Evolution Of Evil E01: Papa Doc Duvalier | Full Documentary

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[Music] for 14 years Francois Papa Doc Duvalier rules over Haiti using violence and voodoo I have been elected for president for life it is the iron will of the Haitian people he's a tyrant who forms his own private militia to kill some 30,000 of his people including anyone who challenges his power talk to psychology they would classify him as a psychopath this is the story of a ruthless dictators reign of terror over the poorest of the poor from his manipulation of the national religion to the growth of his personality cult Papa Doc is a name that will forever bring Haitians nightmares [Music] [Music] April 1963 the sixth year of Haitian dictator Francois Duvalier's brutal reign is about to become the most bloody at the presidential palace the man they called Papa dog gets shocking news someone has shot his children's bodyguard and chauffeur he absolutely raged devalued and sent him into overdrive blind with anger Papa Doc summons the head of his palace guard to whom his orders are clear find those responsible and kill them all the hunt starts with a man Papa dog wrongly accuses of being behind the attack former Army officer Francoise Benoit the event started I did a talk on April 26 1963 at that time I already been granted political asylum at the Dominican embassy though personally safe from Duvalier's goons benoit's family including his father who is a judge his wife and infant son remained in harm's way when one is wife had just come back from church they were at the house with the baby and with the maid and with the visitors I saw the truck full of presidential guards run by [Music] everyone in the house is killed and then set ablaze with the terrible day the ashes of the Benoit's was there for years and years over the next few hours hundreds of people are murdered or disappeared [Music] but a horrific rumor starts to spread that a different fate awaits Benoit's infant son who was reportedly taken to Duvalier Duvalier he said we have closeted himself with the boy nobody knows till this day what happened to Francois Ben was little boy some people said you were sacrificed by Diwali sheltered at the dominican embassy the awful news is delivered to benoit he sacrifice not only my family but my wife's family anybody who was close to me anybody who was a student associated with me was either arrested or killed if you talk to psychologists they would classify him as a psychopath was he crazy no but was he evil the answer is yes papa dog the man responsible for this atrocity is born in 1907 in a beautiful Caribbean state of Haiti it's a proud nation the first slave colony to become independent in the 18th century it was called sand armor and belonged to the French it was the most prosperous colony in the world at the time turning out a huge number of crops which were keeping the perfumed elite in Paris very well-fed indeed it was estimated that one in eight people in metropolitan France out there living directly or indirectly to the produce of Haiti roofs and among it was called the pearl of the Antilles in 1791 the slaves of Haiti rise up in revolution against the French colonial system under the leadership of Toussaint L'Ouverture jean-jacques Dessalines they fight against all the odds to liberate their country they actually expelled the French army when it was at its height this was an absolutely incredible situation and yet the Haitian slaves rose up and defeated them expelled them the slave armies defeated not just the French plantation owners French armies but also the Spanish British the Americans who had all of the superpowers of the year in 1804 the slaves of sanderman finally win their independence and the nation of Haiti is born the Malcolm X Martin Luther King referred repeatedly back to the Haitian Revolution as being a kind of an ideal and it was it was a fantastic achievement but when Francois Duvalier is just eight years old Haiti loses her independence in July 1915 with America's entrance into World War one on the horizon the United States occupies the country and for black Haitians like Duvalier it's a catastrophe the occupation was surprisingly severe harsh profoundly racist for young Duvalier the lack of respect for the Haitian people molds a hatred of the United States and all it stands for he grew up in a in a very cultured articulate black middle-class environment in class and this is precisely the class and the group that felt most aggrieved by the American occupation in 1934 the US military leaves Haiti and the country becomes independent once again it is also the year in which Duvalier completes his degree in medicine and begins a promising career serving the people of port-au-prince but his real passion a legacy of the u.s. occupation is black nationalist politics and he throws himself into a movement called noir ism [Music] essentially what new evasion was was the reaffirmation with pride of the African roots [Music] following his fascination with African heritage Duvalier starts to study Haiti's Creole religion voodoo voodoo is an essentially animistic religion that originates in West Africa people say that Haiti is 70% Catholic 30% Protestant but a hundred percent voodoo voodoo has a single creator deity bond dear but the supreme deity does not get involved with this world instead powerful demigods and spirits called Noir interact with humanity who are the spirits or the gods that the patient's pray to just as a Catholic would pray to the saint as to valley a studies voodoo rituals he gains a better understanding of how the religion dominates the lives of local people though he is never a true believer his fascination with the national religion will continuously grow on his rise to the pinnacle of power has always been an association in Haiti between volume and power most Haitians believe to this day that to have become president in the first place you must have made some kind of pact with the devil or with a dark side of Vodun [Music] Duvalier is a man full of contradictions he is fascinated by Haitian mysticism but he is also a modern medical man of science in 1944 he gets a scholarship to study public health medicine at the University of Michigan he will return as head of a program bringing modern medicine to the Haitian peasants afflicted by a crippling skin disease called yours up a dog came in and says I'm going to change that and using penicillin she changed her Duvalier becomes widely known traveling the country bringing his penicillin here to remote villages across Haiti Duvalier actually set out walking great distances on foot he had to subject himself to hardship to actually deliver his medical expertise to these people he established a reputation as a kind man a good man a man who could literally come into the community and make people well that's how he garden in Papa Doc because throughout the country of Haiti Papa Doc penicillin remedies and wiped out yours to the largely illiterate and superstitious population Papa Doc isn't curing them with medicine alone they think he must have mysterious voodoo abilities people couldn't believe it was just the medicine doing it they believed that Papa Doc had a special power in him it's a turning point for Duvalier he realizes that he can use his newly won reputation to gain total power [Music] in 1946 dr. Francois Duvalier known affectionately as Papa Doc begins to climb the Haitian political ladder he becomes Minister for health under a fellow law arist president de marsay estimate [Music] but just four years later the army overthrows president estimize regime and pass a dog leaves political office Colonel Paul Magua is installed as the new president Duvalier goes into hiding where he secretly begins plotting his own path to power in a country where few are literate he takes the opportunity to study political writings from Marx to Machiavelli mycav le told him is better to be feared than to be loved he learnt that he practiced him it's a lesson that will reshape the peasant doctors identity transforming him into a force of evil primed to take power by any means necessary [Music] in 1956 Francois Duvalier's nemesis Haitian president Colonel Magua is himself overthrown by the army and flees the country under an interim government the country trembles on the brink of Civil War what elections for president are called Duvalier emerges from hiding and goes to the newspaper office of Bernard I'd reach he was very quiet he was gentle in a way he announced that he was a candidate for the presidency his initial objectives were entirely honorable and he probably was an idealist and he probably felt that he could do good things in power Duvalier is standing as a champion of the impoverished black majority against Louis de Joie considered to be a representative of the country's lighter-skinned elite he made it the fight of black versus mulatto in a country where 90% of the people are black Papa Doc was a shoo-in [Music] [Applause] on September 22nd 1957 the kindly doctor Duvalier who cured so many sick people wins a landslide victory [Music] I had no idea that there was two sides to this man I mean he really fooled us all it's the beginning of decades of dictatorship for Haiti [Music] Oh God we had no idea what it was going to be like it was murder [Music] as he takes his seat as president of Haiti Duvalier knows that it's not a secure position if you look at the track record of of presidents in Haiti it's not very good I mean most of them were short-term at least two of them were actually chopped pieces by the populace out of 22 heads of state between 1843 and 1915 only one completes his full term in office even the hero of the Haitian Revolution general jean-jacques Dessalines met a hideous fate des Lee himself after two or three years in power was actually dismembered in the streets of port-au-prince and fed to the pigs Papa Doc is determined to be different it was very quick the transition from from bumbling country doctor to ruthless dictator the valet came to realize that the only way to exercise power in Haiti was to be utterly ruthless so I think that was a kind of pragmatic decision that he raged Duvalier quickly sets out to remove the obvious threats to his power first up the army he knew that the army with the kingmakers and he needed to make sure that the people in the key position the army were his appointees he sacks the top officers but for now at least they get away with their lives that was the start of the way that he was going to operate throughout his presidency to have successive and unpredictable purges of those who thought they were secure you thought they were there in his favors just months after Papa Doc's inauguration shots ring out near the palace it looks like his insecurity is justified DeVoe was under threat almost from the start former army officers seized the barracks next to the palace and attempt a coup it happened early in the morning so I went down to the palace and there was all hell breaking loose with 50 caliber machine gun fire the word spread around that there were 200 rebels fortunately for the valley most of the coup attempts if you like work comic opera affairs it turns out the coup is not being launched by 200 rebels but only 8 Duvalier crushes them easily it's a pivotal moment he decides that he just cannot trust the army and needs a new force of his own to secure his power he felt extremely vulnerable and he felt he was in need of a patrol Ian's guard Evalia decides the he needs his own gang and that gang has to be meaner and bigger and tougher than the army Papa Doc orders the creation of the volunteers for national security the force will become better known by the name of an ogre from Haitian folklore the tonton Macoutes the first group of Macoutes was taken out of the National penitentiary there were murderers these people who had were serving time and they were recruited from there and given weapons and a blank check to do whatever the value asked them to do the signature emblem of the tonton Macoutes was a shades they always wore which gave them a particularly sinister than here the tonton Macoutes become a key pillar of Duvalier's regime in time they will outnumber the regular army but running his militia is expensive now Duvalier needs money and he needs weapons but the best source of cash is the country he hates most America the United States has no love for his regime but then Duvalier gets unlucky brittle in January 1959 Fidel Castro wins his revolution Cuba just 50 miles across the windward strengths from Haiti shores becomes communist the rise of Castro and the Cuban Revolution was an absolute boon for Duvalier because it took the heat off him in terms of the State Department worrying about the Caribbean Duvalier tells the Americans that he is staunchly anti-communist but he might not always stay that way we use it as constant threat hanging over the Americans to say oh well you know if you don't give me another sort of 50 million dollars in in aid I might just have to look elsewhere maybe East you know or maybe to our friends over the windward strings Papa Doc's blackmail works the United States sends millions in financial aid and a detachment of Marines to train his forces with the country he hates now bolstering his regime it seems that Duvalier is secure [Music] but he has an Achilles heel Papa Doc is a diabetic on May 24th 1959 he collapses and falls into a coma [Music] it lasts for some nine hours eventually Duvalier's right-hand man clémence babu administers a glucose injection Papa Doc regains consciousness his life was saved in terms of the initial first aid by kim babu and then by the Americans who treated him I believe at Guantanamo but the president wakes up a changed man he was in a coma for quite a long period and there is some evidence that this may have created some brain damage or some long-lasting change in his behavior Papa Doc is about to go from ruthless to madly evil after that illness he became a different person Papa Doc begins to behave as a powerful voodoo demigod or you are Baron Samedi [Music] by oMG is the head of the cemetery is one of the most powerful voodoo gods down somebody in Haitian folklore is the ultimate terrifying figure he he is the person who stalks the graveyard at night he's into Haitian Grim Reaper Papa Doc used to dress himself in black all the time officially and with a big humbug hat and he said just like Bower Sundy is portrayed that when somebody himself was meant to speak in a particular way it was a particular location lisping suitable voice Divali himself started to affect precisely that voice oh man Dhananjay wanna play at today's yes it becomes clear to some near him that Duvalier has gone mad he was clearly unbalanced I think he becomes paranoid about everything and everyone [Music] [Applause] the first sign of his change comes when Duvalier decides to overturn the Constitution which allows him only one term in office [Music] he calls elections in 1961 and there is only one name on the ballot for president Francois Duvalier our elections it's a farce it was a ritual to celebrate France party value is regime Papa Doc wins the election by an incredible 1.3 million votes to zero the New York Times reports that Latin America has witnessed many fraudulent elections throughout its history but none more outrageous than the one which has just taken place in Haiti it's a victory that sets up his second term to be far more evil than the first that's when the regime becomes totally brutal absolutely paranoid that is the beginning of utter violence using the army and his private militia the tonton Macoutes Papa Doc establishes a reign of terror brutality became institutionalized and pervasive throughout the island Duvalier's tonton Macoutes infiltrate every stratum of Haitian society it was a system that probably similar in terms of silencing the population as dasta's in East Germany [Music] the main purpose of this terror is simple greed even though Haiti is desperately poor Papa Doc and his cronies set about milking it dry millions of dollars in taxes and aid vanish into the pockets of his regime it is all about money I think it would be wrong to dignify Diwali RISM with the name of an ideology it wasn't really like knowledge it was generalized kleptocracy it was the mob running a country the people who suffer suffered most were really the poorest patient there were thousands of anonymous victims of Diwali people being tortured to death and shot and murdered because they wouldn't give their daughter to the local markets or because they wouldn't give their business of noon tomorrow nobody knows how many people that the macaw is killed the dictator is now increasingly paranoid lurking most of the time in his heavily fortified palace [Music] when he does venture out it is under heavy guard to show that he cares for his people he hands out petty cash it's his way of proving to himself how much his people love him I mean I remember Diwali in his car throwing money at people and people running to get him you know the dollar something like that to me that was utter indignity [Applause] Washington has been providing millions of dollars a year in aid to Haiti but it's clear that the money is being siphoned off President Kennedy decides he has had enough of the mad dictator Papa Doc Kennedy was really anti Duvalier and was doing everything possible to get rid of him Kennedy cuts financial aid and looks for ways to reintroduce democracy it seems that Papa Doc's time in office may be running out but then the unthinkable happens when Kennedy was assassinated in the 22nd of November Papa Doc Duvalier had champagne and his palace with his psycho fence [Music] incredibly Papa Doc claims the assassination is all down to him [Music] he explains that he put a voodoo curse on Kennedy and that it's no coincidence the president was killed on November the 22nd he did everything on the 22nd the 22nd was his lucky day he got elected on September 22nd he was nauseated October 22nd and he purported to have killed Kennedy on November 22nd 1963 his boasting is designed to reinforce the idea that no matter how powerful they may be the fate of anyone who opposes Papa Doc is death if your president is in some sense anonymous with this supernatural taker of lives then he is not to be messed with with Kennedy gone the pressure from the United States is off Papa Doc Duvalier soon realizes he has other problems 13 young Haitians based in New York decide that now they have to take matters into their own hands calling themselves the gern Haiti or young Haiti they set sail for their homeland in summer 1964 June 8 see movement felt that they had lost a great supporter and they didn't feel that the Johnson administration would push through with program that can be had four hits most of the gern Haiti have lost family to Papa Doc's brutal regime inspired by Castro's success in Cuba they land in Haiti an attempt to start a revolution 13 of them left New York and went to Haiti to carry out guerrilla movement just like Castro did in the Sierra Maestra they were going to dirt in the mountains of Haiti [Music] but the rebels quickly discover that the geography of Haiti is not well suited to guerrilla warfare with the mountains of Haiti they were not as wooded Sierra Maestra and Papa Doc who had his goals throughout Haiti tracked them down one by one the members of the journey Haiti are killed the first to die is a van'll Iraq his body is returned to Papa dr. he actually left a stinking body in an armchair outside the arrivals hall of port-au-prince International Airport so that the few tourists that Haiti got at the time went through passport control went out to get their taxi only to be confronted by this decaying rotting body for months the gern haiti struggle on in the mountains eventually 11 of the group are killed in the remaining two captured they are returned to Porto press where the execution is set for November 12th 1964 [Music] Duvalier declared a public holiday told schoolchildren schoolteachers that they had to bring their school children to watch the executions this is how we deal with the enemies of Haiti the executions were filmed were played on television for weeks afterwards Marcelle Numa a graduate of the Bronx Merchant Marine Academy and Louie druwa a finance graduate and bank worker in New York are defiant to the bitter end the executioner was typical of Duvalier since rather macabre sense of theater that if you could if you could stage an execution then televise it and to make it even more grotesque bringing a group of school children to witness it because then the impact throughout Haiti would have been immensely I remember watching on TV the live execution of Marcela Numa and you see this way I mean here you have two guys who are standing you know with their hands in their back and then all of a sudden they they should have demanded default that that that has never been able to be erased from my mind it's like yesterday I was seeing the tyrant discovers that most of the revolutionaries come from the town of Jeremy a stronghold of Opposition Papa dog unleashes his horrific vengeance on the town Suganya was someone who relished revenge he wasn't one to enjoy cold I mean he preferred it hot families were taking children and wives kill first with their husbands watching and then the husband's cut it softly how many people died but it's probably in the thousands it tells you something about you valuing that is that he wanted punishment to be exemplary and therefore the more blood-curdling the more violent the more indiscriminate the more effective it was by the end of 1964 Duvalier has killed thousands of people and has got what he always wanted total power [Music] inside Haiti there is simply no opposition left there is nothing that can stop his evil regime I think I think by this period Duvalier could be defined as megalomania power is is everything there is no alternative he can't leave because retire he's got to stay there so whatever it takes he will do yet total power is not enough for Papa Doc he wants to be more than a president he wants to become a god [Music] in June 1964 the tyrannical president Francois Papa Doc Duvalier moves to take total and perpetual control of the country he's used brutal violence to hold on to power for almost seven years already even overturning the Constitution to allow himself a second term in office [Music] now he goes further holding a constitutional referendum to make himself president for life unsurprisingly he wins with 99.9 percent of the vote I have been elected for president for life it is not my desire but it is an eye on oil on the Haitian people paradox madness now goes to new and truly extreme levels addressing the nation he delivers a bombshell he declares that he is more than human he is an immaterial being bullets cannot hurt him he was essentially saying that he was eternal you are some sort of spirit overing over paid Papa Doc is now stating openly what many Haitians already believe that he is an incarnation of the dreaded voodoo Lua Baron Samedi guardian of the graveyard violence may have won him his position as president for life but what will keep him there is food ooh Duvalier has more power in Haiti than the farms the weapons the man heaven Papa Doc used voodoo to control a nation ever since the yours campaign and dressing up as Baron Samedi Papa Doc has played on the perception that he has supernatural powers the vision here for himself was full control of the society through mystical power Papa Doc starts creating myths about himself rumors circulate that Duvalier makes a journey into the hills he goes to a cave known as the true fubar it's a sacred voodoo site where he is believed to have found something terrifyingly useful they brought back from pro football a bunch of demons called baka and he had them installed they lived and what they did there but they lived in the in the cellars of the National Palace the idea that he's got these demons ready to unleash is quite a disincentive to revolt more rebellion Papa Doc needs to demonstrate to his people that he really does have Budhu powers so he orders his men to hijack a funeral and steals the casket of his former friend and sometime political rival Clemens you man sooner story starts circulating about how he closets himself in a room whose room Elle's corpse and appears to communicate with him Papa Doc is letting people think he has power to even talk to the dead death in Haiti for many peoples is not natural so people think that the valley had made a zombie rog Mel [Music] for his voodoo rituals Papa Doc often does not need the whole body sometimes he demands that the decapitated heads of his enemies are brought to him again bizarre rumors circulate about what he does with them de Valley became convinced that you could actually extract intelligence from the heads of political enemies he would actually sit in the bath sometimes complete with top hat and consult the head of this opponent the purpose of these rituals is to scare his uneducated and superstitious nation his Duvalier so mad that he actually believes in them to some who knew him say he does not but what is beyond doubt is that he knows how to use voodoo the very used to smile because he was an atheist he didn't believe in guru he didn't believe in anything just power to have peace and stability you soon have a strong man in every country by the end of the 1960s Papa Doc is more than president for life he has his people thinking he is almost a god but there is one force he cannot evade his own mortality he's as so terrified murdered how the opposition that the only enemy really left is the grim reaper in his own failing health unlike most dictators Duvalier may get to rule until the end of his natural life the trouble is he's now in his early 60s Riven with diabetes congestive heart failure and brain damage from his coma in 1959 so now he sets about securing a legacy for himself and his brutally corrupt regime by the beginning of the 1970s Papa Doc's voodoo persona dominates Haiti people believe but he really is Baron Samedi the whole of you fellas it was about the establishment of terror and it was a terror that was inside people's heads people were even afraid to think that thoughts about value [Music] Papa Doc's brutal regime may have killed 30,000 Haitians but the official line is that Duvalier is a living God across Haiti amonia Muntz to the ego of the tyrant his name is spelled out in lights of the National Palace although the president for life move comes the cult of personality where Duvalier wants to project himself as almost synonymous with the country no praise is too great for the supreme Papa Doc they fell over each other to to invent new superlatives to describe him master of the crossroads the Haitian flag floating and the man who sees forever the Lord's Prayer is rewritten as a prayer to Papa Doc so our doc who art in the National Palace all the while that people are being made to worship Him the tyrant is sucking the nation dry stealing millions of dollars a year from the Haitian people this basically took the form of extortion of taxes on everybody the businessmen on peanut vendors anybody who get money even a few cents it all mounted up one of the most grandiose excuses for extra taxation is a whole new town Duvalier Ville it's intended to be a show of modernity and hope for Haiti but never gets finished this money went pretty much directly into the pockets of Ali and his family and his and his cronies but Duvalier is still a trained doctor he knows that his own death is around the corner so he sets about securing his legacy it was something that happened fairly quickly but systematically Papa Doc's eldest son jean-claude is still a teenager brought up in the palace living a life of luxury and cut off from the concerns of normal Haitians nevertheless his father decides that he will inherit the presidency prior to dr. John food was one simply as a kind of a fat Playboy he appears in public with his son and anoints him officially as the next president for life [Music] on April 21st 1971 the tyrant Papa Doc dies peacefully in his bed his son jean claude becomes baby doc and will continue the corrupt Duvalier regime for another 15 years ultimately he is overthrown and dies of a heart attack aged 63 while awaiting trial for his crimes Papa Doc's true legacy is that he destroyed a dream and unleashed a nightmare his crimes haunt Haiti to this day I think Haiti was was permanently scarred and disfigured by Giovanni Haiti is now the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere crippled by a lack of education and wracked by political chaos these solutions were destroyed the families were destroyed the country now all was destroyed the only one from the benefit from those atrocities was himself how evil was Papa Doc I think divine he was evil incarnate you
Channel: criminals and crime fighters
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Keywords: Evolution of Evil, Evolution of Evil Documentary, Evolution of Evil Season 1, Evolution of Evil Papa Doc, Evolution of Evil Papa Doc Duvalier, Evolution of Evil full episode, Evolution of Evil Channel, Evolution of Evil Papa Doc Documentary, Evolution of Evil Papa Doc Duvalier Documentary, Evolution of Evil Papa Doc Duvalier Haiti, Evolution of Evil Papa Doc Duvalier Government, Evolution of Evil Haiti Crime, Evolution of Evil Haiti Government, Evolution of Evil Haiti Documentary
Id: pNcipLHJ0po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 58sec (2998 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 30 2018
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