Why Does Dr. Mario Suck When Regular Mario Is Amazing?

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so I'm actually going to be comparing two characters today Mario and Dr Mario so for these two characters the reason I want to talk about them for one they're both Mario like they're literally they're both literally both Mario's for two the other reason is Dr Mario is debatably the worst character in the game and Mario is not in fact Mario is a top tier he's one of the best characters in the game I think it's just funny to think about how a few tweaks can make a character really bad are really good yeah let's go into one of the main reasons why Mario is better it's really obvious it's literally the mobility look how much faster Mario's walking not even running there's just this is just their walk so that's a big indicator and then the run you go into the run this is also very obvious Mario can pretty much just run laps over Dr Mario their AirSpeed as well that kind of lands over the ryoko are there much much farther yeah their jumps and double jumps are all so different so that that also helps Mario but just in general Mario's air speed is really good I want to say Mario is like a top 20 air speed and Dr miles is like the bottom 15 so that's like a drastic difference like already just just right there their Mobility is just drastically different from one another even though we've set wise their their attacks are pretty similar um when it comes to Mobility this helps with recovery because Mario can just simply drift and make it back a bit more easier than Dr Mario oh yeah is that going further for him on top of the fact that he's up he just goes farther so it's just it's going to be significantly more difficult to Edge guard Mario compared to dodge Mario with with his AirSpeed you can kind of mix in like when he's gonna like pull into the stage or pull out of it with Dr Mario he just cannot do that he is doesn't have like that that sway that that Reagan wild has when he's when he's drifting and then on top of that his upbeat just does not go as far unfortunately air drift is one of Mario's best race not even off stage when neutral I I 100 agree that being said this is this is arguable but I personally believe that Dr Mario has the worst recovery in the game worse than Max yes I think that Dr Mario's recoveries is worse than the ax and the reason being like for one is his air speech Just again horrendous his airspeed's like not very good his upbeat does not go very far and you guys might be thinking wait a minute he has this like this helps his recovery guys the entire animation is 74 frames 74 frames that is a long time he's literally just a floating Sitting Duck and again it's not like he can do that from Super far away because his recovery isn't it doesn't go very far so he has to do it somewhat close to a lot of characters where they could just easily jump out and hit him oh yeah the cape stall I mean Doc's Kate doesn't really stall him yeah Mario's definitely stalls him that's like another added mix-up you have with Mario like it helps it just makes his recovery that much better so I thought about stuff that Doc is bad at let's follow things he's actually good at I feel like this is Dr Mario's biggest strength and he does this significantly better than Mario and his his kill power kill power and kill setups honestly Dr Mario actually has some really good kill setups all right so that is a kill confirm that he can combo out of that it's really really good and can kill very early like if the opponent is is off stage he also has this that can also combo but again you can shoot down through a b Mario can do that as well but I mean yeah you're not gonna kill him off of that if if anything you're you're gonna you're gonna try to go for something like that and even then that that's not gonna kill that and that was with the opponent not dying yeah for Mario Mario has to work a little bit harder for his kills but I wouldn't say to a crazy amount because Mario has some crazy good Combos and setups you just have to be in the right position hit the opponent and set up for those kills because he can kill earlier than doc sometimes with his with ladder Combos and stuff like that are even just getting like you know Landing up there into a spike off stage I would say that's the thing about Mario's kill setups they're more situational than docs just because you're relying on how you're hitting the opponent to get the kill whereas doc can kind of get those kills anywhere on stage if that makes any sense this smash detects are also stronger so he has this which yeah so I mean still strong not as strong as dogs but still really strong oh yeah that is another thing Doc's combo awful pills are are actually easier than Mario so when doc hits you with pill it actually it can put them in Tumble whereas Mario's never puts the opponent in Tumble I think at lower percents as well like the the pill will just like pop the opponent up I'm off that yeah you can just combo off that like significantly easier compared to regular Mario's so that allows him to just just it makes this projectile more deadly in my opinion despite not having um the mobility to cover his follow-ups as well as Mario because Mario can come off of his Fireballs as well I screwed that up Mario can come off his Fireballs as well but it's just more situational because you have to rely more on like the opponent just not being ready and then you punishing them and then of course Dr Mario's also sins at like a different angle when he throws this out his bounce is more than Mario's Mario's just goes more more horizontally yeah so that's like that's I would say like another really good kill confirm that doc has built into basically anything another way they get kills are different as well like well you know not just a kill power but the way they go for kills a lot of Mario's kills come from him killing you vertically so either him like spiking off stage or like ladder comboing you whereas a lot of dox kills come from him come from like the horizontal way so him getting like a upbeat tornado I'll smash as well smash does not send vertically it can but it just depends on how the opponent dies it but typically just gonna send you at like a more horizontal angle than Mario's so for that reason you kind of have to have a different mindset when you're when it comes to picking stages as as doc compared to regular Mario Mario definitely is going to utilize platforms more than Dr Mario but at the same time dot probably wants a stage where the side blast ones are smaller like town and City Mario's an easier time because he gives his movement gives him more opportunities yeah no that's that's true like in terms of mutual and stuff he definitely has a better opportunity because of drift in and out much better he has better ground and air speed there's just less things for him to worry about um their capes are different Believe It or Not Dr Mario's Cape is more it's a more vertical hitbox so it hits more higher up and below and regular miles has a more horizontal hitbox so his hits further out and for that reason Dr Mario is better at doing this um in case you didn't know that's an actual thing that is a that can confirm and it kills both Mario and Dr Mario can do that but if an opponents hang on the ledge and use Cape to pull them up and then you can get a guaranteed follow-up from it he has you know stronger attacks that can kill Dr Mario definitely gets more out of it for that reason I would say both characters like if the opponent's at low percent or out of Shield options are pretty lackluster like let's say the opponent's at zero anything they do is gonna be negative on hits like narrow to Shield would be negative on hit like if like Rising there is negative on hit like look at that I can I can move before you do anything up B I think is also like pretty bad yeah you don't want to be the opponent at low percent because that's pretty bad it's it's the same thing for Mario I'm I'm destroying with docs it's easier like uh low percent with both these characters you want to be very careful because they just have moves that are negative on hit when it comes to the opponent being at a higher percent I would definitely say that Dr Mario has the advantage because a beast frame three and we've already established that that's like a kill option for him and having a frame three often is just that's insanely good no matter what character you are like you having a frame theater Shield option is the fastest you can have so it's already it's like immediately gonna be good so like if the opponent like comes at you with an air and then you just do that yeah the opponent just does that to you you're going to obliterate them as Dr Mario whereas if you do the same thing with regular Mario you're gonna you know you'll you'll punish them for doing it but they're not going to potentially die for you know doing that it's more for you to worry about when you're fighting doc at high percent um something else interesting about dot configure regular Mario and to my knowledge Doc is the only character in the game that has this so typically when you do like a nail like this the early hitbox is a stronger one in the in the later ones the weaker one in Dr Mario's case the weaker one is a stronger hitbox so could be pretty good for Edge guarding because like you know you do your late hitting there and you hit the opponent off stage and just obliterate the opponent with it yeah if you space the right the late hit of near is minus three and the strongest minus four so it's not that significant of a difference honestly they're throws maybe I mean Doc's back there are stronger his down throw I don't think it matters as much it's because they both get followed from it still I guess docs send that like yeah dogs down throw sins at a better angle but it's like at a point where they could still get follow-ups from them it's not like that big of a deal oh yeah I guess we could talk about that so there's like a few moves up there that are different so you know obviously Mario's down there is that box Downer is this which is one of the sickest downers in the game every downers I just imagine him putting Tims on and stomping on someone yeah so Doc's down B is is Mario's Downer basically but except his helps him recover and then Mario has flood instead of cyclone for his downbeat yeah oh yeah I didn't talk about Doc's Fair that's true I did not talk about the fair so Dr Mario's fair is like an insanely strong kill move it is really really strong so yeah you can if you can land that it's like whereas Mario's Mario's it's the same animation except Mario spikes and Mario's is a spike unless you get like the beginning part of it or I think the end of it like those two parts do not Spike I guess what I could what I could say as well is one notable flaw that they both have and I think it's this reason why Dr Mario is really bad and Mario is still really good because he can kind of make up for that for the issue the issue is their range so if they're fighting characters that are that have you know more range than them or can keep them out it could be very difficult for you to get a lot of stuff started like you'll have to rely on your projectiles which it's a solid projectile but it's not it's not gonna make up for for everything you have like you're still gonna have trouble getting in with what's projectile but in Dr Mario's case because he just does not have the mobility to mitigate those flaws it just makes it that much harder for him to get in like basically if you find someone who's really good you're never gonna get in with Dr Mario realistically are like not as often as you need to in order for you to make up for that whereas in Mario's case you know Mario has a mobility and stuff like that that we've already talked about to get in on top of that too two Mario's combo games is just better Mario has longer strings that he could do off of his throws um after he and finishes the combo as well he can kind of put himself in a bed in a better spot to keep the momentum going whereas with Dr Mario once he uh finishes his combo he's not really gonna have much to do off of it just because his finishers are kind of too strong unless you kind of go for a soft reset then that's basically all you have it's like you you go for a string and then you reset the opponent and hope they do what you want them to do and then you try to continue it from there like Mario's damage is going to be more guaranteed for that reason Mario's stuff is more vertical like we've said and then docs is more horizontal so kind of are going to struggle to keep the momentum going because basically your follow-ups are just gonna hit the opponent off stage and then you kind of just hope you edge guard them if if you don't keep the momentum going for that I think also just like unfamiliarity I don't know how many people realize how good of a house should often Dr Mario has because I mean how many good doctor models do you really face so how many times are you gonna like be fighting a bike I can't touch a shield because he'll kill me with enough B it probably doesn't register that much but I mean even man you get a space around if you're Authority so you don't you don't have to worry about that I think that's that's kind of all I want to go over but basically tldr Dr Mario is significantly worse than Mario because there's ability and just his inability to effectively get in he has like phenomenal kill power but he just doesn't really have the ability to effectively land it but yeah if you enjoy the content be sure to drop a like comment about what you would buff about Dr Mario that sounds Mobility that's not his Mobility to make him a better character yeah don't forget to subscribe enjoy the content and I will see you next video foreign [Music]
Channel: LarryLurr
Views: 100,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Larry Lurr, Larry, Lurr, Smash Ultimate, SSBU, Falco, Glytch, Slingshot, GIMR, VGBC, Starfox, Smash 5, Elite Smash, Pro Gamer, Casual, GSP, T1, Misfits, Elevate, Advanced Technique, Tech, Top Level, Piranha Plant, Mario, Doctor Mario, Zenyou, Kurama, Dark Wizzy, Tsumasuto, Mabel
Id: daN7605DFyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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