Exceeding Growing Faith, Part 10

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Turn please, to Romans four. Romans four. We've been on the subject of faith. Anybody heard about faith? We've been on the subject of faith for some time now, and don't expect that to change anytime soon. And we shifted gears a little bit recently and we're talking about what we're calling Exceeding Growing Faith. How our faith grows and develops. In Romans 4:19, talking about Abraham who is called the father of faith, and we are called his children by faith in Jesus. It said Abraham, "Being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sara's womb," he was not weak because he considered not the wrong thing. He didn't consider. So much of faith is tied to what we choose to look at. Think about. Talk about. And since we can choose what we look at, think about, listen to, talk about, then we can choose whether we grow in fear and doubt or whether we grow in faith. It is in our hands. If we are weak in faith, it's because we've continually chosen to look at the wrong things. Think about, talk about the wrong things. But that can be fixed. I said, that can be fixed. I didn't say it was always easy because when you have glaring issues and problems in your life, they cry and demand for your attention. Don't they? But can you turn away from them and focus on something else? And talk about something else? And if you do, you will starve your fears and you will feed your faith, oh hallelujah, and you will come up to a different place. And what does that mean? God is able to move in our life according to our faith. And the stronger that becomes, the more He is able to move. I know some people don't like that language, "He's able to move." People say, "God is God. He could do anything He wants to, anytime He wants to." That's technically true but He has ordained that things happen a certain way and He's not going to violate that. And He has ordained that we receive not according to what He can do, not according to even what is His perfect will, but we receive according to our faith. Many don't believe that, but it's Bible. It's all over the New Testament. Verse twenty, "He staggered not," everybody say: "He considered not and he staggered not." See, "stagger" is the same word for "wavering." How do you keep from wavering? Don't consider the wrong stuff. If you're looking at the wrong stuff, talking about the wrong stuff, you're going to waver. Can we control what we look at? What we listen to? What we think about? What we talk about? That's good news. I said, that's good news because if you will think, talk, focus on the right things, your life is going to change. Your faith is going to come up. "He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was," what? "Strong in faith, giving glory to God; And being fully persuaded that, what He had promised, He was able also to perform." We've seen Scriptures that Jesus talked about people that had no faith. We've seen in Scriptures where He talked about people that have little faith. But here we see strong in faith, and that's what I'm signing up for. How about you? Somebody say put me down to the strong faith brunch. That's the group I want to be a part of. Fully persuaded and strong faith. And actually you will see this phrase in the Scriptures: great faith. Great faith. Which is what we have been looking at. And we see two specific instances in the Gospel accounts, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John where Jesus referred to a person's faith as great: it's the centurion and the Syrophenician woman. He called both of their faiths "great." He marveled about it. Now when you have the Master marveling about how strong your faith is, is that where you want to be? You know, at one point He said when they brought the man who had his son who was having the seizures and Jesus sounded exasperated. He said, "How long will I put up with you? How long am I going to be with you? How long before you believe," He's talking about. No faith. Faithless. Unbelieving bunch. That's not a good impression. He was impressed, but not in a good way. But then in this example, He marveled and turned around and told His staff and told everybody with Him. He said, "I haven't seen faith like this in the whole country." Right? Well, that would include them. That includes His Own staff. Now think about who it is - a centurion, a soldier and a Syrophenician. Neither one of these would you have just selected at who you would've thought would have had great faith. Which is insight - you find great faith in places many would not expect. And places where you think you would find great faith, you often don't. Places where you think, I didn't even know they knew God, and not only do they know God, faith that just shows most of the church world up. This is revelation that great faith is not the result of great knowledge. Is everybody listening? Great faith is not the result of great exercise in religion or so-called piety. Great faith is not the result of these kind of things. Well, how do you get great faith? That's why we're talking about it this morning. Right? If it's not this through advanced knowledge, how do you get it? If it's not just through extreme church attendance and prayer, great faith is not the result of extended prayer. Are y'all listening? It's not. A lot of what people call prayer is actually a waste of time. It's worry sessions where you mentioned God once in a while. You need to remember when you begin prayer, nothing you're going to tell Him is news. He already knows. Right? And He's not going to be shocked, and He's not going to have to scramble around. He's not going to go, you need how much? By when? Michael, Gabriel, how come nobody told Me about this? What are we going to do? Anybody got an idea? No, you are thinking about yourself. No, He knows the end from the beginning. He has already made the provision before you knew you had a need. He's not surprised by it. I'm going to say that again real slow. He has already made, provided abundant provision before you found out you had a bill or a need. So it's a good way to start off your prayer, right? "Father, so glad I know You. Because I know that You already know - You already know what the problem is, You already know what the answer is, and even though I don't know it yet, I know You love me, You're going to take care of me, You are going to show me what I need to see, give me what I need to get." But see, that's faith. Now you are talking faith. Faith, instead of just reacting in shock and fear. Oh friend, being a real believer, actually living by faith and walking by faith is awesome. It's amazing. Hallelujah. And it opens the door for actual miracles. Real miracles in your life. Thank You Lord. Go to Matthew eight. Matthew eight. You know, it pays - I know you do and I thank you for it, it pays to pray for your ministers because what comes through them affects you. Right? It does. Matthew eight, talking about the centurion, we saw he had great faith. We'll just take time and read a little bit of it. This man is a centurion, a soldier who is over some one hundred soldiers. And he got promoted to this rank through accomplishment. And the Roman army was the world power of the time, and their military was disciplined and effective beyond any by far that had existed before then. So you do not advance through the ranks by being sloppy or by not getting the job done. So this is a man who has seen combat. He is a man who has lived through combat, and back then it was eyeball to eyeball. Blade to blade. And so he has been bloody, he has been muddy, he's been in the ugly parts of it. And he advanced and now he is over other men. He knows how to give orders and he knows how to receive orders. And he has heard about Jesus. And he's got somebody that helps him that's been sick and been in a bad way. Matthew 8:5, "And when Jesus was entered into Capernaum, there came to Him a centurion, beseeching Him," now, they're occupied country. He could've come in demanding. He's just a Carpenter, an itinerant Preacher and the Romans are in control. But he came beseeching Him. Now one thing that you'll see the keeps coming up over and over again, great faith is inseparable from great respect. Honor and faith go hand-in-hand. You cannot separate them. So this begins with him showing someone who in the natural he does not need to kowtow to. When he goes around town with his - and especially if he is moving on some business for the army with his hundred soldiers, people get out of the way. These are not just men, they are trained killing machines. They can take you out with a couple of blows. And they have the authority and power to do what they want to in the community, but he comes to Jesus and beseeches, we'd say pleads, pleads with Him. So there's the right tone. There is the right body language and attitude. He beseeches Him. Verse six says, "Lord, my servant lies at home sick of the palsy, grievously tormented. And Jesus said to him, I will come and heal him." Oh, I like those words. Do you know Jesus never said I won't come? Do you know He never said I won't heal him? You have people that will tell you sometimes it's not His will, sometimes He won't come, sometimes He won't heal. They are misrepresenting God. They are trying to explain why things don't happen. And they are wrong. You might as well say why doesn't everybody get born again? Would you believe if somebody didn't get born again and died lost, would you say well, then is not God's will to save everybody? No. Just for whatever reasons, they didn't receive it. Well, the same thing is true about all the blessings of God. You have failed to receive some things, I failed to receive some things, but it doesn't change the will of God. Jesus said - don't you like it? "I will come," I'll come, "and heal him." This is not a pastor He's talking to, this is a scarred soldier. And, "The centurion said, Lord, I am not worthy that You should come under my roof," he does not have to humble himself in front of this man, from any natural reason. But can you see he is acknowledging something that not everybody saw? God allowed him to see - he probably didn't know Jesus was the Messiah, but he heard about what had been happening with him and he believes he's a Man of God. And he believes that God is using him, and he believes these things can happen. He believes in Him. Like we said, you will find faith in places you didn't expect to. There's folks that have sat in church and heard it for years and still don't believe it. And you have somebody that has lived a rough life and they hear it one time and they go, "I believe that. I believe that." And they can get a miracle just like that. Great faith is not the result of extensive experience with church and religion. I'm going to say that again. Great faith doesn't come by extensive church experience. Or prolonged prayer. I know we're kicking some sacred cows, but let them moo, let them go down. They need to go down. Great faith is not the result of advanced knowledge. You don't believe God with your head, your intellect. "For with the heart man believes," the scripture said. He said, "I'm not worthy that you should come under my roof; But," just give the order. Give the order. "Speak the Word only," oh, somebody say: "Speak the Word only." Now let's stop right here. Does he have respect for what Jesus might say? He has respect for Him, he has respect for what He can say. He has respect for what He can do. Doesn't he? We know this is an example of great faith. What makes great faith? What constitutes great faith? One thing you will always see: great respect. Great honor. Honor, to honor means "to value." To put a great weight of worth and value on something. And if you believe some thing is important and valuable, you treat it differently than you treat something you don't think is important. Which is why he is treating Jesus the way he is. He's not demanding, he's not barking orders; that would show a lack of faith. He comes with respect. He comes asking. You know, a lot of times you need to examine it - are you asking or are you telling? Because if you are telling and your attitude is wrong, it shows your faith is lacking, or not even there. We live in a crude, rebellious, defiant, disrespectful world. And many have grown up not being taught honor and respect like they should. Their parents weren't taught it, their parents before them weren't taught it. Some things have been lost. But, we don't have to be conformed to the world. One thing that I'm excited about our children, they are getting some things about the honor of God. Oh, that ought to make you shout. They are getting some things about the honor of God, and it is changing their lives. It's possible for an entire - this entire next-generation to be changed, the Lord tarries His coming. It starts with us. We don't just need to talk about it, we need to demonstrate it. Somebody say: "Demonstrate it." We need to demonstrate honor and respect. It's not about making a big deal out of people. You treat people differently because you honor Him. If He called them, you respect that. If He uses them, you respect that. You're not making a big deal out of the flesh, you're making a big deal out of the One that called and anointed and used. He said you don't need to come, but if you would just give the command, "If you just speak the Word only and my servant shall be healed." That's what got Jesus. Can you see this? That's what got Him. He has been wrestling against unbelief, He has been preaching everywhere, and even His Own staff has heard the most amazing faith messages you ever heard month after month, and then they still come up and go, "We didn't take enough bread." And they have seen multiplication of the loaves and fishes multiple times, and their faith just is not there. It's not there. And here He is traveling from one place to another and here comes this rough guy, this soldier, this centurion, and the respect - it's just right up here. The honor is just right here. And the faith. You don't need to come to my house, no Sir, no Sir. Look at me. I'm not a preacher. He doesn't see himself as a spiritual guy. And yet he is. And yet he is. He said, if You would please, Sir, give the command and my servant shall - that's what got Jesus. If you'll give the command. Now, we need to back up. This was not a fairytale. What was wrong with his servant? What did it say was wrong with him? Grievously vexed. Is that right? Grievously vexed. My servant is laying at home -palsy is paralysis. Grievously tormented. And he's in a lot of pain. Can God heal paralysis? Phew. Verse seven, He shall I'll come and heal him, verse eight, speak the Word only, verse nine, just give the command please, Sir. He besought Him, pled with them. And my servant shall be healed because, I understand orders. I have people who have rank above me, I am under their authority. And then I have soldiers, obviously we know he has at least a hundred under him. "And I say to this man, Go," and in the Roman army you did not say, "Do I have to?" "You know, I just don't feel like it." No. By the time he says go and you get yes Sir out of your mouth, he needs to see some dust. He needs to see some dust coming off of your heels. "Go," and what happens, "He goes." I tell another one, "Come," what happens then? "He comes," I tell, "my servant, Do this, and he does it." Oh, thank You Lord. Here is why he can believe for his servant like he can; his servant is submitted to him. Can you see this? We live in a society that despises submission. Despises it. You mention the Word, you may lose half your crowd. It's seen as an archaic - "We got delivered from that. Submission? I don't submit to anybody." That includes God. Submission to God is shown, demonstrated in submission to men. Folks don't like that either. But one of the reasons why people are not able to help others with their faith is because the submission and respect is not there. But he knows he can use his faith, whether he understands it or not, I'm sure he didn't; he's a soldier. He's not a theologian. But he just knows he can, why? Because when he tells his servant to do something, he does it. So He's not going to argue with him and tell him he can't leave for his healing. "I tell my servant do this," what happens? "He does it. When Jesus heard it, He marvelled," the Master marveled. It would be like us saying, "Wow!" "And said to them that followed, Verily," we'd probably say I'm telling you the truth, I'm telling you, "I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel." Now that probably didn't make everybody happy, because they also despised the Romans. They were occupied by them. No doubt there are a lot of atrocities have been committed by them. And here's a guy who is a priest with extensive higher education in the law, and you're going to tell him that a Roman soldier has way more faith than he has ever demonstrated? "Jesus marveled and said I have not found faith so great, no, not in Israel." Verse eleven, "And I say unto you, That many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven. But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Just because your parents were Christians doesn't make you a Christian. Just because you have been to a church a bunch doesn't mean you love God and respect God. It's not the same. And what He is saying is what we have been talking about. There will be people who you would have thought would have been in for sure, and they're not. Never were born again. And there are other people you would think, no, how in the world would they even know how to believe God? And they're going to demonstrate some of the greatest faith you have ever seen. Verse thirteen, "Jesus said to the centurion," oh, this is what he wanted to hear. What does he want to hear? Give the order. Please Sir, give the order. Give the order. Jesus said, "Go your way," what do you think happened with that centurion? He braced, he came to attention. Go your way, "And as you have believed, so be it done to you." Oh, hallelujah. Hallelujah! He said you don't need to come to the house, I don't need to hear a big prayer, I don't need to see anything, You don't need to touch him. Would You just give the order? And He did. How many think what happened - what did the centurion say? When I tell one soldier go, what happens? He goes. What I say come, what happens? So when Jesus said go your way, what do you think happened? As he was hollering thank You Sir, you could see dust coming, is that right? Is gone. He's out. And what happened? Come on, what happened? "And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour." Of what? Paralysis. And pain, incurable stuff. Within the hour, his servant is up saying, you want something to eat? Let me polish your breastplate for you. Is that right? Does your sword need sharpening? The best use of a healing is service to God. The Lord strengthens you and heals you, don't waste it doing nothing, get up and start helping somebody do something for God, is that right? That's the best use of your healing. Oh, hallelujah. Go with me back to Romans, we were over there during offering time. No, I'm moving too fast again. Say, "Lord, help him not to move too fast." Are you still in Matthew? Notice this again and then I want us to put up another verse on the monitor, the screen. Matthew 8:13, "Jesus said to the centurion, go your way. As you have believed, so be it done to you." As you have believed, why? We said you can't separate honor from faith. First Samuel two is where these words that are up over the stage area here come from. First Samuel 2:30 the Lord said, "Them that honour Me I will honour," I want to hear the similarity in this. "As you have believed, so be it done to you." Could you see it like this: you have honored Me, I'm honoring you? How? As you have believed - if honor is inseparable from belief and faith then you could say it, as you honor Me. Did He honor him? He did. And did the Lord honor him by giving the command? Yes. The two are inseparable. Now go with me to Mark six and you'll see such a perfect example of this, and then I think we'll make our way to Romans. Mark 6:1. I am so thankful for this revelation. I've seen pieces of this throughout the years, but I see it clear today than I've ever seen it before. Thanks be unto God. It also answers questions why faith is weak. It's because disrespect is so prevalent, including church. Folks in so many cases don't know how to act. I was in a place a while back and the pastor and I were walking around the church. He was showing me some of the new stuff that they had. And the Spirit of God was giving me some things for him and we were talking about it. And some people came up and they interrupted us, rudely and callously. And he didn't say anything, I didn't say anything, because it's not my church, not my place. This has been a couple of years ago. And then I noticed we never got back to what the Lord was saying about that. And it left me. And He never brought it up. This is not okay. People will stop important things because their child interrupted them, for nothing. Did you hear me? When it would be a perfect example to teach the little one, "No, not now baby. We are doing this. This is important." And then adults have never have been taught things. Now, you don't go around walking around on egg shells, you don't go around afraid you're going to say and do the wrong thing. You just want to be aware that if something important, something of God is going on, you don't interrupt that. You don't interfere with that. Right? You wait until it's done. You support it, you help it. You don't hinder it. Come on, are y'all with me? Would you like to learn more about this? Just lift your hand right now and say: "Father God, forgive me for being calloused or disrespect all of You, Your things, Your people. Teach me what's important to You. Where I should show respect. How I should show respect. Enlighten me, help me to in Jesus' name, I ask it." Glory to God. That's good. He's going to answer that prayer. He has already begun. Amen. Just pay attention if something is going on and He checks you, He tugs on you, then just stop, quit talking, look, listen. Pay attention. See what's going on. And I've noticed this, I've been traveling, Phyllis and I've been traveling now over thirty years all over the country, other countries, we have been all kind of churches, different denominations, and it is consistent, every place you go, everything you do, the more they respect God and the things of God, the more He gives you, the stronger the anointing. The more revelation. The less they respect Him - and the thing is you will see some good people with good works that just are sadly lacking in respect for God. They don't see it, they don't realize it, because they just haven't been around it enough. Didn't learn it at home, their parents didn't know it. But you'll see - I can tell, you can sense it because it's tied in with faith. People that respect - for one thing, they're not trying to tell you all about themselves nonstop. It's not just, "I... I... I did this... I did that... I think this... I feel this... I like this... I... I... I don't like this... I... That's not being respectful. But people that really do respect the things of God, by the time - you're not around them any length of time, God will start giving you things. Start giving you things. Talking about as a minister. You see this right here with Jesus Himself. Mark six, verse one. Jesus, "Went out from there, and came into His own country," this is His hometown where He grew up. His home area, county, whatever you would call it. "And His disciples," were there with Him, they, "followed Him. And when the Sabbath day was come, He began to teach in the synagogue," He's been in this synagogue many, many, many times. His neighbors go here, His kinfolks go here, His family is here. This is where He grew up. And He is teaching in there. "And many hearing Him were astonished," and this is not in a good way and they are, "saying, where did this," Guy get, "these things?" What is this? This is disrespect. "And what wisdom is this which is given to Him, that even such mighty works are wrought by His hands?" Because we know that He would use the passage out of Isaiah, "The Spirit of the Lord is on Me because He has anointed Me," and they had heard things that had happened in other places, and He gets there and talks to them the same thing that He did in the other towns, and they are going, "Who does He think He is?" This is blatant dishonor. And it's so common that nowadays people wouldn't even think much about hearing that. "Boy, He really thinks He's something, doesn't He?" Is it that He thinks He's so much or that you don't think it's enough? That your respect is so low, or not even there? They said, "Is not this the Carpenter," this is Mary's Boy. I mean, my cousin works with His brother James down at the factory. "And Joses, and Juda, and Simon?" I mean He fixed a plow stock for me last month. And His sisters are here. My sisters and cousins go shopping with them and washing. And they were what? "Offended at Him." At what? He's saying He's too big. He's thinking He's something. He forgot where He came from. We know Him. He grew up right over there. Somebody say: "Disrespect. Disrespect." Now look at the rest of it. "Jesus said, A prophet is not without honour," what's the problem here? Lack of honor. "But in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house." His own brothers and sisters are probably there. His cousins, John tells you His Own brothers and sisters didn't believe in Him back then. So what are they thinking then? They're thinking, Bubba has got Him an entourage and it's gone to His head. He thinks He's some big deal now. He is a big deal. And it's not that He's thinking He's too much, it's you're not thinking He's enough. And what happened? What happened? "He could there," that means couldn't, He couldn't, "do mighty work," there. Jesus couldn't do mighty works there. Most theologians don't even accept this verse. It upends their theology. They try to do something with it. He couldn't. Except, "He laid His hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them." Why? There must've been a few there that had some respect. Right? I don't know if they met Him run the corner when He left and said, I'm so sorry, the way they talked to You. But, if You could just touch me right now. And a few of them got healed. Somebody say, "Glory to God," for the truth of His Word. "He could there do no mighty works safe He laid His hand on a few sick folk, and healed them. And He," did what? "Marvelled," see, we see in marveling about the centurion's great faith. But just as radical in the other direction, He's marveling at them. At what? Their unbelief. Which is inseparable from their disrespect. Oh, can you see it? Can you see it? You show me unbelief, I will show you lack of respect. They are inseparable. "Marveled because of their unbelief." How do you fix this? How do you fix this? This unbelief? This dishonor? This disrespect? "He went round about the villages, teaching." What do you do? Get the Word, get the Word out. Some will listen, some will receive it, some will repent for their hard hearts and their rebellious, disrespectful attitudes. Keep telling it, keep talking it. Our father in the faith, Brother Kenneth Hagin, told us this numerous times. Sometimes people would get upset with him, not sometimes, a lot of times. One of the first Crusades he took us with him on over in the Northwest. When we got to church that night I was so thrilled, Phyllis and I were so thrilled to be in the car with them going to the meeting. Which comes back to what? Respect. A person asked me one time, "How did you believe to be a Rhema teacher?" I didn't. I didn't. "How did you believe to wind up overseeing healing school?" I didn't. You know how it started? I was there for three months, the first three months I was there, nobody knew me. We were little country folks from nowhere, nobody knew. And they announced they were going to build and open a prayer and healing center, and Brother Hagin was going to teach and train folks to minister to the sick. "Divine healing technicians" he called them. I heard that and I thought, oh, would that be something else. I esteemed it. Didn't realize what I was doing at the time. I was just, oh! And I looked around behind me and I thought, man, would it be amazing to be a part of that. And I looked around, there's like five hundred people behind me and I thought, I'm sure they all feel the same way. And who am I? Less than a year later, I was one of two that was selected to start it. How did that happen? Decades later the Lord corrected me. He said, "When you looked around and said I'm sure everybody feels this way, you were wrong. Everybody didn't feel that way. They didn't feel the same way." "Them that honor Me, I will honor." If you value it, if you treasure it, if you'll use it to the best of your ability, God will give it to you. And if you do good with that and you keep on honoring and respecting it, He will give you more. And He will give you more. You get to the place where you despise it and don't respect it anymore, you're going to lose it. You will lose what you have. That includes each other. We need to appreciate each other and value each other and respect - the Bible says esteem each other better than yourself. Didn't it say that? You need to eww and ahh over them. Right? And don't get mad if they don't eww and ahh over you. That's not your job. That's not your job. What happened? I guess a few years after that, Brother Hagin took us on some Crusades with him. Let me have a part, let me speak in them. And this is one of the very first ones. Phyllis and I were in the car, boy, I was grinning like the cat that got the canary. I thought look-a here, look- a here. Because you could feel the presence of God. You could just sense the anointing. The facility was packed. God was there. And we get to the outside of the place and there's these yayhoos walking around with signs talking bad about Brother Hagin. Ugly stuff. And they had not a clue. Some of the signs I thought, where in the world did you get that? He never said anything like that. That's how the enemy works. Disrespect. What is the enemy trying to do? He's trying to get people to disrespect the ministry, the anointing, the Word. If he can get them to do that, he can take away the power. If Jesus couldn't do mighty works there, then you're not going to either. We've had some folks that have gotten irritated with us in times about how we do things at the church. Why doesn't just anything go? It's not a matter of being rigid, it's a matter of showing respect. And it's not just shown respect for people or flesh, it showing respect for Him. We've had people all the time try to get us to rent our facilities out to them to do events, to do this and that. This is a holy place. It's His place. He gave it to us. We're not just supposed to have a bunch of ungodly stuff happening around here, is that right? We tell people don't try to solicit business on the grounds. Are y'all with me? Don't try to do business deals on the grounds. This is a holy place. If you need to talk about that, go somewhere else. We say zero strife around here. I don't care who's right, who's wrong, no strife. Zero. Why? God is good to us. He has given us a church, churches and partners. He has given us facilities and abilities. We should take care of it. We should treat it a certain way, is that right? We should treat each other a certain way, and it's all part of honoring Him, and what did He say? The more you honor Me, the more I am going to honor you. Go with me in closing to Romans ten. I sure hope you can come back because we didn't get to half of what I had in mind. But I believe we got to the part we should have today. Thanks be to God. The centurion, Jesus marveled at his great faith. What did we see? Great respect and honor. We see marveling in His Own hometown at their unbelief. What was connected to that? Sarcasm. Watch out for sarcasm. It's disrespectful. "Well, I guess they think they're all that." You should not talk like that. You are a believer, you should not talk like that. If you can't show respect, just change the channel. Right? Don't talk about it, don't focus on it. And especially when it comes to the things of God - how many understand you could be cutting up and acting silly or whatever, but when the holy things of God come up, we need to see a change in you. I'm not talking about fear, I'm just talking about respect. Treat it like it's important, because it is. Treat it like it is life-changing, because it is. Like it's precious, because it is. And in so doing, you will be exhibiting the same kind of great faith that caused Jesus to marvel. In Romans ten, we read the first part of this. Romans 10:15 let's look at it again. "How shall they preach, except they be sent?" You would have never given an offering unless you valued something, and the reason you can part with money is because you value that more than you do the money. Is that right? "How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the Gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!" Does that sound like respect? You're saying, those are some beautiful feet that brought you to preach that good Word to me. Right? If somebody is getting upset because they think the preachers shoes are too nice, what is that? Now don't misunderstand me, preachers can be crooks, just like any other profession. Lie and steal, ain't nothing right about that. There's nothing okay about it. One of the first houses Phyllis and I got there in Tulsa, we had been believing for fifteen years for a house. We went from a crummy little apartment in a bad part of town to a better apartment on the third floor that you had to walk down to the basement to do your laundry and tote everything up three flights of stairs. We believed God to get into what most people would call an average apartment, but to us it was a big step up. And then finally, we got a rent house. Had our own washer and dryer. Whoa! Hallelujah, hallelujah! And a garage. A garage. And our own washroom, oh, praise the Lord. And then, we were able to get a pretty good little house of our own, and then for ten years after that, we were believing for a certain kind of house, a vision house, nice house. And ten years had gone by. We had sown seed, we're believing and expecting, and the Lord helped us to get it. It was miraculous. It was on an acre and a half of land in a very nice part of town. It covered - you know how a cul-de-sac will kind of make a curve, it curved around that whole side - it had a tennis court. It had a great giant pool. It had a seven car garage. Marble floors. This place is okay. And we didn't know it was for sale. We drove by it and had a witness we should look at it. No sign or anything. Come to find out it was in foreclosure. And the Lord dealt with us while we were out in a meeting, "Make them an offer of this." It was a crazy, low offer. They came back within ten thousand of this crazy low offer and God through a number of other things - we needed money, we weren't able to pay for it and get it at that point, but to get in it we were sitting in a parking lot, you remember that? I know you do. And somebody called us - this was the same day we were going to the bank, same day we were to go to the bank and we didn't have money. Somebody called us in the parking lot, we were thanking God for cell phones that day. And this is back decades ago. And they said, "The Lord dealt with us to send you X amount of money." Oh, it was our offering, that's right. Excuse me, it was our offering from that meeting, and it was way more. It was a Wednesday night offering. And you talk about a Wednesday night offering, man, and it was more than enough to put us in that house. So we got in there. Now we were traveling so much back then that somebody came and saw the house two years after we moved in and they said, "Did y'all just move in?" Because the pictures weren't on the wall, the boxes were still unpacked, because we were only there a few days and we're gone again. We were on the road. But I went to get my haircut not long after we got that house and the lady that was cutting my hair, she said, "You know, Brother Keith, somebody came by here today, just made me mad." I said, "What?" She said, "They talked about you and your house and said they drove by your house and said it just made them sick. Made them sick. What in the world did you need a house..." Now of course they don't know that we probably paid less for that than they paid for their house that was a third the size. They don't know that, and they don't care. If you don't even try to find out, that means you don't care. You just want to be mad. But I tried to calm her down and I said, "Just don't pay any attention to it." But what struck me about it - what's the thing? They are saying that's too good for those preachers. Aren't they? That's too good for them. Now, what is honor? It's value. So what they are saying is that that house and stuff is way more valuable than us. And of course if you lied and stole and got the house that way, that's dishonorable. It's being a crook. But if you got the right way, if the Lord added it to you, He is honor you. And that's somebody's going to despise what God did, you are despising God who honored it. The Bible said, "We are to count those that labor in the Word and doctrine worthy of double honor." Double honor. That's not just so that the preachers can live good. If there's double honor - oh, I don't know if you got this today or not, there is double faith. There's double faith, that's going to affect the revelation that flows. That's going to affect the healings that happen. It's going to affect the provision. Every thing. It's not about making a big deal of people. It's certainly not about playing big shot. I know y'all know me a little bit but you're looking at a fellow that cares the least in the world about playing big shot of most anybody you have seen. I just despise it. I don't care about people seeing and knowing me. Somebody said, "Why are you all over the TV and everything?" To get the Word out. To get the Word out. To get the Word out. I tell you, I would rather do this than eat when I'm hungry see somebody get an answer. See somebody get set free from some confusion and ignorance and darkness. See somebody find out their sins are all washed away. See somebody find out they are healed. Oh, glory. Now that I care about. That I care about. And I'm convinced you can't spend too much money on that. Can you? You can't spend too much on doing the work of God and doing it at the highest level, and doing it right. So some people think completely wrong about these things like people in Jesus' hometown. And the Lord is unable, can't, do mighty works in their midst because of it. People that should know better, people that grew up around it. And you have some rough scarred guy, you got the Syrophenician woman, oh, dear me. They were known for their carnality and ungodliness. Show up and just believe God and blow everybody out of the water. Why? Show respect. Finish reading this with me, please. Verse sixteen, "But they have not all obeyed the Gospel. For Esaias said, Lord, who has believed our report?" Phyllis and I saw the same thing when we were first married, we got our first tapes on faith and redemption and prosperity. We got so excited we shared them with our friends and most of them were unimpressed. We were just ecstatic and I remember I shared with some people and I saw them the next day and I said, "What about it is more" They said, "Oh, I haven't listened to it." I said, "Man, listen to that. It's going to change your life." Saw them a week later. "Did you listen?" "A part of it. I don't go for all that," they said. Twenty years later, our lives are totally changed. We were in a different place we ever imagined we would be. Twenty years later, they were right where they were. It's not because we are so amazing, it's because by the grace of God, we chose to respect it instead of despise it. We kept feeding on it instead of going I ain't got time for all of that. "Who has believed our reports?" Somebody say: "I believe it. I believe it. I believe it." "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." What I want to see as He is talking about respect. He's talking about the feet of them that bring the Gospel, and notice the rest of it. Verse eighteen, "But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world." Has this words not been available to other people? It is available. It's been all around. Verse nineteen, "But I say, Did not Israel know? First Moses saith, I will provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people, and by a foolish nation I will anger you. But Esaias is very bold, and said, I was found of them that sought Me not," He's talking about us, "I was made manifest unto them that asked not after Me." He's talking about us. "But to Israel He said, All day long I have stretched forth My hands unto," what? "A disobedient and gainsaying," gainsaying is back talking, back talking "people." What's this got to do with faith? Verse seventeen He told you how faith comes. It's in the middle of talking about respect and honoring the feet that brought the messenger, or the people who just kept on being disobedient and back talking. You cannot separate great faith from great honor. You prayed the prayer a few minutes ago. Branson prayed a prayer, everybody online prayed the prayer. I believe something tremendous is already working inside of us. I believe we're going to recognize things we haven't recognized before. We're going to see disrespect. Now, let me caution you. You're going to see it, you're going to notice it more than you have. It's not your job to correct everybody. It is your job to fix yourself. Don't go around correcting everybody about it. You correct you. Everybody hold your finger out like this. Now turn it around. This is what we're going to do. I'm serious, don't you go out of here and abuse this holy Word and start trying to straighten everybody around. You'll just cause problems. No, right here. If you see something you haven't been doing but they're doing, you just need to make a note I'm not going to do that. By the grace of God, I'm not going to do that, I'm not going to talk that way. Take it for yourself. Be the student, be the disciple. The learner. Stand on your feet, if you would.
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 588
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Id: SkWDgaHtzRk
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Length: 64min 12sec (3852 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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