Evil Morty's Plan Theory - Rick and Morty Season 3 | Channel Frederator

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a couple of weeks ago on cartoon conspiracy we found ourselves diving into Rick and Morty's the real antis mix-up to dissect the bubbling tension within the Citadel of Rick's as well as the oppressive environment they're in and today we're bringing you what is pretty much part two of this theory and while we are going to revisit some discussion about the Citadel our main focus today of course is our boy evil Morty by the way this is a Rick and Morty episode so if you still somehow aren't caught up on Rick and Morty there are going to be some pretty major season 3 spoilers in this video but yes since we last took a look at the perpetual mystery that is evil Morty not only has he returned but he's also become the new democratically elected leader of the Citadel of Rick's which is a interesting path for evil Morty to take I think we can safely say none of us were expecting this moment especially since it was kind of just shoved into the middle of the season as opposed to leaving it at the end for some sort of epic mind-blown cliffhanger thing but while that reveal was pretty shocking it's kind of hard to know what to think about it since we know so little about evil Morty much less his MO or his end goal so today that's what we're gonna try to figure out I'm Jacob with Channel Frederator and let's examine the Enigma that is the inner machinations of evil Morty's mind to figure out what exactly is his plan for the Citadel of Rick's let's first take a look at evil Morty within the context of the show as a whole as well as within the context of the relentless mix-up and from there we'll dig a little deeper into his plans one of the overall themes of season 3 driven home by the season finale seems to be what rick has been saying since the very beginning which is that a nothing matters and be the answer to whatever question you have is don't think about it with season 3 stretching to re-establish the status quo that seasons one and two seem to be edging away from while it doesn't completely discount some of the unanswered questions of the show it's quick to remind us that once Rick explained his philosophy to Beth the fact that Beth used her choice to embrace what she already has is just as valid as Rick's disdain and apathy towards the same situation any satisfaction we may take from our lives or the choices that we make is directly dependent on how we choose to perceive them which honestly could also say a lot about how Rick and Morty is received by the public as a whole but of course that's not going to fly with us today while this show definitely plays fast and loose with the idea of continuity the show absolutely maintains little vertical slices of story that we're constantly reminded of things like Tammy's role Phoenix person who is currently m.i.a the Cronenberg c-137 universe and of course the Citadel of Rick's so as we take a look at the reclaim tiss mix-up let's examine evil Morty through a few different lenses first how did he gain his popularity second what were his immediate actions upon gaining power and third good knowing evil Morty's ideology allow us to better understand his actions and before we get started it's worth noting that evil Morty's actions may or may not be tied to his true identity and while we did come to the conclusion that evil Morty could be the Rick that we follow throughout the show's original Morty this has never been confirmed so we're going to sidestep this for now for all intents and purposes today evil Morty is just a Rick las' Morty with an unknown agenda so how was evil Morty able to use the citadel's politically fragile state to his own advantage well what does that even mean in what way could the Citadel be considered politically fragile firstly it seems like evil Morty's most fundamental step in his playbook is to cater to those who are marginalized by the rest of society Morty's are often seen as second-class citizens and have a pretty strong bias against them in the Citadel as evidenced by one of the Citadel's primary news sources openly mocking the boarding party at the beginning of the episode the newscasters vastly underestimate the more Tea Party's potential going so far as to insinuate that evil Morty looks adorable simply playing politics as opposed to posing an actual threat another factor of evil Morty strategy can be seen on the whiteboard behind the initial conversation between evil Morty and his campaign manager we see a whiteboard that sites divided Citadel as an aspect of the Morty advantage so it seems like a big part of evil Morty strategy is to also cater to those Rick's who feel marginalized by other Rick's who are placed higher in the social hierarchy for seemingly arbitrary frivolous reasons evil Morty also appears to be the only candidate who brings up the issue of the Citadel facing a systemic problem from the top down rather than the other way around as most Rick's seem content to see the issue while the majority of Rick's see their society crumbling because of vagrant homeless Morty's and disgruntled Rick's Morty brings to light that these are all symptomatic of the real problem which is those at the top who are content with the current system that whether it means to or not only strengthens the divide between the disenfranchised and the entitled and evil morty takes it upon himself to be that voice for the voiceless he tells the metaphorical 1% that their days are numbered and the revolution is coming for them democratically he means for now and like we mentioned a few weeks ago there's also the factor that the citadel is an absolutely soul-crushing environment on top of all the systemic problems already mentioned this is a world where the feeling of toppling the oppressive machine is itself branded packaged and sold as a commodity this is a world where the mystique of a morty throwing himself into a wishing portal in the fleeting hope of things improving is immediately ripped away with the reveal that the portal is just like garbage dump even if Slick Morty's wish did kind of come true the reality check were given seemingly robs his message of its meaning this kind of environment would also play to those who felt abandoned by the system and they would probably become more willing to do something to impart actual change do something to actually disrupt the system as opposed to buying that feeling through simple Rick's do something like vote for a fringe political candidate as we all know in the world of politics talk is cheap words are just words and speeches are for campaigning and once evil Morty wins the election now is the time for action I just spilled water everywhere but even before his odd anti monologue we do see some changes take effect as a direct result of evil Morty winning the election so what happens well firstly the new citadels codes apparently absolve cop Rick of everything he did from being caught up in the warring gangs of Morty town to killing his own partner his own partner a Morty who believed himself to be freer than most other Morty's by leaning into the oppressive nature of the Citadel but in the end his own brash outlook of Morty's being the underlying problem of the Citadel eventually caused his downfall same old story Rick's kill and Morty's evil Morty also immediately abandons the curriculum of the unnamed Morty reform school that we see throughout the episode and Wow rework of the classes is hinted at all we know right now is that it doesn't seem like these Morty's are going to be assigned any new Rick's any time soon and of course the last thing we see evil Morty do in this episode is immediately execute all of his dissenters in the Citadel's shadow government as a show of force which is an interesting detail in a lot of democratic societies there are those you know actual real conspiracy theorists that suggest that either the country or the world or the universe is actually governed by some sort of ominous shadow government which would of course mean that whoever was elected into office doesn't have any actual real power in the Rick Lantis makes up this has shown to be 100% entirely the case even when the Citadel of Rick's was purportedly run by the council of ricks but with evil Morty's actions at the end of the episode he is left as the singular unequivocal ruler of the synod el so based on these actions coupled with his rise to power can we pin down evil Morty with any sort of ideology it's actually a little bit more difficult to do than it seems at first glance since the actual political platforms of each party in the episode aren't very well defined especially within the Rick's but in any case let's see what we can uncover first off the rigid class system within the Citadel pretty much uses Morty's as shorthand for the idea of systemic discrimination present in many societies there's even a short scene where the Morty's are throwing a pride parade to hammer this home evil Morty plays not only to these oppressed Morty's but also to the downtrodden Rick's acting as a voice for the common folk who will unite to displace the bourgeois Rick's from their ivory towers now this sort of populist political movement wherein politicians mess with the current social order in the suppose an interest of the common people is nothing new this sort of strategy has been in play for pretty much as long as democratic elections have been all the way from the disruptiveness of roman tribune Publius Clodius pull care in the 1st century BCE all the way to how populism is marriage with identity politics created symbols on all sides of the political spectrum in last year's presidential election but that's not where it ends with evil Morty while his campaign claims to be for the people this all seems to dissolve when you actually look at it closely as we've seen before while he does choose to be the voice for all of these abandoned Morty's he's not exactly above exploiting them himself and I'm not talking about political exploitation in closer encounters he literally tortures hundreds thousands of Morty's in order to cloak himself from the Citadel as well as the Rick that we follow throughout the show so it seems fair to say that evil Morty doesn't exactly help out his own kind through any sort of empathy everything and everyone exists solely to progress his unknown Machiavellian agenda evil Morty seems intent right now more than anything else to be the sole undisputed leader of the Citadel and that actually segues us pretty neatly into the dreaded topic of fascism fascism in its colloquial definition generally involves practices like silencing dissenters and autocratic dictatorships of course there are way way more defining characteristics but these are just a few of them fascism is a big umbrella term that encompasses a lot of stuff that we frankly don't have time for today but even based on those two things that we looked at even more he seems to be well on his way to establishing some sort of authoritarian dictatorship based on his first immediate acts when taking the office of president that didn't seem to be subject for any approval as well as his murder of the shadow government yeah that seems to be where we're going with this not only that but going back to the white board during evil Marty's campaign we can see a note that lists alternative news sources as another aspect of the Mortie advantage with alternative noticably in quotation marks now to be fair there are a few different ways we can interpret that I mean we could give evil Morty the benefit of the doubt and say that he's planning some sort of huge brand-new unbiased news network but within dictatorships the silencing or restriction of certain news media outlets in favor of those that are more acceptable sources is a well-known practice this strategy again has been used throughout history but it's still used in parts of the world today within certain states that value propaganda above all else so could evil Morty's plan for alternative news sources include shutting down the Rick centric news present in the Citadel in favor of anti Rick propaganda but with all of this talk of evil Morty's ideology and fascism there is one rather large issue fascist leaders typically gain power through a rise in rampant nationalism something that the Citadel should be uniquely free of what other powers would the Citadel feel the need to feel superior to there don't seem to be any wavering tensions between the Citadel or any countries or planets or universes or any governing bodies at all back the whole point of the Citadel is to hide Rick's from all other governing bodies the Citadel for the moment doesn't even seem all that concerned with the Rick that we follow throughout the show even though the last time they crossed paths with him he took the whole place down so without a common enemy for the entirety of the Citadel to unite against what's evil Morty's planned now so here's the million dollar question why the Citadel what does evil Morty have to gain by running the Citadel of Rick's he seemed to be doing just fine on his own well many theories still hold steadfast that this is all a plan to get back at the Rick that we follow throughout the show which would make sense if he is indeed our Rick's original Morty and yes at first glance this idea may seem a tad overly simplistic but Dan Harmon and Justin roiland seemed to revel in subversion so this idea is totally still on the table that said it still does have its share of small problems while it's true that evil Morty might have a better chance at locating our Rick with the Citadel's resources backing him up evil War II has already been face-to-face with our Rick from there it would seem relatively easy for him to find a way to track our Rick right it's a leap in logic but evil Morty has more than proven his capability to create a tracking device of that caliber furthermore when evil Morty actually had our Rick in his clutches he didn't seem that intent on killing him despite whatever evil Rick was actually saying knowing how Rick thinks if he really wanted our Rick dead he would have spared the theatrics and just done it so assuming that evil Morty's goal isn't to exact revenge on our Rick what are we left with well a common theory about evil Morty is that the influx of reckless Morty's in more detail and the Morty School is a direct result of the events in closer encounters of the Rick kind which would mean that the political unrest that we see in the Citadel would have been a long calculated con by evil morty stacking the deck in his favor by increasing the morty population right under the nose of the entire citadel before the political race even began now ignoring the issue that evil Morty would have had to have started this long before the Citadel ever became a democracy why would he feel the need to increase his political power through these displaced Morty's based on what we've seen uh pending the previous power dynamic was a pretty priority of evil Morty could evil Morty's intentions simply be to elevate the status of Morty's within the eyes of all Rick's and Morty's abandoning the notion that Morty's are forever bound to be the sidekicks of Rick's a common theme found in the Rick Lantis mix-up finally realizing Morty's as their own individuals maybe we've been looking at this all wrong after all evil is a subjective term looking at things from an unbiased perspective evil Morty doesn't seem that much worse than the Rick that we follow throughout the show in that they're both horrible people I'm not saying that evil bordey is a saint or anything but keep in mind the reason we call him evil is not necessarily because he's evil it's just because he's an antagonist to our Rick besides evil Morty's actions might actually be a little less extreme than our Rick yes he may have murdered Rick's and exploited Morty's to climb the political ladder in a reprehensible display of the ends justifying the means but so far he still seems at least somewhat intent on pushing some sort of social reform with his newfound political power and then we have our Rick who murdered just about everyone in the Citadel before outright destroying the whole thing as well as the entire economy of the Galactic Federation as means to above all else separate Beth from Jerry not to mention it was also all in pursuit of that dim Szechuan sauce when comparing the two it seems like evil Morty has a much more structured plan for social reform within the Citadel compared to Rick's general apathy towards literally everything evil Morty just happen to go about all this and one of the most objectively evil ways imaginable you could probably even make the argument that evil Gordy could be an extension of the dilemma Beth faced in the ABCs of Beth when faced with how to utilize the opportunities you're given is it better to make any choice as evil Morty does or no choice as our Rick seems committed to of course there are issues with this idea like campaign manager Morty insisting that evil Ward ease up to something much more sinister as well as the reason for absolving cop Rick of his crimes I mean we could speculate that evil Morty is planning on running the Citadel in a sort of Caesar isten ruling with an iron fist promoting a violent social order and pardoning cop Rick for purging the streets of Morty's who only encouraged their negative stereotype it's all possible but with the vast amount of unanswered questions this is all just a projection of what could be good got the Rick lantus mix-up is so dense every single image has so many things going on but with everything we've taken a look at today there are so many unanswered questions about evil Morty and his plans with regards to the marginalized population of the Citadel as well as the Rick that we follow throughout the show and since we didn't really enter this episode with a hypothesis in mind we can't really assign this conspiracy a rating so this week I'm gonna leave it up to you how many envelopes filled with secrets out of five do you rate our conclusion that evil morni might actually just be looking for equality for Morty's do you think that evil Morty's plans could be something different does the name morty even mean anything anymore i've said morty hundreds of times this week is just a collection of sounds now Morty and where do you fall on that hole the actual season three finale has an aired yet Theory once you've let us know your thoughts in the comments be sure to LIKE this video and subscribe to channel Frederator for all sorts of awesome stuff coming up in the future and don't forget to click that little Bell icon next to the subscribe button to become part of our notification squad so you'll know exactly whenever we've got a new video for you because remember Frederator loves you
Channel: ChannelFrederator
Views: 826,361
Rating: 4.7721291 out of 5
Keywords: Rick and Morty, Rick and Morty Cartoon, Rick and Morty Episode, Rick and Morty Episodes, Rick and Morty Season 3, Rick and Morty Season 1, Rick and Morty Season 2, Rick and Morty Cartoon Conspiracy, Rick and Morty Adult Swim, Adult Swim, Evil Morty, Evil Morty Conspiracy, Evil Morty Origin, Evil Morty Origin Theory, Rick and Morty Evil Morty, Evil Morty Theory, Rick and Morty Season 3 Ep 2, Rick and Morty Season 3 Ep 1, Rickmancing the Stone, The Rickshank Rickdemption
Id: stxdbhueRU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2017
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