Explaining Why Roy Is Better Than Chrom

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let's talk about Carmen Roy as you guys know prom and Royal Echo Fighters so what that means is that they basically marry each other in terms of moves and Frame data they're pretty similar outside of like a few key differences like one of the major differences between crime and Roy is that Roy has sour spots on his attacks and krom does not so if krom is at lope is at high percents and hits you with a Tipper move it will be more likely to kill confeder Roy so hitting with tip ref tilt with Roy and then I'll do the same thing with chrome yeah as you saw that sent way farther but then at the same time let's say I get it strong here with Roy that since much farther than Chrome's non-tipper hit so those are the trade-offs and then the other one is that chroms up B is different from Roy's it's chroms up B it's kind of similar to Ike's without him throwing a sword up and Roy's abused that one so yeah we're gonna kind of explain why a lot of people believe that Roy is the better of the two because I also think that Roy is better than Chrome but before I get into explaining more make sure to subscribe like the video comment what you think about Roy and krom or if you think Roy is significantly better than Chrome or not so I think the only reason that Chrome is significantly worse than Roy's recovery his recovery is incredibly exploitable this move is super duper exploitable something that people may not know look at the hitbox the hitbox only covers the front of chrome it doesn't even cover behind or above him or behind him so a lot of people think because he's spinning it covers like his entire body that's not the case so it's it's pretty easy to hit and I think that at the start of the game's life people didn't realize how exploitable it was a lot of times people would let crom recover for free or at the very least if they didn't let him recover for free they would mess up Edge guarding him and they would die so like this is a common thing you would see happen that is very very common that you would see happening at the start of ultimate it still happens now but less likely because people just know how to avoid it or know not to get hit by that to you know allow that not to happen but yeah that was definitely a big Vlog compared to Roy's recovery which it doesn't go as far but because of the startup he can kind of just immediately get back and not have to worry about the opponent properly positioning themselves to hit him one of the benefits to both of these characters too is that they have good air speeds so there's a lot of cases where they don't even need to actually do their um throughout B to make it back I'm actually going to change stages to show you and yeah as you see I didn't even need to need to use my upbeat because again the aerial Drift from both Roy and comet is really really good they also have a really good directional air Dodge but if you don't know they have like a top 10 AirSpeed I'm actually gonna look up like what it is just to make sure I'm right oh no their airspeed's top five my bad top 10 top five they're a speed is really really good it's insanely good yeah they can just drift incredibly well and make it back without the need of using their their up special so that makes Chrome not as bad but again like if he's put in situations where he does have to use his upbeat it is going to be rough because even though they can drift and make it back on their own you have to think that okay well even if they can do that their opponent's going to harass them and try to force them the user up B and for the case of krom again like his recovery is just exploitable and the better the players at a higher level the more likely you're going to see Chrome just get Edge guarded because of the fact that his recovery is that that exploitable and it also doesn't help that a lot of characters have just ways of edge guarding him without really committing to much so a perfect example is characters from counters like Joker's counter is just Joker's counter against against kron's recovery is messed up he can just so easily Edge guard prom without necessarily having to even worry about the threat of getting spiked because of tetra card even without arson he could use rubble's guard in some spots to Edge guard prom so there's also that to worry about and if he Rebels guard that helps him get arson sooner you know you know you have min-min with their arms just there's a lot of characters that have answers to krom's recovery and I'm not saying that Roy's recovery is amazing either because it's not a super amazing recovery but it's fast and just allows him to quickly grab the ledge in spots where krom can't so it just makes a damage harder for the opponent to actually position themselves in the proper spot to Edge guard Roy in in some cases oh yeah Wes that is also true yes uh Roy can actually mix up his recovery better because he can he can angle his up I mean he can kind of drift with his upbeat but it doesn't really help that much so I guess let me let me just show that really quick so you know Roy has the ability to like do this and then it could also just go low what does that be in yeah good Mix-Ups that's reason one why Roy is better than Chrome um one of the other reasons is just Roy's Sweet Spot Royce sweet spot is just his absolutely absurd so okay so that's what that's what Chrome didn't kill and then let's go with Roy yeah like Roy's kill power is just noticeably stronger than comms and that allows him to just do something like the most absurd kill setups [Music] yeah there's spots where you can do that not like that that is a real kill confirm with Roy and you know let's try let's try some Chrome I mean okay yeah so I talked about the recovery I talked about Roy's sweet spots okay let's talk about something that KRON does well though so even though uh Roy has more kill power problems kill power is more consistent because of the lack of a sour spot so you know let's say Roy does f smash right the same F smash that would kill look how pathetic the hitbox on on F smashes if it doesn't Sweet Spot it's noticeably different whereas with chrome it doesn't matter you can get the Tipper you cannot get the Tipper that will kill so this is Brahms Tipper F smash doesn't matter like doesn't matter if you get the strong or the inside hit the outside hit it will kill and it's the same thing with this jab like if you could tip or jab you can still fall from it it's definitely harder depending on how the opponent of the eyes are but you can still get a follow from it if I stop sucking and actually bear like I want to there it is yeah so you can still get a fall from it whereas you get the timber down with Roy like he gets nothing like there's absolutely nothing you can get the only time we're getting the Tipper hit from Roy is beneficial is if the opponent is at a really high percent because you can get like yeah you can get that that is a true confirm like Roy has a lot of really strong confirms with weak hit up air into stuff at higher percents so that's basically the only time where you actually want to get a sour spot with Roy is is when you're doing that but other other than that getting weak hit with Roy is just really really really bad oh yeah that's another thing yeah because krom's jab doesn't sour spot his lead trapping is better for that reason like some other differences as well so I don't know how easy it is to see it but like Roy's four tilt doesn't hit as low as croms does like croms hits slightly lower I might have to be a different character but Roy's or Chrome's actual like hit some character hanging from ledge let me let me switch characters I think this is fine yeah so oh yeah no it doesn't that is a pretty big difference but yeah I guess that's like something to bring up for some reason some they're like their animations are different first for some of their attacks it's like very slightly different so their hits just connect differently I mean jab also the same thing with with Roy and krom because Roy's job has the it's our spot it's not as good in as many situations as crabs because you don't have to worry about that so you can get a follow-up at least if the opponent doesn't die the jab right let me bring this up to you because this is definitely something that I see people just not know and they just think that like his character's jab is like super super broken if you di jab away from from common Roy it makes it like harder or impossible for for them to get a follow-up I just I just need to show you guys because there's definitely too many situations where I see people be like oh yeah it's guaranteed follow-up every time at kill percent so if I get like this yeah if you get like this the center hit with jab then you could get a follow-up but if they're at higher percentage it will it will stop working this shouldn't work yeah see higher percents they get nothing they cannot get a follow-up here PTI job away but then this is the mix-up so if they think you're gonna DIY jab away they just go for that that's the downside to doing that yeah so we'll do the same thing with Roy okay well Roy you can get you can get it Roy can get the can't get the back here but it's not gonna be the stronger the bear so there you go so DIY Roy and krom's Jab away because they either cannot get a ball or the fault they get is just really really hard to get to to connect or you know not realistic so like like I said in Roy's case you can get jab bear but it's not the strong hit yeah at lower percent so you can get you can get jab Vault regardless but I think people just think that the move combo is way better than than it does because people aren't diying it properly so I just wanted to bring that to people's attention but yeah so Roy is the better of of crime and Roy because of just being able to snowball match as hard because of the strong hits like if he if he gets if he gets the right hit he can kill incredibly early and in Roy's case it is very realistic for him to get those strong hits on it's not impossible for him to get like sweet spot attacks because you don't have to be crazy precise with him in order to get those confirms and then the other reason is his recovery is just less exploitable than Chrome Chrome's recovery is very very exploitable even though he has the ability to reversal the opponent If he if he hits them it's just the better that people have gotten the less likely that is to happen and that is why Roy is just the better character than Chrome the only benefit to krom over Roy is just not having the sour spot because even though it's less likely for Roy to get like the South spot hits it is possible and it can definitely affect him from closing out thoughts but yeah overall Roy is the better of of the two final characters and that's all I gotta say hope you enjoyed the video uh if you did drop a like subscribe my channel I'm close to 100 cake subs and if you wanna help me get to 100K that'd be great also comment what you think about royancrom because I know there are definitely some some calm enthusiasts out there that 100 think that Chrome is still better than Roy or at the very least they think it's not like the the difference between them aren't as bad as people make it think yeah bro thanks for watching and have a good good one [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: LarryLurr
Views: 26,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Larry Lurr, Larry, Lurr, Smash Ultimate, SSBU, Falco, Glytch, Slingshot, GIMR, VGBC, Starfox, Smash 5, Elite Smash, Pro Gamer, Casual, GSP, T1, Misfits, Elevate, Advanced Technique, Tech, Top Level, Kola, Salt one, Goblin, TK3, Roy, Chrom, Mr R, Lancelot, Rivers
Id: Ohgjvi3wFUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2023
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