Exploring Abandoned Mines of the Desert: The Aztec Mine

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[Music] [Music] [Music] that's an orb in with a shoot coming out of it we're standing in what used to be a road now it's pretty much just a wash there's a trestle which dumps into the Orban and then there's where we came from there's the trestle you can follow these rails to a well timbered mine at it okay we're inside the portal here see it's timbered all the way around and inside seems to be pretty solid rock some rails there there's a small collapse up ahead [Applause] just came out from a pocket there looks like this short section is a bit unstable a lot of stuffs come down on the sides [Applause] it's looking ahead to my left is an explosives Locker and it's empty so we'll continue on this way all these rails set of Timbers there they look almost brand new [Applause] plenty of space in this mine tunnels about seven or eight feet tall that's a seven seven feet tall like a pretty decently well-established operation [Applause] another explosives locker pallet but no explosives this is a fairly long cross cut done aligned kind of impressed right now a fair a fairly strong breeze coming at me too which is always a good sign that mine might be pretty extensive okay see we have a junction here there's a barrel there to the right and a small stoked out area here so this must be the vein or at least a vein I've encountered that would be the vein that we've hit it's looking back toward the portal you can see the light at the end of the tunnel back there so we've kind of come in nearly straight and we just checked out that scope and that's looking ahead but we'll check this left branch first because it kind of looks like a dead end yeah that's dead end okay so back to the main hall which cross cut that's looking back toward the portal you can still see the speck of light that is the outside and you've hit some sort of interesting cavity I think this is natural no I don't think that's a stoke it's too skinny but it goes all the way across and down and it really does go far away's back there up in that section but the crosscut still continues forward straight as an arrow as it has been in the whole time so we'll keep going all right walked for a few more minutes and looks like we have a junction up ahead the rails look like they go off to the right the crosscut continues forward though let's check this right passage first there's still airflow coming out of here that's a good sign couple support Timbers there [Applause] this is a really really long cross guitar I can't believe this thing that's kind of bizarre and it's crazy of Israel all the way through to I'm still walking along this crosscut passing through some more Timbers again that counts natural to me pocket you might call it a large bug that's a valid or not so it looks like a collapse up there and then the rails split and go to the right as well that's a norse shoot to the right there check that out since it doesn't go anywhere it's kind of neat it's got a metal handle no chute gate rails were led right to that so I'm sure they unloaded a bunch of more carts up there at that shoot we have something going off there barely accessible and then to the left looks a little bit more promising but there's another fairly large collapse back there [Applause] [Applause] okay not to the left the dead end to the right the rails keep going so we will continue on that way this doesn't really look like a collapse - this looks like backfill because there's no damage to the roof of the mines just just a pile of rocks that's the backfill pile we just climbed over and we have another set of rails going off into eternity pick up if I find any interesting features okay we're approaching a junction maybe not a junction but a small room about twice the size twice the width of the normal tunnel nothing really there though [Applause] and this just keeps going on on got branch going off to the right again and this one continues forward looks like it ends I'm just going to check really fast [Applause] yep that that's the end of the line for that one [Applause] looking back where we came from so now we'll take another right branching tunnel and that's a dead end as well interesting well that's pretty bizarre a long long long crosscut for nothing not sure what happened there but I didn't see any workings just this crosscut and one horseshoes so definitely kind of bizarre wonder if this line was Nvidia some sort of hoax or something they definitely did not produce much or I think there's one tunnel that we passed up on so we'll try to go back and see if we can get in there maybe it goes to some working sound I'm out now okay so I climbed through this small hole here and now I think in an or pass that's pretty much vertical though and there's a old rope coming down from it I'm not gonna be trusting the Rope today that's it a lot of air coming out of here so I'm sure there's something up there but I don't know if there's any way we're gonna get up there today okay so we have one last tunnel to check out that is back to the portal you see the light there so we already we already explored everything down that way let's now check out this final lift yes this is not a drift as a crosscut [Applause] [Applause] this tunnel just ends after about a hundred fifty feet still see the portal back there again really no indication that they took any more out of this thing there's a noir sheet that's really the only only clue there comes our might might be a scam mine investor scan mine
Channel: Mines of the West
Views: 15,199
Rating: 4.9012346 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, mine, mining, abandoned mine, history, exploring abandoned mines, artifacts, rare, amazing, underground, find, exploring, explorers, mine exploring, miners, gold, copper, silver, minerals, geology, shaft, mineshaft, found, treasure, desert, california, nevada, oregon, washington, fhood, minesofthewest, TVR exploring, haunted, dark, ghost, caught, adit, portal, stope, ore, vein, ore cart, tracks, rails, TVR, western mining history, ghost town, king, hidden, graffiti, historic, sunshine mine
Id: VrLPrtPTK9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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