What Were They THINKING?! Switcheroo has been UNBANNED!

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all right deck intro time and this time we're  pulling off the old Switcheroo so for this combo   we're first going to start by playing the recently  unbanned but heavily nerfed Switcheroo to draw the   darkness and a stonetusk boar then we give the  boar Divine Spirit and a Topsy Turvy for the otk   now we can pull off this combo extremely quickly  if we get lucky with illuminate and we dredge the   switcheroo so I think that's pretty much it  for the deck intro this time guys I hope you   enjoy this really dank combo remember to like  and subscribe and thanks so much for watching but first have I ever told you guys I love the  great outdoors but I also hate going outside and   that's why today's video has the perfect sponsor  Fishing Clash I can now enjoy the wonderful world   of fishing right from my mobile device but  Fishing Clash is even better than real life   fishing because you can join a clan and compete  with your friends build a fishing village catch   a seemingly endless variety of fish species and  upgrade and customize your equipment plus Fishing   Clash has also just partnered with Major League  Fishing and they're sponsoring a $100,000 prize   for the Bass Pro Tour Fishing Clash Angler of  the Year and some of the real life events are   going to be replicated in game be sure to use  my link or my QR code to download Fishing Clash   today and follow them on Instagram or Facebook  to stay up to date on the latest news and when   you download the game you can use my promo code  MarkMcKz to get a free $20 gift that includes a   unique Avatar just head up to the menu select  gift codes and enter MarkMcKz to redeem it so   what are you waiting for download Fishing Clash  today with my link or my QR code and use promo   code MarkMcKz and I'll see you out on the water  thanks so much guys am I excited for the new   expansion sure 40 Health literally outrageous  imagine unacceptable oh guys we hit it first try literally first try get omega wrecked it's back guys he's omega dead turn three by the way 40 Health renathal switcheroo got him it's time guys it's time need to  find a topsy off this and the best   part about illuminate is I can't  top deck the darkness or the boar   switcheroo is next easy clap what in the  world reanthal Mech warlock I've seen it all the 20/1 Darkness this guy has everything oh my God insane gameplay  oh that's quite the top deck got him turn three in your face the double not reanthal not Quest sad about the reverts I feel  like they could have reverted more   maybe they will I don't know hard  to say I guess I save the coin for switcheroo okay I do need a topsy probably fine yeah they didn't like revert thaddius  they didn't revert the Jailer there's some   that they probably could have reverted  pretty easily probably even more than   I'm thinking of of course I do I mean  that's kind of helpful for potion of   Madness I guess if I whiff I guess I'll  take that although it is a mage right so haha I can't really play well actually  I can play around objection right I need   to play around counter spell lul I guess I  could have wasted that probably but it's all good wow get omega wrecked friend lul oh it never gets old renathal toxic Quest I may need the Shard this time I think I'll take it I probably will need it not mucho vivid is not bad I'll take the palm extra copy yeah we  might actually see infiltrator this game too true extra copy but it's probably fine I  can coin it next turn still need to find divine that's scary lul I'm so good at this game it's   not even fair it's not even  fair guys literally not even fair well he pretty much has to kill me or disrupt me guys he's almost there he  almost did it he almost made it bye feels good a Demon Hunter not reanthal  what a loser lame I guess I keep digging they'll nerf this combo even more  maybe it's really it's not very good I   mean I don't think it's too unreliable  but it is funny I do enjoy it quite a bit yeah tome tampering is nice to  have back but it is six Mana but still thriving I don't really  need anything actually I guess   Shard would be nice maybe actually do I  even play this because it does thin my   deck it makes it more likely I draw  one of the minions I'm going to say no oh that's scary actually may need Shard all right yeah the real problem with tome  tampering is it was like aggressively   op in discard warlock like actual  discard warlock not fun warlock you know so nobody likes to get soul  barraged in the face nobody enjoys that wow he got a random felosophy  that's not good that's not good at all that's fine didn't do that was the wrong order   right should have played the security  first doesn't really matter all right okay guys we can make a super  big piggo getting fisted was   kind of fun on rare occasion can't argue with that abyssal guys are you ready  to see a large and in charge piggo bam Bam Bam Bam domed him easy clap climbing pause champ all right not too bad but not Renathal wow I'll take it some you guys are close 70 that's not  bad I'm not sure what total I'm at I'll   check after this game but definitely  not close definitely not even close   I do need a Topsy I guess I'll take  the Topsy even though it's an extra copy is he rainbow then maybe that's not very  nice not very nice at all actually makes my   Thrive and Shadow vision's worse even my  illuminate too speaking of and switcheroo   the bottom not so much actually was on  the bottom that's funny I don't really   need the Divine especially against non  renathal so I think we just dig let's play it these are all kind of terrible yeah the tess video  with bounce around that was   cool seems difficult like it's hard to  survive with that deck right no stop that what a yoke great this guy is seemingly not playing cards  which is a bold strategy there's a card there we go actually dead oh not dead I need  one more Mana never mind I lied next turn he's dead oh he's triple red okay  still dead still in fact dead guys do you want to see the ultimate BM let's see if he concedes shall  we see if he concedes I'll wait a   second does he concede does he figure  it out does he put the pieces together together probably not we can't lose I just need to not draw the  piggo or Darkness off the top just one draw   just not draw off the top just don't  draw off the top just don't just stay   just stay in the deck right just not  off the top just not just don't do it excellent actually could use inner  fire this time instead of Topsy crazy I need to not draw extra cards now there's   no reason to excavate all right I guess  I'll just take it I don't want to switch so I guess the Visions is fine I  shouldn't really need the Vivid right sure yeah I'll probably play tome tampering  after this I just haven't really wow decided   on what style of Tome tampering deck I want to  try that's my issue right now I'm indecisive what do you guys want to see Tome tampering wise  just like a big greedy pile of nonsense or actual combo what yes he did play a bounty board he's  probably playing a standard deck I would guess what a fool don't you dare get a taunt lul switcheroo  was ban in Wild unbanned today but now it's five Mana that's hysterical and hot fire the double why not one hit climbing remember to help support my channel by   downloading Fishing Clash  today thanks so much guys
Channel: MarkMcKz
Views: 27,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, wild hearthstone, hearthstone otk, markmckz, mark mckz, markmckz hearthstone, mark mckz hearthstone, new hearthstone decks, wild hearthstone decks, wild priest deck, priest deck hearthstone, legend hearthstone decks, meta decks hearthstone, new expansion hearthstone, whizbang's workshop, whizbang's workshop cards, new hearthstone cards, whizbang workshop, switcheroo priest, hearthstone patch, the darkness hearthstone
Id: 1obkufqbEK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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