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Guild Wars 2 is a game with a lot of depth and fantastic variety but if you're relatively new to the game there are a few key things to know about alongside some quirks and differences from other similar games that are important to be aware of to ensure a smooth gameplay experience with that in mind here are 15 handy new player tips that are aimed to answer questions and solve problems that I get asked about by new players all the time let's get into it use the Trading Post getting your hands on Golden Guild Wars 2 is incredibly important and can be easier said than done whether you're just playing the game normally or you've looked up the best gold Farm in the game one common factor is that your actual gold count in your inventory won't really go up that much what's going on well it turns out that Guild Wars 2 doesn't really tend to reward you in straight up gold rather the majority of your rewards will come in the form of items usually this will mean crafting materials gear or sometimes a different currency which you can generally then use to buy materials or gear converting these items to Cold Hard Cash is simple just sell them to other players on the trading post it's extremely important that you do sell items this way almost every item in the game is worth considerably more when sold to other players compared to when you sell them to a non-player character check your material storage have you been playing or farming for hours or days on end but seemingly have nothing to show for it don't worry your newfound wealth is just hidden away in your material storage unlike in most MMOs you don't exactly get a lot of gold coins in Guild Wars 2. instead you'll largely be rewarded in the form of crafting materials and thanks to the handy deposit all button in your inventory it'll all be funneled straight into your bank without you even noticing be sure to have a peek in there every now and again chances are you've got a lot more money than you think a great way to determine which of your materials are worth the most is Guild wars2efficiency.com it features a handy tool which will show you your entire material storage and the value of each item within it I'd highly recommend checking it out stay near other players the world of Guild Wars 2 can be very hostile when you're leveling from 1 to 80 doing the story or tackling most of the game's open world content you'll generally be able to fare perfectly fine on your own but in group content and some of the trickier open world encounters like Champion monsters you might want to bring a friend along and stick very close to them this might sound obvious but a side effect of Guild Wars 2's semi-action combat is that nearly all of the support abilities in the game like healing or applying powerful Boons are area based and as such the closer you stay to your allies the more you'll be affected by the wonderful supportive goodness it's quite common to see players stand at range only to be obliterated without support and it's easy to see why the thought process makes sense being further away from danger is safer right but actually it's almost always the opposite at range you'll be outside the warm loving Embrace of the squad whereas if you are stacked with everyone else if you end up getting hit you'll get healed up or revived much faster than if you're standing around in Narnia this is made even more important because of how strong offensive support is in Guild Wars 2 having a tight stack of players or supporting each other is an immense Force multiplier which will enormously increase your Effectiveness a fully supported player can be well over twice as strong as a player on their own respawn immediately if you die in open world chances are you've already come across at least one massive boss in the open world that has destroyed you instantly there's no shame whatsoever in being defeated by one of these Mighty adversaries after all you take them on in an enormous open world blob for a reason but if you do find yourself on the wrong end of a dragon's claw be sure to do your team a favor and Waypoint away to revive yourself there are two reasons for this one is that for each second you sit in a way to Revival from the ever generous Guild Wars 2 Community that's one second that could have been spent getting back into the mix as quickly as possible the other reason is if you do sit and wait you probably will indeed find yourself being revived by hand but that's not actually a good thing while it might be comfortable to be able to just jump straight back into the action it takes a pretty long time to revive somebody who's been fully defeated and anytime other players spend Reviving you is time that they aren't pumping damage into the boss it's also entirely possible that you're simply just left there on the floor spectating the action which really isn't that much fun at all is it this type of downtime can quickly add up to such an extent that potentially your boss kill could be in Jeopardy or at the very least slowed down considerably not to mention that thanks to waypoints being plentiful and often very close to the action and mounts now being in the game a lot of the time by waypointing you'll end up back in combat much faster than lying on the ground and typing please res don't be lazy read your skills and traits the true most powerful ability in gaming is indeed reading knowing which of your skills do damage which of them heal your allies or support them and which ones will lock down your opponents or break you out of a stun is critical for your survival and of course General Effectiveness once you're comfortable with every skill on your bar you'll be spending less time looking at your ability bar figuring out which one to press and more time blasting your enemies a particular note is skills with some kind of crowd control that is any of these effects here in every kind of content you'll often encounter enemies with blue bars below their health bar these aren't Defiance bars also known as brake bars and can only be damaged by using crowd control abilities on them until they're fully depleted the effects of a break bar being depleted varies from enemy to enemy sometimes it'll stun the monster and cause it to take increased damage or other times it will move you on to the next phase of an encounter whatever the case may be it's always going to be a pivotal moment of the battle so be ready at all times to break those bars exotic gear is really good exotic gear is the second best level of equipment in the game and you'll encounter items of this quality very early on in your journey after reaching level 80. and it's also very accessible to purchase from other players on the trading post you might expect that before going into full-on end game content you'd want to go for the best in slot equipment ascended gear but in fact this is not necessary for anything except high level fractals of The Mists basically dungeons which require ascended gear not because they're super super challenging but in fact because they have a special mechanic called Agony that requires ascended gear to counter Exotics are more than good enough for everything else in the game including the hardest raid bosses in fact a lot of the content you might expect to require ascended gear instead turn out to be some of the best places to earn ascended gear so don't hesitate to LEAP into whatever content catches your eye as soon as you have an exotic build set up and ready to go don't worry about Hearts something that you'll find in nearly every Zone in the game is Guild Wars 2's equivalent to quests Renown hearts renowned hearts are a little different to the typical quests that you'd see in most MMOs in that they're entirely optional while it might be tempting to sweep through a map completing as many as you can there's really no need to if you don't want to they won't unlock any further activities their rewards are largely cosmetic and they can sometimes be a little repetitive and time consuming if you find yourself getting bored of renowned Huts don't hesitate to move on and do something else Dynamic events in particular are where Guild Wars 2 shines and are often more rewarding than Hearts anyway You Can level in lower level zones if you ever find yourself souring to a particular Zone whether it's too difficult a little too boring or if you just don't like the visuals don't worry every Zone in the core game offers Dynamic level scaling that is your level and power will be scaled down such that you can level in any Zone which is level appropriate or lower level than you with no problems you can see which level each zone is here on the map experience is no issue either all of the experience rewards in the game are percentage based so you'll level up more or less the same Pace no matter where you are as a bonus this is fantastic for leveling with your friends you can join your level 8 friend on your level 72 character and still progress just as quickly as if you were in an End Game Zone and while you will be stronger than if you're level 8 you won't completely destroy the experience for your companion by utterly annihilating everything in sight use the wiki if you ever find yourself confused about something in game the first place you should turn to is the official Guild Wars 2 Wiki it's genuinely one of the most well maintained and comprehensive game wikis I've ever seen and if there's something you're unsure about or want to know more about then it will almost certainly have a page covering it in great detail and as an added bonus you can even open the wiki from the game by typing forward slash Wiki followed by whatever you want to search for in the chat nice talk to people got an inquiry that even the wiki wouldn't be able to help you with like the best build for a certain activity or whether or not crab toss is the right game mode for you don't be afraid to chat with other players map chat is almost always brimming with life and activity and the Guild Wars 2 Community will be happy to help out and answer any burning questions that you might have while you're at it you might even be able to make some friends which is of course lovely and rewarding in itself but also very handy to have in a game as team focused as Guild Wars 2. join squads while a lot of the open world content can be handled by a group of ragtag players independently running around and wreaking havoc some events require a little more coordination and that's where squads come in squads are groups which can contain up to 50 players and are shown on the map by this marker if you ever spot a squad taking part in an activity that you're interested in be sure to join it not only will you be able to see the location of your squad mates players in squads will heal and support each other at a higher priority compared to players outside the squad so you'll die less and hit harder if you're in squads are also a great way to learn about how Group Play works in the open world and Beyond something which is well worth learning and understanding if you want to succeed in Guild Wars 2. make sure that you've got Squad chat enabled as the commander will often be instructing the squad on what to do and where to be while we're on the subject of squads it's definitely worth knowing how you can find them the game's looking for group panel found by pressing this button contains a list of every open world map in the game along with a few other categories like strike missions fractals dungeons raids or even tournament PVP from which you can simply join at the click of a button great if you're looking to bring down a large scale event or tackle content which can't be handled alone change your build when needed this tip is one which even a lot of veteran players don't do if you ever find yourself struggling with an opponent take a look through your skills and have a think about what might help you out between weapons traits and utility skills you've got an awful lot of options all of which are useful in different situations and the key to conquering whatever is giving you trouble is likely hidden somewhere among them don't be afraid to experiment and try new things to counter an enemy you might even end up improving your build along the way if you ever want to try out a new build or weapon you can actually try it instantly and for no cost whatsoever in the player versus player Lobby you'll have all skills Elite specializations and traits unlocked and you can pick up any weapon for a negligible price at this vendor once you've got your shiny new build loaded in test it out on the target Golems or throw down with players in the free-for-all arena try different things variety is the spice of life in Guild Wars 2 really enjoys this principle most areas of the game have almost no barrier to entry in terms of character progression player versus player doesn't use gear at all you just pick whatever attributes you want World versus World is always available and you can leap into battle at any time you don't need to have played the story or have a certain gear score to play any of the player versus environment content you can pretty much do whatever you want whatever you want so if you find yourself tiring of a particular type of content then just go and try something else this also applies to trying different builds or even full characters leveling is very fast in Guild Wars 2 and as you play more you'll even be able to instantly level up fresh characters whenever you want using tomes of knowledge items that will just pile up by logging into the game or playing player versus player or World versus World in addition to this Guild Wars 2 doesn't have much vertical progression so you don't have to re-grind a huge gear treadmill to get a new character up and running in fact because you can just buy items or share them between characters the process will end up being more or less instant once you've been playing for a while and on top of everything a large amount of your progression including mounts and gliding is a count wide meaning they'll be available instantly on all of your characters there's even more to be said about this but the short version is Guild Wars 2 is extremely alt friendly if you feel like your chosen profession or specialization isn't suiting your playstyle then yeah try something else don't rush unless you want to there is often a very heavy focus on progression and efficiency in MMOs and Guild Wars 2 is no exception there are dragons to be slain and gold to be farmed what's interesting about Guild Wars 2 though is that none of that content is ever going to be invalidated or removed the horizontal progression means that world bosses that were added at the launch of the game maintain their relevancy and are still battled to this very day and every raid dungeon or open world map isn't going anywhere either this means that whether you want to engage hyper Grind Mode is entirely up to you but the one thing that you can be certain of is that you won't miss out because as long as the servers are still running you'll be able to experience all of the content in the history of Guild Wars 2 in a meaningful and engaging way a second part of this advice is don't worry about making bad choices even if you delete all of your items in a moment of insanity it won't permanently damage your account or severely impair your ability to progress the absolute worst case scenario is mild inconvenience which you'll fix by probably throwing some gold at the problem so don't worry about doing everything perfectly unless you want to nothing wrong with a bit of sweaty Min maxing if you're into that sort of thing the takeaway here is that the game is all about choice and you can pretty much play Guild Wars 2 entirely at your own pace and everything will still be waiting for you when you get there even Guild Wars one is still around you can play the game in any order there is a huge amount of content in Guild Wars 2. in fact the story from the core game all the way through to the end of dragons is one massive 10-year linear story that being said you don't have to play any of it in order in fact you don't have to play any of it at all if you don't want to of course if you are interested in the narrative then playing from start to finish probably makes the most sense but be aware that you can play through it in reverse order if you see fit this also applies to any of the open world or instant group content you could beat the hardest boss in the game first and the easiest last if that's your thing the moment you're level 80 the world is your oyster and you can disregard the carefully laid out storytelling and systematic design to your heart's content so there you have it 15 tips to help ensure that your Guild Wars 2 experience is as comfortable and enjoyable as possible I hope that you've learned something new from this video and if you've got any handy tips of your own be sure to leave them in the comments to help grow the knowledge of the community even more if you've got any further questions leave a comment or comment say hi on my twitch Channel or Discord where I'll be happy to answer any queries whatsoever thanks for watching subscribe for more and I'll see you next time
Channel: MightyTeapot
Views: 242,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GW2, Guild Wars 2, Guild, Wars, MightyTeapot, Tpot, Path of Fire, Heart of Thorns, End of Dragons, Expansion, MMO, MMORPG, Online
Id: EiUNpI9Br3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2022
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