white oh crap robtop finally placed the slopes down oh wait we've got some gameplay for the ending now nice okay so we've officially got almost all of the like raw gameplay for the level built Big 34 on the clock tick tock oh wait we got some circles there the colors are changed on these things robtop I I you know based on how slowly decoration seems to appear on these parts I get the Vibes that robtop isn't a huge fan of decorating levels cuz I don't know like sometimes there'll be a long period in time without any new gamep play but that's cuz he's decorating previous Parts but then when new gameplay appears it's like an entire part Allin one go but decoration takes like 9 million parts to to finally fill in no shade though Rob love you 35 starts us off in the ship portal so that's curious oh big old arrows are now present that is seemingly the only change that's fine I believe in big Arrow Supremacy 36 we are still in the ship part which by the way I don't actually know if I picked on it in the last one if it was there but holy crap this part is so much more fleshed out the structures are all filled in there's a lot of decoration things are moving the these fireb bar middle things have changed um there's these moving sticks at the bottom I don't even know if those are in the final level do those move I don't know that ship part looks like it's basically done though I I think I was so busy focusing on the big arrows in the last one that I completely forgot that like this ship part is like done I got scared I dipped in the lava for a second good thing it's robtop and he he didn't put any Collision down there yet 37 also has this in the ship and I think yeah now the big arrows they they faded across instead of are just constantly being there which I think is a neat effect I think they're also smaller and that is all 38 we are still in the ship part robtop I think you have basically shown that you're like done oh there were some more colors at the end there there's some nice color pulses and changes going on oh my okay so robtop was going through a phase here very interesting I suck at this game yeah so robtop was experimenting with making the wave part covered in purple goop very in oh no oh God it bed over into the spider part robp what did you do all right well um let us never forget that rise 038 is the poison goop world I'm serious don't forget that I'm going to I'm it's going to come back later so this is 39 and all of a sudden we have most of the robot decoration okay not most but there's a there's a lot at the very start there and very cool looking it is very interesting seeing this level sort of just Beast itself together rise four 40 040 still on the robot um these guys have heads now they didn't in the last one and I think that's the only change huh R 41 we're all the way back at the very start which is super cool and awesome hold on does hold to dash work yet I need to figure this out no hold to Dash is not a thing yet sadly okay this part is still red we haven't gotten our gray bricks yet are gray bricks in Geometry Dash oh God the wave has coins now coin counter doesn't work and there's a lot of oh there's a lot of coins wait do we have the impossible well we do and I'm just built differently so it doesn't matter I don't know if this is the version that was leaked in GD world but if it's not we're very close to that version because it has the impossible wall which is very cool very nice Rob top too bad I'm just built differently I wonder how many times I'm going to have to do that click in this video right 042 is going to be starting Us in the spider I'm very curious to see if the impossible wall is still there on this version uh I don't know coins are still a bit uh bit oh dude I'm just built different Okay cool so I'm not actually sure which one of these versions specifically was uh was leaked in GD world but it's one of these probably also Al sorry guys I had to go do something but I came back um it's not that much later rise 43 starts us at the very start again but that's actually fine uh cuz there was something in Rise 41 I noticed uh that I want to see if it's still a thing here and if it is I want to see if I can exploit it okay yeah that there's supposed to be a laser there so you can't jump over that I thought I noticed that that was one thing where I was like I really think there's supposed to be something there oh man can we hit it a third time in a row nope rise 44 oh we have a this thing is gold now instead of being a little black box with an outline well this level gives us another chance oh the counter actually works now oh wait there's no oh wait hold on the black wall is gone or the block wall okay so the counter does work but if you miss a coin nothing happens yet whoops rise 45 let's see oh okay so now something happens if you miss coins okay so if you get the coins you know the coin the big coin is there but if you don't the coin's just not there so there's no animations yet cuz when I got all the coins you saw that the um the thing behind the coin kind of just popped into existence all right rise 46 we are in the last 10 finger Dash betas here um since the impossible wall is gone these I I don't know I almost want to say these must be after GD world or at least after GD world was done being made I don't know when GD world was made but it was released in December so I want to say these these must have been made sometime in the last like couple months before 2.1 all right rise 47 starts us off at the very start again so let's keep our eyes peeled still no portals or anything to prevent you from holding Dash orbs like forever yeah we can hold that as long as we want oh my God why am I so bad at video games I'm going to make the decision to try and miss a coin to see what happens oh there's no out of 10 now it's just a number okay all right I mean the clock is kind of ticking robtop after this there's only eight more betas so and you haven't even decorated the ending part yet all right this level is called backgrounds test to um I'm sure you can tell why this background does not fit as well in my opinion um but it's neat I have to assume based on level name this was literally I don't know I I guess he just chose to use his finger Dash work and progress to test out other 2.1 backgrounds all right so this level is called anim test area 01 presumably this was made with the sole purpose of testing out all of these various animated blocks um that is just my guess he also Place some of them behind other objects maybe he was testing out layering disregarding its intended purpose we're here to see if there's any actual differences in the level which I kind of doubt given that seems like this was not really meant to be any progress on the level it seems like finger Dash just kind of happened to be in the right place in the right time to be tested and experimented upon here we have backgrounds test three uh you can see the background is different along with that mysterious cheese structure at the start of the level just like with the last one I have a feeling that actually nothing will be different here but we're going to we're going to we're going to play and find out [Music] welcome back this is Rise 052 so we're back to the good old classic naming scheme uh we're starting all the way back here which I'm not really sure why Roundtop didn't add any background pulses or anything to the spider so I see basically zero differences oh he added spikes there and he haded like lava in the robot part um underneath the two circling Dragon things oh and the the coin thing is is uh is uh why are we starting all the way back here if all the differences are in the other half of the level what the hell yeah like right under here he added um spikes oh he added the little beams still no coin animation oh this part is is much more well done now there's spikes and stuff oh okay the UFO part is here already it's like completely decorated and it's also mini robtop you can't just dump all of this on me at once bro okay well I guess the level the level just jumped from being like 70% done to like 95 basic so every other part that was like partially decorated before is now like fully decorated rise 053 starts us uh right at the end of the spider part I see no differences in the ship but uh there's some weird don't fade Shenanigans going on on the edge of my screen oh there's very obvious glow at the top and bottom of the wave now but yeah man I can't believe it robtop just like finished this entire part now this level really is uh having a great time with the don't fade on the side robtop must have just like added all the glow in the last version and forgot to like or something like that and he like forgot to turn on the the don't fade on the blocks or something all right so we're skipping from Rise 53 to rise 55 now no clue what happened in Rise 54 but knowing robtop the last time he skipped levels I'm sure that oh wow would you look at that a massive change happened so the robot now has its gray color scheme that we see in the final level it's like if you like were playing Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 then like went to sleep woke up the next day and all of a sudden the warden is in the game like we're skipping over crucial finger Dash history here robtop okay I I did notice the lava in the lava from the robot is still like permanently black and so are these bricks seems like robtop changed up the colors of the robot part but forgot to change them back uh so we have a very interesting thing uh let's call it petrified finger Dash cuz it's white like petrified wood all right this is Rise 059 uh the wave has noticeable glow and the block designs and stuff pulse very cool oh and now the coin has an animation if you miss the coins those beams in the wave are turned green now instead of purple uh the block design here was redone and honestly we have a very complete looking level so that's that's yeah we are we've we've jumped a lot of progress in the last couple levels so very nice and last but not least here we have it this level is called finger Dash test so the first level so far that it has the word finger Dash in the name and all of our final bug fixes are here the portals after the dash rant you from dashing too long the layering issues are fixed there and a laser was added here so you can't jump over the yellow pad now got more background pulses in the spider as as well as the ship we got some nice background uh some nice background gradients going on robot looks great it's color scheme is fully fleshed out got the pulses and the glow changes colors nicely the wave as mentioned before has all of its necessary glow the coins all look great and it works properly this spider part again fully fleshed out no color issues got lots of glow all of it pulses with the music feels very nice and the final Cube part oh my God this level I don't know man this level looks so nice I'm I'm sorry like I know that pixel blocks are great and all but honestly I think finger Dash is still my favorite level visually out of the robtop levels and here we are finger Dash um so yeah thank you guys very much watching I hope you guys enjoyed that um these levels were mentioned in a video by C volton about a bunch of lost uh beta versions of robtop levels which I will leave a link to in the description it's a very good video he talks about other levels as well um like time machine and cycles and Hexagon Force they have very interesting histories um but finger Dash obviously had a million betas whereas all the other ones had like one or two I asked SE volon for the levels and after a lot of nagging he finally finally gave me them uh which is why I was able to make this video for you guys I actually wanted to make this video Back In December but then 2.2 came out and I figured nobody would really care about finger Dash cuz Dash exists but I think things have uh cooled down a little bit 2. has been out for like 6 months now uh so I figured go back to where it all started for me me finger Dash such a beautiful level godspeed finger Dash now because I did uh nag at se volon to give me all of the levels um I actually did go out of my way back uh back in December to upload them on an account called finger Dash beta because finger Das betas is taken by a green name so the account is called finger Dash beta it has 12 stars and three coins uh meaning that I got this account and then I beat finger Dash on it and nothing else and I've uploaded every level I played here today for your viewing pleasure people have actually found these levels already I don't think they know that it's related to me though so now you do feel free to look around these levels um they're all free copy I think um but yeah feel free to look around them if there's anything interesting you found in any of them um you know leave a comment I would love to hear cuz I just played them I didn't actually look in the editor for any of them and um yeah robtop save file actually had more levels that were leaked that were completely unrelated to finger Dash so if you'd ever like me to go through some of those in a future video I'd be very down to so let me know if you guys would want to see that so yeah anyways thank you guys very much for watching I hope you guys did enjoy this and uh what rise level was the poison goop world huh which one which one oh time up you ran out of time I bet you forgot well I I think you got to subscribe now I think that's what I think that's what that means now sorry told you it was going to come back anyways sing chams including Village xand if she was based INVU gamer egg folk manager magalor and quality history 47 thank gu support it means 10 million finger Dash es to me and uh yeah the account name is finger Das beta all one word thanks for watching I'll see you guys all in the next video [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Sdslayer
Views: 81,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geometry dash, geometry, dash, geometry dash update, geometry dash 2.11, geometry dash 2.1, geometry dash 2.2, geometry dash update 2.11, geometry dash update 2.1, geometry dash update 2.2, sdslayer100, geometry dash demon, geometry dash world, geometry dash subzero, geometry dash meltdown, geometrydash, geometry dash all levels, sdslayer
Id: gse7xZaTHY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 25sec (2005 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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