Exploring a House Built in 1862. (Includes Creepy Blood Pool and EVP!)

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[Music] hey everybody it's me Ryan so I apologize I know I haven't done a video in a while I've been going to school and all that crap so anyway I am really excited to see this house today this again is in the Hyde Park neighborhood this is one of the oldest areas in st. Louis and the house that we're gonna see today his own palm street it's a 3-bedroom 2-bathroom it's 1,650 square feet it was built in 1865 and it's listed at nineteen thousand five hundred dollars and the property tax last year was 136 dollars so we're gonna see this house today I'm really excited I'm just waiting for the realtor as you guys can see this is a really old area of st. Louis but they're rehabbing all these houses this is a really big house neighbor that came to introduce themselves and the brickwork on this house is amazing I guess you could park back here guys it's the st. Louis history right here and again look at these old houses this is just a lot of stuff like this let's gates the neighbor she just introduced herself all these houses were built in the 1800s and you can see like that one across the street it's kind of abandoned in that house on the corner obviously this house does need work that's why it's listed it 19500 okay guys we got the creaky basement listen all that looks up to date now not sure what these this war it creepy have you seen this one before no huh know what the property taxes are do you dollars okay oh yeah there's a bad leak there yeah you can tell they don't allow quote unquote updating over the years this is a nice bathroom wouldn't make a nice bathroom Wow just think of all the people that have looked at this window since 1865 something understand pictures online as the floor I think that's original people out here on this balcony there was a balcony this probably added later [Music] no well yeah but these remain so that might be what you saw now there's a picture of the Attic I'm just trying to think maybe it's from the outside this is not three bedrooms you know that there's going to be part of the house I'm listening because this is not three bedrooms two bathrooms that's only one bathroom upstairs so this little man proved if I fall through call nine-one-one this it'll has that sweet what do you smell now you can feel the age of the house in here wow that's pretty bad look at that that's amazing interesting okay guys so this is a tour of a historic house in Hyde Park once again built in 1860 for you from these windows is pretty neat so thank you for coming with me on another tour spend your Sunday evening with me or morning whenever you watch this okay guys hope you're right has a happy day I'll talk to you soon okay [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mr. Man
Views: 151,777
Rating: 4.8679438 out of 5
Keywords: House tour, creepy house, abandoned house, historic, EVP, Paranormal, blood, bloody, scary, creepy, ghosts, ghost, abandoned, urban explorer, real estate, cheap, 1862, st. louis, hyde park, for sale, historic house
Id: vezU8FstusM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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