Everything You NEED TO KNOW Visiting Thailand 2024

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[Music] what's going on everybody  this is Island Hopper TV today we're   going to talk about things to know  when visiting Thailand let's do it so the main Hub that you're going to arrive  at more than likely is going to be Bangkok   and I recommend spending around three to  four days just exploring around Bangkok   before you go to Chiang Mai or Pattaya  or Phuket or anywhere else in Thailand all right let's talk affordability in Thailand  you're going to have flights that originate in   country that can cost you anywhere between 50  to 67 to 85 dollars per flight on one of the   low-cost carriers to go from Bangkok to Shanghai  or Chiang Mai or to go from Bangkok to Phuket   that's a good price for Airlines plus a little  bit of taxes right but then when it comes to   accommodation you can find hotels from 10 to 15  dollars that's around uh 500 Baht per night 400   Baht 300 Baht really affordable accommodation you  can also find more expensive I've typically been   ranging anywhere between fifty dollars per night  per room but you can definitely pay a little bit   more if you want a chain hotel like Marriott  or Hilton so keep that in mind also they do   have very luxurious Resorts that go for over 500  a night people stay in those even though you can   get equivalent quality at one of these off-brand  hotels resorts for you know fifty dollars to a   hundred dollars per night and when it comes  to food I've found that you can actually eat   breakfast for less than a dollar at times if  you're willing to eat at a street vendor or   a Hole in the Wall Restaurant Thailand's super  affordable you could take a bus from Bangkok to   Shanghai for 10 bucks you could take a taxi from  Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai for 55 I mean you're not   going to find these kind of prices anywhere else  around the world except for in Southeast Asia   and maybe some other places across Africa but  it's really affordable here in Thailand foreign that I want to talk about right now is going to  be the water transportation you take a long tail   boat you can see this wind boat right here it's  called long tail boat because the propeller has   about a 12 foot long Rod that extends into  the water then you have a ferry boat which   is a little bit slower than my favorite the  speed boat the speed boat will take me from   Fiji Islands to crappie right now in one hour to  Ferry two hours if I took a long tail it would be   three hours also when it comes to getting around  by train the only place that really has it is in   the north so you can take a train down south  but it's not the best train train in Bangkok   to Chiang Mai probably the best and then you  also have private cars and taxis tuck tucks   in the big cities and in The Villages like  Chiang Mai Chiang Rai they all have Tuk Tuks   Bangkok has a tuck tuck that tie has a tuck  tuck tuck in Patong but they look a little   bit different as you'll see right here and  so as you can see behind me we are at a bus   terminal they've got many tuck tucks that will  pick you up right here and they do have yellow   taxis but they also have taxis like this  where they have the covered back and you   sit down in the pickup truck bed which is very  interesting so go take a look at that sounds good and let's talk about Rideshare so you would think  they had Uber but actually here it's grab so when   you need to order a Rideshare vehicle download the  super app called grab that also in that app has   food delivery so instead of uber you're gonna go  with grab g-r-a-b download it before you get here all right now for the fun part we're going to  talk about Thai food right here in Thailand   you're gonna get lots of noodle and rice here  in Thailand also Curry goes good with the rice   and the noodle dishes there's going going to be  a variety of different Meats there's going to   be pork beef Seafood plenty of different seafood  varieties including shrimp I also had some Indian   cuisine as you can see here in Thailand and then  there's lots of rice this is pineapple rice and   then there's soup plenty of different types of  soup with noodles and fish balls so really do   try that I take one tofu what is this chicken  I take one chicken yeah so we're getting some   street food you can see it's got some tofu and a  little chicken ball they've also got fish balls   hot dogs and some sausages yeah there's lots of  Street vendors that are going to be posted up   in Thailand unlike other countries where they  have rules against Street vendors like this in   Thailand they're pretty much on every single  Road and Street Corner you're going to walk   through and have every town also these food hawker  stalls and then you're going to have international   cuisine you're going to have Burgers you're also  going to have corn pastas for Italian food like   this one lots of English breakfast by the way  as you can see many varieties of fruit here   mango papaya you name it also breakfast has its  varieties and then healthy food like salads and   low carbs fresh fruit and veggies at the farmer  markets and then there's unique exotic Cuisine   that I don't necessarily eat but you'll see that  here crickets and bugs I also had scorpion while   I was here though up to you how adventurous you  want to get foreign let's talk about accommodation   and cost of visiting Thailand so the average tuck  tuck price is around 200 baht to go about a mile   if you're in a taxi about the same price if you  get into an airplane and you want to fly from   Bangkok to Koh Samui you're looking at around 65  to 100 per person that's pretty affordable right   you could also take the train the prices vary for  that depending on the season and availability and   the class that you're going to ride in if you want  a hotel right here in Koh Samui right along the   beach for example you can get it for as low as  25 a night if you go right out across the road   you can find hotels for as low as seven dollars a  night ten dollars a night fifteen dollars a night   that's just right here in chow Wang same deal in  Phuket the further away you go from the beach the   lower the prices now in Bangkok you're going to  find hotels that are going to be anywhere between   50 a night sometimes as low as 35 a night all the  way on up to as high as 600 tonight depending on   if you're staying in something like the Four  Seasons or Ritz Carlton so they have really   high priced luxurious hotels and then they  have cheap boutique hotels all over Thailand all right let's talk about weather and the best  time to visit Thailand as you can see right now   it's November and we've been in the middle  of the rainy season down here in the south   in particular Koh Samui the Phuket probably  every day it rains so that is from July until   November sometimes even into December but the  Thai monsoon season it's not consistent it can   be eight months sometimes and it could be four  months other years so keep that in mind but the   general rule of thumb is from July until November  expect some sort of rainy season we're here right   in the middle of November and it's downpouring  today in Koh Samui it's here in Bangkok instead   of this sauna or this really hot heat that you  get in Bangkok it's actually mild right now   foreign when you come to Thailand where are you  going to go what do you want to see well if you   go to the north you have Chiang Mai which is the  mountains right now here in October it's actually   chilly up there you need to bring a jacket and  some warm clothes but if you go south of here   to say Phuket or some of the islands down there  it's a monsoon type environment right now maybe   even a typhoon will come through even here  in fall but those islands that's where you   really want to spend time if you want to do the  island hopping you can see Koh Samui kofifi you   can also go to Kong or Hong Island James Bond  Island right so there's many different islands   in the South but here where I am right now is in a  temple in Pattaya City so you'll get these Temple   experiences with Buddhism which is what we're  experiencing right now just look at this place   also guys if you're enjoying this travel  guide you can check the links Below in the   description we have more videos from Thailand  as well as a full playlist of seven different   destinations in Thailand foreign things to do  are going to include Safari Parks like this   one you have here you can do some off-roading  in ATVs and see what's up in the jungle out in   Thailand they also have elephants here now  it's not recommended to ride the elephants   but if you go there and just show some love  to elephants that's probably not a bad thing   and beach activities are going to include jet  skiing riding banana boats doing paragliding   also checking out surf schools lots of jet  ski activity at the beaches as you go Inland   away from the beaches you'll see people doing  snake shows you also have tiger sanctuaries you   just want to make sure that if you go there the  tigers are not being drugged also they have the   long neck Village a cultural experience also you  have the floating markets where you go around in   a boat and shop or just simply lounging at the  beach playing volleyball or just relaxing and   then you have temples there's so many different  temples across Thailand you're going to have the   temples in the North and then you're going  to have the temples around Bangkok and the   temples in the South a variety of different  spiritual experiences mostly related to Buddhism all right guys next thing you want to know  about the currency or the money situation   here in Thailand so they use the Thai bot right  now the US dollar has the strongest conversion   against the Thai baht that it's had in over  two decades about 37 to 38 Thai baht equals   one dollar that's a pretty good bang for your  buck out here in Thailand now the thing is when   you go to the ATMs they're going to give you a  varying conversion rate depending on where you   go so try to go to a bank to actually withdraw  the money from one of those ATMs but when it   comes to using credit cards or debit cards  you'll notice cash is King here so having Thai   bot on you is how you're going to get things  done typically you take out ten thousand Thai   baht that's around 220 to 230 depending on the  conversion rate using credit cards at hotels is   fine using credit cards around uh some of the tour  companies is all right but when you're paying for   taxis or when you're paying for food you'll  notice you're going to want to use Thai baht now on the subject of dangers there's something  else that I would like to point out I've noticed   that people rent ATVs motorbikes jet skis and  they do it while they're under the influence   of some substance and there's a multitude of  different substances that people come Thailand   and take not just alcohol okay so they get all  kind of like they're just no rules to go out it's   absolutely annihilated hammered and it'll be three  o'clock in the afternoon and they'll do something   like crash into a Thai local and the  next thing you know they're being   offended by citizen's arrest by the Thai person  saying hey you have to stick around and look if   the Westerner person is trying to leave and then  what ends up happening is a big bike breaks out   and then the Westerner thinks that they can fight  the tie guy that's just never going to be a good   thing here because in Thailand you're always  going to get way more Thai people who are going   to attack you if you start attacking or fighting  a Thai local so never ever think that it's smart that will not end up in your favor at all  and I just witnessed it about 10 minutes ago all right let's talk about some general facts  to know about Thailand the population 69 million   people the majority of ties 95 are actually  Buddhist also another thing to know is the   language is Thai and if you want to learn some  words I'll give you two real quick Sawadee cop   is hello and Copco and cop is thank you so  when you say that just means thank you and   you put your hands like that it's just a nice  way to do something and just a few more things   to know about Thailand it's also known as the  land of the smiles you'll have to come here   and see why they call it the land of the smiles  so many Smiley people also it used to be called   Siam you know Siamese cat well Thailand used  to be known as Siam also one last thing to   know it was never actually colonized one  of the only countries in Southeast Asia   that never fell under a colonial rule so it  is really a powerful Nation here in Indochina and when you get to Thailand I do recommend  getting a SIM card they do have e-sims   although those are not the airport typically  you're going to find the regular SIM cards   out here at the airport if you needed to get a  Nissan you can go to one of the shopping malls foreign self-care in Thailand is very abundant  they do have a lot of massages where you can get   a Thai massage they stretch out your whole body  and really get your muscles going 250 Baht uh   shave and clean up and that's around seven  or eight bucks I would say massages are   really in abundance they're going to  be right here on the beach you can   do a couple's massage you can do your  own massage for 30 minutes or an hour another thing I like to do when I go to Thailand  is get fitted for some custom clothing I like to   get suits and we're looking to get fitted for a  suit actually shirts he's taking my measurements   I might buy shirts he said around 750 Baht which  comes out to about what 25 30 us yeah something   like this as for a custom dress shirt but like I  said you can get a suit here and they take your   measurements it takes usually three days to get  the actual product back and then they have these   markets where you can get these off-brand kind  of clothing they say it's under armor they'll   say it's Gucci but it's really not but it's  going to be selling for like seven dollars or   ten dollars for each item depending on what you  get but they have a lot of these kind of markets   all across Thailand and every single major  tourist destination let's put it like this   you could show up in Thailand with nothing but  the clothes on your back and still find every   single clothing item you could possibly need for  under a hundred dollars to last you for probably   a week or two they have that kind of setup  in Thailand very cheap and affordable place now when it comes to nightlife and partying  they're going to have the full moon party   which is on kofanong they're going to have  some partying going on on Koh Samui Phuket   is known as like the party capital of the  south of Thailand and then there's Bangkok   which obviously has so much partying a lot of it  is going to be very much like the movie Hangover   so if you're a young person or an old person  you're going to find yourself getting sucked   into the Vortex of partying unless you go  off into the villages to sanctuaries when   you're in the big cities the party is all  around especially in the evening time but   again I do recommend you exercise Extreme  Caution when getting too carried away with   partying because Thailand is one of those kind  of places you could end up you could end up in   a hangover type situation but the good news  it's not all about partying they also have   these night markets like you can see right here  in Chiang Mai very crowded this is actually a   weekend Market this is how busy it gets up there  in Chiang Mai right now and in conclusion I would   say that you're going to really enjoy Thailand I  can't wait to hear your stories when you go into   the comments about your experience in Thailand  because I personally really enjoy southeast Asia   and Thailand and if you enjoyed this video and  want to see more do check out our Bangkok travel   guide or just watch our full playlist by clicking  the bottom link and that will take you to all of   our Thailand videos and of course don't forget  to subscribe to this Channel Island Hopper TV
Channel: Island Hopper TV
Views: 125,333
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Keywords: Travel, Travel Guide, travel tips, Thailand, Things to know Thailand, Thai food, things to do in Thailand
Id: rGHS6V1Bm40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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