Glamping, Hiking, and Boondocking in the Colorado Rockies - RV Travel Summer 2022 Episode 4

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(upbeat techno music) - The rest of our summer 2022 adventures continue, and this is really going to be a coast-to-coast road trip. Destination: the Pacific. We begin with a five-day drive from Miami, Florida, to Colorado, from where we're going to explore the Rocky Mountains and beyond. (bright music) ♪ I'm riding ♪ ♪ Riding, riding ♪ ♪ Riding in my RV ♪ ♪ My RV ♪ ♪ Wherever I want to be ♪ ♪ Because I'm free in my RV ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ The story begins like so many others; on a warm Friday morning in August at home base in Miami, Florida, on I-95 North. This will be the first trip with Starship, the new Silverado Trail Boss. We're gonna take the turnpike up the Florida spine, tedious, but still the quickest and most efficient way in and out of the peninsula. Oh no, that is definitely a bad day. Well, here we are, first stop, the Port St. Lucie-Fort Pierce Service Plaza, about two hours into the drive. And breakfast is going to be some leftover chicken strips from Publix. And, yeah, I really wasn't planning on doing this part of the trip solo, but that's the way it's gonna have to be. Yeah, I was gonna do this part of the trip with Mom, but she hasn't been feeling so well. Eventually, Mom got better, but not soon enough to join me on this trip. After a quick overnight at Pelicamp, our North Florida retreat, we cross into Georgia. (upbeat techno music) Do you know what they have near Macon, Georgia? Buc-ee's! 3.17 per gallon at Buc-ee's. Let's get ourselves some breakfast. (people chattering) (chuckles) How's it? Okay, so I got myself... Oh, by the way, they do have Tater Tots at this one. Hmm. I got myself the sliced brisket sandwich for later. And for now, the breakfast sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit. So, let me begin. And the journey continues after this. Now crossing Atlanta, and this first leg of the trip is going to be mostly nonstop. I have a reservation, so I have to be there in four days, but I love this long trips. Driving cross-country, you experience the gradual, and sometimes not so gradual, change of scenery. For example, after the almost featureless topography of Florida and Southern Georgia, it is very refreshing to see the mountains of Appalachia again. (upbeat techno music) 305 gas. Now it's really, prices are really coming down. We're at the Calhoun Buc-ee's. Now, let me see how I can get outta here. (upbeat techno music) Now crossing Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain, the Tennessee River. What a great city. (upbeat techno music) Crossing the Tennessee River. And we're gonna stop at the welcome center. And that is the Marion County Park Campground. Very nice. Ooh, I'm a little bit tired at this point of being almost 10 hours on the road. By the way, this is one of the nicest rest areas here; it's the Tennessee Welcome Center. And, you know, it's the welcome center, you know, after you pass Chattanooga, you dip back into Georgia for a little bit, and then come back into Tennessee, and it's on an island on the Tennessee River, and it's very nice. Let's just walk down there, you know, stretch our legs. We have about an hour and a half to go before we get to East Nashville, which is where we're staying today. Let's walk down to the river. Oh, here we go, here we are, the Tennessee River. This is kind of like a reservoir here, but it's a beautiful view. And somewhere down yonder, that is that Marion County Park, where we stayed once. All right, Nashville awaits. Over the next few miles, we're going to climb to the top of the Cumberland Plateau, a stretch of road locally known as Monteagle Mountain. It is a long, steep ascent, particularly challenging for semi-trucks and underpowered vehicles. Ask me how I know. The descent is also very dangerous for trucks. Well, what can I say? Starship is a beast, it didn't even feel Monteagle. It didn't even have to downshift much, so, yeah, (chuckles) it is great. It is now the next day, and we're driving across the Music City, Nashville, Tennessee, and its unmistakable skyline. We get some traffic crossing into Kentucky. (upbeat techno music) And one last time crossing the Tennessee River. And then, the Ohio River, into the Land of Lincoln. We're getting close; we're about to cross the Mississippi. And there it is, the silhouette of the Gateway Arch, it's a sign we're approaching St. Louis. (upbeat techno music) After crossing the mighty Mississippi, we are now in Missouri. Also, crossing the Missouri River, which we're going to cross a couple more times driving to the West. Like now. We're going to spend the night at a casino parking lot, right here to be exact. And I am in the mood for a steak. (upbeat techno music) (train roaring) (gentle music) It is a brand-new day, and today we're crossing Kansas City. We are now in the heart of America... For real. We are almost halfway across the continent right now. And we're now in Kansas. (bright music) We're going to spend the night at a KOA in Western Kansas, and then, tomorrow, we're going to Colorado. A good morning. I think this was pretty much the definition of hightailing it, right? What was it? Four days ago, we were in South Florida, and now we're in Western Kansas. I mean, it's been go, go, go, but we've made good time, actually. We're in Goodland, Kansas, just a few miles away from the Colorado border, and this is pretty much where the journey begins, really, our Colorado journey here. By the way, beautiful. This is not part of it, but this is what's behind our water and electric sites. Very nice. This is the Goodland KOA. Yeah, I only got water on electrical. I'm only using electric, really, because that's all I really need for a quick overnight here. We're gonna depart in about half an hour, which, by the way, the Trail Boss, Starship here, has been a great towing machine for this leg of the trip. I mean, it has been, like, the first trip we've used the new Silverado, and this thing is made for the open road, man. It performed great. It's very comfortable on long drives, so I'm happy with it. Right, let me finish packing up. I'm gonna see if I can put the three cameras, even though it's going to be raining on and off and we may not get the best views of the mountains, but still, you know, we're going into Colorado, so. I was really hoping to be able to see the Rockies coming into view over the horizon, but with this weather it is not going to happen. And we are now in colorful Colorado. (bright music) Let's stop at the welcome center real quick to take a picture with the sign. Well, here we are. I decided to stop at the Colorado Visitor Center to take a picture with the Colorado sign. And here we are. "Welcome to Colorful Colorado." (bright music) Here we have a McDonald's. Hmm, Chester's, which is not the best, but not the worst either. Most importantly, gasoline. So let's fill up both the tank and my stomach. Sometimes it is a little challenging finding a suitable pump. (bright music) Hmm, busy truck stop. This is not really a parking space, but I'm not blocking anybody and I'll try to be quick. (bright music) I decided to go for Chester's, haven't had that in a while. I'm kind of illegally parked here, let me see if I can get on an actual spot. (chuckles) (bright music) Well, here we go. I doubt it is gonna be healthy, but that my body wants right now. Not all of it though, probably I'll have half. Well, now that I filled up my tank at 3.99, and I filled up my belly with, probably, too much fried chicken, we have two hours and 20 minutes to go. The weather seems to be getting worse. I mean, I gotta be honest, I'm kind of disappointed. I was really looking forward to getting those first views of the Rockies we should be seeing right in front of us. We're stopping We've made it to Denver and there is traffic. (upbeat music) Approaching the Rockies. I'm so excited. (upbeat music) (upbeat music continues) Here's the Mount Evans exit at Idaho Springs. Mount Evans is the highest paved road in the United States, and we drove it back in 2014, and we'll drive it again one of these days when we get a chance. Right now, I'm on a mission. And here, I'm going to take U.S. 40 West towards Granby. (upbeat music) We keep going up and up in elevation. I'm kind of glad we're in mid-August here, and there isn't really any chance of snow. We've got switchbacks and hairpin turns. It is getting interesting. The rooftop camera has been glitching, and I think it's going to die at any moment. It must be the humidity, or the changing temperature, or maybe the high elevation. Who knows? GoPros work in mysterious ways sometimes. Anyway, we've reached the top, so let's take a break. (Robert sighs) Well, all of a sudden, a little bit chilly here in Colorado. And let me just show you the sign of where we are. We are at the Berthoud, I guess that's how you pronounce it, Berthoud Pass. Elevation: 11,307 feet above sea level. And yeah, I'm a little short of breath, believe it or not. Still raining. I mean, we're kind of inside the clouds here, but yeah, we made it to the Continental Divide here. Elevation: 11,307 feet above sea level. (soft music) Well, it figures, all the rooftop cameras died. And to make a long story short, eventually, I arrived at Sun Outdoors Rocky Mountains for my sponsored stay. And that's one of the reasons for my rush getting here. As of summer 2022, I'm working with Sun Outdoors, showcasing some of the resorts, and this is one of three we're going to be staying at over the next few weeks. And you probably watched those videos months ago, so I'm not gonna go into too much detail about the resort. Suffice it to say, it is fabulous. Well, what a fabulous place this is. And you probably saw this as part of my Sun Outdoors collaboration, but we just arrived here, we just unhitched. And it's a shame we have such a crummy weather because take a look at this site. I mean, we even have a refrigerator, we have a grill, and, ooh, we got some water on the lens there. And this nice table. They even gave me complimentary firewood. (chuckles) So, here we are, this is Sun Outdoors Rocky Mountains. And today, I think I'm just gonna spend the rest of the day working, and then tomorrow we'll go explore. (upbeat music) It looks like it is going to be a beautiful day in the Rocky Mountains. I'm going to grill some steaks for lunch, then we're going to explore. (upbeat music) Here we have Lake Granby. And Shadow Mountain Lake, a little farther up ahead. It is beautiful out here. (upbeat music) After a brief visit to the visitor center, it is time to enter the park. And this is the thing, as of summer 2022, Rocky Mountain National Park has a reservation system, so unless you arrive at the park before 9:00 AM, you have to have a reservation, and you have to enter the park within a certain time window. Hm, hold that thought, I think we have some wildlife here. (upbeat music) Yep, I see a moose. Let's park. It's always a good day when you get to see wildlife, especially moose. (people chattering) Ooh, there's another one over there. Apparently, it is fairly common to see moose here in the park, especially when you're close to a body of water. (upbeat music) And there is more wildlife here. Is that an elk? I believe that's an elk. About that time the entry system I was talking about, you also need a reservation to visit Bear Lake, which is the most popular part of the park. I managed to secure a reservation for Bear Lake for tomorrow. And what I'm going to do is show up at the park really early, before 9:00 AM. That way, I have the whole morning to explore, and then do Bear Lake. So today, we're just gonna get the lay of the land and go to the highest point. Speaking of which, we've been going up in elevation, so let's take a break. And I almost forgot I don't have the trailer behind, so I can park in a regular space. Always save the oversized parking for the RVs. This is called Farview Curve Viewpoint. And you can certainly see far. We can even see Timber Creek Campground. There are so many hiking trails and so many lakes in this park it is insane, actually. (soft music) (moves to upbeat music) Now approaching Milner Pass, the Continental Divide, but we're not gonna stop. Elevation here, by the way, 10,759 feet. That would be 3,279 meters. Now going above the tree line. Let's see how high we can go. (upbeat music) And we've made it to the Alpine Visitor Center as we approach the highest point on Trail Ridge Road here. Let's stop and take a break, and maybe a hike. (upbeat music) Well, here we are, 11,796 feet above sea level. And lemme tell you, the lack of oxygen is palpable. All right, let's try to go all the way to the top. I know I'm gonna be huffing and puffing halfway there, but I think the views are gonna be worth it. I'm glad I went back and got my sweater because it's getting significantly colder. Oh my, what a beautiful... It's going to be beautiful from up there. (soft music) It is actually a lot farther than it looks, but we'll make it. Yeah, that view is quite amazing. Takes your breath away. Well, yeah, it's the elevation. (chuckles) Just five days ago I was at sea level, and now here we are at over 12,000 feet of elevation. The tundra up here. We've almost conquered the summit here. And now there's hardly anybody here, it's 'cause, I guess, it is getting late. (panting) Oh. Oh, we gotta come back in winter. (chuckles) (panting) Phew. I told you I was gonna be huffing and puffing. Oh, there's more. Well, here we are, commanding views of the alpine ridge behind me. It's really cold. (chuckles) (gentle music) They left me alone at the top. Cowards, come back. (gentle music) It is getting late. So, I bought one of these oxygen canisters, you know, because I'm feeling the altitude. You know, I'm still, you know, I'm still well, but a little short of breath, a little bit of a headache, so. (oxygen hissing) A little bit of pure oxygen, you know, helps. (chuckles) Let's go a little higher and a little deeper into the park. (upbeat music) What a great view of Longs Peak from here. The summit, over 14,000 feet above sea level. (upbeat music) We're going to continue a few more miles, up to the highest point on this road, which is somewhere around here. (bright music) I think that was it. We begin the descent onto Estes Park on the other side of Rocky Mountains. I'm going to turn around as soon as I get a chance because it is getting kind of late. (bright music) I've decided to return, I don't wanna get caught in the dark here at the national park. (bright music) And that's it for today. Tomorrow we'll get up early so we can explore more. (bright music) Well, good morning! Today we're going back to Rocky Mountain National Park. I keep trying to call it Glacier National Park for some odd reason, but that's what we're going today. Is my refrigerator on? Yes it is. I got plenty of water. I don't have much of food, but we'll survive. Let me make sure I locked the door. I did indeed. We do have a 2:00 PM pass to go all the way to the end of the park, to Bear Lake. I don't know if we're gonna do that yet or not, because I want to enter the park now before 9:00 AM so we don't need a pass. Otherwise, I would have to wait until 2:00 PM to get inside the park. I just love how the mountains shine in the morning light. I got into the park, no problems, and now I have until 2:00 PM to get to Bear Lake. (bright music) All right, let's go for a little bit of a hike here, to start our day. Actually, this is more... In the pamphlet, this is what they call a stroll, because it's a very short hike. Yeah, they call the easy hikes strolls because, I guess, you know, this packed gravel is, you know, I... Shh, don't tell anybody, I forgot to bring my hiking shoes. (chuckles) Oh no, but why am I not surprised? Why are you not surprised? (chuckles) But we're gonna go all the way to the Colorado River, which is right here. And it's, like, just a mile, you know, going around the Colorado River and whatnot. I might not even do the whole thing, I just want to stretch my legs. Yeah, I'm not in any hurry today. So we're gonna do, like, the easy hikes. (upbeat music) And that would be the mighty Colorado. (upbeat music) (water trickling) (chanting) It's such a wonderful stroll here in the morning, and what a great way to start our day here at Rocky Mountain National Park. You know, the views from the trail are fantastic. Glacial Valley. Hmm. I believe this to be the end of the trail, so. (water trickling) (intense music) I know we were here yesterday, but what can I say? Better light. (intense music) Well, this is the Lake Irene picnic area. And I believe we have a view of Lake Irene right here, coming up. Actually, there is a short trail to Lake Irene here. It doesn't have a trailhead, or it doesn't say how long it is, but this is it. It's a very good thing about coming to the park this early... So peaceful. (birds chirping) Well, there it is, Lake Irene. Let's go back. (intense music) Once again, going above the tree line. Let's stop here real quick. And this is the spot where we reach tundra climate. We're above the tree line here, and this, a commanding view, if I may say so myself. Look at that. (intense music) Spectacular. Just spectacular. I just kind of wish it was a little earlier in the season so there would be a little more snow on the mountains, but, hey, I'll take it. (intense music) This time, we're not gonna stop at the Alpine Visitor Center, we're just gonna keep going. We'll return here, but we're going to use a different route. (intense music) Oh, what a view. This is called Gore Range Overlook. And that would be, again, Longs Peak off in the distance. (exalted music) This one is called the Lava Cliffs Overlook. (dramatic music) This is the Tundra Communities Trailhead, so here we're going to park, use the facilities, and go on another short hike. Well, here's another commanding view, if you will. And there's even a lake we can see over there. And now we're gonna go up for a little hike. (dramatic music) Here we go, half a mile one way, and it is paved. (dramatic music) Check it out. Wildlife. Wildlife with a view. (dramatic music) It keeps going that way, but there seems to be a viewpoint here, so let's check it out. Look at these rocks. That's wild. (dramatic music) - [Person] Gotta get a Christmas card photo. - That was worth the hike. And we still have another one coming up. A little farther, so. Let's do the whole half mile, right? They are called the Mushroom Rocks, and that's where we're going next. (tense music) (tranquil music) We've made it to this summit. Let's see if we can make it all the way up. (tranquil music) I may need to use both hands for this one. Here we are. The big reveal. Wow! (soft music) Yeah, I'd say that was worth the climb up here, wouldn't you say? I'm getting a little bit of vertigo here, believe it or not. (chuckles) (soft music) It's not that bad, I'm just being dramatic. All right, what goes up must go down. (soft music) There it is. Starship. (dramatic music) This one is called the Forest Canyon Overlook. Let's check it out. (dramatic music) I guess that's why it is called Forest Canyon. (soft music) Oh yeah, this one is the Forest Canyon Overlook. What a view. Commanding, I shall say. Let's get a view from this side. (dramatic music) I believe this is called Rainbow Curve Overlook, but we're not gonna stop right now. (dramatic music) This one is the Many Parks Curve overlook. And the reason why I'm not stopping at any of these is because we're coming back this way. (dramatic music) Now we're going to take Fall River Road, which is a narrow, one-way dirt road that actually goes back to the Alpine Visitor Center. (dramatic music) It is a paved, very easy trail, although there is one steep incline. (gentle music) Oh, what a view. And that's our waterfall! (water gushing) (gentle music) And it looks like someone is making a painting. Very cool. It would be even cooler to see the process and the final product. (gentle music) (water gushing) There's the lower parking lot. Well, that was a short, very rewarding little hike. (Robert groans) It's a little steep, hey. This is where the pavement ends. Fall River Road, here we come! (upbeat music) Well, this is the reason why we bought a truck, right? To get on some dirt roads. I mean, this one is pretty well-maintained, but, yeah. (upbeat music) Chasm Falls, coming up. Let's stop. Hmm. (tranquil music) (water gushing) (upbeat music) Wow, look at that granite wall. That's amazing. (upbeat music) I'm still not used to the turning radius, or lack of thereof, of Starship. (upbeat music) Oh, wildlife, perhaps? (upbeat music) (upbeat music) This is Chapin Creek Trailhead, and this is where I was gonna come and do this trail, but as you can see, it's... Ah, there's parking if I really wanted to, but I decided not to do it this- - [GPS] You've arrived. - Thank you. This road was adventure enough, and I'm just gonna go by the Alpine Visitor Center, get something to eat, and then we gotta make a beeline for Bear Lake 'cause it's 1:04 PM already, and my reservation is for 2:00. Well, I have a window from 2:00 to 4:00, so. The truth is, I'm tired and I'm hungry, so let's just stop at the Alpine Visitor Center. They have a gift shop, presumably food. And then, what is sure to be the piece de resistance. (upbeat music) (upbeat music continues) All right, 10.50 for a ham sandwich, but hey, considering where we are, over 11,000 feet. - [GPS] GPS signal lost. - I'm starving. Yeah, it seems pretty good. Now let's go to Bear Lake. (bright music) And here we are, we've made it to the checkpoint. (bright music) Even though all the signs say parking lot full, I'm still going to try my luck and go all the way. If anything, for the views on the way up. I think they are going to be worth it, and if I can't find anything, I can always come back to the park and ride. (bright music) The parking lot is indeed full, so let's turn around and take the shuttle. By the way, if you have a large vehicle like a camper van or a Class C over 21 feet long, you have to use the park and ride anyway. I just prefer to drive myself whenever possible, but not this time. (bright music) And our shuttle is here. Maybe we'll get some nice lateral views now. There are several stops along the way, most of them pretty crowded. Lots of very popular trailheads along this route. This is my first time here, so this is mostly like an overview, but I would love to come back and do some of the more popular hikes. (bright music) We're just gonna go to Bear Lake. And the hike around the lake is supposed to be, like, half a mile, which is not bad, you know. At this point in the day, I'm not in the mood for, like, very long or strenuous hike. Now the question is, shall we go clockwise or counterclockwise? Oh yeah, I can see the appeal. This place is beautiful. (bright music) You know, for Bear Lake, yeah, very impressed. I think it was worth, you know, waiting the whole day getting that entrance permit just to be able to see this. It's very busy, as you probably have noticed. Yeah, they were not kidding when they said it was a heavily trafficked trail, but. Yeah, it should be half a mile to go around, all around the lakes. That's not (indistinct). (calm music) (calm music continues) Everywhere you look, you know, it's, like, it's impossible to take a bad picture. And it's almost the same thing, but from a slightly different angle, and it's just amazing. (calm music) - [Person] Can you take a picture of it? - Yeah, that's the Instagram rock right there. The Instagram rock, that's what I'm calling it. (chuckles) Hello, Mr. Chipmunk. Huh? (calm music) And I think that's it for Bear Lake. We might come back one of these days, but I think we're going back to the campground. And here's the shuttle. Well, it's leaving. I guess we'll get on the next one. Taking the shuttle back is a little bit of an ordeal. There are so many people waiting at all the different stops that several shuttles left almost empty. But eventually, now we are on our way. We still have to drive all the way back, and it's been a long day, but let me tell you, totally worth it. (calm music) Okay, this is the Many Parks Overlook we decided to skip earlier. Let's park and see what it is all about. There seem to be some pretty expansive views. (calm music) Oh yeah, that's going to be quite the view. (soft music) Well, I had almost forgotten I wanted to stop at this vista point here, and this is gonna be the last stop. I mean, unless I have to stop, like, to go to the bathroom. This is gonna be the last stop in Rocky Mountains National Park here. This is called the Many Parks Vista Point or something like that, so. This is it. (soft music) Yeah, I guess it refers to all the other beautiful things that there are beyond the national park. The other parks, if you will. All right, well, tomorrow we have to go back to Denver to pick up a package, and then we'll see. We don't really have a plan. (soft music) Well, I kind of lied, because we're going to make one final stop, here at the Rainbow Curve. We also skipped this one earlier. (soft music) (moves to upbeat music) (upbeat music continues) Wildlife crossing here. Are those elk? Yes. Hello, Mr. Elk. Or Mrs. Elk, actually. For such a massive creature, there's a certain elegance to their gait, like she's walking on high heels or something. (upbeat music) Hello there, happy family. Well, lemme tell you, it's been a long day, it's been a fun day. It's been a fun couple of days here at Sun Outdoors Rocky Mountains, and what better way to end the day than by the campfire with friends? And this was not planned. The day before yesterday, I'm walking by the bar and I see this, Tom and Stacy, RV Texas, y'all. - Yeah, guys. - And we're gonna do a quick, you know, YouTubers- - "Wingin' It". - What do YouTubers do when they meet each other? We take video of each other. (laughs) So, they have this, the thing's called "Wingin' It" on their channel, RV Texas Y'all, check it out, and they interview fellow RVers, fellow travelers, right? - Yes. - And can you tell us a little more about your channel, just since I have you here on the spot? - Oh, yeah, well, I mean, we are on the spot. We went full-time in 2018, and we've been followin' Robert since who knows how long, I mean, way back in the day. And this is a privilege for us. I mean, we love just bringing the RV lifestyle to you guys, and, honey. - Well, we're all about experiencing life, not just living it. And that's what we try to share on our channel, so. Thanks, Rob. - Let me tell you, it's been great to finally meet you in person, because we've known each other other digitally for almost a decade. - Yeah, for sure. - So, there you go. - All right, let's get on with the show, and as always, thank you for watching and see you on the road. On the road again, because this show isn't over yet, not by long shot, at least not until we get to Utah. First, we're gonna go into Denver with trailer in tow, probably not my wisest decision, but I need to pick up a package. And they shows the one Amazon pickup location with a relatively large parking lot. Oh, it is with a heavy heart that I depart from this marvelous place. I wish I would've stayed more time, because, I mean, we didn't get to see the town of Granby. And there's even a brewery there, so. We will return, at some point, to this area. - [GPS] Take the next right. (upbeat music) - I wonder why it wants me to take a right here. Google lady's crazy. (upbeat music) Well, I decided to make a left, which was definitely the wrong decision. Let's see how we can turn around. (upbeat music) Apparently, it was my fault. Oh, look at that. That's a beautiful view of the Colorado River. - [GPS] Take the next right onto U.S. 40 East. - Apparently, I am the one who took U.S. 40 the wrong way. So now we're gonna be, as I make a right here, we're gonna be on the right track once again. (upbeat music) We're gonna have to cross those mountains at some point. The same way we came a few days ago; under the rain. Winter Park here seems pretty nice. It is a ski resort. So many towns begging to be explored and discovered. Up the mountains we go. (upbeat music) Once again, going over Berthoud Pass. And now, down we go, towards I-70 and the Mile High City. (upbeat music) Here we join I-70 going back east into the city. And this section of I-70, crossing the Rockies, is, in my opinion, one of the best scenic drives in the whole United States. At the very least, it is the most scenic stretch of interstate of them all. That's why I was kind of bummed out when we drove through here under the rain, because we couldn't really appreciate the beauty of this mountains. (upbeat music) Denver, a lot more congested and densely populated than I remember. Maybe coming here with a trailer wasn't such a good idea. (upbeat music) (upbeat techno music) Definitely not a good idea. And I've never done this kind of maneuver with Starship. Let me tell you, there's something to be said about being nimble, and my rig is not as maneuverable as it used to be. And I'm at the wrong place, anyway. (upbeat techno music) This is it. This is that large parking lot I saw on satellite view. (upbeat techno music) Mission accomplished. Now, let's hurry back to the mountains. After all these days at the resort, I'm ready for some boondocking at a remote location, and I have a spot picked out. (upbeat music) Yeah, this is an incredible drive. By the way, rain is imminent, once again. (upbeat music) We're approaching the highest point in the entire interstate highway system, at 11,158 feet, which is equivalent to 3,401 meters above sea level. I am, of course, talking about the Eisenhower Tunnel, originally opened in 1973. It is a little over 1.5 miles long, going under the Continental Divide. If you are adventurous, you can take the hazmat route, US-6, that goes over Loveland Pass, 832 feet higher. But today, we're not in the mood for that kind of adventure. We did it back in 2014. Still not the best weather as far as visibility, but still, it is a stunning drive. (upbeat music) That's Dillon Reservoir on the left. And I remember this rest area from when we were here back in 2014. Yeah, coffee break with a view. (upbeat music) Here we're going to take State Route 91 South, towards our secluded boondocking spot. (upbeat music) Now arriving in Leadville, an old mining town founded in 1877. Not a bad looking town, let me tell you. And lots of fun, I'm sure. Not to mention, historic. But this is not our destination today. (upbeat music) By the way, I believe one of those mountains ahead of us might be Mount Albert, the highest peak in the Rockies. So, I've been watching and following Tristan of "SUV RVing", and he has this website called Adventure Know-How, where he lists boondocking spots either found by him or his subscribers, and where we're going today is one of those. This right here is private land, but eventually, we'll enter the San Isabel National Forest. (upbeat music) That's a national forest sign right there on the right. Now, let's see if we can find the GPS coordinates. By the way, this place is pretty wild. (upbeat music) Yeah, pretty wild road back here in the middle of nowhere. Very remote. (upbeat music) This gotta be it. I almost passed it. It looks like someone has pitched a tent to save that space, so I'll park on the other side, facing out, so it'll be easier to leave tomorrow. (upbeat music) There's absolutely no signal here, so my only means of communications is going to be Starlink. And it is Friday, so I'm even doing a live stream. Well, here we are. One thing is certain, this is remote. There's a tent over there. I don't think there's anybody there, but. Yeah, this is the place that I got from Tristan of "SUV RVing, his website, Adventure Know-How. (chuckles) And this is the one site in Colorado that he listed. And there's a very nice creek back here. Let me show you. I'll be honest, it's a little unsettling being out here all by myself, but. Check it out. Okay, there we go. Starlink is already doing its thing, so hopefully we'll get a signal at some point. North is kind of that way. I'm afraid that that hill might affect our reception, but we'll see. ♪ Yeah, I'm riding ♪ ♪ Riding in my RV ♪ ♪ Wherever I want to be ♪ ♪ Yes, I'm free in my RV ♪ Good night, everybody. (tranquil music) (water trickling) Well, this was a pretty cool campsite, probably one of the most remote I've ever stayed at. And it is the first time I use Adventure Know-How to find a campsite. And I have a feeling somewhere down there, there will be Mount Albert, which is the tallest peak in the Rockies. I'm gonna see if we can see it now. I really do hope we get some solar today, because I depleted that battery pretty bad last night. It's under 30%. Anyway, and now I'm processing tomorrow's video using the, you know, the Silverado Starship's power plant here. And let's go. Actually, having 4x4 gives me the confidence to take us at places like this. I mean, this is one of the most remote places I've ever stayed at, and the most, like, also off-grid, you know? If it wasn't for Starlink, we were totally off-grid. Even the sun wants to come out a little bit. (upbeat music) Must be nice living here, this being the view from your backyard. (upbeat music) Let me park right here for a few minutes. More than a few, actually, because I need to do some repairs. Remember the package I picked up in Denver? Well, it is something I need to replace in (indistinct). Okay, in the original plan, I was gonna stop by Aspen and the Maroon Bells, which is, like, one of the most iconic views. I wonder how you get there. But with the weather the way it is, and it's bound to get worse in the afternoon, I'm just gonna continue. I'm gonna take Glenwood Canyon, and hopefully tonight we can stay at Moab. I wanna see what those signs over there say, because one of these mountains is Mount Albert, which is the highest peak in the Rockies, and I wanna figure out which one is. I think this signs need a updating. (chuckles) In any case. (upbeat music) I don't know which one is Mount Albert, but regardless, it is a beautiful site. According to the map here, it should be... It's probably that one actually. If my orientation is correct. Well, while I'm here and the weather is good, this is what I'm gonna do. I'm going to replace my spare tire holder. I've been holding it with zip ties because it broke. Look at that. It's only being held by the bottom portion, so. I ordered one on Amazon, it arrived yesterday in Denver, so let's replace it. (upbeat music) (upbeat music continues) (soft music) Let's visit Arkansas Headwaters. (bright music) Once again, going through Leadville. (bright music) ♪ Ha ♪ ♪ Driving to the West ♪ ♪ Into the sunset ♪ ♪ Driving to the West ♪ ♪ Driving to the West ♪ ♪ Into the sunset ♪ ♪ Driving to the West ♪ ♪ Driving to the West ♪ ♪ Into the sunset ♪ ♪ Driving to the West ♪ ♪ Driving to the West ♪ ♪ Into the sunset ♪ ♪ Driving to the West ♪ ♪ Driving to the West ♪ I'm starting to sense a very slight change of scenery again. A landscape still typical of the Rockies, but a little more arid, a little more reminiscent of the topography of the West. It is no coincidence that we are slowly inching our way towards Utah. ♪ Driving to the West ♪ ♪ Into the sunset ♪ ♪ Driving to the West. ♪ ♪ Getting into Utah, Colorado ♪ ♪ High above sea level is my motto ♪ ♪ Into the thin air, I might see a bear ♪ ♪ Nothing like the West does and compare ♪ ♪ Driving through the West in my RV is where I wanna be ♪ (bright music) Guys, it'll be, one again, lunch with a view. And I'm sorry I didn't film the completion of the stew, but this is what it looks like. Actually, I'll show you what it looks like after it's heated up. Batteries at 40%, we're getting some solar. I wanna waste some precious energy and put this in the microwave. And, hmm, I'm starving. I skipped breakfast today. Yeah, while I was boondocking last night, I made a stew. (bright music) ♪ Driving to the West ♪ ♪ Driving to the West ♪ ♪ Driving to the West. ♪ ♪ Driving to the West ♪ ♪ Driving to the West ♪ ♪ Driving through the West ♪ ♪ Driving to the West. ♪ ♪ Driving to the West ♪ ♪ Driving to the West ♪ It's incredible how different everything starts to look as you approach Glenwood Canyon. No more tall trees or anything like that. Everything is more arid, more... Yeah, I like it. We're, all of a sudden, in that desertic, is that even a word? Desertic climate. Very arid. (intense music) To finally be arriving in the West like this, it's awesome. (upbeat music) This music in the background was indeed inspired by Glenwood Canyon, and the first time we crossed the Rockies. Again, back in 2014. This is it, Glenwood Canyon. I'm speechless. (upbeat music) The construction of I-70 through this canyon is considered one of the engineering marvels of the interstate highway system. It was completed in 1992, actually the last section of I-70 to be completed. The river next to us, the Colorado. (upbeat music) (upbeat music continues) (upbeat music continues) Let's take a break. There's a rest area right here by the Colorado River. (upbeat music) All right, let's stretch our legs. That's the mighty Colorado River. I believe it was right here, driving through Glenwood Canyon back in 2014, and the rental Class C... This was one of the determining factors, for sure, that led me to want to live a life on the road, if you will. And, you know, just a month later, we bought Minitini, the original, so. Yeah, these landscapes are unique. Unique to this area. Hello, folks. All right, I'm gonna make some coffee, and Utah, here we come! We still have, like, four hours to go, I think, or 3.5, something like that. (feel-good music) And as the rain starts to fall, we are approaching the lovely town of Glenwood Springs. We stopped here for lunch back in 2014, and we'll be back, I promise. Nearby, there's also Hanging Lake, a hike that I want to do as soon as we get back to this area. ♪ I'm riding ♪ ♪ Riding, riding ♪ ♪ I'm riding in my RV ♪ ♪ My RV ♪ ♪ Wherever I want to be ♪ ♪ Because I'm free in my RV ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ (bright music) (bright music continues) I just have one thing to say. After crossing the Rockies, we've arrived to the West, to the wild, wild West, and the adventures that await us are unprecedented. We are, of course, going to spend a few days in Utah, but then, after a brief layover in Las Vegas, we're going to California, to the Pacific Coast Highway, the redwoods, the Oregon Coast, Crater Lake. I mean, I think the best is yet to come. But Utah, Utah is going to be awesome. Actually, let me give you a little preview. Until then, thank you so much for watching, and see you on the road. (bright music) (moves to gentle music) ♪ I'm riding ♪ ♪ Riding in my RV. ♪
Channel: Traveling Robert
Views: 226,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rv life, RV travel, winnebago, micro minnie, free in my RV, travel, roadtrip, traveling robert
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 7sec (5167 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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