Evolution Of Evil E06: The Kim Dynasty of North Korea | Full Documentary

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Imagine living that life. It would suck. You would constantly be weary of assassination or a coup. Trusting no one at all times to the point you kill your own uncle out of fear.

I bet his fear is highest when he leaves his country. I would imagine they round up all key generals and contain them while Kim is in China or Vietnam. He also doesn't trust flying and will only ride in the train.

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/jumpinjimmie 📅︎︎ Jul 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
he's a man born into power the heart of the axis of evil Kim Jong Il was a paranoid psychopath one of the most evil dictators of all time he tortures and executes hundreds of thousands of his own people with his finger held closely to the button North Korea is a regime arming with missiles and weapons of mass destruction while starving its citizens it's about if you attack us we'll fire a nuclear missile at you and maybe finally enough of enough to do it this is the story of a man with an insatiable desire for power and fame a man raised to be a dictator who rules with sadistic cruelty North Korea's Kim Jong [Applause] [Music] [Applause] July the 8th 1994 at 82 years of age King LLL soon North Korea's dictator for 36 years is dead despite the reality of his regime which has been one of the most ruthless and tyrannical in the world has ever known Kim Ilsan is worshipped as a near God who North Koreans believe led them to victory over Japan in World War two and America in the Korean War with his death the world's first communist dynasty is born as his son Kim jong-il inherits the mantle of power north korea has its founding father who's died and gone to heaven where he presides and you have his living representative blood and spirit and the lineage goes on [Music] but Kim jong-il inherits a disastrous situation despite his father's attempts at total self-sufficiency North Korea has to rely on its communist neighbors buying its goods when the Soviet Union collapses in 1991 it has catastrophic effects on the North Korean economy compounded by several disastrous harvests that leave people across the country starving the myth of a socialist paradise is falling apart at the seams got involved with everything in politics who distribution gradually started to pay in the morning I would see more than 10 street kids lying dead on the way to work back then a lot of people died around me a lot of kids without parents died from starvation [Music] remarkably North Korean propaganda portrays the famine as an arduous March everyone is forced to go on including their new ruler Kim jong-il who has seen touring the country reportedly surviving on just a ball of rice a day he made the case that he almost more than anyone else was suffering from this arduous March this image of austerity was trying to give to his people did you know he had one outfit he ate such little amounts that he had no need to defecate to go to the bathroom anymore his body had adapted to not needing fuel but in reality while his people starve Kim jong-il is living the highlife he was having lobster flown in he was dining on French wine he was Hennessey's largest single paying customer this man liked his good food you know what's all I know he says the starving messes so you know he was literally like that it's the kind of evil where there is no feeling there's just emptiness those starving people howling out there mean nothing to me rather than introduce simple market reforms like China and Russia that would keep his people alive selfishly Kim Jong Il is only interested in his own survival he didn't do it because he believed that such a policy would make people too independent too difficult to control and in the end of the day too dangerous to finance his extravagant lifestyle and keep himself in power he runs the government like a mafia style criminal enterprise [Music] there was talk of their involvement in various illicit activities everything from ivory trading through to being one of the largest producers of meta amphetamine then probably the world's finest ever forges of hundred dollar bills American hundred-dollar bills I think this is one of the great contradictions of the time of Kim Jong Il you can create perfect fake hundred-dollar bills and yet you know you can't grow enough corn to to feed the population [Music] while Kim enriches himself he deviously comes up with a way of getting someone else to pay to keep the North Korean people alive he's going to terrify the West into sending them food as well as building the world's fourth biggest army Kim Jong Il's secretly develops nuclear weapons [Music] North Korea all along intended to become a nuclear State their objective was to create a bargaining position a leverage that and that they were willing to give this up for some kind of guarantees of regime survival Kim make sure the West knows exactly what he's up to usually what they do is they start leaking the information about the nuclear program deliberately so and maybe test a nuclear and slash for missile test they suggest negotiations as a way to solve the crisis these himself had just created a most of the world signed lease relief and give them concessions through clever nuclear brinkmanship Kim jong-il gets his most hated enemy to bail him out when American aid comes into the country the people of North Korea are told that these are reparations from the Americans for their attack their imperialistic attack on North Korea in the Korean War and even though food is now pouring in Kim jong-il continues to escalate his nuclear arsenal it's about if you attack us if you do anything to us that we don't like we'll fire a nuclear missile at you game over and maybe just maybe I'm unstable enough and mad enough and enough of enough to do it the North Korean dictator's nuclear threat isn't just to get the world to feed his people his country has been so cut off it's regarded as irrelevant in world affairs but nukes get him noticed it feeds his ego Kim jong-il was a master manipulator at the international level and he loved that aspect of making America you know sub-dominant to him submissive to him and we want to make sure he didn't have nuclear weapons he ended up with him anyway it's the cruel contradiction of Kim Jong Il's North Korea while billions are spent on the army and nukes his people are terrified and starving surviving only through international handouts in 2002 kim jong-il reaches out to japan for talks about aid as a former sworn enemy he feels he needs to offer them something first but what he offers is a startling admission of guilt he says in the 1970s his secret agents kidnapped Japanese citizens including Megumi Yokota who was only 13 years old at the time because Kim jong-il had become obsessed with spy he wanted adventures usually completely unnecessary the worst example was decision to kidnap a large number of Japanese citizens to be used as language teachers for the North Korean spies in crane at least 13 Japanese citizens were abducted as a North Korean government eventually admitted itself but this seems to be only part of the total which is probably a few dozen it's a level of state-sponsored depravity the rest of the world could barely believe but it's only what you'd expect from a man raised to be a dictator [Music] right from the get-go the future North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il's life is based on a lie the official state report says he's born in circumstances that would make even Jesus blush it's said that when Kim jong-il was born a glacier on the lake on Mount paektu which is the most famous mountain in Korea cracked double rainbow appeared in the sky a new star appeared in the heavens cranes which is the national bird of of Korea flew across the sky to announce the birth of Kim Jong Il the reality is he's born in the fog of World War two Kim jong-il was born Yuri Kim on the Soviet military base near kebabs but it's impossible to admit it for the North Koreans so they made up a story about him born on the Korean soil his father Kim il-sung is a commander fighting for the Communist resistance struggle in the Far East of Russia with Soviet backing Kim's aim is to liberate the Korean Peninsula from Japanese control in 1945 Japan is forced to surrender after America brings the country to its knees but when Kim Jong Il's father Kim ill soon returns to North Korea the story of his son's birth isn't the only lie his people are fed it is a consistent distortion of history crooked eminence many North Koreans actually believe that Japan was defeated in World War two by Kim il-sung's resistance movement with the Americans firmly in control in the south of the peninsula and the Russians and Chinese supporting Kim il-sung in the North Korea becomes divided [Music] the future dictator Kim jong-il is just four years old when his father brings the family to the new northern capital Pyongyang communist propaganda depicts his childhood as heroic under his father's glorious rise to power but it couldn't be further from the truth according to reports from defectors some say his descent into evil begins at an early age in 1948 Kim jong-il and his younger brother are allowed to play together in the pool behind the family's mansion for whatever reason something goes horribly wrong there horseplay turns nasty [Music] the younger brother drowns it's rumoured kimandjohn ill is responsible if there's the possibility that he actually drowned his brother it shows that antisocial acts and that even murder will not be to remove from his daily behavior this story has always been spun in two different ways it has often been presented by those wishing to attack Kim jong-il as he is inherently evil however that gets spun another way which is to sort of show again his Hardman credentials that you know you don't want to mess with Kim jong-il don't take on Kim jong-il having seemingly little feelings for the loss of his brother it is the loss of another close family member just a year later the truly devastates Kim jong-il in 1949 when he is just seven his mother suffers complications from an ectopic pregnancy and dies if he had a mother he would have had a sort of controlling hand and without that it seems he kind of grew up in a world where you know interacting with him was very dangerous for everyone else and very safe for him it leaves the young Kim desperate for his father's attention but Kim Ilsan has more pressing concerns a doll on June 25th 1950 he begins one of the most brutal and pointless conflicts of the 20th century [Music] the Korean War is as close to a third world war as we've ever seen Kim il-sung invades the South determined to turn it communist as an american-led united nations army pushes him back seeing their communist ally in trouble China invades and pushes the Americans back the war ends in stalemate no peace treaty is ever signed people forget that the Korean War has never technically ended so many families were split between those in North Korea and those in South Korea and for those families in South Korea it was as if the other side of their family had gone into a black hole both sides agree to a demilitarized zone that still divides the two countries today the Korean War instills in Kim il-sung and his son kim jong-in a lifelong fear and loathing of America [Music] they go on to build a vast million man army to make sure the north can never be invaded again [Music] one of the major ways that they maintain power is through a sort of theatrical victimhood everything is always about this continued struggle that the struggle against American imperialism that dates back to the Korean War in their minds the Demilitarized Zone is actually the most heavily militarized border in the world a four kilometer wide 120 kilometer long stretch of uninhabited countryside the DMZ is a strip that goes across the middle the countries separating the two armies and it's the most completely miss named piece of real estate in Korea's one there was an American general here many years ago commander-in-chief of US forces famously used to say to the press there ain't nothin Dee about that m-z skirmishes are frequent just a few years after the zone is introduced American South Korean and North Korean troops are involved in an ugly confrontation [Music] with the war and the DMZ isolating the country North Korea decides to go it alone myeongun Eustaquio first needle kim ill sung decrees North Korea must now be entirely self-sufficient never again relying on China or Russia to bail it out in 1955 he declares a policy of North Koreans self-reliance known as goochy goochy theory United the country under a blend of Marxism Leninism Korea mythology and of course Confucianism under duty North Korea will feed itself armed itself and develop without any input from the rest of the world it's a system Kim il-sung uses to establish a one-man rule over the country the masses must now submit to the great leader but while he becomes a father to a nation he's not much of a father to his son Kim jong-il is desperate for his attention and approval but the supreme leader has started a new family he becomes both spoiled and resentful Kim jong-il grew up very sheltered and wasn't told no and one could imagine that you need to be told no to develop some sort of boundaries on what you can do and what you can't do and of course if you've been raised by the supreme leader imagine what that's gonna do to your ego as a member of the communist elite he isn't forced into 10 years of military service like other boys his age instead he develops an interest in the arts it said he becomes obsessed with Elvis Presley and wanting to be a star himself [Music] he demands his father's diplomats bring him foreign films completely banned to the rest of the population [Music] you watched everything from Japanese gangster flick some erotic flicks to Hollywood to Bollywood but it seems like he preferred you know the kind of Hollywood blockbuster mainstream films the James Bond films were his favorite films he loved a Rambo he would probably make a good movie producer nonetheless he was born to be a dictator after graduating from the Kim il-sung University in 1964 Kim jong-il is given a position in the Workers Party his father soon promotes him to a government role he thinks he'll enjoy you know son realized that you know this kid's been sitting in cinemas his whole childhood he's obsessed with films and Kim jong-il found himself suddenly catapulted from civil servants with no clear role into running the whole of the country's propaganda system it's the perfect position for a young man desperate to ingratiate himself with his father he wants to spread the myth of him as a god-like figure who won the Korean War by elevating him to such Heights Kim Jong Il hopes to one day take the reins of power himself [Music] he orders statues and paintings of kim ill sung to be displayed throughout North Korea every single hole should display portrait of Kim il-sung and these portraits had to be treated cleaned and replaced according to specially designed rules and it was a crime not to follow such rules thanks to Kim Jong ill the cult of personality takes hold throughout the country he was the one who intensified the personality cult of the father to the point that even visiting Soviets and Chinese who were okay with Stalinism and Maoism thought man this is over the top is kind of the mirror image of a religion of the worst sort it is like a cult and the founding father remains as the supreme from being in the ecology by building up the cult of his father Kim jong-il hopes he will one day be anointed his successor his only fear is his younger stepbrother may be chosen instead so in maneuvering for the top job he takes out some insurance [Music] it's rumored he starts spying on his father he has kim ill sung bugged to see if he is secretly considering his stepbrother over him it enables him to identify and remove anyone who might not support his taking over [Music] nah Mill is a partisan who fought alongside Kim's father in World War two but when he starts asking questions about Kim Jong Il's suitability for the top job he dies in a mysterious car accident and according to Kim Jong Il's own nephew who defected when another official suggests that he should not succeed his father Kim jong-il has him shot these people were seen to be promoting one of his rivals so you've got rid of all of them sent him to camp sir killed him his stepbrother will be quietly sent abroad never to return at just 25 years of age Kim Jong ill is learning his father's blueprint of terror purging is absolutely key in the playbook of North Korean dictatorship Kim jong-il purged or forced people into exile or executed them or imprison them the purging goes all through society gradually the power Kim acquires behind-the-scenes goes to his head with his love of the movies he regards cinema as the perfect means of indoctrinating the North Korean people he wants to rival his hated enemies in South Korea who are now producing award-winning films to worldwide critical acclaim but the North just doesn't have the talent the handus dilemma which was his filmmakers couldn't really learn what you know was happening elsewhere in the world because he was keeping everybody hermetically sealed away from the world so Kim hatches a demented plan this is one of the most bizarre episodes the North Korea and certainly I would say counselor the most desire besides in the history of modern moviemaking che Anhui is South Korea's most glamorous and successful film actress one day she receives an unusual invitation to travel to Hong Kong the actress was approached by a filmmaker from Hong Kong who was essentially offering her script to direct the star in [Music] for several days jay is flattered and cajoled until she is asked to accompany the filmmaker to the Hong Kong coast where a top producer supposedly lives however it's all a trap [Applause] she fainted during the process she says and woke up on a ship with the beaming face of Kim il-sung looking down at her from a portrait taking her to North Korea after a six-day boat ride she finally understands the enormity of her situation because Kim jong-il has come to the North Korean coast to welcome her personally having got his South Korean star he now needs a director and who better than her estranged husband shin sang-ok South Korea's most famous filmmaker [Music] Shin is thrown into prison after also being kidnapped from Hong Kong in almost identical circumstances to change the North Koreans had a torture called the torture position in which an inmate was asked to sits legs crossed back straight to staring dead ahead 16 to 18 hours a day without moving a muscle or flinching and if he did he'd be beaten there punished and the logic behind it was that if he sat Stockstill that was the only way to think about your crime and to repent in total Shin was kept in jail almost three years Shin eventually agrees to direct films for kim jong ill if they release him Shin had just been freed from prison a couple of weeks earlier given new clothes fattened up with good food and was told by the people looking after him get ready Kim jong-il wants to meet you [Music] five years after she was kidnapped Kim jong-il arranges a party for Che to be finally reunited with shin sang-ok like making his own film with his victims as actors Kim directs the whole scene Oh somebody I want you to meet and he creates this drama can you imagine it there she is with the elite of North Korea party time and then in comes the kidnap her husband Kim jong-il who tells them come on what are you not gonna hug each other so scheana and Shay hug who kind of felt dazed and Kim's already dreamt up his glorious finale he bases him I got an idea when he get married again okay I think what I'll marry here you know this man's another shin and chain a force to make several films for Kim jong-il until they escape to the West in 1986 [Applause] by the 1980s Kim L soo is still dictator of North Korea a god to his brainwashed people but behind the scenes his health is ailing by removing all his rivals Kim jong-il has persuaded his father to choose him as his eventual successor but as someone with no military experience he must prove to the army he is worthy of leading he must establish himself as a hard man in a country where the military is is elevated to such a high position within the society he must prove that he is tough that might be completely without mercy towards his enemies inspired by his love of James Bond Kim Jong Il takes charge of North Korea's intelligence services because he never really left North Korea he sort of took what he saw in Hollywood films to beat realism he thought James Bond films were essentially docudramas about how espionage is done in the West he decides to try to finish the job his father started to attack the South seven South Korean cabinet ministers including the president are visiting the martyrs mausoleum in Rangoon to pay their respects to a hero of Burma's struggle for independence two days earlier Kim jong-il has sent his agents to plant a terrifying surprise for the service leaderless South Korea would be at Kim's mercy 21 people are killed including three members of the South Korean cabinet but the main target the president survives when his car is caught in traffic and he is late for the service obviously it was done on the assumption that such an assassination attempt would start a massive anti-government rebellion in South Korea of course it was a pipe dream by 1987 with America behind it South Korea is emerging as a successful and thriving economy and after years of dictatorship turning to democracy it's awarded the 1988 Olympic Games but Kim thinks they should hold it jointly with the north with the cold war still in full swing he's going to orchestrate a boycott North Korea's communist allies were meeting to decide whether to boycott the third Olympics you know Moscow got boycott by the West in 80 Los Angeles got boycott by the east in 84 Kim plots a way of making sure the Eastern Bloc vote to ruin South Korea's big day unknown to the passengers on board Korean Airlines flight eight five eight bound for Seoul North Korean agents plant a bomb before leaving the plane that assured stopped in Abu Dhabi a [Music] hundred and fifteen people mainly South Koreans are killed in Kim Jong Il's twisted mind he has given communist nations an excuse to boycott the Seoul Olympics the North Koreans were giving them a pretext he's too dangerous we've got planes dropping out of the sky this is a war zone but his demented scheme backfires South Korean intelligence agents trace Kim's bombers to a hotel room in Bahrain realizing they're about to be arrested they attempt to commit suicide with cyanide pills hidden in cigarettes one succeeds the other is stopped by the South Korean agents in the nick of time the female terrorist survives and confesses Kim jong-il had sent them she came off the plane with a one of those Asian type of master and I suspect underneath the mask was a leather gag that goes into route and it stops them biting out their tongue because a North Korean commandos are trained to bite their tongue and then bleed out with Kim's murderous tactics exposed Eastern Bloc countries vote to go to the South Korean Olympics the white house brands North Korea a state sponsor of terrorism but Kim jong-il doesn't care because on July the 8th 1994 he gets the news he's waited his whole life for his father is dead and he will soon be in total control of North Korea [Music] for the people an already impoverished and repressed life is about to get even worse Kim Jong Il's reign as North Korea's dear leader brings the country to its knees around a million people starve to death in one of the world's worst famines of the 20th century the country becomes so backward when viewed from space it lies in almost complete darkness compared to the rest of Asia yet rather than an object of pity Kim Jong Il has turned his country into an international pariah North Korea is a regime arming with missiles and weapons of mass destruction while starving its citizens states like these and their terrorist allies constitute an axis of evil but Kim Jong Il is impervious to American name-calling because he keeps his people in complete isolation they have no idea how the rest of the world view them no independent information can get in or out and anyone who disobeys the leader is crushed mercilessly it said no other country on earth has more political prisoners than North Korea in the beginning of his rule most Korea had more political prisoners per 1000 people then Soviet Union under study some estimate 200,000 are locked up for their views anyone who disagrees with the cult of personality anyone who challenges the authority the legitimacy of the Korean workers party the punishments are extremely harsh right up to of course the well-known large gulag prison camp system and widespread views of execution many are tortured for acts so petty no one in the West would regard them as crimes at all jeong-hwan ill sold seafood to south korea without the party's permission i was tortured in so many different ways i was tortured with electricity and by water and also suffered from pigeon torture where i was chained backwards state a in your hands behind your back on tofu 60 centimeters high so you can't sit down you can't rest you can't stand up your body becomes paralyzed then your body becomes all numb and your chest hurts as if it's going to pop out the pain is beyond description you relieve yourself in your past yeonggwang ill is forced to make a false confession that he was a spy working for South Korea and many more are sent to the same camp for merely expressing unhappiness during the famine they were caught because they talked about their travels leaving during the arduous lot most of them just because they complain and they were people who are caught because they damaged Kim jong-il's Pato or newspapers Juhi experiences conditions no human beings should witness and which haven't been seen since the Nazi labor camps in winter it goes down to as much as - salty centigrade the ground freezes to almost 2 meters deep so they never let you body dead people in spring when the ground starts to defrost we would go into the storage room to dispose of the bodies is really miserable to see because the bodies had decayed while freezing and defrosting so they were all tangled we just had to use shovels to bury them like garbage while hundreds of thousands are either starving or locked up kim jong ill carries on his life of excess in 2008 he disappears for ten months without explanation the world waits as Kim's lifestyle finally caught up with him when he reappears he looks frail and bewildered then on December the 17th 2011 an announcement is made him jong-il North Korea's Dear Leader is dead the outpouring of grief is as hysterical as when his father died 17 years at first many in the West hope his death could be a turning point in North Korea's history after 63 years of brutal dictatorship there's a chance the country will finally open up and end its self-imposed exile as the Hermit Kingdom there are even whispers of reunification the very existence of thriving South Korea just four kilometers away over the DMZ has come to define the north things that constitute failure to any other leaders you know a loss of a wall at the Korean War a famine or the fact that your rival country that you're claiming to be the rightful owner of is an economy like a zillion times bigger than yours none of that seems to affect it the South Koreans are at the forefront of the modern tech world the great fortune for South Koreans is that they were allied with America so they went the American Way the North Koreans went a different way for many the only hope is to escape after I became a defector and settled in South Korea for about five six years I kept having nightmares about North Korea I'm still having nightmares of North Korea the dictatorship mr. Grint horrible hopes grow when it's announced Kim Jong Il's third son Kim jong-un is going to take over he's been educated in the West he is the one who he's been raised abroad he's very aware of the rest of the world as it is he's been exposed to other things that Kim I'll sign from general heavens [Music] at just 28 years of age he becomes the dynasty's third supreme leader Kim jong-un is an you heard many regards he is very young obviously his father expected to live much longer he didn't heaven so now kim jongmin is in control of the country with very little experience [Music] unfortunately for North Korea he turns out to be even madder than his father it begins with a bizarre government recommendation Kim jong-un announces that the nation should follow new haircut rules women can have one of 18 haircuts but men only one of 10 approved styles it's a set of rules the Supreme Leader pointedly looms but there is a far darker side to the new kid Jim : seems to be much more ready much more inclined to use physical violence he is obviously ready to kill people whom he knows personally quite well he starts by purging his own uncle who was publicly arrested and shot he then brutally kills many of his military command with public executions at the same time he continues to test nuclear weapons and his people starve when comparing Kim jong-il and Kim jong-un people think Kim jong-un will be different but nothing can ever change there's still a famine there are still people who are starving to death so I think it's better not to get your hopes up about Kim jong-un meanwhile the man responsible for much of his country's mess kim jong ill lies in bond in Pyongyang's mausoleum quietly watching over his sons rain and the continuing suffering of the North Korean people Kim jong-il was the one who built this Truman Show for the only reason that he would not have any power if it stopped existing so North Korea today has existed for the sole reason of sustaining the camps and sustaining that leadership and that's you know built on the pain and labor and heartbreak and tragedy of all the people who live there but even though it appears as invulnerable as it ever has some believe the house of cards the Kim family has built could yet come crashing down I think the North Korean system is very brittle it is one family sitting on top sucking the life out of a society for its own benefit and when the means to do that cease to be effective then this thing could be over very quickly [Music] you
Channel: criminals and crime fighters
Views: 4,609,353
Rating: 4.5511112 out of 5
Keywords: Evolution of Evil, Evolution of Evil Documentary, Evolution of Evil Full Documentary, Evolution of Evil North Korea, Evolution of Evil Kim Dynasty, Evolution of Evil Kim Jong-il Documentary, Evolution of Evil Kim Jong-il Family, Evolution of Evil Kim Jong-il North Korea, Evolution of Evil Kim Jong-un, Evolution of Evil Kim Jong-un Documentary, Evolution of Evil Kim Documentary, Evolution of Evil North Korea Kim, Evolution of Evil North Korea Documentary, Evolution of Evil Episode
Id: 33waoauq01w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 35sec (2975 seconds)
Published: Fri May 04 2018
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