Exploring Bankrupt Abandoned Millionaires Mansion (everything still inside)

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[Laughter] it's exactly like bly manor [Music] [Laughter] i'm coming up to something like a camp what is up explorers we are at a rare abandoned manor pretty much as a mansion in the uk most uk houses and places are pretty much destroyed and run down you'll still get a few houses and mansions that are left to that i don't even know about but it's like a hand fill but the one we're at right now is one of them uh there's no graffiti it's intact and it's been abandoned for only a year now but it was built in 1856 so pretty much what happened was this place was already going to close around 2020 or 2019 but they were still just running it a little bit more and they're using it for just like uh wedding venues they're using it for events now they're already pretty much canceled and shut down the hotel part of it and they're like still using a little bit but then when cove it happened that was it this was shut down for good they already canceled wedding venues and things like that people lost their money who already booked this place 18 months in advance it was done for good i don't know if they ever got the money back for the people who bought this place and rented it out but other than that we have amazing views in the background we have a secret garden on the right of us we have a lot to check out so let's just walk through this whole place and check out the outside the outside is probably way better than here on the inside the inside doesn't have anything left but it's just the architecture and the beauty of this so let's go guys let's explore already starting off this video we're at the bar where i just did my intro this is sick um i'm sure they had a bunch of like different wine bottles on the top here different glasses made it really cool um in the back check this out this is what they're viewing in the back it's unbelievable being from the united states i don't get to see these views often and exploring a band at the same time so it's super rare and that's why i really like this place it didn't matter about what was left on the inside because there's really nothing i don't think so at least we're going to go upstairs i haven't been upstairs yet but just check it out you know you got the spiderweb windows those are my favorite and check this room now this room reminds me of the french architecture right here you know you got the ceiling and things check it out it just feels like a secret place i don't know why it's the outside it really is you'll see what i mean when we get out there but even the fireplace look at this thing look at the hand carve the wood let's get closer the freaking faces and stuff it's kind of spooky to me i hope if i ever get a house it's gonna look like this just with stuff in it right jeez again i'm giving you sneak peeks of the outside before we get out there this is the secret garden you'll see when we get out there [Music] wow oh my god look at that stained glass costs a fortune checkered black and white flooring it's amazing we'll go upstairs but first we're gonna check out the whole first floor wow all the chandelier still intact see it's kind of like a maze too there's just so many rooms here so i'm like i don't know where to go doors have been changed remember the doors are changed because this was converted to a hotel this is nice look at this and i don't even know what what is what would this be called just some little art some style that brings more life and uniqueness to the actual mansion itself i don't know but i love the room i'm also here with three other people you guys know them bucky carl and dan but you can't even hear them that's how big this place we're gonna some is of like book library wallpaper well i think that might be it we might just have to head upstairs everyone's up here room 33 oh hey dude look at these bathrooms actually pretty lavish they're all redone they look nice this is what you would have had staying in here it's a shame that this place is actually shut down it's still so nice this could be used a bit of a small room though but nonetheless it's great all right literally it looks like someone's ready to move in here tomorrow yeah like i just don't understand it it's subtle it's not smelling bold no i know it's a shame we should have stayed here tonight hey i'm checking rooms dude there's 33 rooms total bro hey i'm gonna check room 32 wow room 32 is way bigger but then you got the room of the secret garden view oh dude guys look at this ready look at that come on tell me not it's amazing out there it's beautiful it's just oh my god it's just so amazing like a secret garden kind of vibe one of the things i like to look for when i'm in abandoned mansions is their backyards like i actually some reason really like like uh fountains waterfowl and some sort of like garden secret garden kind of vibes and they have it here so for me it just jumps up 10 more points for my like my likeness and attraction to this place the inside again it doesn't really have anything but it's still so cool there's no graffiti it's big it's wide like i get to explore it all and have no problems it don't smell there's no mold i like this spot and it's the outside that makes it really all together it is really cool the history here is not too like crazy not like any crazy famous people stayed here uh the queen didn't stay or anything like that it's just more like it was built in 1856 you know super old it was it was used for a really wealthy family at one point before they then next family bought out turn into a hotel wasn't making that much money in the end kovit took it over and they were only using this as weddings and then the wedding was already over because coven this place was gone for good if you can see in the back you have like a a pond in the back probably was used for taking portraits and photos and just made this place look nice but now when we go down there to check it out you're gonna see how it's just like full of junk and it's not hasn't been maintained at all [Music] [Music] [Music] more rooms 24 and 23 side by side well now they look pretty standard here well why is this one like has all this space here maybe this is like the president's suite what are we getting out here no i don't know this is a whole private room by itself nope just the bathroom well it's bigger got him guys what the heck i just went to another section it just like opened up now i see another upstairs and i see bed chambers 34 and 39 what the heck is bed chambers those gotta be like those exclusive rooms what is carl doing he's going in like some random hole like a little window we're gonna have to go check that out and room 40 that's gonna be like those fancy rooms we have to check those out in a minute hang on let's just keep going or more i don't know where to go i can go upstairs but i want to see what else is here wow this place was way bigger than i thought though you'll see when we go outside you'll see like how it doesn't look that big dang room 40 has its own upstairs what is up in this room oh it brings you to the other rooms that must be where carl is we'll go over there in a minute whoa the chamber room look at that you're like rapunzel up in this joint you got the whole top tower i would want to stay in here look at that vip access right here it's in this joint just like a little closet was another door though yo i scared dan i'm scared that i'm pretty good i'm gonna get back oh nice guy you know i purposely not got you recently because i felt bad oh yeah i got you in 4k resolutions yeah well carl's gonna get it and both gonna get it wait so guys someone said about bed chambers is 36 to 39. have you seen the bed chambers using the secret roof no not yet just watch out for stairs okay well you've been upstairs we've been on the roof oh look at that that's like look at that view check it out i'll check it and i'll see where you guys going right now um i don't know i think fine yo right this place is way bigger on the inside yeah oh yeah i want to find the basement because basement is going to be the goodies i'll check the basement out in a minute well technically these would be the that's small that's a small door yeah these rooms would be the chamber rooms right here these two probably things i know what they mean by chambers they're just mad small so bucky found the basement first and he says there's a well in a tunnel so we had to check it out dude i was like i was like what's that growling what is this [Music] that's what this is sick dude what the heck this is like the conjuring house as well for real this is insane no way dude look at that this is crazy let's squeeze out get you out of here you've got you've got your quantum learning the best one what the heck oh it just ends right there what were they digging for they like when we do when we go in the caves right the rocks exactly like in the caves i feel like there could be a dead body in there in fact a secret they've made it they've made this bit here aren't they and then that's like natural kind of the rocks yeah yeah no that is natural why where are they digging it though that's the thing it's like a mystery i'll go to your life but if you look the coffee goes down but it bends to the right hand side i don't know i'm tempted to go in but at the same time i don't know i think how long that would be together well the thing is once you're in i don't know if you can turn around once you i mean we think we can that's that's been blocked for years if you think about it yeah and someone's come along alright you're gonna have to go ahead of me i'm scared of spiders bro or matthew williams williams we'll make him go first let's be sweet we'll buy him chinese yeah yeah matthew hello hi hey good question would you like to do a favor be our sacrifice into the tunnel okay and it goes really far down crawl down it's like in a cage i mean you would ever probably take off your gear oh come on down there i know but do you think that's a pipe tunnel no i reckon it's a monk run of some sort it would have been an escape for the family like natural rock here's what i think you know the end of the house no i think this leads past the secret garden into that church thing all those rocks because what would happen is so i decided that i'm not gonna do the tunnels down there because i think it just leads you to a dead end to be honest and it was man-made it's very old i feel like i can like hit the slate and it's gonna collapse and i'm gonna get stuck and i just don't want that so i'm just gonna let it be [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] i was waiting to show you guys the outside because i wanted to film the inside first because of how cool the outside actually is check it out look at this honestly does not doesn't it look like a mini version of blind manor tell me not if you guys have not watched that netflix show to me this is like almost a replica a blind manor and watch we're gonna go through here we can go to secret garden but just give you guys a close-up check out the gothic the devil up there like the gargoyle head look at that then you got the spooky crows up here oh no they're coming you know you got to admit man these buildings are getting rarer and rare so it's good that we can come out here and just film any of these as much as we can kyle working on the shots yup damn oh look at this one this is a spooky one he has something in his mouth what do you think's in his mouth carl i think it looks like like a fish tail a devil eating a fish it is weird though have you noticed all the devils are on there on the outside the gargoyles and so far yeah it looks like some devil featured on that i think so guys comment below what is the devil eating what do you think he's eating let me know some of the best parts of the outside when you see the vines uh growing up on the on the actual house itself dang just dude this view i don't know it never gets old especially since i haven't traveled in over a year it's kind of like a refreshing thing for me to just come back here finally and then just look at well just green land and farms and sheeps i don't know but check it out look at that [Music] all right so now we showed you the house we explored a lot of the inside now we're gonna head up to the secret garden and then we'll go head up to the back of the pond i don't know if there's anything else more there could be but this is all i can see from the distance i don't know so we're gonna do that taking the side route to the secret garden just check out the trees peaceful walk though dude i can actually get some good photos down there with that like one lonely tree in the middle and by the way i really do apologize today i'm only on one hour of sleep we went from the north of manchester all the way to the south and so i'm just super tired and i feel like i can repeat myself i'm just exhausted after this i am gonna take a nap and i don't know what i'm gonna do later so that's why i'm off right now seems like right here there's some sort of ruin maybe at one point this was uh maybe a little like shack in the back i don't know now it's just overgrown yo no way is that an abandoned house in the back i don't have to check it out what the heck there's definitely a house here but it could be someone's house we're gonna save this for last we might have we might have found something big check it out not exactly sure though i want to get my hopes up let's just locate and finish all this first we're definitely gonna go up here if we see a car up there or something it's probably active it's not abandoned so we'll keep doing this first we're going in for the reveal oh man this is great unbelievable this is my thumbnail screw what i just said about their other thumbnail this is this is special i actually do like the cloudy weather with the crows really makes it better honestly just coming here for this was worth it just a backyard view i've never seen an abandoned place with a secret garden that looks this good it's my first time for real so um the last thing i can remember in terms of vibes like this is gonna be uh when i went to bali there was a dragon lizard kind of hotel if you guys remember and it kind of was very similar to this had statues of dragons in the back water fountains and that was the only one that would beat this one only one very surprised and very happy with what we found today again pretty rare [Music] i can only imagine when this was at its prime right here and during spring all like the colorful flowers would just be booming out here guys did you guys see that abandoned house that was towards the secret garden i went up through the secret garden yeah they took the pixie uh trail up through the trees and i ended up at the redstone parts of it looked abandoned but i don't know but then again look how clean the windows are on this you think after we're done here we should just go check it out and see we probably should yeah because that could be a banger i know dude this whole thing has just been insane and unexpected it looks like it was the original barn for this place yeah actually it could have been like a church i thought it was like a whole church to this whole place when you get close to it there's a big gate like um i'm talking medieval gate you know and they lift up like on a fort like with a drawbridge yeah it was like that and then inside you can see the gate was open well there's a big spiral staircase going oh my god i will check after this just to be sure i'm gonna go check down here because i know there's a pond i'm gonna make sure that maybe there's anything else and i'm coming right back up here and i guess we'll do that it's like there's like some sort of like little village down there i just don't know if it's a part of this i don't think it is all right so in bly manor there was a pond a lake in the back for the dead body and it's literally exactly like the same walk there's like the girl from the movie she walks up inside the house it's exactly like bly manor i hope everyone's seen that or some people because then it's like you don't know the reference i'm making oh it looks like a trail we can go through they have barbed wire over this i don't know why i mean it's a man-made lake though so i'm not really sure what they were doing here danger deep water no entry this is the actual hotel sign that was still here it's fading out this trailer still goes more in the back i'll follow for a little bit more i'm not sure what to what i'm gonna find but it's you know you never know everyone else is just chilling up there still getting their photos adventures like this when i travel is really why i just keep continuing to travel and travel non-stop always just wanting to get out there and do a new adventure is because of ventures like this the unexpected uh not knowing if if this was gonna be cool or not like it's just so cool especially seeing places like this that i can't see ever in my own country so makes me uh very happy and thrilled to be out here we're coming up to a gate either this is the back way into the to the manor or i don't know i mean the super muddy here churchwood valley highways act in 1980 dude where am i going what's at the end of here i'm literally leaving everyone uh oh i gotta keep going just for a little bit more my curiosity's like dude you got to keep going you got to keep going you got to see what's over there because if i don't do it i'm going to just always think about what was actually behind here the whole entire time yeah i'm coming up to something like a camp this is a rope swing dude where the heck am i and who comes here there's a cd hanging from this just random this looks like some voodoo stuff off blair witch i could just be like i didn't see anything back here and not tell dan or carl or bucky but i'm gonna have to show them this because they'd be upset if i just didn't tell them what i found but they could explore it themselves this is a whole legit camp out dude it goes down more i think you can hang on these you can alright that's enough i'm gonna go back show them what i found but i ain't going back there the walk was so long i'm walking back and speed walking i found something cool if you go all the way down there you're gonna come up to an old camp like blair witch i swear i'm gonna show you guys my footage right now [Music] explorers this is how this is how we do it what i usually do when i do my uh my uh movies is i'll film the whole thing first and then i go back and then i do my pictures after sometimes we could be here an extra three hours taking one shot which it's usually me i take so long and it steals my camera yeah i kind of do today i stealing his doesn't always like that but the a7s3 that i'm using right now is only a 12 megapixel so it's now i'm have to use two cameras a lot more now all right so we got it done i think it's time we go check out the back end just really quick just see if the house is actually abandoned or not there's a road that we can drive to and go for the pixie trail but it is muddy sounds so good let's check it let's go let's do it dude again beautiful day to explore the air just smells fresh everything's just nice out it's not raining a perfect perfect gloomy day for abandon we're coming up to the house now dude it looks like i don't know it looks like a freaking like you said an old barn or a church i don't know a freaking legit chamber like a real gate we're coming up to it right now check this out if it's abandoned okay if it's not i don't know it's called the titan barn oh it's not abandoned let's just go see what this gate was because i just i'm just so curious because from the distance i didn't see the road you just seen the backyard look at this dang from the distance i thought it was an abandoned church being out here in the villages late way different huh so different i like it never well that's it let's go back to the camp end this video this is the old entrance to the hotel you can't even barely make it out right now it's overgrown apparently only two weeks ago everything was inside there but the explorers that got here first and i know they're explorers because what they did is they put padlocks on the doors and they do that so like no one else can go in and get the shots and pictures and what they did is they they came in they cut all the locks uh and they knew that they weren't their locks like the other people that were like doing uh what would they call that an appraisal appraiser yeah do an appraisal to see how much it's worth comes in they know it's not their locks because other explorers got here apparently there was like 60 bottles of champagne in the basement they're all gone as well so so what they did is that some of the people came and just took all the furniture everything out because the other explorers came and ruined it for us so we didn't get actually get to see anything on the inside but if we were two weeks earlier we would have did it but i still liked and i enjoyed this video everything is pretty good here it was good we got to go to the secret garden i got some really cool shots we got to explore the outside find the hidden like rope swing stuff in the back it was a really good video i actually enjoyed this place a lot and it was super unexpected but this is why we try to rush these abandoned places so we can actually get in them first if not sometimes we are the first i would say sometimes we really are some of the first to get inside whoever got to it first that's cool but dang they want to be be go block it up so no one else could get in which revealed that they knew about it and ruined it for all of us to see the rest it's okay it's okay there's still way more spots we're gonna get we're gonna get them first we're gonna we're gonna take cool pictures and get it first we're gonna do it so i've been here for probably about five hours now and i feel like i own this place i actually wish i did own it though it is it is magnificent a really good place great land just a beautiful scenery overall the highlight of this place is definitely the secret garden over there i really enjoyed that the most but overall guys it was a good video in my opinion um if there was stuff in it it would have been number one but it's okay we have a lot to do a lot more to go see so this is just like the start i mean i'm again i'm really happy with what we did today all right guys i'm super tired i've been up for literally like over 24 hours we had one hour of sleep again like we drove from this from the north all the way down to the south but anyway guys i just want to bring up rise above this is the merch i wear check it out it's super cool you can get it link description down below high quality you guys know the deal if you want to support it means a lot to me so without further ado rise above just go out to an explorer peace and thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Exploring With Josh
Views: 330,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned mansion, urbex, exploring haunted mansions, haunted places, united kingdom most haunted, exploring the most, tfil, exploring with josh, scary, scared, hollywood
Id: VGbz0xGP8jI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 13sec (1813 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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