EXECUTIVE OFFICER Interview Questions And Answers (CEO Interview Questions, HEO Interview)

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hello there my name is Richard McMunn from the interview training company past my interview comm and in this training tutorial I'm going to teach you how to pass an executive officer interview now it does not matter what level executive officer interviewing you have coming up whether it's higher executive chief executive it does not matter this presentation will make a significant difference to your preparation and also your performance at the interview so please do make sure you watch the video from beginning to end and also take notes as I progress now before I get into the questions answers and the tips a very warm welcome to this tutorial my name is Richard McMunn that's me there in the center I am very passionate about helping people to pass their interviews I've been doing it for many many years now and in this particular video I'm going to focus on giving you high scoring answers that you can't find anywhere else and they are based on the competencies that will be assessed during an executive officer interview from my own experience I spent almost 17 years in the fire service as an officer I spent a lot of time in recruitment developing core competencies and attributes so the advice that I'm giving you is sound and it is solid now before I get into those please make sure you subscribe by clicking the red button below the video and that way you're not going to miss out on any of the weekly training videos that I'm uploading we've got over a hundred thousand subscribers to the channel and also I would very very much appreciate it if you gave the video a thumbs up thank you very much that would be much much appreciated now two really important tips before I get into those questions and the answers for your executive officer interview the first tip is make sure you demonstrate through evidence based answers how you match the accessible competencies so I'm gonna delve a little bit deeper into that in a second but what I mean by evidence based answers is where you have previously carried out work that is a match for the competency that is being assessed that is very very important some people that interviews this level which is obviously high level will say what they would do in a certain situation but if you can say well I've already done this before and this is what I've done you're providing evidence-based answers which demonstrates that you can do do the job and you can achieve the competencies that are being assessed and like I say they are high level competencies in this role it's it's a very important role within any organization so these type of competencies will include professionalism and integrity an ability to lead to manage and to inspire a team or internal department you must have great communication and negotiation skills are and also persuasive skills as well being able to to persuade the directors or the CEO you know to go your course of action with regards to a project or a task obviously you need to make important decisions so I recommend you have an understanding of the decision-making process so what process do you go through when you make decisions and I will give you a sample answer during this tutorial also a commitment to organizational values so what do I mean by that weight does not matter whether you're applied to become an executive officer within the public sector or the private sector the majority of organizations of that size will have values or objectives or a mission statement that they want to work towards you should show a commitment to values so think about a time in a previous role when you demonstrated a commitment to values another one is having great analytical skills and also problem-solving skills so within this kind of role you can't turn around ago not really sure what we're going to do we need to sort this out so you have to be the one who takes responsibility for solving problems and also continuous professional development think about the kind of CPD work that you've done over the years how do you take control of your own development your own personal professional development and I'll give you a good answer to that again as we progress through this course and also delivery of results you should have a proof and track record of being successful of delivering results whether it's small projects managing small teams or large ones it doesn't matter the fact is you have to provide evidence of when you have delivered so the second tip is when you are answering the competency-based interview questions my advice is to make solid use of the star technique now this is a method that is used and some of you will be aware of this but if you're not I'll give it a breakdown in a second but when you structure your answers to the competency-based interview questions use a star technique which is I'll come on to it right now situation task action result so what you do let's say the interview question is can you give me an example of when you drove a team towards achieving exceptional results despite some challenges you would start off and tell the interview panel the situation that you were in C cell working in a previous role as for example a head of a department and the task was x y&z so you'd tell them the task so start off explain the situation you were in tell the interview panel the task that needed to be done what was the objective what was the goal then going to detail and I would suggest that this will usually be the larger part of your response the action tell the interview panel what action you took and also what action other people took who you were in control of and then finally tell them the result so the result should be obviously positive following yours and other action other people's actions now if you want to go one step further add another R at the end which would be reflection so situation task action result then reflection so you would say once we finished the task or the project I've got everyone together and we reflected upon our performance to try and learn how we could improve from next the next time okay so that gives it a wider depth of response so that's how to create evidence based answers now let me give you a number of executive officer interview questions and answers now constructed most of these using the star technique so the first question why do you want to become an executive offers officer for our organ and what qualities do you have that will make you effective in the role so if you think about the qualities that you have my advice will be to get a copy of the competencies and then align those with your qualities so they will resonate with the interview panel so here's my suggested answer over the years I have been working hard and developing my own skills qualities and attributes to ensure I am ready to become a competent executive officer who can deliver exceptional results for the organization I'm working for I want to become an executive officer because the challenge the role presents itself the fact that the position gives me the opportunity to make a huge positive difference to your organization and also because I believe the abilities I possess are a perfect match for the role I am highly professional highly organized I can motivate and lead a team to achieve top objectives and I'm also strategically aware finally I will always act as a positive role model for your organization and I will work with determination and rigor in everything I do within the role so that's a strong hard-hitting response that's very positive and I've made good use of powerful key words and phrases so that could be applied to any kind of executive officer role and by the way I'll tell you where you can download a copy of these questions and answers as I progress through the tutorial so please do stick around next question as our executive officer you will need to make difficult decisions on a regular basis explain the decision-making process you utilize whilst making important decisions so what they want to know here is when you make those decisions what's the thought process because you can apply pretty much the same thought process to every difficult decision that you make so here's my suggested answer to the executive officer interview question as REO you will need to make difficult decisions on a regular basis explain the decision making process you utilize whilst making those important decisions here we go whenever making important decisions I will utilize an eight step approach that includes identifying that the decision actually needs to be made and more importantly by what time frame I will then gather all information and facts available including information provided by key experienced organizational personnel I will then assess the information and write down the options I have available I will then conduct a risk assessment and decide the likely outcome of each decision and the impact it will have on the organization as a whole I will then take action based on a most suitable and appropriate option that is available to me and once I've made the decision and taken the appropriate course of action I will review my decision with a view to learning from the process to help both my team and I improve and continually learn and develop so that's a really solid answer but it shows that you you know you have a thorough decision-making process and in mind that you use and you go through each of those steps so next question how do you manage your own personal and professional development to ensure you maintain peak performance so one of the competencies might be during your interview about continuous professional or personal development you know do you take responsibility for it now when you're working in organizations and you're working at lower level roles you will normally have somebody who will conduct an appraisal and it will be down to them to come up with your own development but within this high level role it will usually be down to you to manage your own professional development so here's my suggested answer to this question I manage my own development in three specific ways firstly I ensure that I subscribe to relevant industry journals and I spend at least one hour per week reading and watching videos to ensure I am kept fully up-to-date with industry developments policies and procedures secondly I attend a minimum of two continuous professional development courses or seminars each year that have been identified by conducting a self appraisal based on my own previous 12 months performance the courses and seminars are usually centered on helping me to develop a key skill or particular attribute that will not only enable me to continually perform and grow within the rock finally from a personal development perspective I like to read at least one non-fictional self-development book each month based on leadership management and general personal development the last book I read was Sir Alex Ferguson's book entitled leading although I am NOT a massive fan of football I found the leadership lessons from someone who has excelled within his field to be both inspirational and enlightening so I've given an example there of what I believe is a brilliant book to read if you're a leader and you might have your own book that you've read all you want to but just head over to Amazon and type in leadership books and it will give you some examples yet and get a copy and read it that's a great book by the way now I'm gonna stick around cuz I'm gonna give you another interview question in a second with the answer for executive officer but there is a link appeared right now in the top right hand corner of this video if you want to download there's 21 of them all 21 executive officer interview questions and answers and they're applicable for any executive officer role whether it's higher executive chief executive and they're perfect for your interview so you can click that link it will take you through to my website where you can download a copy of them and all I do is a charge a very small fee which helps me to maintain and the costs of my website okay next question tell me about a time when you used effective communication skills to influence a senior manager company director or CEO so we're looking here about effective communication skills and we're looking at influencing here when you do influence somebody so here's my suggested answer in a previous role I was required to prepare a costs versus benefits presentation for my CEO based on a new piece of software I wanted the organization to purchase the software would enable the business to analyze organization customer service feedback with a view to improving the overall customer service experience my presentation was based on the fact that the software would increase company turnover due to the improved customer satisfaction levels now during the presentation I put forward facts and evidence that as far as was feasibly possible demonstrated the software to was almost guaranteed to improve company turnover during the presentation I utilized confident communication skills backed up with strong facts and evidence to persuade my CEO that a tool was an absolute must investment there would be a huge benefit to our company at the end of the presentation my CEO agreed to purchase a software tool and after six months of use the turnover had increased by 7.5 percent as a direct result of its implementation so I have a solid answer but you can use as a structure to create your own now I hope you've enjoyed that click the link below the video right now to download all 21 executive officer interview questions and answers or you can go direct to my website pause my interview comment I hope you've enjoyed that and I sincerely hope you found it to be a benefit like I say don't forget to subscribe and I'm very very much appreciate if you gave the video a thumbs up if you have any questions whatsoever about your executive officer or interview put them in the comment section below and I will be more than happy to answer them thank you for watching and I sincerely wish you all the very best in your pursuit to becoming an executive officer thank you very much and have a brilliant day
Channel: CareerVidz
Views: 52,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: executive officer interview questions and answers, chief executive officer interview questions, higher executive officer, civil service, behavioural interview questions, behavioral, competencies, leadership and management, leadership competencies, star technique, richard mcmunn, tough interview questions for executives, ceo interview questions and answers, civil service HEO interview
Id: 0Vvcv0aM3WA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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