EVERYTHING You Know About Manifesting Is WRONG! (Do This Instead) | Lewis Howes

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when you give you find yourself in a better space when you share with others you feel even more happy getting more earning more nothing wrong about it don't feel guilty about guilty about it you can go on but make sure i think you gotta have a dream the school of greatness please welcome i read in your bio that you graduated college when you were 17 i believe and you also studied physics but you're also a very gifted spiritual leader so i'm curious what you have learned from physics and spirituality about death and what happens when we die this has been something i've been very curious about for lots of different answers out there but i'm curious from your experience and your wisdom what happens when we die you know by physics we know matter and energy they're interconvertible and they you cannot destroy them right so our spirit is nothing but energy so it's just a parting way with the the body the spirit it stays on the energy stays on i would say it's just like a mini sleep you know when you go to every night when you knock the pillow and then you are off for you know so many hours you don't know where you are and then you wake up in the same way i think but with little more intensity with little more awareness little more awareness that is uh parting away from the physical body it's it appears to be so painful for uh once you have not had that experience but uh people who have had near-death experiences you might have heard from them all yeah that it's a very pleasant thing so also in meditation when you go into deep meditation you can see that there is a difference very notable difference and uh it's not as painful or ugly as one thing right do you think we should fear it or be more excited about death neither just take it as it is just take it as it is i heard um i don't know if this is 100 true or not but i heard that the country of bhutan is supposed to be one of the happiest places in the world i'm not sure if that's 100 true or not and i heard that one of their practices or philosophies is to think about their death multiple times a day i don't know if it's three times or five times a day and i don't know if the whole country does this or if this is just a practice that some people do why would it be valuable to think about our death multiple times throughout the day or the week you don't have to think multiple times but time and again reminding ourselves that we are in a transit launch my dear we are going to exit from here sometime and the life here is temporary you know it's it's ephemerical when this idea comes to our mind what happens is those unnecessary things that we get embroiled into they just drop off right so more purposefulness starts coming uh into our life and we think hey what it look wait a minute what is that i want you know is this what really what i want these questions rise up within you because you know life is short and you want to you want to get maximum out of it right was there ever a point in your life where you didn't know what you wanted or why you wanted something not since i was a child so i always had an idea you know what's going to happen there's a lot of people that seem in the world that seems like they're struggling to figure out their mission or purpose or what they want they're kind of scattered or they're just unsure of what direction to go it seems like you didn't have that i didn't have that problem yeah so for people that have that problem how can they start to figure out at least just the next step towards a direction you know confusion is very good it's good they should feel that they should be lucky that they got this confusion why is that every confusion tells you that you are growing you are not happy with what it is what is you are not contented but you are looking for something more and confusion is that state in between two two steps of progress in life so if you're confused know that it's just a momentary phase and something of the past year you are ready to let go interesting and you're looking for something different in the future so you it seems like you weren't really confused that much because you knew what you wanted to create you knew what your direction was and you've been on that journey for a long time yeah there's another aspect within us that is intuitive power intuitive power if we tap into our intuitive power then you know not much confusion is there besides meditation because i'm assuming that's a big part of it how would we tap into our intuitive power more powerfully live in the present moment keep your mind more focused than now and here be with the nature and keep aside for some time that fuzzy mind which which says i have so many things to do i want they want to do they do that do that say okay i'm not going to do anything now how about not doing anything for a few moments you know getting off of that that coat that you wear all the time that gives you an opening into a space that you really seek for [Music] and then there you get the intuition deep relaxation deep rest it's very essential yeah it is how do you i mean you're a you're a world leader who's helping you know people relieve stress and anxiety solving problems massive problems in the world for people for countries for governments for businesses how do you create the space and time for yourself to rest to be present when more and more is demanded of you potentially of people needing your service you know one thing i know is whatever the demand is put on me i have that energy and capability to do that you have the energy and capability to do it i believe that yeah otherwise they want to be put on you yeah right otherwise nature won't put those situations in front of me i know so uh i'm not bothered [Laughter] second is that i'm not bothered about the outcome either the outcome you know if you're worried about the outcome that's when uh your energy gets trained um yeah and when you're confident your outcome is going to be the best yeah and it happens so yeah what do you worry about then nothing [Laughter] it put all you had to worry i would say you know you should worry big you should worry about the planet about the environment about the violence in the world these are some big worries it's worth having and and once we uh think in these lines then that gives you a lot of energy motivates you like you like you motivate people to do things you know it it's a self-motivating factor yeah when you see world in a with a wide-angle lens it motivates you more when you focus on bigger challenges in the world as opposed to focusing on yourself what happens when we just focus on our needs our own goals and not also supporting others well you don't realize your full potential if you're just thinking about yourself your little things that you need to anyway you can achieve it anyway you can do it you are going to have what you what you focus on but it cannot give you that satisfaction which you get by sharing with everyone with the whole world now there is a formula to get depressed that is just think only about yourself what about me what about you know you're bound to get depressed right and today in our world this is the biggest challenge people who are only thinking about themselves they're more depressed than those who are you know focused on some social activity service activity it's really hard to be depressed when you're in service to someone else when you're helping others when you're giving when you're listening to people it's really hard yeah it doesn't happen that then it doesn't happen right has there ever been a time where you've doubted yourself you know doubt is just uh low prana prana is energy i would say low prana real prana what is prana is a life force when your life force is low then you doubt you doubt yourself you doubt others you doubt everybody the best way is to do some breathing exercise at that moment and then right there you are out of that doubting mind you know another thing is uh we must understand that mechanism of doubt itself say that again we we should understand what doubt is all about what is it yeah it's always about something positive have you thought about it give me an example you know someone uh doubts the honesty of someone but you don't doubt the dishonesty of somebody right see you hear from somebody so and so is dishonest you don't go really right same way you know someone tells you i love you so much you ask them really we doubt love we never doubt hatred if someone says i'm so i'm mad at you you never go really you know you you wonder about [Music] those wonderful qualities that we have and so we doubt them too yeah we doubt the honesty of a person we doubt um our own happiness if someone asks ask you are you happy say well i'm not sure but you're so certain about your depression no one ever says i'm not sure whether i'm depressed you're confident in your depression you are conscious right you are so sure about your negativities but you're not so sure about the positive why is that that's the nature that's how it is so when we understand this then you know we get a very different perspective of doubts we we rise above them and breathing techniques helps yeah the big way it takes your self-doubt away it brings the intuitive ability in you to trust others and then you trust in a bigger power the higher self is that what you i mean do you ever doubt yourself when you're called upon to to help you know bigger problems in the world and people very important people in the world come to you and say please give us the answers and they're expecting you to to give them the solutions do you ever feel insecure or doubt yourself in your abilities it's not never happened never never ever happened because i know someone is asking me something and nature has given those things to me that's why they're asking see nobody will come and ask you to treat someone if they don't you are not a doctor they see you have some ability that's why they come to you and so you give your ideas you give your mind you know you give your thoughts to that and you give a hundred percent right it seems like there's a lot of people in the world who just doubt their abilities they doubt their abilities their skills their talents and they feel insecure about if they are capable of creating and accomplishing or achieving their dreams and goals why do you think that because you are so conscious about your own image what will happen if i fail the fear of failure creates a doubt in oneself but when you take life in its totality you know like life with all its ups and downs and you don't you don't [Music] wonder i mean you don't worry if a failure sets in for a little while i said never mind you do your best see you go on a running race and uh if you keep worrying will i lose the race you'll never be able to run right so you do your best you give you a hundred percent it doesn't happen yeah what's been the biggest challenge you've had to overcome so far in your life your adult life prejudice prejudice tragedies people have lots of different type of prejudice of race religion culture language gender and this is the this is what you know i feel um is a hindrance to our society world over every country yeah there are prejudices also all type of prejudice people who think they know and they don't know that there are paradigm shifts and things to keep happening differently this was what we had to face in the beginning you know when i used to talk about meditation and yoga breathing 40 years back people thought you're crazy yes it's not for normal people it's a little weird it's not for the normal you know common the mainstream and now yoga and meditation is everywhere you can't go down the street in l.a without seeing a yoga studio yeah yeah this stuff is a type of prejudice when we see this sort of prejudice about gender what we see in afghanistan or some other gulf countries against women and in africa i mean it pains you know it's it's painful see they should all be treated equally right justice should prevent how have you dealt with prejudice over your life then with patience and perseverance yeah and not let that preoccupy you you know you you see prejudice but then don't pay too much attention you just keep going ahead and you know it gets sorted out by itself that's beautiful do you feel like it's harder now do you face more prejudice now or 40 years ago when you were getting started in this i think in the beginning there was more why do you think it's less now i think people are more exposed to a wide range of information and the internet and media has played a good role and people like you have all done greatness schools and brought more awareness to people about you know the real values of life it has made an impact and young people young people today are much more aware right young people seem to want um at least in this country they seem to want to manifest abundance in their life it seems like they want more financial abundance more uh abundant health you know abundance in their relationships why do you think humans are wired for more wired for abundance why is it so important there's nothing wrong about it you go for abundance but don't postpone being happy for a future day yes you have to be happy now here today and nothing wrong for you to think about you know what you need to do in five years later or ten years later you know you can you can have you can go for abundance you can go for more and more whatever you feel like but don't forget there is something much bigger inside of it what is that that you should not forget the joy the happiness that you get in sharing now there are two type of joy one is uh that you get when you get things this is an infant joy as kids we all knew your birthday presents new year gave christmas gifts and you know you are eager to get something and when you get you become so happy but there is another happiness that's of the grandmother's happiness grandfather's happiness the santa claus happiness my gift when you give you find yourself in a better space when you share with others you feel even more happier that's a mature happiness and that type of happiness we must aim for in our life you know it's okay the the joy of having getting more earning more nothing wrong about it don't feel guilt about guilty about it you can go on but make sure you share and get the greater joy by sharing what happens if we don't share you remain you you remain very restricted in your [Music] personal and social life [Music] in your spiritual life you don't mean very restricted i would say how do you like a friend of yours who is very selfish um you know why you don't like them yeah right so don't you want you to be seen as someone who who cares and shares with everybody is the greater joy in receiving a gift or in giving a gift the giving joy you know the joy in giving is much more much bigger and much stronger than the joy in getting [Music] so someone said okay i understand that that giving has a greater joy behind it but i really want to you know attract more wealth or attract more opportunities in my career i want to i want to manifest abundance more what would be the foundation for manifesting would it be in service and giving and gratitude see though they appear to be completely contrary contradictory they are not you can't give unless you have that's true can you give unless you have you can't do charity from an empty bowl right so you take but you earn you focus on getting you know abundance in your life now abundance is necessary it's also abundance is not just what you materially have it's also an attitude in the mind you may have lot and still you may feel that you lack the sense of lack inside you will eat you up it it will eat the joy it will uh constrain you in many ways your communication will break down with your communication with others will break down and it it says a lot about your behavioral pattern as well you know it impacts your behavior but when you have this idea i want to share and be part of everybody and everyone is part of you a sense of belongingness with everyone that is when really you know life is fulfilling you hear lots of stories um of people who make all the money in the world but then commit suicide or aren't happy or get divorced they're stressed inside right absolutely so how does someone learn to develop spiritual abundance then the abundance inside you're talking about whether they have all the material things in the world or they have nothing how do we start to develop this spiritual abundance you need to have balance you can't spend half of your health to get wealth and then half of your wealth to get back your health so basically uh we need to find that balance between um work life balance like you know and then social life and personal life you have to balance that take some time for oneself to go within [Music] you know meditation will help you a great deal to bring the balance in life and it it also will kindle uh a lot of creativity from within you meditation is not just sitting and or thinking or something it's tapping the source of enthusiasm that you are see you may have all wealth and all abundance but if there is no sense of wow in your life it's all a waste correct yes so and to be in a perpetual state of wow is what i would call as a spiritual elevation or spiritual attainment right a consistent state of wow or or awe oh yeah yes and then um love for everyone yeah sense of belongingness with everybody how does someone love the people that do a lot of harm in the world or that are causing a lot of pain or that are hurting them personally how does someone learn to love without being taken advantage of or you know abused or these things yes see when you see someone is doing wrong you can't love them straight away it's impossible and you'll try and do all that you can then it will be failure yeah first and foremost is we have to see every culprit as a victim inside them crying for help [Music] if someone is doing wrong why aren't they doing it wrong they're hurting inside they are hurting inside so when you see them from a wide angle lens you see that they need help see every child who has come into this planet have come as a good baby lovely happy loving child but in growing up or with long wrong information lack of proper education or an environment has made them what they are today so they need no condemnation but compassion [Music] so if you can reach out to them reach out and understand them and you know when we start shaking hands with these people and make them understand where they are what they are they transform you know we have been doing this work in the prisons around the world about 800 000 presenters prisoners prisoners yeah the hardcore criminals many of them total transformation and you see they're not bad guys as we think they're just made bad decisions yeah yeah and circumstances and situation put them where they are absolutely and they're nice people good people so then you know for first when you see them from this angle and you first you forgive them after you forgive them you understand them then you have compassion then that compassion turns into unconditional love so it's a step to go there you see it's couple of steps to reach to the level where you can love everybody you mentioned the soul's enthusiasm i'm curious in your in your thoughts when does the soul enter the body the body when does it enter the body this is something i'm very fascinated about when the body is being formed at the belly when does the soul enter and where is the soul how big is the soul where is it i'll start with that question first no if i ask the question where are you in your body what you would say um everywhere in my body everywhere and yet nowhere right that's what exactly the soul you know soul is that energy that vibe an energy vibe so you said energy vibes it's vibrations yeah so it's not a substance it's your light so at the time of conception uh you know this energy comes in sometimes at the third month or ninth month or when the child is is being born at that time also these vibes can change three four times in in the total period of those nine months wait a minute the soul can change yeah the vibes or the souls or the souls can change yeah different souls can be really that's interesting yes so where does this soul come from like just light enters and it's close see in this space now i'll give you an example this space there is cnn there is fox news there is bbc there is uh all these different waves are here correct yes and whatever you tune into that will start manifesting in your boom box right in your tube or your tv in your tv seeing our bodies are just like the boombox that's crazy that's crazy it just manifests to certain frequencies so [Applause] [Music] usually it's at the time of conception it stays on sometimes it can also happen that after some time that gives space to another soul then it carries on really it's fascinating so when we when our bodies die does our soul go into another body does it stay in space for a while for a while and then it re-enters into another and then enters into another physical form physical form is it always another human form is it mostly is it it can be animal form too or but it is very right it is possible interesting it's possible it depends on your last thought with which you leave the body really yes your last thought yeah if your last thought is about your poultry form you can find yourself in the powdery form wow yeah how many body forms do you think one soul enters uh or or goes into over time i don't know there is no criteria like that no right but you do believe that we enter different different physical forms over time yeah it could be a few it could be many but we don't know yes according to the vedic thought is it 24 80 840 000 840 000 forms and bodies wow that the soul enters fuller skin that's amazing is that from the bhagavad-gita or is that from like from the puranas okay that's it and did i read that you see like 84 lakh lakh is 100 thousand oh my gosh and did i i don't know if this is true but did you did you memorize the bhagavad-gita or you're you can recall a lot of it pretty much you've read it many times that's incredible um so multiple multiple physical forms that the soul enters so do we have the same soul in the next life then or is the soul evolved into something else see um soul is the energy which has some impressions with it you leave this body with its strongest memories and impressions and that that's with you like a bellow and then when you get the body that those qualities manifest i know this is a common thing there are many child projects you'll see small young children playing violin when they're three four years old it's nothing uncommon right you find it so very often so many places this is all fascinating to me so i'm very curious if it sounds these questions are you know weird i'm just curious so does the soul in your opinion stay on planet earth or does the soul go into different places in the universe does it have that potential i think the soul is like energy waves vibes so they they cannot be restricted to locations go anywhere yeah that's incredible isn't it it's fascinating i tell you when we get into meditation and get into this new dimension that we have not been aware of in our own life a whole new world opens in kind of yeah you know it not only makes us happy but also brings up that curiosity within you and so much more new information that can keep you fascinated by the rest of your life can you recall a meditation experience for you that that actually blew your mind that made you think wow like i've been meditating for decades now but this one thing i just saw things in a different way or i went to a different place every meditation is a wow thing to do because it is going from a happening space to a space which originates all happenings what is that space that's something which cannot described you cannot describe it in words that's why it is wow and all is something which words cannot explain you can feel it though you can feel it you can be it you can be it but you can't explain it how often do you feel that then for yourself all the time every day what is something that's surprised you about the human condition in the last few years that maybe you weren't even aware of something new you discovered because i feel like you've learned so much at a very young age is there anything new that surprised you about human behavior why humans are acting the way they act you know see well i learned to see the human behavior human life like a movie it's interesting yeah it is you know human interactions and uh the way things go on the way people behave it's um it's an entertainment place it's a disneyland i think we are on a perpetual disneyland so when you see this from that witness when you don't get yourself immersed in it in the happenings then you can enjoy it [Music] it's it's again very difficult to say where we are heading to so why people are doing what whatever they are doing if you question this one thing comes very clear everybody is looking for some happiness why are they looking for it why don't they just be it just be because they don't know they don't know how to be happy how to be happy how to get to the space but as children we have been right it's easy to get there we were there as kids we all had that experience and if you are wise you understand life and with a broader perspective you are there what's the fastest way to be happy if you're feeling stressed or anxious number one you need some practical tools when you feel stressed and anxious any amount of talking doesn't help i would recommend people to attend to their breath take long deep breaths do some breathing exercises get back in the body get back in the body yeah learn about breathing exercises do some breathing techniques number one second see life from a bigger perspective like we began today remembering the death remember yes i'm going to kick the bucket you know to go off of the screen what next you know think about it think about [Music] the end of your life you know of this [Music] the curtain is going to come down on the show that awareness number two third i would say wake up and see there are people who are much more [Music] needy than you are there are those who are in um in a bad shape you know think what you can do for them instead of sitting and worrying about your own issues and fourth is uh know that from with your own experience in the from the past this is not the first time you're anxious in your life you have been anxious before you have already you have always had some help remember there is some for some power you call god or higher self or something is there that is compassionate and that has helped you before and that's going to help you now also yeah these few uh things you know just remembering them keeping in mind can help you immensely and where does depression come from we talked about it a little bit but anxiety and stress is one thing but depression why do people get depressed and stay in a depressed state is it only because they're thinking of themselves or their again i would say low energy low energy yeah low prana no problem and suicidal tendency is also same thing you know when the prana goes so down then you don't want to keep this body it's like having a very tight jacket if your jacket is too tight you just want to take it off but it's not going to help you know it's very cold and you're taking the jacket off it's not going to help you here again when you increase your prana level your energy level breathing yeah breathing meditation all this practice service yeah you are just out of it you know here in america we have done these programs welcome home troops for about 5000 veterans they were all very depressed and ptsd and you know post-traumatic stress said once they did the skype exercises the techniques in three days two days three days they were back back to normal they they're back in themselves their prana was higher was higher and their families were so happy you know you can't you can't be happy if one of your family member is in depression and the two head of the family is in the prison they are staying in the basement all day you know it impacts the entire family so when they started doing these techniques and practice little bit of meditation short time three four days five days they are back to normal and this has happened here and same with the youngsters also in colleges you know we're teaching this skype program in 101 universities all across u.s so it's for credit in many universities yeah stanford hardware everywhere this helps as a student also to to raise their energy level enthusiasm and give a bigger prospect to life itself perspective to a bigger and i would say greater purposefulness yes in life what happens if human beings don't find a meaningful mission or a high quality of purpose what happens to the human mind the body the spirit you know one thing is [Music] they live a routine life like boredom or not even feel the boredom where the intellect goes to sleep then you don't need to look for a purpose in life you know you just exist you don't start living then but it's when your intellect awakens or it's more mature you start thinking what's the purpose of life where do i want to go after all this what do i get you know these questions start uh coming up within you that's a sign of a mature intellect and once um we have the spirit of inquiry about life itself then our spiritual journey begins what about people that say you know what i just i want to have a simple life i want to not try too hard not do too much like i'm happy just you know living by a pond and fishing all day and i have a couple friends but i'm not really contributing more be outside beyond that i don't need more i'm happy with little things i don't need to manifest more money or serve on a big level but i'm happy kind of where i'm at what what do you say to people like that should they be striving to reach a higher potential is that a a great life in itself or what should they be thinking about no that's fine tell them you're satisfied you're fulfilled good yeah good unless your house is on fire where you need help from others right then you you run here and there and you want to gather some help and you see till then you are very comfortable in your comfortable space that's okay you can be but um remember to stretch your hand to those who are in need if you can have that tendency in you that's good yeah you don't have to be over ambitious you don't have to change the world or nothing not no need you are happy then you radiate happiness that's good if you are not stressed if you are not irritable you know and you don't get irritated too much then you are really spiritual yeah that's nice you're already you know very mature right what happens when we radiate love energy or irradiate stress energy if we're being that state in that state of being how is that energy radiating how far does it radiate and ripple into others it depends on your centeredness your dispassion that strong it radiates [Music] see each one of us are just a fountain of love fountain of joy but somewhere it gets clogged yeah so you unclog it it's already available human potential is huge humongous i would say each individual can created so much of positivity in the world and that itself is a very big thing it can nullify a lot of negativity around just having a positive energy absolutely yeah absolutely what's more powerful a positive energy or a negative state is it is it easy to lift someone out of a negative state or is it easier to pull someone down into a negative state if you're there see the easy or difficult is very comparative it's very relative right it depends on who is doing sure their energy yeah their energy for someone it's very easy to get the negativity off like that for someone else it's very difficult to suck them into negativity so it's a very um [Music] it's very relative i would say [Music] but one thing people with negativity are more active than those with positivity they're more active meaning what in the world you see the the negative energies becomes a little more active they speak more they talk about it they uh yes they gossip more they're causing drama they're bringing it on other people right yeah yeah why is that that's how it is yeah see with the colombian peace process people who are for the peace were more but they all didn't go to vote people who were against the peace of god were very less in number but they were all very proactive they all wrote it and then you know the referendum well same with brexit you see in in london you'll you'll find that the negative tendency is more active more dynamic than the positive it may be necessary for some time when you want to uh break a system you need more of those negative forces right but you cannot hold on to it forever you can't do anything constructive about it so for construction you need a positive conscious aware energy and what happens when we creating in life building a business going after a goal in athletics and sports or music what happens when we create from a place of hurt pain and anger and resentment as opposed to creating from a place of love light joy and peace doesn't matter doesn't matter from whichever even from pain you're creating something as long as you're creating it's fine if the pain is self-destructive and is distracting others that is where you have to worry but if the pain becomes a cause of some creativity you should know that same energy is being channelized in a very useful in proper manner after all it's just energy it's the same energy positive or negative within us just its direction makes it whether it's positive or negative so it can be utilized that way it's there's nothing wrong so you can create from any emotion any emotion but what i'm hearing you say is if you're creating from a painful wounded hurt place or anxious place many many good songs have come out of it many mellow dramas have come all over those and so and we cannot expect the world not to have them at all see pain and pleasure are two sides of the of existence yeah they they all exist they the contrast make the in the contrast brings the knowledge of them actually right you start appreciating the other one do you experience a lot of pain in your life not in this lifetime in this lifetime it must be nice but i do feel the pain of anybody out there really yeah so you feel the energy but you don't hold on to the energy it comes in you let it go yes how does someone learn to not let the energy of someone else be like cling on to their heart their soul their body their minds if they're empathetic compassion of human beings meditation because there's a lot of empathetic people that will listen to someone's you know challenges and pain and then it's just they're almost depressed because of it i know i know i know i have experienced this with the volunteers who are working for red cross you know they go out and they do so much with all their heart that's sold and they get they face such a burn out because they'll take on so much pain the burnout is so big in them so when they start doing meditation taking some time for themselves be with nature listen to music relax and you know erase all that impressions they got in their mind they find themselves back into action back into energy i think it's very important for us to save our mind save our you know consciousness from these impressions it's similar like you know a doctor is going to treat patients in the hospital and he has to take care of himself and not carry those with him you know and bring it to home bringing home [Music] so so is it is it a compartmentalized or is it let it come and let it leave like more of a flowing situation no you become so robust that it doesn't it doesn't it doesn't touch you so you can hear it you can listen you can watch it but it doesn't affect it doesn't stay inside of understand see no images stay in your mirror right when you're driving right they all reflect but if they stay it's no longer a mirror right yeah right so mind is like a mirror right it can reflect anything 100 percent but if you keep it wiped and keep it clean then it doesn't hold on to anything [Music] speaking of the mind why do you think so many people hold on to negative thoughts why do they say negative thoughts about themselves think negative thoughts and repeat it neither at home nor in school have we ever been taught how to handle negative emotions that's why we're here at the school of greatness never we were taught right yeah nobody taught us how our breath is linked to our emotions and our emotions and the sensation in different parts of the body are all linked nobody taught this this wisdom so when we learn something about ourselves you know about our body our breath mind our intellect our emotions our memory what do you you know if you are given ten compliments and one insult what do you what do you hold on to most people hold on to the uh the insect and 10 years of friendship and two months of conflict uh equalizes them you know it just erases the rest of it so these tendencies of the mind we have not understood and that is what i call this whole program as art of living art of happiness is learning about the seven layers of your own existence body all bit about our body breath mind intellect memory ego what is your ego what is your um you know self-pride or how it interferes with you with your behaviors how it is necessary if you're low self-esteem how to get out of that if you have hesitations inside of you how to break that and why you draw boundaries around you and say this is what i am rather than seeing little bit beyond your own identity what you think as your identity these are some very basic things you know that can trigger you and uplift you to a happier state of mind yeah and so these are the workshops we teach we have been teaching for the last 40 years now you said the seven things the body the breath the mind intellect memory ego and the self and the self there's something deep inside you that doesn't change your body has changed your thought has changed your emotions keep changing all the time but there is a reference point by which you knew that everything is changing that's something that is not changing what is that thing that is what we don't pay attention to that is what is you you know and that is the space that is the most beautiful aspect of your being your soul you know and to get connected with this being aware of it makes a whole lot of difference in one's life and meditation is getting to the self right that's the solution you go around and kind of goes back back to the point so thoughts and emotions um if someone is thinking in a pattern of thinking negative thoughts i'm not good enough i'm not lovable i've made a mistake over and over again i'm an idiot i'm stupid whatever the negative thought is what would you say is one of the fastest ways to get out of negative thought and into at least neutral thought or more positive vibration is it again back to the meditation practice is it the awareness is it these three things you said the four things you said before about happiness breathing seeing life from a bigger perspective all that is plus i would tell them okay whatever happened happened in the past [Music] why don't you wake up now and start a fresh new life today you know can you close a chapter and begin a new one just think about it and don't think you cannot do it you can yeah i don't see um that's good friendship a friend is one who uplifts the other from the state of low self-esteem low feeling you see i have a criteria for a good friend and a bad friend a good friend is one with whom you sit and share your problems and when you walk away from them you would feel very light and see oh you thought the problem was so big and it's not so big anymore right and a bad friend is one you come to him with the problem keep your worst and then when you walk away you say do i thought it's i didn't i didn't realize it is much bigger than what i thought it was so that guy that friend she he or she is not a good friend because he made you feel your problem much bigger than what you initially thought it was you see and another aspect is we have to see that in the world of changing events and changing things people's mind change don't sit and worry what others are thinking about you all the time yeah you know nobody has any time to think about it right they're worried about themselves worried about them so they're in their own little world yeah so often people worry what others are thinking about them they're concerned about others opinions why does that hurt us so much when we think about other people thinking about us does it service what's that this this very idea itself is hurting no what others may be thinking about me yeah this [Music] doubting and guessing it shows uh it erodes our self-esteem somewhere when we worry about what other people are thinking about us yes it erodes away so how do we get out of that fear objection we should see that see put yourself in the same show you have been thinking about others what you write all the time you have judgment about others you have found 90 of the time they were all wrong you know and you change your thinking you change your ideas you change your um you know your concept about others and so give them also their time they will also change why do you have to be football of their opinions right right don't make your life a soccer ball [Music] so when we worry about what others think about us it's eroding us inside it's it's eroding our soul our spirit our self-esteem is that what i'm hearing you say uh that doesn't mean that we should be arrogant and not it doesn't matter what anyone thinks about me not that direction what happens when we do that that's too extreme yeah okay you become too insensitive and uh you know you become you appear very arrogant you may not think you are arrogant but you will appear again and you'll be very unfriendly i like this concept of knowing who's a good friend in your life based on if you bring them a challenge and a problem and if they make you feel better or worse how do we develop that inner friend the friend in our mind that communicates with us when we're having an you know negative thoughts you're making me come back to the same point meditation there you go there you go it's meditation is the basic when you're thirsty water is the only way to quench the thirst in the same way to make all those inner faculties talents creativity new blossom the way is meditation yeah when you're hungry you got to eat when you're thirsty you got to drink when you're stressed you got to meditate and when you want to be creative you have to meditate when you want to be happy you have to meditate so and when you want to find the real purpose of you being here you got to meditate you got to listen at some point to what's calling you right what's pulling you into whatever direction that is and if you're too distracted or it's too loud it's hard to hear that voice your own voice right you're busy talking all the time yeah you don't listen right so you have meditation you say come on i'm ready to listen now what's what's that what's in store for me that's meditation yeah giving this space the shift from chattering mind to a serene silent self that's meditation speaking of the mind we talked about the soul what is the mind compared to the soul and where is the mind mind is the wave soul is the ocean mind is the wave soul is the ocean okay interesting where is where is the mind is the mind also consciousness or is the mind separate from consciousness you see mind is a function of consciousness okay there is nothing separate from consciousness including our body so consciousness the soul is in consciousness yeah and the mind is in consciousness everything isn't it it's like the space consciousness is like the space okay what is not in space tell me everything is stressed so what is the difference between our consciousness and our mind a mind is a function of consciousness which is chattering which is expressing its emotions you see and then it it is called intellect when it starts grabbing grasping and judging deciding this is intellect mind is perception you know it's through the eyes the mind sees through the nose it smells and through all the five senses it's the mind which is experiencing your mind is elsewhere and you are tasting a pudding maybe apple pie you don't taste it you don't find the taste right and your mind is elsewhere and music is being played you don't hear it so it's a mind which hears these smells touches feels the mind experiences the senses all the senses yes the intellect judges agrees disagrees grasps that's intellect and memory is that which stores them you know which stores are certain things he doesn't uh forget those are memories then how do we say we go through a traumatic event in our lives that you know a deep impression which has not left the mind that's my body a deep impression that has not left the mind that's memory so imagine we have a deep impression and then you can get over it because yeah you can get over it by increasing the prana level with breathing meditation these things see you know it's like using any razor oh i should say yeah see in a blackboard you keep on writing and somewhere you need to use the erasers and create space yeah so that you can write more new right right so how do we how do we heal the body and the mind from the memory or the impression of the past events that are holding us back from greater price this is where this sudarshan kriya what we teach the sky technique of breathing rhythmic breathing immensely helps immensely i was talking about the welcome home true project where we are teaching the [Music] you know the war veterans the veterans the these techniques really really helps because they go through a lot of traumatic experiences for themselves absolutely you know that that's what causes ptsd they cannot forget it right so but this these techniques does magic help you heal help you absolutely yeah absolutely this is called the sky breath meditation technique meditation and it's at art of livings it's your signature program right okay okay um so what do people get from this program is it how long is the program and what do they what do they experience it's a 12 to 14 hour program according to their groups you know sometimes people want i ask more questions and experience it's a three days four days tailor made where people can learn and then it's a do-it-yourself thing yeah they can practice at their home every day 10 minutes 15 minutes right how long have you been doing this type of breathing meditation testing 40 years 40 years what were you doing before this if you weren't practicing the breathing meditation and were you experiencing pain or lower piranha energy when you weren't when you were growing up or no it was in 1981 you know before that i was teaching meditation yoga and all that and giving talks on philosophy you know knowledge but in 81 i took a 10 day of silence i felt that there was something more to come something drastic something very important has to come out you know so then i took a few days of silence and the end of the silence i started teaching this really yeah it's just like a poem that comes out of you it's an inspiration then i started then teaching in 1981 since then this is my word of mouth and people then i trained a lot of teachers around the world that's cool so they went around that's cool love and relationships it seems to be a great joy for a lot of people but also causing a lot of stress and anxiety for people depending on where they're at in their lives the partner they chose you know all that stuff you talk a lot about love and relationships why is it so how do we find the right partner that is a great match that adds the right values to what we're all about and how important is choosing the right partner or a partner that is aligned to your values and vision towards your life see if the partners come with a they have a common goal in life it's like two parallel lines going to going to the goal they'll always be there yeah but if they're focused on each other all the time there is a point they come and they cross what happens when you cross that's it you go away you know you keep going away so to make this point more clear i would say first of all have a common goal a purpose together within the relationship together not just i have this goal you have a goal but our common ground common goal shared values number two is give a room for others give a room for others mistakes they don't have to be perfect they don't need to be perfect um and that acceptance of others with their flaws what happens when we don't accept the person who we chose to be with certain things about them we don't accept what happens to the relationship well you can't expect everybody to be like you also you have to give them some room you know to change even if you want them to change you have to give them time and space for changing you can expect them to change right now right no it's not possible third thing is understanding deeper understanding see when you do a mistake you say well it happened but when others think that others do the same you think they have purposely done it they could have avoided it but when you have done a same mistake you say well i didn't mean it it happened we excuse ourselves but we hold others against their flaws so high yeah we hold them high they hold them against their problems their mistakes and hold on to them for that and hold them for their mistakes for their life right they hold on to it for the whole life no life that's not fair [Music] third thing is i would say you are there to help others grow your partner grow and when each one of you have that attitude i think that will be more robust yes what do you think most people misunderstand about love and relationships when you start demanding you are destroying love demanding what what do you mean by burn love demand attention demand respect that's when you destroy it you know love and respect have completely opposite in nature in respect it demands some space in love cannot you love cannot stand the distance in love you want to know everything about the other so but in any relationship both needs to be there love and respect so you you need to balance yourself how does someone if you are balanced these things get balanced they come to you yeah yeah if you're a balanced human being yeah it's easy to love you if you balance your emotions yeah it's easy to respect you it's easy to love you yeah but if you're out of balance it's hard to respect and trust you and it's hard to love you fully and absolutely if you're not centered i would say space center yeah and the key to being centered is meditation so i'm not going to ask you how to get there um what are some of the routines or mantras you believe are essential for getting centered and balanced beyond meditation are there other routines that you do seeing life from a broader perspective as i said you know this planet has been here from billions of years and it will continue to be here and your life time is not a speck in this whole whole universe see your life in context with the with the magnanimity of the of the creation the magnificent creation of the billions of stars where are you you know it just opens up your your mind your awareness and what are you worried about some little things here and there you know so a bigger context to life and commitment [Music] commitment to values yeah and compassion values and compassion yeah what happens when we have a value but we don't live up to that value we break the value once or multiple times what happens to our self-esteem or our identity never mind you know a child crawls and when it tries to walk and it falls several times but it doesn't stop walking you should stop it doesn't stop running a kid runs you know and then it trembles so you have to rumble once twice right never mind don't stop keep going yeah get back to your values try to get back to it yeah keep going keep clean this is a question i ask um towards the end of my interviews called the three truths so i'd like you to imagine a hypothetical scenario it's you live a very long life but then it's your last day on earth right um hypothetical and you continue to serve humanity in such a massive way and help people heal and be centered in meditation and breathing all the things you you live that life but for whatever reason um all of your message goes away your content the courses all the videos for whatever reason it goes somewhere else and we don't have access to it anymore but you get to leave behind three lessons that you would share with the world three things you know to be true from everything you've learned and this is all we would have left from you what would you say would be those three things the three truths that you would leave behind smile yeah that's it that's it if you had why smile what else you do you know you came into this planet crying when you exit you should smile yeah and you should smile throughout your whole time here there you go that's some wisdom for you yeah and if you have not smiled throughout your life you will not even smile at the end you'll only do what you've been doing all through can be stressed sad yeah [Music] see when you when you go into a movie nice movie you see the movie when you come out of it what is you i enjoyed it it was nice that's good enough yeah you don't have to carry all the story of the movie in your head usually people don't they see that they enjoy it and they come out that's it yeah same with the life this is a movie that you are imperishable i am imperishable we are part of we appear to be too but we are part of one light yeah although there are so many waves they all appear different but they're part of one ocean so the entire human race or all living creatures are nothing but one big part of one big life [Music] yeah so the whole planet is one organism smile dev you've got this uh amazing program the sky breath meditation um that i want people to get access to we'll link everything up on your website and your social media as well beneath this video and this podcast where is the best place we can support you to learn more about you is it on youtube is it the website is it you know where can we support you the most yeah website your youtube channel is amazing by the way i love the short content you have there and really inspiring so yeah we'll have it all linked instagram i'm on the instagram twitter yeah yeah everywhere we'll have it all linked up but i i highly recommend everyone watching or listening you go check out his youtube uh the website as well to check out the course sky breath meditation art of living signature program um i want to acknowledge you for a moment guru dev for your mission for having a clear intention about your life from a younger age and using your gifts and your talents to be of service to the best way possible you know before all social media you're doing it one-to-one and in groups and now you're able to really impact more lives so i really acknowledge you for constantly showing up with a smile on your face every video and photo is you smiling that i see and uh to bring that joy to your daily practice i think it's a beautiful gift so i really acknowledge you for showing up the way you do and being of service to so many of us giving us tools strategies to get back to a centered place so thank you for your your service my final question is what is your definition of greatness simplicity yeah simplicity is the greatest value there you go being one with everyone is the greatest part love is not something that you do love is something that you can become it's your quality for my body for my mind for my emotion and my energies to feel pleasant i don't need anybody's cooperation this is 100 my business
Channel: Lewis Howes
Views: 616,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lewis Howes, Lewis Howes interview, school of greatness, self help, self improvement, self development, personal development, success habits, success, wealth, motivation, inspiration, inspirational video, motivational video, success principles, millionaire success habits, how to become successful, success motivation
Id: 509F-gzYbwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 43sec (4783 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 02 2022
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