EVERYTHING YOU NEED To Play Guild Wars 2 In 2022

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oh greetings traveler i see you happened upon my humble caravan here uh in the middle of nowhere oh what's that you're seeking for an mmorpg to play in this dark age of corporate trash and pay to win well you're in luck you see i have just the thing for you it's fresh it's unique it's absolutely jam-packed with content are you a mouth-breathing who likes to chase their next hit of dopamine is amused by flashy lights and captivated by spectacular open world bosses or perhaps you're a retired dad gamer who just wants to enjoy an mmo that respects your time without the endless grind for gear or maybe you're one of them degenerates who pvp non-stop and need to validate themselves by wiggling their virtual penis in people's faces well guild wars 2 has all of that and more today i'm going to fast track you through what guild wars 2 offers here in 2022 but before we get into that grab yourself uh cooper gola because today also marks the day this highly praised mmorpg finally comes to steam and you can download it log in and play right now for absolutely free yes that's right i'm not selling you a single thing today my friend i am an unpaid advertiser to a corporate entity now with all that bollocks out of the way let's begin shout so i actually already covered the announcement of this steam release and the details of the launch are explained albeit slightly in the past tense in this video up here in the top corner however to set us up today i will quickly overview what's new in relation to this release so you can get straight into it this release also marks the 10th anniversary for guild wars 2 meaning they have permanently introduced a brand new set of decade related achievements that will help guide you through the content this game has to offer content i will be outlining in today's video as well as a pseudo guide on how to actually access some of this i am a player who is entrenched in the guild wars franchise and has been since guild wars 1 back in the day i thoroughly enjoy arenanet's attempt to mix things up and although most of what they do is hard to adapt to i will do my best to help you adjust today in case you're unaware guild wars 2 is very different to your traditional theme park mmos it basically takes everything you thought you knew about massively multiplayer online role-playing games and then ignores it to make its own unique thing this makes guild wars 2 a hard pill to swallow for your average world of warcraft fan and that's perfectly understandable however with a slight shift in mentality and a clear understanding of how you're supposed to play through this content it becomes rather easy to adapt i think guild wars 2 does a poor job of explaining itself to new players and that's okay arenanet are infamous for their lack of marketing after all and that's what i'm here for 10 years after release and hopefully by the end of the video you'll be excited to jump straight in so let's begin with the most riveting of mmo tasks fumbling through the settings to actually make the game playable this mmo has a fairly traditional mmorpg control scheme it's essentially just tab targeting with some extra bells and whistles for starters there's no traditional white numbers that you'd expect from a game like wow or final fantasy xiv your auto attack is essentially just your number one skill that rolls through automatically when you're in range which leads me on to the spell bar in particular as you can see it is fairly limited guild wars 2 features what is known as a limited action set meaning you need to pick and choose which utilities would best suit your current situation and then stick with it your first five skills are bound to what weapon you use and are unique per class and the second five are ones that are tied to your specific class kit finally one of guild wars 2's most important features is it's active dodge this is a separate keybind that you must set however the default is shift now whilst we're on the topic of keybinds here there is a very important part of guild wars 2 that i need to bring to your attention this mmo boasts a type of combat called hybrid combat and there are two ways that you can play the traditional tab targeting that you will all be familiar with from other mmorpgs and what they call the action camera this is the mode i highly recommend you use whilst playing guild wars 2. it turns the game into a fairly clunky disconnected tab targeting game to one that is very action based using left mouse button to attack instead of spamming one to activate action camera you go into settings scroll down to camera and bind something to this option here action camera toggle i personally feel comfortable with left alt however you can use whatever you want with this bound you are able to freely switch between both tab targeting and action camera whenever you like and i recommend you go into the game learning action camera as the default it will make your experience a hell of a lot smoother by today's standards now if you'd like to learn more about the general mechanics of the game its ui and its systems i have a 40 minute beginner's guide that basically covers it all in extreme detail i will leave that in the description and in the pinned comment now with that mandatory obstacle out of the way uh let's jump into the actual content available and what you can expect from this massive world and it's 10 years worth of content ah welcome back traveler so it seems i have piqued your interest with guild wars 2. very good very good allow me to grab from the back some content for you to dive into oh yes it's um story pbp ah yes this will do nicely traveller yeah you see guild wars 2 features many types of diverse content excuse me they have a very solid episodic story campaign that spans over 20 years of in-game law a huge open world with dynamic events leading into epic world bosses and an insane amount of optional achievement based activities like jumping puzzles hidden caves and easter eggs out the wazoo it's tons of fun to explore the world of tyria but allow me to explain it in further detail so guild wars 2's world is not entirely open world in the traditional sense the maps are split up between loading screens however this is necessary because of the way their open world events are structured you see as players move around the world various activities spawn that lead a chain of epic encounters with a challenging world boss that blows every other mmorpg's world boss right out of the water these events appear on your mini-map as you approach and usually an npc will run up to you and explain the situation this really helps to make the world feel alive because as you'll notice playing guild wars 2 is not static the world can change dramatically depending on current events in the world and this only gets better and better as you progress through the expansions and see how arenanet have learned and adapted over the years when you explore the world of tyria your goal is to unlock and discover a variety of map related objectives these are waypoints that allow you to instantly teleport to a location on the map points of interest that highlight a significant location vistas that show you a cinematic view of the zone skill points that progress your character through exploration and finally heart quests unlike a traditional mmorpg this game does not offer you quests in the form of an exclamation mark above npc's heads instead heart quests take the place of these and you can complete them in a variety of ways however that does not mean this game is entirely directionless you are given what they call your personal story at which you begin when you start your character as the personal story is very much related to the race that you pick the personal story will take you through the world introduce you to the significant lore characters and slowly ramp you up to the main threat putting this world in danger however it does not stop there when you've completed the personal story you should be max level and this is where the game gets really interesting and delivers content in a way no other mmo has done before you see this mmo has been live for 10 years and the max character and gear level has always been the same even when new expansions are released the gear requirement does not increase and this is one of guild wars 2's main defining features beyond max level you start progressing through what is called your mastery level this offers you a count wide progression that permanently unlocks the features available from corteria the seasonal content and each and every expansion to tease a few of these you unlock special movement related mechanics like the glider from heart of thorns the mounts from path of fire and the jade bot from end of dragons enhancing your ability to traverse the world and explore in a very metrovenia style manner nearly all of its progression past max level is horizontal meaning if you've taken 10 years off this game and are worried you've fallen too far behind well that is simply not a worry as everyone is always at the same power level this is a double-edged sword of course because some people derive their fun from vertical progression and i tend to also fall within this camp however that does not mean it is pointless to play guild wars 2 for the finite content that it offers as i said i am also a vertical progression andy but despite that i think guild wars 2 has some of the highest quality story open world and group content currently available on the market now i'm sure you're excited to jump in and start your adventure oh you're interested in the as for mentioned group content within a massively multiplayer online role-playing game well you're in luck i have plenty of group content on offer out in the back give me a moment yes oh well um this won't be received maybe if i just oh and here we are my friend massive amounts of group content for you to indulge in we have the equalized structured pvp mass siege pvp and um [Music] oh yes fractals yes you see they're almost like dungeons except well yeah they're almost like dungeons except they're just a they're a little bit but i'll do my best to sugarcoat it and convince you that guild wars 2 has some really solid group content you guys can sink your teeth into so i simply cannot begin this segment without discussing the world boss meta events when it comes to guild wars 2 you must completely forget whatever you knew about content in previous mmos this mmo takes world bosses to a level no other game has ever done before their vanilla world the expansions and the seasonal episodes all offer map wide metal events that completely take over the whole zone and dedicate themselves to these bosses you must stop what you're doing and complete threatening objectives in massive map sized groups and split yourself up accordingly to complete these objectives in time to defeat these bosses as much as i dislike spoiling things what you're seeing in the background is an example of one of many map sized world bosses on offer in guild wars 2. so spoiling this one in particular isn't gonna be doing much harm however it takes a little finesse to understand the boss spawning mechanics and without this tool i'm about to explain you'll be hard-pressed to find them the world boss page on the wiki has all the world bosses their timers and waypoint locations for you to go and discover and participate in every single day i highly recommend you participate in these bosses at least once to get a complete experience of guild wars 2. it is truly one of the last mmos left that give you a real massively multiplayer online role-playing game experience but open world content is just open world content next we have the dungeons and raids these act as this game's instanced challenging group content the raids are in set locations in the world and require 10 players but the dungeons also known as fractals are located in the main city hub and act as a sort of gauntlet of mini dungeons with randomized fixes to mix up your experience i recommend participating in this kind of content when your gear is capped out after reaching max level finally we have the pvp game modes these are split into two again structured pvp and world vs world to access these you open up your pvp and world versus world panels and teleport to their separate instances you can either fight for your server in a variety of siege maps moving around in a zerg and capturing castles against other large zergs of players or you can go to the heart of the mists where all your gear is equalized and you can participate as a max level character against other max level characters regardless of your actual progression in the game's open world but before we conclude now i want to explain how you can find groups easily in guild wars 2 as this mmo does not feature an automated looking for group system like you find in your traditional mmorpgs instead guild wars 2 opts into using a looking for group panel kind of like the mythic plus group finder in wow where you look through the categories search for groups and apply to them whispering the leader and actual socialization happens fancy that a socialization within a social game a very rare occurrence in today's age and this my friends pretty much covers all of guild wars 2's content i just want to say that this mmo excels at one thing playing the game at your own pace and doing what you want to do without the same social pressures other mmos offer at no point are you going to fall behind on gear and it takes many thousands of hours to actually run out of content i've thoroughly enjoyed my time with guild wars 2 and although i am retired from this game because i have well over 10 000 hours i cannot recommend it enough because them 10 000 hours were by far the best hours i've ever spent in the mmorpg genre and if i could i would do it all over again oh oh but as usual i am just one merchant desperate for a good mmo and if i missed anything or you yourself enjoy guild wars 2 and want to let others know your experience of the last 10 years go ahead and let us know down in the comments below and hey i do not cover guild wars 2 very often this is a game that is very close to my heart but it is not my main subject matter so do not subscribe unless you're interested in an upcoming mmorpg called ashes of creation you see my main product at this caravan is copium for vaporware products to conclude though i highly recommend you go check out guild wars 2's main content creators the links for their channels are down in the description below and pinned in the comments to sign us off today i will leave you with my assistant hill good day to you sirs but not i don't care about horizontal progression i need a carrot on the stick to keep me playing and to that i say listen kid we get it right you need to prove yourself online and equalized pvp skill based challenging content and long term satisfying ride is too much of a reality check for you i think instead of improving yourself as a player skill wise you would just rather have an upward green arrow telling you that you're winning and i heard blizzard got you covered because you're high on copium
Channel: Narc
Views: 140,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ashes, AshesofCreation, Ashes of Creation, AoC, MMO, MMORPG, Beta, gameplay, Mage, Tank, Cleric, Player, World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy 14, Elder Scrolls Online, ESO, Runescape, Classic WoW, FF14, LA, Alpha Key, Review, Quest, Release, Help, pvp, Raids, Groups, Release Date, Asmongold, NDA, Purchase, TBC, Classic, News, Combat, Test, New, Endgame, Wait, Steam, Launch, 2022, HeartofThorns, PathofFire, EndofDragons, Path of Fire, Heart of Thorns, End of Dragons, Icebroodsaga, Icebrood Saga, Overview, noob
Id: wLbZa8tpbWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2022
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