Explaining Why Byleth Is a Great Character

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hit box that is very consistent like whenever you land with it as you can see you'll you'll get that hit what makes that particular move so good is that it's like a pikachu down or taco forward air where you can kind of mix up your landings with it and the opponent has to respect the timing of the hitbox more so than they would other characters let's say for example your opponent's shielding your neutral layer and you do an engineer like this but you can you can also fast fall and then immediately land and then the hitbox comes out and then the opponent's expecting there to be more hits but there's not it kind of messes up the reaction because they're gonna be expecting more hits but then there's not and so like oh shoot i could do something and it it's like a little bit too late to actually punish something the other thing is the range on this board area is like really good or the range of their attacks is really good like bob's balance range is incredibly good i think if you do foreign it's minus six yeah so if you do short four there it's minus seven but if you do fall out order it's minus six but look at the distance the opponent's at when you hit them although it's not a super safe move on shield in terms of frame data or like when the opponent can act but in terms of range there's not much your opponent could do to actually punish you that's one of the big things that valve has going for them let me get back to neutral air so i'm sure you've seen leo do this i don't even know if i'm not the right percent i'm gonna do landing here i'm gonna do that so that's really good because i mean you know you can get a kill confirm with it you could do nair and then if the opponent misses an attack you get like a tip or dash attack it's a token firm if they miss attack and then let's say they get the tag i mean you can guess and then you can just do like a another move to kill them so like let's say they take rolling you do you can narrow up smash do they take a roll away you'll still get the dash attack um let's say you narrow them off stage again i don't know if i'm not right yeah that's something that makes violet a lot better than other characters because a lot of characters would not be able to confirm into a kill in that situation it's something that is incredibly rare among characters and it kind of makes neutral air even better in a lot of situations because i already talked about how hard it is to actually consistently punish neutral air like although it's not super safe on shield because it's a multi-hit and there's so many mix-ups as to how you can land it's like it's not realistic for you to react to it you're not gonna be able to like get super hard punishes on on that move so on top of all of that let's say you kind of miss time you're punish on it like you let your shield go early you get hit with an air you'll get narrowed off stage and you can just get running forward and you die like the early percent yeah that's one of the huge benefits of nair oh yeah let me talk about that i'm sure that person was trolling but yeah about is slow but the thing about biola's mobility is that although valve is so slow it doesn't matter because i i would say they have like a decent run speed and then on top of all that you know everyone has a has a uh universal frame three jump squat so even though bios mobility is like quote unquote slow the range combined with ultimate like everyone in ultimate has like a pretty solid mobility honestly like unless you're dr mario i feel like your mobility doesn't matter as much because again like both has crazy good range it's really really really hard to just run away from biology because eventually you're going to run out of stage and i think biology is really good at fighting characters at any corners because uh have solid range on their moves again they have a frame three jump squat so it's not like you you can just be cornered and then automatically jump over violet that's not how it works so just constantly trying to run away from this character isn't gonna work they have good moves that continue down this is actually a really good move yeah this isn't the safest move on shield like it's -19 but it's kind of similar to what i said about neutral layer it'll kind of mess up your uh your timing on shield release because it has a lot of shields done it's actually pretty ridiculous how much shield the sun has so i've seen a lot of people they'll shield the side weak and even though it's as minus as it is and they could get a punish on it they mess up dropping shield and then like reacting out of it like they'll mess up mess up their buffer violet does have really good shield breaks although i feel like it's kind of like mars neutral special where it's good if you're not thinking about it that's kind of the benefit of that move like the down smash and down air the downer is not incredibly fast but it's one of those moves that you can catch your opponent off guard and you just you know kill the opponent because that kills incredibly early yeah let me talk about up here up b is violet's most dlc move for very good reason there are certain situations where you're just absolutely squeaky hit by this because it'll spike you so let's say you get spiked by the mp yeah okay that's kind of nuts there's certain situations where you'll upbeat someone as violet and like let's say you're in a position where you can get a bulb like that or are you one of the i i think that the optimal the eyes of this di away from violet but like let's say i'm putting the guy right there we go so like let's say they you're in this position you'll be them you're you're in a situation where you either die into the stage to like get followed by violence or you die off stage and die but yeah as you can see like if you're if you're at the right percent you can get bulbs like that basically it turns what would be 50 50 situations it's guaranteed kills and then off stage is even worse like off stage i think the percent is like 45 if you're like 45 percent it like guaranteed spikes the opponent so uh around that percent it's a guaranteed spike and basically if the opponent's off stage and you hit them with a b they're gonna die it's also one of those moves that it's a good recovery tool but it also makes it hard to edge guard the character which is kind of surprising because i feel like typically tether recoveries aren't that difficult to edge guard but balance of b having the added effect of being able to just grab the opponent and kick them down you have to be that much more careful especially considering if you're at the prime percent where you get spiked you're just dead you're not going to come back what i want to say is that i feel like bilith is one of the more consistent characters in ultimate like i feel like uh a lot of the things that battle's good at it's hard to remove from the character i think one of the few characters that actually out range him and just make make it like make it difficult for him is min min and honestly i i feel like min-min's the only reason why i wouldn't say that uh i was the top two character i feel like that matchup is just really really hard and i i honestly don't i i don't know what uh what bottle is supposed to do in that matchup to fight mid-man and it's like it also shows because uh even leo doesn't go about within that matchup but yeah what i was saying about consistency i i feel like you know the nerf ball the near porter stuff he has all that stuff is very very consistent i feel like overall it's incredibly difficult to edge guard him it's also it's hard to leg trap violet that's one of the things that makes this character so good because of the side b like i could do it like shooting the side be there put you in so much stun it's hard for them to uh punish that even if you're still on the ledge and you're hanging and you're hanging on it your shield is like kind of it's smaller than it would be before and in that situation let's say bow decides to do a more aggressive option and you're shielding it there's a chance that that it could poke and then on top of that both could do that in case you didn't know and that's hard to react to like i don't i don't think that the average person could realistically react to that situation yeah let's say you're just standing there you just that just happens to you and then like you got reversal from the ledge and i mean if you're at the right percent we already saw that upbeat can just kill oh yeah and then aside from that i feel like valve is also really good at ledge trapping for obvious reasons they have incredible range they have also a lot of ways to kill from the ledge so like a lot of their moves you can just flat out kill like four tilts and kill move hashtag kills warrior backyard kills up air kills and super active they also have downtown up there which kills yeah they have that they have really good options they have forward smash yeah forward smash is like insane that kills so early so something i've noticed that leo does a lot like let's say the opponent's recovering he'll charge a forward smash making it look like he's going to uh to frame you with the ford smash but he's doing it in anticipation that you'll that you'll immediately get up from the legend and he'll forward smash you a lot of the times i see him he'll charge the forward smash downward you think he's going to frame you and then he he adjusts the angle and he force matches up and then he just catches you jumping it gives you like 40 or like something super early like that you die so early from it oh and then uh i guess something else to add on top of how good buyoff is like at combating opponents off stage their neutral special will force you to air dodge because you have to respect this move because this that will kill you like that's a really strong move it can kill pretty early offstage but look how far it sent cent mario and again he's at 114 like imagine if he was like closer to the last one he would have died you could do that you'll force the opponent to air dodge and then once you do that you kind of have them in a situation where you could potentially run off and pour them maybe you can uh go for like a two frame down there you can also just go for four sports match stuff like that yeah like i said i think violet has very consistent kill confirms good lead trapping options they have good edge guarding solid recovery the character just has a lot of things that are incredibly consistent and in a lot of ways to kill you early the only reason why i don't think valve is top tier i just think there are certain matchups where you can't it's not that you can't go by left but i think bath has some hard losing matchups that's truly the only reason why i don't think about the top tier fighter pass one even pre-patch box i think they're they're top tier i think now because of mim and just other matchups i think that i'll probably hide your character what i'm gonna do now is i'm gonna watch leo versus cola because i think it's like a really good set to watch to kind of show just how good the character is and kind of just how ridiculous they can be yeah so the reason i bring up cola versus leo is because roy is one of the fastest characters in the game so you know a lot of people's argument is oh bio's so slow it's going to be hard for both to keep up in certain situations but that's just not the case because even though bile has slow ground speed you know the airspeed's not that great because of the three frame jump squat and the fact that nair is just such an active hitbox it's not going to be super easy to just like run around by often and them not be able to do anything and then on top of the fact that i mentioned before is that if bob corners you it's going to be hard to get out of the corner and if they get you off stage or if they get the right hit on you you know they're just gonna you're just gonna have their way with you look at that doesn't work but then you're also going against that is crazy jesus put it on his home right there he's got the combos yeah it doesn't chase down here because again jesus right there full check the nares wasn't enough to take the stock just yet it's really funny because the way that we started the match cola came up swinging like i talked about earlier i'll beat him from the ledge reversal them and this will be up here to him he's dead you could be as raw as you want man throw out all those hitboxes be as aggressive as you like but mk level's not going to get overwhelmed so that was nice he might be dead here i don't i honestly don't remember oh yeah he is it's a long set guys best of five all things considered like we're grabbing the ledges as pilot unless you hit the opponent like put them in like an awkward spot it's still going to be pretty easy because it's a tether so there's like a like a frame window where you can't do much after you grab the ledge so let me see i think leo just had to run more i'm pretty sure i don't think that would have been a guarantee confirmed just considering where he grabbed him from i think he needed a little bit more stage but i think if he ran just a slight bit more he still would have been able to get it wow just like that looked like he was looking like in the game with that back here but unfortunately cannot get up there still this could be it right here yep that's an easy the thing about this situation too is that depending on the character they literally don't have an answer for this if they're if they burn their resources in a certain way like let's see right here gets them off stage the other thing about the dash attack is that it kind of sends you at a nasty angle a lot of strong moves like that they'll send you more high which makes it easier for you to recover but with violet's dash attack you can see it right here look where he's at at the stage compared to leo that's not that much higher that's a really nasty spot to be in recovery wise so it just makes it that much easier for leo to get this recovery to get that edge guard there i've seen light talking about being excited to play leo because he hasn't played him in like a long time that's that's why he's excited i think fox will do well versus baloff game um i think fox will do pretty well versus valve on stage because i mean this fox versus the most characters he does well it reaps him on stage but offstage is the problem once fox is off stage he'll die like probably 20 30 that's not even exaggeration either like i think he'll die that early in certain situations this is a scary situation to be in in general against roy a little bit real chase but nobody coming out ahead there yeah yeah obviously no cola jeff can rush you down with the vessel but he's got a lot of patience he can kind of bring to the table too that's crazy i'm pretty sure right here he messed up [Music] i'm pretty sure he meant to grab him because i think he would i think he would have hit him too maybe i'm wrong but yeah like the ability battle has to just force opponents low like that is really good this was also nice too this particular situation not many characters would be able to do that i actually could have shielded too but uh not many characters would be able to just like jump in on roy from this far away and then would punish him i mean he didn't he would punish him but kola could have just shielded he tried to exactly the positioning that cola really needs to thrive it feels like cold is just getting hit when it comes to the neutral in that mid-range and yeah that was nice yeah that's not bad i mean landing aggressively yeah he can't get narred did i get nared i think he'll live down to it up here if he does it right there there it is the thing about this situation too is like okay let's say you know you got an air dash attacked here let's say he was closer to the ledge he would just get an air forward and he would just die he wouldn't have even been in a situation to like recover and hope that leo messed up that would have been hot for the uh assuming that but his fourth he's able to follow through and rolling to the ledge is one of the scariest things you can do against this character yeah i think that's uh that's the uh his kind of win condition is to force that situation he hit him with weak weak back air too and then again with the arrow i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure i call it fastball here maybe he didn't i can't tell his kind of wing condition is to force that situation but i feel like the threat of the arrow of the neutral b definitely forced uh cola to recover low because he could have gone high there that he had the resources to do so most efficient i've seen him against cola and that's certainly been the difference between now leo could have could have waited a little bit but he just didn't wasn't expecting a cold it makes up his recovery the way he did directly to the ledge definitely hit that uh down here a slight pull back wait twice he's so good just like the last game is able to take off the stock early good reaction he recognizes he reacted too late to be able to get like a stronger fall so he just goes for a jab pretty much anything should take off but you've got to think about the rage going on here yeah yeah that's the thing too if the opponent lives to a super high percent so many of ballast moves just kill you're just kind of jumping in at that membrane trying to get neutral air into dash that just drifted back and then punished him for it with a forward air he's got to play more reactive and defensive to take this one over yeah this is the most competitive game instead but then that happened and he lost oh i know what happened so when leo b you know it gets like a little hop out after your first upbeat he should have liked fast fell and not done it cola having a rough time getting off the ledge finally does it so this could be all right let me summarize why i think is a really good character potentially top tier i personally don't think they're topped here yet but they definitely have potential to be topped here let me summarize why so although they're slow because of the range they have how safe their moves are it's really really difficult to just be able to consistently run away from them they have really good mix-ups on the recovery the recovery is also very punishing if you mess up recovering because you can get reversal and die at like 40 percent they have the farthest hair they're in the game and even if they don't tether the ledge they have the wall jump potential to do it they have strong kill confirms and even if the moves themselves don't kill the attacks will put you in a bad position to where it should be easy for both to be able to edge guard are getting visual to kill you anyways down tilt up air has a very strong confirmed window as i showed before and i mean lily also showed it like downtown upper works for like a surprisingly long time on most of the cast good two framing options good luck trapping capabilities the character just has a lot of good tools that are incredibly consistent on the majority of the cast and i mean it just the shows but yeah that's gonna do it for the video if you enjoyed it drop a like and subscribe if you're not yet subscribed hopefully everything i said makes made sense but yeah i will see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: LarryLurr
Views: 51,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Larry Lurr, Ultimate, Smash Ultimate, SSBU, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Smash Bros, Smash, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo, Switch, LarryLurr, Larry, Lurr, Sakurai, Character, casual, competitive, elite smash, gamer, pro gamer, professional gamer, esports, T1, Offline, Glytch, MKLeo, Yez, Cloud, Pyra, Mythra, Elegant, Byleth, Luigi
Id: 0GwnX-ByLbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 26 2021
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