Can I RECLAIM my Orc RANK 1? - WC3 - Grubby

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yo guys my grand minations are coming through fruition we got rank one with orc and we just got rank one with human yesterday but in the interim that it took me to play 66 games three people overtook my orc account so now I'm going to put orc back on top then I'm going to play night elf and put it on top then I'm going to recover my human and orc account wherever they are and put them on top so I have three at the same time then repeat repeat the same thing with Undead and then with random if we still feel like doing it until we've got five on top you see bnet splits different races for a single account to their own MMR that's why we can essentially climb the ladder five times I've never done anything remotely like this I don't know if we can make it and I have not saved the Cherry for last or at least the Cherry of performance is saved for last I started with my best orc my second best human now I'm going with my third best night elf and then after that my worst unde technically random isn't my worst for the last but you know makes more sense to do single races first first I'm going to recover my orc again going to take a couple of games probably and then we'll start on the night of Adventure I'm excited all right here we go putting orc back on top we're against Mok yo my moderator you know for those of you who have been watching some commentaries where I cast the pro players many of them have been sent you know when I say like being number one let's go thanks on Rice puddings you know when I say like one of my viewers or one of my moderators uh sent me this link about a game that's really good that's usually this guy he's like hey graby did you see this game like okay okay I watch it later on stream we need more something ready work he's orc as well something you yeah he made me play Don of War work complete work complete going to go blade Master grunt Head Hunter I don't think he's going to burrow rush me you know what you want when you see how someone talks and what kind of replays they like to watch you get an idea about their their play style when you know someone's character you can kind of guess how they're going to play I Feel Like Mok the way that he behaves on chat because I've seen him in chat for for years right being a moderator I feel like he is an ethical player no Tower rushing no skull duggery I'm profiling yeah I'm profiling I'm not afraid to say it something doing I think he's an ethical excent I AMS but I don't know what that says about me cuz I love Tower rushing I am yours Lord you don't you know damn well no I'm a good boy I am yours my I you hero and Obey yes Lord excellent choice yes yes Lord yes yes Lord I am yours I am yours see no harass yet excellent he's a good boy I am your he's just going to be like blade Master creeping same as Me Maybe farer creeping try to get three I've never seen him play by the way I am yours yes but you see no harass is there excellent choice yes yes Lord excellent choice are her and oby are you her and Obey yesc is there I am yours something doing Lord excellent Choice are and oby excellent choice I am yours who you are me I don't know which hero but is Head Hunters what you I am yours yes want me do can send this hat on home slow I am yours my BL you want the safe site I am so I don't get hurt let's go Mir Image level two yo thanks for the sub dude your videos of dub C3 bring me great joy glad to hear it thanks dude it's far here it's real I am yours yes yes excellent risky excellent I am your yes Lord I am yours I am yours if I had backpack I wouldn't need to go home all the way makes you wonder sometimes shouldn't we get more backpack it's a bit tedious but it seems really useful every time I do it though I end up losing some unit to enemy and then my items drop on the ground and then I regret it I feel like the riskiest thing now is him doing a tower Rush under I thought he was a good boy what you want I am even though he killed more he can not possibly kill blad am like not even [Music] close I can literally creep with impunity in front of him by using one image am to make sure that he can't heal cank EXC oh nice Lord with image we can creep real nicely he's uh going tier three now get 45 defenses is there I am yours looks like he's just going for it again oh no he not look at how tanky this thing is he spend all that time hitting gets no XP cuz you resummon I am excellent excellent is under attack I am your IO doing so he's tier three he's going to get blood lost and he did economic damage to me am I I'm not tier three but I have regen shamon upgrades good my power war chief got the nice red spot I thought he would definitely have done this now we can go tier three too or we can make a tower he forgot that ring under attack I am yours don't want to give him the troll level six he's not I am direct under attack for ready to task is there yes I am yours excellent can I get armor upgrad attack Earth are you can go for a counter attack underst I am yours our Tower is under attack am oh he has no fortified I am yours does he have TP nope en our to is under attack attack you me help me I I help I am your oops he didn't kill my heal excellent I am yours accidentally lost my shadow to be honest I kind of lost overview I'm so used to dawn of War after going pro in dawn of War that I just didn't recognize the much more dated Warcraft 2 Warcraft 3 Luke which is from 3 years earlier you want yes I am yours how can I he really wanted that witch doctor but how did he see it GG what orc are we going for rank one again yeah I'm trying to restore order it was well played M well played just need to overtake Sonic I think one more win and then we can go to nightelf in Starcraft generally you have more money and you are limited by your infrastructure how much units you can make so for instance as you correctly pointed out Starcraft has no upkeep so if you have enough money coming in to support exactly five gateways you could keep making units out of five gateways or instead you could make units out of four gateways and get some upgrades from the forge if you don't get the upgrade started now you will never have it so if you're only making Gateway units at the max without getting upgrades then eventually you will be all in very soon already because you are not working on your late game and you're only playing Tempo you are fully playing Tempo build and that's going to lead to an all in and that kind of uh Tempo build can be stopped by someone that sees it coming that's why you make an army that can fight but also has a future you see in every game that is multiplayer competitive you always play a combination between Tempo and value Tempo and scaling these are two opposite sides of the spectrum usually opposite opposite sometimes things both for instance blade gives you some Tempo in Warcraft but it also gives you scaling farer gives you a lot of tempo but does not itself represent a lot of scaling and value scaling and value comes from tar chiefton and Shadow Hunter farer gives you the tempo to level them up and to upgrade and develop them Warcraft just doesn't have as much money either as Starcraft 2 and I'm not talking just about the price po I'm talking about you don't have as much gold coming in in in general so um it's really not usually worth it to start upgrading early yeah Warcraft also keep in mind that because there's just a lot more money in general if you have really large armies the impact of one upgrade in Starcraft affects a giant army in Warcraft you do want to upgrade your army if you're going to stay under 50 pop right at 50 or below but at 50 population ready to work you have uh 28 population of army if that's three pop per unit like orc that's nine GRS nine grunts do as much damage as nine grunts do our attack upgrades in Warcraft are generally about 10% damage so nine GRS with an attack upgrade is the same as 10 grunts so if you're staying at 50 you would actually be stronger if you make one more unit than if you uh make another grun but you do it the upgrade because then you can stay under 50e and that's why usually you start upgrades in Warcraft 3 at about 44 pop so that you can kind of synchronize reaching uh 50 po and have it be ready but these are all just generalizations something do I want to make a war Mill maybe upgrade already I see of course but if you make unit it can die if you make upgrade it can't die touche true which means if you have small amount of upgrade uh if you have upgrades with small amount of unit then anytime you lose value you lose more value but for Less XP and less cast so upgrades definitely useful that they're permanent but it's not good Tempo in Warcraft 3 to get upgrades Master yes what do you want this chain lightning for instance is very good Tempo but it's bad value chain lightning and creeps is not something you almost ever want to do but because I did it I crept this Camp faster but now the next Camp is going to be harder cuz I haven't got enough Mana the eternal struggle between value and Tempo I see of course my for the it is compl everybody thank you for the sub not my temp my are let's see if he expanded what do you want work complete Destiny a upgrade complete watch for what you want is get your to uh Fire Lord second but I need to know what build he doing first what you want My Eyes Are Open I see something doing he's here yes my eyes are is now I'm going to get backpack spirits of Earth Master you want Eyes Are Open away do you need my something is doing attack research complete for My Eyes Are Open you are Des watch out let's get pillage we're getting 45 defenses do you need my counsel see it is certain of course something doing see oh my PS watch out of course can't find my PS research complete you want me do we're under attack inventory is full build more Burrows my my eyes what you want you want a my I of course what you want away yes my eyes are open my eyes have away you you want to look my eyes you we're under attack I you I can do this compl something doing that K guys something we're under attack watch out we're under attack look at my money oops that was uh not not really a very good Rush actually yeah he can win maybe with he can definitely win with better control I had way too much money ah my macro was so bad during this I don't even know if it was enough points to get rank one back again pet was pretty good Scroll of the beat uh Scroll of the beat Scroll of the Beast was pretty good okay cool we're rank one and rank two perfect now let's begin the night of Journey
Channel: Grubby
Views: 38,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Best, Top, Epic, Family, Friendly, Funny, Fail, orc, human, elf, undead, wc3, Valve, Dota, Dota2, heroes, Challenge, steam, gabe, the international, a to z, gorgc, dendi, slacks, siractionslacks, s4, OG, DPC
Id: KavTdiSajow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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