Everything Wrong with inFAMOUS

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[Music] normally I'd Addison for a game needing you to press Start button to go to a menu to actually start the game but considering the start prompt makes the player cause the race fear to explode I'm gonna remove us in don't get too happy about it who's behind the camera what were they recording a documentary on city skylines and how's the camera still working after the EMP who's in his helicopter recording this this is some news chopper why is it there camera disabled from the EMP ominous red sky is ominous of course in this universe the sky being red means the beast is near and this is way too early for that main character has to speak to himself in third person so that we know his name even though the mysterious voice already addressed him as such timely explosions only go off as the player passes by them after the explosion that levels several city blocks and reduces every Maness epicenter to molten wreckage there's still a clearly defined path for coal to follow I'll forget coal being able to walk faster the lymph due to him being a conduit but I won't forgive him being able to jump five feet in the air and have perfect balance while climbing on stuff Cole's phone still works even after the explosion and the EMP these emergency first responders are basically telling people to save themselves these cops don't immediately freak out and run seeing electricity come out of a man's body and lightning falling from the sky this cop gets struck by lightning and then acts like nothing happened Zeke blames terrorists for the lightning storm when he can clearly see Cole's body emanating the same blue electricity also what terrorist organization does he think can send a lightning storm while sliding into unconsciousness somehow I don't know here the voices of the day narration Jason kados voice sounds totally different in this narration than it does for the rest of the game it's like this was his demo reel for the audition they just decided it could go straight into the game with time I'm learning to control him master it Colon's the basics of how to use his powers off screens that we have to turn to the post blast comic to see what happened in the two weeks prior nice job man boom tubes work this is what Cole considers good use of his powers Zeke puts an entire comic in his back pocket you take the stairs I'm using the express elevator that's what I'm talking about how did Cole know he would survive jumping off a building without ever having done it before whoo oh that was one hell of a jump man who wish I could do something like that running down all those stairs that sucks donkey balls out of shape Zeke ran down all the stairs just as fast as it took cold jump off the roof the second you touch that the electricity in your hands cooks off the gunpowder and the whole thing goes Kabam Zeke tells the story back to Cole as if he didn't experience it firsthand hey remember that time we were coming home from Duffy's and I had to take a leak that bad cop was yelling at me to put up my hands you pissed all over him the trip to fetch the new gun is so long are the only thing they can pass the time with his exposition so we can begin to understand why we'll come to dislike Zeke by the end of the game ah come on he told me he was gonna leave it under a car I figured there'd be only one we'll never find it apparently bending down is Zeke's mortal weakness now jumping off of buildings find the junk on Sikhs roof you jumped off a building are you thinking Trish would be excellent at cinemasins those idiots dropped his canned prunes now the hell want to eat this crap Zeke doesn't know the first thing about starving you're from the big screen how did Dallas get a video recording of the moment before the race fear went off everything in the immediate area was destroyed including the surveillance camera everyone called the terrorists in modern-day post 9/11 it's a pretty common slur not to mention Zakaria called you a terrorist so you're two for two whatever there'd been between him Trish and me was gone she didn't say a word no emotion nothing just walked away given how faithful Trish is I'm surprised she believed some signal jacking [ __ ] throwing around slander before talking to Cole about it I'll meet you there Zeek thanks for watching my back Charmian I ain't about to do anything that might piss you off the first person is sow the seeds that conduits would be feared is Zeke go figure we're getting out of here one way or another follow my lead so the plan is just the two of them to get out of Empire city and leave Trish behind die alone and the gang infested plague struck quarantine yeah that's not how you make up with your girlfriend oh no they have batons what sort of defense do I a person with superpowers have against that apparently Zeke felt that it would be unfair to bring a gun to a baton fight so he's going around punching them instead seek me termination unit and fell headlong so Zeke didn't get shot once I was greeted by name this FBI agent Moya had seen the footage of me at ground zero and came here to wait figuring I'd try to escape knowing I'd have pilot Moya miraculously knew Cole would try to escape the city bail into the decontamination unit and came here to wait for him I'm not sure if she's the Mary Sue or if her contacts are cool ah man it's good to see you yeah no Zeke should be dead he'll live through the fall no problem but getting back to shore well su say I'm no Michael Phelps I don't know after everything else we know about Zeke I'm convinced he's smoking weed too found it looks like a portable audio drive is attached to this satellite dish see if you can listen to it with your phone Cole's phone is pretty much nokia with a walkie-talkie function but also has a USB port with mobile data capabilities I'm uploading a decrypting algorithm into your phone it should let you listen to the messages oh good it runs apps too you must have used dead drops to communicate with his handlers English that wasn't technobabble and she was pretty clear just because you're used to sly not understanding every other sentence Bentley says doesn't mean Cole is unable to understand intermediate English sucker punch where's this light coming from what was Cole going to do flip her over and see if he recognized her was that the best excuse they had to get her to figure out he had cadaver vision also convenient memory prior to death is convenient the reapers kidnapped Brandon this is his wife Lynnae how do you figure out her name she didn't say it damn this is our first introduction to a conduit besides coal and he isn't as surprised or relieved as he should be the game also notifies you when you kill a conduit a term that the player is not familiar with come on man don't be stupid he'll write you as long as they can I think all that conspiracy stuff has rotted your brain is coal really in any position to write off Zeke's conspiracies he has superpowers for God's sake alright I tracked the echo to the sewers and so begins the bane of my existence playing this game here we have the first sewer mission the game which gets very repetitive and boring and if you don't think I'm not gonna send every single one of them you're wrong this must be how Cole figures out he gets a new Power ultra-convenient visions despite being a walking lamp I can barely see [ __ ] how long do these restraints last a few minutes an hour a week they short-out in water what if someone tries to get them out do they get zapped super power equivalent defibrillator heals all wounds thanks I killed her sister this is why you can't reason with women and I can say that because I am one Vinay is dead they shot her how do you know her name that's what I said I know this is hard I saw her body there was nothing anyone can do Kol trying to console Brandon just reminds me of how much he sounds like Christian Bale's Batman I knew Ison the truth to them so sorry with me didn't he see them shoot her that's pretty much what the vision showed us those guys will slaughter me I can barely see and charging up that tower drain me dry considering that bolts don't cost any energy in this game he shouldn't be drained another sewer mission immediately after the last one and when I get there someone calls and tells me to open a package next thing I know I'm waking up and I'm afraid er if Kessler was gonna remote detonate the race fear why'd he have Cole take it out of the package by isolating the city's water system they can up their plague into every home in the city in this game the plot makes it sound like the Reapers were manufacturing the plague which in truth they have been creating their own plague but my problem is that it overshadows the real plague caused by the race fear they should have called the Reaper sludge sickness something else that made it less confusing you know those areas of the city you've been cleared out now crime free now we're hanging up posters with your face on them two seconds ago everyone hated Cole and now they love him this game has pacing issues not looking good Moya sick people all over the place and the water and the fountain is black why is anyone stupid enough to drink black water what are you doing here boy I wanted me to see what's going on with the founder who's Moya believe me Trish there is no contest between you and Moya oh it's all over your eyes I need to get a solvent out of my car follow me that's not a car that's an ambulance you're telling me that Trish has her own personal ambulance as a nurse that's like saying the 911 dispatch operators get to drive around in police cruisers arresting people hold still Thanks that's the only time I'm helping you call if you get that stuff on you again you're just gonna have to wait for it to wear off don't you have an extra can of that stuff I can use if all these valves have been tampered with why is Cole not smart enough to stand to the side and avoid getting sprayed in the face and forever stalking and mental rape listen I said we cracked that baby open give everyone powers if there was ever a reason why the military would bomb the city that would be it so coal sleeps on the couch on the roof at night while Zeke sleeps inside what if it started raining in the middle of the night super mission number three and I still hate them [Music] given how Dallas actually gets killed this might as well be foreshadowing see that old train the Reapers have some people locked up in it collateral to the people of the neon inline more importantly there's a chance John is locked in there what evidence does she have that John could be a hostage on the train other than the fact that there are a bunch of people on it what happened to her sue resources do I really have to move this train all the way the destination why can't I just take it to the nearest station and open the doors scan the crowd from John's people start to leave the station who's new ladies Cole's pretty confident that he'd be able to recognize John after seeing his face in a photo once the day before this is like the Felton all over again why aren't you stopping this Trish blames Cole for not solving the problem instead of blaming the people who are actually causing the problem sounds like a good representation of our society oh it's filling my throat then cover your goddamn mouth hey when can I do that oh that's right never he leaped toward me his icy fingers digging into my head he was halfway across the roof how slow are you I'm only going to send this because this is how terrifying if ms2 could have been wait icebergs blizzards I'm pretty sure the Beast couldn't do that the only one we know that could do that is holy [ __ ] is he released me I knew that he was responsible for all of it in one way yeah another way you're dead wrong now one of my boys thinks she's working with DARPA you have boys I suppose by boys he means some serious Google food nothing dishes out superpowers wants to stop Uncle Sam juicing up the entire military or one of the cops I'd have no defense against that didn't know we needed any oh my god how naive can colle be fourth sewer mission and Fortson and shooting while he's walking around we needed most cats clubs man now's not really the time I'm thinking we call it the hard work I swear Z's character planning never got out of the he has to be annoying stage you think I don't day her where you're parading around like a coven Jezebel hi see everything now kiss me Oh can't tell a foreshadowing or manic blathering darling what to you wasn't traffic I told you not to take bridge it's always been get dressed we have dinner tonight of course at the sucker punch have a problem with women because I can't find a single one I can't complain about in this game QuickTime events if she knows the difference between coal and Kessler why does she act like they're the exact same person does she think kessler's in love with Trish or does she think there aren't two of them I'm just gonna go with she's crazy sasha was a piece of [ __ ] before the blast who was she before the blast we don't know and that makes 5 Moya mentions the word conduit being the first time it's ever spoken the series that the term has never clearly defined for us in the game Dwight didn't that guy steal your car and strip down for parts yeah yeah it was real tool but you know mom dug his sister for a real long time now and he'd been doing a real solid doesn't and you think if I find Dwight she'll reward you coal goes through with this one of those posters supposed to be for just try and somehow you know spread word about you what you're doing which one you like if I had never found this guy what do you just hung up both posters or whichever one he liked then I can have a redundant Karma opportunity to tear down the ones that when it gets my moral code Sheikh is never gonna believe this one what someone hanging a posters in your image I'm pretty sure he's the one that came up with it this [ __ ] Trish I think I found Roger he must have done something to piss these guys off because they're all over him why are the dust men guarding Roger in the middle of a street when they have a more secure place to put the electricians they kidnap like their hideout Memorial Park near the bridge but unless you're carrying a gun I'm not going anywhere Reapers are swarming all over this in place if the Reapers are holding Lou hostage did they really let him keep his phone so he could communicate that he's in trouble this superhero racket is great man solving crimes getting some lovin from the ladies I get used to living like this you're not actually a superhero seek now zieks a freeloader Jesus looking back at now I'm surprised I ended up liking him an infamous - oh crap I gotta go Dwight sister is hot and ready to go you know what I mean bow chicka womp womp anyway she comes over and says she can only stay a minute or two starts talking about I don't know how she really digs me but she sees me as a friend I always be your friend see she actually said that to me that's what you get for trying to make moves on a girl you just told her brother was dead let her grieve for a little while that makes six sewer missions and we're still not done so I was walking over to help Trish load up her bus and I see Dwight sister hanging on some guy's arm she didn't even look at me you'd think if Zeke's been scoping out this girl he'd already know if she was taken tell your friends to stop calling me he wants to play hero and track down leads that's his business I don't need to hear about it hey I hate my boy as much as the next person but I'm not stupid enough to call her to try and interrogate her I can't maintain control of this situation I will be replaced they'll bomb the island and you'll be a fugitive No Deal no nothing the military pulls crap like this and Cole still thinks Zeke's conspiracies are unfounded what if I don't they gonna start dropping bombs the president signed off on the order a week ago at the plank reaches critical threat level you'll make the call no questions asked and they'll glass the whole city just like that if Maya told Cole all this what was to stop him from telling anybody what kind of corruption she's admitting to him not to mention given the amount of global chaos the destruction of empire city causes it wouldn't be a good idea for the government to destroy the city anyway now Cole's phone has a port for flight recorders real tough guy aren't you on the contrary I'm weak quite thick in fact which is why you need to learn this lesson and learn it well no one who hates you and sees you as an enemy is going to take anything you say as kind words of wisdom Kessler probably would have been better off playing the mysterious hobo down the street that randomly appears and gives Cole oddly appropriate advice please take it we've got your fat friend oh hey it's Jason Caudill not pretending to be Batman almost mixing while sigh of relief Zeke can you hear me none of these people look even remotely like Zeke see go hey go over here are you insane you're lucky they didn't kill you what are you saying I don't see needs to go back to his roof and just chill but he's only good for laughs a beer but when it's go time he worth a damn and what you're saying Cole if you're trying to make me feel guilty you're not just cuz you got powers didn't make you better than everyone else maybe not everyone but definitely you I know you mean well Zeke but the world is changing you make a mistake now and you're as good as dead Cole give Zeke the same lecture Kessler just gave him I had Roger rigged up the roof of the bus with metal mesh and a generator we'll keep it electrified should provide a non-stop source of energy for you wow that's really smart they don't like dumb asses in a med school Cole Trish takes credit for the idea but really Roger did all the work being a nurse does not make her a top-notch electrician I know a lot of you were expecting me to send this mission for being difficult but guess what this clip was taken from my own walkthrough where I did the mission on hardmode without dying but since I know none of you are going to let me get away with it all sin every time Trish chastises me for not protecting the bus we can't survive another hit like that we're dead also Trish tries to make it sound like the bus is going to blow up on the next rocket but I can still take another ten rockets oh I have the results from the photo analysis it's all been taped the son of Richard Tate you pay attention if I was still in control I wouldn't have let that hit me Alden disappeared into the streets growing up scared homeless there were no orphanages that would take him this is sucker punch after all he could have started a life stealing from the unjust and been best friends with a turtle and a hippo Trish didn't side anything I had to act fast not that I could do anything to alter I'm sorry Alden walks with a cane he shouldn't have gotten away that fast I just accidentally zapped Trish trying to save her from the dustman but then she acts like I did nothing wrong for once I want you to give me a game over I know you didn't mean to kill Amy Cole that you've been trying to make things right and I need to stop being angry at you it's just been hard for me suddenly I'm able to respect Trish because she actually admits that she was mad at Cole for petty reasons try to find a girl who will do that in a sorrow relationship one sent off I can't believe I'm back into our cars I don't have any tar on me go away why the hell is he building that thing no idea as far as I can tell there are no combustibles in it so it's not an explosive device he's overcompensating for something not quite a dick joke but still a dick joke so do all the dustman conduits have the same power as Alden that's either really lucky or there's a continuty error in this series armored death buses have an exposed electrical source on the roof like they were practically asking for cold stop them hey just let you know with the prison open up the cops you kidding me that's how you hated cops oh good now Zeke has adult supervision what can he possibly do to mess this up the boys in blue need to move some lobs to a more secure area of the prison got to hold off the trash bangers while they make the move what the hell is a lot a prisoner man you know a shank holder come on give it to lingo so the cops just let a civilian help them with keeping a top priority prisoner secure I seriously doubt it Zeke get out of here these guys who kill you go home the cops lock how would the situation have been any different of Zeke had been present I'll tell you how Zeke would have been dead and the rest of the game would have gone a lot different by the time I got inside it was too late place was slick with gore poor bastards never got me back if she kept his post they'd be alive now and Alden would still be in a cage and if Zeke hadn't come in the first place this would have happened anyway this whole mission was a lost cause from the beginning another race fear seems farther away than ever Alden knows were coming he'll prepare why did Cole link Alden in the race fear together we don't find out until later that he even has it to begin with look don't lay this on me I did everything I could seek is the one who blew it I told him to stay back and help the cops but he wouldn't listen it's time to cut him loose Cole he's become a liability and we have no margin for error and especially with Alden back on the streets this is the one and only time I will agree with Moya we're on the eighth sewer mission and this is not what I want to be doing to blow off steam please maintain your position our chopper I talk to comm they're not with me I don't know where they are or it could actually be the NSA Kessler couldn't have heard John say where to meet up because he was scrambling the signal just a thought I know you're not with the agency two undisciplined too cocky but I also know that you want the same thing I do the race fear and you're gonna help me get it so you know where it's at one of my UAV spotted it on top of Aldens tower John suddenly enters the story and he has all the answers to our questions damn he's a day to assess machina before he actually becomes a deus ex machina Zeke you there hey listen I really need your help with something Cole knows damn well how much Zeke has been messing things up and he still thinks this is going to go well I'm learning two things and they are that Cole isn't as smart as I thought he was and that he needs more friends I was a little worried you weren't gonna show you're gonna wish he hadn't when my power is complete I will be reborn it's tired old body will be gone concrete my destiny by God I'll take what's mine what the hell is Alden going to do with race fear anyway was he just gonna keep it as a trophy was he just trying to spike Kessler he didn't need it to finish his tower or make his new body Zeke yanked the race fear out of its cradling was caught between all of them Kessler it was definitely time to escape but he just stood there I'd love to know what their escape plan was jump off the side and hope Cole doesn't drop Zeke or were they gonna go the slow way and take four elevators back down everyone's fine no change at all even if it did work Zeke would have been knocked out for a week and the three of them would have played hot potato with the race fear until someone ran off with it Zeke's my best friend like a brother to me he's about the only person I do trust or dead anyway I'm pretty sure the moral of the story is don't treat your friends like [ __ ] but I'm still not learning the lesson from this example what if one of them activates it it kills another 10,000 people in the process and who the hell knows what that moyer person wants with it no this is the only way oh thank god someone has sense convenient dustcloud meant to conceal the boss Claire's way when you reach the boss so Alden made this Frankenstein shell out of scrap metal but it can roar all I can imagine is him putting a car horn inside it and every time he wants it to make noise it honks [ __ ] okay this is where the graphics and animation just eject me from the immersion this game was made in 2009 and sucker punch still has jerky Sly Cooper animation do you know what else came out in 2009 guy must have felt my hesitation in that moment of indecision jumped no normal man could have survived that fall but Alton's a conduit same rules don't apply there's the word conduit again the first time I played this I had no idea what anyone was talking about then again it could have been my own ignorance still it doesn't change the fact that no one ever explicitly says conduits are people with superpowers and just acts like it's common knowledge head over to the 19th Street drawbridge and open it that way you have an out in case things go haywire 20 seconds where are you gonna be I'll be there when you need me five seconds that wasn't 15 seconds from one roof hangs Trish the love of your life from the other six doctors even if you look up trying to decide what to do the buildings are both identical do your job minimap Trish out of this how dare you play with my feelings game so whichever side you pick Kessler knows which one you're not going to pick so even if you decide to save Trish as a hero Kessler knows you're not going to go for the doctors and hides her among them I called paradoxical [ __ ] No cool Trish Trish yeah I know I'm going to help for this all my powers I couldn't do a thing I've saved hundreds of people on the streets but I can't use my powers to heal her broken bones a possibly ruptured organs [ __ ] you game where the hell were you if you only helped out Trish might still be alive if Cole had any likeable characteristics it all went down the drain now he's gonna have one emotion the rest of the game pissed off finally the ninth and last sewer mission this one's short but that doesn't mean I'm going to abstain from sending it behold the only power you're going to be using for the rest of the game they just had to throw the sixaxis gimmick into this game it was a really so boring to just let me use the right stick to control it to talk I know what John's been telling you I got nothing to see you you've lied to me from the very beginning I've been waiting the whole game for Cole to finally tell her off she works for a different agency and knew I was undercover that means the NSA has been compromised that someone is outing agents our entire national security apparatus can be exposed it's just one more thing we won't figure out unless we read the comics in order to stop them you're going to have to destroy the UAV circling it then figure out a way to disable the balloon she forcefields I hope there's a conduit making that thing otherwise then we go after Kessler first things first call the funny thing is that the sympathy for coal hating Kessler only lasts for one playthrough any subsequent playthroughs just makes this annoying listen man I didn't know what was gonna happen with Trish we're swearing say something can't Cole just hang up instead of ignoring him I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that chopper should be dragging on the ground if a few extra grams of weight on the rotors can throw one of these things off course then I think all that equipment would make it impossible to fly well this feels oddly familiar flying around town with John he's given me an unlimited supply of electricity oh my god good lord they're cloaked to I don't know what kind of technology Kessler needed to make all this sci-fi stuff prematurely but I'm sending it so what's your plan for getting out of the city Phyllis I know come up with something you think they're gonna let someone as powerful as you just want around I think again I appreciate the concern but I'm not doing worried about it you should be worried very worried you think that not gonna try and recreate the race here I gave them copies of every schematic I could get my hands on John gives us a glimpse of a sequel I'd be interested in seeing but it never comes up again but even if that fails they still have some dumping Palpatine I guess somebody wiped off the man at least I'm good for something Cole says this but in the comics following this game he doesn't agree to it willingly as far as I'm concerned you killed Trish if you hadn't taken off with Kessler she'd still be alive and would be out of this damn city completely untrue to say anything I want to disappear because if I find you ugly coal doesn't follow through with this threat also coal is being very hypocritical right now when he didn't detonate the race here everyone in the city hated him including Trish but when Zeke doesn't detonate it he hates him for it what kind of backwards parallelism is this he's left by your grave god damn it they've got a boat inbound probably trying to take advantage of the fact that water will kill you I'm not even gonna ask how John knows Cole's weakness in this game if you work for the government you're practically omnipotent and I hit that sphere with everything I've got something goes wrong place filled cracks energy Jones pull in and it tears him apart John's pulled into the vortex even though Cole was standing the closest if it weren't for this oversight we would have a much different sequel one that I would probably prefer over the one we got John and the race fair are gone reduced to ashes way to go hero you [ __ ] up the timeline John ripped away tell me I'm crazy screaming wait it's too late the race here why does the race beer break apart when John takes it shouldn't keep working since he is a conduit the only reason why this happens is because we need sequel John and the race fever gun reduced to ashes but I got what I wanted Cole activates the race fear but it doesn't have any time to absorb the newer electricity from anyone he just got a power boost from nothing yeah well I'm not like you it took me a while but I finally realized that this isn't about me about what I want not anymore it's about keeping this city safe I must have missed the character development where Cole became selfless I remember your voice now you were there after the bomb went off Cole realizes this but still didn't hear half of what Kessler actually said when the race here went off every time I play this bus fight I'm just reminded of all the stuff I can't do an infamous to people you're a teacher no one respects a bike messenger in hindsight that's a pretty poor lie what grade level does she tell people he teaches intermediate or college what subject at what school he dropped out of college and still got a degree to teach sooner or later someone's kid will attend that school and they'll figure it out more QuickTime events this doesn't concern you fat man ya know Zeke's dead or at least paralyzed from the waist down I can't tell if he teleported these things materialize them into thin air or time-traveled them here so Kessler reveals all this information about how disappointed his parents were but he fails to mention his younger brother from the sound of things in the sequel he wasn't too happy with coal either if you haven't figured it out yet being bald automatically makes you a bad guy in this game in those early days Kessler could have used his powers to stop it but instead he fled with his family leaving others to fend for themselves you'd think Trish wouldn't let Kessler live down running away from the Beast for years I'm even more surprised that he his two daughters plus Trish lived that long in that moment of failure and grief he used his newest and most dangerous power he went on a one-way trip back in time he pretty much got the power at a time travel because he lost his family how [ __ ] convenient yet the thing that drove him forward Kessler so linked to the past was a picture from his wedding day when he married Trish with the seek as his best man nobody was ready for this reveal and I shouldn't have to explain it Jesus McGrath whoa whoa tone down the foreshadowing just a little bit what are you trying to do spoil the sequel two years early so I'm just going to clear something up real quick nothing Kessler did was going to change anything with his own timeline the infamous series exists as alternate timelines which is why reality didn't explode anytime Kessler and Cole came in contact with each other he did all this just to save one timeline out of an infinite number of timelines and ruined this one in doing so everything that happens in this game in every game after it didn't have to happen and that's why this twist is such [ __ ] boy instant running around planning god knows what you're gonna have to read the comics to find out Kessler thought he was preparing me to face some beast but I'd be using my powers greater good even though Cole says he doesn't care about the beast coming the first cutscene the sequel proves otherwise even if you start out with evil karma I know this isn't canon but still plague struck followed by riding
Channel: Zivalene
Views: 136,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Everything Wrong with inFAMOUS, inFAMOUS, Everything Wrong with, Parody, Spoof, Sucker Punch, Cinemasins, Gamingsins, 2009, Action, Adventure, Cole MacGrath, PS3, PSNow, EWW
Id: s0wkIGYLfLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 13sec (2353 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2016
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