Evil Overlord Dungeon Builder Roguelike! - KeeperRL

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everyone watabot here and welcome to keeper rl as part of i guess the indie game lightning round but mainly as part of my my charity drive for unicef to support uh ukrainian children that are being impacted by the russian invasion uh which normally i wouldn't bring up in one of these videos too much just because you know not gonna be relevant in a week or so however one of the key details is keeper rl's developer is currently running a promotion that if you donate to one of the charities uh that he lists i'm doing unicef which i believe is not actually one of the listed ones uh but if you check the steam page for keeper rl there's a uh the most recent post has a list of reputable charities and you can email confirming your donation to the developer of keeper rl and i'll send you a free copy of it so if you guys do want to donate to a good cause and get keeper rl in the process uh go check that out but speaking of checking out i've never played this game before so i should probably do the tutorial okay hi i have not played this game before so this is going to be kind of weird how do i explore the map okay mandolf oh okay i can click to move and tell him to go places well while we do that structure digger cut tree now i haven't played this too much before i did part of the tutorial before i started losing it so i'm not going to try too overwhelmingly hard here let's do something like that with like a 3x4 room there we go uh next sort of thing we want to do storage storage resources and do like a 4x4 okay i don't play a whole lot of dwarf fortress likes i used to play a ton of dwarf fortress when i was in college and it was a ton of fun but i i think i just got bored after a while that was back when oh gosh what were the was it trout it was trout it was back when trout were an actual like deadly force to be reckoned with let's see okay let's pause for a second wait what is this imp oh i see so to get these guys i need a forge workshop or a jeweler and some beds well what can i do so i can do floors storage zones a bookcase some living stuff farming training room workshop installations okay i'm kind of generally of the opinion of i like to have my my people live maybe further in carp that's what it was yeah the carp age i i remember when that was like that was the prime one of the primary threats you actually really had to get consider this is not the best mountain to be in to be honest i'm just going to extend this probably should have explored around a little bit but we might just have like a a very squiggly area for quite some time because this is the outside again [Music] i wish i could explore better maybe we'll figure it out okay so structure digger cut out right i'm just gonna make kind of a big room here for the time being i don't really have much else that i can do it looks like i'm surrounded by a decent chunk of water which is good or bad could just be a mountain around an inner open area yeah i mean who knows we could have like an interior lake okay but living we need some basic beds i should have enough okay zones quarters okay oh these are dudes that will come in so we need to forge or workshop or jeweler for both of the artificers just show up okay crafting so we need just a basic workshop maybe we need to so these are just random monsters that will come in and help okay so that's how we get more so we're also gonna need gold but i don't know how to get gold and we need a wooden training dummy so for now i'm just gonna probably spread these things around just so i can get some more minions [Music] okay get torches to light things up coffins dining tables library zones racks floors insulation torches looks like it can grab him smelly breath but an ender turner needs another forge workshop okay [Music] might as well grab a couple of these guys we are going to have to worry about food though farming but we got to get tech for that okay so what we probably need no trainer minions magical powers here how do we get science [Music] okay no laboratory produces potions but that's not it uh randolph research items available but it looks like it can't research anything until we conquer some villains how do we do that oh okay here we go so there's no backseating implied rhetorical questions here sometimes yes though in this case uh is the travel command while controlling a minion or team a minion team i got it okay how do i see how many where my goons are new team dragon drop to a new new team button our artificers even good fighters not really no but i kind of want to oops [Music] just ban to that team i might want to just send these guys off okay new team where's the travel button okay travel command while controlling a minion okay so i have to control them so do we go after the tree spirits sure let's see what happens [Music] okay this is probably a terrible idea but we'll find out very quickly display mesh message history okay so that didn't work apparently an elven archer said no so how the heck do i get more exp then there's a wooden bookcase or laboratory well we can get the bookcase i i think we're probably going to want to switch over to here let's pause for a second get new artificer i think we want a bunch of rooms that are just three tiles wide [Music] at least until we get bigger things banded is killed by a goblin warrior pig is killed by a goblin warrior oh oh that's a good way of getting some food now that i'm thinking about it maybe how do i how do i tell my dudes to get food orders claim tile fetch items fetch fetch [Music] i might i might want to take my [Music] goblins out okay he's wounded wait for the rest of my goblins [Music] okay so he's pretty wounded which is an issue [Music] okay exit control mode there hopefully they'll come back and hopefully he'll heal okay mandolf is level has reached melee training level okay so that's actually something to consider we need a bookcase looks like we can get a couple actually i'll just kind of fill those out do you want advice yeah sure i i could use some advice here i am i'm fumbling a little bit namely just because i only partly understand uh the fundamentals here my main fear is food i know the tutorial might have covered food but uh let's see use your artificer to make weapons and armor okay how do i tell them to make anything show tasks no skills furnace assigned act assigned quarters activity idle i told it to kind of do those things because there's crafting oh here we go that would explain things [Music] let's get three clubs [Music] okay and then like maybe some more boots [Music] okay i think those will just have to do was the what is this ah is this just my overall build order looks like it is okay we'll just leave that for the time being don't send your artificers into battle yeah it's fair [Music] okay so how do i tell these guys to go hunting or get some food [Music] because i know that's going to be a problem [Music] oh right that was the other thing i was going to do i was going to build uh let's see structures orders insulation torch [Music] okay and it has to be on a wall there we go okay let's just set that up do we grab some more wizards more basic beds more bookcases oh this makes sense so if i do that we get two more bookcases we're just gonna end up with like tons of [Music] we're just gonna end up with tons of wizards aren't we so you actually uh you they don't need food but eating them makes them happy got it oh we also need a wooden training dummy kill some enemies or summon a succubus fair enough oh that's a goblin warrior okay [Music] a lot of this makes sense grab him so i don't know how to succubus nor is that something i necessarily want to mess around with i've got a decent raiding party maybe i'd see it almost next to no resources torches message board i'll put a message board there i don't know what that does okay what else do we have increases luxury oh leave messages for other players painting thing candelabrum barricades eyeballs portal connection to another portal if anything is present and then demon shrine but it requires demon tech okay cool so let's go back to this and move our goblin warriors and wizards into this question nope how do i equip these guys oh i see it looks like they might auto equip some of these things well in that case let's just make a bunch of leather armors helms boots and gloves maybe like two more clubs okay so the message board is for the pvp segment if you get rated got it how do i destroy something that i've built is it just digger cut tree no oh buildings in zila oh there's z levels of course okay orders ah remove construction yeah let's get rid of that next up installation no i saw stairs earlier oh it's probably no it isn't an installation how if i missed where the stairs went oh i can get a goblin priest oh here it is downstairs oh no stairs don't cost me anything okay z level one digger cut and we can dig out all of this iron ore oh we're moving up in the world i understand now and this is a bunch of granite okay go back to this we've got a number of dudes that i can get however the population limit has been reached so i can't do anything with that until we get some more food which means i gotta figure out how to do research and i'm pretty sure to do research means i have to conquer some villains to advance my level okay so if i go back to that i have a decent war party the priest put it in that mix let's grab a bunch of shields too and if i go back to this there was a storage armor rack oh here we go and a weapon rack oh rack potion rack everything else eh okay go back down how's this looking decent i'm gonna just turn this into a storage area so they can actually collect all the iron at least in this section okay well we're kind of in a spot we have a bunch of goblins but i can't do anything about it at least for the moment they're unhappy club plus four so we definitely need more armor yeah i do only have two goblin warriors okay this is crafting cue going i guess i'm just gonna build a bunch until they actually put it on oh you know what it's probably the artificers that are also grabbing it too test run on the village absolutely i'll have to figure out how to how to attack because i have i have no idea i've never controlled this group before okay here's the other question i want to take a look at this guy so attributes training combat experience creature's limit for this type of training is seven okay so hopefully we get some better dudes later oh like this aura behind the goblin priest might mean he's stronger than the rest or maybe that just means he's a priest not fully clear that's okay hey thank you matthias 720 for the what is that 20 month reset 20 months already feels like just last month i was subbing for the first time during the covet lockdown but thank you okay do we want to take them out oh i can also increase the speed okay that should be good enough are both of my warriors fully equipped no it looks like i need boots a helmet and maybe some shields i'm probably gonna need some more wood so i should go chop some more down there we go all right your dungeon keeper is very powerful as well and can gain exp but if he dies you lose i think you might want to wait a little bit goblin shaman but we're at our population limit so there's nothing i can do about it at least for the moment you need weapons for your minions who is under weapons because it doesn't look like the artificers fight okay he's got boots now club uh actually looks like we could use some more clubs interesting okay well one way or another i think we've got our battle party okay shall we control them because one of the wizards is missing a spell yeah conquer an enemy tribe to increase your malevolence level are the rest of them doing i mean it seems like it's just nothing's gonna happen the morale is bad yeah okay let's let's go on a bender let's see switch leader all right cool time to fight we're gonna go take out that village i don't really know how combat works in this game unfortunately oh boy [Music] my goblin wizards are uh way more effective than i thought all i have to do is herd the farmers in okay goblin wizard is wounded [Music] okay we have bandits here oh my poor priest [Music] there we go thank you priest there we go what do we have in this this little location tribe of bandits is destroyed and a random vulture came at us all right get back here creature oh it was probably attracted by the corpses and then became violent unfortunately none of my wizards learned how to bridge [Music] okay looks like i can destroy doors uh click or press enter to loot sleep in basic bed tribe of humans is destroyed oh there's another one that's the dining table that's a little dark let's see if there's any anyone else in my lands that i need to uh that i need to do away with looks like i might actually have to rely on [Music] i'm gonna have to rely on my uh my imps to actually mine there well here's the question do i wanna try and build a bridge can i build a bridge maybe let's just do that because oh yeah wooden bridge here we go okay one way or another i'm gonna let these guys sleep it off get all their hp back at least for the time being so ah we can do a thing so we can do archery distillation jewelry or chicken breeding i'm gonna go for chicken breeding namely because okay farming chicken coop [Music] oh i have to put it inside all right all right structure just do that okay looks like i missed a number of things i'm not sure how to go find them well it's fine i'll just close those okay also recommend installing some flooring do i have stone i do okay let's be aesthetically pleasing here i'll just do this for the time being okay i should probably also get a door down oh uh no no no we don't have forges yet or do we looks like it can actually put an iron door in perfect and i'm gonna have a second section there not the best setup for me to do some farming here unfortunately i'll see what i can do if this is some more space i'll probably put the chickens up here this game is one of those where it's super easy for me to just boot up and play all day it's super chill i don't know why i've been putting off playing this for so long i guess i'm kind of glad i did because now i've got an easy excuse for uh for playing it today installations go with that get some torches just all over the place okay there we go i don't know how much my my dudes care okay pause for a second we want to do farming chicken coop knows chicken coop is a thing that i put in or i guess i'll find out farming animal fence like is it effectively a a floor thing or is it a structure okay looks like it's a floor thing okay so what is my pop cap at 10 out of 14 so it's probably based on how much food i currently have available am i out of wood why can i not build more farm here or is this room just at max capacity uh any dirt perhaps no it uses wood huh weird remove construction on that i get i guess i'm just gonna do a second set of animal fences here and remove those okay so now we have that i have no idea how to feed them to my dudes but that's okay all those chickens are just trapped now so i can get some oh gorgoo the harpy requires a training dummy to range weapon while i don't have any of that i wouldn't mind a shaman though bookcase or a laboratory let's grab the shaman doesn't look like it's special and unfortunately can't get an iron dummy because we need iron working at least we can get another dude to go into the war party uh goblin shaman goes to that okay let's go back here because there's something there a swimmer is pointless on harpies there's more just thinking of getting harpy what the hell statue of evil god a doxy i sure wooden bridge let's go check this out [Music] [Music] i'm just gonna control mandalf [Music] i'm gonna go visit the evil god i don't wanna bash it huh [Music] i don't know what to do about well i guess i'm just gonna leave it there for now uh let's see i guess honestly we might as well just start kind of expanding here see if we find anything else interesting on this map i should probably go elsewhere too and yeah do we want to get some more wizards sure uh no i should probably get some more warriors okay wouldn't dummy [Music] okay structure digger cut let's not do that let's let's just do a series of like 3x3 rooms realize that's going to open up a little bit to the water but i don't think that's much of a problem my logic is i can use this area as a series of just kind of spare housing locations for my dudes at least until i can figure something else out [Music] and what to do with them i don't know how do i feed chicken to my dudes i can banish a chicken uh that's fair [Music] are my guys satiated the morale is bad nope i don't actually know how to feed chickens to dudes unless i can wait oh oh did the shaman just summon a bunch of stuff [Music] dinner table thank you uh it's probably under living dining table oh orders remove construction okay living dining table one two i'll just put them there [Music] question can i do floors [Music] the lava or water requires a decent chunk of stone but i'll do it there at the very least also fill it in the rest of the way here's a question does does a stone wall increase prestige it doesn't look like it oh hopefully my dudes will start eating oh damage when drunk damage when riding a steed benjamin riding a seed extra melee training potential and he just winked out of existence shoot let's go for the dude that hates humans [Music] oh i should probably also move my gold pile inside but where though oh storage resources [Music] okay can i there's no way that i can actually control this i have no idea if people are going to raid my things so smooth and constructed walls increase beauty purely for morale i mean morale is good oh but i have to dig everything else first well that's unfortunate whoa thank you mini mergle for the 100 donation to unicef thank you so much that's big let's see build a treasure chest ah got it where are those i'll just keep looking around i'll figure it out there's also a prison which is interesting uh let's see golden statue increases population limit and that's an option hates all elves i mean bumbug the goblin wizard seems like he is better okay i'll just do two beds here as one of the guys pushing you to do this stream gotta put my money where my mouth is yeah i was meaning to do uh do something i i spent a substantial portion of thursday just researching um charities just to figure out like you know which ones uh which ones are good or not let's grab bum bug hates okay chess should be under the storage tab oh yeah treasure chest there we go i'm gonna put it underground uh let's see structure storage what else yeah we've gotten the rest of this you know i should probably do though pause installation torch there we go stand that perfect okay still don't know what i'm going to be doing above because i have minimal tech okay uh i guess next order of business let's figure out what's in this question mark i'm not gonna do anything with that oh yeah there's some potion over there let's see there we go so oh my goblin wizards are learning like better spells too okay that's neat hopefully at some point we unlock some more oh you can see can see in the dark if i want to go murder the goblin warrior we are grabbing that sucker he is insane plus 13 damage i'll take it okay keep going and then i want to see what's here same ones are dangerous wonder yeah wait goblin warriors killed by a winged goblin warrior what okay insane ones will kill your friends good to know that would explain it oh i think he died i i think he just got killed i'm hoping i'm not i'm not seeing any other fee features so i'm going to just assume let's see do we go for another shaman what is the aura behind or does it just mean it has a feature well one way or another i think another shaman would be a good idea because they seem to summon things and that seems kind of fun yeah aura just means traits got it hey you know what let's grab the warrior okay looked like there was something there i was gonna set some torches at regular intervals give me something to do for a moment sorry is dark dark as heck anyway you know let's give the evil god some light as well just because okay so what's my population 14 out of 14. uh it's how does okay increase population up to four that's why i couldn't build more we were kind of capped on uh we're capped on chickens what am i doing on wood i'll need to cut some more trees is there a way that i can grow trees i don't know for now i guess we're just gonna loot every tree in the immediate area let them do their thing what's up and doxy i could also just destroy the head like well would it be monstrous to destroy an evil god shrine high population makes you a bigger target okay so we found something here but it disappeared i'm just gonna build a bridge we'll just see what's in there let's see oh and i can buy an imp which does not count against my pop cap perfect okay what else do i do oh it did say killed by kraken tentacle at the top oh it's probably one of my imps okay you know what orders [Music] orders forbid zone orders remove constructions [Music] uh structure stonewall [Music] there's a kraken in there yep we'll just leave that for for later probably not today okay so in that case now what do we do i've got a ton of wood got some things there's some critters around but nothing to care too much about and there's that and there's the kraken and it seems like this map is actually just got nothing on it so i can hang out and [Music] and chill i guess i might as well grab some more gloves shields boots helms armor and clubs because at some point i'm gonna have to worry about [Music] i'm gonna have to worry about enemies or enemies uh running out of stuff how much does this hold i'm not sure well i might as well just have a reasonable amount of resources for a moment we haven't gotten attacked yet which is good i don't know how much we need to care destroy your dungeon rebuild it across the cacking a cracking cave for invincibility uh that would be interesting though i don't think it actually would be that practical okay are we done making we're done making things so i think it's time that we [Music] make sure everybody's in the party i thought i got another shaman whoa [Music] okay uh goblin priest negative impact on morale uh because here's the thing we have a pair of a wizard and a priest that are legendary craftsmen uh yeah you know what [Music] let's see yeah the morel hit isn't that bad that's what i was kind of thinking okay oh i need a bookcase shoot [Music] okay because yeah getting a couple of legendary crafters this early seems like it's worth it you
Channel: Wanderbots
Views: 46,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wanderbot, wanderbots, KeeperRL Preview, KeeperRL Let's Play, KeeperRL Alpha, KeeperRL Beta, KeeperRL Demo, KeeperRL, KeeperRL Ep 1, KeeperRL Quick Look, KeeperRL Review, KeeperRL Letsplay, KeeperRL Part 1, KeeperRL Playthrough, KeeperRL Walkthrough, KeeperRL Guide, KeeperRL Early Access
Id: z3oxgy2GTpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 59sec (2879 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 27 2022
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