Expert Butchers Test Out 10 Different Chicken Wing Recipes — Prime Time

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- Brent! - Ben! - Today on Prime Time: we're gonna talk about chicken wings. How many kinds of chicken wings are we gonna talk about? - 10 types of wings. All gonna be crispy, all gonna be delicious. You're gonna be able to do all of this at home. Ben, let's chicken wing. - I wanna eat them. (dramatic theme music) Recipe number one. - We got 12 wings. - We need 12 hours of salting. - And only seven minutes to deep fry. All you're gonna need for this recipe is the wings, kosher salt, and canola oil for frying. First thing to do is just dry these wings off a little bit. The salt's gonna work to pull moisture out of the wings, so what Ben's gonna liberally hit both sides. We're gonna let it sit overnight for 12 hours. 365 degrees, let's go. (cooking oil sizzles) Make sure that nothing's sticking. - They should be golden brown all over, but about seven minutes should be where you wanna end up. - We have beautiful golden-brown chicken wings. You can see how much these guys have puffed up. (cooking oil sizzling) - Skin is really separated from the meat. - [Brent] We got our regular old Frank's RedHot Buffalo sauce (Ben mumbling) Just a couple of young cool dudes eating wings. - Just eating wings, man. Bring on the game. Let's go. - Probably the most traditional and this is the only one we're actually deep frying, but it still took 12 hours to actually let it set overnight. So let's see whether those 12 hours actually paid off. - Wow, to the start of our journey. - There's no way that this could go sideways. (upbeat music) - That's like - That is like- - the perfect sports bar wing. - Textbook, nice and juicy, crispy on the outside. - Yeah. - This is just a great wing. - [Ben] Yeah. - Recipe two. Baking powder and air fry. 12 hours of prep time. - And we're going to air fry for 22 minutes. - Brent is just going to coat them in baking powder and put them back on the rack. Oh, that seems so cool. Just getting around. Just going for a swim. I don't think there's gonna be any jealousy over who touches or consumes more chicken wings today. - [Brent] Just shake it off a little bit. You don't need the excess. - [Ben] Shake it off. - Wow! (laughs) ♪ That's a cool song that the kids like. ♪ ♪ Do you remember that song? ♪ ♪ Shake it off ♪ ♪ Shake it off ♪ - I'm now gonna excellently put these into the refrigerator for 12 hours. - Bye Ben. - So we had these in the refrigerator overnight for 12 hours. And we took these out about a half hour ago just so they could warm up a little bit. Get a little used to what it's like out here in the real world. - Now, we're gonna air fry for 22 minutes at 397 degrees - You do not wanna stack these. You want to have them spread out as much as you can. Don't have them touching 'cause otherwise they're just gonna steam. they're not gonna fry. (air fryer clunks) (air fryer beeps) - [Ben] And bamboom! - [Brent] See what you got. (both screaming joyfully) - It looks like fried chicken. We just did baking powder overnight with these so we do wanna hit them with salt. - And you can hear that crisp in the bowl. It's really nice. - [Brent] Oh, yeah. - Let's hit it with sauce. - [Ben] Let's do it. You wanna eat this wing? - [Brent] Hell yeah, I do. - Let's eat a wing. - To our digestive tracks. - Oh, f***, yeah. That is a good chicken wing. - Very different from the first one though. I don't know if it's, is it the air fryer? - I think so. - You're like a dragon breathing smoke. - It's really hot. - Who knew air could get that hot? - Not me. - But man, that produces a pretty good product. - It is completely different than a deep fried wing. - Yeah. - It is lighter and fluffier. And I'm like super surprised at how crispy it actually is. - Yeah. Recipe three. Smoked and air fried. - We love smoking things, (Ben laughing) especially chicken wings. - [Ben] So you are gonna need an instant pot, obviously. So we're actually gonna add our chips and water to the instant pot and then hit the steam setting. Let it go for 30 minutes before adding the chicken wings. - We're gonna release the steam, get our chicken wings in the basket, and get them smoking. (instant pot hissing) - Ohh! - [Brent] So now we're gonna pressure cook for 20 minutes. Lock and load! - Show me my wings! - Wow, so these are really cooked. They definitely pressure cooked more than they smoked. - Whew! These are pressure cooked so they are very delicate at the moment. They're really cooked through. So now we're gonna transfer our wood chips from the pressure cooker over to our air fryer. Just put the tray on top of our wood. Smoky wings go in, crispy wings come out. (Brent grunting softly) So we're gonna put it on the chicken setting. Yes, there is such a thing on an air fryer. And we're gonna set it for 15 minutes. And Brent, do the honors. (Ben grunting) It's a smoky wing. - [Brent] Ooh, buddy, those look good. - [Ben] It got even darker. - [Brent] Yeah, they smell great. All right, ready to try one? - [Ben] Yes, I'm ready. (upbeat music) - Smoke isn't overwhelming, it's like a babbling brook. Good crisp, little bit dry. I'm gonna add a little bit of sauce. I just wanna add a little bit of moisture and see what it does. - Well, I think that's even better. - Uh-huh. - The vinegar actually brings out a little bit more of the smokiness. - Yeah. Recipe number four. Cornstarch, salt, and roast. - Again. We're gonna start with 12 wings. - Prep time is one hour. - And we are going to oven roast at 450 for 25 minutes. All right, so we're gonna mix and make a dredge. - [Ben] For our ingredients, we need a half cup of cornstarch, two teaspoons of kosher salt. - [Brent] So what's great about this recipe is that the prep time only takes an hour. The cornstarch and salt work super quickly so you can prep it, roast it. You're eating in an hour, bud. (upbeat music) (tray clattering) All right, the cornstarch looks amazing. The texture looks fantastic. I think it's gonna be super crispy. - [Ben] I don't think it really needs sauce so I wanna try one without. - These look and sound like a traditional shake and bake. - Cheers, good sir. - Boom! (upbeat music) - Nice and crispy. Really tender inside. Really juicy. I really like this. - I think it needs a sauce. (chicken clattering in aluminum bowl) Cornstarch buddies, we back. - Oh yeah! - Oh yeah! - Oh, there he goes. - Brenty like. Uh-huh. - Lovin' it. - Eat this eight days a week. - Yeah, this is better than what I can go out and buy nine times out of 10 Recipe five, steamed and broiled. Prep time is 35 minutes. - Cook time 30 minutes. All right, so let's steam our wings. - [Ben] Everything's weird on chicken wing day. We're gonna steam these just for a quick 20 minutes. (air whooshes) You can see the meat is pulling away from the bone and the fat is nicely rendered. Brent, you did a great job. - Yo, I can boil chicken all day long. Keep in mind that all we're doing is just rendering the fat so that we can later get it crispy in the oven. - So we're gonna pop these in the broiler which typically gets about 500 to 550 degrees and cook those for about five minutes. - [Brent] Steamed wings coming at ya. I'm really loving the broil. Get a nice little color on there. Steam obviously made it super duper tender. We gotta get in there and taste them. All right, hit it. (both screaming happily) - Yeah, we're proud of you. - We're very proud of you. [Brent] Steamy boys. [Ben] Steamy boys. (upbeat music) - Solid. - Solid. - Not super crispy. - You know what, You know what people don't celebrate enough? A good old fashioned first base hit. - [Ben] This is a great wing. Recipe six. Microwave and - What? - broil. Yes. - This just got weird. - Five minute prep time. - And only a 15 minute cook time. - Microwave rules. - Microwave power. - We're gonna take our 12 wings and we're gonna drop them into a bowl. And then we are going to submerge them in water because we had to come up with 10 different ways. So we had to get really creative. - Last step is putting plastic wrap over our bowl. - Right, now that we're wrapped, we're ready to cook. Give me that microwave. - You got it. (Ben grunting) - Goddamn, that's a microwave. - So we're just gonna put them in the microwave as is on high for five minutes. (microwave door clunks) (man laughing) (microwave whirring) Now we're cooking. - So we are cooking these in a microwave. So they're gonna come out looking a little funky monkey. - Just keep in mind that we are just trying to render the fat first. Three, two, one, and- - Wow! (microwave beeping) Have you just been counting them this whole time? - Just like that. Yes. - There we go. - We go. ♪ That's cooking with the boys ♪ - Let's see exactly how funky these are. - [Brent] If this is not a cooking show, I don't know what is. (chuckles) All right. (glass chinks) This is officially gross. And all seriousness, this might seem a little weird and a little gross, but we actually just made a really quick chicken broth. So you can actually strain this, save it, and use it for whatever else you wanna make. So we're just gonna throw them in the broiler for five minutes. - Then we're gonna flip them over and cook them for an additional five minutes on the broiler, and then we're done - [Brent] 15 minute wing. I'm back. - [Ben] Wow. You miss me? I'm here. - I love that we microwave wings. I am so excited for this. How are you feeling about these? Oh, those are crispy. - [Brent] Really good. I mean, they weren't like the prettiest ones along the way, but I think they're actually gonna be a really good product. - Yeah. All right. See you in hell. (chicken crunches) That's a great wing. F*** yeah, microwave. - It takes less time to do this than it does to f****** order wings from your corner pizzeria and have someone deliver cold chicken wings to you. You can do this. You have a microwave and you definitely have 15 minutes. So get off your goddamn couch and make these wings. - That was crispy. That was delicious. What the f*** are we doing here? We've been making these wings all in different ways. All we had to do is microwave them. Oh buddy, baby, recipe number 7. Poached and pan-fried. 20 minute prep time. - And only a four minute cook time. Simple enough, we're gonna poach these for 20 minutes. All right, so these are poached for 20 minutes. We're gonna pull them out, dry them off, and then- - Then we're gonna pan fry them in our bacon fat and canola oil for four minutes. So we're gonna do about 1/3 cup of canola oil, 2/3 of a cup of bacon fat. All right, so be patient here. We wanna bring everything up to temperature but we do wanna make sure that the canola oil and the bacon fat do actually mix. - Our oils at 350 which would be perfect for deep frying so we're just gonna do a shallow pan fry. Use your splatter guard in all seriousness, be careful. - Oh, those are crispy looking wings. I think this might be the most juicy wing. - Juicy. - I mean, you have the poach in chicken stock, they're gonna have flavor, they're gonna be, been on a fried in bacon fat. They're gonna have all the benefits of a fry and all the benefits of a poach. - The smell definitely makes me think I'm going to need a serious nap afterwards. - If you don't already feel that way then you and I are on separate pages, my man. - [Brent] A little bit of salt. - [Ben] Yep. (chicken clattering in bowl) - All right, let's just try one. See whether the bacon fat did anything. - I'm so excited to eat this. (upbeat music) - It feel like, smells more like smoked and bacon than it does taste like it. - I really think, I really like the poach on them. I even rendered up the skin really, really nicely for that fry because we did not fry those for long. - Here we go, recipe no. 8. Dry-brined and baked. We have a 12 hour prep time. - And a 35 minute cook time. - For our dry-brine, we are going to use two teaspoons of smoked paprika, one teaspoon of citric acid, half teaspoon of salt, a quarter cup of Hidden Valley Ranch seasoning, one teaspoon of onion powder, two teaspoons of garlic powder. And what that nets you people is a Cool Ranch flavor. - All right, mix it, Ben. Mix it. Whoo! Look at him go! - [Ben] I'm just looking for all my foods to remind me of Doritos. That's all I'm looking for. - All right, so we're gonna refrigerate these for 12 hours. Ben, get them out of here. - All right, they're outta here. - See you in 12 hours. (upbeat music) Ben, (tray clattering) I present to you the Cool Ranch wing. - Cool ranch wings! - [Brent] these are freaking awesome. - [Ben] Oh my god, they smell incredible. - I know. Teenage self is really impressed with myself right now. - This is gorgeous. We put the seasoning on this 12 hours ago. There's a lot of buildup. Oh my god. (chicken crunches) - I will definitely plan 12 hours ahead for this. - Wow, oh yeah, man. It's not quite like Cool Ranch level flavor, but honestly, now that I'm thinking about it, could never expect it to be. It's not a chip, it's a chicken wing. It's a dense thing. - It's also isn't as crispy as some of the other candidates, but as far as delicious round, like dish of a wing, this is by far the best. - Yeah. Oh dear god, all right, here we go, recipe number nine. This is chicken dust and convection roast. - Number nine. - 10 minutes of prep time. - And we have a 45 minute cook time. - For our dredge, we have a quarter cup of tapioca flour, we have two teaspoons of baking powder, and we have two tablespoons of rice flour. - There he goes. Look at that glove. Here we go. - [Ben] The reason why he's doing this is because we want to cook these wings in their own fats. So we're gonna put the skin side down to render out that fat a little bit quicker. Then they cook in their fat, then we eat them in their fat, then I get fat. - All right, so now these are dredged. We are going cook them at a convection roast, 425 for 25 minutes. Flip them, cook them for another 20. (upbeat music) - [Ben] Chicky-dust! - [Brent] Oww! (chicken clattering in aluminum bowl) ♪ Crispy little baby ♪ ♪ Crispy little babies ♪ - [Ben] I mean, I don't even know if this needs sauce. (upbeat music) Here you go, that's like f****** KFC good. - Uh-huh. Really doesn't need the sauce. - No, that's great. - That is just good fried chicken. - That is really good fried chicken. - If you had your favorite spice mix that you use on everything, this would be really great for that. (beep) That's a crispy wing. - That's a great wing. That is a great wing. - We still like wings. - Recipe number 10. (grunts) This is called bubbly-battered and duck fat-fried. It's the last one. - A 45 minute cook time. So you got 45 minutes to get your act together, bud. - Okay, here we go. Dredge them! - [Brent] All right. - [Ben] Oh, those look beautiful. - [Brent] We're starched. - We're gonna let these set out room temperature for two hours while Brent slowly unfoils. - We'll see where it goes. (laughs) - We're gonna go ahead and get our duck fat rendering in a pan. We're gonna use Prosecco or any sort of bubbly will do. We're gonna use some vodka. Whatever's leftover in this bottle, I'm gonna drink. And the third thing is we are going to use some rice flour. So we'll get started. (wine cork pops) - More intense than I expected to be. - Good to go. - [Brent] Our batter's a little loose, but the vodka is going to help us pull out some of the moisture. But the champagne is going to help us get bubbles into the chicken to actually make it light and crispy. Two-fer is what they call it. - [Ben] Oh, that's what they call a two-fer. (cooking oil sizzling) - [Brent] Woo-hoo! Once they get a nice golden brown on one side, go ahead and flip them over. - [Ben] Oh my gosh, they're so crispy. - [Brent] Yeah? - [Ben] Yeah. (cooking oil sizzling) - These look fantastic. Fried in duck fat. - [Brent] Fried in duck fat. - [Ben] Jesus. - This is awesome too 'cause it doesn't require an Instapot. Doesn't require an air fryer. You don't need anything else except a shitload of duck fat. - I was about to say, you just need a gallon of duck fat. - It's fine. You already have champagne and vodka lying around. Just get the duck fat. - Yeah. - Keep it around. Make yourself some chicken wings. (chicken crunching) - The crunch. - That is an amazing win. Oh my god. - This is fantastic. - Yeah. - I am definitely adding champagne to all of my foods now. - Yeah, and it's taken us so long to get here, to our tenth wing, but oh my god, we are done and look at this thing. - How many chicken wings do you think you actually ate? - 18. (upbeat music) - I'm gonna go 28. [Producer] You're both extremely close. Ben's on the money, he ate 18. But Brent wins, he ate 24 wings. - Don't ever do that to me again. - But I did. - [Ben] Just don't do it again. - Thank you so much for watching. This has been amazing. Tune in for more. - We're gonna go to bed now. See you later. - Bye. (upbeat theme music)
Channel: Eater
Views: 342,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chicken, chicken wings, how to, recipes, wings, wings recipes, wings recipes air fryer, wings recipes oven, best wings recipes, instant pot chicken wings recipes, Instant Pot, air fryer chicken wings, chicken wings recipe, baked chicken wings, crispy chicken wings, how to make chicken wings, best chicken wings, perfect chicken wings, buffalo chicken wings, eater,, food, restaurant, cool ranch doritos chicken wings, cooking show full episodes, fried chicken, chicken recipe
Id: fACbc09YDK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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