Importance of GURU: Heal & Grow FASTER - KARMA Decoded | Gauranga Das | The Ranveer Show 318

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one of the biggest causes of fear or anxiety for people in this world is only one word it's just one word that's called change is the root cause of all fear and anxiety when the covet happened the most popular cereals were still Ramadan and Mahabharata which was from that generation because it captures the essence of what each one of us go through that we will be subject to all kinds of trauma and we will have no control even the Supreme controller Rama has no control when he will go to the forest Krishna will have no control how his own family members the yadavas destroy each other in a fractal War Krishna has no control even over duryodhana is trying to control him but he can't be so all of these episodes demonstrate that we have very little control over others today's episode is going to be extremely philosophical extremely deep I guarantee you you're going to have to listen to it again and again because you will gain different perspectives every time you listen to this particular episode I never prepare for Spiritual conversations I simply ask my own burning questions to my spiritual guests is someone who's given me important answers at the right time in my life the privilege of my life that I get to share these kind of conversations with you guys so thank you for your support and get set for a very endearing but also kind of heavy spiritual conversation with karangadas Prabhu [Music] this is such an important conversation for me thank you so much for inviting me thank you for coming home thank you for coming to the studio I've visualized this conversation with you in this house in this studio since I moved into this house which is more than a year and a half ago wow I feel so honored and weird thank you so much yeah um yours is one of the few conversations that I've gone back to in terms of I don't listen to too many of our own episodes but I keep going back to the ones I had with you we produced two episodes yeah um I've probably heard both those episodes at least four or five times because there's new stuff I pick up from uh each of them so thank you for those thank you thank you so much and it's such an honor that you are hearing it repeatedly and it's the message of the Gita and the bhagavatam yeah um I have so many questions today because uh I know every time I meet you you know it's not just every time I meet you every time I have a spiritual podcast like this I feel like God or the universe or whatever higher powers out there controlling everything else sends me messages through these podcasts absolutely and it's just an honor that I get to share it with the world these are my own problems which I talk about to you and people like yourself so I want to just Begin by saying that um uh life has been so rewarding but so difficult lately you know for me like we were just talking about how my team's working on releasing four podcasts every week and we've been doing this now for like almost two years wow so finally there's a part of either side a crack on the inside you know um but something tells me to keep going and something tells me that it's not going to stop anytime soon right I always thought that by age 30 life would be a little easier you know when I used to be in my hustling struggling phase at 22-23 but life gets more difficult you just get older is that the nature of life as you turn 40 50 60 as well see when you do something which you really like it's like drinking hot sugar can juice sugar cane juice is sweet so you love to drink it but when it is hot it also Burns you so it's a dilemma because you want to do it and you want to do it more but there is only as much time and energy which you can manage so I think at this stage of your life I think you're doing pretty well because this is your passion this is what you like to do have conversations bring knowledge to the world and bring wisdom to this world and interestingly Arjuna one of the names of Arjuna is gurakesh [Music] had told all the disciples never feed Arjuna in the dark and so everybody would wonder why was dronacharya mentioning something like this so one day Arjuna was just sitting and eating his dinner at night and there was a lamp just like this which was burning and suddenly a gust of wind blew and the lamp blew out there was total darkness Arjuna continued dating and Arjuna started thinking hey it's totally dark there is no light still I'm able to eat if I can eat in the dark why can't I practice archery in the dark so looks like the only reason I'm not practicing archery is because I'm lazy I'm not committed enough I'm not disciplined that moment Arjuna took a decision that he will practice his archery in the day and in the night and that's what happens when you are in total love with what you are doing and Arjuna was so fortunate to be in that kind of a situation to have found a swadharma exactly so therefore arjuna's name is gura Kesh which means one who has conquered over sleep but the the point of the bhagavad-gita is even if someone has found his swadharma you will find yourself in situations in life where even being in sync and in total Joy with respect to your swadharma you cannot negotiate out of that situation when the circumstances change and that's what happened that Arjuna was having the swadharma of a fighter because you know one who gets absorbed in acquiring knowledge is brahmanical one who gets absorbed in a conflict has the nature of akshatria one who absorbed in acquiring money he has the actual nature of avishya so Arjuna so he got absorbed in the conflict he could get absorbed in a conflict but the problem was when Krishna brought his Chariot in front of bhishma and drona so suddenly Arjuna knew I had to fight against my grandfather whom I am supposed to love and my teacher whom I am supposed to respect and therefore a conflict was created within arjuna's mind not with respect to his swadharma because his father was to fight but with respect to his identity or swarupa and therefore Krishna speaks the bhagavad-gita to help Arjuna rise above swadharma which is nature and bring him to the original swarupa that I have an identity deep within which can never change that is the soul the spirit so loaded uh input at the start of the episode I haven't asked you the simple question of what swadharma means I know what it means but I'd love for you to explain it for the viewers because it's a very important word in every human's life absolutely that's a beautiful question ranveer Dharma comes from the Sanskrit word three which means to hold and basically Dharma means that quality which cannot be separated from something so the Dharma of sugar is sweetness the Dharma of salt is its saltiness the Dharma of water is liquid to flow so when we speak of swadharma we speak in terms of our particular Duty as per our nature as per our situation so depending on what is our relationship which we established our swadharma will change like for example your swadharma with respect to your family will be different your sodharma with respect to your occupation will be different your sodharma with respect to your nation will be different so Dharma with respect to what your group of friends expect from you on a weekend that may be different so Dharma basically means my particular Duty with respect to a particular contingency or a group of people situation personalities now all of these are constantly changing and therefore whatever may be the swadharma of a son towards the parents before he gets married starts changing the moment he gets married because he also has now A swadharma or a service or a duty towards his wife and the family of the wife and it's a whole new Dynamics so therefore as this situation changes the duties also change so one of the biggest causes of fear or anxiety for people in this world is only one word it's just one word that's called change is the root cause of all fear and anxiety why because as situations change our identities change just like arjuna's identity changed am I a warrior yes I am ready to fight oh am I a grandson no no I want to love him oh am I a student I must respect so Arjuna experienced conflicting identities so change which we experience in life creates trauma because it changes our identities without our permission it just happens in such an uncertain manner and therefore as the speed with which things are changing in this world have grown rapidly over the last 20 to 30 years people are experiencing deeper Mental Health crisis and the main reason is because they are not equipped to Anchor themselves in the midst of this change and therefore when we understand that there is something within us which will never change and there is something above us who will also never change and there is a beautiful Eternal relationship between me the soul and the Supreme soul of service and love which will never change these three things is what is comprising a prayer in any tradition whether it's Islam or Christianity or Judaism Hinduism Sikhism Jainism all these Traditions are focused only on these five aspects Karma which we are acting kala which is time prakriti which is nature but that which is moving the nature is the soul within us which makes us move nature under the influence of time then we engage in activity and then we say oh this act was successful this was meritorious this requires some kind of reward this that and everything but then when things do not happen as per our plan then we realize that I am not able to change and manipulate everything the way I would like then the introspection begins that is there a power deeper and greater than me and then the Jiva looks up and then he realizes there is something known as ishwar so all Traditions talk about these five principles ishwar jiu prakriti kala and Karma the Supreme controller the individual soul nature time and action so when the soul tries to control and exploit prakriti under kala and engages in karma that activity or effort is known as bhoga or the effort for enjoyment and then when that results in an experience which is known as Chinta or anxiety then the soul looks up and then he is an exasperated state and then he comes across body of knowledge which tells him that okay there is a controller above us so that is sure is described in Judaism in a certain way in Christianity in a certain way in Islam in a certain way in Hinduism in a certain way within Hinduism in multiple Traditions within Hinduism in different different ways but the common feature amongst all of them is they do accept a supreme controller above us and when the soul tries to establish a relationship with ishwar that is known as yoga and therefore when we are speaking about yoga it is changing the focus the soul instead of looking down on prakriti and trying to control and exploit the prakriti or nature through the kala time and Karma action the soul first reflects on oh looks like I am not the one controlling nature I am not the one controlling time I am not the one who's supposed to take credit for my karma and activity because whatever I am doing is with some borrowed energy and then when all the scriptures the books in all Traditions Point towards an ishwar and then the desire to establish relationship the issuer manifests then the yoga begins then the types of Yoga nuances of yoga names of the yoga are multifarious but just like Boga creates an experience of Chinta the yoga creates the experience of chintan or tranquility and peace when the soul realizes that anything and everything in life will change because pragati has to change kala is constantly changing karma is constantly changing when the soul realizes I am the spirit soul I never change and the ishwar never changes and my relationship of service with ishwar will not change that creates such a deep anchoring experience that the soul realizes that prayer and worship is nothing but a fantastic anti-virus vaccine for me against the virus of change every single day every single day that's why all Traditions parents and grandparents would always tell us beta prayer begin the day with the prayer but because they could not articulate the reason of why we should pray in a very very deep analytical systematic scientific manner we just thought they are they are pushing us into a ritual but what our ancient Seekers were always sharing with us was the most scientific powerful anti-virus vaccine immunity Builder against the impact of the virus of change which all of us would experience so therefore that relationship of the Soul with ishwar when the soul realizes that apart from all the other relationships which I have this relationship is the primary one this relationship is eternal Eternal in Sanskrit is called sanatana so when the Jiva realizes that I also have apart from my Dharma to parents Dharma to family Dharma to occupation Dharma to business Dharma to customers Dharma to clients Dharma to society I also have a Dharma towards the ishwar my Supreme father then he establishes relationship through prayer and service that is known as sanatan Dharma because he is Reviving his sanatana eternal relationship you described the nature of reality here sir the reality that we live in this world that our souls visit um I think this is a question a lot of children have because I used to have this question when I was a child why am I sent to and I've come to realize as I've turned 30 years old recently that crude way of saying this and this is because it's the limitations of the English language but somewhere sent here to clean up your past karmas to clear outer karmas or your Center to suffer in some form and there is a greater reality that awaits if you acknowledge the greater reality and work towards it your current reality eases out a bit and there's this saying that no matter how difficult your present is your future is easier through prayer and meditation fantastic that's something I've come to realize so much like at least in my own experience and so many psychologists actually going to get a little upset with this and I love psychology conversations as well um but again very subjective may not apply to everyone it's applied to me I might be going through my worst stages and if I'm able to meditate every single day for a week through that worst stage I come out of that one week suddenly into a better stage of existence maybe I'm just calmer maybe I'm just less anxious maybe I'm just more positivized but it works so I'm also trying to get to the depth of these things as I grow older uh but in order to truly get to the depths I have to learn from people like you and the last time we spoke about the garud puran we spoke about the shrimad-bhagavatam the bhagavad-gita we didn't speak about you [Laughter] um I heard Jay's podcast with you a while ago where you spoke about a very intense Road accident you were in when you were younger uh and that was the turning point for you for this one brief moment in the podcast I'm not going to talk to the monk in you but I'm just going to talk to the boy sure um what happened before that accident and during that accident if you could explain it in detail of course I want to know what happened after sure but I felt like this is something that should be on the Indian internet even more thank you so much Ranbir for asking that question and it's true that it was a very very important moment because what happened before was as I said before I've always been searching for answer to death in my life when I was growing up and uh you know as I see three types of people there is a life coaches there is a business coaches and there is a monk and I would always wonder what's the difference between these three then I figured out that business coach help you make money become more efficient life coach helps you balance whatever problems you may be going through after you make that money but then both of them help you and guide you only till death hahaha so you have financial planning Family Planning property planning investment planning relationship planning this planning that planning but all of these plannings are only till death so I always was intrigued by the fact that can we also plan a journey Beyond it and that was something at the back of my mind in my subconscious and I would ask a few people and many people would tell me hey come on let's talk something practical Here and Now so I just got connected to the bhagavad-gita and the devotees and then what really attracted me and fascinated me to the Gita was that for the first time I could see that the Gita is explaining that death is not a problem in itself but death is the opening of a doorway to the next destination which you can plan I was in a tourism conference and then representing the govardhana village and someone came up to me and said hey you're a monk what are you doing in a tourism conference I said hey you don't know tourism and spirituality is the same spirituality is a kind of Tourism he said what I never thought about it I said yes tourism means planning where you will take your body and your family during the vacation from point A to point B and spirituality is to plan how and where to take the soul after death to a different destination so the Gita reveals that the soul is going through a journey in millions of lifetimes and Krishna says in bhagavad-gita he knows in this body itself the child body is dying the youth body is being born the youth body is dying the old body is being born so the birth and death is continuously happening in this but still I am identifying as I am not changing you say I am the same Ranbir but body has changed so therefore the Gita identifies the soul as Eternal and death as the crossroads and depending on certain kind of psychophysical condition at the moment of death your next destination is decided so this really opened my eyes and I started practicing the process started chanting and all that stuff and then you know it was after a program uh you know we did with a group of people and we were driving and the person was driving me was a pretty competent driver and he was going a little fast you know he loved fast driving and I was sitting right next to him and this was on The Eastern Express Highway in Mumbai when was the sun this was in November 14th 1993. so as we were driving we were in the lane which is right next to the divider and we were going at high speed then there was a truck which was moving on the left side slowly ahead of us but typically in India when drivers sometimes see a gap between dividers they suddenly feel oh this is the place to take a u-turn so you know this driver was going and suddenly he saw a gap in the divider and without giving a warning he just turned and we were going at high speed so that movement when the truck turned to the right and I was sitting in the maruti van which does not even have a bonnet so I say it's designed to take you to the spiritual world you know so I was sitting right in front and then it was like in next five to seven seconds we were going to hit because there was no way you could put the brakes it would not have worked anyway the person was driving me did his best slammed on the brakes but in spite of the best efforts as we were moving towards that truck I could see myself inching towards death it was like direct vision but interestingly although I was chanting for last maybe an year before that for last one year and I knew that at the last moment I must think of Krishna and chant his names but I was externally chanting Hare Krishna Hare Krishna but within my mind I was very traumatized and I could see that anytime death is coming so I could realize at that moment that it's not so easy actually internalize whatever practices we do unless we go through an extensive period of practice meditation support community and it's not like an overnight thing so then boom the vehicle hit against the truck I my face went straight ahead the roof caved down all the glass the glass pane in front smashed and my whole body was filled with the glass and then some other vehicle stopped by nearby somehow I survived I saw that the driver was trapped between the steering wheel and the seat but because he was so thin others could pull him out and he survived and I came out and the car which was standing right next door I just looked into the rear view mirror of that car and then I saw my whole face was filled with blood it was like a horror movie and so the first thing I you know thought was okay I'm alive but let me now check whether I can speak and then I said Hare Krishna so I could speak but then the whole body was filled with the blood and the glass pieces and everything and the people were kind enough to put us in a vehicle and take us to the nearest hospital and then they took me inside an operation theater and for over three hours bringing out all the glass pieces and everything and then after they put the whole bandage around my face and all my body and everything when next day I went to the police station because they wanted us to go and identify the vehicle the policeman said okay um looks like whoever was in the vehicle must be dead I said no I was the one in oh my God it's unbelievable because the way the vehicle is smashed it's a miracle someone survived so it was at that moment it struck to me that my life has a certain purpose because for all technical reasons I was 22 years old and at the age of 22 my life was practically finished on the road in an accident but I have been saved so that was like uh Eureka moment how do you remember the accident in so much detail you were conscious through it well you know everything happens so quick yeah I didn't lose consciousness and you remember exactly what the impact felt like well you said explain in detail so I'm trying to I'm sorry I'm taking you back there is no presence of God in that moment there is because at that moment you know I'm chanting but within my mind I'm not able to really capture the presence of Krishna because my mind is still completely overwhelmed with fear so therefore one is hearing one is speaking but the other is fully realizing so that was the moment after that I thought that you know as far as my life is concerned it's already over on the roads here I should be dead but I've been given another chance so Krishna has protected me given me another chance so let me devote my life for the one who has saved me on the highway let me use this opportunity to show millions of people in this world the highway to the spiritual world so that was the transformative movement for me um while I do wish to chronologically ask you if your monkey began right after this what I actually wish to ask you and it might be an inappropriate question but I really have to know I really wish to know if accidents on roads we have accidents in war time things like that big Bomb Blast we saw in Lebanon where so many children also get hurt their lives get affected does God cause these things if it is truly in charge of our entire reality and something tells me you've also played table tennis with this thought when you're when you were younger so I I want to know God's role yeah in mishaps absolutely so Krishna gives a disclaimer in bhagavad-gita and what's that disclaimer he says so Krishna says Arjuna the intricacies of karma vikarma and akarma are extremely difficult to figure out so he describes these three varieties of karma not just one vikarma he says is one who breaks the law you know the law you break the law in technical terms you call it Criminal so a law breaker is vikarma and here is referring to the universal laws the second is karma a law abiding citizen then you may wonder what is this akarma so Krishna says hey I also need help to run this universe to run this world those who are assisting me in helping reach out this knowledge to others and reconnect people with me it's like the bureaucrats or those who are part of the government supporting and helping the government run its machinery so they are part of the government itself so Krishna says they are engaged in what I call as a Karma so therefore whether someone is engaged in karma says I have created this world as a place where people must experience pain to know that when I put my finger in fire and it hurts there is a purpose behind that PIN if the pain feeling was not there if the feeling of pain was not there when I put my hand in the fire or finger in the fire there are high chances that my finger would be burnt so the purpose behind the feeling of pain is so that I know that at this moment I need to exit so the pain which is embedded within each and every atom of this creation is not by chance it is by Design to make each and every person introspect um what does this pain indicate does this pain have a purpose so therefore all Traditions whether it is Christianity Hinduism Judaism Islam Sikhism jainisms or astonism whatever Buddhism all traditions exist and believe me with 31 percent Christians and 23 percent Muslims and 15 percent Hindus and eight and a half percent Buddhists the people across the world are following traditions just so that they can understand the purpose behind the pain is to help us realize that maybe there is another home to where we belong for eternity and we have stubbornly left our father's home to come to try to enjoy separate as a rebel I think since our childhoods we get so used to this world and the way it works and the way we look and our preferences and culture and fashion and food and business and all these normalized things that we don't understand how much suffering is actually tied into all these things uh even wealth in huge amount actually enters your life along with pain either to earn it or after you receive the value you will receive some pain to just balance out that experience and this is something I've asked a lot of my friends who've made a lot of money in life of become famous in life pain comes along with it correct when you're younger you want the fame and money thinking that that's the answer then you grow a little older and sometimes you think love is the answer and then you grow a little old and you realize oh the answer's not in this realm the answer is the exit door which is in this realm but I have to earn it am I right and saying that absolutely okay because bhagavatam says various ill effects of wealth are connected at all stages of wealth arthasia is wealth at all stages sadhane when you are trying to earn will give you pain siddhi once you have earned while trying to grow the wealth while trying to protect the wealth via while trying to spend the will because Even after spending you're not sure whether I made the right choice so he says it always is a source of anxiety so you are absolutely right pain is embedded but there is a purpose behind the pain and that's where we come in help people understand that okay business coach will help you in life life coach will help you in life and believe me there are millions of brilliant people who can help you in your journey to become successful famous wealthy we are not in that business our business begins when someone starts contemplating that I need to plan my journey Beyond Death that's where the original and actual and the real business of all spiritual Traditions begin if you understand it in their authentic interpretation are you a part of a Karma of course you are trying to be trying to be trying to be signed up for yeah yeah I hear you um would charity be a Karma in the bhagavad-gita Krishna speaks of Charity in three modes charity and mode of goodness passion and ignorance so when you give charity in mode of ignorance then the person it's like say giving liquor to somebody so the person receiving it is going to get wrongly affected and the person giving also it's harmful rajogon means you are giving something which is as per the desire of the person but it may not always be good giving a drug addict is drugs like that or a patient diabetic patient is asking for sweet and you know it's his desire it's his craving but the charity in the mode of goodness is described by Krishna in the following manner we give because this is my duty to give it must be done without expecting anything in return as per time place and Circumstance this is so therefore everything has its place and everything has its interpretation as per the modes you get Nirvana Liberation moksh based on your spiritual progress which is based on your karma if over many lifetimes you just constantly give away everything you own your engagement that level of Charity will that earn you enough Karma to earn you your liberation so in this kind of Charity there are three different types one is known as means you are engaged in you know giving charity you're engaged in planting trees giving people water Wells and all these things so this gives you some kind of piety which will take you to a higher destination within the material world and then there is you engage in activities which will take you beyond this world which is you are doing activities in relationship to the ultimate spiritual personality so therefore means engaging in activities like direct meditation chanting of the names worshiping in holy places so this gives you spiritual piety so therefore there is a difference between material piety and spiritual piety both are credits but you can say that traveling within India but then traveling abroad needs a different type of Visa travels within India in a seven star hotel two charity effect but if you want to go abroad you actually get into the spiritual practices absolutely and the nature of the spiritual practices may be different in different Traditions why again and again I'm bringing all the Traditions is today we are torn by such conflict amongst religions amongst traditions and social media seems to be hyping up the difference is so much but Vedic tradition sanatan Dharma always talked about distinguishing factors but abeda is common factors so if you look at the common factors in all traditions all the Traditions have these five aspects of the journey what is my starting point what is my destination what is my experience at the destination what will be my path to reach the destination and what will be the obstacles in the journey that's it so nothing but planning for taking the soul to an aspired destination after death it can be planned it can be properly curated and you can actually make it happen with the right kind of practice we're constantly shepherding the conversation towards this point of death sir like that's why both you and me are taking it constantly through all the answers which is why I'm not going to stop that flow sure the last time we spoke about the garud puran yes it was probably two years ago that we spoke last um I don't think too many of the new viewers have even seen that episode right now which is why I would begin this question with a tiny recap on the garage sure but let's also talk about the Journey of the Soul at the point of death and after death sure up till the point of rebirth right um I will let you take it let me let me hear what you remember since you spoke to me about it I got very interested so I did my own research as well so some of it is based on what I have researched some of it is based on our last conversation please correct me when I'm wrong sure um is basically a set of rules and descriptions about what happens at the point of death and after death at the point of death it's supposed to be so physically mentally emotionally spiritually painful in all the possible formats of pain that you can think of the topper which is Detachment an attachment because you're still attached to your human life I am ranveer I'm leaving ranveer's body the soul gets extracted from that body and that's why it's painful correct that's the worst pain a human Spirit can ever endure which is why naturally all biological creatures are afraid of death naturally because we remember it from our past life absolutely at that moment it hurts so much I don't want to go through again this is that natural fear of death is inbuilt but the garbhuran also describes what happens to your soul after you pass away I don't know whether this is a part of the government or not but they say that you're usually visited by a form of God that you understand the best whatever your vision of God is um which for many people would be their own gurus Guru takes you to the next point and the next Point can be positive or negative depending on your karmas and if you've done a lot of negative things in this realm you are made to pay for it in that Journey and that's where my morbid side actually got very interested because Souls that have not done good deeds in our realm on Earth are supposedly made to suffer extremely badly that way you're supposed to uh flow in a river that's full of boiling oil there are predators that eat away pieces of your Soul's flesh you're made to go through the same kind of suffering that you inflicted on this planet so that you learn your lesson so that you get punished and then you're presented with your whole life's report card that's where my understanding stops and maybe this is a morbid explanation so I'll allow you to correct me some fascinating I'm sure the youth who's watching this will think hey well the energy drops off it was a beautiful explanation so to summarize I'll you know give an example of when a criminal is caught by the police and usually criminals are in Disguise and the police are kind of chasing and they recognize and catch him and when they take him for interrogation and they inflict whatever they usually do and then only after a certain degree of pain which is given then the criminal says okay I am so and so otherwise he'll Begin by saying I am not this I am not this I am not this I am not this the criminal denies his identity and then finally when he accepts yes this is my identity then the process of reformation begins and then he sent to the you know prison house and then transformation begins so it's exactly the same all the punishments which you describe have been given and in this planetary system 14 planetary system below are the various uh below the Pata loka are the various narakas or the hellish planets and you'll have to describe give tiny context on this 14 planetary system thing I remembered from my episode but just for the viewers so basically gives a complete different context of what's the geography of the space we are living in so it describes the particular Universe we are living in as having 14 planetary systems divided in terms of the consciousness and there are the upper seven planetary systems and the lower and we are in the middle at the buloka and depending on the kind of piety you earn you go up and depending on the kind of sins you perform you go down and that's what is the whole idea of the karma Factor heaven and hell heaven and so Heaven is upper and lower planetary systems and the last lower planetary system is called Pata loka below Pata loka are a group of hellish planets which is known as naraka and each of those planets has a specific kind of punishment and the person on behalf of Krishna who's managing that in the Bhagavad puran is described as yamaraja and his name comes in various other texts also and in India anyone who's practicing Hindu or born Hindu has always heard of yamaraja you you can feel free to describe each of the punishments no no okay okay the idea is that the nature of the punishments is so that a person has memory of that trauma when he again comes back to a better destination after going through that you mean whatever trauma he created in bhulok which is our world he remembers what he did by his Made To Remember by those you know yamadutas and then punished and then he is given a particular new opportunity after that depending on his karmic balance you know when we're talking about these punishments they're based on I don't want to say negative Karma but whatever negative curve yeah they are based on things you've done wrong exactly how wrong is wrong enough to go to those planets in terms of all of us have lied at some point in our life all of us have heard someone knowingly or unknowingly all of us have been late that's also way of hurting someone disrespect will these things send you there or it's a certain crime like murder or robbery like it's a very a beautiful question that if you go into the technical details you will be in trauma all day therefore Krishna says the way to live life just like as a citizen when you walk out of the house you don't think of all the sections in the Indian Penal Code which is going to land you in jail when you start a business or a startup you don't think all the different possible types of crimes which will put you behind bars under corporate you know laws you are thinking positive and all those are there as deterrence to prevent a person from doing those things so therefore there is a concept in Vedic literature is known as panchayagya which basically says that we commit various kinds of crime as soon as we are living in a space because you're burning your fire you're pouring water storing water you're cleaning the house you are breathing so all these things are creating by default millions and millions of deaths of bacteria and this and that and any plant is getting killed when we are eating you know when we are plucking and then finally eating so therefore is very clear that one Jiva will become the cause for destruction of another Jiva but let us follow the protocols of Freedom within boundaries so the important principle or the underlining statement is Freedom within boundaries understand what is my quota and live within that so the whole concept of Vedic literatures and Vedic living as they say is to help people understand that I can fulfill my needs while respecting others requirements and needs and living within those boundaries of restraint so therefore people say restraint or restraint is not good but say if someone is flying a kite the Rope of the kite is it good or bad someone may say oh it's bad it is holding the kite back but no it is helping the kite move farther up but you say oh if you cut the rope it can go much further if you cut after some time the kite will come down just like Runway is good or bad someone miss or Runway is restricting the movement of an aircraft the Boeing can an Airbus can fly much you know can go anywhere in the grass around no but the Restriction of the runway helps the airplane gather speed when the airplane gathers speed it can fly to an altitude and take you to a destination you could never have usually done with a simple bicycle therefore the restrictions described in all traditions are meant to help us focus and remain on the runway of Dharma so that ultimately we are able to elevate our Consciousness to such an extent that at the moment of death we actually go to a higher destination and that's how all Traditions have been working upon so the main factor is yes anything you do in life there will be something you'll be doing wrong but the idea is not that the idea is we become a law abiding citizen of the universe and follow the universal father okay um what's in those seven Heavenly planets yeah like and do you gradually progress up the ladder or if you've done enough good work in this realm do you directly go to the top yeah so all those details are described in various Vedic literatures and what kind of piety will lead you to what destination that is also described so for example there is Indra loka where Indra is ruling and in Indra loka which is known as swargaloka the people have bodies which are subtle and practically there is long long life millions of years of lifespan and no distress only bhoga every moment is a festival for the senses so bhagavatam describes these Heavenly denizens are praying foreign we are tormented by excessive pleasure of our senses therefore because we have a body which is fragrant the body is fragrant to such an extent when they would take bath in any kind of a river that River would become fragrant and there is nothing known as death till they leave that place so they are praying in the fifth Canto of srimad-bhagavatam that kalpaya shots that rather than millions of Lifetime millions of lives millions of years of a lifespan in Heavenly planet in swarga we prefer a few 80 to 100 years lifespan on Bharat bhumi why because the kind of spiritual knowledge and Awakening which is possible in Bharat is unbelievable in India like the Indian subcontinent so every soul that's born here is born for a reason there is an extra privilege in terms of access to spirituality because that's very much within the core DNA of our land so you see that culture what does it mean culture basically means that first there is a destination you plan for that destination there is a process and for that process you need a supporting Ambience or environment suppose my destination is to be a champion boxer to be a champion boxer I need a process which is training to be a boxer then there is the attendant supporting environment which helps me in boxing which is what wearing the right kind of dress wearing the right kind of gloves eating the right kind of food diet exercise being with the right community of boxers having a coach all this is part of the supporting ambience that's supporting Ambience is what is known as culture so therefore we see that people who are born in certain Sports families or business families or bureaucrat families or Judiciary families or Bollywood or Hollywood families they have a specific advantage of having a certain Ambiance and environment for a certain process so they land up reaching the destination apparently easier than many others similarly in India Within two hours anywhere you are in India within two hours of wherever you are you will reach a spiritual destination a place where some spiritual significance some pastime of the Lord or his devotees or some such place is there and therefore in India across there is such a culture or an Ambiance to support the process of spiritual practice so that you can attain the destination that's how India is built in its original DNA the number of temples the number of even all the the Jews will accept the fact and they do accept the fact that India is one of the countries where they have been treated with so much of respect and so much of you know sensitivity and therefore the spirituality is in the very DNA of India and that's a major advantage as against so many other countries and if India has to really become a vishwa guru one of the most important requirements for India is to realize that the whole world is looking towards India for its amazing Timeless ancient wisdom and you know we must applaud the efforts of Prime Minister Modi for bringing this G20 presidency under such a highlight of vasudeva kutumbakam which is nothing but as I see that vasudha is sustainability which is sensitivity or respect for nature and one Earth one family which is only possible when we recognize each other as Souls so India is that country because of its deep spiritual tradition has always focused on our identity as Souls more than any other tradition any other country which is the spiritual tradition so spirituality and then one future then when we see everybody as part of receiving our service so that their life can transform which is community so social impact so spirituality sustainability and social impact S3 impact that's what is the idea of vasudeva kutumbukam and India really has that opportunity to be the place to invite and welcome everyone to understand this know their own traditions and reconnect and we have the opportunity to share this with the rest of the world are you hopeful about where the world is going all right with all the technology we have we have at our disposal and I must congratulate you for the beautiful app which I have created and what's the name level Superman level because I think that is something which the world needs so the world is moving in the direction of enhanced connectivity through technology and just imagine if the souls across the world become purified elevated transformed a group of transformed human beings when they connect they are going to transform the world so I don't see any problem in connectivity but I see problem in the Consciousness yeah it's been a difficult decade it's 2023 now and every year of this decade has been much more challenging than what 2010 to 2019 was it was such a simple decade that I would even go as far as saying 2000 to 2009 was also simple-ish at least with a few big blips but this decade every year there's been something hmm what are the Saints and Angels thinking why is this happening is this also part of the plan is there a cleanup happening I think they touched upon this the last time yeah it was two years ago and so much has happened since then War has happened since then correct there are rumors of an even bigger War taking place next to um a common friend he's like an elder brother figure to me in life and one of the most important things I learned from him is that behind every action that you do in the material world it's all about what the intention was is your intention to give is your intention to help is your intention to heal and the moment your intention are truly at the moment your intention is one of those three things that's where you'll notice that the work happens by itself much better than you imagined but your intention truly needs to be clean my intention has been to motivate for a very long time in my career there was selfish intention as well to protect myself to earn my money but I've reached a point where now the intention is all about healing and the more healing I'm trying to put out in the world hmm the more damage I'm absorbing as well honestly to a certain degree I don't know why I think I don't get it how's that I think I'm putting out more healing because my intention is really really to do that sure and on a very metaphysical level am I truly helping other people or am I helping a younger version of myself who didn't get help um whatever it is the intention is put out healing in the world Fame power all these things are increasing so much but along with that there is pain that comes back it's not pain I'm trying to put out there and I'm just having to be like very brave about going on facing the world um I feel so broken on the inside so many points on at the same time I feel more powerful and I've come to realize that maybe the nature of life is to be a little harsh on yourself I'm reminded of the time I was a martial artist when I was a kid and I'd get injured I'd hurt myself get bruised but take it as a badge of honor and go back into my martial arts class the next day I didn't imagine that life would be like this and I'm glad that I did martial arts but it makes me think about this very nuclear power decade that we're in I don't think we live in Easy times and I'm a little afraid of where we're going but I'd love for you to correct me wherever I'm thinking wrong here well I think uh you know you look at it from the historical point of view and then you look at it from shastric point of view from what the scriptures say so the bhagavatam describes this age as age of Kali age of Kali means satyuga yoga yoga and kalyuga so characteristic of Kaluga is quarrel conflict and hypocrisy and the fundamental Foundation of kalyugais intensely arising egos so the characteristic of kalyuga is if you plot an ego and time axis it will go like this so therefore from we The Narrative will go more towards me I and because of that conflicts are bound to increase so therefore the bhagavatam says the age will go on coming down people's intelligence memory capacity their ability to remain healthy all this will start coming down and which we are seeing so therefore I would say that in the midst of negativity the way to remain like a lotus is to know that you can divide your 24 hours into two segments of 12 hours each your 9 am to 9 pm is what you give to the world you are giving giving giving everybody whether it's a businessman or a housewife or working this that but there is a eight or nine pm to nine am which we have for ourselves so the problem is not in giving but the problem is although we are giving when we are in our own space we are not doing anything to build our immunity and that's what all the Traditions are speaking about as healing prayer introspection intentional contemplation making an audit on what did I do what is my intention which way I am going and therefore the scripture study of the scripture on a regular basis acts as a mirror or darpan for your consciousness why in spite of Technology having so advanced in terms of filmmaking and serial making when the covet happened the most popular cereals were still Ramadan and Mahabharata which was from that generation because it captures the essence of what each one of us go through that we will be subject to all kinds of trauma and we will have no control even the Supreme controller Rama has no control when he will go to the forest Krishna will have no control how his own family members the yadavas destroy each other in a fraticidal war Krishna has no control even over duryodhana is trying to control him but he can't be so all of these episodes demonstrate that we have very little control over others we have very little control over people we have very little control over places we have very little control over the planet but we only have total control with what I decide to do now at this moment so therefore the whole idea is if we can spare some quality time every day trying to capture a few moments where we are engaged in prayer and go through past lives stories of people who have gone through that trauma so what reading and studying Rama and Mahabharat bhagavatam and all these does is you realize that the problem I am going through is not unique what enhances or accelerates or intensifies distress is when you think that I am the only one going through this so you know students have experienced in exams when you are the only one who has failed then the trauma is more but when only one guy has passed and 30 have failed you feel oh it's okay so spending quality time with scripture whether it's Bible or you know grantha sahib or Gita or all of these have a common agenda to help you realize that the problem you are going through today is not unique or special so that introspection which we do on a daily basis is so important because we realize that oh if all of these characters have gone through so much trauma what is important is not the trauma they went through but what was their response to that trauma did they respond to it politically did they respond to it emotionally politically means you just try to you know eat try to get the better out of the other compete but sometimes you may find the other person is stronger or the situation is beyond my capacity so you break down emotionally so the scriptures are neither recommending a political reaction nor an emotional reaction but a devotional reaction which is you realize that in this situation in this circumstance all I have is my ability to respond to this situation by controlling my own consciousness and tolerating and being humble being forgiving realizing that I have to be grateful for what I have received and therefore the values being taught across all of these sacred literatures is kind of common and then when you see the reflection of these personalities you may have gone through something yesterday and you may see that reflected in the personality and then you learn how they have dealt with it so you know Harvard is very famous for their case study method in Harvard Business School but the case study method has always been a part of the quranic literatures where whether you're the srimad bhagavatam or the Padma purana or whichever puranas they take you through stories like the Raman and Mahabharata which is what it's a case study method to help you understand that in this situation there are multiple choices which bhishma can make when draupadi is being insulted but okay at this situation what choice does he make and why so therefore we are able to see the reflection of our trauma and our fears and our insecurities through them therefore two things I feel is very important for families come together and pray and Express gratitude and then come and study and read aloud together the various traditional scriptures and ancient wisdom and so that we are able to then reflect as a family and learn from them cope with the current reality of trauma or difficulty or challenge but with optimism move forward effectively I mean a while I've gained a lot of things from that answer it's about what you choose to do in your me time in your family time absolutely that's your only controllable because after a point in life what you do for the world is also pre-decided by what you have done in your past in your Dharma in your karma that decides your present but today you only get to decide hey what do I do in my free time absolutely and if I can turn my pack my family towards that free time nothing like it absolutely because especially after moving to this part of town which is very media Bombay I remember the last time you had come to my original office which is in a very residential part of Mumbai uh I miss my sangat or sangathi as it's called yeah which is community community I used to go to my own spiritual school there and here I go to the local coffee shop and meet other media professionals um and conversations are great and your career has surged forward but I've realized the role of like spiritual friends at this phase of my life and it's great because when I was leaving my house I told my mother give me two and a half to three years time I'm going to go it's like military Camp I'm gonna take my career to another level and then I'll come back right and broke a heart to see me leave when it breaks my heart every day that she's away from me and I'm here but you gotta be like a bit of a warrior at this stage yeah um I miss I miss my family I miss my spiritual life like so much but you gotta do what you gotta do so I hope I'm doing the right thing I think I am uh but you know you don't have to miss your spiritual life because you can ignite your spiritual life even within the context because it's not dependent on the location the only Zen you carry to the top of mountains is the Zen you take there so in your free time all you need to do is connect because no matter wherever you travel in the world you are able to connect with your friends through your cell phone so therefore all Traditions have some kind of a rosary beads by which wherever they are irrespective of location they connect so I mean I must you know really appreciate the work which you're doing trying to bring positivity um in this world and especially trying to create hope in the hearts of Youth because I would say that the most important currency which is required to distribute today is that hope and you're giving that I hope so so I think the world needs healing especially people my age so much damage some black people younger maybe even more damage and not because of their own choices because of the world that they were born into you know with technology and social media um you call it hope maybe for me the word that's in my head is healing a little bit that's what the world needs um there is this question that I've been wanting to ask you in this podcast for a while so I'm just going to shamelessly ask you know do you think your soul chose that moment of the accident and your monkhud before coming down are you given a bit of a trailer of your life before you come back down I think the Super Soul chose that because Krishna says that is that everything which is orchestrated in nature there are three parts one is the soul who chooses then there is a Super Soul who sees the entire gamut of karma which a person has done and then the Super Soul sanctions to Nature and allows is the Super Soul God Super Soul is paramatma within the heart is there all through so God has various manifestations Superman is a Super Soul manifestation as per the bhagavat and the Gita tradition Krishna says maheshwara as one who's constantly witnessing waiting for the prodigal son to return but facilitating in whatever way it is required so I think just like I give an example of a computer if you are sitting and there is a computer screen and there is a printer I can't scream at the screen and say print me four copies no you have to type in the command so the printer gets communication from me via the CPU of the computer similarly nature is there and I am thinking okay at this moment let me lift my hand let me lift my hand so the soul the Jiva is a doer I am the doer in Desiring the doer number two is the parmatma that he receives that input oh gorangadas at this particular time in 2023 June wants to lift his hand does he have the karma and the balance to be able to do that activity in a fraction for millionth second the Super Soul goes through all the record and sees okay yes and then the doer number two paramatna gives sanction to the doer three which is the prakriti which is the nature so the command is given to the body cells and everything and then I am able to lift so that's the metaphysical understanding of why at certain point certain people they may desire to lift their hand desire is still as strong as it was in the youth but you are not able to lift the hand if I am the only Doer then why I am not able to do that so therefore the metaphysics of Gita brings into picture three doors the soul as the Desiring Doer the ishwara as the facilitating or the permitting Doer sanctioning door and the prakriti or nature as the one who executes what has been sanctioned so these are the three at once had a conversation with someone who follows Shamanism which is a spiritual school of thought from South America and they believe that you're given options when you come back down that hey this is how much Karma you've accumulated in your last book so either you'll get to be a billionaire a top athlete or a monk which one do you choose and then it's up to you in terms of which one you get to choose do you think there's any parallel in sanatan do you think that's true for me I would like to believe that's true because my human mind understands Free Will and options correct you have a choice at all points so why shouldn't you have some sort of a say a choice at that stage especially if you've been a good person and you've been spiritualized in your life maybe you do have an option when you're up there in the heavens yes Krishna explains in the Gita which is foreign that those who are in rajogun they stay in the middle one who perform sinful and abominable activities they go down so therefore depending on the kind of choices we make our destinations manifest so people think Gita is a book of Commandments Gita is a book of choices and we only have the choice over this moment and therefore Krishna is telling Arjuna choose your contemplation and what is contemplation contemplation is Conquest over internal conflict when one is internally conflicted between multiple identities and ideas and thoughts and this and that there is a process by which you can conquer over it that Conquest over internal conflict is what is known as contemplation and therefore in sanatana Dharma tradition it is called the yoga and that's what at the dramatic pace of a Battlefield where 640 million soldiers arrayed between both the sides are standing with all their weapons and these are like you know fully trained experienced Fighters they are professional fighters and they have come with the intention to fight Krishna suddenly orchestrates a pause for one hour and in that one hour the Warriors are there the war field is there the war weapons are there but the warrior seems to have lost his will for the war and so Krishna brings the bhagavad-gita as the literature which helps you first win your internal conflict before you can actually be victorious in the external conflict and today's society is so obsessed with winning the external conflict that Society is experiencing 300 million people experiencing depression and anxiety syndrome so I think the Young Generation must be inspired by someone like you who could be bringing any topic on this conversation on this podcast but the very fact that you are going so deep into trying to understand from different angles whatsoever spiritual tradition what's the comparison of our sanatana Dharma tradition with other traditions you are really getting deep into dissecting the entire religious studies ecosystem in spite of having so much of Fame and success and this and that I think it's a it's a brilliant example for the Young Generation to know that beyond all that they may obtain in life they should never give up their Quest for searching for the real deep purpose and meaning in life I think that's a great example circumstantial heavily because of all the people I met through the show and all the people I met before the show even began and I realized that the kind of conversations I was having there need to be released for the world need to be shot and shared with the world correct so I again I think it was the two the sanctioner and prakriti that enabled this that's how I look at it but I thank you for the compliment so what I do wish to ask you is I often think about the knowledge I'm gaining through the show for releasing for a week I'm recording at least six to seven a week and I retain a lot of it like at least the important points I retain all of it so I can feel my knowledge increasing I can feel my personality changing I would like to believe that I can feel smaller and smaller with every conversation because I realize how much I don't know right but then I think of my point of death and I think that I may not even take all this with me all I'll take is the spiritual progress does knowledge flow with you after your life as well or do you leave the knowledge behind as YouTube videos that's a brilliant question says to Arjuna Neha vikramana so Arjuna is in paranoia that oh I am going to kill bhishma drona and what will happen and all that so Krishna says I am telling you to fight it's your main Dharma right now and then Krishna says that if you have to invest you have to invest in something which will continue beyond time whatever investment I make in the body all the food I have eaten all through the entire life all the Cosmetics which one may put all the medicines one may take all of that till death is fine but beyond that we have to leave it behind therefore what travels with us Krishna says in this which is the acquisition or investment at the spiritual level and the investment at spiritual level is of Phi types first meditation or chanting or taking the names of Lord and connecting through prayer second studying the literatures spiritual literatures third visiting the holy places of Temple temples synagogues and all that thing fourth visiting holy places like for us brindavan is a holy place like that places where your worshipable lord has performed some pastimes even today in Hiroshima the radioactivity is there it affects people so wherever spiritual activities have happened the ground radiates with that spiritual vibration which makes that spiritual practice anukul easier and the fifth is that you connect with others who are like-minded and serve with them and discuss with them to enhance your particular kind of faith so with this when you do this on a regular basis that remains forever it goes with you and that's why the story of ajaamil in the sixth Canto bhagavatam comes where ajamil is a very very Pious person with a wife and knows all The Vedas and everything he goes to the forest and he sees a prostitute embracing another man in a very very Lusty manner he becomes affected those images affect him and he tries to control his lustman I'm using his intelligence discrimination he says no I must not succumb as per what he has understood intuitively he knows this is sinful I should not do it he's not able to control samadhatum is not able to pacify his mind because mind is lashed by Lusty desires he leaves his wife goes and brings this prostitute and starts living with her and to take care of her and her needs he starts engaging in criminal activities now at the age of 88 he gets a son known as Narayan he gets a son and Sages who could visit the house of his wife they say that he should name Narayan he names his son Narayan and at the moment of death and he is so traumatized there is so much of pain because as we described in our last episode and you have read in Garuda puran that the pain at the moment of death when the Soul along with the subtle body is brought out of the gross bodies equivalent to the biting of thousands of Scorpions so in that trauma your mind is focused on that object in which you have invested your emotions and for ajaamil it was his son because he loved him so much he cried out Narayan Narayan Narayan and at that time suddenly the denizens of Vishnu dutta they came of Vishnu loka the denizens of Vishnu loka the Vishnu dudas they came and they said stop you can't take him and then there's a conversation which happens between yamatutas and Vishnu dutas and then the conclusion is surrender and the Vishnu task convince that anybody who has taken even a little bit of name of Lord only at the time of death he took that name to his son he was not leading a Pious life he was leading a very sinful life he did not know about the power of the Holy Name but still he chanted so this particular episode reveals why in India there was always a tradition of keeping names following the names of God if you see the directory you will have names Lakshmi Narayan Sita Raman Krishna krishnamurti all these names are very common because embedded within our tradition is the moment of death has to be faced with the consciousness of positivity and the consciousness of remembering God and therefore parents would keep the children's name after some God's name and therefore at the time of initiation in spiritual Traditions the name is changed so that our identity is recognized I am goranga Das I am a servant so I remember that identity that that is my sanatana identity and all the other identities are constantly changing how are you feeling about this conversations as compared to the last time I think it's fascinating we are going deeper and deeper and you are taking me into this journey in such a fascinating manner that I'm loving every moment of it do you have private podcasts with monks we'll discuss things like this like they all dive this deep every day every day we have sessions and classes and conversations where we have multiple kinds of you know formats for exchanging conversations and realizations no one that I have met through the show has described the metaphysical nature of reality the way you do and the clarity you do now we are talking about layers of the universe layers of reality this is an outcome of years of studying all the scriptures that you've studied and you always reference you know exactly where you've picked up something from which is I don't know a polite of saying this but which is a part of your what also has a knowledge provider on the podcast you know uh because you're able to reference things very specifically and well I must Express gratitude to my gurus and especially the founder of iskcon Shila prabhupada who translated all this esoteric Sanskrit Works into English otherwise you know we don't have the bandwidth to study Sanskrit for years together and get into this like that and all you know my immediate Guru radhanath Swami and many other gurus from whom we took shiksha from we call them shiksha gurus so you know there's a verse in bhagavatam it says if you ever try to think that you can repay the debt towards the gurus from whom you have gained the spiritual knowledge so you are like a joker it is not possible because what has been revealed just like a person with a cataract or blindness was never seen from birth but somehow a surgeon comes who's able to crack what's wrong with his eyes and gives eyesight how can that person repay in any financial terms or in any other terms it's that kind of a Feeling is there a subject a topic a question in your mind now so many years in 1993 roughly yeah it's 30 years that's the year I was born in 30 years in what are the questions in your mind and what are you seeking now my biggest question in my mind is how can we transform our education system in India and allow the 27 crore students in the schooling system in the thousands of schools and that three crore people in our college system the access to the spirituality and their original tradition so that they can have their own bharatiya Vedic understanding and identity because what I realized was that Indian students are torn between the conflict of being born in India hearing about certain traditions not being explained the logic behind the tradition and therefore they start interpreting things as ritual and they don't even see you know great examples around them to inspire them to follow that and then as against they also see the culture coming from the West so they're Torn Between the Hedonism of the West and the mysticism and wisdom of the East and they are just wondering what's my identity what I'm supposed to do so I think the new education policy with focus on Indian knowledge systems is extremely good but there is a fascinating report which I saw of a research I mean it was in a small ecosystem the research was done but it revealed that amongst the various traditions and communities and religions of Prayer you know when they clocked from the age of five to the age of 75 the number of minutes spent in prayer Hindus were clocking on the lower side and I feel that one of the reasons is not being exposed to the right kind of body of knowledge when you are in your education system while growing so at this stage I'm deeply stirred by a desire to somehow create a body of knowledge and wisdom by which we could actually have a Vedic philosophy course with all your regular courses and it could be like a 240 hours course 30 hours every semester six credit course where in the first semester we teach 30 lectures on ramayan second semester 30 lectures on Mahabharata third and fourth semester we can teach 60 lectures on the Gita and then seventh you know and then fifth and sixth fifth semester we can teach them on upanishads and sadachar how to live according to this knowledge and then sixth seventh and eighth semesters we can teach them about some of the puranas which are like The Vedic case studies of how people have grappled with trauma difficulties challenges Dharma sankat and how they have dealt with it how they have responded to it so I think if we expose students in college in when they are in the age group of 17 to 22 23 I see an advantage more than when they are children because when you sometimes four speed children when they are growing when they hit 14 15 they feel I didn't have the choice it was forced upon me oh it was my parents decision therefore I went to but when they have this kind of a option you're not of going through systematically when they are going through their other subjects so apart from the skill which they learn for their employment they'll also develop the will to negotiate through multiple experiences of prosperity and adversity in life so it will prepare them better yeah very random input here but uh I don't know if you've seen the very old animated ramayan movie it was animated by Japanese artists okay um my whole generation remembers ramayan like that even more than the TV show oh yeah like we respect and love the TV show yeah uh I grew up watching that TV show yeah ramanand sagar's ramayan absolutely uh but we also were heavily influenced by this Japanese animator drama which actually ran into a lot of trouble when it was being released in the 80s because people were upset that how can you show ramayana as an animated movie but the thing is it was such an impactful film for an entire generation that my passion for ramayan for Hanuman ji for sitama it all increased through that film and I know a lot of people my age will say the same thing everyone in my team has actually watched that when they were kids wow been inspired by it creatively been inspired enough to enter the creative field and to be able to do the kind of work that we do today which is so culturally the dream for me is to actually create animated versions of this in that same Japanese anime style because that's what's taken over the world in terms of culture teenagers of today watch a lot of anime from Japan I feel anime from Japan the themes the way the stories are shown are very similar to our epics if you're able to show the Mahabharata and ramayana as an anime it not only will whitewash this whole generation with the right kind of values but it will also live on for maybe 100 or 200 years but someone needs to invest time energy money in that direction and right now maybe I don't have two of the three so it's it's a lifelong project another project I have in my head is I want to build video games around like absolutely because every generation is their own mediums to learn fantastic I think it's a great idea and I really pray that you can you know get to doing it because I'm sure because of the kind of passion you have invested in with this kind of emotions what will come out is authentic and I'm always there to share inputs on you know 100 we're going to be turning to you I I do sometimes feel that I have all these crazy ideas and I know that this will work from a business Acumen standpoint uh but my hands are tied right now you know podcasts are very easy to create that's why I do it that's why I do so many of these but there will be a day where I just withdraw right I I I don't agree that podcasts are easy to do because easy and difficult depends on the skill sets of people so I think you have been blessed with that particular skill set that you can connect with a variety of genres of you know people with backgrounds and open up conversations depending on what that other person is into that's not so easy for everybody so maybe natural skill set like you know Virat Kohli finds batting easy yeah I find quoting though shloka is easy yeah you're born with some natural skill sets which are actually present even in your childhood right you just need to be aware enough to see okay what am I good at absolutely um like when I was a kid and my teacher used to punish me they should change my seat and then I'd make that part of the class noisier if everyone around me would keep talking called micro podcasts would be going on uh how do you know when is the right time to withdraw how do you know when is the right time to now take a step back from the material Journey or the battlefield because in my head I am looking at the end of next year as a point where I actually just withdraw and we had SRI M on the show who's also extremely spiritually involved and I respect him so much and he also gave me this Arjuna example he's like no no this is your time to shoot some arrows and I'm just trying to figure that how do I clarify my own you know Compass to know whether it's the time to take a step back I have a dream life for me would be to just focus on my spiritual journey it's slightly selfish therefore to unselfish it to make it slightly more unselfish whatever I'm learning to my own spiritual journey I'll at least put into creative work and put it out for the world uh but there is a little selfish part of me that wants to just focus my time on my meditation my scriptural studies and then I'm torn between the responsibility I have towards my teammates and the uh abilities that God has like given me right podcasting is easy podcasting is difficult I find it easy I should be doing many more of this how do you know when to take a step back or do you just figure out a balance I'll give an example you know let's look at a cricketer like say Virat Kohli or anybody and let's take an athlete a famous athlete you know who's into 100 meter sprint or whatever long Sprints Usain Bolt ah Hussain bolt okay so Usain Bolt is full time into running that's his profession that's his goal he lives for that day and night he's a full-time Runner well when Virat Kohli is on the Indian team when he is in the net practice or when he's beginning the day with his coaches or the team does he have to run also the coach makes him run his teammates make him run there are certain episodes where he is supposed to run also before the game and then during the game but all that running which he is doing before the game is part of preparation for his real game which is to play cricket so therefore there is if you look at Usain Bolt and Cole you may say Usain Bolt is running and Virat Kohli is also running but the purpose and the context in which Hussein bolt is running and Virat Kohli is running is quite different because Virat kohli's running is to prepare him better for his game so therefore monks like us we are into like full time running our task is to practice spirituality and teach spirituality to taste spirituality and share spirituality we are teachers but for people like Arjuna why Krishna chose Arjuna because Krishna knew that majority of this world will be with people who will apply the spirituality so therefore you don't have to compartmentalize your day you bring in spirituality as running is important for Virat Kohli so that he can play the game better so to play the game of life your spirituality practice of meditation study has to be on a regular basis and that acts as a warm-up an exercise a workout to prepare yourself for the game spoke to me in my language [Laughter] you say Coley you get my attention I just thought of that example thank you nowadays it's also a little bit of shubman Gill so I'm not much in you know I'm not aware of all the details too much he's the batsman who's broken out in terms of India's uh constantly produces batsman uh is made a place for himself in the Indian team ahead of all these other extremely talented batsmen that India constantly produces I am from the generation of Sunil gawaskar Schumann is showing the potential to enter that same Club eventually it's too early and there's too many factors that can go right and wrong in sports but he's showing the potential to be India's next batting Superstar I look at this spiritually as well I think of what someone like shukman Gill was in his past life to have seen the kind of tough childhood that he saw in order to make him mentally ready to practice that her and I would go as far as him to even give him those genetics of being that height that kind of body shape it was always in shubman girl's Destiny to become this version of shubman Gill at least till this point what has that Soul's past life been did it truly want fame did it truly want success in sport um why does God create those Journeys for these special famous Souls right what what's your take on see um [Music] the mother of Arjuna she says that if someone is born with four things these four are symptoms that is born with very high degree of piety from the past life just like if someone drives in driving a Porsche so you know that you know he has to be of a certain economic bracket the lifestyle is a symptom of what he may have so you may not know his net worth but by the symptoms of where he checks in which hotel what car he drives what class in Flight he takes you have some idea like that we may not be able to dissect a person's last life's Karma but there are symptoms in this life by which we can know says janma is a very comfortable birth or a very affluent family or a place where you get connections very easily you know Aishwarya which is prosperity and Aishwarya is of different types strength Fame knowledge renunciation these are all aishwaryas shruta which is knowledge if someone is very exceptionally talented in knowledge and Shri is very rich or very famous all of this can only come when there is a previous Pious Karma so therefore all of us are you know bringing with us a past lives capital of karmic reactions but the Gita says that whatever may have been from the past you have the opportunity to change your future by making the right decisions in the present there is a saying in the Gita which is related to your abilities right like all abilities are given by the Lord what is the saying so Krishna in the bhagavad-gita he explains that in the 10th chapter of the bhagavad-gita that and rishu rishu means amongst men I am the ability in men so in the 10th chapter Krishna is giving a list of different different powerful stunning mind-boggling earth-shattering phenomena which you see so Krishna says just like he says when you see a shark power of that shark should remind you of me when you see the sun the Heat and the light of the sun should remind you of me I am that the cooling mystical moonshine is me so like that he gives a whole list of you know examples in the 10th chapter and it's known as vibhuti yoga vibhuti means Mystic power so Mystic means you cannot logically process how this is happening and when you see some stunningly talented people or the meteoric rice some people have it appears Mystic how can this happen doesn't make sense can't happen so Krishna says wherever you say something powerful something exceptional rather than becoming envious something prosperous or powerful don't be envious [Music] see that these are nothing but my reflections it is my power being reflected in a small thing so that way rather than becoming envious or competitive we can actually become respectful to the fact that oh this person's Talent is nothing but a reflection of krishna's the Supreme Lord's Unlimited talent and bhaga or opulence um because this particular highlight clip will be called discussing's past life uh I have to ask you a little bit about the process of rebirth and I know that now we are using shubman Gill for some reason as the example that man's soul in the last birth would it have wanted sporting success in this birth along with a lot of positive karmas along with probably some sort of athletic ability which he has carried into this birth as well is that how the process of rebirth works there are two elements one is desire and second is deserve so unless there is a combination of desire and deserve as I said the Jiva the soul desires the issue checks whether the person has earned his desire to fulfill so only when there is deserve which combines with desire then there is the proper discrimination in terms of what should be the output and the result so therefore just hard work has its particular place but if only hard work was sufficient then anybody would have worked hard and got what they wanted so that's why the laws of karma Krishna says is very mystical yes on one hand is desire but on the other side you have to have some capital of those credits and Karma and when Krishna gives the sanction then only it manifests so in response to your question yes based on the desire one is born in a certain situation combined with carrying all those karmic past and both ignite at a certain moment to create a certain kind of future so therefore drashtra for your for an example was in the hundred lifetimes before a hunter who killed and destroyed hundred eggs of a bird but it took him several lifetimes before he could become the rashtra because you need to have sufficient piety to be able to have so many children but the purpose behind those sons was ultimately would have to go through the pain and Trauma of losing as a reaction for that so therefore Krishna says at the very beginning a disclaimer that the laws of karma are very very difficult and intricate to understand we cannot approach it in a very simple cause and effect manner even if you use the hundred percent systems thinking approach still also you cannot pinpoint what exactly would be the exact reason this is a great point to bring up the subject of astrology something that I'm naturally drawn towards not for myself I actually don't wish to know too much about my own future or past or karmas because I've learned that the process of prayer and meditation at least to some degree erases the effects of astrology BK Shivani was on the show and she said that the beginning of your life is a great representation of where your karma stand in terms of your astrological charts as you grow older even as you're a teenager your accumulated karma is good bad as you grow into your professional life you're accumulating a higher degree of good or bad karmas as you grow older and interact with people there's an even higher degree of karmas so your astrological chart does change throughout your life there is some of accuracy in it and then there is some amount of moldability what's your take on astrology in general yeah see The Vedic tradition in the body of knowledge of The Vedas there are the four Vedas then there are the upanishads then there are the puranas which are the case studies and there are the itihasas the difference between purana and nithyasis ramayana and Mahabharata were written when Ram was still performing his pastimes when Krishna was and the pandavas were still there so apart from that there is a section which is known as vedangas so part of the vedangas is ayurveda vyakaran niai Chanda and jyotish so all these are elements of knowledge to help a person improve the quality of his life because as per The Vedic Paradigm what is the purpose of life the purpose of life is to fulfill your desire while remaining focused on remembering that death is only an opportunity to go back so therefore life is a preparation death is an examination so all The Vedic literatures are like a syllabus which are which is preparing you to have the right kind of facilities because if your body is not healthy then you cannot do your meditation properly you'll be distracted so therefore ayurveda right if you want to study the literatures properly you need the nerukti you need the Chanda you need the vyakarana then only you'll be able to understand what the ancient sages are trying to tell us so similarly if you are on this journey one thing you also need is a GPS to know where is the next turn coming so therefore the GPS in The Vedic tradition was the jyotish or the astrology and it was primarily focused on mainly with respect to a woman and man relationship and wealth and profession and health because these are major consideration when it comes to how it can impact your peace of mind so many people have experienced that their life turning upside down because the the partner with whom they connected was not just compatible and they just can't experience a similar kind of mental state when people are extremely stressed due to not having means to live lack of wealth poverty or sudden collapse it affects their mind if the health collapses it affects the mind so therefore jyotish kind of helps you in one sense make certain choices which can minimize these damages but again it comes with a disclaimer that the purpose is not simply to remain here right the purpose is not just to find your way to the airport so jyotish helps you find the closest and the fastest route to the airport and the airport is the moment of death but then you need spiritual knowledge to know which flight to catch because if you just get fascinated by this whole journey you will simply be going around and around the airport but not make it to the flight so therefore jyotish needs to be taken with a certain you know kind of disclaimer that in and of itself there is not much of a difference between an astrological advice and a life coach advice and a business coach advice because they're all giving advice on how you can increase your prosperity in this life and minimize your adversity in this life but they're all talking about till death only that's how we need to couple it with spiritual knowledge so that then we can reach did you ever read your own chart I have not read systematically or something in a very deep way but the advantages there are so many people who are so interested in telling me that without having to read my own chat people keep coming and telling me and you know they like to keep me as a case study and they'll suddenly start hey I think you must be like this this is your birth date so this is like this this is like that but what is there in your chart like in terms of this monkhood oriented life was this predestined well you know I've never ventured and asked anybody or analyzed that but to be honest I do have many astrologer friends and I do have a lot of friends who are astrologers who are experts in understanding the energies of space so I do I have utilized some of their services with respect to clearing energies in certain spaces with the kind of skill they have so because you know as organization we have properties and various places and each Place comes with its background and you know baggage of history of what used to happen in those places and all all that has an impact on the energy in a particular place so vastu is kind of little different because vastu only helps you understand how the different uh spaces which you have designed currently how it's impacting you but it doesn't tell you anything about the past of that particular land so this kind of astrological knowledge is kind of taking an x-ray of that particular dharti or that particular land and you know there are all these traditions and very systematic scriptures where these are experts in and they kind of do it but again I would say that you know although those verses may be in Sanskrit and the Gita and bhagavatam is in Sanskrit but we can call these astrologers as the life coaches the traditional life coaches whereas we still are the monks who are more focused on the spiritual knowledge on the journey Beyond it years in you're still meditating every day and following your routine of course because that's the core of what you've chosen for this life is it a rude question to ask you if you have come near being enlightened or if you're already enlightened I can say that I I feel fortunate to be able to serve the enlightened and my desire and intensity to serve those who are enlightened and share whatever level of Enlightenment I have received with others that itself is so satisfying that this question doesn't arise only yeah maybe that's the Virat Kohli oriented thinking and me thinking I want to get that Target but I love what you're saying like that's how there's a difference in mindset and which is why this brings me to the end of the podcast um you don't know how much I was looking forward to this conversation thank you thank you so much like these are just gifts to me there are two conversations which I consider gifts one other Cricket conversations these are the second kind where uh in these conversations it's the kind of stuff that I am supposed to hear okay um I never prepare for my spiritual Chats on this show uh it's the privilege of my life to get to talk to you to get to learn from you uh I hope every single time that I've done Justice to these conversations and then when I review them on a edit table I know that okay at least it was authentic I think that's what people connect with so so just really very very grateful that you came to my house that you're in my studio trust me this Studios built because of the energy of past podcasts right speaking to the last time was a very big Turning Point um I don't know how to convey this but I feel like gifting you whatever we've been able to consecrate in this studio so thank you for coming here it means so much to me that you've come home thank you um some moment I was looking forward to for a very long time thank you so much Ranbir for doing what you're doing and you know taking the time out to get into such an in-depth conversation on spirituality and trying to understand the Core Essence of what spirituality is and not just to learn but you have such an intense desire to practice on a regular basis and I'm sure that intensity of desire to practice will facilitate situations for you in such a way that you will become you know like Virat Kohli able to run in the morning and play cricket in the day practice spirituality at some point on a regular basis and then do what you're doing most effectively in the day thank you so the Virat Kohli metaphor hit me straight in the heart thank you my God I can't I can't thank you enough so uh just very grateful to you thank you for everything thank you thank you that was the episode for today the nature of reality um reached his own moment in my spiritual journey where these are the exact questions I want to learn more about and sometimes when I think about these questions and I think about my own timeline I realize that I'm probably a little late in my spiritual journey but that's also when I feel good for you guys especially you college students you young professionals were in your early 20s trust me the kind of information you're getting from Minds like this not just through TRS but through all these podcasts on YouTube you're living in the age of information according to me after learning what so many subjects to the show I feel that spiritual information is the most valuable because in the long term it's not about how big your bank account is or how famous you are it's about the amount of love in your heart and it's about the amount of compassion that your soul feels for other Souls so keep growing keep evolving and keep having that hunger for knowledge because happiness can only enter your mind when curiosity is already present it's TRS it's happiness through curiosity and lots of spiritual conversations are going to be back very soon foreign [Music]
Channel: BeerBiceps
Views: 541,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast, indian podcast, indian podcasts english, ranveer allahbadia, beerbiceps, the ranveer show, the ranveer show podcast, the ranveer show beerbiceps, trs, gauranga das, gaur gopal das, gauranga das beerbiceps, gaur gopal das beerbiceps, monk, monkhood, spirituality, spiritual learning, journey of the soul, death, rebirth, beerbiceps spirituality, spirituality beerbiceps, ranveer allahbadia spirituality, spiritual learnings, spirit
Id: oGyXFehv_iM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 55sec (8095 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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