Eamonn and Ruth's Lavish Adventure with the Rich and Famous! | Absolute Documentaries

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[Music] [Applause] I'm Ruth Langsford and I'm Eamonn Holmes you forget that I always thought we were doing all right and we have been lucky enough to see our fair share of the Glamorous Life but nothing prepared us for this the million pound watch I can't imagine spending 20 million on any house in this series we're getting up close and personal with the new global superclass it's 560 million US Dollars I'll take one thank you we are not talking about the plain old wealthy we're talking about the new Mega Rich if you have 5 billion and you make 500 million how do you spend that money you discover what life's really like oh my goodness when money is No Object do you ever find this existence surreal unbelievable almost we rub shoulders in high societies and party with the Jet Set I don't even mind being seasick as we uncover How the Other Half Lives [Music] what are you up to over here think London is absolutely Awash with money we're talking saturated here it's incredible millionaires everywhere no no no no billionaires and it's a fact London now has more billionaires than any other city in the world in the last decade alone more than 100 000 of the world's wealthiest people have moved here the thing is everything I read it's foreign money so it's Russian oligarchs it's Nigerians it's Chinese Chinese yes why are they coming why are they bringing all their money here where do they hang out you don't see them very often harder they earn it what do they do with it yeah do you know what I think we should find out so tonight we're delving into the lifestyle of those International High Rollers I discover how Africa's richest women spend their money champagne people drink a lot and I'm whisked Jet Set style to a Billionaire's home in Russia need an army Army of staff but first where do we find these elusive foreign billionaires the answer is to follow the money the rich may go to Bond street but the super rich well they like to go somewhere far more how should I say expensive Masterpiece in upmarket Chelsea attracts throngs of the world's wealthiest from shakes and princes to oligarchs and tycoons we'd never even heard of it so we had to sneak in to have a look at how they splashed their cash incidentally we just borrowed the car so that we'd look the part could you park at my mom [Music] you can get every everything here Arts Furniture Design jewelry all Under One Roof bit like Ikea for the super rich really [Music] it's 90 000 including v18. right last year it had over a hundred million pounds in sales how much is this one 82 82 000 true discount for me it's part of the luxury goods Market that's grown at a phenomenal rate that is 30 000 pounds the UK's Art Market alone is worth a breathtaking 7 billion quid that's almost a quarter of all Global sales so a big chunk of that 7 billion has to come from overseas those are the facts but it's still staggering wow seeing up close just how much money some people have apparently you don't even bother offering anything less than about 10 million it's hard to dig these prices seriously nice chair for watching telly 72 000 pounds where's the value of work went into creating this piano and is it unique so this one's this one is a one of a kind exactly I remember that's it one thing's for sure our concept of money and what it means to be rich today has changed dramatically just think so Francois how much would they be this is something we could discuss when the camera is off do you not discuss okay stop me when I get close 100 pounds no one thousand pounds North million north of a million north of a million higher than a million more than two million can you turn that off please oh so there are things here that are so expensive they won't even tell you the price if the International Super Rich are buying all this stuff just who are they air to a property Empire worth more than two and a half billion pounds his father is the Donald Trump of Russia and owns great chunks of Moscow but Eman isn't content with being a trust fund Playboy he plays a key role in his father's business he's invited us to meet him at London's exclusive Bulgari hotel where a suite can cost more than ten thousand pounds a night humble a boat I'm very humble it's where he calls home when he's in town and what have you got here what's included in the suite uh everything you can imagine starting from a full bar a library a steam room no this is what I call a wardrobe so it's a big wardrobe but it's completely empty because I tried to carry as little as I oh you take that's all I take so this is the bar the nuts are included in the 10 000 pound room rate you see however nice this is if I was you why wouldn't I just buy my own place in London I think buying real estate where you don't live permanently is quite a waste of money because you have to service it fix it repair it but you've got money to waste yourself it's not about being careful or greedy it's about being smart I guess about how you spend so many Russians Eastern Europeans especially wealthy ones seem to congregate in London they love London what is it about this place why not Paris or New York or Madrid first of all English is the common language and you know the tax issues the the comfort you know a lot of Russians fled here that have problems with the Russian government and it just became I think the the place where people want to reside although I think London is in one hand on one hand is overrated because it's very expensive and I think that's because the richest people gathered in London not content with helping runa's father's business Eman has a dream to be a global pop star he's had a number one hit back home in Russia and has some very influential fans you're a winner you're a champ you're great at real estate and boy can you entertain happy birthday happy birthday now he's come to London to chase International success but some have suggested he's using his financial clout to achieve it if the buying public don't see you as having your own Journey as you know in rock and roll you're all storyboards your adversity but maybe for you it's been too easy to sell out a show for for five or ten thousand people of people that actually want to be there is is you cannot buy that it's not your father can organize that for you yeah so if it happens for me that that means I've earned it thank you I'm staying here in London to find some more Big Spenders I'm on my way to Moscow with Emin aguilarov the son of one of the richest men in Russia and we're taking his father's private jet I want to get under his skin to find out of being a Billionaire's son is all it's cracked up to be lovely lovely ridiculous weather good welcome back the jet we're on by the way is worth 30 million pounds when you're the boss's son you sit in the front you're Entourage sits in the back this is the way I mean if we were traveling on a commercial airline there's all that problem of checking in queuing up going through security and absolutely amazed me how quickly we literally drove on this stormy night to the plane and and just got on that's the beauty of uh private jets yeah but you know this is owned by the company which is owned by my father yeah and you know I always said it's like when you're 35 borrowing your father's car my father's car was an Austin Maxi and unless you stopped at little chef you didn't get a posh dinner served en route do you ever find this existence surreal unbelievable Almost Do you ever have to nip yourself no I don't necessarily need to pinch myself but it's something to to always be aware that this is a life that was given to me by my parents and it doesn't matter you come from a wealthy family or not from what the value of money is important in every sense in every day's decision making because if you're unaware of it your decisions are not properly guided while eamonn's a mile high on his way to Moscow I've been in the capital investigating the foreign money that's pouring into London according to recent reports it's not just the Russians who are spending big the Chinese spent half a billion pounds here last year while the Arab Nation spent a cool 888 million but there's a new Uber Rich clan in town Eamonn may think he's mingling with all the billionaires over there in Moscow but actually he's wrong because in London now the Russians have been overtaken by Nigerians they're flashing all the cash according to Tattler every third pound spent in Harrods is now spent by Nigerians so you have your little Eminem and Bromance over there in Moscow I'm meeting London's newest Super Rich Elizabeth Eisen is the top wedding planner for Nigeria's wealthiest she's in the UK with African media Mogul Betty irobore I want to find out why London has become the wedding destination of choice for Nigeria's millionaire Brides [Music] what about the most expensive most extravagant wedding that you've been involved with what kind are we talking about I mean I want figures I need numbers come on could go up to 501 million pounds so Millions Not Unusual if for very wealthy families to be spending on no one of the weddings I plan is spent about fifty thousand pounds on flowers just on flowers and flowers it's a competition but people want something like oh wow you know she came down from a plane oh wow she came out from a train or something you know someone's looking for the next spectacular spectacular yeah the bride wants to look good she wants to wear the best of everything you know because more like a competition and you know the other women want to make a statement that oh yes I want this diamond you know yeah it's better yeah you know I remember one of my brightest mothers he said to me that my diamond is better than her Diamond why would she wear that kind of cheap diamond you know so I thought as well like okay and these like huge diamonds anyway yeah and do they have any favorite venues in London oh yes um the Dorchester is quite popular for weddings parties um Landmark Hotel claridges and now the Kensington Palace is you know one of nigerian's favorite now all right it's that gorgeous one and I believe I can run a decent American thank you very much download v-lee now while truth gossips with the girls in London I'm 1500 miles away with Emin and moscow's red square and he's Keen to show me how different his life is here he owns mansions in Azerbaijan in New Jersey but on our west of Moscow is Emmons pad on the aguilaroff estate what an eye-opener so this is my house it's quite ridiculous now the only person living this house is is my housekeeper do you ever stay in it she loves it really I only stay here when my kids come they stay with me but other than that it's too big to be alone you get lonely ammon's house is unbelievable well it's it's not a house it's a hotel isn't it it's a palace and my piano it's the stuff of Dreams it has a reception room the size of a tennis court and there are seven enormous bedrooms like this one I've slept in this bedroom maybe 15 times 15. you could get 15 people into that bed it's puzzling that the super rich like airmen have places their size and rarely even use them massive it's a shop it's not a walk-in closet it's a shop you walk in and you walk out the size of a shopping mall I'm lost I'm here and with all the toys you would expect for a multi-billionaire clearly there's been no expense spared in building this Palace of a house my brother's a carpet fitter my father was a carpet fitter I know what good carpet is under your feet that's good carpet the pool is massive 450 square meters do you need this I mean if this was taken away from you not only I don't need it I'm actually not using it it just sits here why would you clean this you would need an army of stuff actually when nobody lives here it's quite easy you just have to dust it yeah oh it's a lovely kitchen you have here it's not the actual kitchen no follow me what this is the kitchen how do you actually reach that fruit do you get do you get you get like a stick a stick like a fishing like a selfie stick or a fishing stick to sort of try and get that in the middle I told you it's ridiculous I'm ashamed of it have you ever used the cooker uh no I don't even know where it is I've never used this kitchen either when I come into this house I just really wonder does he really understand the scale I have never ever seen anything like this and I just wonder does he really know how rich he is and how privileged he is [Music] back in London I'm getting to the bottom of just how much Nigerian Brides will spend on their big day and what would they spend the most money on as a wedding it's jumping champagne you find out that you have two to three thousand guests at your traditional wedding night 83 000 guests yeah yeah it's one bottle for one person that's quite right yeah so you don't do what we do and say start the champagne then give them Prosecco when you've had a few glasses no 3 000 guests one bottle each that could be a hundred and fifty thousand pounds on booze alone but it's not just the wedding itself that costs a bomb it's the guests goodie bags too I'm imagining now I'm a guest at a very important wedding and I've just found this under my chair oh that's huge if you're lucky enough you may find perfume at 345 pounds very nice cashmere scarves around 350 quid even a 5 000 pound watch a watch thank you very much blimey we're almost at six grand and we haven't even got to the most important part the dress [Music] meanwhile in Moscow do you realize I beg this this isn't just big TV won't do this Justice unless your screen is 72 inches that's some really easy it's been an incredible walking around this house but why build a place like this and live in it alone I had an idea I thought I'm gonna have a lot of children well how many children no I wanted to have like eight maybe seven or something yeah but you could if you had children you would only lose them in this house in 2006 Emin married the daughter of the president of Azerbaijan and they had two sons he built this house to be a family home but in 2015 they divorced I thought it's like a base you know your friends come here you record here you build a studio you have a gym you have a pool and you have the children and you have the wife and I had this Vision in my head now it's just me so of course it's out of perspective emin's wife and I lives with their children in London and through the Playboy bravado perhaps there's a hint of regret that his dreams of family life never materialized [Music] give everything and yet nobody is using this is it sadness to you is there an emptiness not at all but people are not here enjoying this I mean I built it it's well preserved and it's an investment think of it if I ever need the money you could have how much would this be worth I don't know five million dollars ten million dollars probably 20 25 20 25 billion dollars but it's not for sale yet don't look at me I couldn't afford it Nigeria's millionaire brides are dealing in some very large sums of money too especially when it comes to their choice of wedding dress only the best will do with celebrity designers like Ellie Sab Tom Ford and Vera Wang topping the list [Music] buying a dress here isn't cheap but that doesn't push off millionaire celebrities like Mariah Carey Kim Kardashian and Ivanka Trump who all chose a Vera Wang gown one bespoke wedding dress reportedly sold for almost a million pounds oh wow gorgeous this dress is called page the sleeves are designed to cover your fingers in this rather medieval influence and feel to the Dress and the simple lace base to the Dress which has all been over embroidered with the crystals and the pearls and these little Loops these Little Flower Loops that have been made as well and these are all stitched one by one we have a quite a seamless operation it's very personal very one-to-one and that's what makes it special so what kind of price would this is this one depending on what you want done with it and to it and how bespoke you want it made you can go up to a hundred thousand pounds wow I am super rich Nigerian Brides to be don't stop at the dress eye-catching Jewels finish the look and if like Elizabeth you have access to huge budgets the suppliers come to you how much are they these ones come in a 475 500. what do you think yes I'll take these that's lovely [Music] prices are staggering I suppose it's good for the economy that all this foreign cash is coming here but I'm still struggling with this level of indulgence foreign and I are on the trail of the global super rich I'm in Moscow at home with billionaire business tycoon and pop star Emma nagalarov I've poked around his Moscow Mansion which is worth around 25 million pounds a price tag well out of the league of all but the ultra rich but unbelievably it's just one of 150 other similar properties that Emin and his father's company have built here designed in the style of an American Country Club it's called the aguilaroff estate it's a beautiful Resort 350 hectares of which 70 hectares is this Lake that was made artificially and the 75 hectares a golf course so half of it is basically a retreat and the other half is is property for sale so you have a few restaurants sporting club so it's a community the aguilarious state alone is worth over one billion dollars and who wants to be in that Community who lives here are these holiday makers that come here are these people who buy into the iGo officer initially what happened you know in Russia the first wealthy people would build a huge house surrounded with you know big walls have a lot of security and live you know on their own within the premises they've built so we decided to offer them the next level where you share the property there's no fences between the houses and you can actually you know walk around without security here because the you know the premises is secured so this is the philosophy behind so our customers are the richest wealthiest people in the country just 25 years ago Russia was still a communist country today it has its own superclass over 100 billionaires and many are choosing to live right here [Music] we're now heading to another aguilarov development which is known as crocus City home to three incredibly up Market shopping malls and in keeping with the Aguilar of obsession with all things American complex even includes a mini Times Square different I'll give you that lovely but why you know I come here with my kids and I want to impress them at first for them to go wow and you know my dad took him in and say wow and you took him and said wow when it's finished crocus City will be the largest slice of property in the hands of any single individual anywhere in the world but building this massive complex was a huge gamble you can do this because you guys are often or originally self-funding you've got your own money you've got big reserves of wealth right no no or you can build this place you can take a lot of the cost and the risk away not exactly you finance it for example when this project was built uh 35 of the money we put up ourselves yes the rest was uh was alone we built it we finished expecting to start collecting rent we couldn't so to save the project we took a bigger loan to open the stores open the stores attracted tenants eventually sold these stores to the current tenants how big a risk was that well if this would have failed it would have gone bankrupt but it didn't it's only added to his father's portfolio estimated to be worth more than two and a half billion Pawns but there's a particular drawback to being super rich in Russia is I have noticed um out of the side of my eye am I imagining that you are being shadowed yes these are the guys that help me out they've been with me for 15 years so about security yes Eman told me that the cost of his family's personal security runs into many hundreds of thousands of pounds a year but for him it's money well spent because there's a growing criminal industry preying on the new super rich child kidnapping in Russia is growing every year and the main target of the gangs is the wealthy now the son of one of Russia's richest reportedly been claimed he'd been and the Richer you are the bigger the price tag on your head where is the threat from for people like yourself it's quite simple the only threat is kidnapping which uh and who's that from anyone I mean it's anyone who who would know that you know a father would probably pay any Ransom to get back his child any fun yeah and and a father that has access to to large amount of money is probably uh his children are are a better Target I guess for these people it's something that you probably need to do to keep yourself on a safe side and to keep your parents calm and uh you know you're my kids and to keep you calm are you worried about it I'm not worried nothing can take me down I think I'm getting to know women and I can't help but feel he's putting on a bit of a front kind crime and kidnappings are an ongoing problem here the threat is very real so the Moscow Super Rich levite their dreams surrounded by a security team to rival the SAS and for Emin there's still one dream that his billions can't buy his quest to be a global pop star he's invited me to his next solo geek at a yacht club Leisure Center and concert venue all owned by him it's been fascinating living the life of the super rich in Russia there's certainly know how to party so at least for tonight I I'm gonna let my hair done and what Ruth doesn't know won't bother her I think excuse me excuse me forgive me forgive me hello yes starting yes yes it's me yeah yeah oh you would hate it to adhere it and the people here they're all so plain I'll be going to bed any minute now yeah love you bye bye that's my daughter I better make the most of this while it lasts because tomorrow I'm returning to London to report back face to face [Music] you'll be sorry you went to Russia without me because you missed wedding dress shopping and I know how much you loved that I could have spent an afternoon watching that parade you could have had an afternoon with me so come on then how was Russia without me you little boys trip it was impressive let's put it that way so how rich are we talking about lifestyle off the Richter Scale just like you wouldn't imagine but as for Amazon this place was surreal this was a house on steroids and with every Big House comes a big garage and we're talking super big with super cars to fill it so with that in mind we're back in the trail of the foreign super rich and where they like to go shopping if they're looking for a top-notch classic set of wheels [Music] missing driver Joe makari's London showroom has over 20 million quids worth of them now that's the kind of place the billionaires had to wow enormous I would divorce you I came home with that darling I couldn't get out of it rumor has it Joe sold over 20 million pawns worth of cars to foreign buyers last year we're here to see if he can convince us that they're worth it this Maserati here is called an MC12 if I I'm writing you the check for this today what's the price on that one and a half million and for cash one and a half million it's a bargain okay time to try some of them out starting with a late 60s Ferrari Daytona so I think you know I probably won't be able to get back out that would be fine I'll get the checkbook from Eamonn okay I'm in how much would it have been new it's been under 10 000 pounds and how much if I wanted to buy this from you today it'd be around 700 000 buying the car is one thing affording the insurance might be another darling if I had the money that's the one I would buy you Gull Wing doors that's it and then straight in [Music] steering wheel back up and it locks in and you're away blimey didn't mean it to bang it that hard how much is he leaning on there about three quarters of a million pounds [Laughter] when you consider the average spend on a new car in Britain now is around 14 000 pounds these prices are staggering and apparently we're yet to see the really pricey stuff these are behind ropes so these must be pretty special yeah these um these are sisters then there's a 1961 250 California spider now that I get you see I said you came home with this it wouldn't be a divorce well I think it's quite I think that's a bit of a girly car to me Chris Kelly yes I'd be having my Grace Kelly moment in that well this is this had a lovely ownership as well um this was James Coburn's car what's it yes there were only ever 37 of these cars ever built so it seems that Rarity adds value but you won't believe how much or set all set 20 million dollars that is incredible look after her Joe but more importantly look after my husband boy sunglasses on let's do it in style see you babe take a photo bye bye [Music] and you know for an old girl she still picks up oh yeah yeah but enough about Ruth we buy this 20 million dollars is that the end of your expenditure what does it cost to keep it on the road is it relatively little or is it again a major ongoing expense I had a massive restoration from ground up have you had a quarter of a million pounds spent on it how much a quarter of a million what then what makes it 20 million dollars Rarity supply and demand probably the prettiest convertible car I ever built yeah and reality is if you're a billionaire and you want the most beautiful classic car in the world and it's 20 million dollars then you pay it thank you for giving me the the satisfaction of writing this this is obviously the most expensive vehicle I have ever been in or indeed I'm ever likely to be in whether if I had the 20 million dollars I I I it's lovely but I wouldn't pay it honestly honestly snip actually Joe's not wrong classic cars are a serious investment they've gone up by 456 in the last 10 years so the people who can't afford them like Emin are only getting richer but to go ahead and actually enjoy driving something so unfeasibly expensive I don't know it's something I just can't get my head around do you ever have to lie to wives and they go how much does my husband just spend on that car I've got a client who made me used to take the zero off and then they're really well that's not surprising don't worry yourself Ruth you'd have to take at least three zeros off that price before I'd feel my wallet twitching but he has got something more in our price range [Music] just imagine it sounds like a Ferrari Hey Joe hi Joe thank you one thing I learned from my rather surreal trip to moscow's millionaires row is that being Uber Rich can make your target for kidnappers and carjackers [Music] so what lengths will vulnerable tycoons and billionaires go to to protect themselves and their families Chrome spent 15 years in the Met driving some of the world's most important dignitaries trains people like our billionaire friend Eman who are targets for kidnappers oh to drive their way out of trouble I Surrender I Surrender comrade that wasn't funny that wasn't funny I'd rather have been captured not only Can you hire a driver to protect you and get you out of difficult situations you can learn to do this yourself absolutely yeah and celebs and and a lot of people want to do that because it's not just them it's their families as well yeah my wife only worries when I am behind a wheel not when anything's going to happen but you're quite a slow driver I think oh that will all change today darling yeah so that's my worry that he might show off today because I'm always accusing him so you drive like an old man what we'll find out today won't we we will Mick's going to teach us the skills don't maneuver the bad guys first up the j-tone the quickest way to turn a car 180 degrees all right get to 20. come off just go one two and throw it out the window and let it go you want it to be gone oh smell it beat it that's good beat it beat it back you won't fall out really good oh hello where are you going now this Rider here now time to put what we've learned into practice with Mick pretending to be our criminal attacker haruth and I got what it takes to avoid what feels like very real danger see I'm trying to respect his vehicle um trick is to ignore the perpetrator stay calm and focus on your driving yeah remember reverse when it's 20 off the game the Gap right in strike right [Applause] [Laughter] he's very annoying very annoying he's coming so back back with us [Applause] oh he's coming I hate you you're not speaking to me then well done you want some yeah no I'll stay over here road rage if you are a billionaire and you've got all that money have you got the enjoyment have you got the safety that goes with it and that's why people hire people like him well I would hate to think that I would have to lead a life where I was surrounded by security thinking someone was going to jump out and kidnap me or mug me if you're well known or very very wealthy then all the time you must be thinking someone wants to take that from me foreign Central London our billionaire pop star Tycoon Emin is back in time again getting ready for a gig s [Music] his hard Bush Hall a venue that's often used by record companies to springboard new Acts Emmons hope in his performance tonight will win over a British audience [Music] but the vast majority of people who have turned up are Russian there were people that say oh you know he's a rich kid people from Rich families you know they actually going a wrong way sometimes I mean doing a right way he's supporting his family he's supporting his business and that at the time he's singing he actually have a talented voice that's why I like him so much [Music] there are a hundred thousand Russian expats living in London and an awful lot of them are Emin fans [Music] with a chance to get close to one of Russia's most eligible billionaire Bachelors maybe they're not just here for the music [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] you know the fact that it's in London it's additionally exciting because this is you know that doesn't happen often too and you saw some British people showed up you can't buy them they you can't buy them they can buy it for yourself we have all the moves Emin is typical of the new super rich in London for them anything seems possible but what marks him out is his ambition to be a global pop star so London for Yemen is more than a place to shop and have fun it's where he comes to chase a dream the effort is anything to do with it he will get there you know getting into the world of the foreign Secret in London has been an absolute Revelation to me it reminds me of the Harry Potter films you know when you have the Wizard World and the Muggle World well that's what it's like the kind of foreign super rich and us there's a secret world that they move around in different from ours and you have no idea that it's there so now you've spent time immersed in a Billionaire's world not just millionaires would you want that life
Channel: Absolute Documentaries
Views: 278,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eamonn Holmes, Ruth Langsford, Super-Rich, Mansions, Expensive Cars, Luxurious Lifestyles, Money, Spending, Rich lifestyle, Luxury, Lavish, High-end, Wealthy, Expensive, Millionaire, Extravagant, Glamorous, Fancy homes, Designer clothes, Exotic vacations, Fine dining, Absolute documentaries, documentaries, documentary, full documentaries, full length documentaries
Id: X7Y9ufLaPCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 51sec (2451 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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