How To CATCH LOBSTER! {Islandkey}

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what's going on everybody it's kelly here and right now i'm in island murata florida we're leaving bud and mary's marina right now i'm here with captain sarah stanzik we got nick stanzig over here and his buddy eric now nick told me that sarah can out lobster me so maybe back in my prime competition today i got extra baggage i carry in today she's seven months pregnant guys but don't worry she does this for a living and she's pretty kick-ass at it if you ask me i see her pictures with her and a bunch of lobster so we're going to go out there today we're going to hopefully get our limit and i'll see y'all out on the water [Music] [Music] gearing up and we're getting in sarah and eric already in the water checking it out [Music] me and nick are up here getting camera equipment ready so we'll see all [Music] underwater the water looks amazing don't come back without any lobster all right i'll be back with some lobster [Music] yeah i didn't see it but i'm gonna go down once again i'm gonna look on the other side i think i found one he's deep in a hall hold on so he's just short that was such a sick shot with a hog fish yeah i thought that was a good size nice so got one there's two there's two down there oh yeah he got away from me he's cramping on me two lobsters one hole yeah another one thanks sassy sarah here's a big one good job thanks that was two lobsters in one hole how cool is that two for one two for one [Music] [Applause] we're out here killing it and alan morata with nick stanzik and sarah we found pinchy he won't let go of my glove my finger beautiful lobster he was so cool he was all up in a little hole he's a nice very nice one [Music] [Music] thanks [Applause] he's angry he did a flip a lobster flip he just did it flip and he's so beautiful he's so unbroken so when you catch lobster you measure them in the water before you bring them out of the water into the boat but i just want to show you guys how to measure them you have your lobster gauge here and it's about three inches and you want to go right in between the eyes but you want to be careful you don't pitch down that membrane right there right on the shell and he's legal and it's supposed to end up right on the end of his shell right here so right here to here boom as you see he probably has about a quarter of a centimeter he's of size and he's a legal lobster i know i know you're going in the bucket with everyone else buddy awesome there's a nice little ledge right here there's a couple of them but there was one the antennas were like this long each [Music] go get up kelly that might have been him i i swear i saw one of the bigger antennas though this one definitely is oh so this is a keeper but i swore i saw one with bigger antennas down there that's a deep ledge so we're gonna keep looking thank you nick good job [Applause] [Music] [Music] i think we cleaned them out that was a nice little ledge well i think we're going to call it quits we had a pretty successful day [Music] i'm out of breath we both alright [Music] we got dinner kelly oh we got more than dinner we got dinner and dessert right sarah good job eric all right thanks buddy man i haven't done lobstering like that in a long time i caught one lobster under the catos bridge with gabe the other day but man i was in need for a good lobster trip shout out to sarah stanzik nick stanzig behind the camera thank you so much they live here in island broader and they run charters nick runs offshore swordfishing charters deep dropping charters and sarah actually runs uh lobster charters and she and she's seven months pregnant she got it done and we slayed it with lobsters today guys so we're gonna go ahead and count them up take some nice pictures get that thumbnail for you guys and uh we'll see you guys back at the house all right guys we are back at bud and mary's right now we're at the fillet table we got nick stanzig over here i'm getting swordfish [ __ ] ready for tomorrow oh like he's cleaning the bonita over here he said he's getting swordfish baits ready for tomorrow's charter all right so i'm gonna show you guys how to clean a lobster [Music] first thing is you're going to want to use some gloves they are called the florida spiny lobster for a reason they are very spiny same when you catch them you wear gloves you don't have to but i mean if you want to get your hands all poked up feel free so first thing first i'm going to come out in the light a little bit since it's shaded you're going to take your knife and cut through this little membrane that they have in between their body here and then it'll start to leak like you'll break the seal and then you're going to take your left or right hand on the head of the lobster your other hand on the body and you're just going to do a quick twist and pull motion and then there's your tail the head you're just going to get rid of what i like to do though before you get rid of the head is you break out you break off [Music] about a fourth of the antenna get rid of the head ah antenna sticks to these gloves [Music] you want different gloves i might just put this on hold on we're good okay so this is very important when you clean lobster because you don't want to eat this nasty stuff you take the antenna you stick it into their anal cavity you give it a little twist now these antennas have barbs on them so they're going to catch on to that anal vein and it's going to pull right out just like that and that's how you clean the lobster so all you're left with is some nice white beautiful lobster meat now we're going to go ahead and clean all these lobster and then we're going to take him back to nick santik's house and we're going to do a catch and cook with him he's going to go ahead and cook some whole lobster he's going to leave the heads on three of the lobster and he's gonna show us how it's done um so that should be exciting i'll put the link in the description below to his channel so you guys can check out that video about how we cook these lobster all right so like i said earlier in the video we are at blood and mary's arena nick's family owns this place if you guys ever want to go offshore charter fishing deep dropping sword fishing they have everything you can imagine at this marina they also have houseboats you can stay on hotel rooms you can stay at they also have scuba diving boats snorkel charters and lobster charters which is what we just went on today [Music] and we slayed the lobster did we get it wait were we one shy of our limit i think we got 20 once we're three shots i think we were three shots but that's still the most you ever caught you said right yeah the best day of lobster and kelly's ever had that's it yeah this has been the best day of laughter i've ever had we caught 21 21 20 21 lobster three shy from limiting out but that's a great day all right guys so we're back at the house right now and nick went ahead and prepared these lobster check them out they look absolutely incredible guys check out his latest youtube video on how he made those full cooked lobster key lime baby key lime florida keys lobster i'll put the link in the description below you
Channel: Kelly Young
Views: 934,133
Rating: 4.8429298 out of 5
Keywords: ocean, bikini, kelly young, islandkey, bluegabe, nick stanczyk, stanzfam, lobstering, how to, florida lobster, catching, florida keys, bud n marys, marina, fishing, diving, snorkeling, swimming, sports, outdoors, girls, cook, catch, clean, fillet
Id: o6aeGzFqfe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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