Creating the Dinosaurs of Jurassic World | Featurette | Jurassic World

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seeing their faces and the roof behind correct a little bit comes through the roof is your most big dinosaur her head I imagine there's a beat or two rather than they explained the am-scray has been this Parker's flying ready and action action will do the push and the hand once the dinosaur lands right here he's on top of the guy right so it's like full right in our faith he's really incredible and wonderfully talented people who are the best in the business have graded the dinosaurs that look better than anything you have ever seen in your life these dinosaurs had personality and life and we created real characters with them it's bigger than me it's bigger than what we did it's spectacular the dinosaurs just looked a lot more realistic than they ever had been before well that adds up to for the audience is there's the heck of a lot scarier it all starts on the set it all starts with how the dinosaur is going to fit the scene and even how the actors are reacting to it they have to know just the way to look they have to know what degree of fear they're supposed to be so we do be can to make that part of it the best it possibly can be so we've got the best material to work with all these tennis balls are tracking markers for us so that when the dinosaur comes through we can track the ground plane and get it correctly so that when she steps it looks like she's actually making contact with the ground it's become an art form actors reacting to something that's not there and convincing us that it is there Colin he tells me what dinosaurs are there when they say action I just believe that there's a dinosaur right there I'll be terrified you know you have to rely on people to be able to use their imagination what's been so great while doing this movie is that colin has kept us all in the loop as to what we're seeing they have built these heads of the dinosaurs that they bring to set the game there does that are certainly not life-sized but they're they're pretty scary to look at in extremely detailed you've got to sort of reverse-engineer every moment we start on here pretty pretty big why and so there were a couple of things that the guys at ILM invented just for this movie they created this app where you could hold up an iPad and shoot it at your frame and the dinosaur would be there we can put our dinosaur model into it I can actually visualize you know how big it is we can do things like rotate it move it around in the environment we can add some lighting and things like that they also show us the computer graphics rudimentary computer graphics of what the sequence is going to look like so we can see for ourselves you know what is happening at any given moment and where we are in the context of that for the action sequences we were sticking very closely to the Priebus [Applause] [Music] okay here we go role plays role in a little circle here with like chemistry or something that everybody stays out of that story you know we're not gonna live happily ever after with the dinosaurs that's not gonna happen so you know that there's gonna be some kind of interaction with dinosaurs just run straight there be like screaming and then it's gonna I am gonna go no he's gonna be over there you know we're gonna move him this way and he's gonna hit you here and so definitely a collaboration with them go and that's a little bit of the hard part because you know you're interacting with something that's not there so a lot of stuff we did was trying to recreate of how the body would fly if it got hit by a dinosaur and and all those aspects that nobody really knows and just kind of trying to create [Music] from dinosaurs right now this is actually happening so if we were ever really afraid of anything this is real believe it you're not acting find that fear for the Tran amount attack we had days where we had you know hundreds of people out on the Main Street but screaming yelling I'm gonna get really crazy in a minute really crazy on those same days we actually had twenty to thirty stunt people that were dressed up like the other tourists and we had them do some pretty specific actions for things that we thought we would want to hit later their moments that kind of blend into the overall mayhem that was created out on set what it was so much fun was you could take cues off of what all of the people were doing some people if they would even like put their hand up like they were flicking something away they would be a candidate for potentially having a dimorphodon on their back it was actually a pretty good handshake between both doing practical stunts and also the visual effects sorrows death is a big kind of moment in the Tran Adhan attack sequence a lot of very complicated beats and a lot of complicated visual effects beats as well [Music] it's so that I don't really duck she runs on into camera she has no wires on her the camera moves around the boys that sees their reaction to what's going on and by the time we circle back around the boys all of the stuff you see what there's actually her doing those stunts and we're adding the dinosaurs around her and interacting with her it's pretty amazing piece of stunt work actors generally don't do as aggressive stunts and she was really game to do whatever it took you can see in the movie there's no face replacement that's all her then we got her into a tanked and actually tied her up and they were yanking her up and down out of the water I've been pulled on the harness dropped from a crane I've been dropped in the water I've been held underwater he's gone out of the water dropped in the water again and then finally eaten by a giant giant I just think it's the most epic Jurassic Park death I could possibly imagine [Music] [Applause] during this Ramadan fight on Main Street in front of those hundreds of extras I'm fighting an imaginary dimorphic Don halfway through they say pause Marty one of our stuntmen runs over jumps on top of me and starts going like this is I'm choking him so I'm now I'm fighting Marty so I'm scared because Marty's giving me this scary look what was really nice about that dinosaurs because it's a human size we could replace that person afterwards with with our CG guy morph reference dinosaurs reference raptors guys that will be wearing these gray suits in this Raptor heads and you know that will help me as an actor it'll also healthy animators in terms of having a reference a real eyeline something real and physical that you can look at and react to you're gonna be like working together so it'd be like wolves or train dogs that are all moving up to a point and looking around trying to find their prey anything that's a little bit more bird-like is helpful so instead of being like that there's one direction just don't look silly way a reality and drama just kind of intuiting these they are really fantastic creatures that I had a certain level of intelligence and in viewing them with the personality it's different than just working to like a mark for an eyeline you're actually working with the Raptor so you know where their eyes are and you know their movements and seemingly like just like a raptor bryce not only does ball first she does all of the dinosaurs off-camera as well this is what he's seeing the actors with the sort of those like Raptor helmets they have to be able to get into the mindset of how a raptor moves and you know the sort of predatory qualities that give the actors like visual cues to make them even scarier okay all right the animators back in Industrial Light and Magic are gonna try and make them feel like real animals that's really really important to Colin on this home [Music] go Chris one of the things that's missing when we finish here in a couple of weeks is we have all these great scenes but there are no dinosaurs in them and so that becomes a job that is assigned to ILM we turn over a whole sequence to hire lamb and Colin designs these sequences and what the dinosaurs are doing in each one of them and now as things go on we're gonna be seeing our dinosaurs come to life I'm thinking kind of lifts her up in that defies the laws of life think I love stories yeah they're the real stars of the movie of the dinosaurs so your visual effects house ILM in this case is one of your closest partners ILM can render things at a level that is completely photo-real at this point they had Dennis Muren there and he was able to come in and actually push them to not let the dinosaurs look like they did in the previous movies we're trying to be knowledgeable of the history of Jurassic but then trying to make this movie new and amazing because you know technology has moved on and it's very different now the camera moves will be different the dinosaurs are gonna act differently we're using motion capture in some cases we have full muscle and skeletal structures underneath our dinosaurs when you see them walk you're gonna see muscles flexing you're gonna see more skin detail than ever before we're doing close-up shots that would never have been attempted before we're doing close-ups of eyeballs you're doing close-ups of mouths we have you know drool dripping there's just more aggressive shots then you would have really done in the past [Music] the indominus rex is our new our new animal that we created for the film and was going to take us through this adventure the thing that I really like is how deep that goes and how hard these lines how hard the eyebrow Ridge line is the properties of the indominus rex came from the needs of the story and ways that we would be able to make its genetic makeup the key turn of the narrative what we did is make sure that everything that it can do is an attribute of some other animal in the animal kingdom and so if you're gonna have it camouflage make sure it has cuttlefish genes or something that can camouflage that's in it how do we make something look menacing how do we make her look really menacing the teeth would always be exposed like a crocodile we pulled the chin out a little bit more which gave it Conner that under bite which really adds to that feeling of Menace and then the other thing was sort of like the shape of the eye the size of the eye the color of the eye it's based off of a goshawk which is like a North American bird of prey so there's all these things that we were doing taking from the natural world the Raptors certainly aren't entirely friendly in the beginning middle or the end of this movie they're still dangerous predators we certainly didn't want to defang them in any way we just wanted to take this relationship that had been evolving over all three pictures to the next level they're a character in this film they're not just these killing machines that you see every so often they actually have a pretty big role in this film you have a lot of close-ups with them and they have to actually emote and so we actually did quite a bit of motion capture on the Raptors 1,001 1,002 hey there was a new kind of interesting thing for us to do because they're not human at all and we're motion capturing humans to be Raptors in our initial test it actually gave us some really interesting and neat behaviors that oftentimes they're hard to kind of keyframe that you get out of motion capture another one of our new dinosaurs was the Mosasaurus and colin really wanted something in water because that would set it apart from all the other dinosaurs we've seen we really haven't seen one in the water okay folks let's see if she's still hungry after already eating today I showed you this image of the Mosasaurus coming out of the water and eating a shark and I kind of realized in the moment oh god he's eating a shark is it even gonna think that I'm making some kind of statement about how jaws here and I wasn't and and and you were you were on board with him we did some initial studies of how it would come out of the water well if you look at a humpback whale weighs you know 50 or 60 tons but it's very easily able to breach and come completely out of the water and splash back down so it's not impossible for an animal that size to be able to do what we're seeing the mosasaur can do and then as that's happening they kind of go like this I turn into an audience member when I see these shots come in it not only looks spectacular but it's so intense to watch these animals in the same space as these actors I forget what we shot and it feels like we just shot this dinosaur it's extraordinary and that's a place where I just sit back and you know become a fan immediately [Music] you
Channel: Jurassic World
Views: 5,880,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jurassic world, jurassic world 2, jurassic world evolution, jurassic world trailer, dinosaurs, dinosaur, jurassic park, indominus rex, raptor, indoraptor, fallen kingdom, jurassic, blue, evolution, legos, lego, owen grady, claire dearing, simon masrani, t-rex, raptors, bluefeaturette, Jurassic World, Dinosaurs, Special Effects
Id: 16IdMStn1Ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 13 2016
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