How to make Homemade Farmer's Cheese ~ Self Reliance Skill

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hey everyone this is Jenny from Homestuck corner today we're gonna make this simple delicious farmer's cheese it's really easy to make so let's get started [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right for this recipe you're only going to need three ingredients some whole milk vinegar and salt that's it you need a heavy bottom with a thick bottom on it a saucepan a strainer and another Bowl to catch your way cheesecloth measuring cup and I like a wooden spoon for this all right so this really is the easiest cheese in the history of the world I think so I'm gonna take my half gallon of milk and I'm just gonna put it right in the pot the whole thing you can double this recipe or triple it or whatever it it will work with any amount but I'm just doing a half gallon because this is gonna make rate about two cups of cheese so we've got our half gallon of milk in there and we're gonna turn this on a medium heat and we are going to just heat this up we do not want to bring this to a boil we just want to get it really hot just before the boil so I am gonna heat this up and we'll be back in a few moments okay so you want to keep your eye on this they want to stay right closer because you do not want to scorch this but you can see right here we're starting to get little bubbles and like a little bit of foam I'm not sure if you can see that but we're starting to get that little bit of foam and I don't normally use a thermometer anymore but I did for this for the sake of this video you want this about up to a hundred and ninety degrees you don't want this to boil because you'll scorch your milk and then it will taste awful but you just want to bring this up really slow and just keep giving it a stir here and there you want to make sure you keep stirring it around so it will develop a little film on top if you don't and that's okay it's not gonna hurt it at all but I just like to keep stirring it here and there and I just watch for these little foamy bubbles and and then once it gets you can see when it's right just to the point that it's going to boil and you want to stop it and take it off the heat at that point okay so you can see the bubbles are just starting to pop and it's a little foamy on top so and we're just about a hundred and ninety degrees on the thermometer so we're gonna turn this heat off and pull this off the burner okay so right when we pull this off the burner we're gonna add our quarter cup of white vinegar to this and right away we're gonna start to see curds we want to give this a good stir and we can already see the Kurds starting to form here so we're gonna give this a nice good stir and then we're gonna let it sit for 15 minutes okay so after about 15 minutes you can see that the curds and whey have really separated really well and you can get a nice little scoop of those curds so now we are going to add if you want to add any flavoring now's the time to do it we don't you can do this with nothing or I'm just gonna add a little bit of fresh basil to this that I cut up and I'm just gonna put that in there but you can use anything you like you could do a garlic and onion I've done rosemary and thyme there's just so many combinations and whatever you like in your cheese depending on what you plan on using it for you can add that right in so we're just going to put this right in there and we're gonna add our salt I'm going to put about a half a teaspoon in here but you can go up to a teaspoon of salt the recipe calls for a teaspoon but I'm not a big salty fan so we're just gonna give this another good stir and get this basil all in there and make sure everything is mixed up nice okay so I just used a big glass bowl because I want to save this way I don't want to lose this way because you can use it for so many different things it's great to make lemonade when you're cooking any grains potatoes rice you can add it to that just to add more nutrition to it it's really great and you can also use it for a starter culture if you're gonna fermenting so I'm just add this just a big strainer I'm going to stick it right in the bowl so I can strain all the liquid down into the bowl and I've got two layers of cheesecloth here and we're just going to pour everything right into the cheesecloth so we're just going to pour this right in so all that way goes right into our Bowl but the cheesecloth has cooled all those curds for us all right so we just want this to sit just for a couple of minutes and all this liquid can drain and then we're gonna gather up our cheesecloth and we're just gonna give this a twist and a little squeeze this is still pretty hot so we're just going to give it a squeeze and get some of the liquid out there and you can see there's quite a bit of liquid in those cards so we just want to do this until we get liquid out I don't like to take too much out if you take too much out and it's too dry and crumbly then you can add a little bit more of the way back in right about there is how I normally do this okay so now I just open this up a little bit I just want to expose the top of this cheese so I can get in here and you can see how it is so you can take a fork you can test it right now and see if it's salty enough you could add a little bit more salt here you just want to make sure you mix it in really good make sure if it's too dry right now you can add a tablespoon of way back into it if you feel like it's too dry and crumbly but this is just about the right moisture how I like it so and the herbs are in there really nice they're mixed in really good so I'm gonna take this and I'm gonna wrap this back up and I'm gonna grab two small plates or big plates whatever you like we're just going to wrap this back up and I'm gonna give it a little twist not to get any more liquid out but you can see right there and then I'm gonna take a small plate just a small little plate and I'm gonna put this with a knot down and have this hanging off the side and then we're just gonna form our cheese now and I'm going to take another plate and we're just going to press this down so it is an inch to two inches thick and this is just gonna give us a nice form for our cheese and I'm gonna take this whole thing and stick it in the fridge and we're gonna leave it there for about an hour and then we'll take it out and see what we got okay so our cheese have been in the refrigerator for about an hour and is nice and formed and we can now open this up and get our cheese out okay so you can cut some of this for crackers this is wonderful on bruschetta and it sticks right to it there's a nice little piece you can see I saw a piece of cheese it is just delicious on crackers it's great for bruschetta all kinds of stuff however you like to have it and that is it just some beautiful easy homemade farm cheese simple and delicious if you like this video give me a thumbs up subscribe we'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: Homestead Corner
Views: 34,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homestead, Corner, Homesteading, Homsteader, Maine, farmers cheese, easy cheese, cheese making, Simple cheese, farmers cheese recipe, farmers cheese making, cheese, make, diy, self reliance, skill
Id: giu3FQr46S8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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