Exodus 14:1-16 | Between a Pharaoh and a Red Sea | Matthew Dodd

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well your eyes aren't fooling you you're seeing me again it's true and but I'm blessed to be here hey so I know pastor Shawn talked about it last Wednesday that pastor rich is on a much-deserved the longest vacation frankly he's ever been since he's on since he's been pastoring here and so he's being refreshed and like pastor Shawn I'm just truly honored to be able to help out and teach you all while pastor rich is taking a much deserved vacation and he'll be back in September ready to launch into the book of Revelation and won't that be an awesome awesome study amen so we are gonna be almost as far away from Revelation as you can go we're gonna be in the book of Exodus in the Old Testament so if you happen to have your Bible please turn with me to Exodus chapter 14 we're gonna be looking at the first 16 verses actually we'll look at the the whole chapter but focus on primarily the first 16 verses and the title of my message this evening is between a Pharaoh and a Red Sea between a Pharaoh and a Red Sea please join me as I pray father thank you for this privilege that we have now to study your holy inspired in Aaron's infallible Word Lord your word is sharper than any two-edged sword and father God we yield ourselves to you that you would give us ears to hear that we would just give you father God with our hearts open wide permission to to do whatever surgery you need to do to do whatever refinement you need to do whatever strengthening you need to do because we know that you know what's best you are a good father and so please reign over this time and shape us and mold us and strengthen us according to the power of your Holy Spirit in accordance with your word and it's in Jesus name we pray and all of God's people said amen and amen you know there's a psalm that's one of those Psalms that I'm sure a lot of us have committed to memory when you read the first three verses of this Psalm they are so touching and they brought comfort to so many throughout the ages listen to these words from Psalm 23 and and just drink them in may it be a refreshment even right now to you the Lord David said is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me lie down in green pastures he leads me beside quiet waters he restores my soul he guides me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake now that my friends is a beautiful song wouldn't you agree beautiful but then you look at the next three verses and listen to this because David shifts but he's still finding comfort even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil for you're with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you have anointed my head with oil my cup overflows surely goodness and loving kindness will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever you know right in between those amazing bookends right there those comforting bookends you have that verse it says even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death and maybe you're like me at that point you kind of pause I like everything before that and I like everything towards the end of that but right there it begs the question what if God decided to take me through the valley of the shadow of death which can be translated the valley of deep darkness or the valley of harm what if God be to put us between a rock and a hard spot a hard place what does God want us to remember in those places what should be our response tonight we're gonna look and learn some valuable lessons from Israel's history when they were literally stuck between a pharaoh and a Red Sea let's pick it up in verses 1 through 16 now the Lord spoke to Moses saying tell the sons of Israel to turn back and camp before pie ha ha wroth between McDole and the sea and you shall camp in front of balsa faun opposite it by the sea for Pharaoh will say of the sons of Israel they are wandering aimlessly in the land the wilderness has shut them in thus I will harden Pharaoh's heart and he will chase after them and I will be honored through Pharaoh and all his army and the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord and they did so when the king of Egypt was told that the people that fled Pharaoh and his servants had a change of heart toward the people and they said what is this we have done that we have let Israel go from serving us so he made his chariot ready and he took his people with him and he took six hundred select chariots and all the other chariots of Egypt with officers over all of them and the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh king of Egypt and he chased after the sons of Israel as the sons of Israel were going out boldly then the Egyptians chased after them with all the horses and chariots of Pharaoh his horsemen and his army and they overtook them camping by the sea beside pie ha ha wroth in front of balsa faun and as Pharaoh drew near the sons of Israel looked and behold the Egyptians were marching after them and they became very frightened so the sons of Israel cried out to the Lord then they said to Moses is it because there were no graves in Egypt that you have taken us away to die in the wilderness why have you dealt with us this way bringing us out of Egypt is this not the word that we spoke to you in Egypt saying leave us alone that we may serve the Egyptians for it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the wilderness but Moses said to the people do not fear stand by and see the salvation of the Lord which he will accomplish for you today for the Egyptians whom you have seen today you will never see them again forever the Lord will fight for you while you keep silent then the Lord said to Moses why are you crying out to me tell the sons of Israel to go forward and as for you lift up your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea and divided and the sons of Israel shall go through the midst of the sea on dry land after ten devastating plagues devastating plagues on the land of Egypt Pharaoh finally buckled and told Moses to leave Egypt along with two million Israelites now the Lord we're told led Israel with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night so that wherever Israel watched the Lord go they could follow they never had to second-guess what the Lord wanted to do or where the Lord wanted to go all they needed to do was follow the glorious cloud the glory cloud of the Lord the angel of the Lord leading them through the wilderness what an amazing picture and that picture alone gives us some insight into what God was trying to do with Israel you see they've been in Egypt for 400 years a land of slavery a land of oppression really a picture of what the life even looks like for a Christian before they become a Christian in Bonn to sin in bondage to slavery well now they're babes so to speak in their faith and God is going to begin to show them how to walk in maturity and so he's leading them carefully he's building up their faith every single step along the way giving them memorial so they can look back and see their God is faithful he is their provider he is their protector he is all that they need God is so good so now you come to this section verses 1 through 9 and the thing that stands out to me is I look at these verses that that really we need to apply to our own lives when we're between a pharaoh and a Red Sea is this God knows where he is going brothers and sisters let that one sink deep in your heart as we are following the Lord our God knows where he is going okay he's not like GPS sometimes that does anyone have an iPhone just go ahead and raise your hand okay I'm praying for you no I'm just kidding I'm just kidding we love each other here don't we have you ever tried Apple Maps before oh my word there's a reputation that Apple Maps has did you know that it creates buildings that don't exist and roads that don't exist now my wife bless her heart she has an iPhone I have a samsung and there'll be times when we're traveling together we both have our GPS on and eventually I have to tell her to turn hers off because we will get lost okay it'll go the wrong direction funny story the other day I'm driving down 26 to Portland okay and here's this white minivan with all this gear on top and on the side of it had said Apple Maps I thought and then the guy rolled down his window and said hey can I get some directions no I'm just kidding I made that one that was a good one that wasn't it yeah I like that I'm a Samsung fan anyway God knows I'm making myself laughing I'm sorry guys god knows where he is going even when the path looks like a dead end because that's what we see here in verses 1 through 4 God gave Moses new instructions now this is interesting he says I want you to change your course and I want you to camp by the Red Sea why because it will appear to Pharaoh that Israel is wandering aimlessly in the land and ended up boxed in by the mountains and the Red Sea now why did God do this because he wanted Moses and the people of Israel to understand that what God was doing was the right thing that the cloud hadn't suddenly lost its way there's an application here for us though and it's this sometimes the easiest route from our perspective isn't the best route because it will not achieve God's highest purposes you know we look at the lay of the land and we say oh that's the route that's the path that's Easy Street right that's the way I want to go and then suddenly God begins to move you in a different direction there's a reason for that because what we perceive as the easiest route might not be the best route for you and for me we need to keep this in mind when it comes to our God that as it says in Isaiah 55 verses 8 & 9 God says my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways declares the Lord for as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts you see our God is infinite our God is all-knowing our God is omnipresent everywhere present he is eternal which means for God there's no such thing as past present and future they're all now to him simultaneously so our God knows the best way and he knows the best way for us to ultimately accomplish his high purposes for our lives now Pharaoh we're told here he took the bait just as God said and he pursued Israel to make them slaves again in verses 5 through 9 and from Pharaohs perspective he's thinking everything is falling perfectly into place Israel was surrounded by natural barriers on three sides and here comes Pharaoh to box Israel in on the fourth now why did God lead Israel to a dead end verse 4 gives us some perspective here we're told to reveal to Egypt that the God of Israel is the only true God we see this in the plagues to reveal not the pantheon of the Egyptian gods they are not truly God there is only one God we are monotheistic there is only one God we are not pantheistic we're not polytheistic there is only one God amen only one God and God says in Isaiah 45 verses 5 through 6 I am the Lord and there is no other besides me there is no God I will gird you though you have not known me that men may know from the rising to the setting of the Sun that there is no one besides me I am the Lord and there is no other that's what God's doing that is what God is still doing to this day the second thing that we see here is that God is going to use this to defeat Pharaoh once and for all and this part really brings comfort to my heart you see God did not want his people to ever look over their shoulders again and fear Pharaoh did you hear that the righteous are as bold as a lion but the wicked flee when no one is pursuing the scripture says God wants his people to be as as bold as a lion we have nothing to fear because God is for us and what's interesting here is Pharaoh is a type of Satan when you look at the Scriptures he is a type of Satan and I believe the Lord would have us apply it this way that he does not want us looking over our shoulders afraid of the enemy anymore you know even in the church today there are certain churches that will emphasize and wrongly so Satan and almost make him an equal to God I remember coming out of one denominational Church before I came to Calvary years ago and that church emphasized Satan this the demons that I felt like if I sneeze the wrong way I could get a demon okay true story and I was on staff at the church this is in the mid 90s with pastor rich and we began to talk about this because he could tell I was I was I was elevating Satan to a place where he should not be and he said you know in our church when we look at the Word of God we emphasize Jesus we emphasize Jesus we know there's a real enemy but we emphasize Jesus because he is Lord of all he is the strongest strong man amen and that's why it says in 1st John 4:4 greater is He Who is in you than he who is in the world there is no such thing as a dual is where you have God and Satan and they are peers they are not Satan is a created being and he has a certain destiny hell is not his throne room it will be his place of ultimate torture do you understand and when Jesus Christ died on the cross he sealed our victory once and for all notice what it says in Colossians 2:15 Paul says when he had disarmed the rulers and authorities look at this he made a public display of them having triumphed over them through him when Jesus Christ died on the cross at Calvary guess what at that very moment he defined and declawed and Satan and his minions the victory is ours but what is Satan do he postures and makes us think he's bigger than he really is our God is a mighty God and our God has defeated Satan once and for all and there will be come a time when he will be thrown forever into the lake of fire that's not now but we know that our God is for us and greater is He Who is in us than he who is in the world we don't have to look over our shoulders in fear any longer amen the next thing we see is this God can make a way through any dead-end God can make a way through any you have a dead-end before you right now our God can make a way I am convinced I look at this passage you can be encouraged our God can make a way God may lead his people to a dead end like we see here but God will never leave his people alone at that dead end and God uses dead ends there's an instruction that comes to us through these dead ends so that his people may see things the way they really are so what does God want us to see more accurately through these examples through these lessons number one to see us for who we really are he wants us to see our limitations so that we'll stop relying on ourselves and our fleshly strength and wisdom well where do I get that from the passage look at verse 8 it says that Israel goes out boldly actually in the Hebrew it means high-handed and there's this idea of arrogance they've got this swagger going on you know yeah we knew we could do it we knew we could take on those Egyptians and take them down right and so there's this this flesh leanness that they have as they're walking out how quickly they forgot that the Lord was the one who delivered them from the hand of the Egyptians there's an arrogance there and so God uses these dead ends that'll help us see things the way they really are and ultimately bring us to a place where we surrender to him and may I add one more thing giving him room to move but I'm at a dead end I don't have room well you don't but God can make a way through any dead end you see what I'm saying we need to leave room for God to move because he wants to fight on our behalf second chronicles 16:9 says for the eyes of the Lord moved to and fro throughout the whole earth that he may strongly support those whose heart is completely his and right now he's looking here and I know he sees what I see cuz you're here on a Wednesday night and you're saying I want to worship Jesus everyone else can do whatever they want I'm here to worship Jesus I'm here to hear his word amen I'm here to grow in my faith I'm not gonna be looking over my shoulder anymore and even though I may have a dead end in front of me I know my God's gonna make away amen that's where we're at and God is looking out for you our God will make away the next thing we see here is that God wants us to see who he really is that our God is the God who can do the impossible do you guys believe that do you believe no matter how great the world would say that is impossible that our God can do the impossible you see if you don't raise your hand then what's happening is you're actually saying I don't believe in miracles I believe in the supernatural I believe our God can divinely intervene on our behalf don't you our God is able to move and make a way now that being said I'm reminded of a funny story that I read the other day about this nine year old boy who was telling his mom about the story that he learned in kids church about the Red Sea and so his mom says you know so tell me what did you learn in kids Church Joey and he goes well mom our teacher told us how God sent Moses behind the enemy lines on a rescue mission to lead the Israelites out of Egypt when he got to the Red Sea he had his engineers build a pontoon bridge and all the people walked across safely he used his walkie-talkie to radio headquarters and call in an airstrike they sent in bombers to blow up the bridge and all the Israelites were saved his mom says now Joey is that really what your teacher taught you and Joey said well no mom but if I told it the way the teacher did you would never believe it Jeremiah 32 verse 17 Israel's been exiled and then in the middle of the Exile God makes a promise through Jeremiah that I'm going to bring these people back someday after a time they're gonna come back I'm gonna bring them back and listen to what Jeremiah said oh Lord God behold you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm nothing is too difficult for you amen do you believe in miracles do you believe God can make away I do amen even if that means there's a dead end right in front of you the next thing we see here is that I believe God is teaching us through the story what victory really is because I think we can kind of skew what victory is and how we define it for instance is victory when we're proven right is victory when we're vindicated I believe those definitions limit our view of what true victory looks like to the Lord because I look at the Word of God and what I see here is that he defines victory differently victory is seen when as someone when someone grows mature in their faith that's victory when someone is going from strength to strength and glory to glory because of God's grace on their life they're maturing in their faith that my friends is applying the victory of Jesus Christ and what he did when he died on the cross to our lives by faith we're applying it and now that big victory is not something that's just a concept that we have something we just read within scripture is something that is applied to our life by faith by faith there's something that happens to a man or a woman especially when they're confronted by a red sea and they've got a Pharaoh bearing down you see this in the book of Acts Acts chapter 12 Peter in Acts chapter 12 we're told that the first apostle james the brother john was executed by herod seeing that it pleased everyone they arrested Peter and it's literally the night before execution day and what's Peter doing he's sleeping between two prison guards I'm thinking if it's your last day on the earth you might not sleep so well right in fact he was so sound asleep when the angel appeared in the prison cell he had to smack him with a sword in the side just to wake the guy up that's how soundly he was sleeping but I I bring this up because I love that picture here is a man who's mature in his faith and secure with the outcome whatever it may be God if you make away great and if not I'll be with you either way it's okay because I belong to you amen we need to redefine what victory is and that's why James chapter 1 verses 2 & 4 says this consider it all joy my brethren when you encounter various trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance and let endurance have it's perfect result that you may be perfect and complete lacking in nothing you see you can be vindicated you can be proven right you can be delivered and still not learn God's lesson and remain immature in your faith we need to look at it from a different vantage point altogether that's what God's trying to do for the Israelites and I believe for us as well the second thing that we see here is found in verses 10 through 31 and I I want to capture it this way walk on water or in their case walk through dry land with water piled up on either side but you get what I'm saying here the idea here is that I believe God is calling us to be bold in our faith you know if we know that God is going to make a way and that he's not lost he knows it he knows how to get us from point A to point B can't we be bold when God to take that step of faith that he will provide for us every single step along the way but pastor I can't see the path in front of me well he's a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path but here's the reality he takes every single step and he lights the next step oftentimes God doesn't show us the whole thing it's one step at a time and the key is are you willing to take the first step and then after you take that first step will you take the next step and the next step and the next step you see what I'm saying be bold in your faith or to put it another way cuz when I look at verses 11 through 14 there's a lot of resistance going on and I think we need to be the kind of people who follow the Lord and not the crowd because notice everyone in Israel a moment ago they're walking out boldly they've got a swagger right they are arrogant and high-handed look at what we've done and then they see the Egyptians and now they're crying foul why did you bring us out here we told you to leave us alone it would have been better for us to never experience the miracles of God and living in the promised land it'd been better if we just stayed back in Egypt as slaves that's what they're saying that's what they're saying we need to be the kind of people though that follow the Lord and not the crowd you see in life there will always be naysayers there will always be doubters people who look at dead ends and see sure defeat Israel fell into this pattern and you see it throughout the first five books of the Bible over and over again when Israel encountered difficulty what did they do they immediately forgot God and his promises and focused on the dead and whenever Israel encountered a difficulty they doubted God and they blamed his servant Moses over and over again and it's a pattern that anyone can fall into when fear overcomes our faith one of my favorite Bible teachers said Warren Wars B's his name fear and faith cannot dwell in the same heart if we trust God we need not be afraid the Apostle Paul put it this way in Romans 14 verse 23 and whatever is not from faith is sin now is that a broad brush stroke or what think about that whatever and in the context he's talking about eating food something that we do every day right even that should be done by faith especially back in those days they didn't have what we have today in terms of Sanitation right whatever is not a faith is missing the mark it's missing God's best are you motivated by faith or fear are you driven by faith or fear it's either/or you can't have them both ways my faith Moses rose up in the middle of this opposition we're told when a person decides to walk by faith by the way he or she will become an easy target and others will begin to blame you whenever a dead end is encountered well I told you I knew this was gonna happen I saw this coming I told you right and it'll be all about you it'll be blaming you I knew this would happen but God's people must point others back to the Lord and not back down when they're opposed you might be the only voice like we have here with Moses so I want to encourage you tonight to speak loud to speak clear God has called you and me to be his witness his mouthpiece and his messenger by faith God gave three our Moses gave three great commands to embrace whenever we encounter a dead end the first one look at this do not fear that's a great word when you encounter a dead end check your heart right there am i walking by fear or am i walking by faith do not fear meaning do not let your emotions or your circumstances weaken your faith why Romans 8:31 what then shall we say to these things if God is for us who is against us the next command he says stand by which literally means be still why because we can't walk by faith until we first learn to stand by faith psalm 46 verse 10 be still and know that I am God and then he says see the salvation of the Lord your enemies will be no more the Lord will fight for you and I love this next part while you keep your trap shut that's my interpretation of it while you keep silent and that's a good word for us because isn't it interesting how we can become real chatty when there's a dead end and then we want to go to this person and that what do you think I should do about that dead end what do you think I should do about that dead end and you got all these people telling you the same thing no different things which only makes you more confused right while you keep silent sometimes there's the right time just to stay quiet is employed I'm going to trust you I'm not gonna control it I'm not gonna manipulated I'm not gonna steer it I'm just going to trust you because I know my God can do miracles my God can make a way through any dead end question is will you be a voice to others when they're struggling jesus said when the Son of Man returns will he find faith on the earth I sense a diminishing of faith or or maybe to put it this way faith in the wrong object because the object of our faith should be God and no one else amen I think of David versus Goliath you've heard me talk about that story before right all of Israel buckled for 40 days twice a day as Goliath threw out his taunts David sees what's going on and he calls it out you come at me with sword and spear but I come at you in the name of the lord god almighty the battle belongs to him and what happens all of Israel rallies behind the faith who will be that voice you see I believe God wants us to be a voice to those who need to be encouraged to put their faith in Jesus Christ or how about Elijah against the priests of Baal Israel was entertaining all these false gods and so now there's this cosmic contest Elijah the prophet of God before the priests of Baal and there's this contest which one is truly God and notice what Elijah says to Israel he's speaking to the people he says how long will you hesitate between two opinions if the Lord is God follow him the clarion call we only get one chance at this life let's do it right let's follow God amen or how about Peter and John be hope before the the Sanhedrin you remember the story the Christian faith is exploding people are coming to faith in Jesus Christ by by by the thousands and now the religious leaders are saying you know what we don't want you talking any more about this Jesus we don't want you talking any more about the resurrection of Jesus Christ this is got to stop and Peter and John what do they say whether it is right in the sight of God to give heed to you rather than to God you be the judge for we cannot stop speaking about what we've seen and heard brothers and sisters God left us here to be that mouthpiece to sound the call because we have a great message it's called good news that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in him would not perish but have everlasting life well I don't want to make waves make waves be bold walk on water people's eternity is at stake amen there's always going to be naysayers there's always gonna be people who point fingers and blame rise up walk by faith the next thing we see is found in verses 15 through 31 and I capture it this way we need to go when God says go I think this is so funny verse 15 you know Moses is before the people he's saying God's gonna fight for you while you are silent you're gonna no longer see these Egyptians any longer and then you come to verse 15 after this bold declaration and look at what God says why are you crying out to me I think that is hilarious because before Israeli saying stand by and you're gonna see the mighty hand of God and then all the sudden ease before the Lord what are we gonna do now and God says why you crying out to me tell the sons of Israel to go forward but there's water in the way lift up your staff then and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it watch me make a way you see there's a time to pray and there's a time to move after you've prayed faith is an active response to the Lord's leading by faith Moses stretched out his staff by faith Moses stepped into the riverbed and by faith is real followed Hebrews 1129 by faith they passed through the Red Sea as though they were passing through dry land and the Egyptians when they attempted it were drowned you see sometimes we have a tendency of waiting for someone else to take that first step of faith because we want to see what's gonna happen to them they can be the guinea pig right but I don't think we're gaining anything in terms of our maturity in Christ by waiting for someone else it happens in relationships I'll wait for the other person to make the first move well who will rise up in the marriage and say here's the vision that I have from God according to his word for our marriage or for our family or for our community or for our nation I think we've lost our voice Church and yet we still have a message and it's a wonderful message and even if the others don't want to hear it we still need to speak it because how will they know if they do not hear amen someone needs to rise up you see this in the day of Mordecai and Esther actually my own personal devotion time I'm studying this right now we're told at that time Israel's been exiled and there's a king who was manipulated by this wicked man named Haman and AGGA gate related to Popeye I guess anyone had a bad joke I'm sorry I always have a hard time getting a gag I doubt I think I'm gonna keep saying I got a guy over and over again but Haman hated the Jews and he wanted the Jews destroyed and he was able to get the print of the King to sign an edict saying on this day everyone in the land exterminate the Jews and then he would give a lot of money to the kingdom by doing so the king signed off on the order not knowing that his Queen Esther was a Jew Mordechai her uncle hears the news sends message back to Esther saying you need to do something about this and she says there's no way I'm gonna go before the king it's been 30 days since he's called me and everyone knows unless he tips that scepter towards you you may lose your head if he doesn't invite you into his into the throne room Mordechai says something very interesting to her in chapter 4 verse 14 if you remain silent at this time relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews why because he knew there was a messianic promise that still needed to be fulfilled God was going to keep his word and who knows whether you have attained not attained royalty for such a time as this why are we here as royal priests to do the work that God has called us to do to walk on water to be bold to speak the truth of God's Word you see there's never a wrong time for faint never but maybe you're here and you're saying well Matt you know you've been talking about the Lord leading me to a dead end but you know what if this one's all on me what if I blew it what if I took myself to this dead end is there any hope for me now can God help me in this I remember a time in my own life many many years ago when I first left this church to go to Dallas Texas the first day on the road the car broke down and it began to unravel from that point on I couldn't find a job there was more month than money coming in and I remember calling pastor Richie up I said rich I think I blew it and I'm desperate now this is this we are we're at a dead end we're at a crisis point I think I blew it and he said you know I don't think you did blow it because we went through this process together we prayed but here's what I do know about God even if you did blow it God's not done with you yet he began to take me through and talked about Abraham when he blew it and all these other characters in the Bible and how God is a God in new beginnings and he is the one who makes a way even through the dead ends that we create if we will just call upon him and ask for him to deliver us are you at a dead end tonight God will make a way and we're gonna give an opportunity here in a moment for us all to bring some of those dead ends to the Lord because I believe God wants to bring healing I believe God wants to do miracles in such a way that everyone will look at and say that is a god thing my God made a way I was stuck between a Pharaoh and a Red Sea and he made a way it's gonna require something from us though and it's found in proverbs three verses five and six trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight let's pray father we thank you for this time and Lord as we come before you this evening whether the dead end is something that you've led us to or something that we have done on our own we want to bring that to you right now Lord and we're asking father God that you will teach us the lessons that we need to learn help us to see you for who you really are as best as we can comprehend and infinite God with a finite mind and help us be the kind of people who become bold in our faith to trust you that we will trust you so that way we don't create our own dead ends and if we encounter one we know that you'll make away Church with eyes closed and heads bowed if you're here tonight and you're saying Lord I bring this dead end to you I need you to make a way I need a miracle i need your deliverance would you just raise your hand as a way of saying lord i need you right now i've come to the end of my own manipulation my own abilities i need you to help me i need a miracle right now I need your deliverance your supernatural intervention would you just lift up your hand and say that to the Lord O Lord but I pray for these dear brothers and sisters Oh they've hit it impasse they've hit a dead end and I pray father that even right now through the power of your Holy Spirit you will begin to make a way that first and foremost you'll give them a piece of surpasses all understanding that there will rise up with them a boldness of faith that will be unshakable unmovable as they rest on you Lord and father god I pray that you will discontinue to make that way and and every single step along the way they will never ever try to grab the glory or or walk in fear or listen to the light of the enemy but just keep walking as you light the next step just keep walking by faith trust in you every step along the way cuz you're gonna make a way Lord we believe you that you are the God of the supernatural you are the one who can do the impossible we will trust you Lord that no matter how dire the consequences are dire the circumstances we can trust you because our God is a good father we lay it at your feet Lord Jesus name
Channel: Calvary Chapel Worship Center - Hillsboro, Oregon
Views: 12,834
Rating: 4.5555553 out of 5
Keywords: The Bible, God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Holy, Pastor Rich Jones, Calvary Chapel, Faith, Grace, Revival, Truth, Prayer, Salvation, Calvary, Chapel, Hillsboro
Id: xLvB-ZiYrJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 16sec (2896 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2017
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