Explaining the Great Storm of Our Times

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We are experiencing the beginning of what God will do because of the sins in the world

This is the first video of many to come..

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/EJAlvarez 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
there is a great storm that is here and coming upon the entire world we can all see it we can all feel that something is going on so what are the timeline of events that we can expect according to the early church fathers the Pope's and mystics and seers of recent centuries and times that's what we want to talk about now a countdown to the kingdom [Music] I'm mark mallet from the now word calm and here at countdown to the kingdom well we do want to talk about this timeline of events because on our website at countdown to the kingdom many of you have seen this graphic it's a timeline of events according to the template of a great hurricane a great storm that is coming upon the earth and you can see in this it goes all the way to the right of your screen to the final coming the second coming of Jesus in the flesh at the very end of time and so what we want to do is explain to you what this timeline is and professor Daniel O'Connor and I are going to go in and we're short bite-sized webcasts and explain each of the tabs that you see on this and give you some insights I think as to what is going on why we've put these there what's the rationale behind it and how it fits in with sacred tradition with what the church has been teaching but Daniel said to me he says you know before you do that mark you need to go on solo and just explain to people you know some of your own journey and so that's what I want to do now and then we'll go back to this timeline today and I'm just going to give you a brief overview and again we'll do the details in future webcasts so I we felt it might be useful to you you mean who is mark mallet who is this guy sitting here talking to you you know I don't have a caller I don't have a theological degree so you know what gives me the right to sit here and really you know it's me responding to a call in my own life that is something I never saw coming it's you you know what to talk about these things is not something you wake up one day and go you know what I think I'll go you know write a blog or do a webcast so that people can call me a freaking an end times nut and all these things you don't choose that path in your life but I just want to share with you some brief vignettes of things that have happened moments where the Lord has spoken in my heart that has led me to where I am today sitting in front of you many years ago my wife and I we when we got married in the early 90s you know we'd go to Mass and I realized that my generation the generation of young people of my age had left there was a massive exile of my generation very few of us actually go to do the mass and you know practice the faith and you know one of those people who had left was actually our maid of honor and she instead of leaving the faith however went to a Baptist Church and she kept calling us and saying you've got to come you have to come to the Baptist Church Yai's an awesome you know service going on here so finally after many requests we said look we'll go to Saturday night Mass and then we'll go to the Baptist service in the morning and we did and when we walked into their church the first thing that happened was all these young couples came up to us and I kind of laughed to myself and thought well that's where everybody went because many of them were former Catholics and they were so kind you're very welcoming they took us into the sanctuary and the first thing I noticed as a musician was how awesome the music was I mean it was polished and it was great but in my own parish the music was I am sorry it was dreadful it was just dragging and it wasn't inspiring at all and then that this Baptist pastor started to give his sermon and boy I'm telling you it was rock solid and he was preaching he was on fire and everything was I mean it was true was good and was faithful but in my own parish our poor priest god bless him he had such a difficult time putting together a coherent homily and so that was what I was experiencing at that moment and not only that but I walk into my parish no one would say hello you know the only time anybody acknowledged my presence was that perfunctory you know peace of Christ and then that was it and I'd often walk out feeling colder and more lonely than I walked in when I walked in well after that Baptist service we came out and these young couples came out to us again and they said you know what you're so welcome to be here in fact tomorrow night or having a potluck supper you guys are so welcome to come on Tuesday night we're having Bible study and you're welcome to come Wednesday night as couples night and so we just get together as a married couple Thursday night his basketball night in our attached gymnasium is praise and worship service set and you know I'm sitting you're going wow I mean in my parish our idea of community is you come to Mass at 11:00 and you leave at 12:00 and father better not go over the time that was my sense of community in my Catholic parish and my wife and I we got in our car and I looked at her and I said honey I said we need this you know we've we've got the physical aspects we know we stand we kneel we sit we use our bodies to worship we have the spiritual we have the prayers we have the sacraments above all but I said honey were not just physical and spiritual beings but we are we're soul we're communal beings the first thing the Apostles did after Pentecost was form communities we need this maybe we need to come here you know I was half serious and that night I was brushing my teeth trying to process everything that happened that day when suddenly clearly within my heart I heard a voice it wasn't an audible voice but it was a voice from outside of myself and it said this stay and be light to your brothers and heard it again you know I spit up my toothpaste stay and be light to your brothers I shared it with my wife and a peace came over us and we realized God needed us wanted us to stay in the Catholic Church well about two weeks later I went to visit my parents and my mom sat me down in this chair she said you've got to watch this video I said okay mom all right so she put it on and I began to watch this ex Protestant pastor who wanted to debunk and and show how the Catholic Church was the the harlot chuh is the the false church but as he went through the teachings of Catholicism one by one from the papal infallibility to purgatory to Mary he discovered that they weren't invented by some Pope over coffee in medieval times but it went right back through early times traced back through the early church right back to Scripture right back into the Old Testament the New Testament and by the time I was done watching dr. Scott Hans testimony I was tears and I realized I was home for the next two or three years I studied the teachings for myself I was a I'm a news reporter by trade and so I had to dig and find that find it all for myself and I did and I realized that I was standing on rock and that my faith it wasn't dependent upon how good the pastor preached it wasn't dependent on how good the music was it was dependent on one thing that I could receive him whose body and blood was present there on the altar he who said in John chapter 6 my flesh is true food food and my blood is real drink and whoever eats my body and drinks my blood has eternal life therefore I knew in the Catholic Church I was drinking and eating from the very well spring of life well that was the foundation the Lord gave me and over the next 10 years you know my ministry was above music one of the other words the Lord gave me is music is a doorway to evangelize but what I didn't realize is the Lord was beginning to set me up that that music was setting me up for speaking a now word to the church and this really started to begin to gel for me when I was in-between concert tours I was driving to my next venue and the story I'm about to tell you by the way I spoke at a conference in 2005 and when I was done a bishop came up to me and he said you won't mark you you've got to get this message out you've got to write this down people have got to hear this story and so what I'm gonna do with you now is I'm gonna share this story that I told and I VI have written it down I've given it to in my blog and so on but I want to speak to you now it was 2002 I was driving through the mountains of British Columbia Canada to my next concert venue and all of a sudden I mean it was a beautiful day I remember this it was sunny and you know I had the radio on I wasn't thinking about anything in particular my feet her up on the dash and well you know I had one foot on the gas the other foot was nevermind anyway I was driving it was beautiful beautiful day when all of a sudden I felt something like a shock wave go off and traverse the entire earth it's what it felt in my soul kinda like a rock that's thrown in a pond and it ripples across the entire pond and at the same time again that voice that was outside of myself but deep within my heart spoke very clearly and this is the word that I heard I have lifted the restrainer no I I didn't know what that meant I never heard that before I didn't know if it was in the Bible so that night I pulled into my motel room and remember being very hungry and I ordered this Chinese food and it was it was really bad so I just I said it outside the door and I remember sitting on the bed grabbing my Bible and you know some of you have probably done this you ever do crack the Bible you know we say lord please speak to me you know you grab your Bible and you open it up you know and it's like oh not that word oh you know open your Bible please Lord please speak to me give me a word Jesus and oh yeah thank you thank you Jesus you you find the word that you want to hear anyway this happened to be this night I grabbed my Bible and I said Jesus is this word the restrainer in your word and I cracked my Bible open and my eyes fell straight on this and I want to share it with you now this comes from second Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 3 and I began to read let no one deceive you in any way for that day will not come the day of the Lord unless the rebellion comes first and the man of lawlessness is revealed the son of perdition who is the Antichrist now when I got to verse 6 my eyes began to widen and I read and you know what is restraining him now so that he may be revealed in his time for the mystery of lawlessness is already at work only he who now restrains it will do so until he's out of the way and then the lawless one will be revealed well I have to tell you you know you can probably guess at that point if my jaw was on the floor I mean if this was the Lord speaking and it wasn't the Chinese food if this was the Lord speaking he was saying is I am lifting a restrainer that is allowing this time of lawlessness to culminate in apostasy or rebellion which means a great falling away from the faith that will then culminate in the coming of the lawless one well when I told that story in 2005 in front of that Bishop that that year later that year the Canadian government redefined the very definition of marriage a definition that we have essentially held since the dawn of creation that marriage is between a man and a woman and that they are a unique building block a unique cell in society and then not only Canada but country after country began to redefine this definition of marriage and not only that but governments and politicians went into their legislatures in their courts and began to say that we can no longer use the words male or female in our official documents in fact people can identify and define themselves as to what they want and that it is now against the law in places to question that whether it's reasonable or whether it's even moral and that my dear friends what you're seeing right now in the streets of America and France and other countries the rioting the looting that's anarchy but know when a judge goes into a courtroom and overturns the natural moral law that is lawlessness and we are living in this time right now well I wanted to share that story with you because that was the basis of Lourdes getting my attention as to the times that we were in and then in 2002 when I was at World Youth Day with Pope John Paul the second and all the youth gathered there Pope John Paul the second began to speak to us youth and he gave a message that frankly I didn't hear I didn't know that he was giving this until later some years later when the Lord wanted me to read it dear young people it is up to you to be the watchman of the morning who announced the coming of the son who is the risen Christ just let those words soak in for a moment I am calling you to be warning watchman of the coming of the risen Christ jesus is coming said pope john paul ii and asking you young people to be the ones who announced to watch it and do you think that's a big deal I think the Pope thought it was he said in his document novo millennial in UNT he said the young have shown themselves to be for Rome and for the church a special gift of the Spirit of God and I did not hesitate to ask them to make a radical choice of faith in life and present them with a stupendous task to become morning watchmen at the dawn of the new millennium well I think if you take those two words and understand that if the restrainer is being lifted and then you have the Pope saying that Jesus is coming you get a picture right now of the kind of times that we are living in well and one of my concert tours later on in 2005 my wife and I were traveling with our kids I think we had six or seven kids at that time we now have an eight and we used to travel in this tour bus we called it a tour bus but it was a 40-foot diesel pusher and I can remember pulling up two parachutes and I get out of it out of the bus and the organizer of the concert would look at me and go wow that thing's big then they'd see my wife and all our children get out and they go she's acting small and you know this we had a who we had a blast and on this one concert tour we were traveling from coast to coast in the States and one of our dates was in New Orleans Louisiana we pulled up to the church and I remember that day was hot as hot as a pistol and it was like a furnace and the humidity it was something else we'd never experienced that here in Canada where no I haven't seen any glue except in the National Geographic just needed to say that and um but it was a hot day and we unloaded our gear the kids would always help carry and these little kids carrying in all this equipment I set it up and I started my soundcheck around five o'clock but by 5:15 people started coming into the lobby by 5:30 the lobby was quite full and I spoke my head out the door and I just said folks hey you know the concerts at 7:00 right and this lady looked at me and she said oh yes mr. mock but we want to get a good seat and I looked at her and I said honey this is the Catholic Church you're gonna have a seat anywhere you want well by 5:45 that lobby was bursting at the seams and I knew I had to wrap it up so I did and I went out in the parking lot and I looked out to the intersections on another side of me in the intersections that the lights were to state troopers with their lights on directing traffic into the church parking lot I mean we were used to concerts with 80 and maybe a hundred people I walked on the bus and I said to my wife I think there's been a big mistake I think these people think Garth Brooks is bling tonight well that night the church was packed bursting at the seams over 500 people standing room only and there was a reason the Lord had put a word on my heart and this is what I spoke to the people I looked at them and I said there is a great spiritual tsunami about to sweep through the world through the pews of our Catholic churches and we need to be prepared for this great deception we need to turn our hearts now to what Jesus Christ we need to come back to him repent of our sins and get serious about being disciples of Christ lest we to be swept away by this deception well two weeks later we're driving up the eastern seaboard into New York State and I woke up in the morning and I received an email from somebody down a Louisiana they said mark Hurricane Katrina has landed a storm surge of 35 feet of water has gone through the parish where you were preaching within the to three weeks when they could finally get back there they found that all the pews and had been swept away the altar had been swept away though everything was gone except for a statue where the altar was of Saint Torres delays you it was as if the Lord was saying that a great storm is coming and all that will be left on his urghhh is a small and faithful childlike flock well I got on the phone with the pastor father Kyle Dave because his rectory had been destroyed and I said to him come up to Canada why don't you meet us where we're heading back home come and meet us there and so he did and he flew up and he met before he went back to Louisiana and when he finally had a trailer that FEMA had provided for him we went to the mountains the Rocky Mountains in Canada and instead of going into the mountains the spirit drove us you know in our hearts we felt we needed to go to this Catholic retreat center at the base of the Canadian Rockies and we did and while we were there over the next five days the Lord began to open up the scriptures to us the daily Mass readings the Liturgy of the hours and another daily Mass guide that we were reading all of them lined up in such a way that they began to explain the signs of the times to us and the coming prophetic vision of what was about to come upon the world again Mike Hurricane Katrina then became for us and microcosm of what was coming upon the world it was a powerful time and I realized that after file father Kyle eventually went back to Louisiana that the Lord was he was calling me to something and he was stirring in my heart but I still didn't know what it was until shortly after I was sitting at the piano one day and I was singing the Sanctus that I had written a mass part the holy holy holy holy holy holy and all of a sudden I was just filled with the Holy Spirit and this desire to before Jesus and the Blessed Sacrament just overcame me and I literally lept up from the piano bench I grabbed my prayer book the Liturgy of the hours my keys I didn't say a word to my family and I just headed to the church and I fell on my knees before the Blessed Sacrament and from deep within me it was like a dam broke and I began to cry out to the Lord it wasn't expected at all but just this prayer rose up within me and I said Lord these concerts you're sending me to there's 50 people 20 people 80 people Lord you've been sending me from city to city but now I beg you Lord send me to the nations Lord Souls need to be saved save your people have mercy on your people Oh Lord Here I am Lord send me to the nations Jesus don't just cast by net over the bow of this boat Lord that we're in but cast the net now to the nations Lord and draw people in with your word please Lord Jesus you know I don't know how long that conversation went on it was like Romans chapter 8 the Spirit was groaning within me and putting into inexpressible you know words that that just welled up within me and finally when that dam that trickled that flood that flood became a trickle rather there was peace and I realized ahead and said my morning prayer yet so I grabbed my Liturgy of the hours and I opened it up and I looked down at the hem that morning and it was holy holy holy and as I began to read the Psalms and then the first mass reading and then the patristic readings I began to realize that everything I had just said my conversation with the Lord was in black and white the first reading was from Isaiah the prophet Isaiah saying Here I am Lord send me the patristic reading was from Saint John Chrysostom and the Lord sang to him I am no longer sending you to villages into cities but now I am sending you to all the nations and if you are not up to the task then don't take it because you will be persecuted I was stunned I mean here I was literally reading in black and white the conversation that had just unfolded I went home and I was stunned then I sat down in my office and I thought well you know I got to crack something open and confirm this too so I reached out and I grabbed my catechism you know it's like it there's 900 page volume I'm taking the Lord you know I got the Lord on this one so I cracked it open and my eyes fell straight down to number 2 584 which said in there one-to-one encounters with God the prophets draw and strength for their mission at times their prayer is an argument or a complaint but it is always an intercession that awaits and prepares for the intervention of the Savior God the Lord of history I just took all this and I shared it with my spiritual director and he essentially confirmed the words of John Paul the second mark God is calling you to be a watchman in these times I'm not calling myself a prophet or a seer or mystic no but a watchman is a prophetic ministry because you're called to watch and pray and so many of you right now are Watchmen out there you're you're a housewife or you're a plumber or you're a dentist or you're even a doctor and you're watching and you're praying and you're speaking these words to your friends or your family and you too are being Watchmen who are preparing to announce the coming of the risen Christ well I wanted to share those things with you because they paint for you a picture of who I am where I'm coming from and now what about the great storm well at that time now I realized that the Lord was calling me again to be a watchman of this storm that is coming upon the entire earth but I didn't realize what what does this storm really look like this microcosm we saw in Hurricane Katrina what does that look like for the world and one day you know I saw on the Canadian Prairies there was this storm coming and once again this great desire welled up within me to go watch and pray and so I got in my car and I drove out got out of the car to watch this storm coming across the prairies and as this storm rolled in again this voice from outside of myself spoke very clearly and I heard these words there is a great storm coming like a hurricane upon the entire earth once again a great storm is coming upon the earth like a hurricane well within days of that I went home and I sat down and I grabbed my Bible and I turned to Revelation chapter 6 and it's a book that I don't really go to very often unless I feel the Lord wants to it's a very mysterious book we need to approach it with humility and it has many understandings many interpretations some are liturgical some are historical but the early church fathers clearly saw a future interpretation to the book of Revelation that was not fulfilled completely with the destruction of the temple in 70 AD or with Nero they saw a future interpretation and as I sat down and I began to read Revelation chapter 6 again that voice in my heart said this is the great storm coming upon the earth like a hurricane and so Revelation chapter 6 then forms the basis of this timeline that you can see on our website at countdown to the kingdom calm and each of the tabs in the first part of this storm form the first part of this hurricane and I'll just go to it right now and zoom in so you can see a little bit better on your screens and so professor Daniel O'Connor and myself we're going to go through each of these tabs and explain them in detail but I just want to give you an overview right now and I want to do that by turning to the Scriptures themselves and if you go back to our website it it countdown to the kingdom calm you'll see beneath this graphic which by the way when you click on it it will open up and it will become larger and you get a larger picture of it but beneath it you'll see these tabs and you can actually click on each of them and you can read which each of these seals are because that's what was in revelation chapter 6 it was Jesus opening the seven seals that are like the labor pains very much like the labor pains that Jesus described in Matthew 24 as well as in the book of Mark and Luke and so forth but what I want to do is show you how this great storm is in Scripture itself and I want to read to you three scriptures that form a big picture of this great storm and again we'll get into detail on them in future webcasts the first scripture is from hosea chapter 8 verse 7 that says when they sow the wind they shall reap the whirlwind so what I want to say about the first half of this great storm that you're looking right now before the eye of the storm these are essentially man reaping what he is Solan as it says in Romans the wages of sin is death and again st. Paul said God is not mocked we reap what we sow so understand the first part of this is essentially God saying alright okay I'm lifting the restrainer and I'm allowing you to go with your human well to where you want to take it but you have to understand God is doing this in his permissive will he's allowing this so God is still the lord of the storm so understand that these first seals are essentially man doing it to himself as opposed to direct chastisements from heaven and yet God uses these things to allow us to be disciplined but let's go back then to the scriptures because so the first part the first scripture explains how what we're in right now is man-made essentially second thing wisdom chapter 523 about this great storm it's a mighty wind that will rise against them like a tempest it will win oh that is sift them away lawlessness there's that word again well lay waste the whole earth and evildoing will overturn the thrones of rulers so here's the second aspect of the storm not only is it reaping what we have sown but you have to understand this storm is being directed it is being orchestrated by men whom the Pope's themselves called the secret societies freemasons Illuminati and you know what I hear Catholics today saying oh that's conspiracy theory you know what they need to knock that off because that's not what the Pope said they said this is a conspiracy yes but it's not theory over 200 proclamations from the Pope's condemning these secret societies over 20 official documents why because they said the goal of these secret societies is to overturn the throne of rulers and the church itself and from that overturning of this present order a new world order but devoid of God so that's the second part of this great storm that we are going to explain and many of you have heard it me say it in my writings that this storm is also a great and global revolution that you are now seeing unfolding the first waves of it in your streets brothers and sisters and now the third scripture we want to go to that describes this storm look the Lord's hurricane his wrath bursts out a fearsome hurricane to burst on the heads of the wicked the Lord's wrath will not turn back until he has done and achieved his purpose in the final days you will understand this clearly you know I love those final words because what the Lord is saying in the final days you will understand it clearly we heard this again in the Book of Daniel work God says to Daniel seal up the book until the end times and that book is now being unsealed we see dimly as st. Paul says with prophecy but you know the word apocalypse means unveiling and God is unveiling now in these times through the church fathers the Pope's and the seers who are speaking that we are posting on countdown to the kingdom calm every day we are seeing more clearly every day the picture that is unfolding of this great storm now that is unfolding across the entire earth but that last scripture says this God is the lord of the hurricane god is the lord of the storm not Satan not the Anti Christ the Lord is and he is going to use this storm to achieve his purposes and what are his purposes to bring about the maximum number of souls into his kingdom understand this God is love God is love and even his justice his love itself that he uses in order to bring people back to himself and so you've seen now that the first half of the storm is essentially man reaping what is so what he is sowing and keep in mind when I'm sitting down here reading this after six and the Lord says to me in my heart this is the great storm I'm thinking to myself well the closer that we get to the eye of the storm well then it's going to be like a hurricane because that means things are getting the winds are gonna get stronger they're gonna get more violent more destructive like a hurricane and we're gonna show you how indeed these seven seals of Revelation it's like it's ramping up from one thing to the next piece is taken away from the world there's economic collapse in these seals social collapse there's then the revolution against the church that's all part of this revolution that eventually comes to this eye of the storm there's a warning something happens in Revelation chapter 6 that's not the final judgment but it seems like it and it seems like it because what happens when humanity hits the eyewall of this great storm is there will be a great shaking of the earth and a great shaking of consciences according to seers everyone on earth will see their souls as if they were standing in judgment before God as if it was the final judgment it's a day of decision a great day of light in which we will have to choose as a humanity who we serve either Christ or the Antichrist again these are words from the from the Holy Father himself pope john paul ii who said in 1976 when he was still a cardinal we are facing the final confrontation between the church and the anti church the gospel and the anti gospel christ versus the antichrist and when the eye of the storm comes over humanity this is the great day of decision that's why I'm saying this is why we need to be in a state of grace now that spiritual tsunami is already beginning to sweep through the world in so grave is the moment when this eyewall comes over it's essentially the Lord saying to humanity you have strayed so far that you have now brought the entire world to the point of the day of the Lord the day of Justice when I will have to purify the earth of the wicked I mean look folks we are modifying our genetics we are changing our genetics we are creating hybrids of humans and right now we have pushed the Lord God we have turned upside down the natural moral law that's why things have begun now this is why the great storm has arrived and this I of the storm is the great day of decision and after this comes the day of the Lord not a 24 hour day the church fathers taught this they the the day of the Lord is not a 24-hour period it's actually a period of time that culminates as I'm going to explain in a period of peace and so when we pass over the eye of the storm when it passes over humanity we are brought to the day of the Lord we see then that then God begins to bring about direct divine chastisements from heaven and some of them involve yes the reign of Antichrist it culminates in the coming of the lawless one as the Lord said to me years ago but this then is the earth is cleansed three days of darkness many mystics speak about but it's not the end of the world according to the early church fathers there is going to come a period when the kingdom will reign in an all-new manner on earth and look haven't we been praying this for 2,000 years thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven that is the ultimate purpose brothers and sisters of this great storm is to bring to fulfillment the greatest prayer we have ever been taught in humanity the our Father to bring about the kingdom of Christ on earth and to be absolutely clear this is not Jesus coming to reign on earth in the flesh he's already done that that's a heresy called millenarianism know what is coming our Lady of fátima said is a period of peace on earth the church is going to be made beautiful and holy just as st. Paul said that Christ is preparing for himself in Ephesians 5 a bride who is spotless and unblemished as it says in Revelation chapter 19 the bride was given a white garment for the wedding feast of the Lamb does the church look anything to you right now brothers and sisters do do we look like we are spotless and unblemished right now and that's why we need this storm and this will prepare us then for the final uprising as it says in Revelation chapter 20 after Satan is chained for a symbolic period of peace which the number that Saint John uses is a thousand years it's just a symbolic number after that Satan is released for a short period to deceive the nation's Gog and Magog then surround the camp of the Saints and then what it says that fire falls from heaven this is very little said about that final uprising and after that Jesus comes in the flesh as st. Paul says in the twinkling of an eye those who are still alive on earth their bodies will be changed and they will meet the Lord in the air by the way my dear evangelical brothers and sisters that is when your rapture occurs Catholics believe in a rapture - but it's at the end of the world not before this era of peace and not before the tribulation no the entire church is going to follow her Lord in her own passion death and resurrection and the era of peace is this first resurrection as Saint John calls it of the church a resurrection of what of the divine will that we lost in the Garden of Eden and we will again have one will with the father just the way Adam did but in an all-new and more glorious manner when his kingdom will reign on earth his will be done on earth as it is in heaven and then when Jesus comes in his flesh at the end of time will come the final judgment and so brothers and sisters this is what we want to explain to you in future webcasts professor daniel o'connor and i will do this to explain to you this great storm that is coming upon the earth like a hurricane but listen i want to close with this if there's a great storm coming and in Luke and the Gospel of Matthew jesus said that these times will be as in the days of Noah then what else will there be well then there will be an ark as well and God has provided for us for his church and arkanese times and that ark is his mother as Jesus said to Elizabeth Kimmelman in the approved revelations from Hungary he said my mother is Noah's Ark in your time at Fatima our lady said to us in the approved revelations my Immaculate Heart is your refuge and the way that would lead to God in the end she said my MACUL it heart will triumph and the world will be granted a period of peace an era of peace for the church to get to that era of peace through this great storm we need an arc and that arc is our Blessed Mother listen God didn't need to give Noah an arc he could have wrapped his angel's wings around them and suspended Noah and his family above the earth and kept them safe for that 40 days until there was dry land again and then plop them down but he didn't he gave them an ark he gave them something tangible and in our times that Ark is our Blessed Mother if you have any doubt about it read in Revelation chapter 12 the woman clothed with the Sun crowned with a with a crown of twelve stars battling with this dragon with this serpent who eventually gives his power to the Antichrist the Beast and this woman though she's not destroyed she's taken into the desert and preserved in a place of refuge for the reign of the Antichrist Pope Benedict said that woman is symbolic of both the people of God in the church and Our Lady and so those who were in her heart will also receive refuge and this is first and foremost a spiritual refuge but the church also needs to be preserved physically and that's why one of the early church fathers and other saints have spoken about a coming time when there will be solitudes time of refuges where God will literally protect his people and so what I'm saying to you brothers and sisters is that you need to get into this Ark who is our lady now I know some of you are going oh man but don't you you Catholics worship Mary man I'm not going there right we don't worship Mary that would be breaking the first commandment no we don't take we don't worship Mary but we do take her as our mother and why did we call our mother well remember when when our lady visited Elizabeth in in the beginning goth of the Gospel of Luke and when Elizabeth sees Mary who is carrying Jesus in her womb Elizabeth cries out how is it that the mother of my lord should come to me and write their prophetically Elizabeth identifies who Mary is the mother of my lord that is the mother of God himself no not the mother of the Holy Trinity but the mother of Jesus the second person of the Trinity and Jesus is the head of the church and we are so st. Paul his mystical body therefore Mary is not the mother of only a head but she is the mother of the entire body how do we know this because Jesus himself said this beneath the cross he looked at John and he said behold your mother he turned to Mary and he said woman reven that's an allusion to Revelation 12 woman behold your son and from that moment it says John took her into his home and that's what I'm saying we need to do in this storm we need to take Mary into our home into our hearts and she in turn then takes us into her heart which is the arc of our times if it was good enough for Jesus to take her as his mother if it was good enough for him to let her raise him if it was good enough for him to entrust himself in her arms to be nursed by her cared by her taught by her then it's good enough for me and I think it's good enough for you and all we need to do in these times how do you get in the ark well it's simply this take her as your mother give her permission to mother you you go into the Ark of her heart by letting her come into your home as John did and so what I'm gonna do right now is I'm going to lead you in a simple prayer I don't have it written down I just want to pray from the heart right now to show you how simple this is to what we Catholics call consecrate ourselves to Mary or just entrust ourselves to her the way Jesus did and so I'm gonna say this prayer and you can make it you make it your own right now and so let's begin in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit amen our Blessed lady I take you as my mother right now please mother take me as your own child I know that I already a.m. since Jesus already declared you to be my mother but I want to right now ask you to mother me if you are the way that leads me to God and God has appointed you as such in these times then Mary lead me to Jesus lead me deeper into his Sacred Heart mother Mary I take you as my mother therefore I surrender to you my health my well-being my finances my fears and my anxieties mother I placed them into your hands and more than that I put into your hands those whom I love my family members my friends those who have departed from the faith I ask you to to gather them beneath your mantle and to safeguard them and to lead all of us into the safe harbor of divine mercy so Blessed Mother I give you permission to mother me take me as your child take me into your heart and all those whom I love into the Ark of the refuge of your heart we entrust ourselves to you and we ask that you lead us now to God who is love itself thank you Mary I ask this in the name of Jesus amen [Music] well my dear friends just to bolster what I'm saying and to confirm it I want to share with you a powerful word that Jesus spoke to servant of God Luise picker Etta saying the same thing he said you must know that I always love my children my beloved creatures I would turn myself inside out so as not to see them struck so much so that in the gloomy times that are coming I have placed them all in the hands of my celestial mama to her have I untrusted them that she may keep them for me unto her safe mantle I will give her all those whom she will want even death will have no power over those who will be in the custody of my momma now while he was saying this at Louisa my dear Jesus showed me how she marked her dear children and those who were not to be touched by the scourge 'as whomever my celestial mama touched the scourge had no power to touch those creatures sweet Jesus gave to his momma the right to bring to safety whomever she please and so my dear friend it's time to get into the ark the rain has begun to fall the winds have begun to blow let us not be foolish but with our Lord and our Lady let's continue to watch and pray I'm mark mallet see you next time [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Queen of Peace Media
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Length: 46min 27sec (2787 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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