Executive Interview Tips: Becoming Instantly Irresistible in a Job Interview

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hey there Tamika Belle with career resume consulting and today I am really excited about sharing this information with you so you know that I like to share with you the latest and greatest research on what you can do to get a job faster to win an interview to win the job and actually negotiate a package that pays you what you're worth so today I'm extremely excited because a study just came out that talked about the characteristics of being irresistible the five characteristics of being irresistible and I want to share those with you and how you can use those in an interview so I'm going to put them in an interviewing setting for you okay so let me explain this study for you a recent study just came out that looked at hundreds of hours of TED talks several hundred hours now TED talks are on YouTube and they are basically business talks usually about topics regarding leadership and innovation and engagement and all kinds of wonderful things you should really look them up I'm actually quite a fan of TED talks and if I were to be truthful with you I would have to say that I am addicted to TED Talks and I watch them every night before I go to bed because I can learn so much from some of the great leaders and they really take the best leaders and they put them out on the stage and they do these talks now these talks range anywhere from six minutes to over an hour sometimes and here's what the study did the study looked at hundreds of hours of TED talks and they studied the difference between the TED Talks that had maybe 40,000 views and then the TED Talks that were on the exact same subject but had four or five million views so there was a big difference there in the viewership and they wanted to know why why were some TED Talks really addictive and why were some of them just passed by by most people so they found five characters to that I want to share with you and these will make you irresistible in an interview so I want to tell you exactly how to use these in each one and I want you to be able to take notes so if you need to get a pen and paper and pause this video right now go ahead and do that alright so the first thing that they noticed was that they they took two groups of people they had one group of people watched the TED talk with the audio on and they had another group of people watched the TED talk with the audio muted for guys I feel sorry for them but what they wanted to judge was what was the difference in perception of I believe it was three things I think it was credibility charisma and intelligence and that's what they were measuring and they took the scores from the muted videos and the ones with words and what they found was that there was no difference in the exact same video between that with words and that without words in other words your credibility your charisma and your intelligence are judged by your nonverbal communication techniques very very important so you know how a lot of people and I know you're probably one of them are really worried about RMI saying the story right am I am I giving the right answer am i saying the right words but honestly there's not a lot of difference between the way that you the the words that come out of your mouth and the way that you're perceived don't worry about the words it's all in how you deliver it this is vitally vitally important to the interviewing process and even to the networking process if you're talking with the center of influence that can help you find a decision-maker that can help get you a job okay so ii ii study that they did was that they had participants they had one group of participants watched just seven seconds of the video the first seven seconds of the video and then they had another group of participants watched the same video but all the way through and they judged the of course the charisma the oh gosh i forget it now the charisma something like competence and and the intelligence of the people now i'm forgetting what it was but but it was it was judged on those same three characteristics that i mentioned before but here's what they found that there was no likability difference between seven seconds for seven seconds and the full video no likability difference no trust no charisma no intelligence difference none of those factors changed from the first seven seconds what that means is that in your elevator pitch in your first impression those first seven seconds are crucial and that's what you've got to focus on you've got to focus on those first seven seconds because someone will make up their mind in the first seven seconds because it's actually been shown in other studies that a woman will decide whether she's actually going to date a man in the first I think nine seconds that she meets someone it's amazing and you can also see studies that show that recruiters will spend six seconds of somebody's of their attention on each person's resume so they really don't need more than six seconds before making up their mind as to whether they're going to give you a call it's pretty sad so seven seconds is really the key when you're in an interview phone interview the same it's it's because of some of the other things that I'm going to tell you in just a moment if the phone interview is going to be just as important as the face-to-face interview in the first seven seconds all right so keep that in mind now the number three thing that they learned the key attribute is that hand gestures make a big difference so when leaders were up there the best and the brightest of them out there when they were being judged that's what it is credibility charisma and intelligence I remembered it so when they're being judged by those things hand gestures meant everything hand gestures show intention and explanation so for instance if you say there were really three things that went into how I solved this problem or you can say you know there was this one that reminds me of this one time where I was confronted by a really big issue in other words use your hands use those hand gestures what they found is that the people that had 4 5 6 million views on these TED talks were using hand gestures of over 400 times during their TED talk and then the ones that were 40,000 50,000 views were only using 200 or 220 hand gestures so it was half of the people that had all of the views so really hand gestures means something you don't have to overinflate it you don't have to be huge with it because you're not on stage however use your hands intentionally and use them as explanation to make your point and make it well if it's a big problem show it's a big problem if it took a long time to get that done show that it took a long time to get that done if you were able to do something in three simple steps with the first step being ABC the second step being you know de F whatever it might be so keep that in mind you want to keep hand gestures now the fourth and this is where the phone comes in the fourth one is called Volkl charisma this one's a little bit harder to explain but it is really the way that you use inflection in your voice now if you notice I talk with a lot of enthusiasm I love what I do I've got the best job in the world and I show it in my voice right so even when you're talking on the phone if you are somebody who does something you know if if you're really able to do something very well show that you're able to do it well show that vocal inflection and this is really important when you're doing your elevator pitch in other words when you've got that memorized 15-second introduction of yourself which I call an audio business card so if you want to look it up on another video I will tell you exactly step-by-step how to make a great audio business card which is the evolution of the 15 second elevator pitch so use vocal inflection when you're telling your elevator pitch even though it's memorized it has to sound like it's the first time it's ever left your lips and all right so you have to keep that in mind make sure you've got vocal inflection on the phone and remember for seven seconds counts so be very enthusiastic you're enthusiastic about the job the position you're enthusiastic about the company you're enthusiastic about the industry if you're changing industries you've got to show that enthusiasm in your voice and if you've got a deadpan personality anybody work on it show some enthusiasm if you say yeah I'm an FBI hostage negotiator how enthusiastic is that even though you might have the most exciting job in the world it doesn't yeah I'm an emergency room nurse that's not gonna help so you've got to show enthusiasm alright number five the fifth one and the last one is guess what it's smiling smiling counts now here's what they found in the TED talks that leaders smile less often when talking versus other people that are non leaders that are on stage and presenting so leaders smile less however the leaders that got the big views there was a sweet spot of 14 seconds 14 seconds smile where they found something authentic that they really liked smiling about and they smiled for 14th they kept that smile going for 14 seconds now you don't have to be scientific about this however when you're on the phone you can hear a smile in your voice you've probably heard the term smile and dial if you've ever been in phone sales or if you've ever done telemarketing or heard of telemarketing it's always smile and dial I know recruiters do a lot of smile and dial so they hear that in their in the phone so when you're on the phone even if you are a leader you need to smile alright and you need to find something this is important too you need to find something that's authentic to smile about something that you really enjoy that you can stretch out that smile a little bit longer so that it makes a point okay so that's what I've got to teach you today I hope you enjoyed this if you liked this information these ninja secrets and how you can use them in your interviewing I want you to subscribe below if you're on YouTube watching this and if you'd like some more information about well free resources sample resumes I've got a fifty page book that I wrote about six figure professionals and really that the job search manual for six figure professionals and that's free on my website just go to the free resources now my website is career resume consulting com we're an executive career firm we work all over the world and we work with clients to help shave monks off of their search and find them the perfect job and get them paid what they're worth all right so if you want to talk with us about our services feel free to call our office at eight one six six hundred two four seven eight or if you're out of the country we work with a lot of people in Europe and Australia and also in Asia and if you're interested in talking with us about maybe an expat position or if you live out of the country feel free to send me an email it's Tammie tee-am my act beyond job searching calm and we can set up a Skype session and I'd be happy to talk with you and one of our coaches can get back with you very quickly feel free to look through the website it's got a lot of really good resources on it and I look forward to hearing about your successes very soon and I will talk to you next week thanks and have a wonderful day
Channel: Tammy Kabell
Views: 157,956
Rating: 4.8109288 out of 5
Keywords: interview tips, interviewing tips, executive interview tips, executive interview advice, interviewing for a management position, executive interview questions, interview advice, job interviews, job interview tips, job interview advice, job interview, ace an interview, how to answer intervew questions, Tammy Kabell
Id: PMkgQVEmF64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 13 2016
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