I Found My First Flip for $7,500!!!

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[Music] hey everybody it's me Ryan and Phineas and today we're gonna go look at a house at five three four four Queen Avenue it's a one-bedroom one-bath house a thousand square feet listed at $7,500 the property taxes last year were six dollars and the best part this house was built in so I'm really excited about this one guys because Jeff's already looked at it and he said if there's no major issues on the inside one that he wants to rehab so I'll start filming once we get at the house okay okay guys so we're here can't really see the house there it is right there in case any of you were wondering this is the Mark Twain neighborhood in North City from what I can tell from the outside the bridge looks pretty good walk around the outside first with just my roll something else I noticed that just blew my mind especially for this area as a central air unit $7,500 a nice little yard not only that it's got a garage so I think that's why Jeff said yeah there's no major issues of this one wants to make an offer today this house was just listed probably rescued that's where I got Phineas from my cat I mean even the fact that a house has a garage has this price this is it looks like a small house but it's actually listed at a thousand square feet so that's not small I mean it's small for some people looks like that's a new roof too so I'm kind of excited to see this one I said before you never know what you're gonna find okay we're like it's in good shape even the floors aren't that bad I'll take that front door even though that's not great glass windows funny guys mention the fireplace in the rear though one for sale in North City Wow my sunny little kitchen this isn't bad at all I'm actually really surprised I mean it's basic one thing that's also a good sign the windows aren't broken out Oh not surprisingly they're actually art pictures online and there's two orbs in one of the photos wow look at that it's got a pantry Wow doesn't look bad I mean it could use some cleaning but I mean the fact that I didn't even have the tub with fixtures surprising definitely better than that house that we looked at in water park for 8,000 and then this one is these now kind of require a lot there's a basement it's just a one-bedroom [Music] Thadeous probably some DNA closet I like that big window and then it's even walk through there's a little closet oh it's got carpet in here and then you walk right through there's a front room which is the living room where we came in I always get nervous when I open closets I can already tell you I'm pretty sure this one it is pretty much gonna be one I just don't know what to do just from you know that's something you guys don't realize is that I probably looked at two or three houses of the day I don't post everything on my channel only the houses that I think is kind of interesting or unusual some of these okay this is a little creepy Wow washer I just oh so cool I mean I know a lot of you were probably like it's just a door it's gonna need a new box down here this is actually the room in the photo that has orbs in it which is even creepier because this is in the basement no comment weird energy for sure you know at least the walls are painted I mean this doesn't look bad at all okay check out the furnace well looks okay to me I don't think the furnace works cuz you guys saw that space heater upstairs but it's got the copper tubing and water heater looks like it's in good shape this is definitely a good one I mean acting after looking at so many houses I've probably looked at 50 houses I think this is the first one that has real potential you know and everybody talks about the bars but the good thing about the bars is you know people can't break in and steal everything and strip the house stove-pipe used to be I'm pretty sure I mean this house has everything you know today's the first day that actually feels like spring so guys thanks for coming with me on another little tour of an inexpensive house for sale and I hope you can guys have a great Saturday and [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mr. Man
Views: 86,049
Rating: 4.9304347 out of 5
Keywords: flip, rehab, abandoned, urban explorer, creepy, scary, ghosts, ghost, realty, real estate, tiny house, cheap, DIY, how to, tutorial
Id: _4drtGQl4dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2019
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