Explaining WTF just Happened in Jujutsu Kaisen

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jiujitsu kaen season 2 finally comes to a close this week and what a journey it has been from a surprising start with mayay and utahime dominating the first episode to the evisceration of Gojo at the hands of toi his Revival Ascension and ghetto downfall the start of shibba spearheaded by the death of mechamaru Gojo's ceiling the deaths of both heroes and villains alike and finally the crescendo with Yuki tsukomo making the save and confronting pseudo ghetto Beyond just the anime it's been a wild four months to go from a zero viewer Andy to just hundreds of thousand of people watching these videos so I wanted to take a moment to just thank you guys and I look forward to 2024 tons of content planned out anyway we'll move on with the episode having first shown up in the tail end of hidden inventory Yuki's philosophy of evolving Humanity through the extermination of cursed energy remains strong even today much to the displeasement of pseudo ghetto his ideology being that of optimizing C energy the two are at a narrative and literal standstill Yuki not wanting to make a move before her allies have had ample time to get Toto and others to safety continues her back and forth with pseudo ghetto this episode is incredibly dense on information and very light on action so I'll do my best to break down this Yap session where Yuki envisions a world in which everyone is effectively a jiutu sorcerer a world where the natural leakage of cursed energy is removed and by proxy curses as well pseudo ghetto well he isn't so kind to him the optimization of curs energy is the next step in human evolution a step that can only be taken through a [ __ ] Turin Arc baby let's [ __ ] go okay I got got a little carried away when pseudo ghetto talks about optimizing cursed energy he doesn't mean making Sorcerers non Sorcerers cursed Spirits train and hone their bodies to absolute perfection pseudo ghetto is hundreds of years old he's tried many different methods but as he puts it nothing he creates can exceed the bounds of his potential what an incredibly hard line and what a harder dis to his own son right in front of him at death door Gojo unlocked his ability to use reverse curse techniqu just as Megami was about to summon mahara one last time against the second finger bear effectively ending his life he achieved his domain expansion if cursed energy is a byproduct of negative emotion then those negative emotions must be at their highest at the point of death pseudo gto's plan involves creating chaos that he cannot control and the way to achieve this is by having Sorcerers past and present fight each other to the death to release that cursed energy and what he plans to do with it remains to be said in the anime proper just like how sukuna has traversed the ages as a cursed object only to reincarnate within Yuji hundreds of others have done the same through packs with pseudo ghetto the seals on the cursed objects have been removed by him and now hundreds of humans will have had their bodies taken over by Sorcerers of the past and to just add even more fuel to the fire using malito's now extracted technique which has been evolved because of his fight with Yuji pseudo ghetto remotely casts idle Transfiguration on two types of marked humans one those that have ingested cursed objects already their bodies have now been altered to be strong enough vessels to not immediately die and house these reincarnated Sorcerers and to normal humans without the ability to use curse techniques their brains have now been altered just like J was back in season 1 which allows them to have access to their own curse techniques essentially what might end up happening is a battle royale if everything goes to plan guess I jump the gun with a tournament Arc the chaos created by all the death and destruction is what pseudo GTO wants chaos that even he cannot control allowing him to in effect bypass that limitation of his own potential Yuki chastises pseudo ghetto for not thinking through and underestimating human rationality how many of these newly awakened Sorcerers would actually attempt to kill each other right off the Jump but pseudo ghetto hits her with the your questions are lacking persp pacity perspicacity where have I heard that word before my unmatched perspicacity coupled with sheer indefatigability makes me a feared opponent in any realm of human endeavor oh [ __ ] he's a tate fan no wonder he loves talking about himself so much but he's not technically wrong this plan of his has been hundreds of years in the making so for it to be foiled by something as fickle as human rationality would indeed be silly despite this pseudo ghetto isn't strong enough to fight everyone alone With Ur omadam for the count due to chosa blood so he unveils the final kicker in his plan outside of vows made with Sorcerers of the past he'd also made vows with cursed Spirits however these vows have become null and void now that he's in possession of gto's body with cursed Spirit manipulation he unleashes hundreds no perhaps thousands of curses and a surprisingly beautiful track so late into the series is erupt perfectly encapsulating the mood of the scene he makes his escape with the prison realm but not without flaunting it one last time before dipping into the darkness Yuji cries out for Gojo ring through our ears and the power cuts out hopefully that gives you an idea as to what just happened and maybe showed you why they call him the Yap demon this portion of the episode was incredibly Limited in motion obviously but it still featured some very creative shots nice lighting and some really strong and energetic drawings pretty much anything with Yuki was handled with utmost care care and I'm not exactly complaining I joke about pseudo gto's yapping but the truth is whenever he's on screen the actual plot and lore of the series is moved forward much more than with other characters this to me makes all of his appearances very enjoyable and Incredibly important and this one was not any different what is very different however is the anime's take on the second half aka the you know we're at the end of our budget and time act jokes aside in the manga we're greeted with this set of pages utter chaos chaos by design with the news of shibba making its way to the masses total panic the anime's approach is much more detailed and surprisingly calm people are unsure with what's happening and they just continue about their daily lives blissfully unaware some even call what's happening a hoax or well they're probably just recording a movie the only ones in true Panic are what I assume government officials with knowledge of curs spirits and cursed energy plans get thrown out one after the other but with c g writes the story this this might not be that important to us as readers the scene shifts and jiujitsu kaisen once again Taps into its horror esque nature this admittedly long scene of a Lost Child scrounging up food in an abandoned Supermarket is properly unsettling at first this ethereal looking curse motions at the child to come closer but as she makes her way towards the door the curses form becomes more and more apparent and to be honest gig does a really good job at creating monsters so much so that I'd love to see him attempt to create a horror manga just like Jito ah who I kidding is making that Idol manga isn't he the girl can see curses but she doesn't know what they are this is what fools her into putting blind trust into this thing that she can only barely make out and as she makes it past the door the jaws of the fish from Nemo that had me scared of the ocean as a kid open wide but UT makes a save having been completely absent in the story since the events of zero he finally makes his return I really really like the slight redesign here for Utah He's a bit more built than he was in zero and the way he carries himself exudes the confidence that he had built up throughout the events of jiujitsu kaai in zero and his eyebags have also been nerfed a little bit anyway the original main character is back and the good guys might finally have a Fighting Chance oh well [ __ ] initially I had thought and secretly hoped that the season would end right here but I actually do like what they ended up squeezing in the higher-ups ruling that Gojo is to be exiled Yuji sentenced to be resumed and then executed by UT and then Yaga to also be executed for aiding ghetto and Gojo it is nice that they included this and I think it gives a good little teaser for what's to come in the future this episode did feature a lot of time-saving techniques like reusing shots or long panning ones but I think this shot but I think this shot of Yugi walking around just went on and on but I get it we'll never you know we're never going to [ __ ] on the animators here because they are the victims you get the idea with the thousands of curses released Yuji claps his hands and two bring up at him and jut in season 2 is [Music] over give these animators a break they just finish the season
Channel: Orion
Views: 489,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jujutsu kaisen, jujutsu kaisen manga, jujutsu kaisen season 2, jujutsu kaisen reaction, Jujutsu kaisen anime review, yuji itadori, yuji vs mahito, jjk, jjk anime, jjk reaction, jjk review
Id: anUN46EKA_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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