Exploring British High Society: A Look Inside Multi-Millionaire Lifestyles | Absolute Documentaries

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foreign [Music] Langsford and I'm Eamonn Holmes you forget that over 30 years in Telly we've been lucky enough to meet all sorts of people oh my goodness but what really fascinates us not is the rise of the mega rich 20 million dollars that is incredible 242 000 and it's a bargain the million pound watch making a million used to be a big deal but now we're living in the land of the billionaires some reason so we're going to enter the elite world for wealthy it doesn't matter you come from a wealthy family or not the value of money is important in every sense to find out who they are are you comfortable with your your wealth and your spending power how they make their money where's the value in this at 1.85 million and more importantly how they spend it this plan is 60 million US Dollars I'll take one thank you as we uncover How the Other Half Lives [Music] thank you horse and Hine since when did we have a subscription to Horse and Hound well we do know some doing my research because I was thinking if you had lots of money could you buy your way into this kind of world your high society what do you mean by High Society High higher we're talking well you know kind of I suppose I suppose States and they dress in Tweed and delicious damn and then we are us also the average person who they consider to be rich in this country and the chances are they'll say the upper classes with their stately homes exclusive social events and expensive public schools it's an age-old exclusive Club but is it or can anyone with loads of money buy their place amongst the Posh I mean there are phenomenal amounts of money around now people are billionaires so will old money except new money could you buy your way in so in this show if a super rich bank balance really can buy you class James why would some people maybe get the impression that you're a bit different we find out how much you'll have to pay I mean give me a ballpark figure what is it gonna cost me let's look at 900 000 per annum foreign where do you go looking for a taste of high society good place to start is with their social rituals across the summer you'll find the creme de La Crema de series of sporting events they call the season they Don their straw boaters at Henley Regatta their top hats at ascertain the Derby and watch grown men and women Thunder around a polo field do you understand what's happening sort of I read Julie Cooper [Music] you're used to going to events like this do you do the season do you do the the outskirts and the henleys and the wimbledon's and the yeah you've done all of it this year [Music] [Applause] thought by many to be the world's oldest team sport Polo has long been seen as an upper class Pastime after all princess Charles William and Harry are all accomplished players [Music] we have come to the Berkshire Polo Club to meet Jamie Morrison one of the biggest stars of the sport Jamie is the David Beckham of Polo he's the current England captain and once dated a spice girl he's also the chairman of the club his late Father Brian founded in the 1980s all of this was bought by your dad as some part of dream to let Ordinary People in dogs and color you know he had an Easter accent it was for me Stan he was a kind of boy done good and when he when he first went to get into Polo there was maybe a little bit of that kind of barriers to say well you know here he is all we're old money Army General this kind of stuff brought up in working class Hackney as a record publisher Jaime's father went on to amass and 90 million pound fortune in the 70s and 80s but his other great passion was Polo whether your background where you come from if you're a self-made man whatever Walk of Life you are if you can you know obviously afford to play You're Welcome in the sport and it wasn't long before the cream of high society were queuing up to be members am I right insane that his first member of the club was royalty he met Prince Charles playing Paul and became good friends with them and then Prince Charles actually I think he'd heard a rumor somewhere that he saw in this club so he actually he called up down and said I heard your son on this club but I'd love to become a members he was like well of course I have a chance to join so he was the first member there must be people though that joined because they think I might be rubbing shoulders the royalty the fact that William plays that Harry plays the Charles has played that must be a huge boost to this sport the boys play and they they do a lot for kind of charitable cause we raise lots of money and and I guess if you're lucky enough to play with them you know you can you can meet them and you can create relationship that's what it's all about like you say and if you want to play with Harry and wills you have to have your own Polo team and be a member of a club once you've paired for the horses players and membership fees that start at seven thousand Pounds a year you're talking a quarter of a million pounds before you've even whacked a ball have you played with them a few times yeah and what kind of players are they're good yeah they I mean when you're out on the field we're all equal yeah and we're trying to get each other and we're trying to trying to win the game we're trying to smash each other and all that all that good business and that's what they want you don't hold back if it's Prince William you say I don't care who you are mate I'm coming through with this well in fact he wouldn't want that either they want to be treated the same as everybody else Jeremy takes us up to the Champagne Bar so Ruth can get a better view there was some lovely sites just to be seen at Poland in terms of bloodstock yes sort of Argentinian bloodstock I've had my eye on I have to say tight job because some good looking horses see I I was brought up on the Julie Cooper Riders image of Polo it's a very social sport what's going on in the Stables back there Jamie that's what we want to know very sociably sociable that's exactly what it is [Music] yeah Polo was once called the sport of Kings because they were the only ones Rich enough to play but a new breed of millionaire has moved in on their Turf if you got the money to buy yourself a polo team does that get you right I would be very disappointed if you couldn't well I you know I guess you can in a sense as you say that you know that some of the people that play the game huge and wealthy people captains of industry guys that have you know huge companies multinationals and if I guess if you want to do business with these people and what better to meet them on a polar field rubbing Polo mallets with future kings doesn't come cheaply how much does a polo pony cost I can go and buy a horse 1500 quid or a thousand pounds and at the top level maybe a quarter of a million so what about a top Rider what kind of top Rider earn in a year the very best a player would could easily get to play two months of the Season here million pounds a million pounds a player it's like owning a football team so what is it about playing Polo that makes them spend so much time for us to have our first lesson and just make it get out a nice pendulum motion turn that's it oh yes I've got the inherent skills and the Knights of Sportsman there's muscle memory here with me it goes back a long way but it's all there in the body wow I Didn't Do It deliberately all right here we go again up nice yes well Jimmy I have to say this was a bit of fun uh for us although my wife took it a bit more seriously than I did but respect to anybody who has to go on that polo field with a live animal under them a very expensive animals Big Sticks it's probably one of the most dangerous sports in the world it's Unique in the fact that the owner or the sponsor of the team who plays can play with the world's best players it's almost like Abramovich playing for the Chelsea first team he's indulging his fantasy absolutely we'd like to meet one of these patrons so Jamie's arranged for us to give out the Winner's cup as an introduction right ladies and gentlemen Holmes and his wife Langford from presenting the prices this afternoon she's also titled Aristocrat Louisa watt is a partner at one of the highest grossing law firms in the world foreign with a revenue just short a 450 million dollars you are the patron as it's called right so you have selected that team you've in fact employed that team you've bought them in yeah you're obviously happy with what you've got absolutely yeah it's like playing with uh David Beckham so there's not many uh Sports so you can do that you pay them all so there's your recipe but they're responsible for winning so they're worth it they're worth it team can cost up to 2 million pounds a year why does this make sense to you as an individual I bet that it's lovely to be out in the country and in the weather and just competing out here in the adrenaline buzz and hi is your adrenaline buzzing at the moment it's desperate for a champagne immediately [Music] it seems then that serious money not just breeding in class can help you buy your way in to the sport of Kings [Music] it's that gorgeous or whatever and I believe I can run a piece of marathon thank you very much download v-lee now what we're learning is that one of the Privileges super wealth brings you is a chance to rise above your social standing and yet some would say no amount of money can never buy you class but if you have the cash can you buy it for your kids the super rich are increasingly investing in their family's future status if you start with the basics of getting into High Society surely you have to do that at school first generation can have money but if they really want to get their family in there it's through school isn't it use your children the right schools send them to the right school pay for them to be at the light school all their mates all their friends are from the top echelons I think for a lot of these um private and public schools especially when their borders those friends often become friends for life oh we want to know if a private education really can give your child a leg up the social ladder and what does it cost this is stole School in buckinghamshire in the mid-1800s it was the private home of vikon Cobham who at the time was one of the country's richest men but since 1923 younger members of high society have been coming here to be educated and today it costs over thirty thousand pounds a year to send your child here this would be called assembling because it's where the Headmaster would gather all the boys together and conduct a roll call [Music] princely Miranda 750 Acres and if you look up it's amazing you will see the wow factor wow very much the wealth absolutely right but the fees are just the start once you throw in uniforms books and field trips to privately educate your child for more than five years can cost you north of 300 000 well for that I'd expect a bit of social climbing do people not feel connected or they want to be connected through stool to High Society to the Shakers and movers to the top people in the business world I don't think that's necessarily something that comes from Stow I think it comes from aspiration now obviously when you're on a place like this you are inspired by the people who have gone before so it isn't just about being part of the the international glitterati it's about connecting with a deeper and a perhaps more profound intellectual past Stills alumni is like a who's who of success stories Sir Richard Branson David Niven and most recently Superman himself Henry Cavill are all old stoics it's also been in the papers for its Royal connections two former girlfriends of Prince Harry Chelsea Davey and Cressida bonus both came here so do the pupils feel it's a good way to get ahead in life I thought I'd ask the head boy for your parents it's been a big investment what would you say to them as regards a return on their money do you think it was money well spent yes I'd yes I do um I mean my my dad would probably kill me if I said it wasn't definitely get your your money's worth the cost may be high but still seems positively cheap compared to the most expensive School in the world Larose and Switzerland costs eighty thousand pounds a year to attend but no less than seven former monarchs have been educated here so it's a good place to meet a future king Harry you're mixing with the creme de La Creme of society here at this school are you aware that that's going to be a passport for you in future life to High Society I think you are very aware of who people are here um especially when they are from as you say the creme de La Creme of society so business families diplomats and that sort of thing um yes we're aware of the fact that there will probably be some very helpful friends in later life but you don't consider that you just get on with your studies and you have a good time with your friends um no matter who they are you feel that there is something about being here that is going to form you as a man for the years ahead yeah and I think um we're especially lucky having girls here I was a it never happened to me for 14 years and I had boys only yeah I went yeah I was at a prep school with all boys yeah um and I'd literally never spoken to a girl before I came here and suddenly you're absolutely surrounded by them and it is quite an odd experience but you just get used to them and you feel a lot more comfortable around them women at half of the world and to take that half out of your education I think is is a massive loss and for us to have that we're we're really lucky you'll go far the fact that women are so important to you I'll Stand By You Well tuition fees have tripled at public schools in the last 10 years and with millionaire parents becoming ever more picky all the top schools are having to find new ways to attract new money at Stone not only can your child board their horse can too when I was at school all we had was a mouse in the lab Headmaster I have never seen anything like this before nor did I expect anything like this so basically the pupils can not so much bring their pets but bring their their horses to school there are a few other schools that have Stables but we want to be unique we want to be different we wanted to stand out and when you see horses cantering around the fields or on the cross-country calls it somehow works for Stow how much would it cost me to bring my horse to school if you have to ask the question I mean you probably can't afford it ask for a pay rise so do the pupils have to ever come and muck out and groom no we do all the day-to-day care of the horses um so they just come down in the afternoons and ride them how lovely I suppose for some of these pupils this is what they used to at home perhaps yeah yeah they often come from families that you know have had horses for Generations I'm thinking back to my school doesn't really compare to this we didn't have any sports fields to do we didn't have any horses either I can see the benefits of investing in your child's future but it may be a while before you see a return what if you want a slice of upper class life right now the answer is to buy your very own country pile this is ainho Park in Oxfordshire on the outside it's an imposing 17th century grade one listed building but inside it's an Aladdin's cave [Music] it's owner James Perkins bought it 12 years ago and its estimated value nog is somewhere between 15 and 20 million pounds James why would some people maybe get the impression that you're a bit different you mean the rocking horse zebra or the Unicorn James isn't what you would call traditional land of gentry he built his fortune run in a record label in the 80s and 90s by 1993 when he was just 24 his business was turning over more than seven and a half million pounds a year in today's money since then the multi-millionaire has been into property development and by 2003 had made enough to achieve his dream of owning a stately home so this might not have been what you're expecting but of course this dates back to 1790 and then I've added my Twist on it like so many country houses ainho had been in generations of the same family for 300 years until the 1950s when it became a retirement home for landed gentry when it went into financial trouble James stepped in and since then he's filled it with his collection of old and new art and collectibles so when you bought the house did you have this vision of how it would be inside because it's not at all you'd expect the decor to be in what's effectively a stately home when I'm first moved in there were lots of Twee old ladies Furniture in here a bit second hand and someone said to me you've done it this time haven't you how on Earth are you going to film this place things are on the move all right well bye then like the migration that's Steve the zebra is on his way he lives in the um ordinarily lives in the dining room we have the movement this time of night so he doesn't escape more and more country houses like ainhoe are coming on the market because the families that have lived in them for Generations can no longer afford them so many people who find themselves bequeath this sort of thing or looking after it they can't pay for it I think the problem they have is they've not willingly taken this on they've been given something and have an obligation to take it on I've chosen to take and take this on and live out my um if you like fantasy and that I want to live in it as they were originally be lived in what is the big dream once you have something like this it looks wonderful but where does it sort of sap your energy and your bank balance well I try to be positive but light bulbs are can be an issue faced within holes 39 rooms 400 acres and 1100 light bulbs even a multi-millionaire like James had to find a way to pay for its upkeep so he and his family live here for all but 60 days of the year when the entire house can be hard for a whole weekend for 25 000 pounds if you pass our sort of small vetting process I let the house out for some 60 days of the year and we let people come and use it for special celebrations [Music] if you wanted to come and do a rave which is something I might have been involved in years ago I'd probably say no Kate Moss Sienna Miller and Liam Gallagher have all been guests Formula One World Champion Sebastian Vettel was even allowed to drive his racing car up the driveway upstairs There are 16 guest Suites to explore so we have given James the slip and headed for a good Snoop around the sleeping quarters [Music] remind you of anyone you know sadly not Rose yeah what's the opposite of a mini bar Maxi bar I've combined one the whole room that is a mini bar would you not die of thirst in here that's for sure hey one two three there we go I haven't got up I don't know I don't want no leave me alone I get altitude sickness no no no no no no I'm getting dizzy just looking at you the original house was designed by Sir John son who also built the bank of England think of the stuff polar bears and alligators that Patrol its corridors now Eamon ah she used to be in the master suite look it's incredible a life-size impression of your foot no I lie no I lie it's smaller than your thoughts it's an assault on the senses and the sensibilities and I think he's done it really well and here's a model for other people who run stately homes it's not that you go pheasant shooting the pheasants are really shocked and they're here in the in the house that you you could spend a year here and probably not see everything or see a different thing and every time you walk into another room yeah I mean it is fascinating and he's fascinating and you know I loved about him he loves this house yes I think his Joy de vivre just breathed through the whole building I'm going to try and find my other foot okay right James pad Millions to fulfill his stately home dream but many of today's Super Rich are going one step further they want the full Downton Abbey experience butlers chambermaids even a chauffeur they will spend fortunes to be waited on hand and foot your money buys your staff staff buy you time right so if you've got say a chef or a cook you're not involved in as I would be peeling potatoes and things for the lunch that day in that kitchen and doing the dishes all those things it's done for you the garden's done for you the car is filled up with petrol for you all these things being in London particularly a driver imagine having a driver at your beck and call I'll just be half an hour and yeah meet me out there and I won't have a ticket or be clamped when I come out again when if I have had a parking ticket I didn't say you did I'm just saying but if you had staff you definitely wouldn't we want to know how much it costs to have servants at your beck and call so we're meeting Jacqueline Thompson whose company provides the below stairs staff for London's wealthiest people just supposing I had the heist I had the family to go in it mom dad two kids two dogs maybe a pony out the back or something who knows and I had the money how much would it cost me to crew out the heist we could look at a private Chef yes definitely 100 probably a hundred thousand what I'm hoping that you have the accommodation perhaps to house this time yes we've got to house them as well yeah okay 100 000 right these prices are high but the super rich can be seriously demanding on holiday in San Tropez P Diddy's personal Valley Fonzworth Bentley was obliged to follow his master with a parasol in hot weather I would suggest a head housekeeper head high school again we're probably looking 60 000 60 Grand right okay we need a gardener because we'll have a nice guy yes and you might need a head Gardener and an under Gardener oh so let's put those together so it's a fifth another fifty thousand fifty thousand I need somebody to drive me out yeah yeah um again probably 40 to 50 000. would the chauffeur clean the car as well the chauffeur will clean the car and organize anything to do with the cars kind of anything you would fill up Roots water bottle because her window washers are awesome it's the demands of the foreign Super Rich that have helped drive up the salaries of domestic staff a top English butler living abroad can command a salary of up to 300 000 pounds a year even a lowly crew member on one of the mega richest super Yachts can earn from three thousand pounds a week what about my ladies Matey's land and a valley right two separates so the ladies made high-end ladies made now come on to salary of forty thousand and I'd pay that two of those yes okay that's another oh a messed up listen it's went off the scale there for me I'm losing track here I mean give me a ballpark figure what is it going to cost me let's look at 900 000 per annum let's not [Laughter] let's turn that off so it looks like I'll be doing the washing up and the garden for the foreseeable future correct darling so far we've seen that a high society lifestyle can cost a fortune whether it's thousands to rub shoulders with royalty on the polo field or send your kids to private school hundreds of thousands on staff or Millions on a country house but these are just the trappings of the upper class if you really want to be accepted in High Society you need to rub shoulders with the poshest of the Posh Ruth yeah where do you see this what guess what I've done I have just gone and got us tickets to one of the events of the social season have you now how large it are where we're going we are going to the Henley Royal Regatta that's boats just in case yeah I know it's boats it's okay since 1839 Henley is where the well to do have dressed up to be seen Henley is again very strong on the social side no ambitious dab dare miss it and perhaps the only occasion where the male headgear is more colorfully eccentric than the female it's pretty Posh here this five-day Brewing competition is one of the events of high society's social calendar so that's good news then there's the bad news oh there's bad news what's the bad well the bad news is to do with dress code right for ladies you ladies are required to wear dresses or skirts with a hemline below the knee and they will not be admitted wearing divided skirts cloths or trousers of any kind oh it's very strict you can't wear my hot pants or anything or anything High Society loves to dress up and every event has its strict dress code at Ascot Formal Wear is required but gentlemen who are lucky enough to be in the Royal enclosure must wear a top hat and morning dress whilst the ladies also have to cover up from head to toe but the dress code at Henley is even stricter anyone in any of the members only sections has to comply I'm expected to look something like that laughs I have a cornet with a flake please and a bit of strawberry sauce a 99 coming up [Music] so who better to ask for advice than the dressmaker to the queen Royal couturier Stuart Parvin has dressed the cream of High Society for over a decade no one knows more about what a lady should wear when attending such an exclusive event [Music] I'm going to Henley and they tell me because I'm going to the stewards enclosure that there's a very strict dress code there is a very strict dress code so they said you know all about it I know what we're doing so let's let's see what we can find you thank you Stewart has designed outfits for foreign Royals Tycoon wives and famously Zara Phillips's wedding dress when it comes to High Society dress codes the key is to know what to avoid you can't wear this one for instance why that's very nice it's very nice it's too short too short no sleeves so how how on your knees where is it the dress you've got on it will be fine but they should be below the knee this this will come above that's very pretty this is beautiful because this gives you that longer skirt if I turned up in the blue dress which is above the knees sleeveless what actually happened to me well there are stories of people happen to like to take their jacket and wrap it around their knees they're all buffers they're quite strict I don't want that to happen good looking jacket around the knee but if for distance we got something like this little jacket which then is also light it's in a it's in a raffia fabric looks great with the white print should I try this one let's try the dress which is going to be so perfect for you thanks to Stuart I won't be committing a social faux pas but I'm interested in what it's going to cost me to fit in without sounding vulgar talking money but you know each dress so this dress how much would that cost I mean you're looking at something like about two and a half thousand pounds and then about about two to two and a half thousand pounds for a jacket but you might want to wear it more than once five thousand pounds for a twin set for the back here we come I have to say I think you couldn't do any better really Stuart Parvin loves my shoes unlike other Society events the men at Henley get just as much attention for their sartorial choices as the women an eye-catching Blazer and Club tie are dirty girl so I need Amon to look the part [Music] this is the Blazer shop this is where it's all going to happen my appointment is Royal Highness the Prince of Wales suppliers of buttons Badges and Military neckwear yes what you're going to look like when you come out of here a lot better than when I went in I would have thought hello hi Benson and Clegg have been dressing well-heeled gentlemen for more than 70 years thank you very much they were the official tailors to the Queen's father King George VI and had a royal warrant since 1944. for a price they'll provide you with a jacket that is a complete one-off finished with luxury bespoke buttons you go for a solid gold 24 karat gold Blazer button so that would stay injuring at about ten thousand pounds for that set for that set for your one Blazer indeed stop stop ten Grand there's a choice of styles oh no double-breasted no no no it's old-fashioned double-breasted have a single breasted that's better that's much nicer a bit big it seems a little bit long we can uh we can adjust those that's no problem and then there's the all-important fabric what is this okay so this is a very special cloth this is made from a cashmere and vacuuma and it's mustard span this would uh set you back around about 1500 pounds per meter a meter so there's a lot of meters on me so so there is if you've been adding this up in your head well I was just thinking actually because you go ten thousand pounds for the real gold buttons that's going to be about 10 000 pounds if you had that per meter isn't it correct so already I'm up to 20 000 pounds per Blazer without any of the badges and yes Refinery indeed and people spend that yes I mean not every day but yes we do get clients that will uh indulge in something like that and would that be something would they hand those down through families or does that go from father to a son or do they all like their own they can do that's the idea of the bespoke Garment I had uh bespoke garments in recently they were 150 years old wow so and they were still been worn so what do we think are we liking this for Henley a bit of tweaking there's a little bit of tweaking but uh we can change the buttons shorten the sleeves no problem I think we look very smart all I need is a hat where would I go to to get a heart there's a great hat maker down the road on St James called lock right and when we're talking about a hat what sort of heart are we talking about again so it's like straw yes it's a straw hat with a with a hat band on it most definitely no don't make him well I think you look fantastic all coming together the higher echelons don't seem very keen on anything newfangled so it's no surprise that we're now going to the world's oldest hat shop they've been knocking out headgear In This Very building since 1765. [Music] Andrew my name is Eamon and I'm looking for a boater Rachel does it have to be a boater for Henley because it's just not strictly necessary boaters they originally were designed for the Royal Navy back in the late 19th century the sailors hat yeah it was midshipman I see myself more as Captain rather than midshipman but anyway do you think he'll suit a boater it probably would work but I personally I think you'd look better in a Panama Lego sailor no oh nearly nearly what sort of price we're talking about these ones are 275. I think for me I think it's that one I think it's that one yes yeah we agreed sold yeah I'm happy pick it up so far we've racked up a bill of more than 25 000 pounds on just one day trying to keep up with the La Dee Da but our Posh day out is about to get a lot more expensive the aspiring Nouveau Super Rich might not have the bridging or a title but they will sign up for a VIP Henley package so that's what we've done come on you gotta see this Hanley will be over there seven thousand pawns you get to stay in a five-star hotel then you get flown to the event by helicopter or in my wife's Case by limousine I don't like flying I don't like helicopters it's too hot today you'll be sorry you'll be sorry you'll be sitting in traffic forever now your Hat's in there your ties in there don't forget your tie because they won't let you in and it's my lunch in there no no lunch you pack me a drink when we get there you're gonna get there before me you get the drinks in I will get there before be good be safe yes I will see you there [Applause] it takes just 30 minutes to fly to Henley from London I don't know why Eamon is always a one-way helicopter ride can cost you more than 1200 pawns but there's no queuing for the car park and Henley has its own helipad or field within meters of the action thank you very much indeed for all of that High civilized talking of civilized [Music] the Regatta takes place on a mile and a half stretch of the river [Music] can sit in the tool path and watch it but wannabe Posh Super Rich welcome on board thank you Captain the paired for the luxury package get up close to the Roars from their own motor launch complete with champagne and at last because we've dressed immaculately and expensively to blend in with our Bettors it's off to the VIP areas to see what all the fuss is about now have I got a view for you how fast this is what the IP access gets you this is what you pay for then oh yes look well it's better than football isn't it look at this glorious weather a beautiful calm tranquil River gorgeous people to admit it's better than Man U are you just trying to be annoying yeah I am down by the river we're kept said by white picket tickets yeah not sure I think things have changed it's quite relaxed around here the Hat very necessary very very nice there's not that many I've seen a few boaters men in boaters but not as many as I thought yeah maybe this isn't the really push bit yet I think we're only mediumly pushed right I think you can get pasture and posture what I don't like is being told you have to wear a certain thing so why does it matter what length my dress is today why does it matter spreading the dress thing not really regretting it it's a very nice dress it's just not me whereas I think I'm getting more pretentious as as I become immersed in all of this and I'm becoming less aware that I am wearing a uniform so you don't mind looking like a twitch all day then it's been great doing Handley the VIP way but the whole day has cost us nearly new lights and ponds and now we're in the VIP enclosure the only difference between us and everyone else is that we're dressed to the nines and I'm not entirely sure it was worth it I can just arrive at Henley on the train and walk down the river the thing is that money affords you is doing it in style do it in luxury access you know access to that Finish Line access to a beautiful boat a little bit of confidence sorry I was just a little bit distracted some very fit young men here swimming it gives you the old stick come on Captain our journey into the world of the upper classes has taken us from stately homes to Polo Fields and what's clear is that just because you have the trappings of high society doesn't mean you're in the club I think money can buy you access anywhere you can buy access into High Society you can get there would you be accepted by them necessarily I think I would have the confidence to mix with them they wouldn't intimidate me but you could Bluff your way but you wouldn't have the confidence no you're right actually I could Bluff my way for a day but then they wouldn't like it if I wanted a kebab on the way home would they after a few drinks a few drinks no and your true side comes out yes you know very well very well in the back of cards yes
Channel: Absolute Documentaries
Views: 483,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Absolute Documentaries, Ruth Langsford, affluent neighborhoods, affluent society, dazzling wealth, designer labels, elite lifestyle, extravagant homes, extravagant tastes, high society living, high-class community, lavish entertainment, luxury travel destinations, millionaire mindset, moneyed elite, multi-millionaires, opulent lifestyle, privileged class, rich and famous, upscale leisure activities
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 29sec (2429 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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