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[Music] [Music] my heater enclosure with my walking stick oh she was asking for it though father she take anything that's not nailed down that one Phyllis it doesn't sound like you're all that penitent do you regret hitting Sheila how I do a father sure I broke my walking stick not quite what I was looking for if your parents I'd like you to say three Hail Marys and for our fathers and while you're at it try to follow the Good Book next time and turn the other cheek sure if I turn my cheek on her she'll have my wallets gone as well let's just make it five Hail Marys and five our fathers all together and a packet of sweets for Sheila fine so she'll get her sweets gosh I'll take the first pitch i absolve you of your sins in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen [Music] oh Christ father I seem to remember there being a wee bit more room last time I was in one of these things although I suspect this is grown out to meet it how can I help you today Michael well you might have to help me out with the old protocol of it all further because a peanut oil you know we don't need to worry too much about protocol I'm just here to listen some of the children like to start off with a bless me Father for I have sinned just to get themselves going you know sure what's good enough for the young ones they're not a little brand for me well bless me Father for I have sinned Jesus have whatever oh I suppose it'd be best if we stick to the headlines you know otherwise we'd be here all night oh I don't think you want to be hearing about me sneaking cigarettes seldom e-sports 30 odd years ago it whatever you'd like to talk about is fine with me I've no plans for this evening anyway right well I suppose in a sense it it does actually start with their mouths cigarettes father and a few more besides you see I'm after getting a bit of the old lung cancer father the bad kind I'm afraid the coin you don't really come back from you know Michael I'm sorry are you sure oh there sure enough are right yeah as a matter of fact it was your brother John came in and used on the hospital tear over the weekend well it's very odd seeing John down there a big professional doctor a far cry from the old days when he used us lemon elbow into me often appalled it was you weren't invited that old needle about you too as I recall the pair you were always happy enough that led me on Mears my Sundays are a little different now fewer elbows more praying about as much wine I like to think I've mellowed a bit since then if you say so have you told Sandra and not yet no no that's part of why I'm here actually oh I'd be happy to help with that we can talk about some ways to break the news that might soften the blow I wish it was as simple as that do you remember a few years back there when we were trying to get pregnant and herself was practically living here their motor pray and she was doing I do must be ten years or so now 15 15 years ago she was an awful when Chef okden if you don't mind me saying so wouldn't even look at me like it was all my fault that we couldn't conceive like there was no possibility that it could have been a problem with her at all you know it's a scary thought I suppose to consider for a young woman I was more than that like God blame her really father I'm nuns did a terrible old job on her growing up you see to her might know if something bad happened it was because he had sinned and looking at the pair of us I was the obvious culprit anyhow if she'd go every day down to the church praying the God out there or yappin to yourself in here hey the amount of time she was spending here you would have been in serious trouble if I was the jealous sort I I just tried to offer what guidance I could and isn't it funny now how guidance always seem to involve more praying sure what good does any of that stuff in the real world how was that going to help us I was a younger man then I should have put your relationship first and I'm sorry for that it's a testament to you that you got through it gently well we dealt with it after a fashion I suppose but things were never the same after that she stopped sleeping in the same bed as me at that stage what's the point she said what's the point well in the end oh you found myself another bed to sleep in I see I know what you're thinking father you're thinking sex outside the marriage awful stuff but don't you worry because we didn't a good Catholic thing and we avoided condoms and wouldn't you know it now nine months later turns out I was very enough after all came as quite a relief to be honest with you to know that everything was in good working order you know yourself and so that's my big old secret father anyway I heard I have a young feller in the parish approached in 14 years of age no is it a relationship you've kept up with the child on his mother no I couldn't you see because the woman I was with was married to we were both in the same sort of place really you know sad and lonely and desperate no comfort at home well you know she went back and somehow patched it up and the long and short of it is that and not a man has raised my son taking us his own it's been roundabout way I think I say if their marriage I'm some kind of a hero I'm sorry my god that must have been tough that's off what would you know about tough hidden away back here removed from anything that matters doling out just sermons to people like my wife well where's your advice for me if I offer up a few of your old Hail Marys will I go into remission I can understand your frustrations I know it's tough to bear I can't pretend to make anything better for you but there are people specialists you could talk to talk I even offer talking I want to do some takin what do you have in mind well I might just follow the example of your good Lord and just get everyone that wrote of it do you think that's the best thing for the boy what about the consequences for him and his family they damned with the consequences I've had enough of watching people play happy families far as I'm concerned they were on borrowed time anyway and frankly it was good at me to wear this long it'll turn his life upside-down just my life we're talking about so very well you preach it down from your ivory tower where nothing affects you except this time it does affect you oh oh yes and there's a funny little symmetry about this whole thing because for the last fourteen years my son my pride and joy has been raised by your brother John Adams my son so that's not very question of you Father I can't be true I've known Jennifer half her life I know they had problems but for all she did oh she did don't you worry about that and she wasn't shy about it either and I'll tell you another thing the good Lords name was taken in vain on many an occasion as I shudders he is singing down to my level father hey father he is you should be calling me dad what the hell are you doing here Michael you've always had a nasty little chip on your shoulder but even for you this is low is it all just to torment me maybe in part to show you that your reap what's your soul you started this whole ball rolling fifteen years ago when you drove a wedge between me and my wife and now it's caught up with you look I'm sorry for my part in that I'm sorry for not urging Sandra to talk to you and work things out if I'd the chance of again I'd approach things differently but you can't unleash all this chaos Jesus why not I might enjoy a bit at the old chaos before I pop my clogs and get people talking anyway huh better to be infamous than forgotten what but it's not just that young boy deserves the truth to know his father even if it destroys his life he worships his dad to tell her family apart how is he going to feel and say let's say five years if he finds out then and I'm dead and gone how would he feel I'd say feel betrayed and by the people who are supposed to love him the most I was in the hospital when he was born I changed his now I babysat him every week for years he's the closest thing I'll ever have to a son don't take that away but he I'm not ready to die yet but if I have to I won't go with nothing I can't go with nothing there's no one to remember me except their wife who can't even bear to look at me and a town that doesn't care and you might not believe this Benny and I want to be a good dad for whatever little time we have left what do you want for me I want what I came here for absolution it took me a long time to learn that we don't confess together clean slate we confess so that we can look at ourselves in the mirror can you look in the mirror after this maybe for the first time in years if I can write this wrong so come on Betty bless me Father for I have sinned well keep in mind before you go writing neurons that your son has become a fine young man without any influence from you you can have God's forgiveness Michael but you can't have mine well I suppose that might just have to do me [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: Omeleto
Views: 768,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QPtBA4a9ELw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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