Everything You Don’t Know About Elizabeth Holmes (Billionaire to Felon)

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Elizabeth Holmes grew her Infamous multi-billion dollar company theranos using the tagline a world in which no one ever has to say goodbye too soon but her criminal actions and fraud over the course of a decade and a half had her doing just that saying goodbye to her own children and her life far too soon the Holmes and therano Saga has finally wrapped up after almost 20 years of Lies deception and fraud in this video we're going to go over the rise of Elizabeth Holmes and theranos the dramatic downfall what happened after Elizabeth Holmes lost everything and how theranos imploded later in the video we'll discuss the trials of both Elizabeth Holmes and her former boyfriend and right hand Man sunny balwani their sentences their many many attempts to get out of prison and what ultimately happened to the both of them the majority of media pieces like the Dropout the inventor and bad blood all came out long before the end of the Elizabeth Holmes story so I'll be sharing some interesting details about Elizabeth Holmes Empire of lies that were not included in any of the show's documentaries or podcasts this video will also reveal the delicious conclusion to not only the Elizabeth Holmes soccer but a lot of people that enabled her behavior like sunny balwani and her brother Christian Holmes and will also reveal what happened to the heroes in this story like John Carrero Erica Chung Tyler Schultz and others we'll also hear from Holmes herself alongside her boyfriend Billy Evans who's a multi-millionaire Hotel Heir they did an interview recently in the New York Times where they discussed the truth around Elizabeth Holmes's voice and will also be hearing a little snippet of what her real voice sounds like so sit back relax grab a coffee you might even need an alcoholic beverage for this one and let's go over the unbelievable and deserved downfall of one of the most dangerous fraudsters of all time the criminal Elizabeth Holmes [Music] a world in which no one ever has to say goodbye couldn't think of anything that was more meaningful than being able to change what people go through when they say goodbye in which you don't have to say goodbye to the world in which people don't have to say goodbye to saying goodbye to soon Elizabeth Ann Holmes was born on February 3rd 1984. her parents were Noel and Christian homes Noel worked as a congressional committee staffer and her father Christian homes IV was a vice president for Enron I'm sure most people know the Enron scam Holmes great great great grandfather was Charles fleisman who founded the fleisman Yeast Company the family members before Elizabeth's parents lived extremely luxurious Lifestyles and by the time her father Christian homes IV came around the family money was gone Holmes and her family still grew up with money they went to fancy private schools where nepotism and the good old boy private school network flourished we'll see later how Holmes benefited from these two things growing up homes was neighbors with a couple named Richard and Lorraine fuse her mother Noel and Lorraine fuse were very good friends but Richard fuse and Chris Holmes didn't get along at all Chris Holmes was very jealous of Richard fuse's success and extremely padded bank account fuse was a medical doctor and also during a time period was a CIA agent but he had many successful medical companies and medical patents I wanted to highlight here Dr fuse as he becomes extremely relevant to the therano story and Elizabeth home story later in the video one thing about Elizabeth Holmes that many people talk about who knew her as a child was that even from a very very young age when most children wouldn't even be aware or think about money Holmes was very Money Motivated when Holmes was asked what do you want to be when you grow up at five years old she always answered I want to be a billionaire Holmes is also a very very sore loser which started in childhood when she would play Monopoly with her brother and friends she played Till The Bitter End if she was winning building up houses and hotels but in circumstances where she was losing she would flip the board over and run away in a tizzy one time she even ran through a screen door because she was so angry about losing it was very obvious that from Early Childhood right up until present day Elizabeth Holmes has only ever been interested in two things money and fame she couldn't care less about helping people and you'll see throughout this video that actually she was willing to harm people in order to get more money and more Fame homes graduate from a private high school at St John's School in Houston Texas during High School Holmes learned Mandarin and her parents also arranged home tutoring Holmes is fluent in Mandarin and according to multiple sources has a real knack for the language Holmes began studying at Stanford University in the fall of 2002 but she did actually take the summer Mandarin program the summer before she started Stanford and despite being the best speaker in the Stanford program and being the youngest student she was bullied a bit by by the older students that were in this program being the youngest person in the program at just 18 and also being bullied this caused homes to be a bit on her own and a bit ostracized by the other people so this caused a 40 year old multi-millionaire who had just gone back to school because he pretty much had retired and was enjoying his money and this caused this millionaire to befriend Elizabeth Holmes and this did actually change the trajectory of both of their lives this multi-millionaire 40 year old that was basically praying on an 18 year old was Sonny balwani and he is extremely extremely relevant to the entire Elizabeth Holmes and theranos Saga Sonny balwani's real name is Ramesh bawani and many many people have investigated over the years why he started using this nickname Sunny because when he was signing anything at theranos he was signing it as sunny and when he was signing divorce papers and other papers previous to theranos he was signing them as Ramesh nobody knows where this nickname came from because he is anything but Sunny so I'm assuming it's some sort of ironic nickname so flashing through 2002 2003 Holmes is living on campus and attending Stanford and after about a year and a half in 2003 Holmes then starts her company which later down the road will be known as theranos but it is originally called real time cures and she should have known it was going to be a disaster because the first couple of paychecks that were issued had a misprint and actually read as real-time curses real-time cures was started in 2003 but Holmes were still enrolled in Stanford until March 2004. two significant relationships that happened for Homes at Stanford one being Dr Phyllis Gardner who's an extremely accomplished doctor and she's worked at Stanford for many years she is the one who told Elizabeth all the way back in 2003 that the things that she was attempting were not possible Elizabeth's original idea was a patch that looked very much like a bandage a plaster that you would wear on your skin even like a sticker and it would be able to detect infection and immediately deploy antibiotics when it detected any infection as I said Dr Gardner is extremely accomplished and many people that have gone on to really make groundbreaking medical devices and patterns have sought out her expertise so when Holmes went to her Dr Gardner explained this is not possible there's a reason that you have these big bags of antibiotics or you know big capsules the potency and everything like that it's it's not possible to put it in a sticker so Dr Gardner explained all of this and then Holmes came back with the exact same idea and that Gardner said I don't think you're listening to me so that's when she referred Holmes to her colleague and that was Channing Roberts who was head of the engineering department and this is the other significant relationship that Holmes made at Stamford he thought hey you know what I see an opportunity here maybe maybe you can do this maybe you can't but let's give it a shot and he became a kind of a mentor to her and said to me maybe once a century you come across someone like Beethoven she's a Beethoven figure he said she's a genius she is this rare creature and he bet his career on it he was the first enabler also Dr Gardner and Channing Roberts are both going to be very significant figures throughout this video chatting Robertson actually left Stanford his tenured position at Stanford to go and work for Elizabeth Holmes he was her first board member and he was the person who really started to feed Holmes's ego in the beginning he was quoted as saying you feel looking into Holmes's eyes that you're looking at the next Steve Jobs or mozzar or Aristotle which really went to her head and that is also a consistent theme in this video Holmes absolutely gets drunk off her own perceived amazingness Channing Robertson gave Holmes a lot of legitimacy because he was an outspoken supporter of her even up until 2018 and the fact that he was such an accomplished person it really gave Holmes a lot of legitimacy Robertson also brought a number of very qualified people into theranos and there was a lot of people that took his word for what he was saying about Elizabeth of course it's been revealed over the last couple of years that Channing Robertson was actually being paid an enormous enormous sum of money and that is something that you will see with a lot of these people that joined the board or worked for her that they were accomplished in their fields which never was the medical field it was something else and a lot of the time they were being paid enormous enormous salaries or they were getting huge grants of stock so a lot of them this has only come out quite recently so it just again money is the main motivation for a lot of these things because there were so many people that would say why are they doing this like why are they putting their reputations on the line to support someone who is so obviously wrong and of course the answer is always money so as I said home started real-time cures in 2003 the office was in a college basement homes then stopped going to class in March 2004 dropped out of Stanford and took her tuition money from her parents and used it on the company Holmes changed the name to theranos which is a combination of therapy and diagnosis and then immediately started raising money no working on a prototype and making sure that works or testing her technology or even seeing if what she wanted to do was feasible it was all about the money as I said earlier Dr Gardner explained to Holmes that her original patch idea would not work so Holmes finally accepted that and she moved on to the idea that we all kind of know her for which was the pin prick of blood that would be put into a device and you would be able to test your blood for anything and this device ideally in Holmes's Blue Sky vision would be in everyone's home and she wanted this device to be the apple of Healthcare in a nutshell this was Holmes's idea you would take a pin prick of bludge one drop into a nanotano tube the nanotainer was 12.9 millimeters you would then take the little rockets off the side and you would use the one drop inside the little container place it inside the Edison reader which she named after Thomas Edison a chemistry would be performed inside the box which sounds like something a high schooler would write and then it would spit out the results nearly immediately she had the idea that this device would look like a printer size version of an iPod with a touch screen and just very plain black on the outside and just looking very iphone-ish she even sought out and hired the designer of the iPhone Anna Ariola and she sought out a number of other Apple employees including Steve Jobs friend and right hand man Avi tavanian to be honest as someone who used to work in blood testing and owns a medical company now it absolutely would have been more believable if home said that a wizard came in and cast a spell on the Edison and there was a tiny cat inside that was performing all of the blood testing because it was so ludicrous I'm sure most people watching this video have had their blood tested at one time obviously you get a needle in your arm and they will fill up the little tubes and if you've noticed a lot of the time the tops are different colors sometimes when you go and get your lab order there'll be three different tubes they have to fill so the color of the tops are basically what type of test needs to be run so you can do most basic tests with like the red tops and the purple tops so Holmes is basically saying you can run over 200 tests of one drop of blood so usually you will get a full container of blood in a tube like this and you would be able to run you know say about three or four tests off this if you really had to but a lot of the time you'll have to do multiple tubes it depends what test and a lot of other factors but you're not going to be able to get a huge amount if you've only had you know CMP a CBC and a couple of other things basically what you would get if you were getting you know your annual checkup you'd probably just need two tubes and if I got one tube in the lab and I had to run a certain amount of tests and say you know you have bad veins or something like that and they only managed to get this out you could probably run you know a decent amount of tests but what Holmes was doing was saying that you could run basically every test known to man and I had to actually make this bigger so that you'd be able to see it on camera but what she was basically saying was that one drop inside was all you needed and the crazy thing is that for this to work you would have to do the pin prick and feed it in immediately because if you take any of these other vials you have to spin the blood down and also if you notice when you get your blood drawn inside the tubes is a little anti-cladding medicine there's also reagents because without these things of course the blood will just clot and you won't be able to run any tests but because homes as machines weren't working which we all know about she would have these drops of blood sitting on tarmacs at airports and they would just clot and a lot of them would get hemolysis which is basically red blood cells breaking apart and it would just completely mess up any of the tests so in the beginning homes went out and sought money she wasn't bothered about getting her Tech off the ground she was only interested in the money side and we'll see this pattern throughout her life as I said earlier as a five-year-old she was saying the only thing she was interested in was becoming a billionaire all the big Silicon Valley venture capital funds turned her down because of the issues we've mentioned and also because she was 19 20 years old with absolutely no experience in the scientific field she had no education apart from a high school diploma and she's claiming she's developed groundbreaking earth-shattering life-changing Tech Holmes got her first six million dollars in funds from family friends private school friends parents her parents and other people she was personally connected to her first million dollar check was from her friend's dad Tim Draper who was a billionaire who was the first inventor in Skype Hotmail and many other companies a lot of people like Draper will invest in hundreds of companies as all they need is one of those companies to make the return such as Uber Spotify Facebook and that makes up for all all the other losses and makes you a billionaire Tim Draper really made a fool of himself though because he was even defending homes and even wrote a character reference letter for her sentencing during 2003 to 2009 Homestead theranos was in stealth mode the main thing that happened where she hired a lot of people many of which were Apple employees and pretty much everyone quit or was fired theranos was a revolving door of employees and Elizabeth has been quoted by ex-employes as saying basically she doesn't care how she treats people she can just get new people in to replace them as I also mentioned before Holmes hired Avi tavanian Steve Jobs right hand man as a board member and also Anna Arreola who designed the iPhone Anna Ariola also helped Hermes with her wardrobe and how she looked because in the beginning she was wearing Christmas sweaters and didn't know how to dress of course she decided to transfer form into a Steve Jobs wannabe complete with the black turtleneck red lipstick deep voice and green Health drinks Phyllis Gardner stated that when she met Holmes she had a normal young woman's voice and I do have a clip of her normal voice a little short one that I will play in the second to last chapter where Holmes actually accidentally spoke with her real voice and we also will discuss her recently coming clean about her voice to the New York Times [Music] actually for the next section I was going to try and do her voice for like the first sentence or two but when I tried to do it it really really hurt my diaphragm so I just don't think women are supposed to speak like that and I think she must have practiced a lot to be able to get it that way and to also just not make it her it was just a very odd thing one of the biggest key things that Holmes did during this time period was she seriously seriously ramped up her lying and manipulation Holmes had a presentation at the global Healthcare Company Novartis Holmes flew to Switzerland where Novartis is based and completely faked her demonstration by having one of the computer techs write a piece of code that would make the machine look as though it was working what are we going to show in the demo we're gonna tell them that we don't have a working prototype one drop of blood cheers [Music] artists okay this was the first time we know of where Elizabeth Holmes faked a demonstration but this certainly wouldn't be her last we're now in 2009 and Holmes and theranos are desperate for money so homes makes a deal with balwani that if balwani loans theranos from his personal account over 13 million dollars balwani conjoined theranos as the CEO and vice president just a few other things of note that's happened in the interim before balwani joined everyone from Apple has now left and probably the biggest thing of note was that in March 2008 the year prior to balwani joining two high-level employees approached the board chair with evidence that Holmes was misleading the board about the effectiveness of theranos's blood testing technology the board decided to remove Elizabeth Holmes as CEO but unbelievably Holmes convinced them to change their minds we've decided to come here step in as acting CEO until we can find somebody out I reached out to an old friend he offered to to bring in 20 million dollars and come on as coo there's a famous saying if you strike at the king you must kill him and the board struck at the queen and Elizabeth wasted no time in firing all of the board members and bringing in a new board one that was under her control so for a short background on bawani he was joining the company as the CEO and president and lent the company 13 million dollars but where did he get this 13 million dollars from balwani was one of those people that was in the right place at the right time he worked for Lotus and Microsoft in the 1990s and he made a lot of wild claims that have proven to be untrue in the very late 90s balwani joined a company called commercebid.com the company was bought up by Commerce one and right before the.com Bubble Burst balwani walked away with 40 million dollars of course 40 million just wasn't enough and he tried to dodge taxes balwani met Holmes when he was about to turn 40 and Elizabeth Holmes was 18. Sonny balwani actually was married to a Japanese artist when he met Elizabeth but two years later he was listed as single on some public records and Elizabeth Holmes moved in about one year after he was listed as single homes and bawani were secretly dating when balwani joined theranos Holmes hid the fact that they were secretly dating Holmes told everyone she was single including the press and her Borge when balwani joined she never declared anything about their relationship balwani would roll up in his Lamborghini or Porsche which had the license plate Veni Vini Vici I came I saw I conquered and he always wore Gucci loafers jeans a white shirt with his chest hair spilling out a gold chain and enough cologne that it could be smelt throughout the Falls of theranos so balwanian homes both had their little uniform balwani in white and homes in her black turtleneck and red lipstick as I mentioned before I have no clue why this man is called Sunny because he was an absolute miserable Tyrant employees absolutely feared him and he was a horrible human being to everyone who worked at theranos he also had a terrible terrible temper and was not shy about unleashing it on any member of Staff he was grossly under qualified to work at a blood testing company because he had no qualifications or experience and didn't even have understanding of basic science or engineering he was horrendous to employees and I would like you to keep all of that in mind for later in the video in 2010 theranos raised a further 45 million and was valued at one billion dollars by 2011 theranos began attracting high-level board members such as George Schultz and Henry Kissinger in 2012 theranos moved from East Palo Alto to the old Facebook building on Page Mill Road where the rent was one million dollars a month in 2012 also there are no struck a deal with Safeway and Safeway invested 350 million dollars to refit 800 of its locations that would offer theranos blood testing in store by 2013 theranos was coming out of stealth mode and they hired the same marketing company that Apple used Chai at day theranos's marketing campaign was aggressive and was actually very well done but that's nothing to do with Holmes or her company it was done by Chaya day who are extremely extremely expensive and new companies very rarely hire a marketing firm of such caliber in 2013 we really saw how disgusting and removed from Humanity homes had been become Dr Ian Gibbons one of theranos's earliest employees who worked at the company for many many years and was someone who was extremely qualified and knew what he was talking about Ian Gibbons was going through a difficult period in his life Dr Gibbons had begun confessing to his wife Rochelle that the theranos devices weren't working and this was weighing on him heavily he started talking to me about all these Investments all the money that the company was created and he told me that he couldn't imagine why people were giving the company any money because there was no invention there's nothing there I said how do you feel about Elizabeth do you think she's telling the truth and he told me well this this lies about everything Dr Gibbons had fallen into a depression and was filled with anxiety over the fact that he was being forced into court when it came to theranos and a lawsuit with Richard fuse Elizabeth Holmes old neighbor they were fighting each other over a patent that fuse had filed where theranos would have to license technology from fuse if they wanted to be able to implant a device that would alert doctors to issues with patients blood results and then have some sort of communication between the device and doctors Dr Gibbons was extremely worried as he did not want to lie on the stand but Elizabeth was forcing him to in 2013 just before he was due to be a witness in the future trial Dr Gibbons who was an expert chemist tragically unalived himself leaving his wife Rochelle devastated after her husband raised his concerns with his friend and former theranos board member and Stanford Emeritus professor of chemical engineering Channing Robertson Holmes fired Gibbons then the company rehired him a few hours later but he was demoted and by early 2013 she says the stress for Ian had become intolerable and he was drinking and depressed fearing he would be fired if he told the truth about the company's technology in an upcoming Court deposition she says he took an overdose of acetaminophen Dr Gibbons worked for theranos for almost a decade and Elizabeth Holmes only communication with Rachelle Gibbons Ian's wife and Widow was through her assistant do you believe that if Ian had not gone to work for theranos that he would be oh yeah for sure no question after her husband died she says she notified of Elizabeth Holmes but she never heard back the call she did get she says from an office manager asking her to return theranos company property in 2013 theranos also struck a deal with Walgreens Elizabeth Holmes lied to Walgreens and told them that she was working and partnered with Pfizer of course none of that was true and Holmes lied about so much of the technology the biggest lie being that the technology actually worked when of course we know it didn't as theranos was coming out of stealth mode Holmes started doing the media rounds things at theranos were falling apart but you couldn't go a week without seeing homes on the cover of a magazine on the news in some sort of YouTube video or other publication nothing at theranos was working it was an absolute disaster but Holmes was being louder by the media and held up as the successful female billionaire that everyone should be so inspired by so as I explained for with the little blood tubes I'm gonna explain even more detail about how homes went even further with fraud and lies when it came to her technology so a lot of people will say why didn't anyone in the company say anything and that was because Elizabeth and sunny kept everyone very siled so they worked in their department they weren't even allowed to go into each other's area there was security watching them all and so they didn't know anything outside their little bit that they worked on and then also if you think about all these media companies and magazines and papers where people are coming in and saying they've seen the technology they've tested it it's because Elizabeth did with this with the board as well is that they would bring these people in and they would have the device sitting on you know one of the tables and they would come in and say okay take the pin prick of blood put it in the machine and then they would say oh it's going to take a few hours and so so they would either go and talk with Elizabeth go out come back take a tour do something and as soon as they left a theranos employee would run in take the little drop out and then they would go downstairs to the lab and they would do the test on the bench but as I mentioned before the problem is that you need something like this to do the testing and you only have this so what they ended up doing was they would do a lot of the celebrity and board members by hand and they would dilute it and just a lot of the times they would make up the results or they would cherry pick data but if it came to patients that were actually using the machines and this is why Holmes is one of the most dangerous fraudsters of all time because only the State of Arizona was using the theranos technology and the theranos machines but imagine if it went out everywhere which it literally was on the urge of doing just before everything happened which we'll talk about in a few minutes but when it came to Arizona patients what sunny and Elizabeth had done is they had ordered traditional lab testing machines so the big huge machines that would be you know the size of like this room that I'm in and they basically look like three big enormous printers that you'd have in like your office and basically those machines are in every lab in America every lab that I know of normally there's Siemens Advia machines and so because Holmes only had this to work with what she would do is she would dilute the sample so that it would go to this size but the problem is there's only one drop of blood and the rest is you know water and chemicals and they would put the one drop with all the water into the machine and then the machine you know then could read it because it was an action actual sample but because it was so diluted they would just get these insane results and some of the results like for sodium and things like that would only be accurate if the patient was dead that's how Wild these results were and why they eventually had to invalidate every single one of them because it was just basically no better than guesswork so while theranos was in literal chaos employee turnover was Sky High patients were getting wrong results that were severely affecting their lives Sunny was running around bullying people and David Boyce one of the country's best lawyers joined theranos as a board member and one of his attorneys Heather King joined theranos as Chief legal counsel and David Boyce he has an array of a career because he defended Al Gore in you know the whole hanging chad presidency issue and he also fought against California's Prop 8 ban in gay marriage but then he also was this person's lawyer which I don't even think I can say their name on YouTube who was this literal scum of the earth David Boyce also allegedly deployed a lot of underhanded tactics when it came to that person I put a picture up of and had people followed and things like that and he deployed allegedly the same sort of thing when it came to theranos because we'll discuss just in a second about what happened when there was whistleblowers and people speaking out and David Boyce really got off lightly in things like the Dropout and his portrayal in any sort of theranos media because I don't think like Disney on him coming after them but yeah there was a lot going on because as well anybody who wanted to speak out and be a whistleblower or say hey something's not right here are they really going to go up against a 10 billion dollar company which is what fairness was valued at and really go up against one of the country's best litigators I don't think so also David Boyce was granted an enormous share of stock and I don't know that doesn't sound the most ethical that you're a board member yet you're also fighting their cases and you own a huge chunk of the company but that's just me over the next two years Holmes was everywhere it was Elizabeth Holmes this Elizabeth Holmes that she was on every who's who list she was at events she was being given Awards she was having Joe Biden come to theranos she was cozying up to the Obamas she was friends with the Clinton's daughter and she was on magazine covers every single CNN ABC she was everywhere and all that publicity was about to catch up with her because one of these interviews caught the attention of someone who actually had a vast knowledge on blood testing this person was Adam Clapper a pathologist Clapper knew that what Elizabeth Holmes was selling was [ __ ] so he had a discussion with the little theranos skeptic band which consisted of Phyllis Gardner Dr Richard fuse and Rochelle Gibbons coincidentally Richard fuse had just heard from theranos's Recently departed lab director Adam rosendorff and Adam rosendorf told Richard fuse because they were both doctors he explained what actually was going on at theranos and what a disaster it was how nothing was working and how they were absolutely gaming the system using diluted samples that didn't work using third-party machines he told futes everything and fuse told Clapper theranos's fraud had the potential to harm millions of patients and Clapper new this but he was just an amateur blogger and as I said before theranos was a 10 billion dollar company and they had the country's best litigator was he really going to go up against them because they crush him and bankrupt him in two seconds so Clapper reached out to a journalist he knew who worked on exposing medical fraud his name was John Carrero and he worked for the Wall Street Journal thank you throughout 2015 John karuru was working on his theranos investigation legal muscle David Boyce and Heather King allegedly were following people like carrieu sources Tyler Schultz who was George Schultz's grandson and who'd been working at theranos and Erica Chang both Tyler and Erica worked at theranos and both left after they saw the behavior that was going on and the fraud that was happening there was a lot of other sources and Witnesses for karuru but a lot of these people recanted because Sunny flew to doctors offices to see patients and basically bullied them in to not being a witness or a source for Cary rule sunny and Elizabeth did everything they could to try and shut down carrier's investigation Elizabeth Holmes refused to interview with Kerry Roo but gave every other single interviewer in the country an interview theranos's biggest investor was Rupert Murdoch who of course has an enormous media Empire which which includes the Wall Street Journal Holmes was so desperate that she went twice to Murdoch and asked him to kill the story that Carrie Roo was doing at the Wall Street Journal Murdoch refused to interfere despite having over 125 million dollars invested in theranos in October 2015 John karuru published his article in the Wall Street Journal and theranos's World imploded everyone was talking about Elizabeth Holmes and theranos and Holmes went on the defense big time she went on Mad Money and a ton of other shows and interviews where she dug herself deeper and deeper first they think you're crazy then they fight you and then all of a sudden you change the world and um I I have to say I I personally was shocked to see that the journal would publish something like this statements in their piece were false karuru exposed everything and of course he had paid patient testimonials that talked about their awful experience with theranos and he also had the backing of doctors and people who had worked at theranos one woman was told by therana she was having a heart attack and she spent her entire Thanksgiving in the hospital having tests the woman was a real estate agent and had her own insurance that had a very high deductible the woman ended up having expensive tests and ended up with a 30k bill and a wasted Thanksgiving all to be told everything was normal and theranos's test was wrong there were multiple women whose pregnancies were put at risk one woman who'd had five miscarriages was told by theranos she had had another when in reality everything was fine and she had a healthy baby there are so many instances of this and this was just the tip of the iceberg again this is why Elizabeth Holmes is one of the most dangerous fraudsters of all time imagine if theranos was opened up across the country there would be millions and millions tons of stories just like these this is why Adam Clapper and John cararou should be absolutely applauded of course Caribou wrote The Wall Street Journal article and later the Fantastic book bad blood so now we've gone over how John Carrero got his sources got his article published was able to find out everything fraudulent that was going on at theranos there is one other thing I wanted to discuss before we move on to the aftermath of what happened when the article was published there is actually one other way that theranos was about to be exposed and this was actually the way that most of the employees thought theranos was going to be brought down because Holmes had gotten so good at lying about the lab testing and the machines so most of the employees actually thought it was going to be the financials that brought theranos down because not only were they fabricating manipulating and lying about the actual technology but they were fabricating their income and their financial projections wildly in the very beginning theranos did have a CFO called Henry Mosby but after a very short period of time he was fired Mosby was actually fired for telling Elizabeth that she couldn't continue faking tests and revenue but Holmes claimed Mosby was viewing inappropriate material adult material on his laptop work laptop but I don't really believe a lot of Holmes's claims anyway but also apparently this adult material was found after Mosby was fired so you can't really say that was why he was fired no replacement was found for Mosby throughout the rest of theranos they pretty much did not have a CFO at all for the majority of the company's time and sunny of course took over doing the projections year after year sunny began creating increasingly crazy Revenue projections and there was a comptroller called Denise yam that did also do some Financial projections but even those were proven to be wildly wildly optimistic and they were very different projections to sunnies the year that cararoo publishes article on the Wall Street Journal 2015. Sunny was saying that theranos had a revenue of over a billion dollars when in reality it was around a hundred thousand dollars according to people who worked at theranos the financials was what they thought would bring the company down because they were burning so much money at every turn and the investors were beginning to get frustrated because when the investors were putting money into theranos Holmes basically told them there's no way that we're going to be a public company don't expect any revenue reports or any sort of information it's all about what's going on and the reason that she wanted to keep the company private is because when a company is private they don't have to reveal the same amount of information that public companies have to so that also helped her be able to hide so much although Sonny balwani was creating crazy projections and seemed to be nothing but an absolute trash person that was bullying and making employees lives awful it does seem as though deep deep deep inside under the Lamborghinis and Gucci loafers and gold chains there was a tiny tiny tiny little Jiminy Cricket in there somewhere because Sunny did actually speak in numerous text messages that were revealed in the trial which we'll talk about in a minute because Holmes was the one that absolutely I mean I think she killed off her chimney Cricket when she decided to be a billion an hour at five years old but Sunny did actually seem to be becoming uncomfortable with the publicity that Holmes was drumming up because it was bringing even more attention on something that was close to imploding so as we've discussed throughout kind of the last couple of sections there was a lot of underhanded tactics that sunny and Elizabeth and David Boyce allegedly deployed whenever karuru was going through his investigation and also getting talking to sources that either worked at theranos or were patients or doctors that had used theranos and this investigation basically went on for almost a year and Carrie Ruth thought at different stages that he would be able to publish way sooner but theranos kept pushing and pushing to not really give him what he was asking for because of the Wall Street Journal they basically have a rule called no surprises where they will go to to the person or the company that's being written about and they will tell them you know these are the things that we found and that are going to be in our story would you like to comment and they were doing this like half back and forth thing where they'd send lawyers in and basically not answer anything and kind of half dabble around with whether they were going to actually answer anything and Elizabeth kept pushing and pushing off the day of the interview that she was going to give to karuru and she never gave him one so they eventually just went to press and we're now going to go over all the aftermath but there's a lot of stuff that even if you read John karu's book Bad Blood you will find so much good stuff in there I highly recommend it and also there's lots of TED talks and books and just interviews with Tyler Schultz and Erica Chang who were two of the whistleblowers and the main sources for Caribou and they go over you know being followed and all these horrible things things that were done to them Tyler Schultz's parents almost had to sell their house because they had to pay over four hundred thousand dollars in fees to lawyers because theranos just kept threatening to sue him and sue him and then the day before the lawsuit was due to happen and go to court they would cancel it and push it another day so it just dragged on and dragged on so I really suggest I'll link of course so many documents and so many interviews and everything below including all of the trial documents which is a lot of the information that I've shared in this video but now let's get into what happened after the article was published because it just went absolutely nuts and Elizabeth and sunny did absolutely everything that they could possibly do to make the situation 10 times worse so as soon as the article came out Elizabeth was actually at an event at Harvard and Dr Phyllis Gardner was there so I'm sure she got great satisfaction and out of seeing homes the day the article came out and basically Elizabeth went straight on the defense she went on Jim Cramer's Mad Money and not only denied basically everything that was in the article she just sat on this interview and lied about everything that was going on sunny and Elizabeth kind of held one of their big meetings with everyone that worked at theranos and they LED this chant that was basically [ __ ] you carry Roo very mature and they also just really tried to hit back in any way they could about karuru but because Elizabeth had lied on this interview with Jim Cramer The Wall Street Journal and Caribou went to publish another article pretty much straight away about everything that was happening and Holmes is just digging herself in even deeper Carrero was painted as such a Villain at theranos that one of the employees there actually actually created a game it was pretty much Space Invaders where karuru was the attacking you know Baddie of the game and also the zika virus as they were trying to get involved with that whenever zika was you know quite prevalent and they had as the kind of thing that you would shoot at them little theranos machine and it would shoot out cartridges I'll put a bit of a video of the game on so you can see what I mean so Not only was there more and more damning information coming out about homes and theranos a lot of people who had quietly harbored doubts started speaking out about homes and theranos and it just went from bad to worse there was surprise lab inspections that obviously they failed and in May 2016 Elizabeth sacrificed Sonny and asked Sonny to leave the company they dressed it up as a voluntary retirement but Elizabeth thought she would sacrifice him instead of herself by June 2016 which is just 7 months after karuru's article came out Elizabeth Holmes's network was zero and Walgreens ended their partnership with theranos so by August 2016 Holmes was still saying she was going to wow everyone with her technology and she actually stood up and did a presentation in front of a ton of professionals and showed them the mini lab it was a far far Far Cry from what she said it was and actually Caribou was in the audience of this presentation and he said having seen that presentation he did see a little bit why she was so successful because he did say she was a fantastic sales woman and I obviously think that's true because I mean she wouldn't have got as far as she did if she couldn't at least sell herself and I think if you have that sales Gene you can sell anything whether it's a product or yourself so karuru really saw that sort of spark in her but then I do think there was much more going on with everything with who was on her board and it was all older rich white men and as Kara Swisher actually has discussed before and one thing that my sort of supervisor the doctor that I worked for in a lab that was one thing that she and I would always discuss how odd it was that Holmes didn't have one woman on her board or anybody sort of higher up Heather King who was the chief legal counsel she was really the only sort of higher up female and I do always think that's very strange one of those maybe women that pulls the ladder up behind her or something so that that's just my own little thought there so the mini lab didn't wow anyone with its technology and things continued to get worse for homes and theranos in October 2016 partner fund sued theranos for 96 million million dollars they settled for an undisclosed amount in November 2016 Walgreens sued theranos and by January 2017 41 of the therano staff had been laid off this was about 155 people they also failed another inspection and their last test center closed in April 2017 Arizona and theranos settled for an undisclosed amount and theranos had to pay out millions of dollars to Arizona patients that used their lab testing in March 2018 things went from bad to worse even more because homes was charged by the SEC for an elaborate years-long fraud this is when all the depositions happened and it's when home said 600 times I don't know I I don't know specifically I'm not sure I I don't know exactly and I just don't know and if you see a lot of of the time even in my videos I use it when she has sort of the blue shirt and the black jacket and her hair looks like she's been electrocuted and it has the like blue background she looks like I don't even think she's on this planet when she's answering those questions but they did also bring in Sonny balwani Channing Robertson Tyler Schultz there was a lot of people obviously that were brought in to answer questions because things were getting serious for homes and theranos or what was left of theranos in May 2018 John cararue publishes his book bad blood again I cannot suggest it enough and people got a real look at the deep deep story about what was really going on at theranos and his entire investigation on June 15 2018 Elizabeth Holmes is charged with fraud she's charged with nine counts of wire fraud and two counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud balwani was also charged Holmes finally stepped down as CEO of theranos and David Taylor from the board stepped in and became CEO so now we're going to go into the aftermath and also the trial and the many many many trial postponements in September 2018 theranos was finally finally dissolved some of their patents were sucked up by another company actually the company that was the investor in wework which is another weird theranos wework Elizabeth Holmes Adam Newman connection so theranos was done kaput finally over and now it's pretty much all about the trial in March 2020 the trial was actually split because originally Holmes and balwani were going to go on trial together but because of the allegations that Holmes made against balwani and some other things they actually put them on two separate trials the trial was due to go on in July 2020 but there was many many postponements one was due to covid and then most of the other ones were due to the fact that Elizabeth terms had gotten pregnant the trial began in August 2021 and that is when jury selection happened and then between August and December was pretty much when Holmes's trial was happening there was a lot of stuff that came out during the trial a lot of text messages there's so many documents even the bank accounts and every email and just anything you could think of all the slideshows that they used pictures videos there's actually voice recordings of pretty much any interviewer that interviewed homes with a voice recorder they have those and it's all in these big huge trial files so there's one for homes and one for balwani and I will link them down below because I mean I've put some things in this video but they are insane documents there's so much I mean there has to be thousands and thousands of pages and the tech text messages in particular are really amusing to read because they I mean homes in balwani the text between them are it's like middle schoolers I mean the stuff that they say to one another is is just wild so I will put some of them up but yeah there's there's a treasure Trove of them if you want to click the links below and go through them one of the biggest debates during the trial was whether Holmes was going to take the stand in her own defense personally I never really had a doubt that she would because one she is like a good salesperson and two I think she's so delusional that she really thinks that she could just go on the stand and you know kind of worm her way out of it and I I just think that she's also three I guess is so arrogant and she just thinks nobody could do as good a job as she could even you know these amazing lawyers that are costing tens of millions of dollars so I definitely definitely thought she was going to and she did end up taking the stand in her own defense and she was on the stand for a couple of days and of course there was no cameras or recording devices or anything allowed in the core so we really only have like the sketches but a lot of the people obviously like carry Roo they try to keep him out of the trial by putting him on the witness list which was just absurd and people like Rebecca Jarvis who did the Dropout on ABC she was there and and you know lots of other reporters who who've covered this they did actually have people queuing at like 5am to get in and there was a lot of just craziness that happened through the trial because there was all these Elizabeth homes stands there like all dressed up like her and the judge several times had to tell them to basically like shut up and there was other crazy things like Elizabeth Holmes was allegedly calling people that she hadn't talked to since high school and college and asking them to come to the trial is like support I guess to show that she had friends or like some sort of connection with people but I just think that's weird and then her parents and her and Billy Evans would like walk hand in hand every day into the court her parents are truly perplexing they look very terrified every time that they're walking hand in hand into the court but also I just imagined that they're the type of people that probably still have like pictures in their house of homes like with Joe Biden and like with the Obamas and the clintons and stuff and all these other celebrities that she met because I I just think that those type of people I mean they raised Elizabeth Holmes like delusion is probably well within the realm of diseases in that family the one other person that was there throughout is Elizabeth's new boyfriend and baby daddy Billy Evans and people constantly go back and forth about this whenever I make a video and I and I call him her her boyfriend he they are not married like one thousand percent they are not officially like on paper married because that would be insane because by them not being married it protects all his money and assets and he is you know a multi-millionaire Hotel Heir so that's why you'll never see them get married because homes I mean I'll talk about this more in the next section with what happens but if they were married they would be able to take money from him and also there's there's just other things like that would be all tied up with it like the lawyer fees and stuff so they definitely are not married obviously they have two kids together now so we'll talk a bit more about him in the next section but his dad did this truly bizarre thing at the trial where it was a few days into the trial and there was a lot of people that like all the reporters were sitting together basically and there was this man sitting with them and he was like you know talking to them and asking them what they all thought about Elizabeth and just you know there the whole time and he gave this like fictitious name and the following week the reporters saw him with Holmes and Billy Evans and they were like that's that guy that was sitting with us and asking us about homes and it was just so weird that he was like why would you do that but I definitely think that Billy Evans I mean there's lots of people that know him or knew him that have said this that he seems to Revel in all this attention and maybe I'm maybe I'm reading too much into this but I swear I'll show some of the them walking into court and all this stuff in this section but I swear you can kind of see him loving it like loving all the being videoed and you know people swarming around them I just don't know why you would get yourself into this situation I know love can you know strike an unusual in unusual ways but but this just seems bizarre and and he obviously knew who she was there's no way he couldn't I also will be truly intrigued to see what happens and we'll talk more about that in the next bit so finally after the years and years of fraud after the investigations after the company being dissolved people losing their jobs the millions and millions hundreds of millions of dollars invested in the company Helms was finally found guilty on January 3rd 2022 she was found guilty on four counts of defrauding investors three counts of wire fraud and one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud she was found not guilty on four counts of defrauding patience which that actually kind of I mean I'm obviously glad that she got found guilty but it's just slightly annoying that she got found guilty because of you know people that had hundreds of millions to invest in a company and not the patients she actually her and I know the whole reasoning behind it but you know at least she's still got found guilty the jury returned a no verdict on three other counts of wire fraud against investors the judge declared a mistrial on those three counts and the government its discretion declined to have a retrial Sonny balwani faced the same charges as Holmes and some additional ones his trial began on March 9th 2022 and he was found guilty in July on all 12 felony counts of defrauding theranos investors and patients that use the company's faulty lab tests so as I said in the beginning the trial was pushed many times for homes being pregnant and then their sentencing was pushed many many times as well because they kept appealing her and appealing it and they just kept pushing it and pushing it so they really weren't sentenced for a decent amount of time and actually in September 2022 Elizabeth Holmes team requested a new trial as they claimed a witness had expressed remorse and regret over his testimony this was revealed to be the former lab director Adam rosendorf who was one of the first employees to speak to John cararoo rosendorff actually turned up at Elizabeth Holmes and Billy Evans multi-multi-million dollar house and he said what happened to Holmes and theranos is what happened to Michael Jackson rosendorff took the stand and it was pretty awkward as he said he stood by his first testimony and it was truthful so the request for a rear trial was denied in January 2023 Elizabeth Holmes was accused of trying to flee the country Elizabeth Holmes had bought a one-way ticket to Mexico and her lawyer claimed that Holmes had hoped the verdicts would go another way and that she actually was booking the ticket to go to a friend's wedding and she just didn't cancel it because she thought she would be getting off Skype free I mean if that doesn't prove this woman is still delusional I do not know what does in November 2022 after all the postponements and pushing of the sentencing date Holmes was finally sentenced and she was given a sentence of 11 years and three months in prison in December 2022 Sunny balwani was sentenced to nearly 13 years in prison in March 2023 Holmes and balwani started trying to push their surrender dates they were able to push them little bits at a time but I'm sure they're going to regret this because if they'd just gone in earlier they'd be able to get out sooner so after all the previous things mentioned and more how Elizabeth Holmes was basically worth six billion dollars at one stage her company was known everywhere she was on the cover of magazines the company was worth 10 billion dollars she was being louder as the next Steve Jobs and people around the globe were talking about her and her revolutionary device she was basically a celebrity being given Awards giving speeches and all of it crashed and burned and after a long long almost two decades she finally got her comeuppance and entered prison at the very end of May 2023 let me tell you as a fellow extremely pasty blonde-haired blue-eyed person she is suffering every day in there if she has to wear this orange at any time because it is not forgiving and especially when you don't have access to makeup she's in there looking terrible I'll tell you that so now we're going to discuss the prison era and basically what has happened at the tail end of Holmes going into prison because she couldn't just go in quietly she had to go in with just even more delusion she had to get some words out she couldn't just stay quiet like she'd been told to and yeah she she really had some bizarre behavior before she went in so that's what we're gonna wrap this video up with and also we're going to listen to a little bit of her real voice and she finally basically admits that it's all fake one thing just to quickly say is I know a lot of people worry that they won't serve a lot of their sentence because people are used to people getting out you know very quickly when they have years or something but the type of sentence that they have they have to serve 85 so they can knock off 15 with good behavior and I believe the prison system has calculated their release dates based on them getting that 15 knocked off so I will share their release dates that's in the system right now but anything can change of course if they do something stupid while they're in there and they have to serve their entire sentence or they could do something really stupid and get more time so a few days before Holmes went to prison she spoke to the New York Times and this enormous article about her was released and basically she hasn't really spoken out since everything with the trial I mean when she was on trial obviously she spoke on the stand but we didn't hear that because no cameras were allowed and I think the last time I've really seen anything with her speaking was the SEC depositions because her lawyers obviously told her shut up you've done enough talking do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth not sure exactly I'm I'm not completely sure and if you so I don't remember exactly so in this New York Times article all she goes on to prove is that she is still the exact same delusional person despite trying to say throughout the New York Times article how different she is and she isn't even Elizabeth Holmes now she's Liz Holmes and it's it just goes truly truly bizarre I think that a lot of people who follow the Elizabeth Holmes case when they read this article they saw what the writer was trying to get across because the writer basically was saying she's still the same she was still trying to suck the rider in so one of the main things that she talks about in the article actually Billy Evans her baby daddy talks about this too was that the voice is fake and he even said yeah that was kind of weird that she did that so so I'm gonna play a little short clip this is actually an older clip of I think just one time that she didn't remember to do the voice because as I said earlier in this video there was a point where I was going to do like the first sentence or something in the voice but it really it's it's not a easy thing to do as a woman it really hurts like my diaphragm to do it so I guess she had some practicing like we saw on the Dropout but I'm gonna play the little clip here and hopefully you can hear the difference [Music] for analyzing drugs and development or whatever aspects we may be applying our technology to no it hasn't well if I use traditional words the number one thing that I took away from the New York Times interview that just shows everything you need to know is that halfway through the article the New York Times writer asks homes so what do you think would have happened if say you know John cararue never wrote his article there wasn't this big explosion like where do you think you would be today like would theranos still be operating what would be happening and the writer said that she just looked at her like totally puzzles as if to be like of course my answer is obvious and she said we would have achieved our goals by now so she honestly thinks that if all the fraud hadn't been revealed that by magic or by putting tiny cats in the machine or something that she would have just magically been able to run thousands of blood tests on a single drop of blood I mean if that's not delusion I don't know what is it's just crazy to me too that she hasn't taken any accountability because she hasn't come out and said she's sorry and that's actually why she got such a harsh sentence because the judge did say like you have shown No Remorse for your actions and there's also another way that she could have got out of this harsh sentence is if she took a deal with the government and didn't go to trial and basically just admitted to what she did or maybe she had to say sorry I'm sure there was something in there but she just decided to waste all this money going to trial because she was delusional and thought she would get off scot-free and obviously I'm not going to diagnose anyone in a YouTube video but narcissist has this tendency where nothing is ever their fault they're never wrong and it's just this behavior that I cannot believe that she hasn't gone to therapy worked through these issues done something I mean she's two or three years older than me and there is you know that bit of when you're in your 20s maybe you are a bit more delusional but she's in her late 30s she's almost 40 and she still just doesn't seem to have moved on in in any way at all and she clearly can't take any accountability for her actions that really really hurt people and had the potential to hurt millions of people and again this is why I think she was such a dangerous fraudster be because she was so reckless and selfish and money and fame motivated that she didn't care who she her in the process so after we've talked about all these terrible things she's done too I want to give you a little bit of satisfaction there's a very short video that I'm gonna put in here where a angel got a video of Elizabeth Holmes walking into prison on May 30th 2023 [Music] [Music] there also was pictures taken of Elizabeth Holmes first visitor weekend and her parents and Billy Evans went and they were there I think it was like nine to five they were there I didn't realize visiting was so long and they just you know got some pictures of them walking around and I wonder how many times Billy Evans or even the kids are gonna go and and visit her because she is in prison in Texas and Billy Evans and the kids live in California so I wonder if he'll relocate to Texas with two small children because she has her son William who she was pregnant with during her trial who is maybe two or three and then she has Invictus moment of silence for that name uh her daughter who is not even one I I think she's maybe like eight months because when she was being sentenced she showed up and was and was pregnant so the the baby is is very very young Elizabeth Holmes and Sonny balwani have been ordered to pay restitution to the victims of their crime in the amount of roughly 452 million dollars I think most people who followed Elizabeth Holmes and the theranos case for a long time I've been following it for over a decade because I was working at a blood testing lab whenever I first heard about all of this and the doctor who was in charge of the lab basically said this is [ __ ] and it was very bizarre seeing the rise and fall but I think most of us who who follow this case know what's going to happen when Elizabeth Holmes gets out of prison she's gonna get out she's never gonna work a day in her life as long as Billy Evans is still around and if he isn't she'll find someone else with money that she can just live the rest of her life off that person's money because I mean she has her kids with him too so there is that tie to him forever and she is already saying through her lawyers that when she gets out of prison they have asked her to pay 250 a month to pay towards this restitution and she's already saying that she can't pay that much one question a lot of people have too is Will Elizabeth Holmes or Liz as she's known by now when she comes out of prison will she start a new company will she start doing speeches Like the Wolf of Wall Street or something or I think it's much more likely as I said that she will just live off Billy Evans or someone else with money to tie everything back together in a neat little bow Elizabeth Holmes started her company theranos with the tagline a world and which no one has to say goodbye too soon but through her fraud lies and manipulation at theranos it's caused her to do exactly that she's had to say goodbye to her life and her two young children for the best part of a decade when she gets out of prison those children won't really have any memories with her they won't know her apart from you know maybe the odd weekend that they can go there for a few hours but it's not really the same and is Billy Evans going to move his kids to Texas just to go and visit Elizabeth homes every weekend most people would say in including me who's only a few years younger than Elizabeth that this should be one of the best periods of your life you know your 20s are fun and everything but in your mid to late 30s you're really secure you take a lot less [ __ ] and you're making better money and you're in a better job a lot of the time you're confident you've got great friends and you know there's just good things happening in your late 30s and I'm sure a lot of people who've chosen to have kids and things like maybe their kids are getting a little bit older or people who wanted to work in their 20s and 30s maybe they're having kids and obviously that's that you know I'm making a big assumption here I'm speaking more probably from a personal standpoint and like my friends too but Elizabeth Holmes is going to give up basically her end of her 30s and all of her 40s to being in prison and obviously she's where she belongs she did terrible terrible things that had the potential to really impact millions of people's lives for the worst we've heard throughout this video and there's so many more in John karuru's book Bad Blood about the patients that were harmed through theranos and Elizabeth homes as actions lies and manipulation when homes emerges from prison her children won't know her who knows if Billy Evans will be there her parents are getting older as are a lot of her family members it's not just her children she's saying goodbye too soon to but she doesn't even know what state her life or the world when she emerges from prison a decade down the road if Elizabeth Holmes serves her entire sentence she'll be scheduled for release in August 2034 but with time off for good behavior and certain programs the official Bop Government website has Elizabeth Holmes convicted fraudster and criminal currently scheduled for release on December 29 2032 so not only does that conclude today's video that includes the entire Elizabeth Holmes Saga on this channel I started my Channel with an Elizabeth Holmes video actually a few Elizabeth Holmes videos when the Dropout was coming out and if you've been here from the beginning I just want to say thank you so so so much and if you came in this video if you've made it to the end if you've watched any of my other videos I so so appreciate it and I actually saved this outro to do I'm almost finished editing this video it is Saturday July 22nd at just eight o'clock so I'm hoping to post this tomorrow as I cannot tell you how many hours I've put into this thing and when I think about even all the past research and stuff it it has to be like a thousand hours or something but thank you so so much I really appreciate it I have so many ideas for videos and I'm already working on my next one because for the next decade we're homes free baby so it's gonna be a little bit different on the channel and I really wonder what be happening in the world when Elizabeth Holmes gets out of prison I certainly hope the channel is here and I hope I can provide you an update in December 2032 thank you so much if you made it to the end leave a comment saying MVP so I can thank you have a great rest of the day and I'll see you in the next one bye guys
Channel: Coffee and Cults
Views: 731,679
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Keywords: coffee and cults, elizabeth holmes real voice vs fake voice, elizabeth holmes deposition youtube, elizabeth holmes documentary, elizabeth holmes ted talk, elizabeth holmes voice, elizabeth holmes, theranos, elizabeth holmes interview, elizabeth holmes sentence, sunny balwani, theranos documentary, elizabeth holmes theranos, elizabeth holmes trial, elizabeth holmes updates, Billionaire to Felon: The World's Most Dangerous Fraudster (Hear Her REAL Voice), theranos scandal
Id: ddruHpdfpec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 21sec (4701 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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