Explaining Kazuya's Killer Hitboxes (Smash Ultimate)

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hello everyone and welcome to what is likely the penultimate dlc hitbox analysis video time sure has flown hasn't it today's character is kazuya from tekken a game series i've been wanting to try for a while actually but just have another time to yet though maybe this will be the thing that pushed me to actually do it kazuya is yet another traditional fighting game character much like terry cannon ryu and as a result he has some unique hitboxes to say the least so why don't we get right into it today's visuals are made by zekemeyer links to everything in the description and if there's a character you want me to cover in a future video let me know and i'll consider it for next time now it wouldn't really be a dlc character without some sort of additional unique character mechanic and kazuya certainly delivers on that kazu has his own state he can enter when he reaches 100 called rage mode not to be confused with rage as in the community named knockback multiplier but in this state all of removes have a 1.1 damage multiplier and some of your moves will be altered your grab your dumby spinning demon and dragon punt will turn into rage drive a very powerful command grab that naturally enough ignores shields the grab and downbeat versions of the move is a bit weaker than the dragon punch and spinning demon versions seeing how those require command inputs landing rage drive will instantly end rage mode and you cannot enter it again until your next stock rage mode can also wear off through two other ways so stay with me here because this is a bit weird in how it works rage mode essentially uses a point system starting out at 650 points every time you wave a move that can trigger range drive you lose 110 points and every time you take damage you lose 17.6 points for each one percent damage that move dealt if the total reaches zero rage mode wears off and you cannot regain at this stock as for the hitboxes on rage drive we'll cover that later when we actually talk about the hitboxes kazu also has a pseudo tough guy mechanic he has 14 units of passive knockback armor a little less than bowser's 19 units i just recently made a video on resistances so if you want to know more about this that is definitely the place to go but essentially this allows him to armor very weak moves like jabs when at low to mid percent he also has the only unique jump squad in the game meaning the amount of frames it takes the character to leave the ground after the jump every other character in the game has a 3 frame jump squat but kazia has 7 frames being more than double the average which is obviously not good but it's likely an attempt to balance him out seeing how his ground presence is very strong you may have noticed that khalsia has a lot of moves he not only has additional moves in form of command inputs like with terry and the others but they also just put a bunch of extra moves on his directional inputs i'll cover all of these when we talk about the hitboxes though so don't worry with that said it also means that this character has like by far the most amount of unique hitboxes so uh may soccer i have mercy on me alright so you know how i usually say that jabs are uninteresting and a majority of the time they're just simple arrangements of free hitboxes well that is certainly not the case with kazia kazuo just happens to have a little move called the 10-hit combo this entire move is executed by simply holding down jab making it by far the most intricate jab in the game with a move consisting of 11 distinct moves all with unique hitboxes but let's just get into it i mean how bad can it really be oh okay so we're not even pretending today are we no saving the crazy hitboxes for specials or smash texts like i don't even get to humor the idea that these hitboxes might be standard fine i see if this is how we want to play casio then i will comply obviously every hit of this combo is meant to stun you so we could lead into the next hit so the angles in knockback are not the most interesting thing ever but i'll remark on heads that do have some unique qualities jab one has six hitboxes overlaid in a massive cluster on top of each other five of which hit grounded opponents while the sixth one is reserved for aerial the grounded ones have soccer angles while the aerial one has a 33 degree angle jab 2 looks almost identical to the first jab but thus reach slightly lower than the first jab when you use jab 3 you also have the option of ending the combo early making the move more like a traditional 3 hit jab combo having 3 hitboxes that'll launch away this is a good time to mention that the most likely reason why they made all of these hitboxes look like this with identical overlapping hitboxes being there for seemingly no reason is probably because they wanted the particle effects to appear on khazia's actual limbs when he attacks as much as possible by having lower id hitboxes on kazu's arm and hand the likelihood of those hitboxes being the ones that land are increased by a lot while not sacrificing much in terms of actual range on the move what we are left with however is a pretty messy looking hitbox that has what would normally be redone in hitboxes that only serve this niche function this is present on a vast majority of cause used moves so you might as well get used to seeing this tiny red low id hitbox in the middle of other moves if you continued the 10 hit combo this is a third jab of the move which pretty much looks and acts the same as the previous ones before it an important thing to know at this point however is that unlike the previous hitboxes these ones have an sdi multiplier of 5.0 instead of the normal 1.0 meaning these hits are a lot easier to smash the eye than most other moves in the game jab 4 is much the same story though the sizes are a little different this move also has an increased sdm multiplier being 4.5 so combine this with the first hit and you can actually sdi very far between these two hits jab 5 finally breaks away with a new hitbox there are once again six of them and they're now spread out along his leg as he does a kick in the air this move has an sdm multiplier of one on the red hitbox specifically while the other ones have a 4.5 which is a bit weird jab 6 is another kick with a new structure hitboxes this one is a little bit more normal in terms of how the hitboxes are overlaid but there still are just a lot of them this move has an sdi multiplier of 3.5 which is less than the previous ones but still very high jab 7 has four hitboxes long cosu's leg once again with one tiny one on his foot to make the effect happen there it also has the same 3.5 sdi multiplier from jab 6. jab 8 is another kick but now with 5 hitboxes which yet again has a 3.5 hdmi player jab 9 only has two hitboxes a big one and a tiny one on his hand the move technically has the crumple effect that is present on moves like focus attack though it's not really that noticeable or relevant seeing how it's followed up by another move instantly we'll talk more about it on some of his later moves and finally we have jab 10 which is an uppercut with three hitboxes all of which just launch away this move might seem really powerful with it dealing a ton of damage on the full combo however because of all the sti multipliers i mentioned earlier the move can be very inconsistent given that your opponent knows how to sdi you can variously get out of this move during the hits that have increased multipliers which makes it a fairly risky option seeing how you might just get punished for landing the move anyways never again will i complain about jabs being too simple in this game now let's just move on since we have like all his normal moves and a bunch of extra ones as well as you probably know kazuya has moves not only on the usual cardinal direction inputs but also on the diagonal ones i'll start with f tilt and go counterclockwise when talking about his tilt attacks f tilde is very reminiscent of ganon's have tilt both in animation and how it works it's a kick out in front of kazuya consisting of four hitboxes kazu's foot is also intangible during the active frames which is something you'll definitely have to get used to hear me say because he has a lot of intangible moves all the hitboxes are the same here so he has no star spot it's all just a nasty semi-spike launching at a deadly 20 degree angle now speaking of things you have to get used to when it comes to kazia i also have to mention his abundance of bonus shield damage present on a vast majority of his moves with it existing on nearly every single movie he has extra shield damage is not totally uncommon a lot of characters have maybe like one or two moves that use it for reference marth shieldbreaker has 25 extra shield damage on no charge and 50 at full charge which is some of the highest in the game comparatively kazuo does not have the highest shield bonus values out there but it just has a lot of moves that actually utilize it with most of them ranging between 1 and 5 units so it's not a lot on its own but it does add up although it does have a few moves with higher shield damage bonuses so instead of bringing it up every time i talk about a move i'll just display the bonus mount when talking about moves on screen that way we can just kind of keep the flow going oh and also none of the jabs have any increased shield damage which is why i brought it up here instead his up four tilt is a four hit attack with all the hits having to be inputted manually meaning you can't simply hold it down the first hit has three hit boxes the two lower ones are ground only while the tallest one is aerial although they all deal the same damage early on the move actually has a ton of partial intangibility with his legs starting out intangible while he's on the ground and his feet being intangible during the jumping and attacking part they launch directly forward and set up into the later hits the second one is much the same having lower hitboxes for grounded and higher ones for ariel all with appropriate angles third hit is another kick with three hitboxes that set up into the final laundrette which looks like this three hitboxes on his leg and one lower down to catch smaller characters i presume the launchpit also has a grounded and aerial distinction which is a bit weird with the red and purple hitting grounded opponents while the white one hits ariel most launchers don't really do this mostly because they're not really supposed to set up into anything after it so caring about the opponent being grounded or aerial is not really that relevant normal uphill has six hitboxes overlapped three for grounded and three for aerial with slightly different angles kazuya is also partially intangible during the startup of the move with his upper body being intangible the hitboxes themselves are certainly something like this has given me some serious smash for ryu up tilt vibes though luckily despite them being comparable in size this one is not as fast and does not combo into kill move at like 60 the second hit is another punch upwards with similar hitboxes launching well upwards it also has upper body intendability making the move pretty good for catching aerial opponents seeing how you can just avoid attacks if you type it right by doing an up and back tilt you can perform jumping sidekick a mover kanzia jumps backwards while also throwing out a kick in front of him it's got five hitboxes with his trademark single red hitbox on his foot all the hitboxes are identical however just launching away what makes this move quite unique is the little jump he does backwards which is not too common on tilt moves and usually you move forwards instead which gives the move a lot of zoning and spacing potential on top of that his legs are intangible during most of startup and the active ramps of the move and even after the move the leggy stance on is still intangible for a little while afterwards making it a very low risk defensive option back tilt which sounds a bit odd to say is a kick with two hitboxes though again the red one is only here for show the move simply launches away it's nothing too special in that sense he is however intangible on his upper body and his leg during some of the startup and the active frames of the move making it pretty hard to challenge down and back tilt is you guessed it another kick this one however is aimed downwards and attempts to trip the opponent instead of launching them with the move having a grand total of two units of knockback growth if you land the move on a grounded opponent it has a guaranteed trip chance granted that the opponent is not already in a drift state which you can follow up with pretty much anything you'd like the hitbox itself is a bit weird they all have the same properties and all cost the trip so you don't need to hit any one hitbox in particular the shape of the hitboxes are kinda weird over the three frames because of how kazuya kicks inwards instead but tripping is nothing to joke around about especially when it's a guaranteed one his down tail doesn't attack along the ground the move itself is actually fairly simple having four hitboxes that just launch upwards the move also has an additional 4 units of shield damage one of the higher values we've seen this far the move also has total body intangibility on the later parts of the move right before the active frames making you able to just avoid any attack if you time it right pretty scary move overall i have to say downwind and forward is a two-part move the first hit is another upwards kick with six hitbox overlaid three for aerial and three for grounded opponents unsurprisingly his leg is intangible during a bit of startup and the actor frames of the move the move stuns you and launches you up a bit in order to set up into the second part of the move the second part is a kick downwards that launches you away the hitboxes on this move however are a bit weird to say at least on the first frame of the move it has four hit boxes with two on his leg and two on his foot nothing unusual about that but these hitboxes also have a unique attack module that makes these hitboxes unable to be blocked by shields however the thing is that these hitboxes are aerial only and as you probably know you can't exactly shield in the air making the whole thing kind of redundant it's certainly not something you see every day the two remaining active frames are the same damage wise but do not ignore shields though that is not to say that they aren't a shield menace having 13 additional units of shield damage which is quite a lot and will definitely cause some damage to those round bubbles aside from all those quirky shield interactions the move just launched away like any other move now if all those extra moves weren't enough they also gave him unique moves while you're crouching when crouch if you press a you will get a crouch jab which looks like this maybe a little bit off the mark there guys but uh who's keeping track it has 4 hitboxes all of which have the same damage and angles barring the red bottom hitbox the others launch up while the red one launches directly down to be fair this red box actually does have a special property that makes it unable to hit fighters under normal circumstances only connecting with characters who are already laying down after a mistake meaning the movie is not nearly as dumb as it looks at first sight outside of that it's a pretty nice combo move and really leaves the opponent in a tricky situation especially if you can catch people in the air with it and his fist is also intangible because which one of kazuo's moves don't have partial imaginability if you do a crouched back tilt you will get a low kick out in front of causio this one is simply three boxes that just launch away in theme with everything so far is leg is intangible there's not much more to it than that feels really nice to have just a clean move like this after a lot of those more intricate hitboxes crouch for tilt has kasia throwing his legs out in front of him while he kinda does all flip on the ground the move has a ton of full body intangibility from early on in startup and even one frame during the active frames after that it's just his arm and lower body that's intangible and even after the move is over he has a bit of intangibility left the hitboxes themselves are pretty solid covering all of khazia's lower body and a bit farther out as well the move is pretty strong and combined with a huge amount of intangibility the move is nothing to scoff at despite it looking a little awkward and clumsy and finally for crouch moves we have demon god fist if you time an a button press while you're rising up from being crouched you will get a unique move it has three boxes one for grounded one for aerial and one to make sure the move looks cool when you land it if hit in the air the move just launched you back a bit without much spectacle should you land it on the ground however it will crumble the opponent which is a very rare effect only seen on a few moves like focus attack it causes you to fall to the ground in place kind of like a trip but a bit different you'll be stunned and forced to do a tech get up option but more likely you'll just get hit before that because you're stunned it's a pretty straightforward move you get punched you get stunned whatever happens next nobody knows but it's probably going to hurt kazuo's dash tag sees the return of actual sweet spots in sour spots something i guess they must have forgotten about during a majority of his moves so far good to see that these safety wheels are firmly on during this move making it difficult for even the smallest of rodent to low profile under it it has five hitboxes with the ones on khazia's foot being the most powerful and the other ones around him being a bit weaker once again his legs are intangible during certain parts of the move making him able to just sometimes jump over projectiles and moves in addition to dash tag you can also perform another dash tag like move called left splits kick by tapping forward twice and then pressing a you will get a different attack in terms of hitboxes the movie is pretty simple only having three hitboxes on this leg launching up and dealing a respectable amount of damage however what makes the movie unique is that massive reflector hitbox which well reflects projectiles it starts out way before the active range of the move and even lingers a bit after as well the reflector itself is actually the strongest reflector in the entire game in terms of damage dishing a massive 2.4 times damage multiplier back which is like way more than even the second strongest reflector being nessa's bat at 2.0 it's a bit absurd to be honest but that's just that dlc spice that we're all used to by now believe it or not kazuya's standing grab is actually longer than pre-patch palutenas now granted it's not nearly as disjointed and as a result probably not quite as good however the range itself should not be slept on as reaches reach either way you look at it his other variations are also relatively long which is nothing new since we are on the topic of grab should you do the input down forward down down forward and then grab you will get gates of hell which is a more powerful grab than the normal one even having slightly more range than the normal grab if you land it you will get a special throw animation that sends the opponent at a really sharp angle and deals quite a bit of damage as well yet another kosu exclusive mechanic i waited to talk about is crouch dash by importing forward down and down forward you will get a slide along the ground moving forwards while moving forward he's given partial intangibility on his upper body then his body is fully intangible for a few frames and then again later on it's his upper body very good overall for a character that otherwise might have had a hard time getting in now of course they couldn't just add this mechanic and not put a few unique moves on it if you do a crouch dash and tap the a button as it ends you will get a wind god fist the move has partial intangibility on the earlier parts of the move coming out of the dash intangibility the move has six hitboxes overlaid in a classic aerial and grounded layout the boxes just launch up with slightly different angles but for whatever reason the aerial only hitboxes deal 0.5 less damage than the grounded ones making the moves slightly weaker against aerial opponents which is very rare to see on overlapped moves like this should you input the a button present right as you press down and forward on the crouch dash you will get electric win godfist which is just a stronger version of the normal one the actual window for getting this input however is very small so you need to be on point if you want the electrical version of this move this one will not only stun you in place for longer but also has way more hits done meaning it can combo into even more stuff in addition to this it also has total body intangibility instead of partial aside from that the hitboxes are pretty much the same if you hold down the a button instead of just tapping it you will get dragon uppercut a very powerful attack with tons of intangibility the hitboxes are all identical however the move ranges wildly in damage depending on which frame the move hits the first frame being the strongest dealing 22 the second one dealing 18 the third one dealing 16 and every frame after that only dealing 14. outside of that there's not too much to say about it it's just one of those big hurdy kill options every traditional fighting game character has to have and finally if you input b instead of a you will get spinning demon to left hook a two-part move consisting of a kick and a punch early on you have complete body intangibility lasting for quite a few frames the first part of the move has three hit boxes that attempt to set up into the move coming after it which is a fairly powerful punch that simply launches away not too much to say about it honestly but this is probably one of my favorite moves he has i just really like the sound effect on that punch just feels really nice to land it with that we are finally done with his grounded moves meaning it's time to look at his aerials like i mentioned earlier because konzia's jump squat is much slower than everyone else's he might not be able to use his aerials a ton but in spite of that his aerials are no slouch there's a bit of a weird move it's a punch out in the air in front of konzia on the first few frames the move can actually spike the spy hitboxes being these small red ones in the middle having slightly different angles depending on aerial or grounded states the other frames are sour spots that just launch up it's really nice seeing some of these simpler aerials after all those wacky grounded attacks as for there is just four hitboxes that all launch away because it doesn't really have to be more complicated than that the hitbox is pretty good though covering a nice amount of distance and lingering for a decent while though it does get a bit weaker a bit into the move it wouldn't be a traditional fighting game character without a really busted back air and this one is certainly no exception the move itself is a bit weird in how it's designed on the first frame of the move it has three hitboxes the red and purple hitboxes are sweet spots that deal 16 while the white one is a 14 sour spot however the purple one is the dominant hitbox over the white one meaning the only way to actually land the white tit box is by only hitting this tiny sliver of white that reaches out in front seeing how the purple will still always override the white one should they both connect meaning the game actually punishes you for perfect spacing which is a bit of a bizarre concept after this it has a sour spot that just lingers for a while with both hitboxes dealing 10 percent each auberius quite the move apparently it was not enough for kazuo to only have intangibility on a ton of his ground moves seeing how he even has someone is up there the first three frames of the move are sweet spots simply launching away while the next ones are a bit weaker these hitboxes are honestly kinda disgusting like look at this why is that okay and also keep in mind that his leg is intangible meaning it's even safer even if he didn't have a massive hitbox out in front of him it's a borderline not okay but that is the way of the dlc i suppose down area is a bit of a unique down area as far as down airs go having six hit boxes three for grounded and three for aerial respectively the first few frames the move do spike against serial opponents however the move is not really supposed to be a spiking move as on the next frames it just launches you anyways meaning i guess you can get sparked by this move if you somehow trade with it though that might be a bit hard to set up while his falling all the hitboxes deal the same damage and knockback and just launch away when landing on the ground you also trigger a lanny hitbox that looks like this it's pretty big but only launches away so there's not that much to it moving on to his specials we have opi kazu enters his demon form and flies into the air after this he's not putting it to freefall and can even jump if he has not used it yet on the first frames of the move it has three hitboxes covering his body all of which are very strong and launch up while the one on his head is slightly weaker the move gets weaker the farther kazi arises into the air starting out at 13 and dealing 7 at its weakest side b is a good old punch attack out in front of kazia the grounded version of the move has a bit of body intangibility early on to the surprise of absolutely no one if the move hits a grounded opponent they will get stunned and crumpled just like with demon godfest although should he hit the later part of the move it will launch them regardless meaning you need the sweet spot to get the stun afterwards you can follow up with pretty much anything you want should you hit an aerial opponent or an opponent who's already stunned or tripped it will instead just launch them away so no cheesy influence for you unless you use electric queen god fist heaven's door is conscious dumby and is a command grab but also kind of an attack the purple hitboxes on these two frames are the ones that grab you should you get grabbed you'll be dragged into the air and slammed into the ground during the start of the grab he has 10 damage based armor on frame 5 to 14 which is actually a pretty high amount for moves that ignore shields should you if the grab party actually does have some normal hitboxes on the frames after having one on his hand body and foot however these hitboxes are not super impressive but i mean to be honest it's a bit weird that they're even there at all so i guess there's no point in complaining should the input down be in rage mode you will instead get rage drive which is the more powerful version of heavens store that i mentioned at start of the video doing a normal downbeat or grab while in rage mode will result in a weaker version of rage drive if you want the strong version you'll have to do a crouch-dash input and then either hold a or b both of which result in the strong version which is actually a bit faster than the non-input version and has an extra active frame regardless of input you will have a bit of body insulin ability early on the move as well as the same arbor that's present on normal heaven store for our last special of the day we have devil blaster cause you fires the beam either forward down or up depending on your angle there's really not too much to say about the hitbox it's basically exactly what it looks like which is good i'm just kind of surprised when i see moves on these characters that actually match what you would think they would look like these days and finally smash attacks we're in the home stretch now as is usual with smashstacks they are quite powerful but some of these smash decks are honestly kind of absurd upsmash is probably the simplest out of the three being a quick punch into the air the first actor frame has three identical hitboxes that covers kazuo's body and a bit out in front of him it then instantly goes above him while retaining the same damage then lingers for a few frames in the air being a bit weaker before going away the move also has 6 percent damage armor on frame 7 to 11 because why wouldn't a smash tax have armor in addition his arm is also intangible on certain frames which is just the cherry on top of this already cherry filled cake oh boy it's time to talk about f-smash f-smash is a punch but it's not just any regular punch it's glorious demon god fist which is to say that it's a really powerful move and it will kill you the movie is very slow but if this thing hits you you don't even have to be at a particularly high percent to get launched directly to the blast zone despite having so much power behind it the actual hitbox is a bit underwhelming it only has two hitboxes one on his fist and one in his body the fist hitbox is a sweet spot dealing a clean 26 while the sour spot only deals 23 obviously you want a sweet spot but honestly a lot of the time the sour spot will also get the job done this one also has damage armor being able to tank up to 10 damage on frames 7 to 24 which is a huge win though and lastly after the long journey through many moves we have arrived at down smash our final hitbox of the night much like his other smash attacks this is nothing to joke around with the move has four hitboxes overlaid and i don't think i have to explain why at this point the tipper hitboxes are a bit stronger than the inner head boxes dealing 17 instead of 15. all the hitboxes spike even if you're in the air or on the ground and it's a pretty powerful spike at that i'd also like to mention that this has the highest shield damage bonus out of all his moves with 15 extra damage making him very good at taking out shields because he has 6 damage based armor on frame 7-15 completing the holy trinity of armored smash attacks in addition he has intangibility on his arm and with that we are finally done that sure was a lot but we managed to get through all of it yeah it was a problem what do you mean demon's wrath is called you sight haunt because i guess they just couldn't resist themselves it's a four hit move that stuns you and launched you away there's really not much more to the hitboxes than that for some reason every hitbox uses a different hitbox id which there is like no practical reason for it's like even the programmer of this move was just joking around like most other taunt moves it's mostly for show and not particularly good it deals a bit of damage but the hitboxes are not great but i mean as far as taunt attacks go i'd say it's certainly one of the better ones anyways for real this time that is all of kazu's hitboxes which means we are done that was a lot of moves this being by far the most comprehensive hitbox video i think i have ever made and i kinda doubt another one will beat it that said i actually do really enjoy kazia in this game he's fun to play and as you have seen here today he has some obscene moves anyways this video is already long enough ready so i think it's time to end it as always thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next time [Music] do you
Channel: Rekzius
Views: 105,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smash ultimate, Analysis, Hitboxes, Rekzius, DLC, Kazuya, Tekken
Id: h3DeLA7CVn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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