Everything You NEED To Start A Mobile Podcast

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what's going on guys my name is Alex arati and welcome back to the channel I am super excited because I have finally had the time to do a podcast setup I've been wanting to do this for like over a year now and I never really had the time because I've been so busy traveling and doing you know documentaries and a lot of my film making and finally I caught a moment where I was like I have a little bit of time I'm starting to build my team a little bit more so I don't have to focus so hard on the editing of this podcast uh I could kind of delegate that which is awesome but I thought thought to myself while I'm creating this podcast and while I'm going on this journey and learning what to buy what to do and how to set everything up I thought I would take you guys on this journey with me and show you guys every step of my process along the way and hopefully help you guys set up your own podcast So today we're going to be breaking down the gear lighting angles of the cameras and even if you don't have a camera even if you don't have a fancy Cinema Camera how to record a good quality podcast on your phone so we're going to break all that stuff down today I'm very excited let's get into it now the big question is how are you filming this podcast for me I'm a filmmaker so I have cameras at my disposal I have a beautiful Cinema Camera I got a couple of a andb cameras that I use on multicam shoots but here's the big question what if you don't have cameras what if you're not a filmmaker and that's where this app detail Duo comes into play detail Duo is a phone recording app and detail Duo has a feature that connects two iPhones together to record on both phones simultaneously and all you guys have to do to connect the iPhones is just press this plus sign and add a nearby phone or an iPad to connect and now you have both cameras recording your podcast at the same time and I know this might sound a little bit confusing so let me just break it down for you guys so what we did was we placed the first phone angled towards me over here and then we place the second phone angled towards Lewis over here now on the app app all you have to do is just hit record and now you're ready to film your podcast and a huge reason why I recommend using this app is because it uses AI generated subtitles and within seconds all you have to do is press a button and you have everything subtitled and transcribed which is incredible and if you guys want to make any Cuts or changes or adjustments to the video or the audio you could do all of that stuff right from the app and when we're done recording the video and I'm done making my edits and changes all you have to do is hit this button and then you're ready to save it right to your iPhone and upload to social media so if you guys want to check out detail Duo I'll leave a link down below and you guys can check that out see if it's right for you now for those of you who do have a couple of cameras at your disposal what I would do is I would set up a wide shot like this and maybe I would sit in this corner and I would have my guest sitting in this corner I would place a tight shot on me and then I would place a tight shot on my my guest so you have your establishing wide angle shot where you know you could introduce the podcast and then you have individual shots when someone is talking about something super serious you can cut to that now if you only have two cameras what I would suggest is putting each camera individually on your host and your guest and unfortunately you wouldn't have a wide kind of establishing shot for the podcast but you would be able to cut very clean shots from your guest to your host and back and forth to whoever is talking at the moment and that's how I would do it if I had two cameras if I only had one camera what I would do is I would set up a watch shot like this make sure I capture both my host and my guest and I would make sure that I'm at least recording at 4K and probably edit this on a 1080 timeline so if I needed to punch into my host or my guest I could do so and that's how I would do it if I only had one camera all right so the first thing that we're going to talk about is choosing the right microphone for your podcast and there's a couple of microphones that I have in mind that I want to talk about and I I want to talk to you guys about the reason why I chose these microphones particularly but in my mind there's two options option number one is our cheaper option and it has great build quality and most importantly it sounds really good especially for the price and the microphone that we're talking about today is the road pod mic and it comes at a price of $99 now the more expensive option and the mic that we're using today is the sh sm7b and to me this is definitely a great microphone and one that I would recommend for a more Pro setup cost of this microphone comes in at $399 which is a little bit more pricier but I thought to myself like if I'm really going to do a podcast and this is something that I want to take on throughout the Journey of my career I thought to myself the the only thing that I would really really want to invest in is a good solid microphone and to me I think that this microphone not only sounds great but it looks great on camera and I wanted to have something professional I wanted to have something that I knew that I would invest in one time and not have to buy another microphone and to me this was it so I would definitely check out one of these two microphones and don't worry guys I'm going to link everything down below I actually put together a little Amazon store so if you guys want to go there check everything out I'll list everything in this podcast so you guys can choose the best gear for you and I'm going to make sure that I keep in mind that some of you guys might not have huge expensive budgets for your podcast so I'm going to make sure that I put like a small medium and large budget item for each item that we're talking about today so let's keep moving on now both of these microphones have XLR inputs so you're going to need to have an audio interface to either record this straight into your computer or you can have an external recorder like I have which is an H6 Zoom recorder but just keep in mind guys that you are going to need a way to record this with the XLR input and output and like I said I use a zoom recorder and the reason why I I like using this recorder is because if I want to do something on the road where I want to take this and make my podcast Studio mobile I all I have to do is bring this Zoom recorder and I could record all the audio and mic everything up individually and have separate audio levels for each microphone cuz some people speak a little bit lower or louder than the other person and it's just a great option to have the other option if you just have like a dedicated podcast Studio or a room in your house the other option is to use a computer right to have a laptop or it hooked up to a computer and go straight into a record Rec ing software now that's a little bit more of a robust recording system and I think that that's great if you have like a dedicated place right now I'm recording in my studio but I might want to go out and record a podcast in someone else's house or I might have a client that might want to do podcast in their house or in a different location so I opted for a you know smaller more mobile cleaner setup now that we have all the gear it's time to show you guys how I set it up in this room and how I would record a podcast using the gear that I have so to start with we have the zoom recorder this is where all the mics are going to be hooked up to and where you're going to record all the audio for your podcast and what's cool about having this Zoom recorder is that like I said before you can independently turn up and down the volume of each microphone that you have and this particular Zoom recorder comes with four inputs so you could put four different microphones and if you need to put phantom power to every microphone or just one microphone you can do that um and then everything gets recorded on an SD card and then you take that SD card pop it right into your computer and you're able to get the audio the only thing that sucks about doing this is that you are recording your audio on your camera and your your Zoom recorder separately so you will have to sync them up and that's why a lot of the times before we start anything I'll make sure that I'm recording the zoom recorder and the microphone and I'll do a loud clap like this and basically what that does is is it spikes the audio and it makes it extremely easy to sync everything up it is a little bit of an extra hassle but for me it's worth it to have each individual volume and level set for every microphone that you're using now for microphone placement as you can see I have this microphone pretty close to my face but if I have it a little bit further away or if I sit further away it starts to sound a little bit more like this and this isn't ideal you know for microphone placement you want to be pretty close to your host or your guest mouth you want to make sure that you have the best possible audio recording this is a podcast and it's very normal to see the microphone in frame in the podcast you just don't want it to be covering your subject's face so keep in mind not to cover the face right now you guys can see my entire face I'm looking on screen my entire face is visible but the microphone is somewhere in frame and that's okay um just make sure that most importantly you're getting good clean audio which around this proximity for me sounds the best so keep that in mind while you're setting up your your podcast studio now that we have our audio and our camera taken care of it is time to put the finishing touches to this podcast and that is lighting now I would say that lighting is probably one of the most important things when you're filming anything but for podcasts in particular I think that getting the lighting right is kind of tricky right because you have a lot of the times multiple people that you're trying to light up and what I would suggest doing is getting yourself at least two lights right now today in in the studio we're using an aperture 120d and then we are using a 200x Cool Cam and then we added two soft boxes to those lights and I would suggest getting yourself a bigger soft box um try to stay away from the smaller soft boxes because the bigger the soft box the softer the light's going to be you know when you're doing a podcasting and when you're lighting faces it's important to have a very soft flattering light and that's what these big soft boxes give us as you guys can see we're using a black grid on each soft box to kind of focus the light and make sure it doesn't spill all over the room believe it or not this right here is not the sun this is a little Spotlight that we added and we kind of cut the light a little bit to just add a little bit more interest to the background now for placement I'm going to angle one light behind the host angled towards our guest at about a 45° angle with the purpose of lighting the back of our host and also lighting Our Guest then I'm going to take another light and place it behind our guest on the opposite side of him with the intention of lighting his back and also lighting our host's face and this is probably the most common lighting setup that you're going to see in a podcast and that's because it works great it lights up both our guest and our host and it makes sure that it gives them a little bit of a backlight and it angles each light 45° away from our subject what gives a little bit of Shadow and depth to the face now that you have all the gear that you need and you have some options for cameras lighting now go out and record your podcast guys I really appreciate you guys taking the time uh following me on this journey and I can't wait to have an episode of this podcast out I have no idea what I'm going to call this thing yet the podcast is going to be about film making obviously but I think it's going to be about film making it's going to talk about some behind the scenes experiences that we've had we're going to have some guests on the show for sure I like to thank you guys so much for watching don't forget to like And subscribe like always and uh yeah I'll see you guys again deuces
Channel: Alex Zarfati
Views: 13,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to start a podcast, how to start a podcast for beginners, podcasting for beginners, podcasting equipment, how to podcast, how to record a podcast, podcast setup, podcast equipment, podcast equipment for beginners, podcast setup for beginners, podcasting setup, podcasting tips, record a podcast, podcast setup on a budget, podcast tips, video podcast setup for beginners, podcast microphone, podcasting tutorial, how to start a podcast on your phone
Id: CkC6Y96K5YU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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