Excuse Me, You Dropped Something - Josh Kelly

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[Music] [Music] the series has anybody been enjoying pastor steve talking about a conquering faith my gosh we're going to continue that conversation today we're just going to add to what pastor steve has been bringing to us as a church and i get the sense that god is not done stirring our faith just get the sense god is not done i have got i have got faith today to pray for people to see miracles happen in this place i've got faith to pray for miracles and marriages i have faith to pray for sons and daughters who are away from god to find themselves home in the arms of their savior in church next to you worshiping jesus i've got i've got faith today can i get one good amen if you're taking notes and you like to take notes i would encourage you to take notes title of today's conversation i like titles by the way if you are watching online if i could encourage and ask you to click the button share share the link if you're on your phone already not because you're on instagram because you're so excited to take notes i know maybe go over to facebook and click the button share we live in a day and age where it has never been more simple and easy to share the gospel click the button share and who knows who can hear the good news of jesus this morning amen if you are taking notes i would encourage you to it helps you remember something you could write this this down excuse me you dropped something excuse me you dropped something maybe turn to your neighbor and say hey excuse me you drop you drop something you don't have to whisper it you can say it maybe you turn to your other neighbor that you just ignored say hey excuse me you dropped you dropped something excuse me you dropped something if you don't like that title i'll always have a second one for you you can write this down keep the faith keep the faith matthew chapter 14 is where are we going to read from god's word today we don't need my opinions or my ideas we need the truth of the word of god can i get an amen this verse these verses are about to read as the crux of our conversation keeping the faith matthew chapter 14 where where we are about to pick up jesus had just finished feeding 5 000 people with a very small amount of food this was a miracle that had just taken place in fact up until this point jesus or jesus disciples had seen jesus perform enough miracles by faith that if you would look from our perspective in towards theirs you would think by now that they probably believe that jesus is capable of doing almost anything jesus has just performed this this miracle and this is where we pick up matthew 14 verse 22. immediately jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side on the other side while he dismissed the crowd suspicion the crowd that he just fed after he dismissed them he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray later that night he was there alone i find it interesting how often jesus would cut away to spend time in prayer seeking the perspective of his father if jesus did it some people know that we probably need to do it and the boat was already a considerable distance from land the boat that the disciples were in buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it so jesus sends the disciples out on the boat there's a storm and it's a considerable ways away verse 25 shortly before dawn jesus went out to them walking on the lake maybe you've heard this story before maybe you haven't i love jesus jesus sends the disciples on the boat it's far enough away where he thinks to himself i'm not going to call them back i'm just going to walk on water i love jesus jesus walks on the water over to them walking on the lake and when the disciples saw him walking on the lake they were terrified it's a ghost they said they cried out in fear but jesus immediately said to them take courage it is i don't be afraid i love peter peter's faith in this moment peter has crazy faith in this moment peter says peter says this lord if it's you tell me to come to you on the water i love peters trying to take advantage of a moment like if this is really jesus maybe maybe i could walk on water too by the way did you ever try that when you were younger peter says jesus if it's you then tell me to come walk towards you on water jesus says it is me come then peter i love peter's faith got down out of the boat walked on the water and came towards jesus peter can you imagine the other disciples watching this happen like i would have been like i wish i asked jesus i want to walk on water too peter has the faith to trust the words of jesus to walk on the words of jesus peter has crazy faith and he begins to walk on the water towards jesus but as soon and as fast and as quick as he had the faith to trust the words of jesus within seconds it changes to fear but when he saw the wind he was afraid this is the very next verse within seconds of peter having the faith to walk on water saw the wind he was afraid and beginning to sink he cried out lord save me immediately jesus reached out his hand and caught him anybody thankful that maybe there was a time in your life you found yourself drowning in fear and jesus reached out his great hand and saved you three people anybody thankful for the saving grace of jesus [Applause] christ jesus says this to peter you of little faith why did you doubt part of me wonders if i was peter i'm like well i had like a little bit of faith i walked in water for like a couple steps when they climbed into the boat the wind died down and those who were in the boat worshiped him saying truly you are the son of god why don't we pray this morning jesus we thank you for who you are we thank you for your presence here today god i can sense your holy spirit right here and right now god i thank you that you you orchestrated and you designed for every person to be in this service today in person and online even the seat that we are seated in god i thank you that you are glad every person is here god i pray that we would have open hearts and open minds not to the world but to your word to what you have to say to us today that we would be open to your change and your transformation and your grace and your truth god i pray for me personally the strength to preach this message god i've got faith today god i pray for your grace your power your authority your anointing without it i i am nothing god i thank you that another week goes by and i can still thank you for the mets being in first place and everybody said everybody said thank you noah come on give it up for noah if you love noah and the keys i uh i have issues what are you surprised i have i have issues anybody else have issues okay this is wave church we identify with the verse we are working out our salvation i have i have issues of issues in my life one of my issues in my life is i have absolutely no sense of direction do you have any friends in the house this morning like absolutely no sense of of direction it's just not there the only reason i'm standing on this stage today is because of gps brook and i have been married for almost eight years and it still surprises her it still surprises her how often i get lost in our own neighborhood like i think god did it as a joke a sense of humor to entertain his angels every time i leave my house they gather around look josh is leaving let's see where he ends up today when we have guest pastors come to wave church come to virginia beach to speak we'll pick them up from the airport i'm not allowed to pick up any guests anymore because i've gotten lost so many times i picked up pastor rick godwin it's a true story one of the great pastors of america i got asked to pick up pastor rick i'm excited to pick up pastor rick and we get on the interstate all i have to do is drive from norfolk airport back to virginia beach again on the interstate about 5-10 minutes go by and something just doesn't feel right things don't look familiar and so i do the thing that you're not supposed to do is i call somebody and i'm like hey i think i don't i'm trying not to say in front of pastor rick that we're lost but i'm like hey i don't just want to double check what exit i'm supposed to take because i started going to richmond instead of virginia beach pastor rick godwin was kind enough to buy me a new gps before he left i have issues another issue i have is is temporarily misplacing things not losing things i don't like that word temporarily misplacing things i don't know if this happens to you but you know if you use tile uh i use tile i need to use it more i need to use it for everything and what frustrates me is is after i found the thing i lost i there's there's moments where i don't remember leaving it there i'm like how on earth did i leave my keys here like the gutter on the second floor of my roof how did my keys like there's no way i came up here and left my my keys here one time when i was in high school one of the times i lost one of the many times i lost my phone any parents your kids lose their phones lose my phone three days go by i don't find my phone i'm driving this i got to go to school i'm driving to school coming home three days go by the third day davey dwarski i worship pastor we've been friends for a long time he came over that day davey's a little taller than me so he's got a little bit of a higher perspective he can see over the car my perspective is like right under the car that's how short i am and davey sees something on the top of my car and because he sees something he grabs it and there was my phone on my car for three days and it worked because favor ain't fair can i get an amen but what frustrates me is sometimes how long it takes for me to realize that i left something behind that i lost something because the longer it takes to realize you lost something the harder it can be to find it the more you have to backtrack to figure out where you left the thing that you lost we went on a missions trip a couple years ago to israel it was a young adult's mission this trip there's about 15 or 20 of us and we went on this trip to israel pastor joe was uh helping lead this trip there's some other pastors on the trip and and and and you know it's about 10 days and so we're traveling all around israel trying to get as much in as we can we're seeing where jesus walked it's a it's amazing but there was one golden rule on this trip is that you don't lose your passport and international travel there's one thing you don't lose it is your passport especially in the middle east can i get an amen because it doesn't matter how american you look how american you sound even if you have a bald eagle as carry on they will not let you through customs without your passport how people know what i'm talking about so every morning we get on the bus and pastor joe does a passport check everybody you got your passport yes got my passport one night we stayed instead of a hotel we were out in the middle of nowhere in the wilderness in israel we're staying at a bedouin tent of bedouin village and joe reminded everybody hey guys make sure you check your passport in the morning because some people had the great idea of waking up at 4 a.m so we could hike them out and see a sunrise that wasn't my idea because you could just google a sunrise why don't we need to wake up at 4am so if you leave your passport here at the bedouin tent there's a good chance if you leave it here it's gonna get taken they'll just take it you'll never see it again so we wake up at 4am we get on the bus and joe asks everybody everybody got their passports everybody says yes we go do the hike we see the sunset it was not worth it we go do the rest of the day that night we get to the hotel and somebody realizes that they can't find their passport said to pastor joe pastor i can't find my passport well when was the last time you had it well i remember having at the bedouin tent the bedouin village you said well what about on the bus when i asked everybody did you have your passport said pastor joe it was four o'clock in the morning i don't remember anything on the bus sure enough they call the better intent the veteran village it is nowhere to be found i know what you're thinking this story is probably about me but it's not and that's why i love telling the story devonte coleman our youth leader of our north carolina campus lost his passport they had to take three different bus routes to get back to the u.s embassy they had to call the u.s summit so they had to cancel his current passport and hopefully they could get an appointment to expedite have an emergency passport it cost him 600 i think that's funny because for once it's not me and i enjoyed being a part of the conversation because it wasn't me can you believe devonte lost his passport like of all the things that you could lose anything else you don't lose your passport but you don't leave that behind anywhere church i noticed something this last year in the church is the abundance of christians that left behind the one thing that we should be holding to us the closest the abundance of christians that walked away from that dropped left our dropped the level of our faith some of us haven't even realized that we dropped our faith maybe you're like me and when i leave my phone somewhere for many of us when we leave our phone somewhere we lose our phone it doesn't take but five ten minutes before i realize i don't have my phone because we can't live without our phones can i get an amen it doesn't take long before i realize i left my phone somewhere because i'm so used to holding my phone so when i drop my phone and leave my phone i realize i've left my phone i wonder church how long would it take for us to realize that maybe we dropped our faith are we so used to holding on to our faith would we even notice that we left it behind that we walked away from our faith church make no mistake this christian life is a life of faith we cannot do what god has called us to do without faith we cannot be what god has called us to be without faith we cannot go where god has called us to go without faith there are some seasons of life the only reason we make it to the other side is because of faith we cannot please god without faith we've been talking about a conquering faith we see in god's word faith is the currency of the kingdom we are a church that is filled with people filled with faith we walk by faith sometimes we crawl by faith we run by faith we speak by faith we worship by faith we read the word by faith we live we live by faith this christian life is always only faith y'all still with me i love in hebrews this verse gives us some insight to our conversation today it says this let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering for he is faithful but promised another translation says let us hold a firm grip to our faith to the profession of our faith so church how is it at least i notice in my life how is it that so often i can lose my grip on faith how is it that so often we walk away from faith that we begin to question our faith one of the things that kovid did for many of us was reveal just how shallow our faith was just how loose our grip on our faith really was i want to suggest to you and i this morning that we have simply lost sight of jesus that's it we have simply lost sight of jesus have you have you ever been there have you ever been there where you are barely hanging on to your faith where you can't see god in your situation anymore god i know your word says that you are good in all things but god i am struggling to see any good have you ever been there where you are barely hanging on to your faith at one time you had faith for that healing for the for yourself or for your friend but enough time has passed where your faith has began to dwindle you don't pray like you used to at one time you had faith for your finances faith to be blessed to be a blessing faith to tithe faith to give but in uncertain times at one time you had faith for your son or your daughter or that friend to come home to jesus but it seems like the more you pray the further away from god they get and the faith that was once there just isn't any more oh how quickly we can lose our faith we see in god's word this take place the scripture we just read peter peter has the crazy faith to walk on water and within seconds he goes from crazy faith to be filled with fear what happened what happened in these moments of of seconds from going from faith to fear the bible says the bible shows us peter lost sight of jesus peter took his eyes off of jesus if you're taking notes today i want to encourage you to write this down we lose our grip on faith when we lose sight of jesus we lose our grip on our faith when we lose sight of jesus so church what what is the answer what do we do when we begin to lose our grip on faith when we go from walking on water to drowning in life when the thing that we once had faith for god does something a little bit different than we hoped or expected maybe you're there today maybe you're here today and that's where you are unsure of your faith barely hanging on to your faith can i encourage you today to put your eyes back on jesus to pick up your faith again i'm going to read this scripture and if you're there today i'm going to ask you to pay attention the best that you can for all of us i want to encourage us to take in this scripture in hebrews 12. just before this chapter the bible shows us the different heroes of the faith and in hebrews 12 it says this do you see what this means are y'all with me we need to get this verse online i want to encourage you stay with me get this verse in your spirit do you see what this means all these pioneers who blazed away all these veterans cheering us on it means we better get on with it strip down start running and never quit no extra spiritual fat no parasitic sins keep your eyes on jesus keep your eyes on jesus keep your eyes on jesus when you are walking through the valley of the shadow of death keep your eyes on jesus when it seems like there is darkness and no hope in your marriage keep your eyes on jesus when you are walking through the darkness keep your eyes on jesus [Applause] keep your eyes on jesus who both begin and finish this race we are in study how he did it because he never lost sight of where he was where he was headed that exhilarating finish in and with god he could put up with anything along the way cross shame whatever and now he's there in the place of honor right alongside god now church watch this when you find yourselves flagging in your faith when you find yourselves and you have lost your grip on your faith when you find yourselves and you have walked away from your faith look at what the word of god says go over that story again item by item that long litany of hostility that jesus plowed through that will shoot adrenaline into your souls what is that story that we need to go over again and again when we are losing our faith when we are losing our grip on our faith when we have walked away from our faith it is the story of a god in heaven who so loved you that he gave everything he had to give in his son jesus and jesus your king gives up his status and takes on the status of a human being fully man and fully god jesus born in a dirty manger jesus who grew up and lived the perfect life that you and i could never live jesus who was betrayed by one of his own disciples and he chooses to have dinner with him the night before jesus who was brought before pilate brought before the court system and chooses to remain silent as accusation after accusation is put against him that was really meant for you and for me it's the story of jesus where in this moment the court system decides well do you want barabbas or do you want jesus we know barabbas is a murderer everybody in the context of this story knew jesus was a knew not jesus new barabbas was a murderer they knew that barabbas was a sinner and everybody begins to cry out we want barabbas jesus allows a murderer and a sinner to go free so that he could take the cross and how often we forget that you and i are barabbas the story of jesus who submits himself to receive a crown of thorns into his skull story of jesus that was beaten and whipped the bible says beyond the point of being recognized as a human being the story of jesus that carried the cross that was meant for you and for me the story of jesus that was nailed to that cross and as he hung on that cross a process of suffocation jesus the story of jesus that died on that cross and after jesus died on that cross jesus went to hell so that you and i wouldn't have to and he took the keys of death and three days later rose from the grave defeating the devil defeating sin defeating who we used to be so that you and i could have relationship with him spend eternity in heaven with him so that he could find us in our sin and in our shame and give us a hope and a future it is the story of jesus go over the story again friend if you have lost your faith remind yourself who jesus is and what he has done for you what he saved you from and what he's called you to i wonder today church what what are you looking at what are you looking at are you looking at are your eyes on the wind and the waves are they on jesus in the storm faith sees differently faith sees differently it sees your past differently it sees your present differently it sees your future differently one of the things that faith sees differently is people faith sees people differently why don't you turn to your neighbor and say hey keep the faith y'all stay with me online faith changes how we see people i love this story in john 8. maybe you've heard this story before maybe you haven't it's a story of a woman who was caught in the act of adultery she was quite literally caught in the act they dragged her from the bedroom keep in mind they leave the man there and let him go free that's a whole nother message they dragged a woman into the street before the feet of jesus and they are trying to use and manipulate the law to condemn this woman to be stoned to death their plan is to try and trap jesus in this situation and they say jesus well what do you say the bible tells us that jesus kneels down to the ground and begins to write in the dirt and some scholars believe i tend to agree that maybe jesus began to write some of the things that they had done and then jesus says whichever one of you is blameless with no sin go ahead throw the first stone and one by one they begin to walk away we'll pick up here jesus speaks to the woman laying in the ground ashamed jesus says where are your accusers didn't even one of them condemn you and she says no lord and then jesus has the audacity and faith to say this neither do i go and sin no more while the crowd saw one thing in this woman jesus saw something else while many could only see her sin jesus could see past her sin through the forgiveness of the cross and by faith could speak go in sin no more faith changes the way that we see people church i wonder how do we see people how do we see the people of hampton roads as a church we are believing this summer for 600 people to make decisions to follow jesus does that even stir your faith 600 people lost hurting and broken church does your heart still break for this city the one point million seven people in hampton roads that are waiting to hear the good news of jesus christ how do we see people when you go to work when you go to school in your neighborhood do we notice people anymore do we have a passion to see people the way that jesus sees do we first judge and condemn or are we first filled with compassion how do we church how do we see people faith sees people differently can i get an amen as we close the ban can come on up we need to answer this question so how was it then that we see by faith how is it that we learn to see people the way that jesus sees people how is it that i can see somebody and i can see them through the eyes of jesus how is it that we do that how do we learn to see people like jesus does how do we learn to see by faith one of the things that i have one of the many things that i've learned i'm still learning many things being married brooke and i are coming up on being married eight years one of the things that i learned quickly in the beginning of our marriage is that we always don't see eye to eye oh i'm the only one we don't always see things the same way like the temperature of the thermostat in our home one of the things that i realized brooke and i see entirely differently was our version of what a clean home is like my perspective of a clean home was somewhere on on planet earth brooks version of a clean home is somewhere in the galaxies in outer space i would invite people over early on in our marriage i would let brooke know him invited so and so over and they're going to come over to her house she's like what do you mean the house isn't clean i said babe i'm looking at our house right i'm in the house it's clean like sure some of my clothes are kind of everywhere and there's cups of water that i've left everywhere but you know there's that movie signs of mel gibson and aliens come and water's like the only thing that works so just in case and because i love my wife and i'm not a complete idiot i learned to begin to see what clean was in her eyes i began to learn to see our home like she does how does that happen by spending time with her listening to what she says hearing her perspective seeing her perspective we're married we live together how does that happen spending time together so church how do we learn to see like jesus how do we learn to see god in our situation how do we learn to see people the way that jesus sees people we spend time with him we are in the word we're reading our bible we are praying the bible says your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path what do you do when you are in the dark and you want to see you turn the light on what is the light it is the word of god so if you cannot see turn the light on get in the word pray i saw something recently it was a study done of millennial christians of just because now there's so much content that we purposely and sometimes it just happens we are taking in and they measured this is with christian millennials the ratio of how much secular content we take in whether on purpose or or not and how much christian content we take in biblical content in the day and age in which we live the ratio was 20 to 1 of secular content over biblical content church no wonder our faith is dwindling no wonder we can't see and i love church and we need church it is vital to our christian life we are the body of christ but it is not enough we need to be in the word every single day we need to be praying every single day church i dare you this week spend five minutes in the word five minutes don't go a second past five minutes in the word and you watch how your vision changes you watch how you begin to notice people you didn't notice before five minutes each day this week you begin to change how you see church understand the enemy will do everything he can to keep you from reading the bible to keep you from praying to keep you from waking your kids up every single sunday and planting yourself in the house of god because he knows it fuels your faith he knows it keeps your eyes on jesus he knows it gives you a kingdom perspective the enemy the devil friend wants you to let go of your faith and hold on to anything else but may we be a church may we be a people that we are willing to let go of anything so we can hold firm to our faith that we profess may we be a church that picks up our faith again that worships by faith again that lives by faith again that preaches by faith again that reads our bible by faith again that gives by faith again may we pick up our faith church may we pick up our faith again faith i've got faith to pray for people today i wonder if we all stand to our feet for just a moment you still with me online i want to encourage you to stay engaged because we're going to pray for everybody here and everybody watching church i believe it's time to see again it's time to see again it's time to see god in your situation again it is time to see by faith again i want to pray for some people as i was preparing this message i just believe the holy spirit has spoken to me on some different situations to pray for i've got faith to pray for it today i've got faith i wonder if you're here today first thing i want to pray for and and you need healing in your body you are sick there is pain in your body maybe there's somebody very close to you that's not here today and you've been praying and believing for them to be healed but your faith has dwindled or maybe you have faith but you want to increase it i believe people will walk out of this service today healed and whole i've got faith anybody else got faith this morning forgot to do miracles in this place come on wave church anybody have faith [Applause] if you need healing in your body if you need healing in your body it doesn't matter how simple it may be or how serious it may be if you need healing in your body you need a miracle could you just raise your hand high enough and long enough for me to see it for everybody to see because we're going to pray together we're going to stir faith i expect miracles i expect it i've got faith for it come on if that you got pain in your body you need healing in your body and you've got faith to be healed today lift your hands church if you're around somebody would just stretch your hands towards them if you know them you're with them maybe put your hand on your shoulder begin to pray come on church let's begin to pray come on church where our faith-filled people begin to pray begin to pray begin to lift your faith pick up your faith again come on church begin to faith stir your begin to pray stir your faith come on if you've got your hand raised begin to pray begin to speak it out god i thank you that i'm healed god i thank you it is not by might it's not by power it is by your spirit holy spirit of god i thank you for miracles in this service today here and online holy spirit there you are there you are there you are [Music] i thank you for healing i thank you for healing in this place [Music] and everybody said come on if you believe it everybody said i've got faith to ask a question if you're in here today and you raised your hand maybe you're online i want to encourage you to let us know as well you can type in the comments if you can check if you're healed or not if you had pain that you can now check if it means your elbow and now you can move your elbow if it was a headache and now it's gone some of us are going to need to go back to the doctor to to confirm that we're healed but if you're here today check it i want to encourage you check it by faith check it right here right now online here in person check if you're here if you already know that you've been healed give me a wave if you just checked and you know you're healed right here right here right here come on anybody else make sure make sure right here right here [Music] right here come on check some of us are even unsure to check check by faith [Music] maybe you're here today you need to go back to a doctor maybe here today and the pain is still there can i encourage you by faith every day this week declare every morning god i thank you that i'm healed god i thank you that i'm healed i see that i'm healed i speak that i heal i'm healed i'm going to act like i'm healed i want to pray pray for people here today and your son or your daughter your kids are away from god i want to pray for you that your faith would be stirred [Music] to pray for them like you used to to see them how jesus sees them with every head bowed in every eye closed if you're a mom or dad you're a parent here today and you got a son or daughter away from god would you just lift your hand so many amazing hands come on church let's begin to pray come on mom and dad begin to pray begin to see again your son or daughter standing next to you in church worshiping your savior maybe right now they are strung out on drugs but choose to see them healed and whole in god's house worshiping him come on begin to pray begin to pray speak their names by faith god i thank you for my son and my daughter god i pray again that you're calling them home god i pray right now that you would speak to those children those kids whatever age that right now they would sense your spirit god we call them home to your house god that you would stir up the faith and mom and dad again to pray like we used to see again everybody said amen [Music] i got faith to pray for marriages today marriages maybe you're here today and you need a miracle in your marriage maybe here by yourself and your spouse isn't here in our 9am service we had a prayer request somebody asking us to pray because their husband of 20 years just asked them for a divorce i've got faith for miracles maybe you're here today and everything looks good on the surface everybody thinks your marriage is awesome but deep down you both know you need a miracle [Music] i've got faith for it today with every head bowed every eye closed if you need a miracle in your marriage today i want to encourage you by faith lift your hands could be together maybe you're here by yourself lift your hands many amazing honest brave hands church as we keep our eyes closed come on begin to pray begin to pray husband wife begin to pray begin to pray begin to stir your faith god help me to see that spouse the way that you see them to see the gold in them god we pray for marriages today we've got faith for miracles god testimonies and stories of your goodness of your grace how you can restore holy spirit i pray for softened hearts [Music] god softened hearts forgiveness healing healed hearts holy spirit i think you're doing a work in marriages right now for those of us whose spouse is not here holy spirit that you would touch them right where they are and everybody said amen got faith [Music] we're almost done [Music] two more things i want to pray for one is you're here today and and your faith has dwindled you have lost your grip on faith barely hanging on to your faith maybe you've walked away from your faith and today you know it's time to pick up your faith again [Music] church i've been here many times it's time to pick up your faith again in jesus to begin to see differently speak differently act differently live by faith again i wonder with every head bowed every eye closed if you're in this service today and you need to pick up your faith again quickly raise your hand high enough and long enough for me to see it amazing so many hands come on lift it high lift it high lift it high come on church begin to pray begin to pray for our church family you know the bible says in hebrews that we are more than conquerors we're not more than conquerors because of who we are it's because of who jesus is the bible says that you are not just a winner that you are more than a winner and i believe by the holy spirit we're going to walk out of this service today with the faith and understanding that i could walk through anything i faced because i am more than a conqueror holy spirit of god come on church pray holy spirit of god i thank you for every hand raised god that your faith would sweep through this auditorium this morning god that we would see again god that we would speak again god that we would begin to live by faith again holy spirit there you are we pick up our faith again we let go of anything we need to let go of and we hold firm to the faith we profess holy spirit there you are god is here friend [Music] everybody said you know i found this life of faith it's a daily decision every morning i either choose to live by fear or faith peter reminds us how easy it is to go from crazy faith to crazy fear every day sometimes multiple times a day god we live by faith every day
Channel: Wave Church
Views: 119
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Josh, Kelly, 2021, Wave, Church, East, Coast, VB, Virginia, Beach
Id: sHjuqyh5Y4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 52sec (2812 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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