Evolution Of Evil E05: Adolf Hitler | Full Documentary

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Adolf Hitler is the very personification of evil Hitler is the most genocide Lee evil dictator that there ever was he is responsible for the deaths of six million Jews hundreds of thousands of Slavs gypsies homosexuals and people with mental and physical disabilities the screams the horror of men women and children piled on top of one another horror scenes worse than Dante's Inferno will be enacted this is the story of a man so diabolical he convinces a nation of sophisticated civilized people to be complicit in his sickening crimes planned organized industrial scale destruction of a whole people that is new that is something horrific aleinu and how a man born like any other can turn into the most malevolent dictator the world has ever seen as soon as the soviets break through the German front in early 1945 the outcome of World War two is true the Nazi Fuhrer Adolf Hitler knows defeat is inevitable even so on January the 30th the 12th anniversary of his assumption to power he makes one last public address I expect every German to do his duty to the last and that he be willing to take upon himself every sacrifice he will be asked to make for 10 minutes Hitler warns his people that after the war the European nations would not be able to withstand Bolshevism and calls on them to rise up against the Soviets even if it means all of Germany will come crumbling down it was a Samson who wanted to pull down the pillars of the temple upon him for the Fuhrer he and the German state are one what he wants it wants and if he dies it must die too so Hitler orders his men to carry out the Nero decree the destruction of his country's infrastructure as a punishment for its defeat yet the lingering question to this day is not that this madman is losing the war but how someone who holds such deranged views came to power in the first place in the spring of 1889 in a small apartment in Bern now on the in Austria a town near the German border adult Hitler is born the fourth of what will be six children for this devout Roman Catholic family young Adolf is quickly acquainted with death as he witnesses three brothers and a sister died in infancy then there's his father Alois he was someone who would come back home having had a drink and would be violent would be abusive he didn't spare the rod he thrashed Hitler teaching him from very early on that Mike was right and that strength and brutality were allied to domination some beatings are so bad that his mother Clara throws herself across her son to take the blows herself according to her doctor Edouard Bloch she was above all absorbed in the care of her children and although Adolf was not a mother's boy in the usual sense I have never witnessed a closer attachment [Music] in 1900 Hitler moves to Lintz and enters high school where he is introduced to a doctrine that will influence him his entire life it will give him a sense of purpose he never had he had a history teacher called Leopold pooch who was fired up with the idea of German nationalism Austria is part of a vast empire with ancient roots Germany is then a newly created country dating from just 1866 both peoples speak the same language and a radical idea is dawning that the two should become one it was melding together extreme nationalism and patriotism to make a person believe in their country passionately and be part of their racial community [Music] Hitler took that idea that the Germans should be united together in this kind of pan German greater German ray in 1907 at just 16 years old Hitler leaves school for the Austrian capital Vienna one of Europe's greatest cities the young Hitler is armed with a thick set of drawings determined to train at the prestigious Academy of Arts over 100 candidates apply 28 are to be chosen he submits drawings these were examined in the notes that they left examiner's they say reasonable drawings heads very poorly done no great talent we do not recommend admission rejection is followed by a deep personal loss when his mother Clara dies of cancer then comes a final blow he is rejected by the Academy again the second rejection is the more disturbing world because this was absolute now he had no chance returning Hitler plunges into a deep depression he makes no attempt to find a job and joins the multitude of men out of work finally he ends up in a homeless hostel an experience that will brutalize him forever I owe it to that period that I grew hard and I'm still capable of being hard to survive he sells pictures of Viennese buildings and he also becomes a close observer of politics he is repelled but fascinated by the growing socialist movement he really thought unless the rice can find an antidote to this we're gonna have a communist world he's especially intrigued by one of their tactics [Applause] what did influence him was the way that the Socialists used violence on the streets to make sure that they got their point across I achieved an equal understanding of the importance of physical terror to what the individual and the masses other observations start stirring in Hitler's head Vienna in 1910 has a huge Jewish population there are more than 175,000 Jews living in the city and Hitler starts to loathe them wherever I went I now saw Jews and the more I saw the more sharply they set themselves apart in my eyes from the rest of humanity I had ceased to be a weak-kneed cosmopolitan and became an anti-semite at a mere 21 years of age the main building blocks of the Nazis evil ideology are coming together intense personal hardness extreme nationalism a belief in the use of violence and terror and a loathing of Jews Vienna was and remained for me the hardest though most thorough school of my life in it I obtained the foundations for a political view which never left me then in August 1914 comes an event that will affect Hitler and all german-speaking peoples in a most horrific way world war 1 at 25 he apparently joins the cheering crowds on the first day of the war there's a famous photo of him in the midst of a crowd in the audience Platts grinning broadly at the announcement that war had broken out smiling because he really thinks that Germany can make its bid for European power and he wants to be part of it and on that very day he signs up to fight for the German army the young German nationalist Adolphe Hitler joins a Bavarian Infantry Regiment as a messenger his job is to take vital information up to the front line of carrying messages was not a safe option the regiment suffered very very high casualties indeed and Hitler had found out that he wasn't a coward that he could stand the fact that bullets were whizzing all around him in his first year Hitler is awarded the coveted Iron Cross for bravery he also shows his characteristic refusal to compromise when German and British troops meet in no-man's land on Christmas Day 1914 to sing carols he will have no part of it how dare they said fraternize in a war these are the enemy you can't shake the hands of the enemy who were going to kill no this war was a fight to the finish and he wanted Germany to win it but in 1918 his luck runs out at the Battle of Ypres he's blinded by a British poisoned gas attack particularly virulent sort of gas called mustard gas which attacks the the the lungs the eyelids the soft tissues the wounded Hitler is transported to a military hospital in northern Germany for treatment usually when a soldier is particularly affected by that attack he is blinded but the blindness goes away in a few hours of days but strangely Hitler's eyesight doesn't return his doctors can't understand it one story goes they ask a leading German psychologist Edmund Forster to take a look at him Forster concludes that his blindness is hysterical not physical he prescribes that the only way to cure Hitler is to boost his ego Forster hypnotizes Hitler and tells him that he is blind but as God has made him an exceptional person he can regain his eyesight again through sheer willpower Hitler would have learned that despite his humble rank and his humble background he was a special being and the idea that he had been singled out by destiny for a special role in history Forster allegedly tells Hitler that he is the person who can make Germany great again it's a message that Hitler takes to heart he is not like forrester then holds a lit candle in front of hitler's eyes and says that if he can see the flame he's cured the mind game works Hitler's vision returns and he becomes convinced he is a man of destiny [Music] at the end of World War one corporal Adolf Hitler is some devastating news he says the trembling posture came in and said Germany had surrendered the war was over Germany at loss everything went black again before my eyes there followed terrible days and even worse nights in these nights hatred grew in me hatred for those responsible for this deed convinced he is a man of destiny Hitler makes a promise to himself when I was confined to bed the idea came to me that I would liberate Germany that I would make it great I knew immediately that it would be realized by 1919 the 30-year old Hitler returns to a Munich ravaged by war [Music] he believes that Germany only surrendered because it had been betrayed by left-wing politicians many of whom were Jews who plotted to ensure Germany's defeat he viewed that Armistice in 1918 as a stab in the back for the German military and had been done in his mind by the politicians of the center and crucially by the Jews [Music] true to his vile to make Germany great again he drifts into a fringe political party the German Workers Party [Music] they have no members of parliament and only a few hundred supporters but they do have rousing meetings in beer halls he loves their coolest bashing and rhetoric and their hatred of the Jews the party members quickly notice Hitler's passion as a speech maker and enlist him as their propaganda chief within a year it becomes known as the National Socialist German Workers Party what we now call the Nazi Party and Adolf Hitler is its leader [Music] once in charge Hitler starts to apply one of the lessons he learned in Vienna violence works he forms a paramilitary organization made up largely of disgruntled ex soldiers like himself is so-called Brownshirts or stormtroopers the Nazis paramilitaries were prepared to commit acts of thuggery and even of murder and this of course have called it very much with Hitler's own philosophy of force and violence at this stage Hitler's aim is to seize power by force not election so in 1923 he plans a coup his inspiration comes from Italy he particularly admires the rise of a new popular right-wing movement the fascists led by Benito Mussolini he saw Mussolini was this giant poser with his shaven head and everybody knew about Mussolini in the fascist party in October 1922 Benito Mussolini marches on Rome with his 30,000 black shirts and storms to power in Italy the evidence from Italy laws that power could be seized you didn't need to win it in the ballot box Hitler decides to do the same with his 600 stormtroopers he takes over a beer hall in Bavaria where the state Prime Minister Gustav von Kahr is holding a meeting as he enters the building he fires our shot into the ceiling and declares a national revolution then he marches into Munich to seize power the state police have been alerted and opened fire 14 Nazis are killed only wounded Hitler manages to escape but three days later he's arrested and sentenced to five years for treason it looks like he's finished Prison turns out to be a time of reflection for the future Fuhrer it's a chance to turn his extreme views into something that resembles a coherent political program [Music] with his fellow Nazi Rudolf Hess taking dictation he writes a book that will be read the world over mine camp it's a Dolf Hitler's blueprint for a new world order mine camp the seminal book of the Nazi movement and of Hitler personally a kind of mixture of autobiography and political manifesto it is the key document since all his ideas are there Hitler talks about how Germany is a racially superior nation it's an idea that comes from a bastardized version of Charles Darwin's concept of the survival of the fittest he claims that all true Germans belong to a race whose blood is stronger than that of all other peoples the Aryans proof of the Aryan superiority would be their ability to dominate other peoples he very much identified the Aryan idea with the modern Germans they were supposed to have physical characteristics such as blond hair blue eyes they were supposed to be tall and manly nature knows no political boundaries she puts living creatures on this globe and watches the free play of forces the stronger must dominate and not blend with the weaker thus sacrificing his own greatness they were the people who were going to be the master race in Nazi Germany and everybody else was coming lower down the pecking order and God help you if you were near the bottom to no surprise in Hitler's deranged universe the Jews are the people at the bottom as he refers to them a cancer eating away at pure German as' the Jews were prominent and they were involved in finance so banking and the loan system was tied up with Jews very easy therefore a bankrupt nation bankrupt in money and in ideas to turn on the Jews as the obvious explanation the personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew he denounces the Jews as the agents of Germany's downfall as an inherently corrupt enemy within who must be destroyed must be eliminated anti-semitism is nothing new in Germany or Austria but Hitler takes extremism to extremes even in the early 20s he is explicitly writing about his desire to wipe the Jews off the face of the earth he talks about Jews being held under poison gas so this is a very very chilling precursor of the actuality which came to pass 20 years later with the actual Holocaust Hitler argues that the Aryans racial superiority should drive his foreign policy first they should be allowed to take back all territory that was taken from Germany at the end of World War 1 and rebuild the army to become the most powerful in Europe then he goes further one of the most sinister ideas advanced in mine Kumpf was the idea of Lebensraum the German word for living space in Hitler's view the Germans have a right to seize land from the richly weaker peoples this means the Slavs in particular the Russians where was space to be found in the east the million square miles stretching across into Russia that's where Germany must expand by the time Hitler leaves prison he adds one other extraordinary idea to his set of beliefs he is not just an exceptional person he has become the Messiah at a celebration in 1926 he announces to his friends that he will complete the work that Christ had begun but had been unable to finish he even claims that he is visited by an almighty power who tells him that he has been chosen as Germany's Savior one day this belief will be shared by others there are churchmen right through to the collapse of Germany in 4445 who said that Hitler was the nearest thing to the redevelopment of the Christian principle in in action the idea that he is the chosen one now permeates Hitler's political campaigning as he attempts to take the Nazis from a party of violence to one that can win an election plane carrying him would circle over the stadium which he would speak and then he would come down like a messiah to send him from that the heavens he would then wait until the crowd was so silent that you could hear a pin drop before he launched gradually into iteration gradually building up to an enormous climax and this was enormous ly effective in winning the support of the masses slowly it starts to work the Nazis become one of the biggest political parties in power then in 1929 comes the event that will catapult Hitler into power The Wall Street Crash and the Great Depression Germany has hit worse than any other country when American banks withdraw their loans within a couple of years six million Germans were out of work and really on the bread line people start longing for a strong leader to see them out of this crisis so the Nazis surge in the polls in 1933 the Nazis become the largest party in Parliament leading to the once imprisoned political agitator Adolf Hitler being offered the role of Chancellor of Germany for a man with a god complex it's a position he uses to decide who will live and who will die [Applause] [Music] he got here by Democratic means but now that democracy has served its purpose it's time to put an end to it he persuades Parliament to grant him emergency powers and suspends the Constitution the German people have no idea of what horrors they're in for first he begins his creation of a German master race what Hitler wanted was a racially pure master race and of course this involves selective breeding it evolved the fittest in society it was the tallest the fastest the fittest in 1933 Hitler issues the law to prevent hereditarily diseased offspring it's a racial hygiene program to sterilize parents and potential parents deemed to be undesirables from having children 400,000 people are sterilized between 1933 and 1945 and these are ordinary German citizens because they don't fit the master race principle [Music] he then proclaims the Nazi Party is the only political party permitted in Germany and unleashes his stormtroopers 4000 Communist politicians and their supporters are beaten up imprisoned or murdered an action that destroys them as a political force now Hitler plots to eliminate all other political enemies even those on his own side amongst them is the head of his stormtroopers urns to rule Roma's million feet yes it is the only one her mitad to call him Adolf but Rome is making too many independent noises for his Fuhrer the pivotal moments in the creation of Hitler's dictatorship is the night of the Long Knives almost like a Don Corleone II evening with the aim of crushing the stormtroopers Hitler organizes a deadly trap he orders all the stormtroopers leadership Corps to attend a meeting in the pretty holiday town of bad vice a in the far south of Germany in the early morning hours he arrives at a lakeside hotel in the town with members of the SS his personal bodyguard together they make their way to Rome's room Hitler bursts in and says get up Ernst you're under arrest for high treason [Music] the following day he's back in Berlin hosting a tea party in the garden of the chance or me for his cabinet and their families as though all is normal and for a man as evilly deranged as Hitler it was but in reality over the last 24 hours roughly 200 senior si offices are arrested many as shot including then he turns on his opponents outside the party a code worded phone call sets in motion what will become one of the most notorious events in Nazi history [Music] Hitler eliminates members of the church and all his political enemies the former Chancellor general Schleicher is shot down in his own home the man who sabotaged the Beer Hall Putsch in 1923 Gustav von Kahr was dragged out of his house taken to a swamp and butchered with a pickaxe Hitler's actions hammer home that he really is a god-like supreme ruler of Germany he now has the power to decide who lives and who dies having wiped out all opposition he can now move on to the next phase of his revolution that he plotted in mine camp the elimination of the Jews at the annual Party rally held in Nuremberg in 1935 the Nazis launched new laws marriage between Germans and Jews is prohibited Jews are stripped of their citizenship and their civil rights Jews eventually were forced to wear the famous yellow stars brutal menacing stormtroopers stood at the entrance to the stores with placards saying don't buy from Jews three years later Hitler goes a stage further his stormtroopers unleash their unique brand of terror throughout Nazi Germany and Austria they call it the night of breaking glass Kristallnacht a thousand synagogues are burnt and 7,000 Jewish businesses are destroyed Jews themselves were physically attacked scores of them were killed swastikas were actually carved into their flesh 30,000 Jewish men are arrested and sent to concentration camps where most will perish for the first time the German people can see what Hitler's anti-semitism really means 250,000 Jews flee the country but over 200,000 still remain [Music] all the while Hitler is building up his military to seize more land for Leben Strasse the treatise at the end of World War one have limited Germany's forces to just a hundred thousand of troops [Music] but as he promises in mine camp he creates the most advanced army in Europe we have the whole of Germany militarized motorized rearming at a rapid pace under his direction and it is a country uh turley transformed Hitler now pushes through his foreign policy goals towards latency [Music] first he sends his troops into the Rhineland an area that had been part of Germany before World War one and has since been occupied two years later the annexes Austria fulfilling his schoolboy dream of uniting the German and Austrian people we need back the Rhineland really in Austria we need all the parts were taken from Italy there's a lodger and many people were convinced even Churchill said in logic Hitler had a case a year later Hitler seizes a part of Czechoslovakia with a large German population before pushing forward to take the rest of the country even though there are no Germans there Germany needs to expand needs to take territory mainly towards its East each time the result is the same Britain and France talk tough but do nothing so when they say that they will declare war if he invades Poland he ignores them on September the 1st 1939 Hitler attacks Poland World War two begins for the first time foreign leaders see what a madman Hitler really is never before has an invading army targeted civilians with such wholesale savagery as Hitler himself said this is a war of racial annihilation anybody in your way destroy so civilians as well as military can be destroyed the German Army's crimes are so horrific that at the time they have no name later they will be called crimes against humanity tens of thousands of poles are executed and within six weeks Poland is crushed two million Polish Jews now find themselves in Nazi hands awaiting their fate [Music] in the spring of 1940 Denmark surrenders and no way is taken from May through June Hitler's tanks overrun France and the Low Countries to Hitler these successes reinforce his personal belief that he is the Messiah for the Aryan people and remove any hesitation when it comes to Eve ad Stalinist Russia when June 1941 having primed his army with the idea that mass murder was going to be not only tolerated but encouraged he launched the attack on the Soviet Union the Fuhrer regards this invasion as Germany's final struggle for Laban strong the living space which he promised in mine camp and he commands his troops to flout the rules of war as Slavs are racially inferior to Aryans they do not deserve mercy Soviet prisoners of war are sent to starvation camps where 2.6 million perish from hunger and another half million are murdered even so the evil adolf hitler is truly capable of hasn't even started by July 1941 his armies have invaded Poland and the Soviet Union countries containing millions of Jews now at last he can enact the most evil of his racialist ideas that the Jews are a cancer that must be cut out in pursuit of Hitler's insane ideal of physical and mental perfection those who were deemed unworthy to be citizens of the new Reich were put to death ein SATs group a special death squads are sent in to murder the Polish and Russian Jews their victims are made to dig a trench a first wave gets into the trench and then are shocked the next group get in and are shot and are laid on top of the first group and on and on and something like one and a half million Jews are shot in that process it's known as sardine packing it's a means of eliminating the Jews that is both expensive and inefficient [Music] in top-secret Hitler's henchmen are experimenting with other forms of mass murder as a forerunner of what will become known as the final solution Hitler's plan for the annihilation of all European Jews the Nazis begin a secret euthanasia campaign to kill disabled children children with Down's syndrome or various other mental and physical disabilities will be taken away from their families taken to a special hospital where they would be put to death by lethal injections some five thousand innocent sick and disabled children are murdered by lethal injection administered by carefully selected nurses and doctors but this tune proves to be slow and expensive a [Music] secret department known as t4 is set up to find a way of killing as many people as possible quickly and quietly it tries out poison carbon monoxide gas in shower rooms were a further 70 thousand physically and mentally disabled men women and children are killed when the truth about the killing emerges people are distressed that their friends or family members might be targeted euthanasia went beyond what has been planned so much so that many Germans learning of it began to protest and he withdrew it the program in late 41 realizing that he'd gone beyond what they would accept their protests teach the fear of the Germans don't like see mass slaughter future killings will have to be well hidden far from Germany and he must not be directly associated with any of it these lessons will define how Hitler deals with the Jews he realizes if he wants to carry on his secret plan of extermination he must fool his people and give the appearance of the kind caring leader so he never personally signs a compromising document again he never ordered Holocaust there was no record there was no document with his third signature however everything was done was done in his name and so in Adolphe hitler's name the final solution is born the annihilation of all the Jews in Europe by December 1941 his final solution is under way a network of extermination camps is built in Poland names like Bell zetz Saba ball Treblinka maida neck and a schvitz represent the culmination of his racial evil theories [Music] Jews from all over Europe a roundup and taken to these camps on arrival there of course some would have died but were perished of hunger and thirst on the journey the cattle traps will be unlocked and the Jews would find themselves tumbling out onto the platform where they would be met by SS guards with whips and Holdings famished dogs on leashes they would be roughly separated into into groups families would be brutally torn apart then and there some pathetic attempts were made to disguise the horror of what was happening the gas chambers themselves were said to be delousing shower units so the Jews would take off their clothes and would be driven naked into the gas chambers the doors of the gas chambers would then be sealed the gas were turned on and horror scenes worsened Dante's Inferno would be enacted screams the horror of men women and children piled on top of one another a truly horrifying almost unimaginable scene planned organized industrial scale destruction of the whole people that is doing that is something i rific to you I think Hitler is uniquely the most genocide Lee evil dictator there ever was and fundamentally he was gonna kill as many people who were outside of his master race principle as he possibly could over the years the killing machine is refined from arrival to death of the Jewish prisoners now to less than an hour these death chambers were easily capable of killing 12,000 to 15,000 victims every day it culminates in the hell that is Auschwitz a schvitz beer canal most famous camp with that of that period down in southern Poland there are six death camps set up all within occupied Poland which are expressly designed for the mass killing of human beings it's just purely death they're not camps in which people work or the slave labor used these are just pure and simple death camps murder on such an industrial scale creates one particular problem Hitler needs mass participation it involved office workers train drivers transportation of people workers who worked in the camps Nazi bureaucrats who had wives back in Germany nobody could be unaware about what was going on in the Holocaust because of course it involved everyone to make the Holocaust socially acceptable Hitler's solution is to blame the Jews for their own destruction if the international Jewish financier should succeed in plunging the nation's once more into a world war then the result will not be the victory of Jewry but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe in that statement Hitler attempts to absolve the German people of any guilt the Jews are made responsible for their own misery by the end of 1944 six million Jews are murdered on his approval Hitler believes he's finally achieving his dream but ultimately he will be proved wrong those inferior people he soda tests are now closing in on him [Music] in 1945 Germany is being pummeled the Red Army are pushing towards Berlin and the fury it's an ultimate irony that the regime which was destined to last a thousand years in fact only lasted 12 and was in the end reduced to a underground bunker beneath the shattered ruins of Hitler's Chancellery in the middle of Berlin it's a sort of grotesque bizarre picture of a demented dictator in the last days of his life ruling what was by then a phantom right in the end he wanted total destruction his view was in the ruthless struggle for life Germany had failed him and therefore Germany deserved to die when he died for the Nazi Messiah Adolf Hitler his victories are long gone leaving him reduced to a doddery old man high on a cocktail of drugs Hitler is in this bunker like a cornered rat and at his last meal with his secretaries he is talking not about the fate of the German Reich not about the extermination the Jews he's actually the subjects of his conversation is the ideal breeding of dogs and the fact that in his view lipstick is manufactured in France from excrement this straight from the walls of the Paris sewers one by one his loyal crew knees abandon him one of the few people left is his mistress Eva Braun who he refuses to marry until the day before they commit suicide before his remaining advisors the bride and groom swear they are both of pure Aryan descent shortly after 3:00 p.m. on the last day of April 1945 Hitler and his wife Eva withdraw to his private apartment in the bunker he hands her a cyanide capsule the decision is made they will end their lives together Eva takes the poison and Hitler shoots himself with his Walther PPK so ends the life of the most evil dictator the world has ever seen just over a week later on May the 8th 1945 Germany surrenders Hitler's war is the bloodiest in the history of the world and with the discovery of his death camps everyone learns the true evil of his regime Hitler was something uniquely different in history he was a man who brought ethnic cleansing and murder into the policy of a war the greatest testimony of how very wrong he was is modern Germany today it is stable democratic multicultural and tolerant everything that Hitler would have hated you
Channel: criminals and crime fighters
Views: 4,516,896
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Keywords: Evolution of Evil, Evolution of Evil Full Episode, Evolution of Evil Full Documentary, Evolution of Evil Documentary, Evolution of Evil Hitler, Evolution of Evil Adolf Hitler, Evolution of Evil Germany, Evolution of Evil Full Episodes, Evolution of Evil Adolf Hitler Documentary, Evolution of Evil Hitler Documentary, Evolution of Evil Germany Documentary, Evolution of Evil German History, Evolution of Evil German History Documentary, Evolution of Evil History Documentary
Id: k5VnaYN4-VE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 50sec (2990 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 27 2018
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