ABANDONED 1990’s Dream Mansion Forgotten In The Woods | Millionaire’s Disappeared Where Did They Go

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yo what's up guys okay so today we are here at a house um it's kind of in like a nice rural area there like Forest backing on to it and stuff so pretty nice um I think you guys are really going to like this one um the sunlight is making my eyes look really weird and dark um I can't get a good spot okay that works um so I think you guys are going to like this one um I can't get an exact date I don't know how old it is um I'd say probably late 80s early 90s but um it's pretty cool I think it's probably going to end up demolished like usual unfortunately but um you guys are going to like it um so pretty decent sized house I'd probably say around 4,000 square foot house um so we're here today with Carlo he's inside so we're starting outside so we're not going to get each other's way here and then um yeah so let's keep this nice and short and whatever and I'm going show you the grounds outside and then uh we'll check out inside so let's jump right into it okay so I'll start outside like I said um it's all forested Backyard which is really nice you can I know you can probably hear like traffic noise so it doesn't sound like it's rural or like middle of nowhere per se but it is it just sound travels um so you got like a treehouse here it's very overgrown but there you go that's pretty cool um the trees are marked I don't know does that mean how old the tree is or is that like measurements I don't know but anyways here it is pretty nice big house you've got a deck here that is pretty nice well it was nice it's pretty rough honestly now like it's couple holes it's kind of broken and cracked and stuff nice little like sun room here prob store like firewood in there nice big house nice big yard here you see the power meter has been removed so it'll be demoed for sure um let's go back up on the porch here there's a tree growing right through the deck that's crazy does this door go anywhere it's locked okay well guess we'll go up here and uh check out this so we're going to go over here just going to start down here and work our way up so you got a basement that looks mostly all dark and unfinished nothing really special going on lot of just empty unfinished space you might have had something down here at one point cuz there's like studs so I'm thinking maybe this was finished but uh yeah I don't know French door here that's nice into the uh mechanical room yeah it definitely was drywall here at one point cuz it's all cut out so I wonder um if it maybe it flooded at one point and uh you know but then again maybe not cuz there's no like water line on any of these like on the furnace or the water tank so but anyways this just your mechanical room you got like a little chair there um but you know there's a decent amount of space out here no this was definitely finished at one point you can see the lighting like the old recessed pot lights or whatever you want to call it recessed lighting pot lights whatever you want to call it it goes both ways and then you had a room here is it yeah there's a door here so this was finished at one point for sure um I don't know what this was but definitely was finished space at one point and then that looks probably just like a cold seller yeah it is it's just a closet and that's that's it for down here it's pretty small um staircase nothing crazy I got to wipe my lens I think it's like all smudged one sec guys okay see if that does anything so um nothing Under the Stairs yeah pretty small basement uh anyways let's head up here um we're going to go to the second floor right off the bat so we're not running Carlo and uh okay go straight up here and then we'll do the main floor left last a little bit different but it's all right so here's your first room nice big bright bedroom you see the water damage is starting nice big bright [Music] room with the Ikea shelving unit I have these same ones the white ones actually they're a little different mine aren't peeling like that mine seem to be a little better quality but I have the same shelves that's cool there's your closet storage divider things screen for the window and then mask so there's your first closet and then here this was definitely a little girls room Arya Arya I think that's what that says yeah very 90s Carpeting and color choices in Here Pink uh curtains are interesting let me guess this is just empty yeah just an empty closet like I said there's no power here that's all been cut so it's ready to be demolished um it's a nice house could defin Ely just be like renovated but you know how it goes this Landing is nice little window this is nice big glass shower the water is pretty rough pretty hard lot of iron in it double sink there's a what's up guys nice bathroom oh Skylight that's nice fans all ripped apart this is probably just all empty that's cool the fish for the knobs this is nice man and then this is obviously your master bedroom pretty big it's huge in here you got your closet nothing over the you know over the moon and then here is your your on Suite bathroom so you got nice double sink what's up guys what's going on guys pretty cool and you have a glass shower that checkered tile that's cool you got your jet like that's not Jets never mind soer tub you have a nice view back like the woods there yeah it's pretty nice I mean it's nothing crazy there's no good custom like crown molding or nothing crazy but you know like it's a nice house what's up there you guys going have to tell me what that is I can't see oh we got a mosquito in here hello Mr mosquito medicine cabinet empty yeah no no not bad it's a nice little house I mean I guess this isn't little but it's a good sized place this is nice this foyer area here what the heck that's creepy was like a dog gate here at some point but this is nice wood staircase nice banister you have a window cut out here with the light used to be a a light here I think and then here's your front f is that not beautiful I know this place is nothing crazy over the top but it's nice it's by no means like a topof the line house but it's nice you know like it's definitely well it's definitely above normal you know this is not a cheap house it's on a big property in a nice area I don't know what room this would be cuz you have your foyer here you have your hm I don't know dining room I'm thinking I don't know let's take a look through the whole place and then we'll discuss that but anyways black mold water damage skylights tend to do that quite often see it leaked all over the washer and dryer this is that door I think that goes to the outside no it's not at all okay well we'll check that out um bathroom in three piece what so guys there's your shower yeah Skylight huh cool surpris the washer and dryer weren't [Music] taken what's this oh garage yeah two-car garage is that covering up our room yeah got like a crawl space cool oops not shot okay got double garage Skylight in the garage that's kind of neat and this is the door that we tried to open yeah so nice little garage and then over here actually look at this that's a cool view this there's a big Skylight up there I don't know if I showed that one you you can see the water damage like there that's so cool I love that sunken living room like nice blonde almost like floors um it looks like they were going to paint or something in here so I don't know if they ran out of money but you that's what it was something like that they probably going to redo it and ran out of money or or something that's awesome so much light man so much freaking natural light this is so bright in here skylights Windows everywhere the beams in the ceiling are kind of cool but yeah it's like unfinished or like they were working on it or something even like the trim down there is like gone removed that's all sealed off very different style of house it's very unique this random pillar here is like you know like why but like why not I guess right and then around the corner here you can see like they were removing life fixtures like that wcon is gone got some water damage right there but but anyways you come back here and you have a nice big bright living room with a fireplace with the brass on it so that's a pretty 90s maybe 80s thing gas fireplace nice mantle probably could like have a TV mounted up above it probably what they were doing um pot lights foress lighting again whatever you want to call it and then that's the basement where we started and then your kitchen is pretty nice so I'm G to shut that but anyways your kitchen here very nice Definitely custom kitchen um Cabinetry this is a very '90s looking kitchen to me um your probably microwave I imagine was there yeah that's uh Gone there's your view out there that's pretty nice look at this Thermidor stove that's like a top-of-the line stove right there that's pretty nice surprised they didn't Salvage that because that's that's expensive same with is that a dishwasher yeah look at this that's a custom dishwasher to match your cabinet doors um I don't think there's water actually the tap is removed you can't even no that's nice the molding up here this has crown molding that's nice and then yeah the fridge I think this is probably a um definitely a custom fridge Subzero should not have opened it should I have uh nope shouldn't have opened it oh man see this is why I don't open fridges guys that is why we don't open the fridge oh that's gross and here's your island with like pillars and like moldings and stuff it's a nice kitchen it's a really nice kitchen nice size probably nice and bright and lit at one point you you know great you know entertainment area here if you're hosting like a party or something right off the kitchen there's a walk out to the deck to the backyard more entertainment space here this would be a great house for that um it's not a bad layout it's weird kind of but it's not bad so I'm going to guess that this is probably the formal dining room right here maybe uh I don't know because right off the living or the the living room over there and then that there I don't know it's a weird layout I don't know what this room would have been that's strange oh we didn't see this look at this the the doorbell that's really cool that's neat all right well that's pretty much it guys we've went through the place [Music] um I don't think uh there's anything else to see I imagine these cabinets are probably all empty yeah yeah lot of detail in here look at that it's up there it's over here wow and I didn't mention this either these floors are nice ni tile floors marble tile floors oh look at this Subzero wine fridge look at that I think that's probably pretty pricey as well the surpris that's just sitting here nice place really nice place [Music] ew This was Panasonic microwave used to be right there and you got like a timer for the lights it looks like cool stuff I think that's about it we've uh seen her all not a bad place um I'd show you out here but as you can see it's it's uh they've secured that but uh it's a very very open concept water leak right there all right I think that's it you've seen it all guys what is up guys thank you all for watching Ethan's video smash the like button subscribe if you haven't if you haven't you're living under a rock but I'm going to give this back to Ethan now so see you later guys thank you Carlo um yeah thank you guys for watching I hope you enjoyed it was pretty cool place um like I said '90s built house it's going to be demolished pretty soon um big plot of land corner lot um I'd say probably around 4,000 foot house this is um the the kitchen's like super nice super custom um super well done like high-end appliances with the Thermador fridge you know the Subzero uh fridge and wine fridge just the custom little designs on the the cabinets and and stuff so uh really nice kitchen um behind me here this this living room I really like the brass on this fireplace I really like that and then obviously I think you know if I had could choose a favorite part of this I mean this the front staircase area is cool um but then again like at the same time you know it's not like by any means like a high-end crazy you know you know luxurious house I think it was you know it's a big house it was built on a nice lot uh for its time but you know as much as I kind of hate to say this I I don't think every single old house ever has to be saved you know I think it's a shame that a house that's you know it needs some work but a house that it for the most part is Prett you know in pretty good condition you know and just to be demolished and thrown into a landfill cuz I guarantee you most if not all of this will just be thrown in nothing will be salvaged I really hope these appliances are but I doubt it um as much as like a shame that is I don't think every single old house ever needs to be saved and I think unfortunately this kind of falls into that category because there was no like crazy historical redeeming crazy quality factors or um features here so that's just my touch on it nice house not my personal you know favorite place you know if I had all the money in the world it wouldn't be a place that I would uh pursue but glad I could document it glad I could show you guys I hope and think you guys will really like this one um if you did I want you to go down below and I want you to hit like um I want you to leave a comment and I want me well I rather want you to leave me a comment and tell me what you thought I love seeing your comments and then lastly if you really liked this I want you to hit that subscribe button okay because we're doing this stuff two to four times a week we're we're doing this stuff we're checking out cool stuff all the time and and um I think you guys uh wouldn't regret it smashing that sub button so uh we're already what 100 almost 107,000 of us here have uh you know gathered together here and I'm forever grateful for that so thank you guys again so much but that's it uh yeah I'm done I'm done everything so we're going to head out to the next location I'll catch you guys in the next video thank you so much for watching and um stay safe my friends peace
Channel: Ethan Minnie
Views: 15,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 14eFFykiRmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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