Exploring Garden of the Gods and Driving to Pikes Peak - Season 10 (2023) Episode 15

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in today's video we're going to visit the guarding of the Gods and drive all the way to the summit of Pikes Peak in lovely Colorado Springs [Music] because I'm free in my RV yeah [Music] so we woke up early and the first thing we're gonna do is go by Garden of the Gods which by the way is a free attraction owned and maintained by the City of Colorado Springs the light is just perfect this morning and there's Pikes Peak above everything else which by the way we're going there next [Music] check it out wildlife [Music] foreign let's park here at the main parking lot [Music] well what do you know early bird gets to park at the guarding of the Gods and it's a beautiful morning in Colorado 7 AM there's rock formation called the kissing camels and I think that's it [Music] let's go for a stroll on this very accessible Trail [Music] lying around [Music] went back and got the jacket because it is a little bit of a chilly morning here guarding of the Gods okay so we are here and we're doing this Central Garden Trail which is like a loop that goes around so let's continue [Music] foreign [Music] plaque commemorating when guardian of the Gods became a public park [Music] and here we have the kissing camels from the other side [Music] yeah never forget to look back Sometimes the best views are just behind you and so far very easy Trail you know not to the the the grades are not very steep it's paved so I would dare to say is ADA Compliant and we're getting perfect weather here this morning not a cloud in the sky it's probably high 50s beautiful [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] this was a very satisfying hike we've done about 1.1 miles and uh it's totally worth it now let's continue let's see some of the other there's a short Trail to a hike that we want to do so that's we're gonna do that next foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] here we are this is the next trailhead [Music] a second Trail today we're gonna see if we can do the Siamese twings Trail there's supposed to be a view of Pikes Peak at the end you know it's a loop it's a one mile look [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] look at that never forget to look back [Music] they're supposed to be a great view of Pike's Peak framed by the two rock formations oh [Music] yep Yep this is it [Music] picture perfect foreign [Music] some very nice little houses on the hillside here [Music] [Music] that's the parking lot down there let's continue there's another Vista point we want to see actually recommended by viewer Walter from Colorado Springs but first let's check out the balance truck thank you [Music] [Music] foreign it is already getting crowded in here [Music] alright let's check out Mesa Overlook it is just a pull out with a parking lot next to a residential neighborhood these houses they must have a great View [Music] think this is it do you take a look at that oh yeah I can see why Walter would recommend this place you can see what the fuss is all about look at that what is spectacular View of the guarding of the Gods and and Pike's Peak behind it this is south [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] S I hope you're doing well on this Memorial Day we are here at Colorado Springs this is called the Mesa Vista Point and yeah this is a commanding view of the Garden of the Gods and the Pikes Peak back there and that's where we're going next this video is sponsored by bright Sellers and bright sellers started with a simple idea finding one Your Love shouldn't be difficult and you know what I'm talking about you stand at the wine aisle before hundreds of choices red white rose and you don't know what to get or how to pair them so you always end up getting the same thing or something you may or may not like bright sellers came up with this algorithm that matches people to the wine they'll love all you have to do is take a quick seven question quiz and they match with wines from all over the world curated to your taste palette over 100 varietals from over 80 regions let's see what we got this time which by the way the packaging is completely recyclable plastic free and the smallest carbon footprint in the industry I just love unboxing stuff and here we have the wine education cards which match the label on the wines um anyway let's get let's get to the whites okay the first one here we go 2022 California batin chanin Blanc that looks pretty good okay we have a cabin five a multiple channel oh this is gonna be good Hazel Air California Merlot I like I like Merlot he'll have Lodi Albarino that's very good too uh last room Zinfandel nothing like a good Zen and last but not least oh I've had this before this lowly red blend this is really good all right let's give it the taste test and today I'm in the mood for a multiple Channel cabin five South Coast multiple Channel all right let's read our wine education card multiple Channel South Coast California it starts bold with a gorgeous nose of boysenberry and damp Earth pairs with asiago biscuits Sage salmon butter wine vegetable beef stew and swapping summer clothes for sweaters [Music] here we go [Music] cheers [Music] oh man that's a good stuff actually wine can be a great Icebreaker here at the campground when it comes to happy hours some downers you know what I mean us our viewers we're a friendly bunch and it is always good to have something handy so you don't show up empty-handed at the campfire bright sellers has a satisfaction guarantee if you don't like a bottle for any reason they will replace it and this one I like cheers thanks bright sellers for giving my followers their first six bottle subscription box usually 150 Plus for just 70 dollars click the link in the description to take the quiz and get started today in order to drive to the summit of Pikes Peak nowadays you have to reserve a timed entry permit which is two dollars and then pay an extra 15 per person pretty straightforward but it means you have to plan to arrive at a certain time they do give you a two hour window so not bad and in this case it makes sense parking is very limited at the summit the base of the mountain is about a 10 to 15 minute drive from where we were so we're really close [Music] thank you foreign [Music] here we are a gorgeous day are you familiar with how you smoke here okay you will need first gear to come down Drive is fine going up the first gear coming down have fun all right they do make sure you understand your vehicle's transmission and know how to put it on first gear for the return downhill trip because if you ride your brakes on such a long steep downhill grade they can overheat and you don't want to lose your brakes descending from Pike's Peak brake fade could be fatal here [Music] this is going to be our first stop on the way up Crystal Reservoir there's a visitor center gift shop and maybe they have something to eat and here they have a map and we still have a long way to go well this is the first stop going up this is I believe the crystal Reservoir and that's the visitor center okay we're gonna take a bathroom break and maybe get something to eat and we continue hello hello there Mr Bigfoot right [Music] let's see if they have something to eat it's gonna be lunch with a view we don't have to go to Alaska anymore we're gonna experience Alaska climate at 11 500 feet cool this was a nice break now we continue we have to make it all the way up there [Music] to get steeper and steeper let's stop and take some pictures we can already see the snow-capped peaks of the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains one of those is supposed to be Mount Evans we were just down there at the Crystal Reservoir well normally when they put the binoculars that's where the better views are from up here look at that here's the historic Glen Cove Inn and there will be a break checkpoint on the way down thank you let's make another quick stop here because the views are becoming truly spectacular [Music] we keep getting higher and higher almost above the tree line [Music] foreign this has been and I'm sure it will be even more exciting on the way down by the way I'm starting to feel the effects of the High Altitude I'm a little light-headed a little bit of a headache a little short of breath it is not necessarily comfortable being this high oh [Applause] [Music] mile marker 16. oh gosh high elevations making me lose my voice that's the Continental Divide right there I don't know if this is exactly the Continental Divide but it is definitely the Front Range of the Colorado Rockies [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] up and up we go yeah I feel compelled to stop at anything that remotely resembles a Vista Point thank you [Music] [Music] and we have reached this Summit now let's find parking foreign [Music] but it is still early [Music] we're on top of the world [Music] foreign [Music] bikes Peak over four thousand feet of elevation a little bit of short of breathness here a little bit of altitude sickness but you know we're from sea level so it takes a little bit to get used to but amazing 360 views [Music] oh such amazing views of the Front Range it would be nice to be able to read the orientation map but it is partially covered well this here seems to be the Cog Railway I believe it is the tallest Cog Railway in the world or at least in America and now let's see the views to towards towards Colorado and springs down there it's getting cloudier by the minute so there's a lot of snow look at all this snow everywhere [Music] on that side of course that's the Continental Divide one of those High Pages Mount Evans I believe that one over there and over here we can see [Music] Colorado Springs [Music] and here we're looking East so you could probably see all the way to Kansas actually that seems to be guarding of the Gods down there then as we zoom out of Colorado Springs and look into the West yeah those are the great the Great Planes [Music] it's getting cloudier but amazing views from up here amazing views [Music] we're getting a little bit of snow here all of a sudden and here's the original Summit House constructed in 1873. [Music] yeah this is how high the snow is packed here Pikes Peak it's a lot of snow okay let's go all the way around apparently this was the view that inspired Catherine Lee Bates to write America the Beautiful Railway has arrived this one dates back to 1891 although it was almost completely rebuilt between 2017 and 2021. it is still the tallest Cog Railway in the world [Music] well they had to dig it out because everything is full of snow but here we are this would be the actual Summit the Pikes Peak and there is no view but we're still gonna take a selfie if that's what you do so here we are it's official we've made it to the summit Pikes Peak 4300 no 14 115 feet 4 300 meters above sea level and this was definitely bucket list and he keeps plowing away he's got his work cut out for him yeah this is where we parked and let me show you foreign all this snow you have the beautiful views of the Rockies well now we have nowhere to go but down but hey mission accomplished [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] down and down we go [Music] let's stop here real quick all right let's go on a little hike the top of this girl here hopefully it's not too slippery but I did bring my hacking boots [Music] even though it is snowy it is not very slippery it's be careful where you step [Music] [Music] thank you it was never my intention well it kind of was my intention to go all the way to the top but I think this is as far as I'm gonna go I wanted to get this 360 or I mean 180 View of the Rockies [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] sliding down this slope seems to be a thing so here I go [Music] let's see if this works thank you [Music] [Music] that was 100 percent awesome totally worth it traffic jam on America's Mountain [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's again gardening of the Gods and Colorado Springs [Music] here they have a checkpoint where they check the temperature of your brakes just in case you've been misbehaving and riding them on the way down yeah 104 degrees [Music] thank you foreign [Music] we've successfully made it back down [Music] and now arriving in North Pole soon we'll be going to the real North Pole in Alaska [Music] and we're back by Manitou Springs we're almost home [Music] [Music] atmospheric pressure it's totally a thing that's how much less air there is up there now they do know we can kind of see Pike's Peak from our campsites out now let's celebrate our accomplishment with some good bar food and an IPA [Music] [Music] oh they have some kind of Festival going on here it must be great to live at a place like this surrounded by mountains and so many activities to do in the area I know we barely scratched the surface here and we'll be back but right now Alaska Waits here we are Colorado Mountain Brewery we even got a little bit of a mountain view they have another location where the views are supposed to be better but it is kind of far from where we are thank you we got their delicious Panther IPA egg rolls queso and that's it for Colorado Springs here we are Old Colorado City [Music] on the next one we drive perhaps the most scenic stretch of interstate highway there is find a beautiful remote boondocking spot in Wyoming until then thank you so much for watching and see you on the road [Music] I'm writing riding in my RV
Channel: Traveling Robert
Views: 95,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rv life, RV travel, winnebago, micro minnie, free in my RV, travel, roadtrip, traveling robert
Id: cQPOTVm5iug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 51sec (2151 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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