Killer Realizes Police Dug Up His Horrifying Secret

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hey you and welcome my name is Mike and in this old video after a series of disappearances the police were finally led to a house right in the middle of the remote Pennsylvanian Countryside at first they were you know having a look around and nothing seemed to miss then they were told look over there they did so in fact they wouldn't stop diing for a long ass time because they found that hell of a lot more than they were expecting to and the owner of the house when Hugo seninsky he's probably the scariest serial killer you've never heard of an accused double murderer is on the run before we get into it please click that little old subscribe button to see new videos every single week now let's give it a [Music] go it was Halloween 2001 and you know the ghosts the ghouls and the goblins all those young fellas they're out and about but you know what at Halloween what I've seen time and time again telling these true crime stories is that the real Horrors can often go unnoticed which is exactly if you can believe it what happened to one hyung Jong song Yong Jang went by Cindy and she was raised in Soul South Korea moving to the US OFA in 1995 to live with her aunt and uncle in Virginia after graduating high school she went to Penn State University studying integrative arts and it was while she was attending a party on Halloween night in 2001 that Cindy Song vanished that night it was a Wednesday Cindy and her buties they out you know having a good time there a booping and a popping at a place called players n club now this is in the town of State College home to Penn State University they had a grand all time you know they were given it sucks and then they left the Nightclub at about 2: a.m. they went back to a friend's house house and then they were gaming gaming all night till about 4 a.m. it was everyone was having a good time Cindy she was dressed up as a bunny she had the ears she had a tail she had the whole kitten Kaboodle so it was at 4:00 a.m. which I think they called the we hours of November 1st that Cindy was dropped off at her home at her place on on Clinton Avenue she was dropped off outside her door they said you know catch you later and Cindy was never seen again later on that very same day November 1st Cindy's roommate who was out of town returned and saw nothing out of the ordinary out their place no signs of anything in Miss the doors were locked in the apartment it would be a couple of days before the police would be called and a search would begin now Cindy definitely came home she definitely like entered her apartment uh inside her place they found the backpack she had been wearing that night her fake eyelashes were like on the countertop so it appears she had been dropped off at 4 a.m. went they and then left of her own accord her keys and purse however weren't in the apartment so her friends knowing Cindy suspected she had probably popped out early that morning to a nearby 24-hour convenience store to like get a snack or something and either going to or coming from something happened footage from the store wasn't able to be recovered as by the time the police got there it had been it had been overwritten her phone records and emails were checked nothing seemed a Miss there she had ordered a new computer that was on the way so her leaving of her own accord well chances of that seemed slim to nil searches were undertaken in the nearby woods and surrounding areas but nothing was found it seems like old Cindy just vanished but then right something really weird a couple of days after you know Cindy went missing and the news reports right there an eyewitness came forward this eyewitness said they they believe they saw someone who resembled Cindy but this was over 200 Mi away in Philadelphia she had said that very early on the morning of November 1st she saw a woman matching Cindy's description being forced into a vehicle in Philadelphia's Chinatown District she said the woman was screaming and then the guy who was doing the forcing was shouting at this witness to basically get the hell out of there now how Cindy would have gotten from State College to Philadelphia and there a couple of Errors remains unknown but a sketch was done this person it was provided by the police so who took her was it just a random crime of opportunity or was it someone Cindy knew who knew all about her and was able to get her out of her apartment but that was it nothing more was found about Cindy and speaking of people knowing things about you that you know you rather they didn't this whole video is sponsored by Aura my friends ever find right that your personal and private information has gotten to places you know it it it really shouldn't have getting emails and and spam after spam after spam and not not the delicious kind well guess what Hot Shot data Brokers will sell your information to spammers to scammers to anybody else who may want to Target you I'm talking Banks insurance companies predatory lenders 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at her uncle's Pub Dugan Ellen smacka had returned home about 15 minutes later there at her home Ellen was confronted by two masked men who were like waiting at house for her they attacked her they grabbed her and they grabbed her purse and they made like her purse contained about $600 in tips she had made that night was all over in a couple of seconds terrifying and it sucks to lose that much money especially when you robbed inside your own front door and then Ellen obviously freaked out she went into her own house anyway she began checking she P some expensive bottles of bottles of alcohol [ __ ] are taking them too the one time you need a drink though Days Later strangely her purse just magically appeared at the bar Duan bar uh though you know minus the $600 she had made that night 2 months later Ellen's house was robbed again this time 900 books were taken Poor Ellen right and it would turn out that a year before she had been robbed like previously her car had been broken into and like $600 have been yed out of her car Ellen was fuming she was pissed off as you can imagine so she went to the police and again rural area that kind of stuff so the the the cops asked her like listen who do you think could be doing this she says I know exactly who's doing this it's freaking Hugo zinski zinski was dating Ellen's then best friend Christina and she had known him since high school and was aware of his reputation and had heard about him committing utter thefts Ellen had noticed you know that Hugo you know as I said dating her best friend but he would disappear for long stretches of time and then come back Jus full Cas you know splash splash well he never had a job ever Ellen also said Hugo knows where I live he knows probably my schedule he knows where I work he knows that I make a lot of money in cash right from tips so a you know guy with a history and guess what Hugo has a accomplice right this guy named Paul Weekley who also has a history of burglaries [ __ ] dumb and dumber the gruesome toome Hugo seninsky and Paul Weekley had served time in prison together and had remained close on the outside and Paul had even been staying with Hugo Selinsky and his girlfriend Christina so that was enough for the police to look into both Hugo and and Paul weekly were they the neighborhood burglars let's find out together as I said it didn't take long for the police to find out that Paul Weekley had a long and story a beautiful tapestry of history of burgies in fact he was he was like up [ __ ] creek 41 right now he's facing charges like when they began looking at him then something odd the investigating officer you know they went and they spoke to Paul were you Robin Ellen's Place they were specifically investigating the night she'd come home and $600 were taken and some expensive bottles of alcohol were taken then and Paul he you know was like go f yourself but he did ask the investigating officer one question in particular he was like R me this are there many unsolved murders like in the county by chance anyways so the police were looking at seninsky and Paul Weekley Hugo amus seninsky was born on August 1st 19 1973 two parents Ronald and Ruth to say erad Hugo was a bit of a wrong one uh right from the start that's that's an understatement in high school he was literally voted most likely to spend the rest of his life in detention he'll spend the rest of his life doing a lot more than that and even his name Hugo selinski I mean he sounds like a serial kill now as I said both Hugo selinski and Paul Weekley denied uh being involved in in the burglaries as I said specifically that one burglary Paul um he actually in fact because he was facing charges for other burglaries he had an ankle monitor on him so he could provably say he wasn't there police didn't really get anywhere with either of them but then get this 7 days after their initial questioning Paul he he calls Mr and like here listen you're going to want to hear this right he was willing to talk to the police about some things maybe maybe he knows if he would get a reduced sentence because because he had such a long history of burglaries he was probably going to like do a lot of time now at this point so investigators sat down with Paul weak like yeah here shoot the [ __ ] tell me a story and Paul said yeah Hugo was one of the people who had robbed Ellen that night and the other was a guy named Patrick Russen see Paul weekly said that the three of them had been drinking when Patrick Russen and Hugo Selinsky decided to go out only for them to return a while later and now they had a whole bunch of cash and a stack of expensive bottles of alcohol not only were the things Ellen was missing from her home but while Paul was talking to the investigators about this about what had happened he told the investigators call Ellen right now and ask her where her high school diploma is the police did so they hey how where's your high school diploma and she's like I'm going to have a look for it boom Paul I got it right here proving that his story was true that they had stolen money they had stolen uh alcohol and stolen her High School which is like bit of a dick move and then Paul weekly had to say guess what right you get this burglaries are going to tip at a mother fan Iceberg Paul Weekley said that seninsky was a serial killer and needed to be stopped according to Paul weekley's statement Hugo Selinsky had killed at least two people that he knew about when asked who the victims were Paul Weekley gave the names of missing local pharmacist Michael Kowski and his girlfriend Tammy facet their disappearance had been big news in the area they disappeared a couple years prior nobody knew what happened to them now they were about to find out Michael kosi had been running his own Pharmacy the medicine shop since he graduated from college in 1999 from the outside he seemed to be the you know the generic American family man you know doing it all that is until April 20th 2001 when police raided the pharmacy as part of an investigation into illicit prescriptions and black market pain pills and he was arrested that had charged Michael had lost his job and marriage and was soon facing years in prison after being convicted in February 2002 for Distributing a controlled substance the only upside for Michael was meeting a new woman 37-year-old Tammy facet who working as a waitress at a bagel shop when she met Michael and despite his illegal woes she fell head over heels for him veing to stand by him three months into the relationship and just a few days out from Michael's sentencing news started to spread that the two had disappeared obviously you know the first everybody's going to think Michael is literally about to be sentenced and go away for a couple of years he ran away him and his new misss they ran away with all the money he had stashed from selling you know all the black market Black Market pain pills and [ __ ] that was what the police believed they were like they're down all South America way we'll never see him again but we'll get him next time now police were being told they actually hadn't gone anywhere that Hugo seninsky had killed them both we told the police that seninsky had visited him on May 5th 2002 and solicited his help in moving the bodies from behind the high school where they buried them and moving them to somewhere less likely to be stumbled across seninsky told weekly that himself and Pat Russen had killed the two he taught that Pat might turn him in so he wanted to move the Buddies just in case so the two of them dug up the buddies and reburied them in solinsky's backyard see one of the last conversations anybody had with Tammy facet before she vanished was her own mother she'd been on the phone T her and Tammy said they were yapping away whatever and then Tommy said listen I got to go there's two guys here she didn't know who they were but there two guys here and that was it in addition to this Michael's parents they also spoke to the police because like during Michael's trial for you know selling illegal pills and [ __ ] he had come to his parents house one day where the guy his parents didn't know that guy was Hugo s and he was like listen this is my best mate Hugo seninsky The Sun Shines out of his ass he's so great he's going to help me like during the trial and beat this whole case it's great and that was that then Michael and Tammy go missing and two months after they are last seen when everybody believes they've done a runner Hugo seninsky turns up again at Michael's parents house and he wants to speak to Michael's dad his name was Mike Senior he's like listen to this I know where Michael and Tammy are they're laying low you know they're on the on the hiding from the cops but I know Michael gave you a load of money that he had you know stashed from his pain pel operations so if you just give me some of that money I can give it I can give it then to Michael because he needs it you know he's on the line he told Mike Senor I need $30,000 right that I'll absolutely positively give to your son who needs it to beat this whole thing now Michael Jr had in fact given his dad $100,000 in cash secretly to stash away from him so Mike Senior was like yeah you know I've already met you before my son said The Sun Shines out of your ass of course if it helps my son take take as much money as he need Hugo did this multiple times returning for 30 grand returning for 40 Grand until the turd visit when Huga says I need some money to help out your son who's hiding it and this time Mike Senor was like how do I know you're not bullshitting me I haven't heard spoken to my son apparently you're the only person who knows where he is what's going on here Mike Senior even gave Hugo a list of questions you know that only his son would know and he wanted to answer his back well next time Hugo returned he just pulled out a gun and said give me all of the money he did so as you can imagine now of course Mike Senor could have gone to the police sooner you know about Hugo zinsky and Hugo could have been caught much earlier but Mike didn't know if Hugo was telling the truth or not so that's why he didn't you know say uh that he's robbing me or that maybe my son's not even alive on June 5th 2003 police served a search warrant at solinsky's home address at 479 mount oliv Road Wyoming PA the police went over the house with a fine tooth comb and at first seemed to be coming up empty-handed that is until Paul weekly told them exactly where to dig the excavation team quickly recovered the bodies of Tammy and Michael the cause of death was later ruled to have been asphixiation the two victims had cable ties tightened as far as they would go around their throats before being left to die and that was only the beginning of what they found in s yard not only did they find the Buddies they were looking for they also found a whole host of burnt bone fragments which at first estimate was believed to come from as many as 10 different people it would ultimately be determined that it was in fact Paul Weekley and Hugo Selinsky had gone to Michael's house to get the money they knew he had hidden from his drugs operation and um well Michael wasn't going to leave alive Tammy was she was just there she was collateral damage Michael and Tammy were both tied up tamy was taken to the bedroom and Michael was beaten and tortured with a rolling pin and cable ties to get the location of his cash out of him ultimately though Michael said I don't have the money on me it's with my dad guess what two months later Hugo would go to his dad demanding the money back saying Michael's alive when in fact after Michael told him where the money was Hugo put a zip tie around his neck Tammy's neck just let him die slowly and painfully the bodies then ultimately ended up in s's backyard Hugo was arrested in October 203 for the two murders but then get this just a couple of days after he was arrested and put in jail Hugo managed a daring little escape from the luzern county prison this was on October 10th 2003 himself zinsky and another uh inmate they managed to uh get out of the bars right they used the broom to them open and then they made a rope out of bed sheets start scaling down scaling down the wall now the other prisoner who escaped with Hugo um I guess he wasn't quite as good cuz he actually fell had to be airlifted to a hospital and ultimately is now way paraplegic Hugo though was a little bit more uh Adept at it and he he made it shocked and alarmed and very concerned right now the LZ County district attorney talks about last night's Prison Break in wilbury an accused double murderer is on the Run Hugo seninsky escaped from the LZ County Prison late last night this is the man that police are out looking for now every available unit in the area out looking for this man Hugo sininsky as you said he is accused of two murders so far here in lern County he was right inside the jail you see behind me last night that is until about 10:00 that's when he and his cellmate repelled from their top story cell down a road R made of sheep massive Manhunt begins boats take to the Susana River dogs try to track down sininsky sent State local and federal police fan out around this part of wilbury and other parts of lern County he was able to climb the external fen's razor wire top with a prison mattress and climbed his way to Freedom he made his way to his aunt's house 8 mil away from the jail where she helped hide him out for a day before he left and returned to the house where he committed the crimes seninsky turned himself in after 3 days on the lab he actually ended up not even facing sentencing for the Escape after the district attorney was found to have made a whole bunch of Errors related to the speedy trial and all the hell case was thrown out two more victims found in uh in zelinsky's backyard would also be identified they were both gang gang members one was 29-year-old Frank Rudy James and 22-year-old adier Redmond Keeler over the next 20 years Hugo zalinsky would face face trials for the two double murders keer and James were up first in multiple interviews and again a trial three years later in March 2006 solinsky's former friend 33-year-old Patrick Russen testified that he saw sininsky shoot both men with a 12 gauge shotgun the motive drugs and money not much else the March 2006 trial for the murders of James and Keeler ended in a mistrial simply down to a lack of physical evidence fibers DNA even witness testimony was was vague at best though he was found guilty of lesser charges related to the burning of their corpses there simply wasn't enough other than very shaky testimony to say that Hugo zalinsky was the one who had actually murdered the two men but his second trial would come around in 2015 for the murders of Michael and Tammy and this time it went much more in favor of the prosecution from the very beginning the murder trial of Yugo slinsky has been on again off again for several years the trial delays involved numerous factors including appeals regarding evidence solinsky's move to dismiss his courta appointed lawyers and briefly represent himself did you want testif you are you confident going in I'm always this trial heavily relied on the testimony of Paul weekly who said he was there when they were killed he testified he had helped kill both Tammy FASA and Michael Kowski now Paul weekly he had already been sentenced for his part in the double murders he was facing the dead sentence but he had guilty he was sentenced to life uh in prison without the possibility of parole and so when he was testifying against Hugo sansy he had not he had not right he had not the game so his test was kind of believable weekly told judge that was solely about the money that that Michael keski had made selling almost 300,000 pills tamy facet was simply in the wrong place at the worst possible time Paul weekly said he'd actually tried to back out when they realized tamy was there he and selinski knew what they were going to do at Michael kow's place but seninsky just waved it off and said it was all going to be fine and go ahead as planned weekly testified that Michael had been totally taken in by Hugo he really believed in him and thought he was trying to help him beat his trial seninsky thought nothing more of Michael than an easy payday Michael you know he knew he was going to go down for a long time for selling you know Black Market pills all that kind of stuff so he really believed Hugo was going to help him beat beat this whole thing and zinski said he would the seninsky Saga ended in a guilty verdict and the judge sentenced him to two consecutive life terms plus 56 to 120 years in prison on March 27th 2015 naturally seninsky appealed but the most recent appeal was thrown out in 2023 nearly two decades after he was arrested at the Lazar County Prison Newswatch 16 sat down with convicted double murderer Hugo selinski throughout the conversation sininsky emphasized his innocence saying as far as the verdict it's hard to say I respect the verdict I'll live with it I stand by my innocence since his incarceration in 2003 it has been a trying time for him and his family telling us I'm in the hole it's a miserable experience and it's harder for my family I'm portrayed as a vicious villain and that's wrong I have people who love me I'm not a monster when asked how those bodies of Tammy facet Michael Kow and others ended up in his property he said that's a question I'd like an answer to obviously I have to mention theing list is long of of people victim's identities the people who were found in his backyard it's believed that there was 12 people buried there only four of them have been identified from of B bone fragments and all it's like 12 different people nobody knows who they were by the very nature of Hugo Selin's disposal method of burning the remains potential DNA was it was completely dest destroyed and he's not the type to come clean and bear his soul in hopes of finding peace for the families of the dead though it's unlikely any of them will ever know what happened some some have even no idea their loved ones ever met seninsky and one of those buddies in the pit could possibly be be Cindy Cindy Song who I mentioned at the very beginning c seninsky was interviewed about her disappearance and he admitted he was involed he said him but it was Michael kesi who had actually done the killing right they have been driving around early that Halloween morning morning of November 1st they'd seen her and they had taken her they they had erroneously believed she was a sex worker at the time so they dragged her into the card and Michael killed her a tip that she was kidnapped and killed by Hugo zalinski this is uh giv us a little bit more hope into the case and and this has been our best lead and we're going to follow it up until we can either prove it or disprove it Hugo told them her body was buried somewhere in luzar County but as her body has not been recovered from his backyard or at least not identifiably so the investigation stalled right there Hugo said Michael Kowski even kept Cindy's bunny ears before locking her in a gunen safe they assaulted her multiple times over the following few days before she slowly suffocated to death inside that safe Selin's level of sophistication is what makes people you know kind of think that there's a there's a lot more to him than meets the eye then we will ever find out I'm talking rumors of snuff films missing girls trafficking and a lot of accomplices of his who were never named publicly I mean sure look at his house for damn sake does this look like the house you know the home of a small time burglar who who murdered some people for money or drugs there's even been talk of conspiracies and that people are covering for him but back to Cindy whose disappearance is as mysterious as Hugo zelinsky's life no one no one really knows what happened to her the witness who said they saw her in Philly they ended up they ended up changing their statement numerous time so so police were skeptical of that the investigation slowed to a crawl with no new information and out of all the possible leads they had only one remains Hugo seninsky despite a confession of sorts investigators have been unable to find any more evidence that links seninsky to songs kidnapping and so no more charges have ever been brought with everything else we know about him it is extremely possible that Hugo seninsky murdered song and could quite possibly be one of the most prolific serial killers we know nothing about thank you so much for watching uh really means the world to me I hope you enjoyed this old video uh thank you and um yeah listen next video you know be up in a couple of days so please give it a goo when it's out but you know what here listen until then please take care of each other take care of yourselves cuz I love you my C [Music]
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 630,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, hugo selenski, cindy song, paul weakley, back mountain
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 37sec (1717 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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