Exploring a 1900's Home in Baden, Missouri! (Includes Crazy Light Anomalies and a Sad History)

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[Music] everybody it's me Ryan so today we're gonna look at a house in the baden neighborhood they get Bodnar baden and it's this one right here the reason I decided to do a little video on this house is because I thought the pictures on the inside were pretty interesting this house was built in 1909 so it's over a hundred years old so just bear with me we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna look on the outside first it's listed for eighteen thousand nine hundred [Music] a really nice little backyard I think the most interesting thing that I noticed this is definitely a house that I would live in personally always look for a house with also something that I thought that was really interesting from the Google Earth photos alleyway alley behind my house okay so I wanted to give you guys an update on the house that was for auctions I'll put a picture up here so you can see it if in case you forgot so some of you have asked what happened in a house what happened was Jeff missed the auction date even though I reminded him probably three times I was pretty upset and bummed by it at the time because you know it's like what am i doing this and from what I can see the roof looks pretty good but somebody did mention that because of the new it worked is my realtor Miss Emma oh wow you're not doing that are you I'll be back Miss Emma Wow it smells like a really old house I mean you guys know how you know blackberry smells exactly this you can even hear the clock ticking electricity no these built-ins that is nice I definitely think I'm a older person lived here kind of reminds me of my mom's house very clean that's one thing you find about a lot of older people's homes is that it is they are very clean and one thing that I've noticed is that if the house is clean chances are they took pretty good care of the outside Wow this see this is why I wanted to show you guys this house because it's like stepping back in time just to give you some kind of perspective 19:09 that is the Edwardian period in Great Britain so I think that's me very interesting the ceiling fans I really like this house like a lot much more so than any of the houses I looked at over the past two weeks it's got a little shelf there they put it for the thermostat at the mouth over there you don't see it's got two doors off the entryway another fireplace just feels like nobody's been in here for ages gotta solve that right must be dust yes I don't know it's weird cause I don't see anything in front of the camera hello hello Wow amazing yeah that's a really good shape and then there's a little room off to the side here this would make a really nice study and it is very quiet here there's my car yeah you could definitely fix up this room put new flooring in here so yeah guys I'm always excited to go see a house because this is my first time seeing it too [Music] smells like old wood don't meet doors like that anymore Wow another little room I think this is what's enough that's the side or the little garden is this is making up a nice little room like a craft room something like that you had craft and here's the other bedroom on this side [Music] Wow I don't know if you guys know is the song for a gas lantern like I said early accordion period that's when they were just introducing gas or maybe it was electricity really nice little room wouldn't take anything to redo this I've got these bars on the wall will protect the wall again I've never seen that before and this is the room that looks out over the backyard where the garage was cameras not focusing so this here this would probably be my bedroom just because it's away from the street it's got a window air units and this is the wow wow that's like original this room hasn't even been finished this is interesting to me looks like knob into electric that's not good and you can see it there's a little hole worthy you can see light coming down from the roof I don't know if occupancy laws would make you finish this there's a little you can see the outside would make you we finish this room or not I don't know why it's not been rehabbed because this would be a fourth bedroom for sure now see it's gotta and coming back in this area I really think that the person that lived here probably had their bed down here and may have passed away in this room it's just the feeling that I'm getting you know a lot of older people that's what happened I couldn't get up stairs anymore woodwork in this house is amazing and the fact that they haven't painted over a white which is drives me crazy when people do that and that was a much economic class you don't see that the horticulture Wow even the basement is an excellent shape washer and dryer Oh I don't like basements really weird energy in here Oh it looks like some let me have a shop down here probably an older man soon I feel like I'm invading somebody's personal space but uh I have to get these shots for Jeff I don't know what those are well that's quikrete that looks pretty good I'm no expert you guys know that water heater actually looks brand-new Wow so I see absolutely zero wrong with this house doesn't look like it needs anything other than paint on the outside that's the backyard that is so nice I love trees you know that so some paint in a little bit of updating I think this house would be in great shape so thank you guys for going with me on another little tour of a historic house in the bottom Bayden however you want to say it neighborhood of st. Louis so hope you guys have a great rest of your day and thanks for going with me as always okay [Music]
Channel: Mr. Man
Views: 196,666
Rating: 4.8963494 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned house, abandoned home, urban explorer, home, rehab, flip, real estate, ghost, creepy, scary, eerie, ghosts, orbs, orb, paranormal, cheap house, haunted
Id: 0xiJT6ExVZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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