Exodia Paladin is BACK! And Better Than EVER!!!

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all right deck intro time and this time everything  is for sale so for this combo we're first going to   start by playing Uther of the ebon blade then  on the following turn we play auctionmaster   beardo and some combination of zero cost spells  to hero power and win the game now with the help   of cards like boogie down and call to arms we  can assemble this combo extremely quickly so I   think that's pretty much it for the deck intro  this time guys I hope you enjoy making some   useless snake oil very useful remember to like  and subscribe and thanks so much for watching okay that's nice have three coins  he's Renathal malchezaar c'thun it's pretty incredible quest line I mean I probably could  coin out a mailbox but I'll wait super one nice thing is ice block doesn't  matter but wow I mean I could coin I don't   really care about the taunt that much  especially against a quest line deck right all right probably just play Boogie  into call random ignite my God what a start bananers well I should be  able to thin my deck very quickly I probably could actually trade that as  well if I really want to I have so many coins still fine okay how many do I have left just  two I probably should play it next turn then okay yeah he had a very fortunate opener got to be said not that good at the moment I think I'm going to go this way for board space  although it probably doesn't really matter but okay really that one oh okay sure bannerman think I'll wait on that I guess I'll trade one it's fine  I'll wait on that I guess maybe   I'll use it on my thaurissan or  the Titan and I'm going to mill right oh no okay that's fine okay well I guess just the plus  one plus one it's probably   going to die anyway but you know we'll pretend uther on the bottom okay buddy didn't hero power that's interesting I  would hero power for sure there okay whatever yeah it's probably fine oh I forgot it has three ha  whatever it's fine it's fine Gold Rush whatever that means I forgot it had three attack actually works too I could buff up  my board as well pretty nasty of course   my beardo and my Uther are in my last  seven hilarious am I right so funny not going to hero power try to adapt that I'm going to draw two cards right  now so I need to either waste a card make some board space that's fine okay there we go I have  a few zero cost spells guys just a few going to be overloaded at least kill my Titan what oh it didn't work that's right it didn't Overkill because   of the Titan that's funny that's  funny okay wasn't too bad not too bad do I swing with this first or just take the heal I mean it doesn't really matter I guess I think taking the heal is just better I'm   probably going to clear my board  right I don't really need to draw cards okay that's fine well he needs some  disruption theotar dirty rat mutanus   you know the fun stuff Loatheb actually would work too Moon Fang does not Al'ar also not so much zero damage zero damage plants just a few extra coins kablamo Shadow priest uh oh that's not cool man not cool at all I probably won't trade it for  a little while anyway all right banshee not cool man oh very nice all right well no minion is kind of good for me actually I guess it doesn't really matter but  is this a bot doesn't feel like a bot   I don't know hard to tell do I just  waste this I'm just going to waste it okay I guess I could have played this  and just healed my face but kind of whatever wow okay a little unfortunate there  but not too bad I'll just play it okay flinging bones cool cool I guess I'll hero power okay don't have beardo sadly so it's not as good   but I have enough coins anyway where it  doesn't really matter too much I don't think yeah feels bad man wonder if I can  still draw off this I might do it yeah I still might oh how many do I have left one two what  exactly three left it's probably worth playing then worst order sweet okay going to steal my Uther isn't  he isn't he actually could buff my   board which is pretty nasty if  he doesn't deal with it yeah no surprise I'm just going to go face okay I don't quite have it next turn right weapon Tech theotar is pretty bad too wonder if he missed lethal all right might be dead though a good sign KEKwait yeah that was close that was close there the zero damage Exodia obilerate no problem
Channel: MarkMcKz
Views: 31,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, wild hearthstone, hearthstone otk, markmckz, mark mckz, mark hearthstone, markmckz hearthstone, mark mckz hearthstone, showdown in the badlands, new hearthstone decks, wild hearthstone decks, showdown in the badlands decks, badlands decks, paladin deck hearthstone, badlands paladin deck, pally hearthstone deck, wild paladin deck, wild hearthstone meta, meta hearthstone decks, exodia paladin deck, uther of the ebon blade, wild exodia paladin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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