Crater Lake and the Rest of the Oregon Coast - RV Travel - Season 9 (2022) Episode 11

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the Oregon Adventure Continues today we're going England we're going to visit Crater Lake National Park and then the great detour in order to finish the Lewis and Clark Trail which you probably already watched if not I totally recommend it then we're going to do the rest of the Oregon coast north to south this time and eventually going back England in order to see Bend then we're gonna make a Bee Line back to the Mothership then the star base and finally home [Music] wherever I want to be guys I'm free in my RV all right ready to go and today we pivot we're going England towards greater Lake National Park which I've been told is one of the most beautiful sites in in the whole state of Oregon at least in England Oregon and uh well we're gonna be able to compare the Oregon coast with this beautiful England side see which one is better you let me know and even though this is perhaps not the most iconic part of the Oregon coast we haven't seen that yet that will be farther north Cape perpetua um Cannon Beach Astoria that area so but today we're going England and uh that's how we do it so enjoy the ride supposed to get a little hotter [Music] foreign [Music] it is another beautiful day in Oregon this is the point where we part ways with the coast take the Inland route we are slowly gaining elevation here [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] it is a long and winding road but I think we're almost there [Music] this is one of those things the National Park Service hasn't really figure out yet how about an express lane for pass holders just saying [Music] we're staying at the Mazama Village Campground and we are on the electric Loop foreign [Music] let's pause for a second here so I can tell you about our sponsor for this episode magic spoon cereal ring vented I want to share with you the amazing benefits of magic spoon cereal they have this childlike Nostalgia thing going on cartoon inspired never boring with the tastes that you remember and that you can eat at any time of the day but with high protein 13 to 14 grams only 45 grams of net carbs and zero grams of sugar and you know we've been trying to go low carb so that's perfect it is also keto friendly gluten-free grain free with no artificial colors or sweeteners and did I mention sugar-free let's give it the taste test and I don't think I've had birthday cake before so let's check it out actually I just recalled we had this one before so I'm gonna have it again because it was delicious [Applause] I got my magic spoon and they smell so good too [Applause] it's delicious but without all the sugar and I love the cocoa and maple waffle too by the way so click the link below to grab a variety pack and try it today and be sure to use the promo code traveling at checkout to get five dollars of your order your go to traveling and might explode is so confident about their product it is packed with a 100 happiness guarantee so if you don't like it for any reason they will refund your money no questions asked so click the link below and use the code traveling for five dollars off or go to traveling to save five dollars off your order today now let's go back to Oregon well here we are we made it very excited to explore at Crater Lake this is our campsite here which by the way it has um this is a bearproof box for the food and let me show you it is tight this is one tight campsite we're doctoring almost all the way back and there's barely room for the truck in front so I don't know what I told them I I I'm in the in the under 30 category I think that's what it was and they assigned me this site not complaining we made it there was a little bit of a challenging back in because of this other tree here so it kind of prevented me from getting the angle that I wanted but we're good let's get settled and and explore clear Creator Lake oh I'm a little tired I've been driving it's been a little bit of a long day it's already 3 3 23 p.m so our time will be limited maybe tomorrow morning we'll go back to the park trailer until [Music] I believe the idea is to go all the way to the top to the rim of the crater and there's this road that goes all the way around it let's stop to get our first commanding View I'm kind of bummed out it is so Smoky today but that's the thing when you travel you can't control the weather and late summer in the west is sometimes like this foreign [Music] ER Lake deepest lake in North America I believe yes here in in Oregon but unfortunately it's very smoky so you you it's hard to appreciate the true depth of um of The View what can you do foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you here's another Viewpoint of the lake and wizard Island let's make another quick stop [Music] I believe this parking lot coming up may be the best spot from where to see wizard Island and it is also the trailhead for Watchman Peak but we're not doing any Trails today [Music] that's the view and apparently they have both tours [Music] foreign view is unique even though the smoke is definitely a negative here it does give everything A peculiar look very unique [Music] is yet another overlook we are by the way going all the way around the lake clockwise [Music] thank you [Music] trust me there's a lake back there you can barely see the island now from this side of the the lake here but we're just gonna continue driving around and [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] now on the Eastern side of the lake let's go for a little hike [Music] thank you [Music] very cool to see the sun shimmering on the lake as it slowly goes down on the west it almost looks like static an old analog TV I think it is getting worse the smoke I mean thank you [Music] foreign this is what it is supposed to look like [Music] really see the effect of the wind and all those trees let's continue on the Loop Road foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I think this is going to be our last Lake Overlook today it is called Phantom ship Overlook apparently the rock looks like a shipwreck [Music] now we're gonna go a little farther away from the lake to see the Pinnacles overlook [Music] and here we are and there is a short Trail to take in the views from slightly different perspectives it's it's very very cool obviously there is a lot more to see here than just the lake [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] Falls it is right here on the side of the road [Music] that's an even better View too [Music] thank you and we're back at the campground tomorrow we continue towards Idaho [Music] let's stop and read the interpretive sign we're here we stopped on the side of the road actually I had to fix the podcast check it out a vanished volcano that must be it right sure has that volcano look [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] we're going to spend one night at the Boise KOA before we continue towards where we left off at the Lewis and Clark Trail but since there were several videos already about that on this one we're just going to jump to just west of Astoria Oregon 10 days later where we're going to do the rest of the Oregon coast this time north to south [Music] let's stop real quick this is called nikani viewpoint named after the mountain just behind us great views of the coast from this higher vantage point [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] are for the Oregon coast Scenic Railroad which goes along the Tillamook coast Rockaway Beach very picturesque Town The train pulled by a steam locomotive goes from here to a nearby town called Garibaldi that's gonna be one spectacular train ride [Music] let's take a break if you haven't guessed our next stop is tillemuk but first here's the small town called Garibaldi the other Terminus of the Oregon coast Railroad [Music] foreign [Music] there's gonna be a nice view from here right not as good a view of the town as we had earlier but I'll take it [Music] and we are now in Tillamook home to the famous Creamery this is actually my second time here but the last time it wasn't nearly this full and it is only Tuesday well here we are we made it to Tillamook Creamery this place is packed I don't know if we're gonna be able to eat but this will see the place can't imagine what this place might look like on a weekend it is a relatively new beautiful and impeccably clean Visitor Center let's see how the sausage I mean the cheese is made last time they had cheese curds maybe they changed that after covert we have three different samples so you guys can take one thank you thank you well we were hoping to get something to eat but those lines are just too long I mean I don't know it's a Tuesday this place is packed so and you know me and lines so I think we're just gonna get something to eat at the at the RV we just went by Walmart so we uh we have plenty of the food and at least we got there the free samples which were very nice actually very abundant if I if you will [Music] and we're back by the Pacific Ocean [Music] we're not getting any ocean views on this section of the road here we are now arriving at Lincoln City a pretty sizable town [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] the pole Bay is another one of those towns that would have been great to spend some time here but today unfortunately we only have time for one more [Music] now arriving in Newport and here we have another one of those iconic Oregon coast bridges we're going to unhitch a little farther down the road and come back to explore a little bit ever since I saw the view from the bridge back in 2019 I said to myself we have to come back here and it turns out there's never enough time but at least we're gonna stop we're gonna stay at South Beach State Park [Music] let's go into town it is such a beautiful afternoon [Music] foreign [Music] some are not this one is not at least we have a nice view of the aquina bay here at the mouth of the Yaquina River [Music] most seafood and Chowder on the right most seafood and Chowder on the left this part seems nicer a little livelier but still not very busy on this Tuesday afternoon [Music] [Music] thank you Ripley's Believe It or Not believe it or not I've never been there oh this is nice let's park [Music] we can see the aquina Bay Bridge designed by engineer candy B McCullough and opened in 1936. and this picturesque Marina here with all these fishing boats [Music] it is picture perfect [Music] as you can hear we have a bunch of sea lions adding to the soundtrack here but as I suspected when I drove over that bridge back in 2019 I saw this town from the bridge and I thought that's a very cute Town looks kind of cute and it has not disappointed of course we're out of time so if this part of the trip seems very rushed just because it is we're out of time we we have to be in Indiana in less than a week so but you know I wanted to stretch out you know I could have just driven straight west from where we were but I want to do a little more of the coast and maybe on hitch here and there and see a town like Newport for example yeah we're running out of time we're gonna go around the bay and then we're going back to the campground to see the sunset yeah we'll continue the journey South tomorrow so South actually south and east Going Back East Bend Oregon [Music] [Music] at this point we're just exploring aimlessly but I wanted to see if we could get a better view of the bay and the bridge for that matter there it is not exactly what I was expecting but then again I didn't know what to expect the sun setting behind the bridge would have been a nice touch let's go back watch the sunset and color the night [Music] it is just a quarter mile walk to the beach thank you [Music] 1830 Shoreline all the way back here 1974 Shoreline I thought the water level was going up not down there's gonna be an explanation for this phenomenon thank you this by the way is going to be our last Pacific Ocean sunset for a while [Music] thank you there is a dense fog occulting The Horizon still a most beautiful sunset [Music] foreign [Music] South Beach State Park here actually very nice we're like a quarter mile trail to the beach as you saw yesterday and close to Newport we definitely have to return to this area and oops I did it again once again I come to the Oregon coast and we're in a rush but it is what it is today reluctantly we're gonna go England and start you know heading east return trip begins today but first we're gonna try to depart early today so we can see Bend Oregon has been recommended that we visit Bend it's going to be again just a couple of hours but it's better than nothing unfortunately we're having a little bit of a overcast today and it seems to be foggy at the coast so we'll see I'll still have all the cameras going just in case we catch some some nice views [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] RV pads interesting finally some nice unobstructed views of the ocean [Music] now approaching Waldport and what do you know the sun wants to come out as we Cross by the mouth of the alcia river [Music] those towns begging to be explored at more depth thank you [Music] foreign [Music] to the point where my front camera is useless Between the Ocean Mist and the fog maybe I'll look into getting some type of lens coating or something someone has to have invented something by now right I know people use toothpastes for snorkeling masks so more research shall go into this have arrived at Cape perpetua let's stop at the devil's turn they use area coming up here Trail of the Restless Waters half mile Loop shouldn't be too bad so let's do it this is Devil's chart by the way We Begin by going down some switchbacks these three years now we're getting some ocean views and it is no wonder they call it the trail of the Restless Waters [Music] now overlooking Cape Cove Beach as we zoom into Captain Cook's Point somewhere out there there's something called the Thor's Well and the sprouting horn that if you time them well with the tides they are supposed to be amazing to see but that parking lot is not RV friendly [Music] [Music] yet another great View [Music] oh they have that beach all to themselves opened up and up [Music] thank you let's go see all this from a higher perspective [Music] thank you this is a day use area and there is a short trail that goes to the cape Perpetual Lookout [Music] well yeah let's check out the view real quick and then away we go oh yeah That's The View [Music] let's take this short trail to the Lookout Point which is if memory serves is fantastic [Music] thank you [Music] all the frogs rolling back in so I don't know if we're gonna be able to see oh you can see a little bit that commanding view you see from this little structure here [Music] here's a closer look at Thor's well that must be it and the sprouting horn [Music] yeah what a great bird's eye view of this amazing coastline [Music] I look at that fog rolling in as that ghostly effect and maybe pretty soon we won't even be able to see this view it's a amazing view all right I'm gonna hike back to the car by the way it's it's a five dollar fee area here um for their use so um yeah this is our last spot pretty much that we're gonna stop on the Oregon coast I think unless we find like a Vista point along the the coast you know I want to take an iconic picture of of uh of Starship a minute in E3 you know for the website [Music] look at all the tidal pools down there [Music] and I cleaned my front lens again but we all know it won't last thank you this is the hasida headlight our final stop on the Oregon coast and this is perhaps the most famous lighthouse in Oregon and perhaps the whole Pacific Ocean foreign We're not gonna do the sand dunes this time around in fact we have to start heading Inland like pronto [Music] I've been saying goodbye to the Pacific since this morning when we left the campground but now for real we're going in then turn left onto Oregon 126 East until next year [Music] and we have a clean lens [Music] to be a long beautiful drive a good five hours at the very least but It's gotta be done anyway at the beginning it all looks kind of like this with a little bit of rain here and there [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] Bridge cool [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] here we are Bend Oregon and we're staying at this RV park called the camp very cool they have all these vintage trailers it is a little tight but that's to be expected from an old city RV park and they do tell you when you make the reservation that it is going to be tight [Music] well here we are Bend Oregon very cute RV park if tonight or tomorrow morning we have time I'll I'll show it to you I'll do a walk around but right now I feel like watching a movie so be kind remember to rewind [Music] talk about a blast from the past of course this will be the site of the last remaining Blockbuster Video and I think I have misplaced my membership card otherwise maybe we could rent a movie right that's something you know in in these days of of streaming and you know Netflix actually killed them back in the day when Netflix used to ship DVDs no no late fees but well all I can say is oh they have the sign I have to I have to this is so great I don't think I'm gonna go inside because you know why but check it out be kind please rewind I decided to go inside after all because I mean I had to maybe they'll refund me all my late fees maybe not I imagine this must really be like a museum nowadays right an unusual Time Capsule of a bygone era [Music] oh that was a good movie [Music] but I decided to come inside after all you know just for nostalgia's sake right this is really cool going down memory lane this is where you will return the movie and if you were late it was a late fee a hefty one all right let's continue Ben is in third place in the USA in breweries per capita so we have to visit at least one Brewery right foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] wait wait almost at random we decided to come to Cascade Lakes Brewing Company [Music] we got pretzel bites fish and chips and a burger [Music] let's go [Music] let me show you the outside here real quick this IPA was really good um Ellis fish and chips was really good too my burger was okay very nice and very good Ambience great service and uh and yeah I think this is the only thing we're really gonna do here in Bend um good but one of these days this is really cool they have this fire out here where you can sit down Outdoors too it's getting chilly especially for for my Florida pick up like that you know like a gondola so yeah I think we're gonna go back to the RV RV park now and tomorrow we're going to Idaho [Music] foreign ful trip back East for some other time don't know when but until then thank you so much for watching see you on the road on the road to Alaska perhaps [Music] riding in my RV
Channel: Traveling Robert
Views: 80,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rv life, RV travel, winnebago, micro minnie, free in my RV, travel, roadtrip, traveling robert
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 16sec (3376 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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