She Died Here! A Sad Look Inside Christine's Abandoned Country Home l So Much Left Behind!

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this is the story of Christine and Bill an elderly couple that married later on in life in 2007 Christine was 69 when she finally met the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with she took on the role of a mother to three children grandmother to six children and even great-grandmother to two children the couple had a big family and loved them dearly CHR was a devout animal lover and advocate for their well-being she took in many Strays even installing a cat door for them to come and go as they pleased her husband Bill had an interest in woodworking that he pursued after retiring in 2010 he spent many hours in his shop working on the pieces that he would sell at the local markets the couple was only married for 15 years and in October of 2022 Christine sadly passed away in her sleep at home with Bill by her side stricken by grief bill passed away shortly [Music] after with their passing the remaining family members sold off the house a developer purchased the property and three others that are neighboring it a massive development is currently underway to build new cookie cutter highdensity homes in its place the surrounding area has been clearcut and the land flattened ready to be built on the only thing left standing in the way is Christine and Bill's home soon to be demolished like it never existed at [Music] all all right how's it going no crew welcome back to the channel now today I got a very very cool abandoned house for you guys right here this is the home of an elderly couple and they married each other pretty late on in life the elderly woman that lived here unfortunately she passed away at the age of 84 at this house her husband you know having a lot of grief passed away fairly soon afterwards the house has been abandoned since about 2021 there's family photos inside there's old food clothes some other possessions they seem to be very religious so we're going to try to be as respectful as possible in this house I'm going to show you around the outside first then we're going to go inside and see what we can find so without further Ado let's walk around this place see what we can find so let's go so we're starting our tour the back of the house here guys as you can see at one point this was a quite a nice little home they had beautiful little gardens they have a couple of sheds one over there one out of frame but as you can see this construction here is going to be taking out this house and there's actually two more houses over there this is all going to be a huge Redevelopment as it always goes with Ontario these kind of houses to me are the most interesting cuz they have a story usually to them and this one obviously has a little story that they unfortunately passed away not too long ago it's actually still thriving pretty well the garden here like this tree is blooming some of the other stuff seems to be doing fairly okay I'm not exactly sure when the house is from um probably 60s maybe a little bit later on so we do have one out building here which we'll get to one over there I do want to hop up on the back deck here okay so obviously they had a cat it's quite a nice little spot to hang out just chill here I believe the power's on I don't know if this works but nope you can see he's been abandoned for a while I mean there's a bird's this perched on the door frame now I do love this back deck here look at this retan chair it's like a super villain chair I love it nice little wiim Chine all twisted up in the weeds in the brush there looks like they're doing some gardening up here on the deck the four big pots not sure what they were growing obviously but they definitely were growing something or they just had some nice Planters oh they actually got two more down here as well I believe this is a hummingbird feeder like specifically for hummingbirds okay so we're going to continue on getting attacked by Nature they have a sum pump and it scared the beesus out of me when I was walking by cuz it just like spit out all the water so we have a little side shed right here and here's a great example of what's Happening Here like you can just see how much construction is going on in this area and this house is just simply a victim W it's packed in here got a moous trap nothing too crazy I mean just really just storage on some foam not really sure why we have a shed over there it's a little Mucky in this Con construction site all right what do we got here so we got a nice little I guess Tin Shed I would imagine at one point they put a riding motor motor riding mower and lawn mower in here weed whackers stuff like that then over here what we got in here uh this looks maybe like a gardening room actually potentially I could be wrong like a potting and repotting area just with also some um Lumber storage okay so I I think I was right I did film the inside before uh filming the outside but when I was inside I noticed that it looks like there's an apartment off of that back deck there's two doors to go in so I guess they're renting out part of the house possibly when his wife passed away yeah I mean this is definitely not how the couple expected this house to be I'm sure okay I thought that this was bigger than it was so we have another side building right here hopefully it's open oh it's mangled in here um try the front door instead that's pretty crazy too the clock is literally peeling inside definitely like a little tool shed some firewood in here what we got in here oh you know what this actually might have been guys this might have been a woodworking shop I was mentioning that that he had some woodworking finishes and like veneers and like um covers there's some woodworking books in here he may have been not only cutting up firewood but him or her working on the uh some wood projects I mean there's a lot of sawas everywhere in here so that would make a lot of sense to me it's kind of weird if REM remind me of my uh my grandpa's Tool Shed has the exact same smell so it kind of brings back some Nostalgia um it's a bit weird feels like I'm roaming around in his thing instead of like some abandoned shed instead it's it's kind of nice actually but um yeah that's pretty much this shed in here and you can see from the front here we do have bit more firewood all just sitting up at the front which is cool crazy that the hydrometer's on like there is power everything does work and I believe originally before they did this um this was probably the driveway and you'd hop out of the car walk straight up to the house this is cool whatever this is it's cool electrical box very very worn musoka chair actually could have quite a bit of stuff in the garbage there but you would walk straight up right inside and that was probably their fence originally that got knocked down during the construction holy crap that's a lot of cat food is that just all cat food and bird seed so this is just Whiskas and bird seed and just buckets upon buckets wow that's the uh entire outside guys let's go ahead inside okay guys so we've made it inside of this house and this this is definitely a time capsule we have quite a bit of stuff left behind they were definitely elderly uh an elderly couple I believe that lived here and most likely they did pass away but this is like the front room when you walk in from the I think this is the front door it's kind of a weird laid out house so I could be wrong so just bear with me we have a bunch of keys now this house seems to have power and water running and it still but you can see by the state of it it's uh pretty rough shape it's been abandoned since about 2022 little recycling bag for some old batteries what we got here looks like a photo book our wedding Shane and Nicole the pond Ker's Garden Stone uh ston house new Gardens England so we have some photos from a wedding I guess that's pretty crazy this 2007 pretty nice I'm assuming this is the couple I guess they were married a little bit later on in life if that's the case cuz they're uh definitely an older couple for sure looks like 2007 maybe is when they got married that's cool it's very cool s it's Stonehenge yeah I really like looking at Family Photos over find that really cool okay so once we leave this little front area foyer area we basically are directly into what I'm assuming is maybe there supposed to be the dining room and then the kitchen's just over there a little coat closet behind the door here okay oh we got a bunch of color slides here we'll have to check these out a little bit later these look like they could be interesting I do have my color slide viewer with me so we'll take a look at these I'll probably cut it in either now or a little bit later in the video here are some of the Kodak slides I was able to find give you guys a look hopefully that focuses that was a loyal cat oh we have one of those vibrator weight loss machines too like weren't those really popular in the 80s that's pretty funny those didn't really work right I'm pretty sure if I remember correctly so it appears that pretty much there's a lot of different areas where they have daily informations so they definitely were a religious uh family or religious couple it seems do have this little side room over here it's pretty much empty is this a poem I wandered lonely as a cloud that floats on a high it's covered but yeah it looks like a poem maybe this was a bedroom this is interesting they have a little like dog door so I wonder if they were feeding some birds coming in here because they do have quite a bit of birds hanging on these trees out front wonder if they would be feeding birds from this room you can see that they tried to renovate a bit they put um like a laminate flooring over some carpet here I'm hoping at least that's the reason that this is cut out I'm hoping it's not because somebody passed away here I did hear that the uh the wife passed away in the home so hopefully that's not here in this spot okay so back into this main room here wow look at all this stuff just stored up here got some extra lamps we have here branches of sage from 2019 all these newspapers seem to be 2021 the secret gratitude Journal looks like a little like first aid kit very well built this looks like a notice of somebody passing away her name is Christine born in England to Arthur in Florence Christine immigrated to Canada where she spent the greater part of her life until passing peacefully in her sleep in her home and in her 84th year that's here guys Christine is survived by her husband William Bill who loved and cared for her into her final days May her thoughts of gratitude and compassion be with him as he navigates through this time of grief so she did have um she was a parent so she had three kids three or four kids possibly yeah and this is the gr the woman we saw in the photos in that front book there so that's very sad doctor's letters of no long-term life support oh boy letter of no life support so she had a DNR basically that's sad I guess this is how the home was mainly heated is with this wood burning stove here even have a burn indicator on it right there that would have heated the house pretty much they obviously do have some venting but uh they probably did use this quite a bit to keep the house warm interesting having like a little divider like this just kind of in the main room maybe they had a dog got a cage right there kind of an interesting spot for your electrical panel as well you can see that the plants that the uh couple was taking care of here have unfortunately withered away with nobody to care for them and a developer buying out the property they just kind of sit rotting away probably a kitchen table or a little dining table right here where standing that's some bottles of polar ice now we do have the stove is on here actually pinned up a fortune cookie um like Fortune here like some butterfly I don't know if they had grandchildren that were coming around I would assume so that their kids would bring the grandkids around not a bad idea actually sand uh sandwich ideas cucumber and cheese peanut butter on Retta grilled cheese with tomato or onion I don't know who was on the oxygen but here's your instr instructions on exactly how to go about that I guess oh there's their cat it's probably the cat cage then some of the drawers have stuff some of them don't so it's kind of hard to to see they also had dinner ideas on here I wonder if somebody was maybe uh having some issues with their memory so like having something like this as a list would help them out cuz got more dinner ideas over here um Healthy Living For Your alkaline acid food chart so probably acid reflux of some sort right here we have on this door here says rules for being a human if you guys want to read that feel free to pause it back little water oh no wait Vite up here very well organized though like watch Jewel watches jewelry all this you know spare chains small screwdrivers razors nail files then have some CDs I don't know what for cuz they like wild birds maybe they're into birding they would go and uh have one of those books that you know you could mark off which birds that you've seen power in the house does work so this should yeah should be able to turn it on looks like that's been yeah it's been cleared out and something's leaking I don't want to touch that of course we got our assist of bars where need be nothing in there okay looks like a computer room possibly we got the computer sitting right here um I did try to turn this computer on I may try a little bit later after I've gone through the whole house and then just cut it into the video here but it this is wired like in a crazy way like this is plugged into a power bar and then that power bar is plugged into this power bar and then this power bar is plugged into this power bar that's plugged into an extension cable that runs all the way over there so uh yeah it's it's it's a lot so we'll see if we can figure this computer out maybe a bit later but you know this is probably like a 2012 like Dell computer with a cool master case it's nothing too too crazy so check that out we got Windows starting up I don't think there's a mouse though so I don't think I can do much it's not that old it's Windows 7 I don't think that there's a mouse oh wow look at that so they have three Google Chrome shortcuts soup and news receipts spider solitary downloads yeah I don't think there's a mouse anywhere unfortunately but it's pretty cool give you guys a look at the computer actually running Our Lady of the universe paided by Jackin ripstein just for today I will not worry I will not be angry I will do my work honestly I will give thanks for my many blessings I will be kind to my neighbor and all things living definitely a religious couple for sure I myself I'm not religious but um I can respect people that have their beliefs in that um they seem fairly passionate like I usually find when they put stuff on the walls and stuff they're quite um true to their convictions I believe that's what you say so what we have in here just a little closet okay so we already were on that back deck there where there's flower pots and some vegetables look like they're growing this is a cool old radio an old General Electric amfm and cassette recorder okay so let's move on to this back room over here got quite a few things in these drawers here just some maintenance stuff yeah like tapes and stuff like that that you might need in a house so that does lead downstairs to the basement do we have anything nothing in here I do like in this coverboard here it's all lined with Maple Leaves okay so we got our cleaning supply closet right here ironing board tucked away right there we got a few more products here here mosquito be gone where this house is it makes sense cuz they're kind of close to some water so mosquitoes are probably pretty bad okay so we have over here this looks like a almost an apartment like that they could have rented out because we do have another entrance door right there the apartment for the most part has been cleaned out um fairly old stove I did look through through this there's no photos in it unfortunately like the front one but packing some ketchup um I don't know if the Water Works it does don't know why the water hasn't been shut off to be honest with you so that as well leads to the back uh like porch deck area got a bunch bunch of different plants here they're all obviously dead Citizen watch and Eco Drive Citizen watch box I have a Citizen watch I was gifted one of those for my birthday I'm not really the biggest watch wearer but it's a very nice watch some of this HVAC and stuff obviously is an afterthought because they're using a wood burning stove probably for so long and then they decided to upgrade the house potentially Cube oh there rat poop on my finger Cuba 2019 Havana Betty Boop watch it's kind of interesting is this one still has a lot of food product Left Behind like we have chicken noodle soup expires 2022 so it's only 2 years off some slice beets uh they're a little bit longer off some corn don't know i' say it's on the top 2024 that's actually still good Corn's still good guys but then some ramen noodle some poptarts some quick rice for the microwave and then we had of course we had some craft dinner expired in 2021 in June pancake mix had some cereals then we have our I guess this is our vitamin cabinet supplements and vitamins for training I'm not really familiar with a lot of this so yeah chocolate pizza toal own chocolate pizza that's cool you can just see all the mice droppings everywhere you can tell that the house has been you know animals have definitely gotten into the home what is this unsweetened applesauce 2022 and there's like four of them in here or three of them we actually have the man that lived here as driver's license so again last calendar is 2021 this looks like it'd be a living room we got the nice couch it actually kind of matches the curtains which I'm sure was the plan the entire time and look at this old Sears TV guys look at the size of it it's remote controlled um it made no noise I don't think it's going to work but it made noise yeah I think the um CRT is dead Okay so this leads you straight upstairs might as well head upstairs while we're already over here H an iPad Mini it's the box for it at least I don't think it's a crazy big upstairs to this house shower still works sure that would turn on if I decided to not going to but um yeah okay what why do they both open at the same time okay I guess it's just the one room up here I thought it would have been more but that's all right we had one upper bedroom looks like that's a AC unit in the Box over there so there's some stuff about a pension plan in 2019 some CRA information some deposits and stuff so nothing that we really should be looking at especially not putting online that's not our information to really be putting out there is this an award so 1989 to 1990 highi with handicap uh 288 so it's bowling oh so he worked at the airport I guess property of the greater Toronto Airport Authority I believe that he also passed away pretty shortly after his wife passed away I used to love this game this mx vers atv like Style game we do have a rayb bands box which is very cool but yeah nice little upstairs area so we're going to make our way down I guess to the basement I believe I covered all the rooms up here you can also just see like the condensation starting on the windows it's quite bad guess I didn't really look in these so I'll give these a look okay feel like this house should have more basement for some reason it's very uh it smells very musty down here okay so we got some paint rollers [Music] okay so you might hear the sump pump it is still trying to work so we're not going to touch that cuz if we do and obviously it's going to be a big ordeal bunch of different paints for repair I believe this is a heat lamp dry bean sup mix from Costco pretty new like wet back it seems like they have a lot of wood refinishing stuff so maybe they did some wood working here furnace looks really new don't know what's in these they just feel empty they look like uh just LCBO bags maybe they just collected them or kept them in case they needed them so hot water tank water softener stuff like that all here okay so we have a bunch of flour whole wheat flour this is from 2016 that whole wheat flour is from 2015 so they obviously weren't cycling through their stuff unfortunately wildf flower honey was $135 for that so this looks like these are Peach preserves I don't know if those are good at all anymore I'll be honest I don't know preserves All Too Well Mero I don't really want to open this with my hand okay I just didn't want an animal to pop out looks like some bedding cover that back up then back here some hot chocolate mix and stuff like that interesting so another little storage uh area of the home bean soup mix that is not bean soup mix that is Tide Pods that's that would be a bad thing to mix up you can see that some mice have made a home in there so we're going to touch that um I'm not really sure what this is for maybe for putting a cork in something or looks like a press of some sort yeah what an interesting home I feel like there's possibly another side to this basement I'm going to double check just to be sure but quite a lot of stuff left behind just sitting in this little basement here obviously we're going to miss some stuff but like these random scissors hanging or like the the cool frog um thermostat sitting over there all right guys thank you so much for joining me on this explore of this very very cool abandoned Time Capsule really hope you guys enjoyed I hope you enjoyed seeing into this couple's lives if you did be sure to hit that like button drop a comment down below let me know your thoughts and be sure to hit that subscribe button with that guys I am out I'll see you in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Noah.Nowhere
Views: 55,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, urbex, abandoned places, abandoned mansion, abandoned houses, abandoned time capsule, abandoned cabin in the woods, cabin in the woods, abandoned in the4 woods, she died here, Tragic abandoned house, abandoned house, urban exploring, urban exploration, tragic abandoned house, bros of decay
Id: KPHzdtUaoC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 11sec (2411 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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