Everything Wrong With Saw In 8 Minutes Or Less

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how long has Adam been in this water how is he not already dead from drowning this ladies and gentlemen is a key well no it's a key and don't much later in the movie when you've already forgotten whatever it was why did Adam get placed in water while Lawrence is sitting here dry as a bone nobody would be cracking wise in this situation what does he matthew broderick human organs have always been against eBay's terms of service agreement I know this tape was protected from the water by the plastic baggie but how did jigsaw know the tape wouldn't be smashed between his body in the bottom of the tub or on the tile when he fell to the ground what would happen if adam and lawrence never figured on how to get the tape player i guess they just eventually died of starvation but how long would jigsaw of waited to get up from the floor say well this is awkward he played out much better in my head when I planned it how did you know they wouldn't throw the tape in the tub on accident or somewhere else out of reach what if lawrence throws like a girl then what Adam is a little too helpful to the guy who's been challenged to kill him did he not really care where the tape started back up when he push play or is this a character rewinds tape and stops it at the perfect moment they were looking for in one try cliche if you're Adam and you've just heard the message about lawrence needing to kill you why would you do this danny glover isn't too old for this in this scene door was on a timer was unlocked until 3:00 o'clock wait month three o'clock right now though is it a newspaper started calling it the jigsaw killer and this kid has never heard of him like ever technically speaking he's not really a murderer he never killed anyone um no yeah he's a murderer by law in like every state and every civilized country and probably even Idaho yes my wife has the car today right the surgeon with this office and this home only has one car this pin light has no discernible markings and Lawrence would have to have a criminal record for them to match fingerprints so how did the detectives figure out that this was his pin light I see the only guy in the area that uses a pen light how did Lawrence even know it was his cops do not let recently exonerated suspects eavesdrop on official witness testimony jeez a flashback within a flashback from early 24 minutes in why did this chick get a video from jigsaw and everyone else got audio tapes you know what the scene needs it needs a rapidly edited series of jump cuts shot with an artificially sped up camera rotating around the room to make you understand how completely messed up the situation is how did she not hear him moaning or see him moving his head in time and how she remember him moaning and turning his head so that it's in her flashback in story oh wait are they saying she did hear him moan and didn't even flinch didn't even glance at him or hesitate or pause for even a second the evil puppet killer said it was a dead body even if you would still stab him knowing that he was alive doesn't the information itself come as a surprise worthy of a small pause ah I see he's just trying to help he's seen V for Vendetta one too many times and he thinks torturing people actually sets them free it's only 11:25 here but then in the same scene after just a few minutes of dialogue and throwing rocks at the mirror the time has jumped to 1205 on the close-up it's a piece of wood left in the frame of the mirror that's sticking out exactly in line with the camera in this shot but then when we switch to the camera's view which has some incredible wide-angle views by the way there's no piece of wood to be seen even though it would definitely need to be there if the camera is able to see dr. Gordon every possible angle except the part about how easily either of the tapes could have busted or how hard it should have actually been the lasso the ping tape recorder would you like to see her we you were telling that story for an hour or did you tell it for a few minutes and then sit quietly for an hour and then out of the blue asked would you like to see her this article is about a boy who died in an explosion playing with goofy clay this article's an ACLU story about people being followed by public and private agents this article is also about the boy who died in the explosion due to Goofy clay back to the ACLU again and this is about nuclear missiles or something and they involved Stanley Kubrick in it there's never a point in the video when the camera moves like this or is silent enough to isolate a fire alarm in the distance without other sounds interfering the savingly thing about a war who said anything about a warrant cliche actually an entire 60 seconds go by before singh shoots the drills which means the puzzle making mastermind killing genius can't estimate time per sheet does jigsaw have a constantly running fog machine in this hallway hey neat trap why is this the only place in the building that has something like that rigged I understand he probably had a vest on or something maybe he's supernatural I don't know but shouldn't the gunshot that dropped into the ground at least have torn some holes in his robe this was meant to receive calls that make them yeah.but telephone law requires all phones be able to dial nine-one-one regardless of their limitations the super smart serial killer has every angle covered except for decent audio and for that matter how does Lawrence just assume that the killer's microphone won't pick up whispering maybe before you come up with your super sneaky plan to pretend to have him get poisoned by a cigarette you could have made sure he wasn't the world's worst actor I don't see how jigsaw could have reached something here that would create a successful electric shock but doesn't appear to be anything that would complete the circuit didn't they try cutting through the rusty ass pipes how did Lawrence not hear this camera clicking or see Adam at this distance dial tone after the phone hangs up cliche so when Lawrence told you about the tall black cop who got his throat cut you didn't make any connection there were two cigarettes in the box and one was thrown to Adam during the fake death scene but now there are two cigarettes on the floor and these guys are masters at throwing photographs across the room without them tailing off or flying out of reach how did they get this picture of Zeb peeking through the window when he only did that this afternoon and only tap could have taken it late he's holding the wife and daughter captive in the doctors own house so he kidnapped them tied them up and then went and set up all this computer and camera equipment in the doctor's house I mean even if this isn't the real jigsaw it's the real jigsaw plan I'm very confused about why he would choose to do this what if the doctor doesn't pay his Comcast bill or he has to dial up I mean this is a super rich doctor who's too cheap to buy his wife her own car it's alright I've called the police everything is okay dude that is like almost the exact perfect opposite of the truth also is it [ __ ] daylight right now was it not pitch black nighttime just four minutes ago when the killer and Danny Glover were driving to the torture Shack awesome twist now are we really supposed to believe that he didn't need to breathe for six hours or perhaps even more ridiculous that he was breathing the whole time but neither of the prisoners ever noticed the slightest movement an aging coughing cancer patient manages to lie still for that length of time can I just not buy this for a second like the whole reason why Lawrence is here is because he's supposedly cheating on his wife however Lawrence and Carla have not begun the affair yet he says we see the encounter in the hotel room where he tells her what the rules are for calling and like she made a mistake like a rookie mistake she even refers to him as dr. Gordon instead of you know his first name these people have not started a real affair yet now maybe they stupidly flirted in front of Zep or jigsaw or whoever at the hospital they would have had to specifically say in front of them tonight for the very first time we make love in a dirty hotel room sure hope no one evil is eavesdropping right now but even if they did something stupid like that then jigsaw orbs effort whoever would have still had to account for atom how did they know about atom by atoms account he's only been following Lawrence for a few days they would have had to figure out Adam existed figure out that he was a type of guy who needed to be taught a lesson too and lent rigged the game on the fly to include it also didn't he sort of miss the best action by choosing to fake die facing the kid instead of the doctor I mean he likes to watch up victims right but he didn't even see the guy who cut his own foot off which for a psycho killer has got to be like the best part each of that chain is in the bathtub oh so the key was never gonna be found anyway how sporting of jigsaw how did he decide that Adam was the biggest piece of in the room and he practically drowns the guy Adams death allows Lawrence to live and jigsaw teases him at the end with the key that he could never retrieve photographers must be worse than Satan you're selling peanut butter at a 15 hunger gang bet you want to know what got these scars my father why I drink her hey Dipper I have something for you young man Oh watch yourself it's Nicole oh oh the claws coming at you oh you're scared of the claw you know I stopped the line you're a liar you lie yeah a liar shut up throw me the player No you throw me your tank give me a wet throw me the idol no time to argue throw me the idol I feel you the week I to go and get help I wish I knew how to quit you yes mr. Lowrey darlin yeah too late so now after all this time you've decided to stop ignoring me
Channel: CinemaSins
Views: 15,765,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinemasins, saw film, saw sins, everything wrong with, saw critique, saw movie, wave jockey job, saw sucks, sins of saw, cinemasins saw, cinema sins saw, saw review, saw, saw mistakes, cinema sins
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2013
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