How To Make Mozzarella Cheese At Home With And Without Rennet In Under 20 Minutes | Homemade Cheese

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[Music] [Music] hello sweet team welcome back to my channel this is sweets a jelly i hope you can hear the excitement in my voice and that is because our mozzarella cheese video is back and it is even better than ever yes after taking this down so many of you wanted it back and here you have it but this time i share how you can make it with and without rennet so you get to choose which one is better for you will you nail it will you feel it well you have to try it to find out let's get started we begin by measuring a cup of non-chlorinated water preferably spring water to that we will add one and a quarter teaspoon of citric acid give it a good stir until it dissolves beautifully and set it aside next we will need a gallon of cold whole milk ensure that it is full fat now the original recipe calls for buffalo milk but i don't have it where i am so we will be using whole cow milk okay so this will add our water with the citric acid and we will stir it in quickly [Music] we will now transfer this onto our stove top and heat it up until it is at 90 degrees fahrenheit here i have half a cup of water to that i'll be adding half a teaspoon of vegetable rennet at this point my milk is at 90 degrees so it is time for us to add in our water and rennet mix stir everything in quickly and cover it up and allow it to rest for about five minutes five minutes later let's check our curds it has formed beautifully so we're going to go ahead and cut it up please use a regular knife i'm using a plastic knife because i don't want to ruin my part okay [Music] all right once you're done cutting you want to turn your fire back on and we're going to heat up our way to about 110 to 120 degrees fahrenheit and this will begin softening our curds back up okay and while doing this you want to check the temperature from time to time to ensure that you are at the right temperature [Music] i am at 110 degrees fahrenheit right now so i began stirring it i'm doing it very gently i am not stirring it vigorously at all as you can see it is very very gently and i'm trying to gather the curves and the easiest way that i find that you can do this is to kind of gather and press it to the walls of your pot and then keep gathering the rest into the same direction you don't want to be staring this any other way okay so this is how i do it and this helps gather the curves together while still checking the temperature i don't want it to go over 120 degrees as soon as it hits 120 i'll put the fire to its lowest setting and continue gathering my curds but don't worry i'll speed this up for you [Music] sushi and pastries [Music] now that i've gathered up all the curves i'm going to get it out of the way and transfer it into a bow where i will be able to work it to create the stretchiness but keep the heat on under your way to ensure that it stays nice and hot it is now time for us to turn it and it looks like it's going to fall apart but with my free making skills i just turn over and press turn it over and press down and you will see the stretchiness beginning to happen already you may use a spatula for this but i find using my hand to be the easiest way so if this is too hot for you you may use a heat resistant glove or like i said your spatula always remember not to overwork your cheese because then you may just mess it up okay and we don't want that i'm just going to go ahead and add some of the whey into it and i'm going to go ahead and flavor it with some salt i'm using iodized salt if you can get cheese salt by all means use that because making cheese you want to use all cheese making things but i just used iodized salts and as you can see it worked okay yes [Music] as i said earlier you don't want to work it too much so i just tuck it under into itself and then i just squeeze it to rip it into a ball just like this so it is nice and beautiful i am going to go ahead and continue the process until i've made all my tiny little mini balls okay yes this is one way you can do it and when you are on the last one you just tuck it into itself and you will be done the water's hot if you can't handle it wear heat resistance glove or use your spatula allow the water to cool down a bit before shaping it okay [Music] and there you have it it is nice and ready to store i'm just going to wrap each one with plastic wrap and it is best to enjoy this within a week of making it in making cheese i realized that the one with rennet usually only lasts for up to a week okay so store in your refrigerator and enjoy within a week all right yo what if your curves look like this it is absolutely beautiful very nice and soft but there's no need to cut this and we can try to shape it and make it into a ball in the pot because it is so so soft you can try to do that but i usually just scoop it into a colander like this and allow all the way to simply drip out and then the curd will be much more firm and solid making it easier to work with especially for beginners you don't want to stop messing around with these curves because you may just fail this recipe completely i allowed it to sit and as you can see it is more solid now all the way is out of it and in the meantime i was heating up my way and it is boiling now so i'm just going to go ahead and add some of the whey into my bowl and to that i'll add some salt to taste once i add the salt i'll then go ahead and add our curds and my sweets look how perfect this look this makes for a wonderful presentation the colander gave it a beautiful design all right y'all so put it in your nice and flavored way add some more whey to the top of it and i'm going to just begin to fold and press this time using my spatula so as i said you can use your spatula or you can use your hands whichever one is more comfortable for you and i'm folding and pressing down and this will help me begin to create the stretchiness that i need in making mozzarella cheese okay now to have a more controlled cheese making experience you can divide this in half and make it half at a time all right and when your water begins to cool down immediately add some of your hot way or hot water to it to keep it going because if the water gets too cold you won't be able to create the stretchiness that you're looking for all right i hope you're enjoying this so far if you are give this video a thumbs up if you're new to my channel be sure to subscribe before leaving and leave an amazing comment i do love reading your comments also do not forget to share this with your friends and family so that they can find the easiest way to make mozzarella cheese on youtube right here on sweet agility's [Music] channel [Music] sushi and pastries [Music] [Music] foreign sushi and pastries [Music] now let's move on to the milk vinegar version this one is without rennet in my pot i'll add half a gallon of milk and we're going to heat this up until it is at 140 degrees fahrenheit or until our fingers can no longer tolerate how hot it is now if you cannot do the finger test please be sure to have a thermometer for this because i had some people saying why are you telling people to put their fingers in hot milk i can do that you may not be able to do that so please get a thermometer and i just stole a little bit because i needed to make a starter for yogurt okay at this point is that the temperature i turn the heat off and i'm going to go ahead and add in my half a cup of white vinegar and the acidic level is five percent okay so i give this a quick stare and i'm going to go ahead and cover it up to trap the warmth to give me some nice soft curds five minutes later and this is what we have these curds are absolutely beautiful so i'll transfer it into my sift right here now for those of you that had issues with your curds going right through your strainer that may mean that your holes in the mesh are bigger mine are very very fine so it is perfect for this process so if yours isn't you don't want to use this method what you can do is to gather the curd to the side and press it to the walls of your pot like i did the first method using rennet okay at this point i'm going to season my way with some salt and turn the fire back on and i'll begin turning my curd so i just turn and press it down turn press turn press and i don't want to cut any clips because i want you to watch this form into a ball do i fail at this sometimes absolutely if you want to see videos of me failing let me know and i will try some and fail just for you but you know i have to do all the trials and errors and bring you all the best okay in my original video the people that tried and got it they were so excited that this was the easiest and in my opinion it absolutely is the people that feel that it on the other hand resulted to insulting me and calling me all kinds of names please try this if you want to but keep in mind that you may fail or you may just nail it and we just did and our princess momo is happy about that so there you have it i'm going to put it back in the way to not only flavor it up but also to soften it up for me a bit so i can shape it up and make it into a ball okay let's stretch it up to see if it worked and as you can see it is stretching beautifully there is absolutely no rennet in here and we still have our mozzarella cheese and as always once it stretches like this you are done there is no need to keep stretching and balling and stretching and balling because it will become tough making it hard to melt okay so we will transfer this into some cold water to cool it down and then i'll wrap it up and enter my refrigerator at a go this one on the other hand i'm able to keep for up to a month yes for some reason this one lasts longer than the one with rennet and there we have it our homemade mozzarella cheese is ready but in order for me to be able to differentiate between this one and the one with rennet i'm going to put this one in a bag okay make my life easy i'm going to make some cheesy toast so this right here is the one with rennet and this is the one without rennet into our oven it goes and we're going to let it melt or heat up for about five to ten minutes okay once it comes out this right here is the one without rennet so this is the stretch that we get from that one good for me i love the flavor of that by the way the vinegar gives it an amazing flavor but to each their own and this is the one with rennet and this is the stretch obviously the one with rennet stretches a little more than the one without ran it this is how i love to enjoy it oh my goodness tomatoes with mozzarella and basil or even pesto sauce i am in heaven thank you so so much for watching i hope you enjoyed this video if you did give your girl a thumbs up and be sure to try it share and subscribe if you have not done that yet if you're new subscriber welcome to my channel this is sweetheart thank you so much for subscribing and to the sweet team i love you all so so much until i see you in my next video stay safe keep loving each other and remember that the love of god and family is life's greatest blessing bye
Channel: Sweet Adjeley
Views: 432,493
Rating: 4.9435148 out of 5
Keywords: #howtomakemozzarellacheeseathome, #homemademozzarellacheese, #3easywaystomakemozzarellacheeseathome, #mozzarellacheeseinunder20minutes, #mozzarellacheesewithoutrennet, #mozzarellacheesewithandwithoutrennet, #cheese, #sweetadjeley
Id: 0q3aXn9yaPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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