Evolution of Cinema Dinosaurs (1920-2015)
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Channel: Timemachine863
Views: 4,797,598
Rating: 4.8545899 out of 5
Keywords: Jurassic, Par, World, King, Kong, Dinosaurs, Dinosaur, Ray, Harryhausen, CGI, Stop, Motion, Hollywood, history, filmmaking, the, lost, world, Steven, Spielberg, trex, cavemen, retro, timetravel, film
Id: 5hxSws2W0-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
That poor lizard and crocodile made to fight each other :(
1 million years B.C. may be the stupidest movie title I can easily bring to mind, but the 1960s reboot is probably the earliest film I've seen where the dinosaurs look and act like they might be actual animals.
Surprised they missed Caveman from 1981, despite it being a comedy I thought the dinosaur effects were really well done for the time.
There are actually a ton of movies they missed.
Such as "Journey Thorough the Cave of Time". It was spectacular as far dinosaurs go, but it was pretty interesting.
Also, animated movies were not listed. Such as Land Before Time and Turok Son Of Stone.
No 'Land that Time Forgot' :(
I don't think I saw feathers on a single one of those.
The land of the lost series around the late 80s early 90s had really good effects.
Seems like we had some ok dino models for a while and then films cheaped out for a bit bringing back the lizards.
Everyone thinks the dinosaurs went extinct but really they just evolved into birds cause they realized flying is fucking awesome.