Piers Morgan On - Marbella Season 2 (Full Documentary)

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[Music] just over there sheltered under the Lee of that mountain lies the world's most surprising resort home to Saudi princes Hollywood stars European royalty billionaire tycoons multi-millionaire footballers the combined wealth adds up to more than most South American countries but it's where this is that my surprised you most it's not Malibu or Monte Carlo it's not Barbados or Bora Bora know that my friends hold on to your designer sunglasses is my bear [Music] [Music] [Music] my bear is a classic contradiction A Tale of Two Cities they're probably know one of them from the tabloids Costard L crime there was a shooting where literally they sprayed the hairdresser's with bullets closed up Brits abroad where's the champagne spray parties Billy for the thing is you don't drink it also well 60 by Central if I was running my bear then it would be cleaned up but there's more to this town and binging Brits wannabe wags and drug fuelled gangs there's a lion nap I'm gonna show you a mob bear you may not even know exists one there's also much cost adult crime has cost a hell of a lot it's pretty ugly but how much is 16 thousand euros sixteen thousand euros for a handbag this stuff with million-pound mansions wait we don't have big house we don't like big houses what's this overflowing with luxury boats boozing with flash cars and has more than a few resident billionaires to go with them this has got to be 10 million quid wasn't my berries on the infamous Costa del Sol Spain's most southerly Mediterranean Mecca we were there were 300 days a year of glorious sunshine it's hardly surprising this bit of coast is so popular with us Brits 300,000 live here and a further two and a half million visit every year [Music] I'm driving the Golden Mile it runs east-west alongside the Med and links my Bears past and present behind me is the old town the Spanish Christians retook from the original Muslim invaders back in the 15th century my left here is the world-famous Marbella Club for the magic of this place really all began it was a hotel the first attracted film stars back in the 50s kick-starting my bear is an exclusive resort up here you have the mosque it was built by King Fahd of Saudi Arabia as it gifts to the local people and tugs up there you have the famous White House which again King Fahd built as his summer residence the Saudis still come every summer spending millions on their annual holiday all along here is Gulf Valley there are more courses per head in Marbella than anywhere else in the world and tucked away behind those trees suitably furtive is milady palace where he or she can indulge their wildest fantasy and it can wondering why it's called the Golden Mile well there's one very good reason square meter per square meter this place is more expensive than even London's Mayfair if my bear were a goose then this really is the golden egg so what kind of person has a home here and just how rich do you have to be to live on the front row I've been invited to take a look inside loriana reputedly one of the most impressive of Mar bears mega mansions my guide is John Davis John how are you welcome welcome to loriana I'm looking forward to this John is a property developer who creates these seafront havens and manages them for the wealthy owners Wow I'll give a short delay I will let's cut to the quick here what would that cost about one hundred and fifty thousand pounds huh what about this or the tapestry here that's a very special one there's three of those in the world and that's up over a million a quarter stitches a square meter and what would that cost I think it's valued between 350 400 thousand up but that's just chicken feed the rest of the carpets in the house cost a whopping two million pounds thank goodness I didn't step in anything on the way I'm not allowed to tell you who owns this place suffice to say he's a British knight of the realm who is worth more than the Queen did here he comes here his summer holidays the rest of the year he lets it out the colors are good today with a seat beautiful absolutely beautiful the main house is just five bedrooms that is a three bedroom holiday cottage under the lawn with his own pool and gross over the kids a further four bedroom guest house in case friends pop round and this another four bedroom house and the gardens for the servants now what have we here ah Roman spa fully stocked gym saunas steam rooms some strange barfing tool probably cinema look that and of course if you're super rich and you fall ill what better than having your own little private hospital so these I mean these aren't are they oh they're not real gold but they're very expensive taps like what well I would say for the main four or five bathrooms in the house you've got you're gonna spend over quarter million euros on tap staff fear so John here's the master bedroom and I could quite happily wake up to this every morning not bad at and this is the view you would wake up to spectacular unbelievable it tell me as we stand here I mean if this was to go on the market tomorrow what would it cost me very hard to value peers but all I can tell you is it generates a very good rental income like one it's been renting out for fifteen to twenty thousand euros a month a day a day yeah twenty thousand euros a day in the high season twenty thousand a low season 15,000 minimum and who pays that I mean it what type of person people so taking that rental income as my guide my calculations value this property at a staggering seventeen million pounds not exactly cheaper even half the price as you want a glimpse the kind of people who can afford that you may want to try the port we're coming now to the other end of the Golden Mile the place that most Brits might assume is the real Marbella the sport a burnoose with his fabulous famous harbour it's here that you'll find the glitzy bars and chic restaurants since its opening in nineteen seventy Mortimer news has been associated with conspicuous consumption and sophistication this is Bond Street with a tan the pool reflects an insatiable desire to be admired around here it's simply having a few million quid in the bank is nowhere near enough because the bigger your boat the nearer you want to park it to the restaurants the more expensive the wardrobe more you have to dress up and show it off and the flashy of the car the more you have to drive it round and round trying to get noticed being a somebody in Marbella bloody hard work those with cash love nothing more than spending it which is not difficult in the places crammed with 40 of the world's top designer stores Karren Brady the XMD of Birmingham City Football Club and now sidekick to Lord Sugar and The Apprentice owned a flat in the port when it comes to shopping she's in their Premier League looks like I've just been hired as an apprentice bag boy just when I thought we couldn't possibly shop anymore friend you know this has to be right up your street I do like Fendi I have to say you know I've got I've got one or two little Fendi pieces ya know it has to be said I mean I'm missing a price tag yet how much is all this gear I think peers if you have to ask the price you can't afford it but what all the WAGs really come here for is a quality handbag no matter what the price excuse me how much is this one sixteen thousand euros sixteen thousand euros for a handbag the peers who buys this stuff who buys it not exactly how most of their customers react I imagine so just how much money is sloshing around these shores how rich are the people in mother oh there's some really truly truly wealthy people and lots of people that want to be close to the glamour that's why they come to Marbella that's why they're down in the port there in the shops and they're all just here nosing around seeing what's going on you've got one side of it which is very elegant beautiful homes to live in wonderful shops then on the other side you've got the stag dues the Hindus the people staggering out of clubs at five o'clock in the morning but actually both sides are quite fun you know it's the Euro trash element of Marbella it's a part of its Euro I mean part of his trash yeah exactly so there's cost a lot and cost a little but in my tale of two cities what is it that makes the rich want to live here I'll be visiting a mountaintop housing estate for millionaires where hardly anybody actually lives my own sake 15 to 20 million for a place that is unoccupied Oh hardly annually chalky I was like when he's down there on the flip side just how trashy is Marbella [Music] and what's it like to end up on the wrong side of crime in the castas woke up one morning to find out we've been broken into we've been gassed knocked out so we didn't hear anybody in the seriously you would get if you're super rich and fancy living in the Sun there are a number of options there's Monaco for the snobs for a fine and sophistication the South of France brings otic Paradise Barbados at the roar excitement you can't beat Miami but Marbella that's always struck me as a kind of poor man San Tropez where Lobster red Brits come to guzzle their beer scoff their chips and read their daily current but so why is it that people who can afford to live anywhere on earth come in such numbers to live in Marbella well for one thing there's the weather my bear has a near-perfect microclimate with average temperatures of 20 degrees all well and good but if you're a multi-millionaire you don't want to be scrapping over your Sun Lounger you want exclusivity security and the chance to lord it over everybody else well heading to the hills and you'll find it down there is like a letter one of the most exclusive housing estates in the entire world the starters an average plot here will set you back a cool 4 million quid a pretty penny for a chunk of hillside but once you build your luxurious mansion you can probably expect to double your investment at the very least it seems some places are just recession-proof construction is frenetic here and property values rising over time it measures 2,200 acres has 50 kilometers of road criss crossing it it also boasts two golf courses stables tennis courts a bowling alley a gourmet restaurant and a nightclub but here's the weird thing about it most of the houses there remain empty all year long their owners only use them for about two weeks of the year which I guess makes it Butlins for the billionaire [Music] to get into this private hilltop hideaway you need to be escorted from the main gate by a resident or you might get shot it's the little things like 24-hour armed security dog patrols CCTV and a barbed wire perimeter fence to make a multi-millionaire feel secure inside resident Graham Fisher is waiting to guide me the three kilometers to a particular slice of mountainside where he lives with his wife Barbara when they're not back at their Barbados residence that is oh my God look at the view that's incredible isn't it that's why we bought this house because that was the view Graham sold his UK chemical company beggarman 90s made enough money for him and Barbour to find themselves on my bare super-rich list albeit near the bottom something there endearingly embarrassed about is this one of the bigger ones in the area not actually really what would it rank it's one of the smallest section no it is what we don't like big houses were happy we don't like big houses what's this we've got about 700 square meters or what's out seven a half thousand square feet of indoor living space but you don't like big hands but we've got pals me with to thousands of houses yeah so it's all relative yes amar bear yeah look at the view that you've got from the porter Bhanu's yeah 180 degrees round to Gibraltar and behind your broad so you can see Morocco that is actually yeah that's Africa correct Wow it's 120 miles away there's room it's on a good day you could yes if you're David Walliams it's a Dilek safe and isolated perfect for hiding away but all these houses are worth between 5 and 20 million yes yeah sly it's not easy to find one for five but basically it's like a secluded oasis for very rich people right and us a Grimm let's be honest I'm not sensing poverty here Graham and whose is that huge place just in front of us there as far as I'm aware it belongs to a German family but we've never seen lights all in it it's never in use my or took you 15 to 20 milli yes for a place that is unoccupied Oh hardly anything jokey pants like when he's down there and there are a few Russians here yeah the mayor of Moscow Moscow where a musket would you ever sit here and think I chew it we're a bit lonely up here well no I know because the English Wow we'll stick together wherever we go anywhere in the world my lobsters together video 5 dr. money Barbara the girls were visits oh it's great party house yeah we have some great you did but it's a minute is a very nice secure place that's why we came there really it is problem is it completely safer yes I always think it's probably one of the safest places in Europe so the price of safety in this town is 20 million pounds give or take a few Bob an awful lot to shut out to ensure your parties aren't gatecrash by unwanted visitors but then this is the cost of del crime the stretch of coastline was first dubbed the coastal no crime back in the late 70s after some of our most notorious crooks came out here to enjoy the Sun and to avoid getting nicked while the UK and Spain were arguing of extradition treaties the likes of Freddie Foreman the crazed enforcer and Ronnie Knight Barbara Windsor's gangster ex we're hearing during their ill-gotten gains and British hoodlums are still here but things have changed Marva is now International melting pot of criminals and they're all after a slice of the action of course why there are so many criminals living in such a small place they're about to be differences of opinion in the last few years along the small stretch of Spanish suburbia they're having a whole spate of gangland shootings three people shot in broad daylight in that restaurant another person shot up here on the right and a married couple machine gun to death a little further down the road in this town you don't want to mess with the wrong people you see with Morocco just a short boat trip away Spain is the preferred route for bringing illegal substances into Europe consequently you'll find more than just a few drug barons hanging around someone who knows all about the illicit goings-on is Wendy Clarkson no he's on a drug baron he's a journalist who's written a few books on my Bears underworld he now lives and works here well it's fertile ground so Wensley tell me about crime in Marbella what's so weird about this place piers is that you can sit on the beach as a tourist have a lovely time in the Sun drink your pina colada at the bar on the beach and 20 yards behind you might be a brothel or 20 yards behind that might be a drug barons house and then 20 yards behind that might be a couple of criminals threatening each other with a gun they're here because money attracts criminals sunshine attracts criminals elapsed police force attracts criminals and all the elements are here this is why it's the melting pot of criminality that it is yeah if you were brought up flogging the odd bit of cocaine in Bulgaria you be much happier flogging the old bit cocaine here 40% of all of Europe's cocaine comes through Spain really I mean that speaks for itself how much of what I'm looking at would you say has been paid for with dodgy money statistically about 60 to 70 percent of the new buildings that have been construct in the last 30 years here come from black money that's illegal money and it's helped fuel this entire economy it wouldn't exist without it have you seen the Marbella crime scene evolved over the years instead of having friendly old time British villains who are nice to women children we've actually got hard-nosed Russian gangsters eat other Eastern Europeans these are people who take no prisoners there there they will order a hit on an honour on an enemy and they don't care if their wife and children are killed at the same time and is that actually happening in Marbella I mean this is not just myth this is it sure this is going up it's going on all the time there was a shooting in a hairdressers not that long ago where literally they sprayed the hairdresser's with bullets they didn't care about the other people who were killed and injured but they got the man they were after I don't dispute what you're saying is true but are you slightly exaggerating this because when I've walked around Marbella it all seems relatively safe well they're not popping out from behind trees of Lugar's piers but they're there it's an underbelly it's an undercurrent of criminality because this is the center the epicenter of criminality in Europe without shadow of doubt hmm perhaps I'll give that haircut a Miss so maybe my bear is actually a tale of three cities the millionaire's the boozy Brits and the criminals simply don't really see the drug deals and corruption going on or do you and times gone by my bears dirty dealing wasn't always consigned to the shadows this is a 500 euro note or as they call them over here a psalm of bin laden's because although 40% of the --use entire supply allegedly passes through Spain you never actually see one I'm the reason for that is that most of these out here get passed like this under tables black money deals with the order of a daydream affairs unprecedented 15-year building bonanza which began in the early 90s when property prices went crazy the boom was fueled by corrupt mayors and officials who granted thousands of illegal permits to build on restricted land today the carcasses of fortune and overdevelopment litter this coastline as a symbol of the unrestrained greed in a town with an oversupply of houses and hit by recession that their failed business is strewn everywhere and three of my buyers top hotels going under prices fell by almost 25 percent along this coast it's left thousands of Brits who bought into the idea of a dream place in the Sun seriously burnt in the end three mayors went to jail and the whole Marbella council was disbanded so you'd imagine they'd be burning effigies of a terrible trio well not quite the most notorious of the jailed mayors a late hazers hill is revered by locals as a modern-day Robin Hood who created the thriving Marberry of today mashaallah Steven used and explained to me the alternative view of the corruption they came here with next to nothing started next pad newspaper from scratch and judging my what's in their garage I've done rather well for themselves Michelle looking magnificent if you don't mind me saying thank you the greatest nails like I've ever seen in my life take me back to when you first came to Marbella what was going on here then at that time we were just at the end of the last recession it was just starting to recover there was still a lot of property that was half built never finished from the previous recession and then who Zeus Hill came along and even when he was the mayor he was the mayor as a mayor for eleven years now there's some things he did wrong some things he did right but he went to jail so as a matter of right yeah well he went so he went to jail because he approved some some things that you shouldn't have approved he was taking bums for property developers right yes yes in millions and millions a year oh yes so yeah actually he probably don't mind me suggesting this other thesis he's actually far from being Robin Hood it he's robbing food no and II say was Robin Hood if he was the standard Spaniard on straigh even today the average Spaniard will say to you all done a minute he fed us he course he did but he's creating an entirely false black market well they're all on the take if I'm black money was everywhere no one paid any tax and you've all made a fortune no wonder he's popular he stopped petty crime Saddam Hussein had his moments yeah but he kept it off himself he didn't get into the populist because he gave back he's a hero there's no hero but at the end of the day his heart was in the right place let's say he was trying to promote Marbella he kind of set the standard over a series of unbelievably corrupt mayor's I mean the whole place was swimming in dodgy cash wasn't it you can't send that you have got I can't say this true you've got the rule in jail how many Spanish you're all endowed with respect how many Marbella mayor's were residing at King Juan Carlos's pleasure um well there was three however just the three of them you can come to this country and say that is corruption when you psyche and rule in jail there is but there's that there is that everywhere and is it for the good or is it for the bad here I think a lot of it was for the good of course ironically he then spawned with his behavior the arrival of some pretty heavy criminal gangs gangsters yeah and you yourselves in the end fell victim to these people yes what was that well well caught one morning feeling very groggy and with a thick head and I went downstairs to find out we'd been broken into and subsequently realized that we'd been gas knocked out so we didn't hear anybody in the heresy you would guess seriously they actually put the gas through the air-conditioning units that's how they get it in the house we believe it comes from Eastern European and it's something that the their special services used to use we were fortunate at the same night that we were actually and gassed a very wealthy Spanish client of ours was done in the same area and and actually woke her up at gunpoint her and her husband and their two empty the sex so I thank God we got away but it was a warning scary stuff but to add to the mix of multi-millionaires criminal gangs and corrupt mares there's a new breed of visitor to my affair the booze duck binging Britt for just how bad are their antics non booth up Britt Max Clifford doesn't straight-talking we've noticed young prostitutes drugs being openly sold and I hit the millionaire's playground to find out how they really like to burn their cash you are clearly stinking rich is it impertinent I'll come up she's cost you yes [Music] as midnight approaches portable news becomes less swanky and more well you know what I mean the sort of place you wouldn't let your daughter loose in without a chastity belt there's no doubt Allah the arrival of cheap flights a decade ago a new type of tourists spewed forth in the planes and they were looking for just one thing a party my bear developed a Jekyll and Hyde personality whilst the front line is kept it's upmarket glamour the street behind has become decidedly more downmarket it's known as the second line and at the far end along with the hookers pickpockets and pushers the vile in occurs bar home from home to many Brits abroad right ladies now you are on a head weekend right who is the lucky head why have you come to for Benes wait a minute it's classier than most places and you're classy ladies I mean ladies with the greatest of respect you're wearing weird to tease so do you really think it's a classy place it where are you from no no you mean what do you think in this place Linux you see even though it may be cheesy I can't wait to get in there who would you be most excited to see here they clearly have impeccable taste this place has suffered a crate load of criticism for lowering the tone of the port but Arterton I like classy we'll all the fuss is about an absolutely crazy place in yet I have to say undeniably good [ __ ] there's all of your great time in there I mean look I see maybe not yeah the lineker behind Linna cos is Wayne once famous simply for being the cheeky younger brother of Gary is now famous having the tax-evading younger brother of Gary who went to prison and then came out to create a string of boozers nightclubs and strip joints the stretch across the Med and beyond funny Wayne's not exactly mr. popular with Marv Bayers elite thanks to the party hungry clientele he brings to town so why do you make any apology to the smart set of Marbury think you have brought this place crashing to its knees down market do you make any apology no not at all what Linna cos has done for the poor has not lowered the clientele it's brought a new clientele to the port a more down-to-earth clientele and a great crowd unfortunately for linen because it's turning towards the crowd that we want you know we'll go through a sort of 15,000 bottles of beer over a weekend Justine thousand bottles a bit over a weekend do you think the media caricature of Marbella is imported Belize in particular is unfair it's a high-profile place it's a busy place and what sells stories you know mock sales stories isn't it so they're gonna look at that side of things what are you happy politic wallowing in muck where's muck there's money person I do you think you've made portable news more accessible to the British working-class man and woman that's exactly right kids so Wayne Lin occurs message to the rich and famous and mulberries do so no room for the tofs in Wayne's World I'm not exactly sure they're rushing to be at his side of you but whilst a drunken hoi polloi might be confined to this one short street in portable news it's one Street to many as far as many Brits living the dream here are concerned it's a hottest conversation in town as they sit in their bull gan via clad villas or stroll the lush golf course public relations guru Max Clifford and his Goethe community friends seem positively militant when I caught up with them for afternoon tea this strikes me we're all sitting here having an absolutely quintessential English team that it kind of suits all of this tea five o'clock in the afternoon ma'am Bob's been golfing and we've been swimming and the girls have been shopping yeah or having their nails done in their youth lobby here I mean I have to say though this is about as far removed from portable news at nighttime Marbury is it is a weird contradiction of areas and portable doses like so how is to London yes you can come out of the theater in the West End and go to a beautiful restaurant or you can go into the streets of Soho where there's drug addicts and prostitutes and whatever it's the same here does that concern you as a long-term rbair resident if I was running my Barre then it would be cleaned up there would be police presence it would be altogether different what would you do would you shut down bars like the NICUs well I would make sure that they were carefully controlled I mean in terms of people wanted to go out and have a drink absolutely fine but it's all that goes with it when we've noticed increasingly young prostitutes and drugs being openly sold it can be cleaned up and it could be cleaned up very easily I mean they approached me two or three years ago about doing PR down here and I couldn't come up with the money but I made it very clear to them that these were issues which had to be addressed and had to be sorted out what are you charging days to clean up a very badly tarnished reputation I told them that it would be a minimum of two years at twenty-five thousand pounds a month right here's a check right that's my vote sorted max for mayor back in the 50s when this town first became a tourist destination there were no image problems because it was only one place to stay European blueblood playboy prince von hon lo tent a rustic farmhouse into the hideaway mumbay a club hotel with the express intention of offering the chilled out alternative to the razzmatazz of San Tropez for his aristocratic chums and glamorous Hollywood friends there was a time and the only telephone on the coast was here at the Marbella Club Hotel we spend the likes of Jimmy Stewart Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn might all be in the same queue waiting to call home this hotel still has an aura of chic discretion about it for twenty three thousand trees and the garden an individual private villas making it easy for stars to come here and stay without anyone knowing about it just a week ago Desperate Housewives Eva Longoria slipped inside has stayed in one of these three and a half thousand pound Suites the paparazzi were nowhere to be seen stead next door to the villa Tiberio restaurant you'll still find the glamour and sophistication associated with my bear of the 50s a time when elegance and wealth kept itself to itself definitely very classic but down on the poor these days it's more if you've got it flaunt it and there are plenty of new money types you'd do well if you made a few million why keep it to yourself and if you really want to flash the cash then head up the run the road into the hills and burn some serious money with my bear's top players this is the Ascari race resort a private club for the poultry joining fee there's a hundred and fifty thousand pounds the multi-millionaire petrol head who built this place largely for his own amusement also designed and manufactured this little plaything to go with it the quarter of a million pound a starry supercar plus waters the 58 year old high-tech inventor and one of my players richest residents whose money fuels it all and his ladies invention to make himself even richer is a finger scanner that's impossible to fool it's all about fingerprints right it's nothing about what is it it's a radio a scan of your seventh layer inside of you it's not something out of Star Trek there's a good reason for all the security my god these are Formula one cars the alpha one doesn't have been used in Formula One races proper form on one gas I'm now inside the most expensive toy box in the world this has got to be 10 million quids worth could be what was your vision for this place basically I would like to own a circuit where I can play on every day that's how it started it's the ultimate boys toy really yes every day I get here I still think it's a fantastic place I love it it's like walking to heaven when you get to this gates it's an extraordinary place yes I mean you could live anywhere in the world couldn't it yes why Marbury I think my bay is far vastly underrated I think it's a it's a fantastic place need to be in in Western Europe on a regular basis so this is only two and half hours flights from London or from Amsterdam whatever so it's it's easily accessible I mean with the credit respect to us you are clearly stinking rich is it impertinent to ask how much this cost you yes but it's a loud in fact class invested a vast 50 million pounds of his fortune on having a good time having that kind of money to spare definitely put in the upper marbella set they all hang out at Olivia valets night club lynnie cos is just a stone's throw away but this place is about as far removed from Wayne and his pals as you could possibly get the queen of Marbella I have heard so much about you thank you better take me into your let's go this is mod Bay's premiere nightclub and it is voluptuous exotic and entertaining at Olivia herself people said to me that I couldn't make a program about my bear and not eventually meet you that is real because I said to everybody if you come to Mariah and not come to visit my place it's like to go to Rama and not go to the Vatican ha ha ha here the bowels of your cellar Olivia on a busy weekend almost 5000 people will guzzle their way for the content of Olivia's cellar this is one weekend's work yes don't bother coming if you're on a tight budget the punters here spend more in one night most people spend on their two-week holiday this is a 1995 yes it's a Methuselah rocker in your how much are they that's a bottle of thirty thousand euros thirty thousand euros a bottle of champagne I'm told that everybody's been in here it give me some names of people who'd been Oh from Sean Connery to Bruce Willis and with Rod Stewart and I heard you have Prince Harry in one life oh yes that is the most chic and elegant young boy that I receive and when he told me that he the best night that he spent in his life I tell him really don't worry you are going to have thousand of better night believe me Maria is a paradise one night you like to have something very sophisticated and very good food and one day you go to Beatriz where you eat wonderful fishes for very cheap price yeah buy hangers Olivia mean if I went to your nightclub tonight there are gonna be people spending between 5 and 20 thousand euros on it yes we have thanks God that thanks God because if there is only prides a little contagious I don't like to be so near than them fine right Olivia we certainly know when you're catching a dose of poverty in my bairn I do we so it seems a rich here are very happy living their own wealthy bubble buying themselves distance and the riffraff and locking themselves away from the criminals so what does the future look like to anyone who's thinking of setting up shop in my bare james Hewitt is the latest immigrant to try his luck do you think Marbella is a pretty good place to reinvent yourself if your reputation has been a bit you know scallywag can't bounce kisses thank you for repeating that again and how do you down a hundred and twenty bottles of champagne in just two minutes where's the champagne spray policy silly that's what the thing is you don't drink also well sets do [Music] tell me I'm barking mad that I'm a Jeroboam shorter than Nebuchadnezzar perhaps is all this Sun getting to my head everyone I meet in my bear says exactly the same thing this is the best place in the world for work rest and play but most people don't come into work or rest really they come here to play a sun sea and sang oh and also need giant red cups for the champagne as well here in Nikki Beach I've arranged to meet Bianca gasps going daughter of football legend Paul Gaza gasps going have a quiet chat about the new Marbella well quite ich Navin B I get here you're in your natural man course yeah Nikki Beach man give me a load of people over there just spraying champagne yes where's the champagne spray party silly what fun well with champagne spray parties basically it says what is on the team is a party spraying champagne they're all buying champagne they're all buying champagne yes I'm not a jock obviously never look in a big group obviously yeah Ariana the champagne here a magnum of Cristal yes 1945 euros yes and this loss spraying in Voyager yes I mean that's the most senseless wasted money I've ever seen in my life and I fought the same I've fought the same basically last time well skills we had a hundred and twenty bottles of champagne you what the thing is you don't drink it all so well stead to do brain here do you think in the recession being ever spring champagne all over each other the sensible thing to do absolutely not it's a fun thing to do ah yes fun that'll pay the bills talking ability for a millionaire and you're not quite so keen on giving so much of your hard-earned cash to a taxman there's another reason you might want to move to my Barre as every local estate agent will tell you on a good day you can see Gibraltar and Africa from here Gibraltar just a 40-minute drive away but it's been a thorn in the side of Spain for decades lurking like a shark of the coast feeding of the scraps have plated like Marbella throwing it for the tide may now be turning if you're a tax exile then gibraltars now one of Europe's lowest tax takers and incredibly you don't even have to live there to reap the benefit sounds too good to be true well don't take my word for it have addition to what James Young has to say he's a mob a millionaire who sold his pharmacy business in the UK and saved a fortune in tags by buying a flat in Gibraltar I caught up with James on his two million pounds Sunseeker pen and paper they're ready everyone so James I mean you really are living the Marbella life aren't you not quite sure about this well let me pull out of you yeah nice big yacht yes vintage champagne in your hand yes the coffee look of a man stinking of success terms whoa how do you plead yeah I'm it's maybe a daft question but what made you leave Sunderland yeah come and live in my back well before I saw the company I took advice and um applied to be a racist of Gibraltar you don't have to live there for any number of days as part of the deal exactly I don't have to live even one day or spend one night there really I can just spend my time in Marbella and what is the tax in jabal if you do that well I didn't have to be any capital gains tax on on the sales price when I saw the company did you mind me asking what you sold it for mMmmm if you the two million yeah so I see by by buying a little place in Gibraltar you have ended up paying no tax on that at all yeah that's right if you've done that in England do you believe capital gains tax at ten percent but on top of that is the inheritance tax which is very important to you survive being resident in Gibraltar what would that be now your inheritance tax nothing really nothing my assets were passed down to my children and if I was in England um half of it half of it will be going to Gordon Brown what does Marbury got the sundaland couldn't give you I just got this god the weather is god the food beyond beyond being disciplined don't worry yeah right so perhaps the reason this town is so successful is it just about anyone can come and make a life here the millionaires to boost up revelers from aristocrats to criminals they're all doing what they do here in Marbella [Music] I'm with the idea that my bear will accept anyone with open arms Britain's ultimate CAD traded his life in Chelsea for a new life here in the Sun this is polo house a high-class establishment serving tip into the tops but actually it says posh nosh - anyway we'll pay for it it's owned by one of my old tabloid targets James Hewitt for him it's a whole new lease of life a reinvention as restaurant turf rather than reality TV star letter seller and all Ram bounder let's not mention the affair with the most famous woman of all time James we meet again we did a deal very warm welcome it is slightly more crinoline yes friendly circumstances yeah do you think Marbella more than most places is a pretty good place to reinvent yourself if your reputation has been a bit you know scallywag my interest is that's a very thank you for repeating that again I can bound er me not I mean done good actually this is a pretty good place I'm reading any where's a good place dear other than England no I wouldn't have chosen it for any other reason than they'd had potential for for developing a new business is it a big risk feet oh yes I'm a huge risk I mean last year was quite worrying it was possible time to launch a place I visited well I mean no one probably wouldn't have done it had one realised that the credit crunch was coming how much of a draw here are you personally do you think I hope very little is what I hear is it all than all the ladies in town laughter coming now sure is like coming along here to meet James here it which obviously I find quite baffling but but his truths will thank you for that well no I'm not gonna kid myself I mean you know I think that people are intrigued I mean I don't get necessarily me but it's the person they read about or heard about but I hope they find when they've been here that it they liked the place and they and they come back and is there a lady in the life of James hear them oh no no no time their time every would it be a dream of yours that you could be remembered perhaps as James Hewitt a successful restaurateur rather than James here at ex-lover with Princess Diana I mean you can't sponge history say but in terms of an ass situation for you person yes I mean I'm trying to you know I have move done I'm going to continue to move on and if that is accompanied by success then I would have no complaints good luck thank you I said off to investigate a tale of two cities but Marbury has turned out to be a mini metropolis and the Sun providing everything to everyone try and quantify exactly why so many people flocked down here and you'll be sipping your G and T's for several days to come but one thing's for sure it remained at its heart some other people come to live a dream to retire to party to make a fortune to spend a fortune or even just to enjoy a great holiday now bear whatever tickles your fancy cannot free doll [Music] [Music] you
Channel: TradingCoachUK
Views: 1,260,677
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Keywords: forex, stocks, commodities, trader, warren buffet, million dollar traders, traders by the millions, market, trading, analysis, stock, technical, investment, futures, options, finance, day, currency, markets, bloomberg, system, stock market, hedge fund, business, Dollar, rich list, Billionaire (Composition), richest man, richard branson, Nasdaq, marbella, yacht, top 10, top 50, millions by the minute, donald trump, mid term, richest, most expensive, supercars, new, 2020, luxury, facts, documentaries, morgan
Id: CxK2AZXPqf8
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Length: 45min 56sec (2756 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2015
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